OMB 0584-0064 Appendix E Burden Table 10.19.2020

OMB 0584-0064 Appendix E Burden Table_10.19.2020.xlsx

SNAP Forms: Applications, Periodic Reporting, Notices

OMB 0584-0064 Appendix E Burden Table 10.19.2020

OMB: 0584-0064

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Labor Rates
Reporting and Recordkeeping
Burden_Type Act
Burden_Type Act and Resp

Sheet 1: Assumptions

Included in Currently Approved ICR
FNS SNAP Forms ICR Assumptions (OMB Control No. 0584-0064)
Legend Not Included in Currently Approved ICR

Item Regulatory Citation Estimate in Currently Approved ICR Updated Estimate Difference in Estimate Notes

Data Entry

Number Data Source

Calculation; Do Not Enter Data
Number of State agencies Multiple 53 53

Number of States using telephone interviews 273.2(e)(1) 40 40 Previous ICR 0

Number of States using in-person interviews 273.2(e)(1) 13 13 Previous ICR 0

Number of telephone initial interviews 273.2(e)(1) 8,459,791 13,631,850 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio of initial cert compared to last time. 5,172,059

Number of in-person initial interviews 273.2(e)(1) 2,749,432 4,430,351 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio of initial cert compared to last time. 1,680,919

Number of States using monthly reports 273.21 2 1 FNS SNAP State Options Report, 14th Edition (October 2017) -1

Number of States using quarterly reports 273.12(a)(4) 1 1 FNS SNAP State Options Report, 14th Edition (October 2017) 0

Number of States using simplified or periodic reports 273.12(a)(5) 51 51 FNS SNAP State Options Report, 14th Edition (October 2017) 0

Number of States using change reports 273.12(a)(1) 24 26 FNS SNAP State Options Report, 14th Edition (October 2017) 2

Number of initial applications 273.2 11,209,223 18,062,201 NDB-FY 18, 366B 6,852,978

Number of recertification applications 273.14(b) 14,619,642 14,656,751 NDB-FY 18, 366B 37,109

Number of medical expense verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 696,000 1,117,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.9, Total number of medical expense 421,000

Number of utility expense verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 12,959,000 13,693,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.9, Total number of excess shelter expense 734,000

Number of ABAWD verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 3,704,192 2,864,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.23; Total number of participants, adults age 18–49 without disabilities in childless households. -840,192

Number of child support verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 364,000 316,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.9, Total number of child support payment -48,000

Number of disabled verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 3,633,000 4,073,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table B.5; Number of non-elderly individuals with disabilities 440,000

Not Applicable
Number of households Not Applicable 22,445,000 19,699,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.12, Total number of households -2,746,000 Number included for calculation and for number of household respondents.

Number of households with questionable information verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 584,872 513,317 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio. -71,555

Number of existing households w/ dependent care verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 657,884 658,000 Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.9, Total number of dependent cate 116

Number of newly certified households w/ dependent care verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 504,415 363,243 Calculation -141,172

Number of student work hour verifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 121,688 1,354,273 A GAO Audit indicates 2,257,121 students received SNAP in 2016. The audit also indicates that, according to 2015-2016 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) data, 60 percent of low-income students had a job while enrolled in college. GAO Audit: Food Insecurity--Better Information Could Help Eligible College Students Access Federal Food Assistance Benefits; Table 1 and Footnote 51. Available at 1,232,585

Number of in-person recertification interviews 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 2,923,928 2,931,350 Assumes 20% of recertification interviews will be in person and include travel time. 7,422

Number of income recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 7,309,821 7,328,376 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio. 18,555

Number of Social Security Number recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 146,196 146,568 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio. 372

Number of medical expense recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 292,393 293,135 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio. 742

Number of child support recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 730,982 141,555 Calculation. Estimated from previous ICR using updated caseload data from the Food Program and Reporting System. Calculation uses ratio. -589,427

Number of utility expense recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 730,982 6,133,903 Calculation. Applies ratio of initial and recertification applications to utility expense universe. 5,402,921

Number of ABAWD recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 7,309,821 2,864,000 ABAWDs avg 10 mos cert period, assumes 1 recert -4,445,821

Number of other information recertifications 273.2(f)(1) & (2) 7,309,821 11,792,751 Calculation. Subtracts ABAWD recertification from total number of recertifications. 4,482,930

Number of monthly reporting submissions 273.21 728,868 91,000 Updated based on Mathematica analysis -637,868

