The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0704-0575, is estimated to average 30-45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at [email protected]. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
2020 Defense Logistics Agency Culture/Climate Survey
(Draft as of 01/02/20)
Dear DLA Colleague:
DLA’s success depends on its greatest resource…you! The DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026 highlights People and Culture as foundational, critical elements of everything we do. Our workforce must possess the skills, tools, and supporting culture to meet DLA’s ever changing and challenging mission demands.
The DLA People and Culture Plan (P&CP) is a supplement to our strategic plan and establishes the DLA Culture/Climate Survey as our instrument to measure workforce mission-readiness, leadership engagement, and the supportive organizational culture to build and sustain the elements of the DLA Strategic Plan.
The DLA Culture/Climate Survey provides a confidential mechanism for employees to share feedback on their work environment, resulting in opportunities for DLA employees and leaders to engage in thoughtful, data-driven discussions that lead to informed action and improve our collective performance.
I ask that you set aside time to participate in the 2020 DLA Culture/Climate Survey as part of DLA’s effort to maintain a high performance culture. This is an opportunity for you to share your views of DLA’s organizational culture and climate. Your responses will help us understand where we need to improve our organizational culture and management practices in DLA. Your opinion counts!
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Whether you receive the survey electronically or by paper, your privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed throughout this process. Our survey contractor, Denison Consulting, will hold your identity confidential and will not provide DLA with your name or any other individually identifying information.
On average, the survey will take about 30-45 minutes to complete and you will be provided duty time for its completion. If you have any questions about the nature of this survey, please contact the DLA Culture Team at [email protected]. If you need technical assistance with the survey or other questions, please contact: [email protected].
Your input is extremely valuable, and input from previous surveys has led to positive steps toward improving DLA’s organizational culture. Thank you for your participation and honest feedback.
Your Voice is Our Future!
Brad Bunn
DLA Human Resources
SECTION A: Work Units
Please indicate your work unit. The term “work unit” refers to your immediate work unit; specifically, the unit that includes your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor. This work unit will be your perspective for completing Section B. Please mark only one.
DLA Installation Support |
DLA Installation Operations Richmond, Family & Morale, Welfare, & Recreation Division (DF-FRQ) |
DLA Installation Operations Susquehanna, Family & Morale, Welfare, & Recreation Division (DF-FS) |
DLA Troop Support |
DLA Troop Support, Embroidery Team (HERALDICS IST TA FQDD) |
DLA Joint Reserve Force (J9) |
DLA Joint Reserve Force (J-9) |
SECTION B: Organizational Culture
This section of the survey presents a set of statements that describe different aspects of an organization's culture. Organizational culture is the shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and practices learned and reinforced over time...or the way things are done around here. As you respond to the survey items, think about the ways in which you see work getting done in your work unit. Work unit refers to your immediate work unit; specifically, the unit that includes your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor. We are looking to receive your perspective on your day-to-day work life.
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), Strongly Agree (5) or N/A (6) with each of the statements.
In my work unit (your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor)… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
B1 |
Most employees are highly involved in their work. |
B2 |
Decisions are usually made at the level where the best information is available. |
B3 |
Information is widely shared so that everyone can get the information he or she needs when it's needed. |
B4 |
Everyone believes that he or she can have a positive impact. |
B5 |
Business planning is ongoing and involves everyone in the process to some degree. |
B6 |
Cooperation across different parts of the organization is actively encouraged. |
B7 |
People work like they are part of a team. |
B8 |
Teamwork is used to get work done, rather than hierarchy. |
B9 |
Teams are our primary building blocks. |
B10 |
Work is organized so that each person can see the relationship between his or her job and the goals of the organization. |
B11 |
Authority is delegated so that people can act on their own. |
B12 |
The "bench strength" (capability of people) is constantly improving. |
B13 |
There is continuous investment in the skills of employees. |
B14 |
The capabilities of people are viewed as an important source of competitive advantage. |
B15 |
Problems often arise because we do not have the skills necessary to do the job. |
B16 |
Leaders and managers "practice what they preach." |
B17 |
There is a characteristic management style and a distinct set of management practices. |
B18 |
There is a clear and consistent set of values that governs the way we do business. |
B19 |
Ignoring core values will get you in trouble. |
B20 |
There is an ethical code that guides our behavior and tells us right from wrong. |
B21 |
When disagreements occur, we work hard to achieve "win-win" solutions. |
