OMB 0584-0064 Appendix F Burden Narrative_10.19.2020_Clean

OMB 0584-0064 Appendix F Burden Narrative_10.19.2020_Clean.docx

SNAP Forms: Applications, Periodic Reporting, Notices

OMB 0584-0064 Appendix F Burden Narrative_10.19.2020_Clean.docx

OMB: 0584-0064

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Appendix F: Estimates of the Hour Burden of the Collection of Information – Narrative

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Forms: Applications, Periodic Reporting, Notices

(OMB Control Number 0584-0064)


    7 CFR Part 273—Certification of Eligible Households

  1. Application to Participate in SNAP

The SNAP regulations require that each applicant household complete and file an application, either in paper or electronic form. The application contains detailed information about each household member and their income, employment, shelter expenses, medical expenses (if applicable) and resources that are necessary to determine if the applicant household is entitled to assistance. The application process also includes the verification of the information provided on the application and an interview where the State agency asks a series of questions and collects more information. The burdens associated with the application process activities are included below.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2, Initial application. State agencies must review each initial application submitted by SNAP applicants. Based on the National Data Bank (Total Initial Applications Report), the number of initial applications for Fiscal Year 2018 is estimated to be 18,062,201.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 340,796.25 initial applications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 19 minutes (0.3173 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 5,731,136.38 (18,062,201 x 0.3173 = 5,731,136.38). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the initial application activity has increased from 3,556,686.46 hours to 5,731,136.38 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2(e)(1), Initial Interview (telephone). State agencies must conduct telephone or in person interview with applicant households for each SNAP application received.

FNS estimates that 40 State agencies utilize the option of telephone interviews. Each of these State agencies will conduct 340,796.25 telephone interviews annually, for a total of 13,631,850 responses (40 x 340,796.25 = 13,631,850). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 38 minutes (0.6346 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 8,650,772.01 (13,631,850 x 0.6346 = 8,650,772.01). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the initial telephone interview activity has increased from 4,229,815.44 hours to 8,650,772.01 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of initial applications and (2) an increase in the estimated average burden per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(e)(1), Initial Interview (in-person). State agencies must conduct telephone or in person interview with applicant households for each SNAP application received.

FNS estimates that 13 State agencies will continue to conduct in-person interviews. Each of these State agencies will conduct 340,796.23 telephone interviews annually, for a total of 4,430,351 responses (13 x 340,796.23 = 4,430,351). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 38 minutes (0.6346 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,811,500.74 (4,430,351 x 0.6346 = 2,811,500.74). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the initial in-person interview activity has increased from 1,374,716.03 hours to 2,811,500.74 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of initial applications and (2) an increase in the estimated average burden per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Income. State agencies must verify the income of all household applicants to determine household eligibility for SNAP and the correct benefit amount.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each conduct 340,796.25 verifications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,508,193.78 (18,062,201 x 0.0835 = 1,508,193.78). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the income verification activity has increased from 561,582.07 hours to 1,508,193.78 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Identity. State agencies must verify the identity of all household applicants.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each conduct 340,796.25 verifications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,508,193.78 (18,062,201 x 0.0835 = 1,508,193.78). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the identity verification activity has increased from 561,582.07 hours to 1,508,193.78 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Alien Eligibility. State agencies must verify the citizenship and immigration status of all household applicants.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each conduct 340,796.25 verifications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,508,193.78 (18,062,201 x 0.0835 = 1,508,193.78). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the alien eligibility verification activity has increased from 561,582.07 hours to 1,508,193.78 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Social Security. State agencies must verify the Social Security Numbers of all household applicants.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each conduct 340,796.25 verifications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,508,193.78 (18,062,201 x 0.0835 = 1,508,193.78). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the Social Security verification activity has increased from 561,582.07 hours to 1,508,193.78 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Medical Expenses. State agencies must verify medical expenses for those household applicants that claim a medical expense deduction. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of medical expense verifications is estimated to be 1,117,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 21,075.47 verifications annually, for a total of 1,117,000 responses (53 x 21,075.47 = 1,117,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 93,269.50 (1,117,000 x 0.0835 = 93,269.50). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the medical expense verification activity has increased from 34,869.61 hours to 93,269.50 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications requiring medical expense verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Residency. State agencies must verify the residency of all SNAP applicants.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each conduct 340,796.25 verifications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,508,193.78 (18,062,201 x 0.0835 = 1,508,193.78). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the residency verification activity has increased from 561,582.07 hours to 1,508,193.78 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Utility Expenses. State agencies must verify utility expenses if the State agency does not utilize a standard utility allowance and the household applicant wishes to claim expenses. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of utility expense verifications is estimated to be 13,693,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 258,358.49 verifications annually, for a total of 13,693,000 responses (53 x 258,358.49 = 13,693,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,143,365.50 (13,693,000 x 0.0835 = 1,143,365.50). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the utility expense verification activity has increased from 649,245.90 hours to 1,143,365.50 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications requiring utility expense verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Hours Worked (Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents [ABAWD]). State agencies must verify hours worked for any ABAWDs included in household applications. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of hours worked ABAWD verifications is estimated to be 2,864,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 54,037.74 verifications annually, for a total of 2,864,000 responses (53 x 54,037.74 = 2,864,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 239,144.00 (2,864,000 x 0.0835 = 239,144.00). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the hours worked ABAWD verification activity has increased from 185,580.03 hours to 239,144.00 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications requiring hours worked ABAWD verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Legal Obligation to Pay Child Support. State agencies must verify a household's legal obligation to pay child support, the amount of the obligation, and the monthly amount of child support the household actually pays. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of child support verifications is estimated to be 316,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 5,962.26 verifications annually, for a total of 316,000 responses (53 x 5,962.26 = 316,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 26,386.00 (316,000 x 0.0835 = 26,386.00). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the child support verification activity has increased from 18,236.40 hours to 26,386.00 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications requiring child support verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Disability. State agencies must verify disability status for those household applicants that claim it. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of disability verifications is estimated to be 4,073,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 76,849.06 verifications annually, for a total of 4,073,000 responses (53 x 76,849.06 = 4,073,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 340,095.50 (4,073,000 x 0.0835 = 340,095.50). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the disability verification activity has increased from 182,013.30 hours to 340,095.50 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications requiring child support verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Household Composition. State agencies must verify the household composition of all SNAP household applicants.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each conduct 340,796.25 verifications annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (53 x 340,796.25 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,508,193.78 (18,062,201 x 0.0835 = 1,508,193.78). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the household composition verification activity has increased from 561,582.07 hours to 1,508,193.78 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Questionable Information. State agencies may verify any questionable information that could impact household SNAP eligibility or benefit level. Based on data from the Food Program and Reporting System (FPRS), the number of questionable information verifications is estimated to be 513,317.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 9,685.23 verifications annually, for a total of 513,317 responses (53 x 9,685.23 = 513,317). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 51,434.36 (513,317 x 0.1002 = 51,434.36). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the questionable information verification activity has increased from 29,302.09 hours to 51,434.36 hours due to an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Newly Certified Households with Dependent Care. State agencies must verify the dependent care expenses of any household applicants that choose to deduct the entire amount of their monthly dependent care expenses when determining income. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of newly certified households with dependent care verifications is estimated to be 363,243.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 6,853.64 verifications annually, for a total of 363,243 responses (53 x 6,853.64 = 363,243). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 30,330.79 (363,243 x 0.0835 = 30,330.79). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has decreased from 42,034.59 hours to 30,330.79 hours due to a reduction in the number of estimated verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Existing Households with Dependent Care. State agencies must verify the dependent care expenses of any household applicants that choose to deduct the entire amount of their monthly dependent care expenses when determining income. Based on Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of existing households with dependent care verifications is estimated to be 658,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 12,415.09 verifications annually, for a total of 658,000 responses (53 x 12,415.09 = 658,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 3 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 32,965.80 (658,000 x 0.0501 = 32,965.80). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 21,929.46 hours to 32,965.80 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of estimated verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.5(b)(5), Verification of Student Work Hours. State agencies may require verification of student work hours to determine if student SNAP applicants meet work requirements under section 273.5(b)(5). Based on data from a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of student SNAP participation, the number of student work hour verifications is estimated to be 1,354,273.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 25,552.32 verifications annually, for a total of 1,354,273 responses (53 x 25,552.32 = 1,354,273). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 135,698.15 (1,354,273 x 0.1002 = 135,698.15). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the student work hour verification activity has increased from 6,096.57 hours to 135,698.15 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of student work hour verifications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. SNAP Recertification Application

The SNAP regulations require that all households participating in SNAP must be assigned certification periods of a definite length. According to section 273.14(b), to continue participating in SNAP, ongoing households must apply for recertification prior to the end of their current certification periods. The recertification form and process is similar to the initial application and is completed and used in the same manner. However, verification requirements are reduced, and States are permitted under Federal regulations to use a simplified version of the initial application.

Recertification Application

  1. 7 CFR 273.14(b), Recertification application. State agencies must review each application for recertification submitted by SNAP households. Based on 2018 National Data Bank data, the number of recertification applications is estimated to be 14,656,751.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 276,542.47 recertification applications annually, for a total of 14,656,751 responses (53 x 276,542.47 = 14,656,751). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 15 minutes (0.25 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 3,664,187.75 (14,656,751 x 0.25 = 3,664,187.75). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification application review activity has increased from 3,654,910.50 hours to 3,664,187.75 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of recertification applications.

Recertification Interview

  1. 7 CFR 273.14(b)(3), Recertification interview. State agencies must conduct an in-person or telephone interview with households for each SNAP recertification application received. Based on 2018 National Data Bank data, the number of recertification interviews is estimated to be 14,656,751. All States have the option to utilize telephone interview in the place of an in-person interview. FNS estimates that a State agency employee can conduct either a telephone or an in-person recertification interview in the same amount of time.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each conduct 276,542.47 recertification interviews annually, for a total of 14,656,751 responses (53 x 276,542.47 = 14,656,751). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 30 minutes (0.5 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 7,328,375.50 (14,656,751 x 0.5 = 7,328,375.50). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification interview activity has increased from 4,882,960.43 hours to 7,328,375.50 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the estimated number of recertification applications and (2) an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Income. State agencies must recertify the income of applicants upon application if the source of income has changed or it has changed by more than $50. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of income recertifications is estimated to be 7,328,376.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 138,271.25 recertifications annually, for a total of 7,328,376 responses (53 x 138,271.25 = 7,328,376). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 734,303.28 (7,328,376 x 0.1002 = 734,303.28). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of income activity has increased from 732,444.06 hours to 734,303.28 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of income recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Social Security. State agencies must verify the Social Security Number of household applicants upon recertification if the number has changed. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of Social Security recertifications is estimated to be 146,568.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 2,765.43 recertifications annually, for a total of 146,568 responses (53 x 2,765.43 = 146,568). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 14,686.11 (146,568 x 0.1002 = 14,686.11). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of Social Security activity has increased from 14,648.88 hours to 14,686.11 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of Social Security recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Medical Expenses. State agencies must recertify medical expenses claimed by household applicants if the reported figure has changed by more than $25. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of medical expense recertifications is estimated to be 293,135.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 5,530.85 recertifications annually, for a total of 293,135 responses (53 x 5,530.85 = 293,135). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 29,372.13 (293,135 x 0.1002 = 29,372.13). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of medical expenses activity has increased from 29,297.76 hours to 29,372.13 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of medical expense recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Legal Obligation to Pay Child Support. State agencies must recertify child support payments claimed by household applicants if the applicant has claimed a change in obligation to pay. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of child support recertifications is estimated to be 141,555.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 2,670.85 recertifications annually, for a total of 141,555 responses (53 x 2,670.85 = 141,555). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 14,183.81 (141,555 x 0.1002 = 14,183.81). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of child support activity has decreased from 73,244.41 hours to 14,183.81 hours due to a decrease in the estimated number of child support recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Utility Expenses. State agencies must recertify utility expenses claimed by household applicants if the reported figure has changed by more than $25. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of utility expense recertifications is estimated to be 6,133,903.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 115,734.02 recertifications annually, for a total of 6,133,903 responses (53 x 115,734.02 = 6,133,903). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 614,617.08 (6,133,903 x 0.1002 = 614,617.08). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of utility expenses activity has increased from 73,244.41 hours to 614,617.08 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of utility expense recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Hours Worked (Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents [ABAWD]). State agencies must recertify hours worked by applicants if the household contains ABAWD members. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of hours worked ABAWD recertifications is estimated to be 2,864,000.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 54,037.74 recertifications annually, for a total of 2,864,000 responses (53 x 54,037.74 = 2,864,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 286,972.80 (2,864,000 x 0.1002 = 286,972.80). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of hours worked ABAWD activity has decreased from 732,444.06 hours to 286,972.80 hours due to a decrease in the estimated number of hours worked ABAWD recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Other Information. State agencies can recertify any questionable information that could impact household SNAP eligibility or benefit level. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of recertifications is estimated to be 11,792,751.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 222,504.74 recertifications annually, for a total of 11,792,751 responses (53 x 222,504.74 = 11,792,751). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,181,633.65 (11,792,751 x 0.1002 = 1,181,633.65). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification of other information activity has increased from 732,444.06 hours to 1,181,633.65 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of other information recertifications.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(c)(4)(i), Failure to Report Shelter Cost Change due to Move Notices. State agencies must send a one-time notification to households that have changed their address and have not provided updated information about their shelter costs that their allotment will be recalculated without any new deductions. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the number of recertifications is estimated to be 512,986.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each send 9,678.98 notices annually, for a total of 512,986 responses (53 x 9,678.98 = 512,986). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.0334 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 17,133.73 (512,986 x 0.0334 = 17,133.73). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 512,986 total annual responses and 17,133.73 burden hours.


  1. 7 CFR 273.21, Monthly Reports. State agencies may require affected households to submit monthly reports with the information necessary to determine eligibility and benefits. Based on an analysis, only one State agency uses monthly reporting. This State agency reviews a total of 91,000 monthly reports annually.

FNS estimates that the one State agency that receives monthly reports, reviews a total of 91,000 monthly reports each year. The estimated average burden per response is approximately 7 minutes (0.1169 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 10,637.90 (91,000 x 0.1169 = 10,637.90). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the review of monthly reports has decreased from 85,204.67 hours to 10,637.90 hours for two reasons: (1) a decrease in the number of States that use monthly reporting and (2) a decrease in the number of monthly reports.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(4), Quarterly Reports. State agencies may require affected households to submit quarterly reports with the information necessary to determine eligibility and benefits. Based on an analysis, only one State agency uses quarterly reporting. This State agency reviews a total of 19,000 quarterly reports annually.

FNS estimates that the one State agency that receives quarterly reports, reviews a total of 19,000 quarterly reports each year. The estimated average burden per response is approximately 8 minutes (0.1336 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,538.40 (19,000 x 0.1336 = 2,538.40). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the review of quarterly reports has decreased from 231,573.69 hours to 2,538.40 hours for two reasons: (1) a decrease in the number of States that use quarterly reporting and (2) a decrease in the number of quarterly reports.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(5), Simplified or Periodic Reports. State agencies may institute periodic or simplified reporting, which requires that SNAP households report changes periodically and when total countable income rises above 130 percent of the federal poverty level or when work hours for ABAWDs fall below 20 hours per week. Based on an analysis, 51 State agencies use simplified or periodic reporting. Collectively, these State agencies review a total of 11,624,000 simplified or periodic reports annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 51 State agencies will each review 227,921.57 reports annually, for a total of 11,624,000 responses (51 x 227,921.57 = 11,624,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 11 minutes (0.1837 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,135,328.80 (11,624,000 x 0.1837 = 2,135,328.80). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the review of reports has decreased from 3,920,627.51 hours to 2,135,328.80 hours due to a reduction in the estimated number of simplified or periodic reports.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(1), Change Reports. State agencies also can subject households to a reporting system commonly referred to as change or incident reporting. Households assigned to change reporting must report most changes in household circumstances within 10 days from the date that the change becomes known to the household. Based on an analysis, 26 State agencies require change reports. Collectively, these State agencies review a total of 9,366,000 change reports annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 26 State agencies will each review 360,230.77 reports annually, for a total of 9,366,000 responses (26 x 360,230.77 = 9,366,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 11 minutes (0.1837 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,720,534.20 (9,366,000 x 0.1837 = 1,720,534.20). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the review of reports has increased from 594,353.28 hours to 1,720,534.20 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of change reports.

  1. *7 CFR 273.2(b)(7), Report of ABAWDs Change in Work Hours Below 20 Hours per Week. State agencies require participating households to report when any member subject to ABAWD requirements has had a reduction in work hours below an average of 20 hours per week, averaged monthly. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of reports reviewed by State agencies is estimated to be 744,640 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each review 14,049.81 reports annually, for a total of 744,640 responses (53 x 14,049.81 = 744,640). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 11 minutes (0.1837 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 136,790.37 (744,640 x 0.1837 = 136,790.37). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 744,640 total annual responses and 136,790.37 burden hours.


  1. 7 CFR 273.10(g)(1)(i) & (ii) & (iii), Notice of Eligibility, Denial, or Pending Status. State agencies issue this notice to households to advise them of the disposition of their application for initial certification or recertification. If the application is denied, the notice contains the reason(s) for the denial and advises the household of its right to appeal. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 36,444,144 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 687,625.36 notices annually, for a total of 36,444,144 responses (53 x 687,625.36 = 36,444,144). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,825,851.61 (36,444,144 x 0.0501 = 1,825,851.61). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has increased from 1,260,831.27 hours to 1,825,851.61 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in caseload and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(4)(iii) & 273.12(a)(5)(iii)(D), Notice of Missing or Incomplete Report. State agencies issue this notice to advise ongoing households when they have failed to submit the required monthly, quarterly or semiannual report altogether or, if the household submitted the report, that some of the information required to be included in such reports was not provided. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 53,486 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 1,009.17 notices annually, for a total of 53,486 responses (53 x 1,009.17 = 53,486). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,679.65 (53,486 x 0.0501 = 2,679.65). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has increased from 2,035.46 hours to 2,679.65 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in caseload and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(h)(1)(i)(D) & 273.14(b)(3)(iii), Notice of Missed Interviews. State agencies issue this notice to households that fail to appear for their scheduled initial or recertification interview, or in the case of households subject to telephone interviews, fail to contact the State agency or receive telephone calls initiated by the local office. The household may respond to the notice by requesting that the interview be rescheduled. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 2,070,612 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 39,068.15 notices annually, for a total of 2,070,612 responses (53 x 39,068.15 = 2,070,612). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 103,737.66 (2,070,612 x 0.0501 = 103,737.66). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has increased from 39,399.49 hours to 103,737.66 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in caseload and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.14(b)(1), Notice of Expiration. State agencies are required to distribute this notice to currently participating households at least 30 days prior to the expiration of their current certification period. The notice is usually accompanied by the application for recertification. The notice advises the household that its certification period is expiring and that to continue receiving assistance the household must file its application for recertification in a timely manner. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 19,384,809 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 365,751.11 notices annually, for a total of 19,384,809 responses (53 x 365,751.11 = 19,384,809). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 971,178.93 (19,384,809 x 0.0501 = 971,178.93). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has increased from 737,706.17 hours to 971,178.93 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in caseload and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.13(a), Notice of Adverse Action. State agencies issue this notice to participating households whose benefits will be reduced or terminated as the result of a change in household circumstances. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 1,452,559 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 27,406.77 notices annually, for a total of 1,452,559 responses (53 x 27,406.77 = 1,452,559). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 72,773.21 (1,452,559 x 0.0501 = 72,773.21). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has increased from 55,278.44 hours to 72,773.21 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in caseload and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(4)(v) & 273.13(b), Adequate Notice. State agencies issue this notice to households when the household’s benefits are reduced or terminated based on information reported by the household itself. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 320,919 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 6,055.08 notices annually, for a total of 320,919 responses (53 x 6,055.08 = 320,919). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 16,078.04 (320,919 x 0.0501 = 16,078.04). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has increased from 12,212.88 hours to 16,078.04 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in caseload and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(c)(3)(i), Request for Contact. State agencies issue this notice to contact households when the State agency receives information regarding a potential change in a household’s eligibility or benefits and such information is not sufficient for the State agency to determine exactly how a household’s status would be affected. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 479,344 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 9,044.23 notices annually, for a total of 479,344 responses (53 x 9,044.23 = 479,344). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 24,015.13 (479,344 x 0.0501 = 24,015.13). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the notification activity has decreased from 55,278.44 hours to 24,015.13 hours due to a reduction in the number of notices.

  1. *7 CFR 273.11(o)(2), Notice of Option to Disqualify Custodial Parent for Failure to Cooperate. State agencies issue this notice to inform custodial parents of a right to good cause for non-cooperation prior to requiring cooperation from a parent. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 327,190 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 6,173.40 notices annually, for a total of 327,190 responses (53 x 6,173.40 = 327,190). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 16,392.22 (327,190 x 0.0501 = 16,392.22). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 327,190 total annual responses and 16,392.22 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(c)(3)(iii), Notice of Match Results. State agencies must issue this notice to a household if the State agency receives match information related to a Prison Verification System notification or a deceased individual. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 479,344 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 9,044.23 notices annually, for a total of 479,344 responses (53 x 9,044.23 = 479,344). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 24,015.13 (479,344 x 0.0501 = 24,015.13). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 479,344 total annual responses and 24,015.13 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.7(c)(1), Notice of Subject to Work Requirements. State agencies issue this notice to each eligible household member, under the work provision requirements of 7 CFR 273.7, explaining work requirements, the rights and responsibilities of eligible members, and the consequences for failing to comply with work requirements. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 5,224,000 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 98,566.04 notices annually, for a total of 5,224,000 responses (53 x 98,566.04 = 5,224,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 261,722.40 (5,224,000 x 0.0501 = 261,722.40). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 5,224,000 total annual responses and 261,722.40 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.7(c)(2), Referral to Employment & Training (E&T) and Notice of Requirements. State agencies issue this notice to screen work registrants to determine whether to refer individuals to an E&T program component. State agencies must inform the participant, either orally or in writing, of the requirements of the component, what will constitute noncompliance and the sanctions for noncompliance. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 128,495 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 2,424.43 notices annually, for a total of 128,495 responses (53 x 2,424.43 = 128,495). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501) hours, resulting in estimated total burden hours of 6,437.60 (128,495 x 0.0501 = 6,437.60). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 128,495 total annual responses and 6,437.60 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.2(c)(5), Notice of Required Verification. State agencies must provide each household, at the time of application for certification and recertification, with a notice of all verification requirements the household must meet. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 32,718,952 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each issue 617,338.72 notices annually, for a total of 32,718,952 responses (53 x 617,338.72 = 32,718,952). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,639,219.50 (32,718,952 x 0.0501 = 1,639,219.50). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 32,718,952 total annual responses and 1,639,219.50 burden hours.


  1. *7 CFR 273.11(n)(3) & (4), Fleeing Felon and Probation or Parole Violators Determination. State agencies must send a request for information to a law enforcement agency about the conditions of a felony warrant or a probation or parole violation for a SNAP participant, and verify if a law enforcement agency has taken any action following the initial request for information. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of requests is estimated to be 654,379 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each send 12,346.77 requests annually, for a total of 654,379 responses (53 x 12,346.77 = 654,379). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 32,784.39 (654,379 x 0.0501 = 32,784.39). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 654,379 total annual responses and 32,784.39 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(e)(3), Mass Change in Federal Benefits Procedures. State agencies must establish procedures for making mass changes to reflect cost of living adjustments in benefits and any other mass changes under Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each establish procedures once annually for a total of 53 responses (53 x 1 = 53). The estimated average burden per response is 62 hours, resulting in estimated total burden hours of 3,286.00 (53 x 62 = 3,286.00). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 53 total annual responses and 3,286.00 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(b)(4), Change Report Form. State agencies must provide households with a change report form upon initial application, recertification, and when any household submits a change report. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of report forms is estimated to be 42,084,952 annually.

FNS estimates that, on average, 53 State agencies will each provide 794,055.70 report forms annually, for a total of 42,084,952 responses (53 x 794,055.70 = 42,084,952). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 1 minute (0.0167 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 702,818.70 (42,084,952 x 0.0167 = 702,818.70). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 42,084,952 total annual responses and 702,818.70 burden hours.

    7 CFR Part 273.2(b)(4)—Certification of Eligible Households

During the agency review process, FNS discovered there are third-party disclosure reporting burden hours associated with fair-hearing 7 CFR 273.2(b)(4).  To bring this required activity into compliance, we plan to publish a 60-day notice for public comment and will submit a separate revised information collection request package including System of Record Notice (SORN) and relevant privacy statements for this OMB control number.

    7 CFR Part 272—
    Requirements for Participating State Agencies

Section 11(a) of the Food and Nutrition Act (the Act) mandates that State agencies keep records as may be necessary to ascertain whether the program is being conducted in compliance with the Act and the regulations. States are required under the Act to maintain such records for a period of 3 years from date of origin. Section 11(n) of the Act also requires that States check for duplicate participation.

  1. 7 CFR 272.1(f), Case Files. State agencies must keep records as may be necessary to ascertain whether the program is being conducted in compliance with the Act and the regulations. The Act and Section 272.1(f) of the regulations require States to maintain such records for a period of 3 years from date of origin. States are allowed to store records using automated retrieval systems and other features that do not rely exclusively on the collection and retention of paper records.

FNS estimates that 2,724 local agencies will maintain 45,631.79 records annually, for a total of 124,301,000 responses (2,724 x 45,631.79 = 124,301,000.00). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.0334 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 4,151,653.40 (124,301,000 x 0.0334 = 4,151,653.40). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 3,815,769.12 hours to 4,151,653.40 due to an increase in the estimated burden hours per response to better account for the complexity of the activity. Note, however, that this increase was offset by a decrease in the number of case records.

  1. 7 CFR 272.4(e), Monitoring Duplicate Participation. State agencies must be able to search their files for duplicates in order to prevent individuals from receiving benefits in more than one household and to prevent households from receiving benefits in more than one jurisdiction within the State. State agencies must also establish a system that will prevent an individual from receiving both food coupons and cash benefits in lieu of coupons in an SSI cash-out State or under a cash-out demonstration project.

FNS estimates that 2,724 local agencies will monitor 15,006.53 records annually, for a total of 40,877,796 responses (2,724 x 15,006.53 = 40,877,796). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 1 minute (0.0167 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 682,659.19 (40,877,796 x 0.0167 = 682,659.19). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 194,066.68 hours to 682,659.19 due to an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.



7 CFR Part 273—Certification of Eligible Households

Application to Participate in SNAP

The SNAP regulations require that each applicant household complete and file an application, either in paper or electronic form. The application contains detailed information about each household member and their income, employment, shelter expenses, medical expenses (if applicable) and resources that are necessary to determine if the applicant household is entitled to assistance. The application process also includes the verification of the information provided on the application and an interview where the household is asked a series of questions and more information is obtained. The burdens associated with the activities of the application process are included below.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2, Initial Application. Each household must submit an application form upon initial application to participate in SNAP. Based on FY 2018 National Data Bank – Total Initial Applications Report, the total number of applications is estimated to be 18,062,201 annually.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each submit one application annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 19 minutes (0.3173 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 5,731,136.38 (18,062,201 x 0.3173 = 5,731,136.38). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the initial application activity has increased from 3,556,686.46 hours to 5,731,136.38 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2(e)(1), Initial Interview (telephone & in person). Applicant households must participate in an in-person or telephone interview with the State agency. All States have the option to utilize telephone interview in the place of an in-person interview. Currently 40 State agencies utilize the option for telephone interviews, while 13 State agencies continue to utilize in-person interviews. FNS estimates that a telephone or an in-person interview takes the same amount of time. Based on FY 2018 National Data Bank – Total Initial Applications Report, the total number of applications is estimated to be 18,062,201 annually.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one initial interview annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 38 minutes (0.6346 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 11,462,272.75 (18,062,201 x 0.6346 = 11,462,272.75). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the initial interview activity has increased from 5,604,611.50 hours to 11,462,272.75 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the number of initial applications and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(e)(1), Initial Interview Travel Time. As 13 State agencies continue to use in‑person interviews, some household applicants experience a burden related to travel time for the interview. Based on case data from the FPRS, the total number of in-person interviews is estimated to be 4,430,351 annually.

FNS estimates that 4,430,351 households will each experience a burden related to travel time for an in-person interview annually, for a total of 4,430,351 responses (4,430,351 x 1 = 4,430,351). The estimated average burden per response is 2 hours, resulting in estimated total burden hours of 8,860,702 (4,430,351 x 2 = 8,860,702). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the initial interview travel time has increased from 4,483,689.20 hours to 8,860,702 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Income. All households must provide information for income verification.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one verification of income annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,206,555.03 (18,062,201 x 0.0668 = 1,206,555.03). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 748,776.10 hours to 1,206,555.03 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Identity. All households must provide information for identity verification.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one verification of identity annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,206,555.03 (18,062,201 x 0.0668 = 1,206,555.03). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 748,776.10 hours to 1,206,555.03 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Alien Eligibility. All households must provide information to verify the citizenship and immigration status of all household members.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one verification of alien eligibility annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,206,555.03 (18,062,201 x 0.0668 = 1,206,555.03). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 748,776.10 hours to 1,206,555.03 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Social Security. All households must provide information for Social Security Number verification.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one verification of Social Security annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,206,555.03 (18,062,201 x 0.0668 = 1,206,555.03). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 748,776.10 hours to 1,206,555.03 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Medical Expenses. All households must provide information to verify any medical expenses claimed in the initial application. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of medical expense verifications is estimated to be 1,117,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 1,117,000 households will each participate in one verification of medical expenses annually, for a total of 1,117,000 responses (1,117,000 x 1 = 1,117,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 74,615.60 (1,117,000 x 0.0668 = 74,615.60). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 46,492.80 hours to 74,615.60 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Residency. All households must provide information to verify residency.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one verification of medical expenses annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,206,555.03 (18,062,201 x 0.0668 = 1,206,555.03). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 748,776.10 hours to 1,206,555.03 hours due to an increase in the number of initial applications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Utility Expenses. All households must provide information to verify utility expense if the State agency does not utilize a standard utility allowance and the applicant wishes to claim expenses. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of utility expense verifications is estimated to be 13,693,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 13,693,000 households will each participate in one verification of utility expenses annually, for a total of 13,693,000 responses (13,693,000 x 1 = 13,693,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 914,692.40 (13,693,000 x 0.0668 = 914,692.40). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 865,661.20 hours to 914,692.40 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of utility expense verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Hours Worked (ABAWD). All households must verify the number of hours worked by any ABAWD members of the household. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of hours worked ABAWD verifications is estimated to be 2,864,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 2,864,000 households will each participate in one verification of hours worked ABAWD annually, for a total of 2,864,000 responses (2,864,000 x 1 = 2,864,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 286,972.80 (2,864,000 x 0.1002 = 286,972.80). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 247,440.03 hours to 286,972.80 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the estimated number of verifications and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Legal Obligation to Pay Child Support. Households must verify any legal obligation to pay child support, the amount of the obligation, and the monthly amount of child support the household actually pays. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of child support verifications is estimated to be 316,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 316,000 households will each participate in one verification of utility expenses annually, for a total of 316,000 responses (316,000 x 1 = 316,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 21,108.80 (316,000 x 0.0668 = 21,108.80). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has decreased from 24,315.20 hours to 21,108.80 hours due to a decrease in the estimated number of child support verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Disability. Households must provide information to verify disability status if claimed on the initial application. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of child support verifications is estimated to be 4,073,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 4,073,000 households will each participate in one verification of disability annually, for a total of 4,073,000 responses (4,073,000 x 1 = 4,073,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 272,076.40 (4,073,000 x 0.0668 = 272,076.40). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 242,684.40 hours to 272,076.40 hours due to an increase in the number of applications requiring disability verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Household Composition. All households must provide information to verify household composition.

FNS estimates that 18,062,201 households will each participate in one verification of household composition annually, for a total of 18,062,201 responses (18,062,201 x 1 = 18,062,201). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,206,555.03 (18,062,201 x 0.0668 = 1,206,555.03). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 748,776.10 hours to 1,206,555.03 hours due to an increase in the number of household composition verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Questionable Information. Households must provide information to verify any questionable information that could impact household SNAP eligibility or benefit level. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of verifications is estimated to be 513,317 annually.

FNS estimates that 513,317 households will each participate in one verification of questionable information annually, for a total of 513,317 responses (513,317 x 1 = 513,317). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 34,289.58 (513,317 x 0.0668 = 34,289.58). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has decreased from 39,069.45 hours to 34,289.58 hours due to a decrease in the estimated number of questionable information verifications required.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) & (2), Verification of Student Work Hours. Households must provide verification of student work hours if required by the State agencies based on the work requirements listed under 273.5(b)(5). Based on data from a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of student SNAP participation, the number of student work hour verifications is estimated to be 1,354,273 annually.

FNS estimates that 1,354,273 households will each participate in one verification of questionable information annually, for a total of 1,354,273 responses (1,354,273 x 1 = 1,354,273). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 4 minutes (0.0668 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 90,465.44 (1,354,273 x 0.0668 = 90,465.44). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 8,128.76 hours to 90,465.44 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of required verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.9(d)(4) and 273.10(e)(1)(i)(E), Verification of Newly Verified Households with Dependent Care. Household applicants that choose to deduct the entire amount of their monthly dependent care expenses must verify their dependent care expenses.

FNS estimates that 363,243 households will each participate in one verification of questionable information annually, for a total of 363,243 responses (363,243 x 1 = 363,243). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 30,330.79 (363,243 x 0.0835 = 30,330.79). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has decreased from 42,118.66 hours to 30,330.79 hours due to a decrease in the estimated number of required verifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.9(d)(4) and 273.10(e)(1)(i)(E), Verification of Existing Households with Dependent Care. Household applicants that choose to deduct the entire amount of their monthly dependent care expenses must verify their dependent care expenses. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the number of existing households with dependent care verifications is estimated to be 658,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 658,000 households will each participate in one verification of questionable information annually, for a total of 658,000 responses (658,000 x 1 = 658,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.0334 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 21,977.20 (658,000 x 0.0334 = 21,977.20). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 21,973.32 hours to 21,977.20 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of required verifications.

Application for SNAP Recertification

The SNAP regulations require that all households participating in SNAP must be assigned certification periods of a definite length. According to section 273.14(b), to continue participating in SNAP, ongoing households must apply for recertification prior to the end of their current certification periods. The recertification form and process is similar to the initial application and is completed and used in the same manner. However, verification requirements are reduced, and States are permitted under Federal regulations to use a simplified version of the initial application.

Recertification Application

  1. 7 CFR 273.14, Recertification Application. All SNAP households must apply for recertification. Based on data from the FY 2018 National Data Bank, the number of recertification applications is estimated to be 14,656,751 annually.

FNS estimates that 14,656,751 households will each submit one recertification application annually, for a total of 14,656,751 responses (14,656,751 x 1 = 14,656,751). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 15 minutes (0.25 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 3,664,187.75 (14,656,751 x 0.25 = 3,664,187.75). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 3,654,910.50 hours to 3,664,187.75 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of recertification applications.

Recertification Interview

  1. 7 CFR 273.14(b)(3), Recertification Interview (telephone & in-person). Recertifying households must participate in an in-person or telephone interview with the State agency. All States have the option to utilize telephone interview in the place of an in-person interview. Currently, 40 State agencies utilize the option for telephone interviews, while 13 State agencies continue to utilize in-person interviews.

FNS estimates that 14,656,751 households will each submit one recertification application annually, for a total of 14,656,751 responses (14,656,751 x 1 = 14,656,751). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 30 minutes (0.5 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 7,328,375.50 (14,656,751 x 0.5 = 7,328,375.50). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 4,882,960.43 hours to 7,328,375.50 hours for two reasons: (1) an increase in the estimated number of recertification applications and (2) an increase in the burden hours per response to account for the complexity of the activity.

  1. 7 CFR 273.14(b)(3), Recertification Interview Travel Time. As 13 State agencies continue to use an in-person interview, some household applicants experience a burden related to travel time for the recertification interview. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of recertification interview travel time is estimated to be 2,931,350 annually.

FNS estimates that 2,931,350 households will each submit one recertification application annually, for a total of 2,931,350 responses (2,931,350 x 1 = 2,931,350). The estimated average burden per response is 2 hours, resulting in estimated total burden hours of 5,862,700 (2,931,350 x 2 = 5,862,700). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the verification activity has increased from 5,847,856.80 hours to 5,862,700 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of recertification applications requiring interview travel time.


  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Income. All households must provide information for income recertification if reported income has changed by more than $50.

FNS estimates that 7,328,376 households will each submit one income recertification annually, for a total of 7,328,376 responses (7,328,376 x 1 = 7,328,376). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 6 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 734,303.28 (7,328,376 x 0.1002 = 734,303.28). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for the recertification activity has increased from 732,444.06 hours to 734,303.28 hours due to an increase in the number of recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Social Security. All households must provide information for Social Security Number recertification if the household reports any new Social Security Numbers. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of Social Security recertifications is estimated to be 146,568 annually.

FNS estimates that 146,568 households will each submit one Social Security recertification annually, for a total of 146,568 responses (146,568 x 1 = 146,568). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 14,686.11 (146,568 x 0.1002 = 14,686.11). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 14,648.88 hours to 14,686.11 hours due to an increase in the number of recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Medical Expenses. All household must provide medical expense information upon recertification if reported expenses have changed by more than $25. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of Social Security recertifications is estimated to be 293,135 annually.

FNS estimates that 293,135 households will each submit one medial expense recertification annually, for a total of 293,135 responses (293,135 x 1 = 293,135). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 29,372.13 (293,135 x 0.1002 = 29,372.13). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 29,297.76 hours to 29,372.13 hours due to an increase in the number of recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Legal Obligation to Pay Child Support. All households must verify child support payments claimed by applicants upon recertification if the applicant has claimed a change in obligation to pay. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of Social Security recertifications is estimated to be 141,555 annually.

FNS estimates that 141,555 households will each submit one child support recertification annually, for a total of 141,555 responses (141,555 x 1 = 141,555). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 14,183.81 (141,555 x 0.1002 = 14,183.81). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has decreased from 73,244.41 hours to 14,183.81 hours due to a decrease in the estimated number of child support recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Utility Expenses. Households must recertify utility expenses claimed if the reported figure has changed by more than $25. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of utility expense recertifications is estimated to be 6,133,903 annually.

FNS estimates that 6,133,903 households will each submit one utility expense recertification annually, for a total of 6,133,903 responses (6,133,903 x 1 = 6,133,903). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 614,617.08 (6,133,903 x 0.1002 = 614,617.08). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 73,244.41 hours to 614,617.08 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of utility expense recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Hours Worked (ABAWD). Households must recertify hours worked upon recertification if the applicant household includes ABAWD members. Based on data from the Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Households: Fiscal Year 2018, the total number of hours worked ABAWD recertifications is estimated to be 2,864,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 2,864,000 households will each submit one hours worked ABAWD recertification annually, for a total of 2,864,000 responses (2,864,000 x 1 = 2,864,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 286,972.80 (2,864,000 x 0.1002 = 286,972.80). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has decreased from 732,444.06 hours to 286,972.80 hours due to a decrease in the number of estimated hours worked recertifications.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)(i), Recertification Other Information. Households must recertify any other information which has changed at recertification that could impact household SNAP eligibility or benefit level. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of other information recertifications is estimated to be 11,792,751 annually.

FNS estimates that 11,792,751 households will each submit one other information recertification annually, for a total of 11,792,751 responses (11,792,751 x 1 = 11,792,751). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 2 minutes (0.1002 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,181,633.65 (11,792,751 x 0.1002 = 1,181,633.65). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 732,444.06 hours to 1,181,633.65 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of other information recertifications.

  1. *7 CFR 271.12(c)(4)(i), Failure to Report Shelter Cost Change due to Move Notices. State agencies must notify households during recertification who have changed their address, and have not provided updated information about their shelter costs, that their allotment will be recalculated without any new deductions. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 512,986 annually.

FNS estimates that 512,986 households will each receive one notice annually, for a total of 512,986 responses (512,986 x 1 = 512,986). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 1 minute (0.0167 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 8,566.87 (512,986 x 0.0167 = 8,566.87). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 512,986 total annual responses and 8,566.87 burden hours.


  1. 7 CFR 273.21, Monthly Reports. Households subject to monthly reporting are required to submit reports of their circumstances on a monthly basis. The report requests information necessary to determine eligibility and benefits. Households subject to monthly reporting are assigned certification periods of 12 months and submit 11 monthly reports a year plus the application for recertification. Based on an analysis, the total number of monthly reports is estimated to be 1,001,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 91,000 households will each submit 11 monthly reports annually, for a total of 1,001,000 responses (91,000 x 11 = 1,001,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 7 minutes (0.1169 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 117,016.90 (1,001,000 x 0.1169= 117,016.90). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has decreased from 937,251.36 hours to 117,016.90 hours for two reasons: (1) a decrease in the number of States that use monthly reporting and (2) a reduction in the number of monthly reports.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(4), Quarterly Reports. State agencies may require households to report changes on a quarterly basis. Since households are not required to submit a separate quarterly report when they submit an application for recertification, the quarterly report is submitted 3 times a year. Based on an analysis, the total number of quarterly reports is estimated to be 57,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 19,000 households will each submit 3 quarterly reports annually, for a total of 57,000 responses (19,000 x 3 = 57,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 8 minutes (0.1336 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 7,615.20 (57,000 x 0.1336 = 7,615.20). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has decreased from 694,721.07 hours to 7,615.20 hours for two reasons: (1) a decrease in the number of States that use quarterly reporting and (2) a reduction in the number of quarterly reports.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(5), Simplified or Periodic Reporting. State agencies may institute periodic or simplified reporting which requires that SNAP households report changes periodically and when total countable income rises above 130 percent of the federal poverty level or when work hours for ABAWDs fall below 20 hours per week. Based on an analysis, the total number of simplified or periodic reports is estimated to be 12,391,984 annually.

FNS estimates that 11,624,000 households will each submit, on average, 1.066 simplified or periodic reports annually, for a total of 12,391,984 responses (11,624,000 x 1.066 = 12,391,984). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 10 minutes (0.167 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,069,461.32 (12,391,984 x 0.167 = 2,069,461.32). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has decreased from 3,356,208.35 hours to 2,069,461.32 hours due to a reduction in the estimated number of simplified or periodic reports.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(1), Change Reports. Households State agencies employ a system commonly referred to as change or incident reporting. Households assigned to change reporting must report most changes in household circumstances within 10 days from the date that the change becomes known to the household. Based on an analysis, the total number of change reports is estimated to be 9,366,000 annually.

FNS estimates that 9,366,000 households will each submit 1 change report annually, for a total of 9,366,000 responses (9,366,000 x 1 = 9,366,000). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 10 minutes (0.167 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,564,122 (9,366,000 x 0.167 = 1,564,122). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 540,321.15 hours to 1,564,122 hours due to an increase in the estimated number of change reports.

  1. *7 CFR 273.2(b)(7), Report of ABAWDs Change in Work Hours Below 20 Hours per Week. Households must report when any eligible member has had a reduction in work hours below an average of 20 hours per week, averaged monthly. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of reports is estimated to be 744,640 annually.

FNS estimates that 744,640 households will each receive one report annually, for a total of 744,640 responses (744,640 x 1 = 744,640). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 10 minutes (0.167 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 124,354.88 (744,640 x 0.167 = 124,354.88). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 744,640 total annual responses and 124,354.88 burden hours.


  1. *7 CFR 273.10(g)(1)(i) & (ii) & (iii), Notice of Eligibility, Denial, or Pending Status. This notice is used by State agencies to advise households of the disposition of their application for initial certification or recertification. If the household is denied, the notice contains the reason(s) for the denial and advises the household of its right to appeal. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 29,155,315 annually.

FNS estimates that 29,155,315 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 29,155,315 responses (29,155,315 x 1 = 29,155,315). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,434,468.80 (29,155,315 x 0.0835 = 2,434,468.80). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 29,155,315 total annual responses and 2,434,468.80 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(a)(4)(iii) & 273.12(a)(5)(iii)(D), Notice of Missing or Incomplete Report. This notice is used by State agencies to advise ongoing households when they have failed to submit the required monthly, quarterly or semiannual report altogether or, if the household submitted the report, that some of the information required to be included in such reports was not provided. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 42,789 annually.

FNS estimates that 42,789 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 42,789 responses (42,789 x 1 = 42,789). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 3,572.88 (42,789 x 0.0835 = 3,572.88). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 42,789 total annual responses and 3,572.88 burden hours.

  1. 7 CFR 273.2(h)(1)(i)(D) & 273.14(b)(3)(iii), Notice of Missed Interviews. This notice is issued by State agencies to households that fail to appear for their scheduled initial or recertification interview, or in the case of households subject to telephone interviews, fail to contact the State agency or receive telephone calls initiated by the local office. The household may respond to the notice by requesting that the interview be rescheduled. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of notices is estimated to be 1,656,490 annually.

FNS estimates that, collectively, households will read 1,656,490 notices annually, for a total of 1,656,490 responses (1,656,490 x 1 = 1,656,490). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 138,316.92 (1,656,490 x 0.0835 = 138,316.92). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 35,459.54 hours to 138,316.92 due to an increase in the estimated number of notices.

  1. *7 CFR 273.14(b)(1), Notice of Expiration. State agencies are required to mail this notice to currently participating households at least 30 days prior to the expiration of their current certification period. The notice is usually accompanied by the application for recertification. The notice advises the household that its certification period is expiring and that to continue receiving assistance the household must file its application for recertification in a timely manner. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 15,507,847 annually.

FNS estimates that 15,507,847 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 15,507,847 responses (15,507,847 x 1 = 15,507,847). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,294,905.22 (15,507,847 x 0.0835 = 1,294,905.22). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 15,507,847 total annual responses and 1,294,905.22 burden hours.

  1. 7 CFR 273.13(a), Notice of Adverse Action. This notice is issued by State agencies to participating households whose benefits will be reduced or terminated as the result of a change in household circumstances. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 1,162,047 annually.

FNS estimates that, collectively, households will read 1,162,047 notices annually, for a total of 1,162,047 responses (1,162,047 x 1 = 1,162,047). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 97,030.92 (1,162,047 x 0.0835 = 97,030.92). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 1,381.98 hours to 97,030.92 due to an increase in the estimated number of notices.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(a)(4)(v) & 273.13(b), Adequate Notice. An adequate notice is sent to households by the State agency when the household’s benefits are reduced or terminated based on information reported by the household itself. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 256,735 annually.

FNS estimates that, collectively, households will read 256,735 notices annually, for a total of 256,735 responses (256,735 x 1 = 256,735). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 21,437.37 (256,735 x 0.0835 = 21,437.37). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has increased from 244.25 hours to 21,437.37 due to an increase in the estimated number of notices.

  1. 7 CFR 273.12(c)(3)(i), Request for Contact. This notice is used to contact households when the State agency receives information regarding a potential change in a household’s eligibility or benefits and such information is not sufficient for the State agency to determine exactly how a household’s status would be affected. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 383,475 annually.

FNS estimates that, collectively, households will read 383,475 notices annually, for a total of 383,475 responses (383,475 x 1 = 383,475). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 32,020.16 (383,475 x 0.0835 = 32,020.16). When compared to the previous information collection, the total burden hours for this activity has decreased from 44,222.74 hours to 32,020.16 due to a decrease in the estimated number of notices.

  1. *7 CFR 273.11(o)(2), Notice of Option to Disqualify Custodial Parent for Failure to Cooperate. State agencies must inform custodial parents of a right to good cause for non-cooperation prior to requiring cooperation from a parent. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 327,190 annually.

FNS estimates that 327,190 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 327,190 responses (327,190 x 1 = 327,190). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 27,320.37 (327,190 x 0.0835 = 27,320.37). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 327,190 total annual responses and 27,320.37 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(c)(3)(iii), Notice of Match Results. State agencies must distribute a notice of match results to a household if the State agency receives match information related to a Prison Verification System notification or a deceased individual. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 383,475 annually.

FNS estimates that 383,475 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 383,475 responses (383,475 x 1 = 383,475). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 32,020.16 (383,475 x 0.0835 = 32,020.16). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 383,475 total annual responses and 32,020.16 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.7(c)(1), Notice of Subject to Work Requirements. State agencies must provide a written statement to each eligible household member, under the work provision requirements of 7 CFR 273.7, explaining work requirements, the rights and responsibilities of eligible members, and the consequences for failing to comply with work requirements. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 4,179,200 annually.

FNS estimates that 4,179,200 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 4,179,200 responses (4,179,200 x 1 = 4,179,200). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 348,963.20 (4,179,200 x 0.0835 = 348,963.20). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 4,179,200 total annual responses and 348,963.20 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.7(c)(2), Referral to Employment & Training and Notice of Requirements. State agencies are required to screen work registrants to determine whether to refer individuals to an E&T program component. State agencies must inform the participant, either orally or in writing, of the requirements of the component, what will constitute noncompliance and the sanctions for noncompliance. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 102,796 annually.

FNS estimates that 102,796 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 102,796 responses (102,796 x 1 = 102,796). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 8,583.47 (102,796 x 0.0835 = 8,583.47). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 102,796 total annual responses and 8,583.47 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.2(c)(5), Notice of Required Verification. State agencies must provide each household at the time of application for certification and recertification, with a notice of all verification requirements the household must meet. Based on caseload data from the FPRS and assuming that 80 percent of households will read the notice, the total number of notices is estimated to be 26,175,162 annually.

FNS estimates that 26,175,162 households will each read one notice annually, for a total of 26,175,162 responses (26,175,162 x 1 = 26,175,162). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 5 minutes (0.0835 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,185,626.03 (26,175,162 x 0.0835 = 2,185,626.03). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 26,175,162 total annual responses and 2,185,626.03 burden hours.


  1. *7 CFR 273.11(n)(3) & (4), Fleeing Felon and Probation or Parole Violators Determination. State agencies must send a request for information to a law enforcement agency about the conditions of a felony warrant or a probation or parole violation for a SNAP participant, and verify if a law enforcement agency has taken any action following the initial request for information. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of requests is estimated to be 654,379 annually.

FNS estimates that 654,379 households will each comply with one request annually, for a total of 654,379 responses (654,379 x 1 = 654,379). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 3 minutes (0.0501 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 32,784.39 (654,379 x 0.0501 = 32,784.39). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 654,379 total annual responses and 32,784.39 burden hours.

  1. *7 CFR 273.12(b)(4), Change Report Form. State agencies must provide households with a change report form upon initial application, recertification, and when any household submits a change report. Based on caseload data from the FPRS, the total number of reports is estimated to be 42,084,952 annually.

FNS estimates that 42,084,952 households will each comply with one request annually, for a total of 42,084,952 responses (42,084,952 x 1 = 42,084,952). The estimated average burden per response is approximately 3 minutes (0.05 hours), resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,104,247.60 (42,084,952 x 0.05 = 2,104,247.60). As part of the burden adjustments associated with this revision, FNS has expanded the presentation of this existing information collection requirement to more accurately reflect the requirements at 7 CFR part 273. This adjustment to the burden reflects an increase of 42,084,952 total annual responses and 2,104,247.60 burden hours.

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File TitleSupporting Statement for OMB No
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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