OMB Control # 1205-0436
Expiration Date: 06/30/2020
12/11/2017 --Not for Distribution.
Survey Questionnaire
Technology-Based Learning (TBL) in American Job Centers
Dear AJC Director:
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is conducting a survey on how American Job Centers (AJCs) use technology-based learning (TBL). The survey focuses on use of TBL for teaching pre-vocational and job search skills, not on its use in occupational training. The information you provide will be critical in gaining a systematic understanding of how TBL is used on the front lines of the workforce system and will be important for planning and policy purposes.
Completing the questionnaire will take about 25 minutes. Please feel free to consult with other staff as needed in filling it out. Also, please note that your responses will be kept confidential; they will be combined with those from other AJCs and shared only in the aggregate in all reports and communications with ETA.
We very much appreciate your time and effort in filling out this questionnaire, and thank you in advance for helping in this important research.
The Division of Research and Evaluation, Office of Policy Development and Research, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Note: The survey is being conducted by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) under OMB control number 1205-0346. ETA’s Division of Research and Evaluation (DRE), with input and support from the relevant program offices in ETA, is directing the survey, which is being administered by the research firm, Abt Associates, and its partner, MEF Associates. The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete and your identity and that of your center will be kept private, including not sharing it with ETA, to the extent permitted by law. If you have any questions or comments regarding this survey, please contact DRE staffer, Sande Schifferes at [email protected], or 202/693-3655.
Name of your AJC:
Your role at the AJC:
What type of area does your AJC serve? Check all that apply.
Estimated total number of AJC customers (participants and reportable individuals) for PY 2016 (ending June 30, 2017):
In this survey, technology-based learning (TBL) is defined as teaching or learning activities that use electronic technology, including:
Computer-based classes, workshops or courses, whether in-house or on-line,
Educational software (with simulations or game-like elements), and
Live or recorded video or audio.
In the past 12 months, did your AJC provide or offer access to technology-based learning in the following skill areas? (Check all that apply.)
Employability or workplace basic “soft” skills (i.e., punctuality, communication, etc.);
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level;
Building job search skills (e.g., instruction on how to write a resume, interviewing, find job openings, etc.);
Technological literacy/basic computer skills;
Other: (Please specify)
None - we do not offer or support any form of TBL [Skip to VERSION B, Question B2]
VERSION A of Questionnaire
Section XX
Many AJCs provide access to technology-based learning as a self-directed service (i.e., without any staff assistance). Examples of this include online, self-paced courses, recorded training sessions, or video tutorials, all delivered without staff involvement. If you offer such self-directed TBL, please indicate how customers access it for each of the skill areas below. Check all that apply.
Customers must visit the AJC and register there before accessing TBL for this skill area |
Customers must register online but do have to visit the AJC |
Anyone can access online without registering |
We do not offer self-directed TBL for this skill area. |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
[Skip to Question 6 if respondent indicates that AJC does not offer self-directed TBL activities for any of the four areas]
In general, where do customers access these self-directed TBL services? Check all that apply.
At the AJC
Through a specific AJC partner (e.g., library, community college, employer, etc.)
At any location with internet access
Don’t know.
Please indicate below how you track self-directed customer use of TBL. Check all that apply.
Track “hits” on various web-pages
Monitor registration to access the courses
Monitor customer time logged in
Monitor customer completion of modules, units, sections, courses
Monitor customer progress in fixed time period
Receive report(s) from partners/providers
Receive customer self-report
Other (please specify): __________
Not applicable/Do not track self-directed service use.
For self-directed TBL, please indicate the software programs used for each skill development areas. Check all that apply.