Number of quarterly reporting submissions 273.12(a)(4) 1,733,336 19,000 Updated based on Mathematica analysis -1,714,336

Number of simplified or periodic reporting submissions 273.12(a)(5) 21,342,556 11,624,000 Updated based on Mathematica analysis -9,718,556

Number of change reporting submissions 273.12(a)(1) 3,235,456 9,366,000 Updated based on Mathematica analysis 6,130,544

Number of Eligibility, Denial, or Pending Status notices 273.10(g)(1)(i) & (ii) & (iii) 37,749,439 36,444,144 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -1,305,295

Number of Missing or Incomplete Report notices 273.12(a)(4)(iii) & 273.12(a)(5)(iii)(D) 60,942 53,486 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -7,456

Number of Missed Interview notices 273.2(h)(1)(i)(D) & 273.14(b)(3)(iii) 2,359,251 2,070,612 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -288,639

Number of Expiration notices 273.14(b)(1) 22,087,011 19,384,809 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -2,702,202

Number of Adverse Action Notices (NOAAs) 273.13(a) 1,655,043 1,452,559 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -202,484

Number of Adequate notices 273.12(a)(4)(v) & 273.13(b) 365,655 320,919 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -44,736

Number of Request for Contact notices 273.12(c)(3)(i) 1,655,043 479,344 Calculation. 1/3 of NOAAs due to regulatory limitation. -1,175,699

Number of Match Results Notices 273.12(c)(3)(iii) Not Applicable 479,344 Calculation. Using Request for Contact as a proxy for this number. Not Applicable

Number of Subject to Work Requirements Notices 273.7(c)(1) Not Applicable 5,224,000 Page 69 of FY18 characteristics report. Number of participants with work registrant status Not Applicable

Number of Referral to E&T and Notice of Requirements 273.7(c)(2) Not Applicable 128,495 FY19 SNAP Employment and Training Annual Reports as reported by State Agencies , number of Mandatory E&T Participants Not Applicable

Number of Required Verification Notices 273.2(c)(5) Not Applicable 32,718,952 Calculation. Application + recertification. Not Applicable

Number of Eligibility, Denial, or Pending Status notices read by households 273.10(g)(1)(i) & (ii) & (iii) Not Applicable 29,155,315 Calculation. Assumes 80% of missed interview notices are read. Not Applicable

Number of Missing or Incomplete Report notices read by households 273.12(a)(4)(iii) & 273.12(a)(5)(iii)(D) Not Applicable 42,789 Calculation. Assumes 80% of adverse action notices are read. Not Applicable

Number of Missed Interview notices read by households 273.2(h)(1)(i)(D) & 273.14(b)(3)(iii) 2,123,326 1,656,490 Calculation. Assumes 80% of missed interview notices are read. -466,836

Number of Expiration notices read by households 273.14(b)(1) Not Applicable 15,507,847 Calculation. Assumes 80% of adverse action notices are read. Not Applicable

Number of Adverse Action notices read by households 273.13(a) 82,753 1,162,047 Calculation. Assumes 80% of adverse action notices are read. 1,079,294

Number of Adequate Notices read by households 273.12(a)(4)(v) & 273.13(b) 14,626 256,735 Calculation. Assumes 80% of adequate notices are read. 242,109

Number of Request for Contact notices read by households 273.12(c)(3)(i) 1,324,034 383,475 Calculation. Assumes 80% of request for contact notices are read. -940,559

Number of Match Results Notices read by households 273.12(c)(3)(iii) Not Applicable 383,475 Calculation. Assumes 80% of notice of match results are read. Not Applicable

Number of Subject to Work Requirements Notices read by households 273.7(c)(1) Not Applicable 4,179,200 Calculation. Assumes 80% of subject to work requirements notices are read. Not Applicable

Number of Referral to E&T and Notice of Requirements 273.7(c)(2) Not Applicable 102,796 Calculation. Assumes 80% of referrals to E&T and notice of requirements are read. Not Applicable

Number of Required Verification Notices read by households 273.2(c)(5) Not Applicable 26,175,162 Calculation. Assumes 80% of required verification notices are read. Not Applicable

Number of local agencies 272.1(f), 272.4(e) 2,724 2,724 Previous ICR 0

Number of case file records 272.1(f) 127,192,304 124,301,000 Caseload from FY 16, FY 17, and FY 18 characteristics reports. Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.29 -2,891,304

Number of duplicate participation records 272.4(e) 46,576,077 40,877,796 Calculation. Applies ratio based on household of FY14 vs FY 18. -5,698,281

