NSF Convergence Accelerator virtual Expo 2020 Attendees' Survey, August

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery


NSF Convergence Accelerator virtual Expo 2020 Attendees' Survey, August

OMB: 3145-0215

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Email Invitation

Dear C-Accel Expo 2020 Attendee:
During July1-2, 2020, the NSF Convergence Accelerator Pilot (NSF C-Accel or C-Accel) held a
virtual Expo. The event included presentations of the projects by the teams that received grants
in Phase I. There were more than 1400 registrants for this event.
As a person who registered for the virtual Expo 2020, you have been selected to provide
feedback about your experiences with the Expo. We are sending this request to all registrants and
request that each individual respond with their personal opinions. This feedback is important and
will help to make improvements to the NSF Convergence Accelerator program and similar
showcase events for the future.
We expect the survey to take approximately 10 minutes. Please follow the link to the survey:
(Link to be included when the approved survey is in Survey Monkey)
Participation in this survey is voluntary. Your identity and responses are not linked to any future
award decisions made by NSF. Results of this survey will be used in aggregate to inform future
program, curriculum and event planning. Any quotations used will not be accredited to you.
We request that you complete the survey by August 31, 2020.
NSF Convergence Accelerator Team
OMB No.: 3145-0215. A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Did you attend the virtual Expo 2020?
• Yes. Please proceed to the questions.
• No. Thank you. [ EXIT SURVEY]
1. What was the main reason you attended the virtual Expo2020? (Please select all that
• I was looking for partners/collaborators
• I wanted to keep up with the current research
• I was looking for investment opportunities
• I was looking for ideas to change/improve STEM research programs
• Other (Please specify below)
2. Which track were you interested the most at the virtual Expo 2020?
3. Please indicate where do you currently work?
• In the United States (Domestic)
• Not in the United States (International)
4. Please indicate which of the following best describes your employer.
• Government
• Academia
• Industry
• Non-Profit
• Investor
• Other (Explain)
5. Please indicate which role best describes you?
• Researcher
• Research Management
• Business Development
• Investor
• Executive
• Practitioner/Operator
• Other
6. Overall, how inspired were you about the ideas you heard at the virtual Expo 2020?
• Very inspired (5)
• Inspired (4)
• Neutral (3)
• Not very inspired (2)
• Not inspired at all (1)

7. Please explain why?

8.Which of the following post Expo event actions have you taken?
• I shared the ideas I gleaned with my colleagues
• I contacted the PI of a project for more information.
• I pursued collaboration with a PI.
• I have made progress toward transitioning a research idea(s)
• I have not taken any post event actions.
• I did something else. Please specify?
9.Overall, how satisfied were you with the conversations with the presenters at their booths
during the virtual Expo 2020
• Very satisfied (5)
• Satisfied (4)
• Neutral (Neither satisfied, nor unsatisfied) (3)
• Unsatisfied (2)
• Very unsatisfied (1)
10 How likely are you to attend this event next year if it is held virtually?
• Very unlikely
• Somewhat unlikely
• Neutral
• Somewhat likely
• Very likely
11. If proper precautions are taken would you attend a live (face to face) Expo next year?
• Yes
• No
12. How likely are you to recommend Expo 2021 to a colleague?
• Very unlikely
• Somewhat unlikely
• Neutral
• Somewhat likely
• Very likely
13. How did you hear about this event? Please select all that apply.
• Social media
• Advertising at another event
• Email
• Personal invite from S&T staff
• Media (e.g. news article, press releases, etc.)
• NSF website

• Other (please specify)
14. Which are your preferred communication methods to stay informed about the Convergence
Accelerator? Select all that apply
• Blog
• Email
• In-person engagements (e.g., webinars, events)
• Newsletter
• Social media
• Website
• I would prefer not to receive further communication from C-Accel
15. Please rank order the following Research & Development (R&D) entities where 1 is where
you are most likely to go for information about tech transitions.
• AFWERX (Air Force Technology Accelerator)
• Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
• Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T)
• National Science Foundation, Convergence Accelerator (NSF CAO)
• National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
• Department of Energy National Labs
• Other
• I do not know.
Open Ended Question
Do you have any additional comments about the Expo 2020 or recommendations how to
improve the future Expo events, organized by C-Accel?
• What can the NSF’s Convergence Accelerator do to make it easier for the non-academic
community (e.g., industry, non-profits, other sectors) to work with us?


Respondent List

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorPetrova, Kitchka
File Modified2020-08-21
File Created2020-08-21

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