GCF LearnFree |
Metrix Learning |
ed2go’s Career Online High School |
LearningExpress |
KeyTrain |
Career Ready 101 |
Lexia |
Acellus |
MathXL |
Odyssey |
Khan Academy |
Edgenuity |
Achieve 3000 | |
ProveIt |
Other (please specify): |
Employability or “soft” skills |
____ |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
____ |
Building job search skills |
-- |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
____ |
Section XX
Staff or instructor assisted TBL refers to learning activities in which a staff person delivers content, feedback, technical assistance, or instruction alongside use of technology-based learning. This could be in an in-person or online workshop, class, or course..
Please indicate below if your AJC offers staff or instructor assisted TBL in the following four skills areas.
Yes |
No |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/Basic Computer skills |
[If no for all, skip to question 14]
Please indicate below if you provide staff/ instructor-assisted TBL for the following groups for each of the skill areas. Check all that apply.
Adults |
Dislocated workers |
Veterans |
Youth |
Individuals with disabilities |
Prisoners |
Other (please specify): |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
For staff/ instructor-assisted TBL, please indicate which software programs are used in each skill development area. Check all that apply.
GCF LearnFree |
Metrix Learning |
ed2go’s Career Online High School |
LearningExpress |
KeyTrain |
Career Ready 101 |
Lexia |
Acellus |
MathXL |
Odyssey |
Khan Academy |
Edgenuity |
Achieve 3000 | |
ProveIt |
Other (please specify): |
Employability or “soft” skills |
____ |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
____ |
Building job search skills |
____ |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
____ |
Some AJCs provide instructor-assisted TBL that is conducted remotely (e.g., through an online course where an instructor provides video-conference lectures, feedback, etc.). Please indicate below if you offer staff/instructor-led on-line classes for the following skill areas. Check all that apply.
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
For staff/ instructor-assisted TBL classes, which of the following tools are used for sharing course material or for communicating with students? Check all that apply.
Online collaboration tools (e.g., SharePoint, Google Drive)
Learning Management System (e.g., Blackboard)
Online discussion boards or forums
Webinars (live/recorded)
Videoconference technology
Online messaging (such as Skype, Slack, Google Hangouts, etc.)
Other (please specify): __________
Not applicable
For staff/ instructor-assisted TBL classes in the following skill areas, to what extent do the programs use game-like elements (“gamification”) or simulations?
No use |
Limited use |
Moderate use |
Significant use |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
For staff/ instructor-assisted TBL, please indicate in which settings it is offered, for each skill area. Check all that apply.
One-on-one Assistance |
Short Workshop (e.g., one or two times) |
Longer Course (Multiple sessions) |
Other |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
Which of the following assistive technology tools are available for instructor-assisted TBL? Check all that apply.
Screen reading technology for mobile devise (e.g., iPhone’s Voiceover or Android’s TalkBack)
Screen reading technology for desktop or laptop (e.g. WindowEyes screen reader)
Closed captions(e.g., webinars, online videos)
Screen/text enlargement capability
Ubiduo devices (two-way speech generating software)
Word prediction software
Other (please specify): __________
Not applicable
How do you assess participants’ basic computer skills and ability to successfully use technology? Check all that apply.
Formal technological literacy assessment Name of assessment _______
Informal assessment
Staff recommendation
Customer self-assessment
Other (please specify): _________
Don’t formally assess these skills
Which of the following professional development opportunities are available to staff to support them in their delivery of TBL? Check all that apply.
Training (e.g., conferences, webinars, online courses)
Ongoing mentoring
In-person demonstration of TBL
Peer learning
Other (please specify): __________
Not applicable
SkillsCommons is an online repository of curricula, course materials, training guides, and other workforce training materials. Please indicate below if staff have used materials from SkillsCommons to develop TBL for the following skill areas.
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
A key to successful use of TBL is ensuring that IT systems function properly. Who provides technology system support to participants and staff using TBL? Check all that apply.
IT support staff
Other AJC staff
Individual instructors
External contractor
Other (please specify): __________
Not applicable
Please rate the perceived effectiveness of staff/ instructor-assisted TBL instruction as compared to non-TBL approaches.
