Instrument 14: Second round telephone interview protocol for non-tribal HPOG grantee staff and partners

OPRE Evaluation - National and Tribal Evaluation of the 2nd Generation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants [descriptive evaluation, impact evaluation, cost-benefit analysis study, pilot study]

Instrument 14_HPOG 2.0 Second Round Telephone Interview Guide_071219

Instrument 14: Second round telephone interview protocol for non-tribal HPOG grantee staff and partners

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Instrument 14: HPOG 2.0 National Evaluation Second-Round Telephone Interviews with Management, Staff, Partners, and Stakeholders

National and Tribal Evaluation of the 2nd Generation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG)


April 2019

Revised July 2019

Submitted by:

Office of Planning,
Research & Evaluation

Administration for Children & Families

U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services

Federal Project Officers:

Nicole Constance, Hilary Bruck, and

Amelia Popham

Instructions for Interviewers/HPOG Site Teams

Thank you for your help last year collecting information for the First-Round Telephone Interviews. To fill in gaps in the PAGES data, EDIPs, and other data sources, we would now like your help conducting a second round of telephone interviews with management, staff, partners, and other stakeholders. The Second-Round Telephone Interviews will cover the following topics:

  • Documentation of notable implementation and performance successes and challenges (e.g., what has worked well, what has not, what has changed) based on programs’ experiences and results to date.

  • Review and update HPOG partners and systems and documentation of changes from the start of the grant.

  • Information on how grantees spend their grant funds (in more detail than provided in expenditure reports sent to ACF).

We expect that each telephone interview will take approximately 75 minutes to complete depending on the module in the interview protocol and role of key respondents involved in the HPOG program.

The deadline to complete all telephone interviews with management, staff, partners and stakeholders is [Insert Date]. Please follow the eight steps below to ensure all data collection materials are completed for the HPOG 2.0 Implementation Study.

Before the telephone interviews:

  1. Review the “Screening Interview to Identify Respondents for the HPOG 2.0 National Evaluation First-Round Telephone Interviews” and update it for the second round. During this meeting with HPOG management and staff, review HPOG program staff, key partners, and stakeholders interviewed during the first round and determine whether the respondents are still appropriate for selected modules (e.g., Program Administration, Academic Support, etc.) in the interview protocol. If needed, identify any new respondents for the second round. For example, if the HPOG program now partners with additional organizations or colleges (e.g., community colleges, non-profits, etc.) to provide healthcare training, it is important to include these representatives during the telephone interviews as well.

  2. Schedule telephone interviews with respondents. Once you have identified the appropriate respondents, contact them to schedule the interviews or work with HPOG program management and staff to help schedule the telephone interviews.

  3. Pre-fill interview protocol questions and responses in advance with information from the First-Round Telephone Interviews and/or information collected from PAGES and the site monitoring calls. The junior site team member should pre-fill the interview protocol as well as the online data collection form to help prepare for the telephone interview.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the skip patterns in each module of the interview protocol. Some interview questions can be skipped based on how the respondent answers a particular question.

During the telephone interview:

  1. Use the online data collection form to document all responses during the telephone interview. The junior site team member will record all responses in the online data collection form during the interview. This is an internal form. DO NOT share the link with the respondent. The lead site team member will record only closed-ended responses in this document. Please record all changes to any pre-filled responses that management, staff, partners or stakeholders identify as incorrect.

  2. Share screens to reduce burden. Arrange a WebEx meeting to share your screen with respondents. Doing so will allow the Program Director and/or relevant staff, partners, and stakeholders to view each question and the responses in the table during the telephone interview.

After the telephone interview:

  1. Review all responses to ensure data are complete and accurate. The lead interviewer will review all closed and open-ended responses to ensure data are complete before submission in the online data collection form. Open-ended response fields should be cleaned up for cross-site coding: 1) Ensure text is clear enough that non-site team members can understand; 2) Use only staff titles or job descriptions (not the names of respondents); 3) Do not use acronyms or jargon; and 4) Use quotation marks for direct quotes.

  2. Thank the respondents. Do not forget to thank your respondents for completing these interviews and providing important information for the study.

Study Overview and Consent

Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) 2.0 Implementation Study

Study Overview and Consent

As you may know, all HPOG programs are participating in a national evaluation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants. The second round of grants were awarded in 2015 (referred to as HPOG 2.0) and are sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The evaluation is being conducted by Abt Associates, the Urban Institute, MEF Associates, and Insight Policy Research, Inc. It is studying all non-tribal HPOG-funded education and training programs across the country and examining how they help low-income individuals, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients, secure well-paying healthcare jobs.

If you participated during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, we appreciate your help again in collecting important information for the study. We are now conducting Second-Round Telephone Interviews to document notable implementation and performance successes and challenges, review HPOG partners and systems, and document how programs spend their grant funds. The interview should take approximately 75 minutes to complete. With help from local HPOG program staff, we have identified you as the most appropriate respondent for one or more topic areas.

Your answers will be kept private. Information you provide will not be shared with other staff at your program or organization. Only the evaluation team will have access to the information you provide through this interview. Names will not be listed in any reports published and comments will not be attributed to specific respondents. Instead, your information will be combined with information from respondents at other grantees and their partners. However, because of the relatively small number of organizations participating in the study, there is a possibility that a response could be correctly attributed to a particular grantee. Your responses to these questions are completely voluntary. We hope you will choose to complete all of the questions in the interview, but you may choose to skip any question you do not feel comfortable answering.

If you have any questions or concerns about participating in the interview, please let me know. Your verbal decision to participate in the interview will be considered as your consent. Do I have your verbal permission to participate in this interview?



The Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0462 and it expires XX/XX/XXXX. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Gretchen Locke at [email protected]; Attn: OMB-PRA (0970-0462).

  1. Staff Positions and Roles

Before we get started, do you have any questions? To begin, could you/each person on the phone please introduce herself or himself?

1.1. What is your current role (e.g., title or position) as part of the HPOG program?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: As you know, respondents are likely to have multiple titles/positions that extend well beyond those listed in the table. Please select the most relevant title below as best as possible. If a title/role does not fit into any of the ones listed, please include it in the “Other” category below. Select all that apply.


Respondent 1

Respondent 2

Respondent 3

  1. Program Director

  1. Program Coordinator

  1. Case Manager

  1. Career Advisor/counselor (e.g., assistance with career and training, etc.)

  1. Academic advisor (e.g., assistance with course selection, tutoring, etc.)

  1. Marketing/recruitment specialist

  1. Intake coordinator/staff (e.g., eligibility verification and assessment, etc.)

  1. Job developer (e.g., assistance with job readiness, job search, job placement, etc.)

  1. Instructor (e.g., healthcare occupational training, basic skills, work readiness courses, etc.)

  1. Employer

  1. Community service organization/partner

  1. Academic Dean/Director of Healthcare Training(s)

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Titles/Positions (Continued)

Respondent 4

Respondent 5

Respondent 6

  1. Program Director

  1. Program Coordinator

  1. Case Manager

  1. Career Advisor/counselor (e.g., assistance with career and training, etc.)

  1. Academic advisor (e.g., assistance with course selection, tutoring, etc.)

  1. Marketing/recruitment specialist

  1. Intake coordinator/staff (e.g., eligibility verification and assessment, etc.)

  1. Job developer (e.g., assistance with job readiness, job search, job placement, etc.)

  1. Instructor (e.g., healthcare occupational training, basic skills, work readiness courses, etc.)

  1. Employer

  1. Community service organization/partner

  1. Academic Dean/Director of Healthcare Training(s)

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Go to question 1.2

1.2. How long have you been working in this role as part of the HPOG program?

Programming Instructions: Auto-calculate the number of years and months

Respondent 1

Respondent 2

Respondent 3

  1. Number of years and months

Respondent 4

Respondent 5

Respondent 6

  1. Number of years and months

Go to question 1.3

1.3. How long have you been working at [name of grantee/partner institution]?

Programming Instructions: Auto-calculate the number of years and months

Respondent 1

Respondent 2

Respondent 3

  1. Number of years and months

Respondent 4

Respondent 5

Respondent 6

  1. Number of years and months

Go to question 2.0a

  1. Relationships with Organizations

2.0a. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews in the summer of 2017 and PAGES, we have compiled a list of organizations that are currently involved with your HPOG program. Do you have any changes or updates to the organizations listed in the table? Is each organization still currently involved with your HPOG program?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Column A using information from PAGES and add any additional partners you are aware of from the First-Round Telephone Interviews or site monitoring calls. Select one answer for each row and update information in the online data collection form. If the organization is no longer involved with the HPOG program, select “No” in Column B and do not select a response in Column C.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 2.2, Site Monitoring Calls, and PAGES





Continues to be Involved with the HPOG Program Today

If the organization continues to be involved with your program

How would you characterize the nature of your relationship with each organization?



Don’t know

Formal Relationship (e.g., formal memorandum of understanding (MOU) or contract)

Informal Collaboration

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. Pre-fill with additional partners as needed

Go to question 2.0b

2.0b. What is each organization’s current role within your HPOG program?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Select all that apply and update information in the online data collection form.

Programming Instructions: Auto-populate using organizations from question 2.0a above. Only include organizations that are currently involved with HPOG i.e. Q2.0a, column B, “No” is unchecked.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 2.2, Site Monitoring Calls, and PAGES













Planning and design of HPOG grant activities

Referral of applicants for services

Marketing and Outreach

Curriculum Development

Healthcare Occupational Training

Basic and
Other Skills Development Activities (non-occupational)

Academic Support


Logistical Support

Employment Assistance Support

Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Direct Financial Support

a. [Organization Name]

b. [Organization Name]

c. [Organization Name]

d. [Organization Name]

e. [Organization Name]

f. [Organization Name]

g. [Organization Name]

h. [Organization Name]

i. [Organization Name]

j. [Organization Name]

k. [Organization Name]

l. [Organization Name]

Key Examples:

A Planning and design of HPOG grant activities (e.g., grant writing, letter of commitment, member of advisory/steering committee)

B Referral of applicants for services provided (e.g., formal referral arrangement, initial screening of applicants, referral of current employees)

C Marketing and outreach (e.g., printed materials available on-site, information available on partner’s website, mentions during presentations to

stakeholders, mentions during orientation for organization’s services, mentions during assessment and counseling session)

D Curriculum development (e.g., offering examples of relevant curricula, providing feedback on draft curricula, writing modules for curriculum for different parts of the


E Healthcare occupational training (e.g., operation of training program, provision of faculty/instructors, provision of training space, provision of

equipment, provision of learning technologies, provision of work-based learning opportunities—e.g., internships, clinicals)

F Basic and other skills development activities (e.g., Adult basic education, Adult secondary education (GED, HiSET, TASC), English language acquisition, College

developmental education, Introduction to Healthcare Career Workshop, Work Readiness, College Readiness, Digital Literacy, CPR Training, Mandatory work readiness

with peer support)

G Academic support (e.g., case management, academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, peer support, post eligibility assessments training related costs assistance (other

than tuition), laptop for blended learning, internet access for blended learning)

H Personal/Logistical support (e.g., emergency, non-emergency food, child/dependent care, transportation, housing support/assistance)

I Employment Assistance Support (e.g., job development activities (including job readiness workshops, job search skills training, individual job search assistance, job

coach navigator, group job search support, post-placement and retention support), job placement activities (including obtaining and screening job listings for HPOG

participants, screening HPOG participants for suitability for a position, scheduling interviews for a job candidate, and providing interview space), and job retention

services (including counseling for specific job-related issues, incumbent worker career advancement counseling, and job-specific workplace behavior counseling))

J Work-based Learning Opportunities (e.g., work experience, job shadowing opportunities, registered apprenticeships, unpaid internships or externships, or on-the-

Job training)

K Direct Financial Support to the program (e.g., grants, loans, work-study funds, etc.)

Go to question 2.1

2.1. Since your HPOG program received the HPOG grant, has the relationship (e.g., roles and/or responsibilities within the HPOG program) with each of your currently involved partners expanded, diminished, or remained unchanged?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Review the organizations currently involved with the HPOG program, then

select only one answer for each row in Columns B through D for all current organizations. If the relationship has

expanded” or “diminished,” please briefly describe how the relationship changed in Column E.

Programming Instructions: Auto-populate using organizations from question 2.0a above.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 2.2, Site Monitoring Calls, and PAGES









Remained Unchanged

If the relationship “expanded” or “diminished,”

please briefly describe how the relationship changed.

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

  1. [Organization Name]

Go to question 2.2

2.2. Since your HPOG program received the HPOG grant, are there specific aspects of your partnership arrangements that you believe have supported or facilitated the implementation of your HPOG program?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Select all that apply

Frequent meetings (e.g., between partners and the HPOG program)

Clearly defined roles/expectations

Open communication

Shared goals

Favorable economic conditions

Resources in partner organizations (e.g., budget, staff, equipment, space)

Leadership/staff retention in partner organizations

Existing networks at partner organizations

Other (please specify:)

None/Not applicable

Go to question 2.3

2.3. Since the start of your HPOG grant, are there specific aspects of your partnership arrangements that you believe have hindered the implementation of your HPOG program?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Select all that apply

Infrequent meetings (e.g., between partners and the HPOG program)

Undefined roles/expectations

Lack of communication

Too many partners involved

Poor coordination/management

Lack of shared goals

Unfavorable economic conditions

Lack of resources in partner organizations (e.g., budget, staff, equipment, space)

Leadership/staff turnover in partner organizations

Other (please specify:)

None/Not applicable

Go to question 3.1

  1. Economic Context

3.1 Please describe the overall health of the local economy. Have there been any notable changes (increase or decrease) in the number of job openings (both healthcare and non-healthcare jobs) in general over the course of the grant period? If yes, please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Please ask the respondent(s) to

describe both the overall health of the local economy and notable changes in job

openings and use the following probes:

  • Demand for entry-level healthcare jobs (e.g., probe for entry-, mid-, and higher-level jobs, specific industries and employers)

  • Changes in employment

Go to question 3.2a

3.2a Since your HPOG program received the HPOG grant, have any changes in the local economy (positive or negative) affected your program’s ability to recruit and retain HPOG participants? If yes, please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Please select “Not applicable” if local

conditions have not affected recruitment or retention. Use the following probe:

  • High or low unemployment (e.g., if unemployment is low, it can be challenging for HPOG programs to recruit participants because people don’t see the need to change jobs)

Not applicable

Go to question 3.2b

3.2b Since your HPOG program received the HPOG grant, have any changes in the local economy (positive or negative) affected your program’s ability to recruit and retain TANF participants? If yes, please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Please select “Not applicable” if local

conditions have not affected recruitment or retention of TANF recipients.

Not applicable

Go to question 3.3

3.3 Have any changes in the local economy (positive or negative) affected your program’s ability to place participants in employment? If yes, please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Select “Not applicable” if local

conditions have not affected job placement. Use the following probes:

  • Addition/elimination of a major hiring healthcare facility

  • Changes in demand for healthcare jobs (e.g., probe for entry, mid, and higher-level jobs, specific industries and employers)

Not applicable

Go to question 4.1

  1. Grant Expenditures

Now I’d like to ask about how you spend your grant funds.

4.1. Approximately what percentage of HPOG funds are used for each of the following activities: program administrative costs (e.g., staff salaries, overhead expenses, etc.), program activities (e.g., outreach materials), training courses and support services (e.g., direct provision of support services, contracted support services, etc.)?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: As part of the screening interview,

please advise the respondent(s) to have information about HPOG costs to

prepare for the interview. Please note that “direct” provision of services can

include expenditures or cash payments beyond salaries. Select one answer for

each row. All responses must add up to 100 percent.

Programming Instructions: Program all responses in Column B to add up to

100 percent



Program Expenses

% of HPOG Funding

  1. Staff salaries (includes benefits such as health insurance, social security taxes, etc.)

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Overhead expenses (includes office space, office supplies, internet/telephone costs, hardware)

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Outreach materials (includes printing and advertising)

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Direct provision of basic skills and other skills development activities

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Direct provision of healthcare occupational training

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Direct provision of support services

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Contracted program staff

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Contracted training providers

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Contracted support services

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Other (Please specify: )

[numeric field, range 0-100%]

  1. Total


Key Examples:

d Basic and other skills development activities (e.g., Adult basic education, Adult secondary education (GED, HiSET, TASC), English language acquisition, College developmental education, Introduction to Healthcare Career Workshop, Work Readiness, College Readiness, Digital Literacy, CPR Training, Mandatory work readiness with peer support)

e Healthcare occupational training (e.g., operation of training program, provision of faculty/instructors, provision of training space, provision of equipment, provision of learning technologies, provision of work-based learning opportunities—e.g., internships, clinicals)

Go to question 5.1a

  1. Basic Skills Training

Now let’s discuss the type of educational, healthcare training, and work-based learning opportunities available to prepare participants for jobs in the healthcare field.

5.1a. According to information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews and PAGES (and focus area site visit if site participated), your HPOG program uses the following strategies to accommodate individuals with low basic skills: [Summarize information from column A in the table below]. Have there been any updates or changes since the summer of 2017 to the basic skills training services you offer HPOG participants?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns A and B using responses

from the First-Round Telephone Interviews or focus area site visit if available. Pre-

fill Column C using current information from PAGES. Then use Column D to collect

information about changes during the second-round interviews. Select all that apply.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 5.3b and PAGES






Basic Skills Training Strategies

Year 2


Focus Area Site Visit (if applicable)


Year 5


  1. Basic skills training is integrated into healthcare training

  1. Basic skills training is provided as a stand-alone component taken independently of healthcare training activities

  1. Participants can simultaneously enroll in basic skills courses and healthcare training

  1. Basic skills training is accelerated (time required to complete the course less than typical similar courses)

  1. Basic skills training is delivered in a flexible way with regard to location, schedule, pace, and strategy

  1. Basic skills training is provided through distance learning opportunities such as an on-line format

e. Other (Please specify: Click here to enter text.)

If any changes occurred between years 2 and 3, go to question 5.1b

Otherwise skip to question 5.2

5.1b. Please explain why these changes were implemented.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Probe on the following:

  • When the changes occurred

  • The type of changes implemented

  • Satisfaction with the changes implemented

Go to question 5.2

5.2. Focusing on the changes made since the summer of 2017 (year 2), how do the basic skills training strategies that you currently offer help to improve participants’ basic skills proficiency levels?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: If no changes occurred between years

2 and 3, document how the program’s current basic skills training strategies

help to improve participants’ proficiency levels.

Go to question 5.3a

5.3a. Among all the basic skills strategies that you currently offer HPOG participants, which strategies do you think are more effective? Please explain.

Go to question 5.3b

5.3b. Do you use different strategies for different kinds of students? If so, which basic skills strategies do you think are more effective for different types of participants? Please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Refer to the grantee’s EDIP to review

specific target groups (e.g., low-income individuals, women, homeless

individuals, etc.)?

Go to question 5.3c

5.3c. Which strategies do you think are more effective for TANF recipients? Please explain.

Go to question 5.4

5.4. Overall, what challenges has your HPOG program experienced in the provision of basic skills training?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Check “No challenges reported” if

respondent does not report any challenges. If challenges are reported, use the

following probes:

  • Quality of instruction (e.g., high percentage of part-time instructors, little active instruction, etc.)

  • High attrition (e.g., due to lack of motivation or commitment, conflicting demands of work or family, etc.)

  • Transportation challenges

  • Competition from other healthcare training opportunities that do not require enrollment into basic skills training

  • Participants with limited English proficiency

No challenges reported


Go to question 6.1a

  1. Healthcare Occupational Training

6.1a. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews and PAGES, the following healthcare occupational trainings were purposely designed (or redesigned/compressed) for accelerated completion: [Summarize from column B in table below]. By accelerated, we mean courses where instruction and/or curricula were reorganized in ways that allow students to complete them more quickly than in a traditional format. This may mean students move through the content in fewer hours of instruction or it may mean that students attend class for more hours per week or both. Have there been any updates or changes since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Select which courses are accelerated in Column A using

information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Pre-fill

Column B using information from PAGES. Then update information collected

from the interview in Column C. Select

one answer for each row.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 5.7

(accelerated courses in year 2) and PAGES (accelerated courses in year 5)

Healthcare Occupational Training Course




Year 2



Year 5


  1. [Training Course]

  1. [Training Course]

  1. [Training Course]

  1. [Training Course]

  1. [Training Course]

  1. [Training Course]

  1. [Training Course]

  1. Pre-fill with additional training courses as needed

If any changes occurred between years 2 and 3, go to question 6.1b

Otherwise skip to question 6.2

6.1b. Please explain why these changes were implemented.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Probe on the following:

  • When the changes occurred

  • The type of changes implemented

  • Satisfaction with the changes implemented

Go to question 6.2

6.2. Overall, what challenges has your HPOG program experienced in the provision of healthcare occupational training?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Check “No challenges reported” if

respondent does not report any challenges. If challenges are reported, use the

following probes:

  • Quality of instruction (e.g., high percentage of part-time instructors, little active instruction, etc.)

  • High attrition (e.g., due to lack of motivation or commitment, conflicting demands of work or family, etc.)

  • Transportation challenges

  • Participants with limited English proficiency

No challenges reported


Go to question 6.3

6.3. Which of the following roles do your HPOG program and your partners currently perform to provide HPOG participants with healthcare occupational training opportunities?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Column A with organizations that provide healthcare occupational training from the responses you pre-filled to Question 2.0b (Column E). Select all that apply for each row.

Programming Instructions: Auto-populate using organizations that provide healthcare occupational training from question 2.0b










Provides Faculty or Instructors

Provides Training Space

Provides Training Equipment (e.g., labs, computers, etc.)

Provides Learning Technologies (e.g., learning management system, online tutoring software, online discussion board, wikis, course blogs)

Provides Work-Based Learning Opportunities (e.g., clinicals, internships, on the job training)

Other (Please Specify: [Click here to enter text.])

Organization Does Not Provide Healthcare Occupational Training Activities

  1. Name of HPOG Program

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

  1. [Partner#_Name]

Go to question 7.1a

  1. Other Skills Development Activities

7.1a. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews and PAGES (and focus area site visit if site participated), your HPOG program offers the following other skills development training, activities, or workshops: [Summarize from column A in the table below]. Has anything changed since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns A and B using

Information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Pre-fill Column C using information from PAGES. Then update information collected from the interview in Column D. Select all that apply.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 5.17a (Column A), focus area site visits (if applicable; Column B), and PAGES (Column C)

Other Skills Development Offered





[Year 2, First-Round]

Focus Area Site Visit (if applicable)


[Year 5, Second- Round]

  1. Introduction to Healthcare Career Workshop

  1. Work readiness (e.g., positive work habits, attitudes, and behavior, etc.)

  1. College readiness (e.g., study, financial, and time management skills, etc.)

  1. Digital literacy

  1. CPR training

  1. Other (Please specify: Click here to enter text.)

Key Definitions: Other Skills Development services include--

A Introduction to Healthcare Careers: A workshop that provides information in a group setting about a variety of healthcare careers, including necessary educational and other requirements, day-to-day work activities, and career pathways.

B Work Readiness: A course or workshop that focuses on world-of-work awareness and addresses the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills (or “soft skills”) individuals need to be successful in the workplace.

C College Readiness: A course or workshop that educates participants about college and being a student, including study skills; stress, financial, and time management skills; working in teams; selecting and meeting prerequisites; and the responsibilities and expectations of college students. This is distinct from developmental education (e.g., math or reading skills) and tutoring in a specific subject.

D Digital Literacy: A course or workshop that educates participants on the use of digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information; the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers; how to read and interpret media; how to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation; and how to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.

E CPR Training: Course of instruction in cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that follows a nationally recognized program such as those of the American Heart Association or Red Cross and those approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or state license boards for medical professionals.

If any changes occurred between years 2 and 3, go to question 7.1b

Otherwise skip to question 7.1c

7.1b. Please explain why the changes were implemented.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Probe on the following:

  • When the changes occurred

  • The type of changes implemented

  • Satisfaction with the changes implemented

Go to question 7.1c

7.1c. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, we noted below which other skills development services were mandatory or voluntary for HPOG participants (Column B). Has anything changed since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill using information from the

First-Round Telephone Interviews in column B. Then document any changes in

Column C. If no changes occurred, select the same responses from Column B

into Column C. Select one answer for each row (per column).

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 5.17b




Other Skills Development Services

Year 2, First-Round Telephone Interviews

Year 5, Second-Round Telephone Interviews

Mandatory for HPOG Participants

Voluntary for HPOG Participants

Mandatory for HPOG Participants

Voluntary for HPOG Participants

  1. Introduction to Healthcare Career workshop

  1. Work readiness (e.g., positive work habits, attitudes, and behavior, etc.)

  1. College readiness

  1. Digital literacy

  1. CPR training

  1. Other (Please specify: Click here to enter text.)

If any changes occurred between years 2 and 3, go to question 7.1d

Otherwise skip to question 7.2

7.1d. Please explain why these changes were implemented.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Probe on the following:

  • When the changes occurred

  • The type of changes implemented

  • Satisfaction with the changes implemented

Go to question 7.2

7.2. How do the other skills development services that you described this current year (year 5) help to improve participants’ skills?

Go to question 7.3a

7.3a. Are there some of these other skills development services that you think are more effective than others? Please explain.

Go to question 7.3b

7.3b. Do you provide different skill development services for different types of participants? If so, which skill development strategies are more effective for different types of participants? Please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Refer to the grantee’s EDIP to review

specific target groups (e.g., low-income individuals, women, homeless

individuals, etc.)?

Go to question 7.3c

7.3c. Which skill development services do you think are more effective for TANF recipients? Please explain.

Go to question 7.4

7.4. What challenges has your HPOG program experienced in providing other skills development services?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Check “No challenges reported” if

respondent does not report any challenges. Otherwise, use the following probes:

  • Quality of instruction (e.g., high percentage of part-time instructors, little active instruction, etc.)

  • Quality of course content

  • Low participation or retention (probe why program experienced low participation or retention; examples may include inadequate childcare, transportation, housing, conflicting work schedules, etc.)

  • Lack of instructors to provide training/high staff turnover

No challenges reported


Go to question 8.1a

  1. Program Supports

Now I would like to discuss the type of supports—including case management/counseling, academic, personal/logistical, work-based learning and employment assistance services—you and your partners offer and in what ways you believe they help participants complete training and obtain employment in the healthcare field.

    1. Case Management/Counseling, Academic Supports and Employment Assistance

8.1a. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, the following case management/counseling, academic advising, and employment assistance services are provided by staff in your HPOG program: [Summarize from column B in table below]. Have there been any updates or changes since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Column B and C using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. If any services were provided by partners or community service agencies during the first-round telephone interviews, also ask question 5.1b. Select all that apply for each row in column D (if applicable). If no changes occurred, select the same responses from Column B and C into Column D and E.

Data Sources(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews, Question 6.5






Case Management/Counseling, Academic Advising and Employment Assistance

Services Provided by the HPOG Program

[Year 2, First-Round Telephone Interview]

Not Offered [Year 2]

Services Provided by the HPOG Program

[Year 5, Second Round Telephone Interview]

Not Offered [Year 5]

Case Manager


Career Advisor

Job Developer

Other HPOG staff

Case Manager


Career Advisor

Job Developer

Other HPOG staff

  1. Participant monitoring (e.g., assessing participants’ progress in training or needs for program supports)

  1. Academic counseling (e.g., course advising)

  1. Career counseling (e.g., reviewing careers or career pathways)

  1. Counseling to identify personal and supportive service needs

  1. Financial counseling (e.g., helping with financial aid or related income support or budget matters)

  1. Job search assistance

  1. Job placement assistance

  1. Job retention services

  1. Other (Please Specify: )

Key Definitions:

f. Job Search Assistance: Provision of assistance, one-on-one or in a group, in job search including information on labor markets, occupational information, and job search

techniques (resumes, interviews, applications, and follow-up letters). Resulting job search is self-directed by participants. This assistance does not include job

placement assistance.

g. Job Placement Assistance: Referral of individuals to jobs matching their abilities and interests. Staff may interview and assess/test participants for the purpose of

achieving suitable job placements where there is a good match between management needs and employee qualifications. This is separate from job search assistance

that results in self-directed job search.

h. Job Retention Services: Various practices that help a person maintain employment or change jobs without a period of unemployment. The services in this category

must take place while the participant is employed and differ from services that focus on work readiness training prior to finding employment. Examples of job

retention services include counseling for specific job-related issues, incumbent worker career advancement counseling, and job-specific workplace behavior


If any services in Column A were offered by HPOG partners or community services agencies/other programs, go to question 8.1b

Otherwise skip to question 8.2

8.1b. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, the following case management/counseling, academic advising and employment assistance services are provided by partners (at a cost to the HPOG program or not) or community service agencies/other programs: [Summarize information from columns B and D in the table below]. By partners we mean organizations that are involved with or have supported your HPOG program. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by partners at a cost or not since the summer of 2017? Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by community services agencies or other programs?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Column B and D (year 2) using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by HPOG partners, select the same responses from Column B into Column C. If no changes occurred in services provided by community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from Column D into Column E.

Data Sources(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.5








Case Management and Counseling Services

Services provided by HPOG partners

[Year 2]

Services provided by HPOG partners

[Year 5]

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

Year 2

Year 5

  1. Participant monitoring (e.g., assessing participants’ progress in training or needs for program supports)

  1. Academic counseling (e.g., course advising)

  1. Career counseling (e.g., reviewing careers or career pathways)

  1. Counseling to identify personal and supportive service needs

  1. Financial counseling (e.g., helping with financial aid or related income support or budget matters)

  1. Job search assistance

  1. Job placement assistance

  1. Job retention services

  1. Other (Please Specify: )

Go to question 8.2

8.2. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, the following academic and career advising services are routinely offered by the HPOG program, partners, or community service agencies/other programs: [Summarize information from columns B, D and F in the table below]. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by the HPOG program, partners (at a cost or not), or community service agencies/other programs since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns B, D, and F using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2). Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by the HPOG program, HPOG partners, or community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from year 2 into year 5.

  • If services are provided by partners, identify whether the service is provided at a cost to the program or not. If services are provided by multiple partners whereby some provide services at a cost and others do not, select both responses.

Data Sources(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.6










Academic and Career Advising Services

Services provided by the HPOG program

Services provided by HPOG partners

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

  1. Advise on graduation requirements

  1. Advise on college entrance requirements or prerequisites

  1. Assistance developing and tracking career goals in healthcare

  1. Advise on course selection

  1. Assistance with license/certification examination preparation

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Go to question 8.3

8.3. The following mentoring and/or peer support services are offered by the HPOG program, partners, or community service agencies/other programs: [Summarize information from columns B, D and F in the table below]. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by the HPOG program, partners (at a cost or not), or community service agencies/other programs since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns B, D, and F using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by the HPOG program, HPOG partners, or community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from year 2 into year 5.

  • If services are provided by partners, identify whether the service is provided at a cost to the program or not. If services are provided by multiple partners whereby some provide services at a cost and others do not, select both responses.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.7

Key Definitions:

  • Mentoring: Advice and counseling to a participant by a person other than case manager/program staff who has already achieved goals that are the same as or similar to the goals that a participant has set for his/herself, based on the mentor’s personal experiences. This involves an ongoing relationship that may be formal or informal.

  • Peer Support: Activities that foster social and emotional connections among a consistent cohort or group of participants with the intention of enabling mutual assistance and shared accountability and commitment to program retention and completion.










Academic Support Services

Services provided by the HPOG program

Services provided by HPOG partners

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

  1. Mentoring activities

  1. Peer support activities

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Go to question 8.4

8.4. How do the case management/counseling, academic advising, and employment assistance services that you described above help to improve participants’ skills?

Go to question 8.5a

8.5a. Among all the case management/counseling, academic advising, and employment assistance services available, which supports do you think have been more effective in helping participants to complete training? Please explain.

Go to question 8.5b

8.5b. Do you use different case management/counseling, academic advising, and employment assistance services for different kinds of participants If so, which supports do you think are more effective for different types of participants? Please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Refer to the grantee’s EDIP to review

specific target groups (e.g., low-income individuals, women, homeless

individuals, etc.)?

Go to question 8.5c

8.5c. Which supports do you think are more effective for TANF recipients? Please explain.

Go to question 8.6

8.6. What challenges has your HPOG program experienced in the provision of case management/counseling, academic advising, and employment assistance services?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Check “No challenges reported” if the

respondent doesn’t report any challenges. If so, use the following probes:

  • Quality of case management and academic advising

  • Lack of motivation

  • Lack of life or soft skills (e.g., time management, personal hygiene )

  • Lack of basic academic skills

  • High staff turnover/lack of case managers/navigators

  • Low attendance (probe for reasons for low attendance)

  • Limited staff capacity

No challenges reported

Go to question 8.7

    1. Personal/Logistical Supports, Training-Related Costs and Tuition/Fees Assistance

8.7. According to our information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, the following personal/logistical supports are offered by the HPOG program, partners, or other programs or community service agencies: [Summarize information from columns B, D and F in the table below]. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by the HPOG program, partners (at a cost or not), or community service agencies/other programs since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns B, D, and F using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by the HPOG program, HPOG partners, or community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from year 2 into year 5.

  • If services are provided by partners, identify whether the service is provided at a cost to the program or not. If services are provided by multiple partners whereby some provide services at a cost and others do not, select both responses.

Data Source(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.8










Personal/Logistical Supports

Services provided by the HPOG program

Services provided by HPOG partners

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

  1. Emergency assistance

  1. Non-emergency food assistance

  1. Child/dependent care assistance

  1. Transportation assistance

  1. Housing support/assistance

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Go to question 8.8

8.8. The following training-related costs and tuition/fees assistance are offered by the HPOG program, partners, or other programs or community service agencies: [Summarize information from columns B, D and F in the table below]. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by the HPOG program, partners, or community service agencies/other programs since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns B, D, and F using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by the HPOG program, HPOG partners, or community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from year 2 into year 5.

  • If services are provided by partners, identify whether the service is provided at a cost to the program or not. If services are provided by multiple partners whereby some provide services at a cost and others do not, select both responses.

Data Sources(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.9










Training-Related Costs and Tuition/Fees Assistance

Services provided by the HPOG program

Services provided by HPOG partners

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

  1. Book costs

  1. College fees (e.g., course fees, tuition support)

  1. Licensing and certification fees

  1. Exam/exam preparation fees

  1. Work/training uniforms, supplies, tools

  1. Computer/technology equipment (e.g., laptops, software, etc.)

  1. Other (Please specify:)

Go to question 8.9a

8.9a. Among the personal/logistical supports, training-related costs and tuition/fees assistance described in questions 8.7 and 8.8 above, which do you believe has the greatest impact on participants’ training retention? Why?

Go to question 8.9b

8.9b. Do you offer different personal/logical supports, training-related costs and tuition/fees assistance to different kinds of participants? If so, which supports do you think are more effective for different types of participants? Please explain.

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Refer to the grantee’s EDIP to review

specific target groups (e.g., low-income individuals, women, homeless

individuals, etc.)?

Go to question 8.9c

8.9c. Which personal/logical supports, training-related costs and tuition/fees assistance do you think are more effective for TANF recipients? Please explain.

Go to question 8.10

8.10. What challenges has your HPOG program experienced in the provision of personal/logistical supports, training-related costs and tuition/fees assistance?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Check “No challenges reported” if

respondent does not report any challenges. If so, use the following probes:

  • Limited supplies or funds are available for services

  • Limited staff capacity

  • Transportation challenges might be significant in rural areas – probe appropriately

No challenges reported

Go to question 8.11a

    1. Work-Based Learning Opportunities and Employment Assistance

8.11. Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill using information from PAGES. Only ask this question if the category checked is “none” or ”1-10 percent.”

Data Source: PAGES

Based on information in PAGES, approximately [interviewer read range from categories below] XX percentage of your enrolled and active/open students have participated in work-based learning opportunities (e.g., on-the-job training, work experience, job shadowing, unpaid internship or externship).

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Check the appropriate response category below.


1- 10 percent

11-30 percent

31-50 percent

More than 50 percent

Please explain why students do not participate in work-based learning opportunities. [If 10 percent or fewer is pre-filled in question 8.11a, ask the following question instead: Please explain why a small percentage of students are currently participating in work-based learning opportunities.]

8.12. Based on information collected during the First-Round Telephone Interviews, the following job search and placement assistance services are offered by the HPOG program, partners, or other programs or community service agencies: [Summarize information from columns B, D and F in the table below]. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by the HPOG program, partners (at a cost or not), or community service agencies/other programs since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns B, D, and F using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by the HPOG program, HPOG partners, or community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from year 2 into year 5.

  • If services are provided by partners, identify whether the service is provided at a cost to the program or not. If services are provided by multiple partners whereby some provide services at a cost and others do not, select both responses.

Data Sources(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.11a










Job Search and Placement Assistance

Services provided by the HPOG program

Services provided by HPOG partners

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

  1. Job search skills workshops (e.g., group workshops on writing resumes and cover letters, conducting a job search, interviewing, etc.)

  1. Identifying job openings for program graduates

  1. Meeting with employers to identify job openings for graduates

  1. One-on-one job search assistance

  1. Advising on career and job choices

  1. Operating or providing referrals to job fairs

  1. Job screening (e.g., screen for suitability for a job)

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Go to question 8.13

8.13. The following job retention (e.g., after job placement) services are provided by the HPOG program, partners, or other programs or community service agencies: [Summarize information from columns B, D and F in the table below]. Have there been any changes in whether services were provided by the HPOG program, partners, or community service agencies/other programs since the summer of 2017?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Pre-fill Columns B, D, and F using information collected from the First-Round Telephone Interviews. Select all that apply for each row. If no changes occurred in services provided by the HPOG program, HPOG partners, or community service agencies/other programs, select the same responses from year 2 into year 5.

  • If services are provided by partners, identify whether the service is provided at a cost to the program or not. If services are provided by multiple partners whereby some provide services at a cost and others do not, select both responses.

Data Sources(s): First-Round Telephone Interviews (Year 2), Question 6.12a










Job Retention

Services provided by the HPOG program

Services provided by HPOG partners

Services provided by community service agencies/other programs

Not Offered [Year 2]

Not Offered

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

[Year 2]

[Year 5]

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

At a cost to the HPOG program

At no cost to the HPOG program

  1. In-person meetings with participant

  1. Phone check-ins with participant

  1. Phone calls or meetings with participant’s supervisor

  1. Email check-ins with participant

  1. Social media (e.g., Facebook groups, LinkedIn)

  1. Host events for and/or group meetings with program graduates

  1. Other (Please specify: )

Go to question 8.14a

8.14a. What do you believe are the most effective job search and placement strategies for participants? Why?

Go to question 8.14b

8.14b. Do you use different job search and placement strategies for different kinds of participants? If so, which job search and placement strategies do you think are more effective for different types of participants?

Go to question 8.14c

8.14c. Which job search and placement strategies do you think are more effective for TANF recipients? Please explain.

Go to question 8.15a

8.15a. What do you believe are the most effective job retention strategies?? Please explain

Go to question 8.15b

8.15b. Do you use different job retention strategies for different kinds of participants? If so, which strategies do you think are more effective for different types of participants?

Go to question 8.15c

8.15c. What do you believe are the most effective job retention strategies for TANF recipients? Please explain

Go to question 8.16

8.16. What have been the most important challenges to placing your participants into the jobs they have trained for?

Interviewer/HPOG Site Team Instructions: Select “Not applicable” if the HPOG

program has not experienced any challenges. Use the following probes:

  • Participants need immediate employment

  • Participants lack soft skills (e.g., appropriate workplace behavior)

  • Transportation challenges

  • Lack of jobs in specific healthcare occupations,

  • Competition from other healthcare training opportunities

Not applicable

Go to question 9.1 (End of Interview)

  1. Conclusion

9.1. Is there is anything else about the structure and operations of the HPOG program that was either not covered in this interview or that you would like to share?

Thank you for your assistance in completing this interview and providing important information for the study. We appreciate the information you’ve shared with us today. With your help, we will have better information about the practices of participating HPOG programs across the nation.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAbt Single-Sided Body Template
AuthorPorsha Cropper
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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