Form Approved
OMB No. 1205-0436
Exp. Date: 6/30/2020
Student Experience Assessment (SEA)
A Student Satisfaction Survey
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Attention: Departmental Clearance Officer, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-1301, Washington, DC 20210 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1205 -0436.
Table of Contents
Section B. General Questions 5
Section D. Career Preparation Phase (CPP) 16
Section E. Academics (Reading, Math, or TABE classes) 18
Subsection 1. Reading Classes 18
Section F. High School Diploma / High School Equivalency (HSD/HSE) Courses 21
Section G. Career Technical Training 27
Section H. Career Transition Readiness 31
Section I. Residential Experience 34
Section J. Non-Residential Experience 36
Section K. Advanced Career Training (ACT) Experience 38
Section L. Advanced Training 39
Section M. Summary Questions 40
I1: What language would you prefer?
___ English
___ Español
The National Office of Job Corps, Department of Labor offers the Student Experience Assessment, which is a survey of student satisfaction on a quarterly basis to get your thoughts and experiences about the center and the services and training you are receiving. Your opinion of your Job Corps experience is very important to us. Additionally, your answers—along with those of other students across the country—will help determine issues with the program that need to be addressed. Your participation is voluntary.
Please note:
The survey will take approximately 20 minutes.
Your name will not be used or shared with your center or the National Office of Job Corps.
Your responses, along with other students across the country, will help determine the issues and suggestions that need to be addressed.
Your participation is voluntary.
I2: Is this the first time you have taken this survey? _____ Yes _____ No
If you are willing to complete the survey please press “continue” below. If you are not willing to complete the survey please press “stop” below.
A1. Are you ____ Male ____ Female ____ would prefer not to specify.
A2. What is your current age? _____ Years
The following questions are about the character or culture of your center. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
B1. On this center, staff treats students fairly (for example, students are not given special treatment because they are well-liked). |
B2. On this center, staff has high expectations for students’ success. |
The administrative staff are the people that lead the center (center director and other center managers). How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
B3. The administrative staff treats students with respect. |
B4. The administrative staff makes decisions that are fair to the students. |
B5. The administrative staff is available when I need them. |
B6. The administration building and the rooms in the building are safe. |
B7. The administration building and the rooms in the building are clean. |
The following section asks questions about your counselors on center. Counselors are the people who help plan your career path and help with your career and personal problems. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
B8. The counseling staff treat students with respect. |
B9. The counseling staff are helpful. |
B10. The counseling staff meet with me to discuss my progress and next steps at Job Corps. |
B11. The counseling staff respond quickly when students need to meet with them. |
B12. If I need someone to talk to about my problems, I would ask my counselor for help. |
Health and wellness staff include anyone that you visit on center regarding your health or well-being; this includes nurses, doctors, dentists, mental health professionals, or anyone helping students overcome addictions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know/Not Applicable |
B13. The health and wellness staff clearly explain available health services. |
B14. I feel comfortable asking the health and wellness staff questions. |
B15. The health and wellness staff treat me with respect. |
B16. The health and wellness staff keep my personal health information private. |
B17. The health and wellness staff provide helpful information or services to improve my physical health. |
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know/Not Applicable |
B18. The health and wellness staff provide helpful information or services to improve my mental health. |
B19. The health and wellness staff teach skills and/or behaviors on center to help me better manage my health. |
B20. The health and wellness staff are available when students need help. |
B21. The health and wellness staff listen to me and help me understand my health care needs. |
Disability services are offered to students that need help for a learning, mental, or physical condition. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Disability support services are offered to students with disabilities who may need accommodations to access the Job Corps Program.
B22. I am aware of services to support students with disabilities (requesting accommodations, having an accommodation plan, etc.).
Have you asked for any of these support services such as
accommodations for testing, breaks, etc.?
Yes (GO TO B25)
No (GO TO Cafeteria Section)
B24. How long did it take to receive accommodations after requesting them?