More effective |
The same |
Less effective |
Don’t know |
Employability “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
How do you evaluate the effectiveness of staff/ instructor-assisted TBL for the following skill areas? Check all that apply.
Measure student progress (Examples may include assessments, pre/post tests, graded assignments, etc.) |
Customer feedback |
Instructor feedback |
Partner feedback |
Employer feedback |
Other performance metrics |
None |
Employability or “soft” skills |
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level |
Building job search skills |
Technological literacy/basic computer skills |
What type of internet connectivity does your center have? Check all that apply.
Broadband/High-speed (e.g., cable, DSL)
Does your center offer wireless internet to customers?
To what extent do the following factors pose barriers to customers using technology-based learning programs:
No barrier |
Minimal barrier |
Significant barrier |
Don’t know |
Low levels of basic literacy |
Low levels of technological literacy |
Lack of access to hardware |
Lack of access to software |
Lack of training to use the TBL tool |
Lack of IT systems support |
Lack of interest in using TBL |
Lack of accommodations or assistive technology ( for customers with disabilities or special needs) |
To what extent do the following instructor/staff related factors pose barriers to more extensive use of TBL for delivery of career services?
No barrier |
Minimal barrier |
Significant barrier |
Don’t know |
Low levels of technological literacy |
Lack of access to hardware |
Lack of access to software |
Lack of training to use the TBL tool |
Lack of continuous supports needed to use the TBL tool (e.g., IT staff to troubleshoot) |
Lack of instructor/staff interest in using the TBL tool |
To what extent do the following technological factors pose barriers to more extensive use of TBL for building skills?
No barrier |
Minimal barrier |
Significant barrier |
Don’t know |
Lack of availability or compatibility of hardware and/or software needed to use TBL tools |
Security requirements (e.g., unable to disable firewalls or pop-up blockers) |
Issues with internet connectivity or insufficient bandwidth |
Lack of responsiveness or capacity of the AJC staff responsible for IT |
Difficulty maintaining current technology (e.g., software updates) |
Are there plans in your AJC to expand use of TBL in any of the following skill areas? Check all that apply.
Employability or “soft” skills
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level
Building job search skills
Technological literacy/basic computer skills
Other (please specify): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
No/None [Skip to Question 27]
How does your AJC plan to expand TBL use in any of the four skill areas? Check all that apply.
Add new software programs to the curriculum
Add new/more hardware options
Expand to new populations
Expand to additional services (e.g., training)
Develop new partnerships to support TBL
Expand use of TBL with existing partners
Other (please specify): __________
Some AJCs involve their partners in various aspects of programming. Please indicate the role of partners in the provision of TBL. Check all that apply.
Public libraries |
Community and technical colleges |
Employers |
Community-based organizations |
School districts/LEAs |
Public housing authority |
Other (please specify): |
Delivery of staff-assisted TBL |
___ |
Hardware provision |
___ |
Oversight |
___ |
Advising on curricula |
___ |
Selection of TBL platforms and software |
___ |
Data sharing on participants |
___ |
Other (please specify): |
___ |
___ |
___ |
___ |
___ |
___ |
___ |
Regarding your AJC, please indicate below who has significant input into decisions about TBL use and implementation for the following Check all that apply.
Local Workforce Development Board |
AJC Leadership |
AJC staff |
Partner agencies |
State leaders |
State Workforce Board |
State workforce agency |
Employers |
Other training providers |
For Other s, including training providers (please specify): |
Selection of TBL programs |
___ |
How content is delivered |
___ |
Resource use (staff time, classroom space, hardware, etc.) |
___ |
Priority populations for TBL use |
___ |
[If do not select “AJC Leadership” or “AJC staff” skip to Question 28]
Please rank the top three factors you consider when deciding to use TBL in your AJC. [Only if respondent selected at least one row in the “AJC staff” or “AJC leadership” column]
___ Cost
___ Support/training available
___ Alignment with partner curricula or training
___ Ease of use
___ Staff readiness
___ Customer readiness
___ Compatibility with existing AJC hardware
___ Demonstrated effectiveness in supporting job retention or advancement
___ Adaptability to customers’ circumstances/needs
___ Scalability
___ Gaps in existing services
Thank you for your participation.