Number of Option to Disqualify Custodial Parent for Failure to Cooperate notices 273.11(o)(2) Not Applicable 327,190 Calculation. Assumes this notice would impact 1% of all initial applications and recertifications. Not Applicable

Number of Failure to Report Change in Residence notices 273.12(c)(4)(i) Not Applicable 512,986 Calculation. Assumes this notice would impact 3.5% of all recertifications. Not Applicable

Number of fleeing felon and probation or parole violators determinations 273.11(n)(3) & (4) Not Applicable 654,379 Calculation. Assumes this notice would impact 2% of all initial applications and recertifications. Not Applicable

Number of Change Report Forms 273.12(b)(4) Not Applicable 42,084,952 Calculation. Estimated from number of initial applications and recertifications and number of change report forms. Not Applicable

Number reporting changes in work hours below 20 a week (ABAWDs) 273.24(b)(7) Not Applicable 744,640 Calculation. Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018; Table A.23; Total number of participants, adults age 18–49 without disabilities in childless households multiplied by 26%, representing the number of ABAWDs who work ( Not Applicable

Sheet 2: Labor Rates

FNS SNAP Forms ICR Labor Rates (OMB Control No. 0584-0064) Notes
Type of Respondent Hourly Rate in Currently Approved ICR Updated Hourly Rate
Value Data Source
State Agency $20.75 $27.60 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment and Wages Statistics data from May 2019; Occupation Code 43-4061 Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs; Median Hourly Wage Rate for State Government = $20.75. Available at

Final labor rate is a fully loaded rate including fringe benefits and overhead at 33% of the BLS reported labor rate ($20.75 X 1.33 = $27.60).

Local Agency $22.56 $30.00 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment and Wages Statistics data from May 2019; Occupation Code 43-4061 Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs; Median Hourly Wage Rate for Local Government = $22.56. Available at

Final labor rate is a fully loaded rate including fringe benefits and overhead at 33% of the BLS reported labor rate ($22.56 X 1.33 = $30.00).

Households $7.25 $7.25 Federal minimum wage rate. Available at

Sheet 3: Reporting and Recordkeeping

Requirement in Currently Approved ICR
FNS SNAP Forms ICR Reporting Burden Estimate (OMB Control No. 0584-0064)

Regulatory Section Burden Activity Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Annual Responses Estimated Average Hours per Response Estimated Total Hours Hourly Cost to Respondent Cost to Respondents Previously Approved Burden Hours Change in Burden Hours due to an Adjustment Change in Burden Hours due to Program Change Total Burden Hour Difference
Legend Not Included in Currently Approved ICR

A B C D E = C x D F G = E x F H I = G x H J K = G - J L M = K + L

Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal Governments

State Agency Reporting


273.2 New application 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 0.3173 5,731,136.38 $27.60 $158,179,364.01 3,556,686.46 2,174,449.92 0.00 2,174,449.92


273.2(e)(1) Interview: Initial Interview (Telephone) 40 340,796.25 13,631,850 Increased the burden estimate from 0.5 hours (30 minutes) to 0.6346 hours (38 minutes) based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.6346 8,650,772.01 $27.60 $238,761,307.48 4,229,815.44 4,420,956.57 0.00 4,420,956.57

273.2(e)(1) Interview: Initial Interview (In Person) 13 340,796.23 4,430,351 Increased the burden estimate from 0.5 hours (30 minutes) to 0.6346 hours (38 minutes) based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.6346 2,811,500.74 $27.60 $77,597,420.55 1,374,716.03 1,436,784.72 0.00 1,436,784.72


273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Income 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,508,193.78 $27.60 $41,626,148.42 561,582.07 946,611.71 0.00 946,611.71

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Identity 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,508,193.78 $27.60 $41,626,148.42 561,582.07 946,611.71 0.00 946,611.71

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Alien Eligibility 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,508,193.78 $27.60 $41,626,148.42 561,582.07 946,611.71 0.00 946,611.71

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Social Security Number 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,508,193.78 $27.60 $41,626,148.42 561,582.07 946,611.71 0.00 946,611.71

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Medical expenses (if claimed and to receive income deduction) 53 21,075.47 1,117,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 93,269.50 $27.60 $2,574,238.20 34,869.61 58,399.89 0.00 58,399.89

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Residency 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,508,193.78 $27.60 $41,626,148.42 561,582.07 946,611.71 0.00 946,611.71

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Utility expenses (if the State agency does not utilize a standard utility allowance and the applicant wishes to claim expenses) 53 258,358.49 13,693,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,143,365.50 $27.60 $31,556,887.80 649,245.90 494,119.60 0.00 494,119.60

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Hours worked (Able-bodied Adults w/out Dependents) 53 54,037.74 2,864,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 239,144.00 $27.60 $6,600,374.40 185,580.03 53,563.97 0.00 53,563.97

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Legal obligation to pay child support and actual child support payments 53 5,962.26 316,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 26,386.00 $27.60 $728,253.60 18,236.40 8,149.60 0.00 8,149.60

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Disability 53 76,849.06 4,073,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 340,095.50 $27.60 $9,386,635.80 182,013.30 158,082.20 0.00 158,082.20

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Household composition 53 340,796.25 18,062,201 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 1,508,193.78 $27.60 $41,626,148.42 561,582.07 946,611.71 0.00 946,611.71

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Questionable Information 53 9,685.23 513,317 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.1002 51,434.36 $27.60 $1,419,588.43 29,302.09 22,132.28 0.00 22,132.28

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Newly certified households w/ dependent care 53 6,853.64 363,243 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0835 30,330.79 $27.60 $837,129.82 42,034.59 -11,703.80 0.00 -11,703.80

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Existing households w/ dependent care 53 12,415.09 658,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.0501 32,965.80 $27.60 $909,856.08 21,929.46 11,036.34 0.00 11,036.34

273.5(b)(5) Verification: Student Work Hours 53 25,552.32 1,354,273 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.1002 135,698.15 $27.60 $3,745,269.07 6,096.57 129,601.58 0.00 129,601.58

Recertification Application

273.14(b) Recertification application 53 276,542.47 14,656,751 0.25 3,664,187.75 $27.60 $101,131,581.90 3,654,910.50 9,277.25 0.00 9,277.25

Recertification Interview

273.14(b)(3) Interview: Recertification 53 276,542.47 14,656,751 Increased the burden estimate from 0.334 hours (20 minutes) to 0.50 hours (30 minutes) based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.50 7,328,375.50 $27.60 $202,263,163.80 4,882,960.43 2,445,415.07 0.00 2,445,415.07


273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Income (if source changed or amount changed by more than $50) 53 138,271.25 7,328,376 0.1002 734,303.28 $27.60 $20,266,770.40 732,444.06 1,859.21 0.00 1,859.21

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Social Security Number (if Social Security number is new) 53 2,765.43 146,568 0.1002 14,686.11 $27.60 $405,336.74 14,648.88 37.23 0.00 37.23

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Medical expenses (unreported and reoccurring expenses that have changed by more than $25) 53 5,530.85 293,135 0.1002 29,372.13 $27.60 $810,670.71 29,297.76 74.36 0.00 74.36

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Legal obligation to pay child support (if there were changes in obligation to pay) 53 2,670.85 141,555 0.1002 14,183.81 $27.60 $391,473.18 73,244.41 -59,060.60 0.00 -59,060.60

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Utility expenses (if has changed by more than $25) 53 115,734.02 6,133,903 0.1002 614,617.08 $27.60 $16,963,431.42 73,244.41 541,372.67 0.00 541,372.67

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Hours worked (Able-bodied Adults w/out Dependents) 53 54,037.74 2,864,000 0.1002 286,972.80 $27.60 $7,920,449.28 732,444.06 -445,471.26 0.00 -445,471.26

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Other information which has changed may be verified 53 222,504.74 11,792,751 0.1002 1,181,633.65 $27.60 $32,613,088.75 732,444.06 449,189.59 0.00 449,189.59

273.12(c)(4)(i) Recertification: Failure to Report Shelter Cost Change due to move notices 53 9,678.98 512,986 0.0334 17,133.73 $27.60 $472,891.01 0.00 17,133.73 0.00 17,133.73


273.21 Monthly Reports 1 91,000.00 91,000 0.1169 10,637.90 $27.60 $293,606.04 85,204.67 -74,566.77 0.00 -74,566.77

273.12(a)(4) Quarterly Reports 1 19,000.00 19,000 0.1336 2,538.40 $27.60 $70,059.84 231,573.69 -229,035.29 0.00 -229,035.29

273.12(a)(5) Simplified or Periodic Reports 51 227,921.57 11,624,000 0.1837 2,135,328.80 $27.60 $58,935,074.88 3,920,627.51 -1,785,298.71 0.00 -1,785,298.71

273.12(a)(1) Change Reports 26 360,230.77 9,366,000 0.1837 1,720,534.20 $27.60 $47,486,743.92 594,353.28 1,126,180.92 0.00 1,126,180.92

273.24(b)(7) Report of ABAWDs Change in Work Hours Below 20 Hours per Week 53 14,049.81 744,640 0.1837 136,790.37 $27.60 $3,775,414.16 0.00 136,790.37 0.00 136,790.37


273.10(g)(1)(i) & (ii) & (iii) Notice of Eligibility, Denial, or Pending Status 53 687,625.36 36,444,144 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 1,825,851.61 $27.60 $50,393,504.56 1,260,831.27 565,020.34 0.00 565,020.34

273.12(a)(4)(iii) & 273.12(a)(5)(iii)(D) Notice of Missing or Incomplete Report 53 1,009.17 53,486 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 2,679.65 $27.60 $73,958.30 2,035.46 644.18 0.00 644.18

273.2(h)(1)(i)(D) & 273.14(b)(3)(iii) Notice of Missed Interviews 53 39,068.15 2,070,612 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 103,737.66 $27.60 $2,863,159.45 39,399.49 64,338.17 0.00 64,338.17

273.14(b)(1) Notice of Expiration 53 365,751.11 19,384,809 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 971,178.93 $27.60 $26,804,538.49 737,706.17 233,472.76 0.00 233,472.76

273.13(a) Notice of Adverse Action 53 27,406.77 1,452,559 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 72,773.21 $27.60 $2,008,540.48 55,278.44 17,494.76 0.00 17,494.76

273.12(a)(4)(v) & 273.13(b) Adequate Notice 53 6,055.08 320,919 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 16,078.04 $27.60 $443,753.96 12,212.88 3,865.17 0.00 3,865.17

273.12(c)(3)(i) Request for Contact 53 9,044.23 479,344 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 24,015.13 $27.60 $662,817.71 55,278.44 -31,263.31 0.00 -31,263.31

273.11(o)(2) Notice of option to disqualify custodial parent for failure to cooperate 53 6,173.40 327,190 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 16,392.22 $27.60 $452,425.24 0.00 16,392.22 0.00 16,392.22

273.12(c)(3)(iii) Notice of Match Results 53 9,044.23 479,344 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 24,015.13 $27.60 $662,817.71 0.00 24,015.13 0.00 24,015.13

273.7(c)(1) Notice of Subject to Work Requirements 53 98,566.04 5,224,000 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 261,722.40 $27.60 $7,223,538.24 0.00 261,722.40 0.00 261,722.40

273.7(c)(2) Referral to E&T and Notice of Requirements 53 2,424.43 128,495 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 6,437.60 $27.60 $177,677.75 0.00 6,437.60 0.00 6,437.60

273.2(c)(5) Notice of Required Verification 53 617,338.72 32,718,952 All notices were increased to 0.0501 hours (3 minutes) for complexity and aligns with 4 decimal places required by PRAO. 0.0501 1,639,219.50 $27.60 $45,242,458.07 0.00 1,639,219.50 0.00 1,639,219.50


273.11(n)(3) & (4) Fleeing felon and probation or parole violators determination 53 12,346.77 654,379 0.0501 32,784.39 $27.60 $904,849.11 0.00 32,784.39 0.00 32,784.39

273.12(e)(3) Mass change in Federal benefits procedures 53 1.00 53 Based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 62 3,286.00 $27.60 $90,693.60 0.00 3,286.00 0.00 3,286.00

273.12(b)(4) Change Report Form 53 794,055.70 42,084,952 0.0167 702,818.70 $27.60 $19,397,796.08 0.00 702,818.70 0.00 702,818.70

State Agency Reporting Subtotal 53 7,389,511.23 391,644,095 0.1325937191 51,929,547.12 $27.60 $1,433,255,501 31,621,336 20,308,211 0.00 20,308,211

Local Agency Recordkeeping

272.1(f) Case Files 2,724 45,631.79 124,301,000.00 Changed from 0.03 to 0.0334 consistent with OMB Conversion of Minutes to Decimals 0.0334 4,151,653.40 $30.00 $124,549,602.00 3,815,769.12 335,884.28 0.00 335,884.28

272.4(e) Monitoring Duplicate Participation 2,724 15,006.53 40,877,796.00 Increased the burden estimate from 0.0042 hours (less than 1 minute) to 0.0167 hours (1 minute) based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.0167 682,659.19 $30.00 $20,479,775.80 194,066.68 488,592.52 0.00 488,592.52