Less than 1 week
1–2 weeks
3–4 weeks
More than 1 month
B25. Have the accommodations you received been helpful?
1. Very helpful
2. Somewhat helpful
3. Somewhat unhelpful
4. Not helpful
B26. Have the accommodations been available when you needed them?
1. Always
2. Usually
3. Sometimes
4. Never
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about support services for students with disabilities (learning, mental, or physical conditions)?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know/Not Applicable |
B27. When I ask for accommodations for my disability, I receive the help I need |
B28. Receiving accommodations for my disability improved my ability to participate and succeed in the Job Corps program |
B29. Overall, the center is respectful and inclusive of people with disabilities. |
The following questions ask about the food typically provided by your center. Cafeteria staff include the people that cook, prepare, and serve your food on a regular basis. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
B30. The cafeteria staff treat students with respect. |
B31. The cafeteria food is good. |
B32. The cafeteria has healthy meal choices. |
B33. The cafeteria is clean. |
B34. The food in the cafeteria is safe. |
Recreational activities are planned and there are on-center or off-center activities that you and your fellow students can do during leisure time. These activities can include sports, games, or going to a movie. Recreational staff are the people assigned to supervise or organize these activities. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
B35. The recreational staff treat students with respect. |
B36. The recreation staff organize activities that I enjoy. |
B37. There are recreational activities available after training hours. |
B38. The equipment in the recreation area works and is clean. |
B39. The equipment in the recreation area is safe. |
B40. The recreation area is safe. |
To enter Job Corps you had to complete an application with admission staff. Typically, these staff members are called Admissions Counselors. Please let us know about your experiences during this process. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
C1. Enrolling in Job Corps was easy. |
C2. The Job Corps student conduct policy (center rule policy) was clearly explained before I arrived on center. |
C3. Admissions counselors explained what was expected of me at Job Corps (for example, group participation, community relations, following rules). |
C4. The admissions counselors were helpful when I was completing my Job Corps application. |
C5. My admission counselor gave me enough information about what to expect at this Job Corps center. |
C6. The admission counselor(s) discussed career training options with me and listened to my choices. |
C7. How long did it take from the time you first contacted Job Corps until your first day on center?
__ Less than one month
__ 1 to 3 months
__ 4 to 6 months
__ 6 to 9 months
__ More than 9 months
C8. Overall, how well did your admissions counselor explain the program and procedures in order to prepare you for life at Job Corps?
___Did a great job
___Did a good job
___Did not do a good job
___Did a bad job
The next set of questions ask about your experiences during the Career Preparation Period (CPP) of your Job Corps enrollment. CPP is designed to introduce students to Job Corps, teach some employability skills, and plan for your training phase of Job Corps. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
D1. The CPP instructor(s) treat students with respect. |
D2. The CPP instructor(s) care about our success. |
D3. The CPP classes are well-planned and organized. |
D4. Before completing CPP, students must understand the Student Code of Conduct or the center’s rules. |
D5. Before completing CPP, students must understand the Career Success Standards. |
D6. The CPP instructor(s) clearly explained the information covered in class. |
D7. I have a lot of time in CPP classes with nothing to do. |
D8. How long does CPP take for students at your center?
__ 1 week or less
__ 2 to 4 weeks
__ 5 to 7 weeks
__ 8 to 10 weeks
__ More than 10 weeks
__ The length of time varies by student
__Do not know
The Test of Adult Basic Education or TABE test is given to all students in the first 21 days on center. Based on the outcome and your career path, you may be placed in reading or math classes. You may need to retake the test.
E1. The TABE testing room is a good place to take a test (for example, quiet, comfortable, well-lit).
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
E1.1 I take at least one reading class.
____ Yes ____ No
<If No, skip to E2.1>
E1.2 I understand and usually speak a language other than English.
____ Yes ____ No
<if No, Skip to E1.3>
E1.2 The reading teacher is helping me learn English.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
E1.3 The reading teacher cares about me learning to read and write better. |
E1.4 The reading teacher clearly describes the material covered in class. |
E1.5 The reading teacher is well-prepared to teach class. |
E1.6 The reading teacher cares about my success. |
E1.7 The reading teacher(s) regularly use the following tools (select all that apply):
_____Reading worksheets / workbooks
_____Online practice tests
_____In-class practice worksheets
_____Small group instruction
_____Class lectures
_____Projects and presentations
_____Full-class instruction / lecture
_____Computer/online instruction
_____One-on-one instruction
_____Other. Please specify: _________________________
E1.8 Overall, the reading teacher(s) do a great job instructing students at my center.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
E1.9 What, if anything, causes it to be difficult to learn in reading class? (check all that apply)
___Nothing; there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in reading class
___There are too many students in the class
___No regular instructor or instructor missed too many classes
___Classroom is too noisy
___Students disrespect the instructor
___Students disrespect each other
___The instructor spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping).
___ I am sent to do other activities (for example, clean up duty) too often
___Other. (Please specify)______________________________
E2.1 I take at least one math class.
____ Yes ____ No
<if No, skip to next module>
E2.2 The math teacher regularly uses the following tools: (Check all that apply)
_____Math worksheets / workbooks
_____Online practice tests
_____In-class practice worksheets
_____Small group instruction
_____Class lectures
_____Projects and presentations
_____Full-class instruction / lecture
_____Computer/online instruction
_____One-on-one instruction
_____Other. Please specify: _________________________
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
E2.3 The math teacher cares about me learning math better. |
E2.4 The math teacher clearly describes the material covered in class. |
E2.5 The math teacher is well-prepared to teach class. |
E2.6 The math teacher cares about my success. |
E2.7 Overall, the math teacher(s) do a great job instructing students at my center. |
E2.8 What, if anything, causes it to be difficult to learn in math class? (check all that apply)
___Nothing; there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in math class
___There are too many students in the class
___No regular instructor or instructor missed too many classes
___Classroom is too noisy
___Students disrespect the instructor
___Students disrespect each other
___The instructor spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping).
___ I am sent to do other activities (for example, clean up duty) too often
___Other. (Please specify)______________________________
F1. Within the past month, have you taken traditional high school courses, online courses, or classes to prepare you for your state’s high school equivalency exam (i.e. GED, HiSET, or TASC).
_____ A. Yes, online high school courses <Go to F3>
_____ B. Yes, high school courses at the Job Corps center <Go to F3>
_____ C. Yes, high school courses off center
_____ D. Yes, high school equivalency exam courses (i.e. GED, HiSET, or TASC) <Go to F5?>
_____ E. No, I have finished the courses <Next Module>
_____ F. No, I do not want an HSD or HSE <Next Module>
_____ G. No, I have not started taking the courses <Next Module>
_____ H. No, I am not enrolled currently due to my trade (CTT) schedule <Next Module>
F2.The off center training location is safe?
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
F3.The courses I’m taking will lead to a high school diploma.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
F4. I’m making progress toward obtaining my high school diploma.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
F5. I am satisfied with instruction I have received.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
The next set of questions asks about your experiences of the high school classes you have or are taking during your time at Job Corps. These classes can be for a high school diploma or preparing for your state’s high school equivalency exam (i.e. GED, HiSET, or TASC). Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
F6. The high school instructor(s) at my center treat students with respect. |
F7. The high school instructor(s) at my center care that we succeed. |
F8. The high school classes at my center are well planned and organized. |
F9. The high school classes at my center have enough working equipment (for example, computer or printers). |
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
F10. In high school classes, I am learning information I need to graduate. |
F11. I have a lot of time in high school classes with nothing to do. |
F12. The instructor(s) are knowledgeable and able to assist students. |
F13. The instructor(s) respond to students’ questions. |
F14. The high school instructor(s) regularly use the following tools:
_____Reading worksheets/workbooks
_____Online practice tests
_____In-class practice worksheets
_____Small group instruction
_____Class lectures
_____Projects and presentations
_____Full-class instruction/lecture
_____Computer/online instruction
_____One-on-one instruction
_____Other. Please specify: _________________________
F15. Overall, the high school instructor(s) do a great job teaching students on my center.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
F16. What, if anything, causes it to be difficult to learn in high school class? (check all that apply)
___Nothing; there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in high school class
___There are too many students in the class
___No regular instructor or instructor missed too many classes
___Classroom is too noisy
___Students disrespect the instructor
___Students disrespect each other
___The instructor spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping).
___ I am sent to do other activities (for example, clean up duty) too often
___Other. (Please specify)______________________________
G1. Within the past month, have you taken classes or participated in activities related to your Career Technical Training (CTT) or trade? This includes work-based learning on or off center and internships.
_____ A. Yes, attended CTT program or trade classes
_____ B. Yes, work-based learning
_____ C. Yes, internship
_____ D. No, I have finished my CTT program or trade
_____ E. No, I have not started taking the courses
_____ F. No, I am not enrolled currently due to my reading and/or math classes
<If G1 not equal A, B, or C go to next module. >
G2. When you started trade (CTT) classes did you get to enroll in your first, second, or third choice? (Select the single best answer)
_____ Yes, first choice
_____ Yes, second choice
_____ Yes, third choice
_____ No, I asked for a different program
_____ No, I was forced to take a CTT program (trade program) I did not choose.
G3. Is the CTT (trade) program you are taking something you are interested in doing as a career?
_____ Yes
_____ No
G4. Is your CTT (trade) program conducted at the center or off-center?
____ On center
____ Off center
____ Other (please describe): ______________
The next set of questions asks about your experiences when learning your (CTT) trade. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
G5. My CTT (trade) instructor(s) treat students with respect. |
G6. My CTT (trade) instructor(s) care about students’ success. |
G7. My CTT (trade) instructor(s) lessons are well planned and organized. |
G8. My CTT (trade) classes have working equipment that is up-to-date. |
G9. In CTT (trade) classes, I am learning information and skills necessary to perform a job in that field. |
G10. My CTT (trade) instructor is able to clearly explain each skill. |
G11. The CTT (trade) instructor(s) are knowledgeable and able to assist students. |
G12. The CTT (trade) instructor(s) will respond to students’ questions in ways that help them learn. |
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
G13. My CTT (trade) instructor(s) make sure students can perform a task on their Training Achievement Record (TAR). |
G14. What, if anything, causes it to be difficult to learn in CTT (trade) class? (check all that apply)
___Nothing; there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in CTT (trade) class
___There are too many students in the class
___No regular instructor or instructor missed too many classes
___Classroom is too noisy
___Students disrespect the instructor
___Students disrespect each other
___The instructor spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping).
___ I am sent to do other activities (for example, clean up duty) too often
___Other. (Please specify)______________________________
G15. Overall, the CTT (trade) instructor(s) do a great job teaching students on my center.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
G16. Have you been involved in work-based learning on or off-center or at an internship program related to your trade?
_______ Yes _____ No
<If no, skip to the next module>
The next set of questions asks about your experiences during work-based learning or internship program. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
8 Do Not Know |
G17. Work-based learning has improved my knowledge in my trade (CTT program). |
G18. Someone from my center supervised or communicated with the work-based learning supervisor regularly. |
G19. Based on my experience, I would recommend work-based learning to my friends on center. |
H1. Have you attended Career Transition Readiness (CTR) classes or classes that help you prepare for graduating from Job Corps?