B22 |
There is a "strong" culture. |
B23 |
It is easy to reach consensus, even on difficult issues. |
B24 |
We often have trouble reaching agreement on key issues. |
B25 |
There is a clear agreement about the right way and the wrong way to do things. |
B26 |
Our approach to doing business is very consistent and predictable. |
B27 |
People from different parts of the organization share a common perspective. |
B28 |
It is easy to coordinate projects across different parts of the organization. |
B29 |
Working with someone from another part of this organization is like working with someone from a different organization. |
B30 |
There is good alignment of goals across levels. |
B31 |
The way things are done is very flexible and easy to change. |
B32 |
We respond well to competitors and other changes in the business environment. |
B33 |
New and improved ways to do work are continually adopted. |
B34 |
Attempts to create change are usually met with resistance. |
B35 |
Different parts of the organization often cooperate to create change. |
B36 |
Customer comments and recommendations often lead to changes. |
B37 |
Customer input directly influences our decisions. |
B38 |
All members have a deep understanding of customer wants and needs. |
B39 |
The interests of the customer often get ignored in our decisions. |
B40 |
We encourage direct contact with customers by our people. |
B41 |
We view failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement. |
B42 |
Innovation and risk taking are encouraged and rewarded. |
B43 |
Lots of things "fall between the cracks." |
B44 |
Learning is an important objective in our day-to-day work. |
B45 |
We make certain that the "right hand knows what the left hand is doing." |
B46 |
There is a long-term purpose and direction. |
B47 |
Our strategy leads other agencies to change the way they compete in the industry. |
B48 |
There is a clear mission that gives meaning and direction to our work. |
B49 |
There is a clear strategy for the future. |
B50 |
Our strategic direction is unclear to me. |
B51 |
There is widespread agreement about goals. |
B52 |
Leaders set goals that are ambitious, but realistic. |
B53 |
The leadership has "gone on record" about the objectives we are trying to meet. |
B54 |
We continuously track our progress against our stated goals. |
B55 |
People understand what needs to be done for us to succeed in the long run. |
B56 |
We have a shared vision of what the organization will be like in the future. |
B57 |
Leaders have a long-term viewpoint. |
B58 |
Short-term thinking often compromises our long-term vision. |
B59 |
Our vision creates excitement and motivation for our employees. |
B60 |
We are able to meet short-term demands without compromising our long-term vision. |
Daniel R. Denison, Ph.D. All rights reserved. |
Organizational climate is the work environment perceived directly and indirectly by employees that shapes the organizational culture. This section of the survey presents a set of statements that describe different aspects of the DLA climate. It includes questions that are tailored to DLA’s strategic initiatives in addition to write-in comment opportunities. The climate questions vary from survey to survey with the exception of a few standard items.
The following provides definitions of some commonly used terms in the climate section of the survey.
Survey Term Definitions
J Code – DLA staff and mission support organizations performing policy, oversight, and common support services to the DLA enterprise and other organizations. J codes are located CONUS and OCONUS. The J codes are:
J-1: DLA Human Resources [Includes DLA Human Resources Services (DHRS)]
J-3: DLA Logistics Operations (includes DLA Central, DLA Europe and Africa, and DLA Pacific)
J-6: DLA Information Operations
J-7: DLA Acquisition [includes DLA Contracting Services Office (DCSO) and DLA Strategic Materials]
J-8: DLA Finance
J-9: DLA Joint Reserve Force
D Code – DLA Headquarters organizations performing staff and certain operational functions in support of the DLA enterprise. D codes are located CONUS and OCONUS. The D codes are:
DLA Director’s Immediate Staff
DB: DLA Small Business Programs
DG: DLA General Counsel
DH: DLA Office of the Chaplain
DI: DLA Intelligence
DL: DLA Legislative Affairs
DO: DLA Equal Employment Opportunity
DP: DLA Public Affairs
DT: DLA Transformation
OIG: DLA Office of the Inspector General
DF: DLA Installation Operations
DM: DLA Installation Management
CoS BMO: DLA Chief of Staff Business Management Office
DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026 (Amended April, 2019)
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C1 |
I am aware of the DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026. |
C2 |
I have read the DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026. |
C3 |
The DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026 identifies the most critical DLA priorities. |
C4 |
My supervisor aligns my work unit’s mission to the DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026. |
C5 |
I know how my work relates to DLA’s goals and priorities. |
People and Culture
Attract and hire mission-focused people, further develop their competencies and resilience, and cultivate and retain the next generation of diverse leaders and workforce to meet current and future mission demands.
DLA Culture/Climate Survey
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C6 |
I believe the DLA Culture/Climate Survey makes a difference. |
C7 |
Actions are taken to continuously improve our culture. |
Resiliency – dealing effectively with pressure, ambiguous and emerging conditions, and multiple tasks; remaining optimistic and persistent, even under adversity or uncertainty; recovering quickly from setbacks.
Resiliency Resources – examples include the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Fitness & Wellness Program, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), fitness centers, flexible work schedules, etc.
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C8 |
I know how to access DLA resiliency resources. |
C9 |
A wide range of resiliency resources are available at my location. |
DLA Fitness and Wellness Program
C10. I take part in fitness and/or wellness activities under the DLA Fitness and Wellness Program.
① Yes; [Please answer questions C13 – C18]
② No; I was not aware of this Program. [Please skip questions C13 – C18]
③ No; I was approved for the Program, but have not used it yet. [Please skip questions C13 – C18]
④ No; I was not approved to participate in the Program. [Please skip questions C13 – C18]
⑤ No; I do not want to participate in the Program. [Please skip questions C13 – C18]
C11. I have used fewer sick leave hours as a result of taking part in the DLA Fitness and Wellness Program.
① Yes
② No
C12. I believe taking part in the DLA Fitness and Wellness Program has improved my performance at work.
① Yes
② No
C13. I would factor my participation in the DLA Fitness and Wellness Program into a decision to remain employed by DLA.
① Yes
② No
DLA Fitness and Wellness Program Questions for Supervisors
C14. Please select the option that best describes your supervisory view of the DLA Fitness and Wellness Program’s impact on your employees’ performance as a whole.
① N/A; I am not a supervisor.
② I do not supervise any employees that participate in the Fitness and Wellness Program.
③ My participating employees’ performance has generally improved.
④ There has been no overall change in my participating employees’ performance.
⑤ My participating employees’ performance has generally declined.
C15. Please select the option that best describes your supervisory view of the DLA Fitness and Wellness Program’s impact on your work unit’s mission.
① N/A; I am not a supervisor.
② I do not supervise any employees that participate in the Fitness and Wellness Program.
③ Very positive impact on the work unit’s mission
④ Somewhat positive impact on the work unit’s mission
⑤ No impact on the work unit’s mission.
⑥ Somewhat negative impact on the work unit’s mission.
⑦ Very negative impact on the work unit’s mission.
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C16 |
My MSC, J code, or D code promotes telework. |
C17 |
I am prepared to use telework to maintain productivity in the event of an emergency. |
C18 |
I communicate with virtual co-workers (team members not physically located at my work location) as much as co-workers in the office. |
C19. Have you teleworked during the past year?
① Yes [Please answer questions C20 – C23]
② No; Must be physically present – My position is not eligible for telework because one or more of the following is required: face-to-face contact with co-workers or customers; access to material or equipment that cannot be moved from the office or worksite; and/or access to classified or sensitive information or facilities. [Please skip questions C20 – C23]
③ No; Technical issues – My work requires access to information systems that are unavailable, unreliable, or perform too slowly in a telework environment to effectively accomplish the mission. [Please skip questions C20 – C23]
④ No; Choose not to telework – My position is eligible for telework, but I choose not to telework. [Please skip questions C20 – C23]
⑤ No; Not allowed to telework - My position is eligible for telework, but I am not allowed to telework even on a situational basis. [Please skip questions C20 – C23]
C20. How frequently do you telework?
① I telework on a situational basis.
② I regularly telework 1 day per week.
③ I regularly telework 2 days per week.
④ I regularly telework 3 days per week.
⑤ I regularly telework 4 or more days per week.
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C21 |
DLA technology allows me to telework effectively. |
C22 |
When teleworking, I am at least as productive as I am when working in the office. |
C23 |
The availability of telework contributes to my decision to stay with DLA. |
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C24 |
I feel safe from inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. |
C25 |
DLA publicizes resources for SAPR. |
C26 |
I was provided training on SAPR. |
C27 |
My supervisor creates a supportive environment for reporting an incident. |
C28 |
I know how to contact my Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). |
C29 |
I know the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault. |
Mission Ready Workforce
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
In my work unit (your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor)… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C30 |
My work unit is able to recruit people with the right skills. |
C31 |
The skill level in my work unit has improved in the past year. |
C32 |
My work unit has the relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish its mission and goals. |
Immediate Supervisor (Work Unit)
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
In my work unit (your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor)… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C33 |
I have trust and confidence in my supervisor. |
C34 |
My supervisor interacts with me regularly. |
C35 |
My supervisor has the knowledge, skills, and ability to be an effective supervisor. |
Defense Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP)
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
In my work unit (your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor)… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C36 |
I know what is expected of me on the job. |
C37 |
I am held accountable for achieving results. |
C38 |
Employees are recognized for providing high quality products and services to customers. |
C39 |
Performance awards in my work unit depend upon how well employees perform their jobs. |
C40 |
My supervisor has talked to me about my performance plan. |
C41 |
I understand the DPMAP performance rating levels. |
C42 |
DPMAP contributes to a performance-based culture. |
Please rate your level of satisfaction with the feedback (both formal and informal) that you receive from your immediate supervisor.Fill in the circle to indicate if you are Very Dissatisfied (1), Dissatisfied (2), Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied (3), Satisfied (4), Very Satisfied (5), or Received No Feedback from Supervisor (6).
In my work unit (your first-line supervisor and the employees reporting to your first-line supervisor)… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
C43 |
Frequency of feedback |
C44 |
Constructive feedback |
C45 |
Candid feedback |
C46 |
Timely feedback |
Senior Leaders (MSC, J code, or D code)
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C47 |
Senior leaders communicate the goals and objectives of the organization. |
C48 |
Senior leaders communicate regularly with the workforce. |
C49 |
Senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity. |
C50 |
Senior leaders promote collaboration across work units. |
C51 |
Senior leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce. |
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity – individual attributes and characteristics that together help agencies pursue organizational objectives efficiently and effectively. These include, but are not limited to, characteristics such as national origin, language, race, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, and family structures.
Inclusion – set of behaviors that encourages employees to feel valued for their unique qualities and experience a sense of belonging, by integrating each individual’s perspectives, ideas, and contributions into the way an organization functions and makes decisions.
Reasonable Accommodation – any change in the work environment or in the way the work is customarily performed that enables an individual with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities, perform a job, or have equal access to the workplace, and employee benefits. Examples of reasonable accommodations include providing interpreters, readers, or other personal assistance; modifying job duties; restructuring work sites; providing flexible work schedules or telework, and providing accessible technology or other workplace adaptive equipment.
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C52 |
DLA values Diversity and Inclusion in the workforce. |
C53 |
My supervisor works well with employees of different backgrounds. |
C54 |
My supervisor makes everyone feel like part of the team. |
C55 |
I know how to request a reasonable accommodation if needed. |
C56 |
DLA fosters a supportive environment for individuals with disabilities. |
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C57 |
I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule, or regulation without fear of reprisal. |
C58 |
I know how to contact an ethics official for assistance in applying the government ethics rules. |
Information Technology (IT)
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C59 |
I have the skills to use IT systems effectively and efficiently. |
C60 |
My MSC, J code, or D code supports IT training to improve my capabilities. |
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C61 |
DLA is committed to the health and safety of employees. |
C62 |
My supervisor demonstrates commitment to health and safety by leading by example. |
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C63 |
I am well informed about agency-wide news and information. |
C64. Please select up to 3 options that best describe your primary source of information for agency-wide news, initiatives, and other DLA information.
① DLA Today (intranet website)
② (public website)
③ DLA Facebook
④ DLA Twitter
⑤ DLA YouTube
⑥ Supervisors (town halls, all hands, staff meetings, etc.)
⑦ Co-workers (e.g. “water cooler” conversations)
⑧ Email
⑨ Information posted in workplace common areas (e.g. break room, electronic virtual share drive, on- site bulletin board, etc.)
General Satisfaction
Fill in the circle to indicate if you are Very Dissatisfied (1), Dissatisfied (2), Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied (3), Satisfied (4), Very Satisfied (5)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C65 |
I am proud to work for DLA. |
C66 |
I would recommend DLA as a great place to work. |
C67 |
Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? |
C68 |
Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization? |
Audit Advancement – shift from audit sustainment to maintaining ongoing clean financial statement audit opinions. Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C69 |
I know what Internal Control procedures impact my job. |
C70 |
I understand the business processes affecting DLAs finances that are part of my job. |
Joint Reserve Force
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C71 |
I am aware that DLA has military Reservists available to provide operational support to my organization. |
C72 |
My organization encourages the integration of military Reservists with the civilian workforce to accomplish our mission. |
Acquistion Workforce
Fill in the circle that indicates if you Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), or Strongly Agree (5) with each of the statements.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
C73 |
I am empowered to make decisions to minimize cost and ensure quality. |
C74 |
I understand how my acquisition career field supports the DLA mission. |
C75 |
Our customers understand acquisition requirements development. |
C76 |
We adapt by soliciting our customers feedback and responding to their needs |
C77 |
Our acquisition tools are enablers that help us meet the needs of our customers. |
SECTION D: Write-In Comments
Please note write-in comments are limited to 1500 characters including spaces and punctuation.
D1. The single thing we do best is:
D2. The single thing we could most improve is:
SECTION E: Demographic Information
E1. Please select the category that best describes your status:
①Supervisor or Manager
②Team Leader
③Team Member (non-supervisor/non-manager/non-team leader)
④ Reservist with J9
E2. How long have you been with DLA?
① Less than 1 year
② 1 to 3 years
③ 4 to 5 years
④ 6 to 10 years
⑤ 11 to 14 years
⑥ 15 to 20 years
⑦ 21 to 25 years
⑧ 26 to 30 years
⑨ 31 years or more
E3. Are you considering leaving DLA within the next year, and if so, why?
① No
② Yes, to retire
③ Yes, to take another job within the Federal Government
④ Yes, to take another job outside the Federal Government
⑤ Yes, other
E4. I am planning to retire.
① Within one year
② Between one and three years
③ Between three and five years
④ Five or more years
E5. Please indicate the highest level of education completed:
① Less than high school graduate
② High school graduate or equivalent
③ Some college or technical training
④ Associate’s Degree or Equivalent
⑤ Bachelor’s Degree
⑥ Advanced Degree
E6. Ethnicity
① Hispanic or Latino
② Not Hispanic or Latino
③ Prefer not to answer
E7. Race
① American Indian or Alaskan Native
② Asian
③ Black or African American
④ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
⑤ White
⑥ Two or more races (not Hispanic or Latino)
⑦ Prefer not to answer
E8. Gender
① Female
② Male
③ Prefer not to answer
E9. Age
① 25 and under
② 26-29
③ 30-39
④ 40-49
⑤ 50-59
⑥ 60 or older
⑦ Prefer not to answer
E10. Please provide your four digit occupational job series (e.g., 0343, 6901)
E11. What is your pay category/grade:
① GS 1-8
② GS 9-11
③ GS/GM 12-13
④ GS/GM 14-15+ and SES
⑤ WG 1-4
⑥ WG 5-8
⑦ WG 9+
⑧ WS 1-9
⑨ WS 10+
⑩ E 1-9
⑪ O1-O3
⑫ O4
⑬ O5+
⑭ Other: (write-in):
E12. My position is designated as “Acquisition coded” and requires Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification. (See description below)
① Yes [Please answer questions E13 – E15]
② No [Please skip questions E13 – E15]
Acquisition Technology and Logistics (AT&L) positions, commonly referred to as "Acquisition coded" positions, require the performance of AT&L functions subject to the requirements of DoD Directive 5000.52, “Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program,” dated January 12, 2005. The AT&L Workforce or Acquisition Workforce is defined as those individuals who occupy AT&L positions in the Department of Defense. Most of AT&L Positions are located in organizations having an acquisition mission. These positions require the incumbent to be DAWIA certified in one of the AT&L career fields and at one of the three certification levels.
E13. If you are in an “Acquisition coded” position, please identify the career field for which you are required to obtain DAIWA certification.
① U - Auditing
② P - Business - Cost Estimating
③ K - Business - Financial Management
④ C - Contracting
⑤ F - Facilities Engineering
⑥ D - Industrial and/or Contract Property Management
⑦ R - Information Technology
⑧ L - Life Cycle Logistics
⑨ A - Program Management
⑩ H - Production, Quality & Manufacturing
⑪ E - Purchasing
⑫ I - Science & Technology Manager
⑬ S - Engineering
⑭ T - Test & Evaluation
⑮ I - International
E16. I have a disability.
① Yes
② No
③ Prefer not to answer
E17. Is your disability categorized as a targeted disability? (See description below)
① Yes
② No
③ Prefer not to answer
TARGETED DISABILITIES include TOTAL DEAFNESS; INABILITY TO READ ORDINARY SIZE PRINT, NOT CORRECTABLE BY GLASSES; BLIND IN BOTH EYES; MISSING EXTREMITIES (one arm, one leg, both hands or arms, both feet or legs, one hand or arm and one foot or leg, one hand or arm and both feet or legs, both hands or arms and one foot or leg, both hands or arms and both feet or legs); PARTIAL PARALYSIS (both hands, both legs (any part), both arms (any part), one side of body (including one arm and one leg), three or more major parts of the body (arms and legs); COMPLETE PARALYSIS (one hand, both hands, one arm, both arms, one leg, both legs, lower half of body (including legs), one side of body (including one arm and one leg), three or more major parts of the body (arms and legs); CONVULSIVE DISORDER (e.g. epilepsy); INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY; MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL ILLNESS; SEVERE DISTORTION OF LIMBS AND/OR SPINE.
L: English
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Dammer, Tya N |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-14 |