Local Agency Recordkeeping Subtotal 2,724 60,638.324522761 165,178,796.00 0.0293 4,834,312.59 $30.00 $145,029,377.80 4,009,835.80 824,476.79 0.00 824,476.79

State, Local, and Tribal Government Reporting and Recordkeeping Subotal 2,777 200,512.38 556,822,891.00 0.10 56,763,859.7143 $27.80 $1,578,284,878.34 35,631,171.53 21,132,688.19 0.00 21,132,688.19

Affected Public: Individuals/Household

Individuals/Household Reporting


273.2 New application 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.3173 5,731,136.38 $7.25 $41,550,738.74 3,556,686.46 2,174,449.92 0.00 2,174,449.92


273.2(e)(1) Initial interview 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 Increased the burden estimate from 0.5 hours (30 minutes) to 0.6346 hours (38 minutes) based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.6346 11,462,272.75 $7.25 $83,101,477.47 5,604,611.50 5,857,661.25 0.00 5,857,661.25

273.2(e)(1) Initial interview travel 4,430,351 1.00 4,430,351 2 8,860,702.00 $7.25 $64,240,089.50 4,483,689.20 4,377,012.80 0.00 4,377,012.80


273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Income 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.0668 1,206,555.03 $7.25 $8,747,523.94 748,776.10 457,778.93 0.00 457,778.93

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Identity 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.0668 1,206,555.03 $7.25 $8,747,523.94 748,776.10 457,778.93 0.00 457,778.93

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Alien Eligibility 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.0668 1,206,555.03 $7.25 $8,747,523.94 748,776.10 457,778.93 0.00 457,778.93

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Social Security Number 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.0668 1,206,555.03 $7.25 $8,747,523.94 748,776.10 457,778.93 0.00 457,778.93

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Medical expenses (if claimed and to receive income deduction) 1,117,000 1.00 1,117,000 0.0668 74,615.60 $7.25 $540,963.10 46,492.80 28,122.80 0.00 28,122.80

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Residency 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.0668 1,206,555.03 $7.25 $8,747,523.94 748,776.10 457,778.93 0.00 457,778.93

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Utility expenses (if the State agency does not utilize a standard utility allowance and the applicant wishes to claim expenses) 13,693,000 1.00 13,693,000 0.0668 914,692.40 $7.25 $6,631,519.90 865,661.20 49,031.20 0.00 49,031.20

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Hours worked (Able-bodied Adults w/out Dependents) 2,864,000 1.00 2,864,000 Hourly burden increased for complexity. 0.1002 286,972.80 $7.25 $2,080,552.80 247,440.03 39,532.77 0.00 39,532.77

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Legal obligation to pay child support and actual child support payments 316,000 1.00 316,000 0.0668 21,108.80 $7.25 $153,038.80 24,315.20 -3,206.40 0.00 -3,206.40

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Disability 4,073,000 1.00 4,073,000 0.0668 272,076.40 $7.25 $1,972,553.90 242,684.40 29,392.00 0.00 29,392.00

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Household composition 18,062,201 1.00 18,062,201 0.0668 1,206,555.03 $7.25 $8,747,523.94 748,776.10 457,778.93 0.00 457,778.93

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Questionable Information 513,317 1.00 513,317 0.0668 34,289.58 $7.25 $248,599.42 39,069.45 -4,779.87 0.00 -4,779.87

273.2(f)(1) & (2) Verification: Student Work Hours 1,354,273 1.00 1,354,273 0.0668 90,465.44 $7.25 $655,874.41 8,128.76 82,336.68 0.00 82,336.68

273.9(d)(4) and 273.10(e)(1)(i)(E) Verification: Newly certified households w/ dependent care 363,243 1.00 363,243 0.0835 30,330.79 $7.25 $219,898.23 42,118.66 -11,787.86 0.00 -11,787.86

273.9(d)(4) and 273.10(e)(1)(i)(E) Verification: Existing households w/ dependent care 658,000 1.00 658,000 0.0334 21,977.20 $7.25 $159,334.70 21,973.32 3.88 0.00 3.88

Recertification Application

273.14 Recertification application 14,656,751 1.00 14,656,751 0.25 3,664,187.75 $7.25 $26,565,361.19 3,654,910.50 9,277.25 0.00 9,277.25

Recertification Interview

273.14(b)(3) Recertification interview 14,656,751 1.00 14,656,751 Increased the burden estimate from 0.334 hours (20 minutes) to 0.50 hours (30 minutes) based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.50 7,328,375.50 $7.25 $53,130,722.38 4,882,960.43 2,445,415.07 0.00 2,445,415.07