[END OF SURVEY – Version A]
[For respondent answering “None” to Question 1 in Version A.]
B2. Has your AJC ever used TBL for employability or “soft” skills, basic reading and math below the 9th grade level, building job search skills, or technological literacy/basic computer skills?
Yes [Continue to B3]
No [Skip to B5]
B3. Why did your AJC stop using TBL for employability or “soft” skills, basic reading and math below the 9th grade level, building job search skills, or technological literacy/basic computer skills? Check all that apply.
Cost of software
Cost of hardware
Lack of customer interest
Lack of instructor interest
Customer readiness
Instructor readiness
Lack of applicability to jobs or educational pathways
Perceived ineffectiveness of TBL tools
Other (please specify): __________
B4. Who has input into the following decisions about TBL use and implementation? Check all that apply.
Local Workforce Development Board |
AJC Leadership |
AJC staff |
Partner agencies |
State leaders |
State Workforce Board |
State workforce agency |
Employers |
Other training providers |
Other (please specify): |
Selection of TBL platforms |
____ |
Content delivery |
____ |
Resource use (staff time, classroom space, hardware, etc.) |
____ |
Priority populations for TBL use |
____ |
B5. Are there plans in your AJC to implement use of TBL in any of the following skill areas? Check all that apply.
Employability or “soft” skills
Basic reading and math below the 9th grade level
Building job search skills
Technological literacy/basic computer skills
Other (please specify): _________________
None [Skip to QB7]
B6. How does the AJC plan to implement or resume use of TBL in the future?
Add software programs to the curriculum
Add hardware
Develop partnerships to support TBL
Implement TBL within existing partnerships
Other (please specify):
B7. What specific supports/assistance would be helpful in implementing TBL? Check all that apply.
More information on TBL tools/software
Learning opportunities from other AJCs
Needs assessments of partners to understand if TBL is useful
Needs assessments of customers to understand if TBL would be beneficial
Training opportunities for AJC staff
Expanded partnerships around TBL
Resources to purchase new hardware
Other (please specify): __________
B8. To what extent do the following customer related factors pose barriers to more extensive use of TBL for delivery of career services?
No barrier |
Minimal barrier |
Significant barrier |
Don’t know |
Low levels of literacy |
Low levels of technological literacy |
Lack of access to hardware |
Lack of access to software |
Lack of training to use the TBL tool |
Lack of support needed to use TBL (e.g., IT staff to troubleshoot) |
Lack of interest in using TBL |
Lack of accommodations or assistive technology for customers with disabilities or special needs |
B9. To what extent do the following instructor/staff related factors pose barriers to more extensive use of TBL for delivery of career services?
No barrier |
Minimal barrier |
Significant barrier |
Don’t know |
Low levels of technological literacy |
Lack of access to hardware |
Lack of access to software |
Lack of training to use the TBL tool |
Lack of continuous supports needed to use the TBL tool (e.g., IT staff to troubleshoot) |
Lack of instructor/staff interest in using the TBL tool |
B10. To what extent do the following technological factors pose barriers to more extensive use of TBL for delivery of career services?
No barrier |
Minimal barrier |
Significant barrier |
Don’t know |
Lack of availability or compatibility of hardware and/or software needed to use TBL tools |
Security requirements (e.g., unable to disable firewalls or pop-up blockers) |
Issues with internet connectivity or insufficient bandwidth |
Lack of responsiveness or capacity of the AJC staff responsible for IT |
Difficulty maintaining current technology (e.g., software updates) |
Thank you for your participation.
[END OF SURVEY – Version B]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Riley Webster |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |