The Administration for Community
Living (ACL) collects data associated with the Evaluation of the
Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) American Indian, Alaska
Natives, and Native Hawaiian Programs (Older Americans Act [OAA]
Title VI; short title: Evaluation of the Title VI Programs). OAA
Title VI establishes grants to Native Americans for nutrition
services, supportive services, and family caregiver support
services. The purpose of Title VI is “to promote the delivery of
supportive services, including nutrition services, to American
Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians that are comparable
to services provided under Title III” (42 U.S.C. 3057), which
provides nutrition, caregiver and supportive services to the
broader U.S. population. Title VI is comprised of three parts; Part
A provides nutrition and supportive services to American Indians
and Alaska Natives, Part B provides nutrition and supportive
services to Native Hawaiians, and Part C provides caregiver
services to any programs that have Part A/B. The Evaluation of the
Title VI Programs is authorized under Section 206(a, c) of Title II
of the OAA, which directs ACL to “…measure and evaluate the impact
of all programs authorized by this Act, their effectiveness in
achieving stated goals in general, and in relation to their cost,
their impact on related programs, their effectiveness in targeting
for services under this Act unserved older individuals with
greatest economic need (including low-income minority individuals
and older individuals residing in rural areas) and unserved older
individuals with greatest social need (including low-income
minority individuals and older individuals residing in rural
areas), and their structure and mechanisms for delivery of
services, including, where appropriate, comparisons with
appropriate control groups composed of persons who have not
participated in such programs.” Consistent with requirements of the
Government Performance Results Modernization Act (GPRMA), ACL’s
Administration on Aging (AoA) integrates its strategic priorities
and plans with performance measurement criteria. The AoA has three
major performance measures: improve program efficiency, improve
client outcomes, and improve effective targeting of vulnerable
elders. Through program evaluations, ACL seeks a better
understanding of key programs, such as the programs under Title VI
of the OAA for AI/AN/NH.
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with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
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