273.14(b)(3) Recertification travel time 2,931,350 1.00 2,931,350 2 5,862,700.00 $7.25 $42,504,575.00 5,847,856.80 14,843.20 0.00 14,843.20


273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Income (if source changed or amount changed by more than $50) 7,328,376 1.00 7,328,376 0.1002 734,303.28 $7.25 $5,323,698.75 732,444.06 1,859.21 0.00 1,859.21

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Social Security Number (if Social Security number is new) 146,568 1.00 146,568 0.1002 14,686.11 $7.25 $106,474.32 14,648.88 37.23 0.00 37.23

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Medical expenses (unreported and reoccurring expenses that have changed by more than $25) 293,135 1.00 293,135 0.1002 29,372.13 $7.25 $212,947.92 29,297.76 74.36 0.00 74.36

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Legal obligation to pay child support (if there were changes in obligation to pay) 141,555 1.00 141,555 0.1002 14,183.81 $7.25 $102,832.63 73,244.41 -59,060.60 0.00 -59,060.60

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Utility expenses (if has changed by more than $25) 6,133,903 1.00 6,133,903 0.1002 614,617.08 $7.25 $4,455,973.83 73,244.41 541,372.67 0.00 541,372.67

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Hours worked (Able-bodied Adults w/out Dependents) 2,864,000 1.00 2,864,000 0.1002 286,972.80 $7.25 $2,080,552.80 732,444.06 -445,471.26 0.00 -445,471.26

273.2(f)(8)(i) Recertification: Other information which has changed may be verified 11,792,751 1.00 11,792,751 0.1002 1,181,633.65 $7.25 $8,566,843.96 732,444.06 449,189.59 0.00 449,189.59

273.12(c)(4)(i) Failure to Report Shelter Cost Change due to move notices 512,986 1.00 512,986 0.0167 8,566.87 $7.25 $62,109.78 0.00 8,566.87 0.00 8,566.87


273.21 Monthly Report 91,000 11.00 1,001,000 0.1169 117,016.90 $7.25 $848,372.53 937,251.36 -820,234.46 0.00 -820,234.46

273.12(a)(4) Quarterly Report 19,000 3.00 57,000 0.1336 7,615.20 $7.25 $55,210.20 694,721.07 -687,105.87 0.00 -687,105.87

273.12(a)(5) Simplified or Periodic Report 11,624,000 1.066 12,391,984 0.167 2,069,461.32 $7.25 $15,003,594.54 3,356,208.35 -1,286,747.04 0.00 -1,286,747.04

273.12(a)(1) Change Report 9,366,000 1.00 9,366,000 0.167 1,564,122.00 $7.25 $11,339,884.50 540,321.15 1,023,800.85 0.00 1,023,800.85

273.24(b)(7) Report of ABAWDs Change in Work Hours Below 20 Hours per Week 744,640 1.00 744,640 0.167 124,354.88 $7.25 $901,572.88 0.00 124,354.88 0.00 124,354.88


273.10(g)(1)(i) & (ii) & (iii) Notice of Eligibility, Denial, or Pending Status 29,155,315 1.00 29,155,315 0.0835 2,434,468.80 $7.25 $17,649,898.82 0.00 2,434,468.80 0.00 2,434,468.80

273.12(a)(4)(iii) & 273.12(a)(5)(iii)(D) Notice of Missing or Incomplete Report 42,789 1.00 42,789 0.0835 3,572.88 $7.25 $25,903.39 0.00 3,572.88 0.00 3,572.88

273.2(h)(1)(i)(D) & 273.14(b)(3)(iii) Notice of Missed Interviews 1,656,490 1.00 1,656,490 0.0835 138,316.92 $7.25 $1,002,797.63 35,459.54 102,857.37 0.00 102,857.37

273.14(b)(1) Notice of Expiration 15,507,847 1.00 15,507,847 0.0835 1,294,905.22 $7.25 $9,388,062.88 0.00 1,294,905.22 0.00 1,294,905.22

273.13(a) Notice of Adverse Action 1,162,047 1.00 1,162,047 0.0835 97,030.92 $7.25 $703,474.20 1,381.98 95,648.95 0.00 95,648.95

273.12(a)(4)(v) & 273.13(b) Adequate Notice 256,735 1.00 256,735 0.0835 21,437.37 $7.25 $155,420.95 244.25 21,193.12 0.00 21,193.12

273.12(c)(3)(i) Request for Contact 383,475 1.00 383,475 0.0835 32,020.16 $7.25 $232,146.18 44,222.74 -12,202.57 0.00 -12,202.57

