30 Day FRN

1651-0086 30 day FRN 2020.pdf

Distribution of Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset to Affected Domestic Producers (CDSOA)

30 Day FRN

OMB: 1651-0086

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 70 / Friday, April 10, 2020 / Notices
30-Day notice and request for
comments; extension of an existing
collection of information.


The Department of Homeland
Security, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection will be submitting the
following information collection request
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). The
information collection is published in
the Federal Register to obtain comments
from the public and affected agencies.
Comments are encouraged and must be
submitted (no later than May 11, 2020)
to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
this proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. Comments should be addressed
to the OMB Desk Officer for Customs
and Border Protection, Department of
Homeland Security, and sent via
electronic mail to dhsdeskofficer@
Requests for additional PRA information
should be directed to Seth Renkema,
Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Office of Trade, Regulations
and Rulings, 90 K Street NE, 10th Floor,
Washington, DC 20229–1177,
Telephone number 202–325–0056 or via
email [email protected]. Please
note that the contact information
provided here is solely for questions
regarding this notice. Individuals
seeking information about other CBP
programs should contact the CBP
National Customer Service Center at
877–227–5511, (TTY) 1–800–877–8339,
or CBP website at https://www.cbp.gov/
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to comment on the
proposed and/or continuing information
collections pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.). This proposed information
collection was previously published in
the Federal Register (84 FR 70561) on
December 23, 2019, allowing for a 60day comment period. This notice allows
for an additional 30 days for public
comments. This process is conducted in
accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8. Written
comments and suggestions from the
public and affected agencies should
address one or more of the following
four points: (1) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the



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functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
suggestions to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) suggestions to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses. The
comments that are submitted will be
summarized and included in the request
for approval. All comments will become
a matter of public record.
Overview of This Information
Title: General Declaration (Outward/
Inward) Agriculture, Customs,
Immigration, and Public Health.
OMB Number: 1651–0002.
Form Number: Form 7507.
Action: CBP proposes to extend the
expiration date of this information
collection with no change to the burden
hours. There is no change to the
information collected or CBP Form
Type of Review: Extension (without
Abstract: As provided in 19 CFR
122.43, an aircraft commander or agent
must file CBP Form 7507, General
Declaration (Outward/Inward)
Agriculture, Customs, Immigration, and
Public Health at the time of arrival for
all aircraft required to enter pursuant to
19 CFR 122.41. As provided in 19 CFR
122.72 and 122.73, an aircraft
commander or agent must file this form
at the departure airport for all aircraft
departing to a foreign area with
commercial airport cargo. As provided
in 19 CFR 122.144, this form must be
presented to CBP for signature by the
inspecting officer in the U.S. Virgin
Islands for flights from the U.S. Virgin
Islands to the U.S. This form is used to
document clearance and inspections by
appropriate regulatory agency staffs.
CBP Form 7507 collects information
about the flight routing, the number of
passengers embarking and
disembarking, the number of crew
members, a declaration of health for the
persons on board, and details about
disinfecting and sanitizing treatments
during the flight. This form also
includes a declaration attesting to the
accuracy, completeness, and
truthfulness of all statements contained

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in the form and in any document
attached to the form.
CBP Form 7507 is authorized by 42
U.S.C 268, 19 U.S.C. 1431, 1433, and
1644a; and provided for by 19 CFR
122.43, 122.52, 122.54, 122.73, 122.144;
and 42 CFR 71.21 and 71.32. This form
is accessible at: https://www.cbp.gov/
Affected Public: Businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 2,644.
Estimated Number of Total Annual
Responses: 1,322,000.
Estimated Time per Response: 5
Estimated Annual Burden Hours:
Dated: April 6, 2020.
Seth D. Renkema,
Branch Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
[FR Doc. 2020–07520 Filed 4–9–20; 8:45 am]

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Distribution of Continued
Dumping and Subsidy Offset to
Affected Domestic Producers
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP), Department of
Homeland Security.
ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
comments; extension of an existing
collection of information.

The Department of Homeland
Security, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection will be submitting the
following information collection request
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). The
information collection is published in
the Federal Register to obtain comments
from the public and affected agencies.
Comments are encouraged and must be
submitted (no later than May 11, 2020)
to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to www.reginfo.gov/public/do/
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 70 / Friday, April 10, 2020 / Notices

‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.

Requests for additional PRA information
should be directed to Seth Renkema,
Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Office of Trade, Regulations
and Rulings, 90 K Street NE, 10th Floor,
Washington, DC 20229–1177,
Telephone number 202–325–0056 or via
email [email protected]. Please
note that the contact information
provided here is solely for questions
regarding this notice. Individuals
seeking information about other CBP
programs should contact the CBP
National Customer Service Center at
877–227–5511, (TTY) 1–800–877–8339,
or CBP website at https://www.cbp.gov/.
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to comment on the
proposed and/or continuing information
collections pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.). This proposed information
collection was previously published in
the Federal Register (84 FR 67750) on
December 11, 2019, allowing for a 60day comment period. This notice allows
for an additional 30 days for public
comments. This process is conducted in
accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8. Written
comments and suggestions from the
public and affected agencies should
address one or more of the following
four points: (1) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
suggestions to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) suggestions to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses. The
comments that are submitted will be
summarized and included in the request
for approval. All comments will become
a matter of public record.



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Overview of This Information
Title: Distribution of Continued
Dumping and Subsidy Offset to Affected
Domestic Producers.
OMB Number: 1651–0086.
Form Number: CBP Form 7401.
Abstract: This collection of
information is used by CBP to make
distributions of funds pursuant to the
Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset
Act of 2000 (CDSOA). 19 U.S.C. 1675c
(repealed by the Deficit Reduction Act
of 2005, Public Law 109–171, § 7601
(Feb. 8, 2006)). This Act prescribes the
administrative procedures under which
antidumping and countervailing duties
assessed on imported products are
distributed to affected domestic
producers that petitioned for or
supported the issuance of the order
under which the duties were assessed.
The amount of any distribution afforded
to these domestic producers is based on
certain qualifying expenditures that
they incur after the issuance of the order
or finding up to the effective date of the
CDSOA’s repeal, October 1, 2007. This
distribution is known as the continued
dumping and subsidy offset. The claims
process for the CDSOA program is
provided for in 19 CFR 159.61 and
A notice is published in the Federal
Register in June of each year in order to
inform claimants that they can make
claims under the CDSOA. In order to
make a claim under the CDSOA, CBP
Form 7401 may be used. This form is
accessible at and can be submitted
electronically through https://
Current Actions: This submission is
being made to extend the expiration
date and to revise the burden hours as
a result of updated estimates of the
number of CDSOA claims prepared on
an annual basis. There are no changes
to the information collected.
Type of Review: Extension (with a
change to the burden hours).
Affected Public: Businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 2.
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
Estimated Time per Response: 60
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 1,400.

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Dated: April 6, 2020.
Seth D. Renkema,
Branch Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
[FR Doc. 2020–07516 Filed 4–9–20; 8:45 am]

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Foreign Assembler’s
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP), Department of
Homeland Security.
ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
comments; extension of an existing
collection of information.

The Department of Homeland
Security, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection will be submitting the
following information collection request
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). The
information collection is published in
the Federal Register to obtain comments
from the public and affected agencies.
Comments are encouraged and must be
submitted (no later than May 11, 2020)
to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to www.reginfo.gov/public/do/
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Requests for additional PRA information
should be directed to Seth Renkema,
Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Office of Trade, Regulations
and Rulings, 90 K Street NE, 10th Floor,
Washington, DC 20229–1177,
Telephone number 202–325–0056 or via
email [email protected]. Please
note that the contact information
provided here is solely for questions
regarding this notice. Individuals
seeking information about other CBP
programs should contact the CBP
National Customer Service Center at
877–227–5511, (TTY) 1–800–877–8339,
or CBP website at https://www.cbp.gov/.
invites the general public and other



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File Modified2020-04-10
File Created2020-04-10

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