State Coordinators ATCS

Annual Treatment Court Survey (ATCS) Series

2020 Statewide_Coordinators_Survey

State Coordinator ATCS

OMB: 1121-0372

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Statewide Coordinators Survey

Start of Block: Block 1

Q159 The Painting the Current Picture Survey is designed to gather information from statewide/territory-wide coordinators regarding the problem-solving court programs within your respective state/territory. The purpose of this survey is to better understand how these courts are structured, how they operate, the outcomes produced (e.g., graduation rate), challenges experienced, resources needed, etc. Moreover, these data allow us to determine the number of individuals participating in these programs nationally and identify and monitor trends within the field.   This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) by the National Drug Court Resource Center, which is housed at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. You will be asked a series of questions regarding the various types of problem-solving courts within your state/territory. Each section is organized by court type. We anticipate the survey may take 30 minutes to complete.   Your participation in this project is voluntary and poses little risk to you. Your responses will be combined with the answers of other statewide/territory-wide coordinators in the writing of the Painting the Current Picture monograph. Moreover, your name and other identifying information will not be used in the writing of this report. In appreciation for your time and effort, the NDCRC will provide you with a copy of the Painting the Current Picture monograph, as well as a summary report of your state/territory’s information that includes relevant U.S. Census Bureau and FBI Uniform Crime Data.   If you have any questions about the survey instrument and/or the project as a whole, please contact Dr. Kristen DeVall at [email protected] or Dr. Christina Lanier at [email protected]. You may also contact the UNCW Institutional Review Board Office at [email protected] or 910- 962-7774.
To participate, please click "I consent" below to continue. Otherwise, please click "I do not consent" to end the survey. 

  • I consent (1)

  • I do not consent (2)

Skip To: Q1 If The Painting the Current Picture Survey is designed to gather information from statewide/territor... = I consent

Skip To: End of Survey If The Painting the Current Picture Survey is designed to gather information from statewide/territor... = I do not consent

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Q1 Name:


Q2 Email address:


Q3 Phone number:


Q5 Organization: 


Q4 Title/Position:


Q6 How many years have you worked in your current position? 


End of Block: Block 1

Start of Block: Default Question Block

Q7 Do you currently have a statewide or territory-wide management information system (MIS) for treatment/recovery courts in your state or territory? 

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

Skip To: Q8 If Do you currently have a statewide or territory-wide management information system (MIS) for treat... = Yes

Skip To: Q12 If Do you currently have a statewide or territory-wide management information system (MIS) for treat... = No

Q8 Is data entry for the MIS mandatory or voluntary? 

  • mandatory (1)

  • voluntary (2)

Q9 In what year was the MIS system implemented in your state or territory? 


Q10 Is a specific agency within your state/territory responsible for reviewing the accuracy of data entered into the MIS?

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

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Q11 Within your MIS, which of the following data elements are currently collected for each participant? (please click all the apply)

  • Age (1)

  • Race and/or ethnicity (2)

  • education level at program entry (3)

  • education level at program exit (25)

  • employment status at program entry (4)

  • employment status at program exit (24)

  • number of dependents (children) (5)

  • marital status (6)

  • housing status at program entry (7)

  • housing status at program exit (26)

  • risk and need level (8)

  • number of previous felonies (9)

  • number of previous misdemeanors (10)

  • drug(s) of choice/use (11)

  • recommended treatment level of care (23)

  • type of treatment received (13)

  • number of treatment sessions/hours/meetings (14)

  • number of recovery support services utilized (15)

  • number of urine drug/alcohol screens conducted (16)

  • results of urine drug/alcohol screens (17)

  • program entry date (19)

  • program exit date (20)

  • number of days in program (12)

  • program discharge status/type (18)

  • number of incentives received (21)

  • number of sanctions received (22)

  • number of court review sessions attended (27)

Display This Question:

If Do you currently have a statewide or territory-wide management information system (MIS) for treat... != Yes

Q12 You indicated above that you do not currently have a statewide or territory-wide MIS. Please describe how you get data from the local treatment/recovery courts within your state or territory? 






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Q158 Please refer to the  Painting The Current Picture Data Collection worksheet to answer the questions that follow.

Q13 Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below:

Currently in operation (1)

Planning stage (next 12 months) (2)

Closed within last two years (2018-2019) (3)

Drug Courts (1)

Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY (2)

Co-Occurring Disorder (3)

Family Treatment (4)

Mental Health/Wellness (5)

Opioid (6)

Re-entry (7)

Veterans (8)

Other (please name the type of court) (9)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q146 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the ADULT DRUG COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q147 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q148 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q149 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the FAMILY TREATMENT COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Mental Health/Wellness - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q150 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Opioid - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q151 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the OPIOID COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Re-entry - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q152 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the RE-ENTRY COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Veterans - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q153 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the VETERANS TREATMENT COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Other (please name the type of court) - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q154 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the OTHER TREATMENT/RECOVERY COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

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Q15 Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for JUVENILES in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below:

Currently in operation (1)

Planning stage (next 12 months) (2)

Closed within last two years (2018-2019) (3)

Drug Courts (1)

Co-Occurring Disorder (2)

Mental Health/Wellness (3)

Truancy (4)

Other (5)

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Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for JUVENILES in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below: Drug Courts - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q155 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the JUVENILE DRUG COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for JUVENILES in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below: Co-Occurring Disorder - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q156 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for JUVENILES in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below: Mental Health/Wellness - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q157 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for JUVENILES in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below: Truancy - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q158 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the JUVENILE TRUANCY COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for JUVENILES in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below: Other - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q159 What was or were the reason (s) for the closure of the OTHER JUVENILE TREATMENT/RECOVERY COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (7) ________________________________________________

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Q16 Considering the total number of TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019), please provide the number of each type below:

Currently in operation (1)

Planning stage (next 12 months) (2)

Closed within last two years (2018-2019) (3)

Adult Healing To Wellness (1)

Juvenile Healing To Wellness (2)

Re-Entry Healing to Wellness (3)

Family/Dependency (5)

Other (4)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS in your state or territory in 2019 (Ja... Adult Healing To Wellness - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q160 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the ADULT HEALING TO WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (please describe) (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS in your state or territory in 2019 (Ja... Juvenile Healing To Wellness - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q161 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the JUVENILE HEALING TO WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (please describe) (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS in your state or territory in 2019 (Ja... Re-Entry Healing to Wellness - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q162 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the RE-ENTRY HEALING TO WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (please describe) (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS in your state or territory in 2019 (Ja... Family/Dependency - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q164 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the FAMILY/DEPENDENCY HEALING TO WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (please describe) (7) ________________________________________________

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS in your state or territory in 2019 (Ja... Other - Closed within last two years (2018-2019) Is Greater Than 0

Q163 What was or were the reason(s) for the closure of the OTHER HEALING TO WELLNESS COURT(S)? Please select all that apply.

  • Insufficient funding (1)

  • Insufficient referrals (2)

  • Insufficient services available to participants (3)

  • Loss of political interest or will (4)

  • Loss of judicial interest or will (5)

  • Changes in offense classification or sentencing laws made fewer persons eligible (6)

  • Other (please describe) (7) ________________________________________________

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Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q18 Based on the previous  response that you currently have one or more ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about the participants within the ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q17 Within the ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (1)

Females (2)

Non-Binary (3)

Total number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of participants unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019. (4)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q139 Within the ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (4)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (5)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (6)

Asian or Pacific Islander (7)

Hispanic or Latinx (8)

Other Race (9)

Total number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of participants unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019. (4)

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Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q19 Among the ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

Hybrid DWI/Drug Courts (8)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q20 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

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Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Drug Courts - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q21 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the ADULT DRUG COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

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Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q114 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q115 Within the Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q140 Within the Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q32 Within the Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q33 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q116 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the Designated DWI/DUI/SOBRIETY COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q23 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q24 Within the CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q141 Within the CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q42 Within the CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q26 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Co-Occurring Disorder - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q117 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q40 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q41 Within the FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q142 Within the FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q28 Within the FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q44 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Display This Question:

If If Considering the total number of treatment/recovery courts for ADULTS in your state or territory i... Family Treatment - Currently in operation Is Greater Than 0

Q118 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the FAMILY TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Parenting/Family-Strengthening Programs (21)

Nutrition (23)

Life skills (e.g., budgeting) (24)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Services/Support for children/adolescents (22)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (25)

Other (please describe) (20)

Page Break

End of Block: Default Question Block

Start of Block: MH WELLNESS

Q46 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, The next section of the survey will ask for information about MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS  in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q47 Within the MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q143 Within the MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q48 Within the MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q49 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q119 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: MH WELLNESS

Start of Block: OPIOID

Q46 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more OPIOID COURTS in your state or territory, The next section of the survey will ask for information about OPIOID COURTS  in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q47 Within the OPIOID COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q144 Within the OPIOID COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (16)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (17)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (18)

Asian or Pacific Islander (19)

Hispanic or Latinx (20)

Other Race (21)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q133 Within the OPIOID COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q49 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the OPIOID COURTS  in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q120 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the OPIOID COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: OPIOID

Start of Block: RE-ENTRY

Q51 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more RE-ENTRY COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about RE-ENTRY COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q52 Within the RE-ENTRY COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q145 Within the RE-ENTRY COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q134 Within the RE-ENTRY COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q54 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the RE-ENTRY COURTS  in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q121 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the RE-ENTRY COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g.,budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: RE-ENTRY

Start of Block: VETERANS

Q56 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory, The next section of the survey will ask for information about VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q57 Within the  VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q146 Within the  VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q135 Within the VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q59 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q122 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the VETERANS TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: VETERANS

Start of Block: OTHER

Q61 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more OTHER TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about OTHER TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q62 Within the  OTHER TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q147 Within the  OTHER TREATMENT COURTS  in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q136 Within the OTHER TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q64 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the OTHER TREATMENT  COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q123 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the OTHER TREATMENT COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: OTHER

Start of Block: JUV DTC

Q66 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more JUVENILE DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about JUVENILE DRUG COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q67 Within the JUVENILE DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q148 Within the JUVENILE DRUG COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q137 Within the JUVENILE DRUG COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q69 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the JUVENILE DRUG COURTS  in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q124 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the JUVENILE DRUG COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: JUV DTC

Start of Block: JUV COD

Q76 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q77 Within the JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q149 Within the JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q138 Within the JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q79 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS  in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q125 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the JUVENILE CO-OCCURRING DISORDER COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: JUV COD

Start of Block: JUV MHC

Q71 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q72 Within the JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q150 Within the JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q139 Within the JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS  in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q74 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS   in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q126 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH/WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: JUV MHC

Start of Block: TRUANCY

Q81 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q82 Within the JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q151 Within the JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q140 Within the JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q84 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q127 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the JUVENILE TRUANCY COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Services (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: TRUANCY

Start of Block: JUV OTHER

Q86 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q87 Within the OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q152 Within the OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (16)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (17)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (18)

Asian or Pacific Islander (19)

Hispanic or Latinx (20)

Other Race (21)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q141 Within the OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q89 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q128 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the OTHER JUVENILE COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: JUV OTHER

Start of Block: ADULT THTW

Q91 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q92 Within the ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q153 Within the ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q142 Within the ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q94 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q129 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the ADULT TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: ADULT THTW

Start of Block: JUV THTW

Q96 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS  COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q97 Within the JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q154 Within the JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q143 Within the JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q99 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q130 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the JUVENILE TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: JUV THTW

Start of Block: THTW REENTRY

Q101 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS  COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q102 Within the RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (13)

Females (14)

Non-Binary (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q155 Within the RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q144 Within the RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q104 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q131 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the RE-ENTRY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: THTW REENTRY

Start of Block: THTW FAMILY

Q171 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS  COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q172 Within the FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q156 Within the FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (10)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (11)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (12)

Asian or Pacific Islander (13)

Hispanic or Latinx (14)

Other Race (15)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q173 Within the FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q174 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q175 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the FAMILY/DEPENDENCY TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Parenting/Family Strengthening Programs (24)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: THTW FAMILY

Start of Block: THTW OTHER

Q106 Based on the previous response that you currently have one or more OTHER  TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS  COURTS in your state or territory, the next section of the survey will ask for information about OTHER TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory in 2019 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019).

Q107 Within the OTHER TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

Males (10)

Females (11)

Non-Binary (12)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Q157 Within the OTHER TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, please indicate the: 

White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (16)

African American/Black (non-Hispanic/Latinx) (17)

American Indian or Alaskan Native (18)

Asian or Pacific Islander (19)

Hispanic or Latinx (20)

Other Race (21)

Number of participants enrolled in 2019 (1)

Number of graduates in 2019 (2)

Number of unsuccessfully discharged in 2019 (3)

Number of participants still enrolled as of 12/31/2019 (4)

Page Break

Q145 Within the OTHER TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory, how many courts are: 

total number (1)

serving misdemeanants only (1)

serving felons only (2)

serving both felon and misdemeanants (3)

pre-plea diversion or deferred prosecution (4)

post-plea diversion or deferred sentencing (5)

post-sentencing or term of probation (6)

hybrid (post-plea diversion and post-sentencing) (7)

Q109 Please select the top three drugs of choice/use reported by participants in the OTHER TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. 

  • alcohol (1)

  • cocaine or crack (2)

  • heroin (3)

  • opiods (4)

  • marijuana (5)

  • methamphetamine (6)

  • barbiturates (7)

  • pharmaceutical sedatives (e.g., Xanax) (8)

  • pharmaceutical stimulants or amphetamines (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine) (9)

  • Other (10) ________________________________________________

Page Break

Q132 Using the matrix below, please identify the gaps in services experienced by the OTHER TRIBAL HEALING TO WELLNESS COURTS in your state or territory. Please select all that apply. 

Yes, a gap in this service exists. (1)

Housing (1)

Transportation (2)

Child Care (3)

Employment (4)

Education/Training (5)

Peer Support Specialist/ Recovery Coaches (6)

Nutrition (22)

Life Skills (e.g., budgeting) (23)

Mental Health Treatment (7)

Medical Care (8)

Dental Care (9)

Detox (10)

Inpatient Hospitalizations (11)

Residential Treatment (12)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (13)

Outpatient Treatment (14)

Aftercare/Continuing Care (15)

MAT (16)

Gender-specific Programming (17)

Cultural Specific Programs (18)

Drug Testing (19)

Trauma-informed Programming (21)

Other (please describe) (20)

End of Block: THTW OTHER

Start of Block: Block 16

Q106 Does your state or territory currently have legislation authorizing treatment/recovery courts? 

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

Display This Question:

If Does your state or territory currently have legislation authorizing treatment/recovery courts? = Yes

Q107 If yes, please provide the bill number or code section in the law. 


Page Break

Q108 Does your state or territory currently have treatment/recovery courts appropriation legislation? 

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

Display This Question:

If Does your state or territory currently have treatment/recovery courts appropriation legislation? = Yes

Q109 If yes, please provide the bill number.


Page Break

Q112 The next section of the survey will focus on training and education. 

Q110 Does your state or territory host a training conference for treatment/recovery court team members? 

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

Display This Question:

If Does your state or territory host a training conference for treatment/recovery court team members? = Yes

Q111 If yes, how often is the training conference held? 

  • Bi-annually (twice a year) (1)

  • Annually (once a year) (2)

  • Biennial (every other year) (3)

  • Other (please describe) (5) ________________________________________________

Q113 Please describe the current training and/or technical assistance needs for treatment/recovery courts in your state or territory. 






End of Block: Block 16

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleStatewide Coordinators Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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