273.11(o)(2) Notice of option to disqualify custodial parent for failure to cooperate 327,190 1.00 327,190 0.0835 27,320.37 $7.25 $198,072.65 0.00 27,320.37 0.00 27,320.37

273.12(c)(3)(iii) Notice of Match Results 383,475 1.00 383,475 0.0835 32,020.16 $7.25 $232,146.18 0.00 32,020.16 0.00 32,020.16

273.7(c)(1) Notice of Subject to Work Requirements 4,179,200 1.00 4,179,200 0.0835 348,963.20 $7.25 $2,529,983.20 0.00 348,963.20 0.00 348,963.20

273.7(c)(2) Referral to E&T and Notice of Requirements 102,796 1.00 102,796 0.0835 8,583.47 $7.25 $62,230.13 0.00 8,583.47 0.00 8,583.47

273.2(c)(5) Notice of Required Verification 26,175,162 1.00 26,175,162 0.0835 2,185,626.03 $7.25 $15,845,788.70 0.00 2,185,626.03 0.00 2,185,626.03


273.11(n)(3) & (4) Fleeing felon and probation or parole violators determination 654,379 1.00 654,379 0.0501 32,784.39 $7.25 $237,686.81 0.00 32,784.39 0.00 32,784.39

273.12(b)(4) Change Report Form 42,084,952 1.00 42,084,952 Based on feedback received through limited consultations with State agencies. 0.05 2,104,247.60 $7.25 $15,255,795.10 0.00 2,104,247.60 0.00 2,104,247.60

Individuals/Household Reporting Subotal 19,699,000 19.3395803811 380,970,394 0.1770 67,423,437.06 $7.25 $488,819,918.66 42,058,833.37 25,364,603.69 0.00 25,364,603.69

TOTAL REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING BURDEN 19,701,777 47.60 937,793,285 0.1324 124,187,297 $16.65 $2,067,104,797.00 77,690,005 46,497,292 0.00 46,497,291.88

Sheet 4: Burden_Type Act

FNS SNAP Forms ICR Total Burden Estimate (OMB Control No. 0584-0064)

Number of Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses Estimated Average Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Hourly Cost to Respondent Cost to Respondents Previously Approved Burden Hours Change in Burden Hours due to an Adjustment Change in Burden Hours due to Program Change Total Burden Hour Difference

A B C = A x B D E = C x D F G = E x F H I = E - H J K
Total Reporting Burden 19,699,053 39.22 772,614,488.93 0.15 119,352,984.18 $34.85 $1,922,075,419.20 73,680,169.10 45,672,815.08 0.00 45,672,815.08
Total Recordkeeping Burden 2,724 60,638.32 165,178,796.00 0.03 4,834,312.59 $30.00 $145,029,377.80 4,009,835.80 824,476.79 0.00 824,476.79
Total Burden for #0584-0064 This estimate is the total number of respondents. If there are respondents that conduct both reporting and recordkeeping activities, the respondent should be counted once. 19,701,777 47.60 937,793,284.93 0.13 124,187,296.77 $16.65 $2,067,104,797.00 77,690,004.89 46,497,291.88 0.00 46,497,291.88

Sheet 5: Burden_Type Act and Resp

FNS SNAP Forms ICR Total Burden Estimate (OMB Control No. 0584-0064)
Respondent Estimated Number of Respondent Responses Annually per Respondent Total Annual Responses Estimated Avgerage Number of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Hourly Wage Rates Total Annual Cost to Respondents
Reporting Burden

State/Local/Tribal Governments 53 7,389,511.23 391,644,095.00 0.13 51,929,547.12 $27.60 $716,627,750.27 $1,433,255,500.54
Households 19,699,000 19.34 380,970,393.93 0.18 67,423,437.06 $7.25 $488,819,918.66
 Total Estimated Reporting Burden 19,699,053 39.22 772,614,488.93 0.15 119,352,984.18
$- $-
Recordkeeping Burden
$- $-
State/Local/Tribal Governments 2,724 60,638.32 165,178,796.00 0.03 4,834,312.59 $30.00 $145,029,377.80
 Total Estimated Recordkeeping Burden 2,724 60,638.32 165,178,796.00 0.03 4,834,312.59
$- $-
TOTAL REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING BURDEN FOR #0584-0064 19,701,777 47.60 937,793,284.93 0.13 124,187,296.77
$- $-

$1,350,477,046.72 $2,700,954,093.45
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