Attachment A9: Teleconference Interview Questions
Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is XXXX-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, Information Dissemination Branch, Division of Administrative Services, National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Note: Interviewees will receive a copy of the questions and a copy of their ADVANCE survey responses prior to the teleconference interview. Items in red are for the interviewer.
Date (MM/DD/YY): _______________ Start Time (AM/PM): _______________ End Time (AM/PM): _______________
ADVANCE Award ID #: ___________________________ADVANCE Survey Type: _____________________________
Interviewee Name (1): _____________________________ Institution/Organization (1): ____________________________
Received Consent (1): Yes__________________________ Agreed to Audio Recording (1): Yes_______ No____________
Interviewee Name (2): _____________________________ Institution/Organization (2): ____________________________
Received Consent (2): Yes__________________________ Agreed to Audio Recording (2): Yes_______ No____________
Interviewer: _____________________________________ Note Taker: _________________________________________
I. Questions for Awardees with ADVANCE Strategies that Continued after NSF Funding Ended
Questions about the Sustainability of ADVANCE Strategies
What were the three most important ADVANCE strategies focused on faculty-equity that continued after NSF ADVANCE funding ended?
1.1. What was the reason the [description of strategy] was chosen to continue? Note: ask for each strategy
Interviewer instruction for Q2: Ask the question for each strategy reported in Q1. Briefly summarize each strategy.
Please describe the characteristics of [description of strategy] (e.g., target audience, staff, funding sources, how they were managed, if evaluation was conducted).
2.1. How was the ADVANCE strategy implemented?
2.2. Who were the target audiences?
2.3. How was the ADVANCE strategy managed?
2.4. How was the ADVANCE strategy staffed?
2.5. How was the ADVANCE strategy funded?
2.6. How was the ADVANCE strategy evaluated?
2.7. What populations beyond STEM faculty (administrators, students, trainees, postdocs, staff, non-STEM faculty, local community, etc.) were impacted by the ADVANCE strategy?
It was reported in the survey for [Institution pre-populated] that some of the factors that affected sustainability of strategies after NSF ADVANCE funding ended were very important or extremely important. Please refer to your copy of [Institution pre-populated]’s survey responses.
3.1. Why were these factors important?
3.2. How did these factors facilitate the continuation of the ADVANCE strategies?
NOTE: The table below is for illustration purposes only.
Table 1. Please indicate how important each factor was in facilitating the continuation of ADVANCE strategies at
[Awardee Institution pre-populated] NSF ADVANCE funding ended.
Factors that Affect Sustainability |
4 Very Important |
5 Extremely Important |
What other factors do you consider important in the continuation of ADVANCE strategies #one, #two, and #three at [Institution pre-populated]? Examples of factors include:
High priority of ADVANCE program compared to other priorities in the institution
Efficient flow of information regarding ADVANCE purpose/goals
Strong and charismatic champion of the strategy
Incorporation of ADVANCE strategies into institution’s strategic plan
Leadership and grass-roots faculty support (values of interested and affected parties)
Scientific and technical capability
Questions about the Diffusion of ADVANCE Strategies
Interviewer instruction for Q5: Ask the question for each strategy reported in Q1. Briefly summarize each strategy.
Was [description of strategy] homegrown, or adapted/adopted from another source? Adaptation refers to the implementation of ADVANCE strategies beyond the originating institutions and organizations with modifications (with or without NSF ADVANCE funds), and adoption refers to the implementation of ADVANCE strategies beyond the originating institutions and organizations without modifications (with or without NSF ADVANCE funds).
If homegrown only, go to Q6A; If yes - adapted or adopted only, go to Q5.1 and then to Q7A
5.1. How did you learn about the strategy?
5.2. What was the source of the strategy [adapted or adopted]?
5.3. Why was the strategy selected for [adaptation or adoption]? Examples of factors to consider are:
Features – type of intervention (e.g., workshops), module driven, etc.
Cost of adaptation/adoption (low to no cost to implement)
Compatibility with institution’s values and mission
Ease of implementation (not too complex)
5.4. Did [Institution pre-populated] receive assistance from the originating source of the strategy?
5.5. If so, what type of assistance?
Homegrown Strategies
6A. To your knowledge, was this homegrown strategy - [description of strategy] - adopted or adapted by other institutions/organizations?
If no for all – go to Q6B; if yes - adapted or adopted, go to Q6.1A
6.1A. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [adapted or adopted] the strategy?
6.2A. How did the institutions/organizations that [adapted or adopted] learn about your homegrown strategy?
6.3A. What was the scope of the [adaptation or adoption]? Note: ask for each strategy by institution/organization
6.4A. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [adapting or adopting] the strategy?
6.5A. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
6.6A. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
6B. To your knowledge, were any other homegrown strategies developed by [Institution pre-populated] adopted or adapted by other institutions/organizations? Please consider both strategies that continued and those that did not continue after NSF funding ended.
If no – go to Q7A if adapted or adopted = yes in Q5; if no - go to Q7B if adapted or adopted = no in Q5; If yes – go to Q6.1B
6.1B. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [adapted or adopted] the strategy?
6.2B. How did the institutions/organizations that [adapted or adopted] learn about your homegrown strategy?
6.3B. What was the scope of the [adaptation or adoption]? Note: ask for each strategy by institution/organization
6.4B. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [adapting or adopting] the strategy?
6.5B. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
6.6B. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
Adopted or Adapted Strategies
7A. To your knowledge, was the strategy [description of strategy] [adapted or adopted] by your institution re-adopted by other institutions/organizations?
If no for all – go to Q7B; if yes – go to 7.1A
7.1A. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [re-adapted or re-adopted] the strategy?
7.2A. How did the institutions/organizations that [re-adapted or re-adopted] learn about the strategy?
7.3A. What was the scope of the [re-adaptation or re-adoption]?
7.4A. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [re-adapting or re-adopting] the strategy?
7.5A. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
7.6A. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
7B. To your knowledge, were there any other strategies that [Institution pre-populated] adopted or adapted from other institutions/organizations? Please consider strategies that continued and those that did not continue after NSF funding ended.
If no – go to Q8; if yes – go to 7.1B
7.1B. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [re-adapted or re-adopted] the strategy?
7.2B. How did the institutions/organizations that [re-adapted or re-adopted] learn about the strategy?
7.3B. What was the scope of the [re-adaptation or re-adoption]?
7.4B. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [re-adapting or re-adopting] the strategy?
7.5B. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
7.6B. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
Interviewer instruction for Q8: If adapted or adopted (responses to Q6A, Q6B, Q7A, and Q7B):
What factors do you think led to interest in [adapting or adopting] these ADVANCE strategies by others? Examples of factors include:
Features – type of intervention (e.g., workshops), module driven, etc.
Cost of adaptation (low to no cost to implement)
Compatibility with adapting institution’s values and mission
Ease of implementation (not too complex)
Networking with peers
Was this homegrown strategy - [description of strategy] - disseminated?
If no – go to Q10; if yes – go to 9.1
9.1. How was the strategy disseminated?
9.2. If applicable, what factors do you think contributed to the strategy not being adapted or adopted by other institutions/organizations?
Has [Institution pre-populated] introduced strategies to address inequities for faculty that mirror the ones implemented by ADVANCE that did not continue?
If no – go to Q11; if yes – go to 10.1
10.1. If so, please describe the strategies to address inequities.
10.2. How have the strategies been funded, if at all?
In your opinion, what are some contextual factors regarding your ADVANCE project that you think contributed to the success of your ADVANCE project?
Thank you
II. Questions for Awardees with ADVANCE Strategies that Did Not Continue after NSF Funding Ended
Questions about the Sustainability of the ADVANCE Strategies
Please describe the characteristics (e.g., activity, target audience, staff, how they were managed, if evaluation was conducted, etc.) of three faculty-equity strategies implemented DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant that [Institution pre-populated] would have like to continue after NSF ADVANCE funding ended.
1.1. What was the reason you would have liked for this to continue?
1.2. Who were the target audiences?
1.3. How were the ADVANCE strategies managed?
1.4. How were the ADVANCE strategies staffed?
1.5. How were the ADVANCE strategies funded?
1.6. How were the ADVANCE strategies implemented?
1.7. How were the ADVANCE strategies evaluated?
1.8. What populations beyond STEM faculty (administrators, students, trainees, postdocs, staff, non-STEM faculty, local community, etc.) were impacted by the ADVANCE strategies?
Interviewer instruction for Q2: Ask the question for each strategy reported in Q1. Briefly summarize each strategy.
To your knowledge, what were the main challenges and/or barriers to continuing the [description of strategy] AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended?
Questions about the Diffusion of ADVANCE Strategies
Interviewer instruction for Q3: Ask the question for each strategy reported in Q1. Briefly summarize each strategy.
Was [description of strategy] homegrown, or adapted/adopted from another source? Adaptation refers to the implementation of ADVANCE strategies beyond the originating institutions and organizations with modifications (with or without NSF ADVANCE funds), and adoption refers to the implementation of ADVANCE strategies beyond the originating institutions and organizations without modifications (with or without NSF ADVANCE funds).
If homegrown only, go to Q4A; If yes - adapted or adopted only, go to Q3.1 and then to Q5A
3.1. How did you learn about the strategy?
3.2. What was the source of the strategy [adapted or adopted]?
3.3. Why was the strategy selected for [adaptation or adoption]? Examples of factors to consider are:
Features – type of intervention (e.g., workshops), module driven, etc.
Cost of adaptation/adoption (low to no cost to implement)
Compatibility with institution’s values and mission
Ease of implementation (not too complex)
3.4. Did [Institution pre-populated] receive assistance from the originating source of the strategy?
3.5. If so, what type of assistance?
Homegrown Strategies
4A. To your knowledge, was this homegrown strategy - [description of strategy] - adopted or adapted by other institutions/organizations?
If no for all – go to Q4B; If yes - adapted or adopted, go to Q4.1A
4.1A. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [adapted or adopted] the strategy?
4.2A. How did the institutions/organizations that [adapted or adopted] learn about your homegrown strategy?
4.3A. What was the scope of the [adaptation or adoption]? Note: ask for each strategy by institution/organization
4.4A. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [adapting or adopting] the strategy?
4.5A. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
4.6A. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
4B. To your knowledge, were any other homegrown strategies developed by [Institution pre-populated] adopted or adapted by other institutions/organizations? Please consider both strategies that continued and those that did not continue after NSF funding ended.
If no – go to 5A if adapted or adopted = yes in Q3; if no - go to Q5B if adapted or adopted = no in Q3; If yes – go to Q4.1B
4.1B. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [adapted or adopted] the strategy?
4.2B. How did the institutions/organizations that [adapted or adopted] learn about your homegrown strategy?
4.3B. What was the scope of the [adaptation or adoption]? Note: ask for each strategy by institution/organization
4.4B. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [adapting or adopting] the strategy?
4.5B. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
4.6B. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
Adopted or Adapted Strategies
5A. To your knowledge, was the strategy [description of strategy] [adapted or adopted] by your institution re-adopted by other institutions/organizations?
If no for all – go to Q5B; if yes – go to 5.1A
5.1A. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [re-adapted or re-adopted] the strategy?
5.2A. How did the institutions/organizations that [re-adapted or re-adopted] learn about the strategy?
5.3A. What was the scope of the [re-adaptation or re-adoption]?
5.4A. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [re-adapting or re-adopting] the strategy?
5.5A. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
5.6A. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
5B. To your knowledge, were there any other strategies that [Institution pre-populated] adopted or adapted from other institutions/organizations? Please consider strategies that continued and those that did not continue after NSF funding ended.
If no – go to Q6; if yes – go to 5.1B
5.1B. How many institutions/organizations, that you know of, [re-adapted or re-adopted] the strategy?
5.2B. How did the institutions/organizations that [re-adapted or re-adopted] learn about the strategy?
5.3B. What was the scope of the [re-adaptation or re-adoption]?
5.4B. Was [Institution pre-populated] compensated by those [re-adapting or re-adopting] the strategy?
5.5B. How involved was your institution in helping other institutions/organizations [adapt or adopt] the strategy?
5.6B. What additional information do you consider important to share regarding the [adaptation or adoption] of the strategy?
Interviewer instruction for Q6: If adapted or adopted (responses to Q4A, Q4B, Q5A, Q5B):
What factors do you think led to interest in [adapting or adopting] these ADVANCE strategies by others? Examples of factors include:
Features – type of intervention (e.g., workshops), module driven, etc.
Cost of adaptation (low to no cost to implement)
Compatibility with adapting institution’s values and mission
Ease of implementation (not too complex)
Networking with peers
Was this homegrown strategy - [description of strategy] - disseminated?
If no – go to Q8; if yes – go to 7.1
7.1. How was the strategy disseminated?
7.2. If applicable, what factors do you think contributed to the strategy not being adapted or adopted by other institutions/organizations?
Has [Institution pre-populated] introduced strategies to address inequities for faculty that mirror the ones implemented by ADVANCE that did not continue?
If no – go to Q9; if yes – go to 8.1
8.1. If so, please describe the strategies to address inequities.
8.2. How have the strategies been funded, if at all?
In your opinion, what are some contextual factors regarding your ADVANCE project that you think contributed to the outcome of your ADVANCE project?
Thank you
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Author | Windrose |
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File Created | 2021-01-13 |