______ Yes _____ No
<If no, skip to H11>
The next set of questions asks about your experiences preparing to find a job or start an education program and live independently. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
H2. Job Corps has taught me how to be professional during a job interview. |
H3. Job Corps has taught me how to write a resume and complete an application. |
H4. Job Corps has taught me how to manage my money. |
H5. Job Corps prepared me to live on my own. |
H6. Job Corps has prepared me for an Apprenticeship program. |
H7. Job Corps has prepared me for a job in my chosen trade. |
H8. Job Corps has prepared me to attend college. |
H9. CTR teacher(s) care if I succeed. |
H10. CTR teacher(s) listen to and addressed my needs and preferences for the future. |
H11. How often have you met with your Career Transition Services (CTS) Counselor (the person who will help you find a job after you leave Job Corps)?
_____1–2 times
_____3–5 times
_____6 or more times
H12. Overall, the career transition counselor(s) have been helpful with your job search and preparation for your transition after your Job Corps graduation.
___ Strongly Agree
___ Agree
___ Somewhat Agree
___ Neither Agree nor Disagree
___ Somewhat Disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly Disagree
I1. Before coming to center to live in the dorms, how did you think life on center would be?
_____Not bad
I2. Does center life meet your expectations?
_____Far exceeds my expectations
_____Exceeds my expectations
_____Is as I expected
_____Falls short of expectations
_____Falls extremely short of expectations
The next set of questions ask you about your level of satisfaction with different areas of residential living. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from Extremely Satisfied to Strongly Dissatisfied.
1 Extremely Satisfied |
2 Moderately Satisfied |
3 Somewhat Satisfied |
4 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
5 Somewhat Dissatisfied |
6 Moderately Dissatisfied |
7 Strongly Dissatisfied |
I3. Dorm rooms |
I4. Bathrooms in dorms |
I5. Shared dorm space (TV or study spaces) |
I6. Laundry facilities |
I7. Resident Advisor (RA) or dorm staff |
I8. Accessibility to computers |
I9. Accessibility to the internet |
I10. Dorm safety |
I11. Center or Dorm planned evening and weekend activities |
I12. After hours safety outside of the dorms |
I13. Study spaces available after training hours |
I14. After hours tutoring |
I15. Have you encountered health and/or safety hazards in your dorm area? Please select all that apply.
____Infestation or large number of insects in your living area (for example, bed bugs, cockroaches)
____Equipment does not work (for example, lockers, locks, washing machine)
____Emergency doors or alarm system do not work
____Doors or windows that are missing or do not open or close easily
____Other. Please specify:__________________________________
The next set of questions ask about your experiences as a non-residential Job Corps student. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
J1. Job Corps staff have helped to ensure that I can get to center safely every day. |
J2. Job Corps staff have helped to make sure that I can get home safely every day. |
J3. Job Corps has kept me informed of leave policies related to me being a non-residential student. |
J4. The center provides space for me to study on center after hours. |
J5. I am encouraged to participate in on center recreational activities. |
J6. Residential students have fun center activities that do not include non-residential students. |
The next set of questions ask about your experiences as an Advanced Career Training (ACT) student. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
K1. The college courses I take add to the knowledge I learned in my CTT (trade) program. |
K2. I believe the CEP program will improving my career opportunities after Job Corps |
K3. My CEP counselor helps me achieve my goals and future plans |
K4. My CEP counselor listens to and addressed my concerns. |
K5. The center has a system to track and report my attendance at the CEP program. |
The next set of questions ask about your experiences as an Advanced Training student. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
L1. The Advanced Training courses have added to what I learned in the basic CTT (trade) program. |
L2. The Advanced Training program is improving my career options. |
L3. I am satisfied with my Advanced Training program. |
This is the last set of questions. Think about your experience at Job Corps since you began. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:
1 Strongly Agree |
2 Agree |
3 Somewhat Agree |
4 Neither Agree or Disagree |
5 Somewhat Disagree |
6 Disagree |
7 Strongly Disagree |
M1. Job Corps has been a positive experience. |
M2. Job Corps has improved my employability. |
M3. I would recommend Job Corps to a friend. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | JGloudemans |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |