Table x: Industry Wage Rates (2018$) |
Labor Category |
Data Series a |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % Wage |
Over-head % wage b |
Fringe + Overhead Factor c |
Hourly Loaded Wages d |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) =(b)/(a) |
(d) |
(e)=(c)+(d)+1 |
(f)=(a)×(e) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec-18 |
$48.73 |
$23.08 |
47% |
17% |
1.64 |
$80.09 |
Professional / Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec-18 |
$44.35 |
$23.43 |
53% |
17% |
1.70 |
$75.32 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec-18 |
$20.77 |
$10.20 |
49% |
17% |
1.66 |
$34.50 |
Footnotes |
a Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – March 2019 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019). |
b An overhead rate of 17% is used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (U.S. EPA, 2002). |
c The inflation factor of “1” in the formula for calculating the fringe + overhead factor means wage data are not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this analysis. |
Reference Filenames (accessed 6/20/19): |
1. Dec 2018 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
BLS site: |
| |
Navigation to BLS site (on date of Access, June 20, 2019): |
1 |
From |
2 |
---hold curser over "Subjects" then "Pay and Benefits" - select "Employment Costs" |
3 |
---naviagate to "ECT Publications" (by scrolling or link) |
-----extend list by selecting: All NCS Publications (including benefits, compensation costs, and wages) |
4 |
Go to "ECEC" tab |
4 |
Select "December 2006-Present Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Historical Listings, Private industry supplemental tables" |
Recommended Reference listings for sources in Footnotes: |
1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2019). Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – March 2019. Retrieved June 20, 2019, from |
2. Rice, C. (2002). Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxic Release Inventory Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
3. U.S. EPA. (2002). Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPA-HQ-OPPT-2002-0054-0279). Washington, D.C.: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
Reference Filenames: |
1. Dec 2018 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
Table x: Industry Wage Rates (2016$) |
Labor Category |
Data Series a |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % Wage |
Over-head % wage b |
Fringe + Overhead Factor c |
Hourly Loaded Wages d |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) =(b)/(a) |
(d) |
(e)=(c)+(d)+1 |
(f)=(a)×(e) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec-17 |
$46.59 |
$22.16 |
48% |
17% |
1.65 |
$76.67 |
Professional / Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec-17 |
$45.82 |
$24.33 |
53% |
17% |
1.70 |
$77.94 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec-17 |
$20.49 |
$11.02 |
54% |
17% |
1.71 |
$34.99 |
Footnotes |
a Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2017 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). |
b An overhead rate of 17% is used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (U.S. EPA, 2002). |
c The inflation factor of “1” in the formula for calculating the fringe + overhead factor means wage data are not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this analysis. |
Reference Filenames (accessed 3/26/18): |
1. Dec 2017 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
BLS site: |
| |
Navigation to BLS site (on date of Access, March 21, 2017): |
1 |
From |
2 |
---hold curser over "Subjects" then "Pay and Benefits" - select "Employment Costs" |
3 |
---naviagate to "ECT Publications" (by scrolling or link) |
Select "All NCS Publications (including benefits, compensation costs, and wages) »" |
4 |
Select "Private Industry Supplemental Historical Listing, December 2006 Forward [PDF] [TXT]" |
Recommended Reference listings for sources in Footnotes: |
1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2018). Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2017. Retrieved March 26, 2018, from |
2. Rice, C. (2002). Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxic Release Inventory Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
3. U.S. EPA. (2002). Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPA-HQ-OPPT-2002-0054-0279). Washington, D.C.: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
Reference Filenames: |
1. Dec 2017 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
Table x: Industry Wage Rates (2016$) |
Labor Category |
Data Series a |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % Wage |
Over-head % wage b |
Fringe + Overhead Factor c |
Hourly Loaded Wages d |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) =(b)/(a) |
(d) |
(e)=(c)+(d)+1 |
(f)=(a)×(e) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec-16 |
$50.09 |
$24.65 |
49% |
17% |
1.66 |
$83.26 |
Professional / Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec-16 |
$45.66 |
$24.98 |
55% |
17% |
1.72 |
$78.40 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec-16 |
$20.29 |
$10.52 |
52% |
17% |
1.69 |
$34.26 |
Footnotes |
a Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2016 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). |
b An overhead rate of 17% is used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (U.S. EPA, 2002). |
c The inflation factor of “1” in the formula for calculating the fringe + overhead factor means wage data are not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this analysis. |
Reference Filenames (accessed 3/22/17): |
1. Dec 2016 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
BLS site: |
| |
Navigation to BLS site (on date of Access, March 21, 2017): |
1 |
From |
(you are looking for the National Compensation Survey) |
2 |
---hold curser over "Subjects" then "Pay and Benefits" - select "Employment Costs" |
3 |
---naviagate to "ECT Publications" (by scrolling or link) |
Select "All NCS Publications (including benefits, compensation costs, and wages) »" |
4 |
Select ECEC Supplemental Tables Historical Data, December 2006 Forward [PDF] [TXT]" |
Recommended Reference listings for sources in Footnotes: |
1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2015. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from |
2. Rice, C. (2002). Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxic Release Inventory Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
3. U.S. EPA. (2002). Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPA-HQ-OPPT-2002-0054-0279). Washington, D.C.: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
Reference Filenames: |
1. Dec 2016 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
Table x: Industry Wage Rates (2015$) |
Labor Category |
Data Series a |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % Wage |
Over-head % wage b |
Fringe + Overhead Factor c |
Hourly Loaded Wages d |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) =(b)/(a) |
(d) |
(e)=(c)+(d)+1 |
(f)=(a)×(e) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec-15 |
$48.66 |
$24.25 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$81.18 |
Professional / Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec-15 |
$44.06 |
$24.34 |
55% |
17% |
1.72 |
$75.89 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec-15 |
$19.91 |
$10.37 |
52% |
17% |
1.69 |
$33.66 |
Footnotes |
a Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2015 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). |
b An overhead rate of 17% is used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (U.S. EPA, 2002). |
c The inflation factor of “1” in the formula for calculating the fringe + overhead factor means wage data are not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this analysis. |
Reference Filenames: |
1. Dec 2015 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
BLS site: |
| |
Navigation to BLS site (on date of Access, March 21, 2016): |
1 |
From |
(you are looking for the National Compensation Survey) |
2 |
---hold curser over "Subjects" then "Pay and Benefits" - select "Employment Costs" |
3 |
---naviagate to "ECT Publications" (by scrolling or link) |
Select "All NCS Publications (including benefits, compensation costs, and wages) »" |
4 |
Select ECEC Supplemental Tables Historical Data, December 2006 Forward [PDF] [TXT]" |
Recommended Reference listings for sources in Footnotes: |
1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2015. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from |
2. Rice, C. (2002). Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxic Release Inventory Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
3. U.S. EPA. (2002). Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPA-HQ-OPPT-2002-0054-0279). Washington, D.C.: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
Reference Filenames: |
1. Dec 2015 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
Table x: Industry Wage Rates |
Labor Category |
Data Sources a |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % Wage |
Over-head % wage b |
Fringe + Overhead Factor c |
Loaded Wages d |
Total Compensation |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) =(b)/(a) |
(d) |
(e)=(c)+(d)+1 |
(f)=(a)×(e) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec-14 |
$47.90 |
$24.18 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$80.22 |
$72.08 |
Professional / Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec-14 |
$42.19 |
$22.86 |
54% |
17% |
1.71 |
$72.22 |
$65.05 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec-14 |
$18.68 |
$9.40 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$31.26 |
$28.08 |
Footnotes |
a Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2014 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). |
b An overhead rate of 17% is used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (U.S. EPA, 2002). |
c The inflation factor of “1” in the formula for calculating the fringe + overhead factor means wage data are not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this analysis. |
BLS site: |
| |
Navigation to BLS site (on date of Access, March 19, 2015): |
1 |
From |
(you are looking for the National Compensation Survey) |
2 |
---hold curser over "Subjects" then "Pay and Benefits" - select "Employment Costs" |
3 |
---naviagate to "ECT Publications" (by scrolling or link) |
Select "All NCS Publications (including benefits, compensation costs, and wages) »" |
4 |
Select ECEC Supplemental Tables Historical Data, December 2006 Forward [PDF] [TXT]" |
Recommended Reference listings for sources in Footnotes: |
1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006 – December 2014. Retrieved March 19, 2015, from |
2. Rice, C. (2002). Wage Rates for Economic Analysis of the Toxic Release Inventory Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
3. U.S. EPA. (2002). Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPA-HQ-OPPT-2002-0054-0279). Washington, D.C.: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics and Policy Analysis Branch. |
Reference Filenames: |
1. Dec 2014 Ind wage rate source.pdf |
2. Wage Rates for the Economic Analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory.pdf |
3. Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule.pdf |
Table : Loaded Industry Wage Rates (December 2013) |
EPAB Labor Category |
Data Sourcesd |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % wage |
Over-head % wageb |
Fringe + overhead factorc |
Loaded Wagesa |
Total Compensation |
(A) |
(B) |
(C) =(B)/(A) |
(D) |
(E) =(C)+(D)+1 |
(F) =(A)*(E) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec '13 |
$46.21 |
$23.70 |
51.29% |
17% |
1.68 |
$77.77 |
$69.91 |
Professional/ Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec '13 |
$39.70 |
$21.14 |
53.25% |
17% |
1.70 |
$67.59 |
$60.84 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec '13 |
$18.05 |
$9.23 |
51.14% |
17% |
1.68 |
$30.35 |
$27.28 |
Notes: |
a Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this table; however, in calculations using these numbers for this report, unrounded values were used. |
b An overhead rate of 17% was used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analyses of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPAB, 2002). |
c An inflation factor of “1” means wage data were not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006-March 2014, US Bureau of Labor Statistics,September 10, 2014 (pp 31,33,37) (, accessed October 23, 2014). |
Table : Loaded Industry Wage Rates (December 2013) |
EPAB Labor Category |
Data Sourcesd |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % wage |
Over-head % wageb |
Fringe + overhead factorc |
Loaded Wagesa |
Total Compensation |
(A) |
(B) |
(C) =(B)/(A) |
(D) |
(E) =(C)+(D)+1 |
(F) =(A)*(E) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec '13 |
$46.25 |
$23.71 |
51% |
17% |
1.68 |
$77.82 |
$69.96 |
Professional/ Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec '13 |
$38.16 |
$19.90 |
52% |
17% |
1.69 |
$64.55 |
$58.06 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec '13 |
$18.05 |
$9.23 |
51% |
17% |
1.68 |
$30.35 |
$27.28 |
Notes: |
a Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this table; however, in calculations using these numbers for this report, unrounded values were used. |
b An overhead rate of 17% was used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analyses of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPAB, 2002). |
c An inflation factor of “1” means wage data were not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006-March 2014, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 11, 2014 (pp 31,33,37) (, accessed July 7, 2014). |
Table : Loaded Industry Wage Rates (December 2012) |
EPAB Labor Category |
Data Sourcesd |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % wage |
Over-head % wageb |
Fringe + overhead factorc |
Loaded Wagesa |
Total Compensation |
(A) |
(B) |
(C) =(B)/(A) |
(D) |
(E) =(C)+(D)+1 |
(F) =(A)*(E) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec '12 |
$43.95 |
$21.46 |
49% |
17% |
1.66 |
$72.88 |
$65.41 |
Professional/ Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec '12 |
$38.53 |
$19.31 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$64.39 |
$57.84 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec '12 |
$17.64 |
$8.87 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$29.51 |
$26.51 |
Notes: |
a Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this table; however, in calculations using these numbers for this report, unrounded values were used. |
b An overhead rate of 17% was used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analyses of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPAB, 2002). |
c An inflation factor of “1” means wage data were not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006-December 2012, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 12, 2013 (pp 31,33,37) (, accessed March 28, 2013). |
Table : Loaded Industry Wage Rates (December 2011) |
EPAB Labor Category |
Data Sourcesd |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % wage |
Over-head % wageb |
Fringe + overhead factorc |
Loaded Wagesa |
Total Compensation |
(A) |
(B) |
(C) =(B)/(A) |
(D) |
(E) =(C)+(D)+1 |
(F) =(A)*(E) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec '11 |
$43.01 |
$20.41 |
47% |
17% |
1.64 |
$70.73 |
$63.42 |
Professional/ Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec '11 |
$38.48 |
$19.64 |
51% |
17% |
1.68 |
$64.66 |
$58.12 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec '11 |
$17.89 |
$8.93 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$29.86 |
$26.82 |
Notes: |
a Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this table; however, in calculations using these numbers for this report, unrounded values were used. |
b An overhead rate of 17% was used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analyses of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPAB, 2002). |
c An inflation factor of “1” means wage data were not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006-December 2011, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 14, 2012 (pp 17,18,20) (, accessed March 14, 2012). |
Table : Loaded Industry Wage Rates (December 2010) |
EPAB Labor Category |
Data Sourcesd |
Date |
Wage |
Fringe Benefit |
Fringes as % wage |
Over-head % wageb |
Fringe + overhead factorc |
Loaded Wagesa |
Total Compensation |
(A) |
(B) |
(C) =(B)/(A) |
(D) |
(E) =(C)+(D)+1 |
(F) =(A)*(E) |
Managerial |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Mgt, Business, and Financial” |
Dec '10 |
$42.82 |
$19.64 |
46% |
17% |
1.63 |
$69.74 |
$62.46 |
Professional/ Technical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Professional and related“ |
Dec '10 |
$36.93 |
$18.50 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$61.71 |
$55.43 |
Clerical |
BLS ECEC, Private Manufacturing industries, “Office and Administrative Support” |
Dec '10 |
$17.36 |
$8.67 |
50% |
17% |
1.67 |
$28.98 |
$26.03 |
Notes: |
a Wage data are rounded to the closest cent in this table; however, in calculations using these numbers for this report, unrounded values were used. |
b An overhead rate of 17% was used based on assumptions in Wage Rates for Economic Analyses of the Toxics Release Inventory Program (Rice, 2002), and the Revised Economic Analysis for the Amended Inventory Update Rule: Final Report (EPAB, 2002). |
c An inflation factor of “1” means wage data were not escalated to reflect inflation. |
d Source: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Supplementary Tables: December 2006-June 2011, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 8, 2011 (pp 17,18,20) (, accessed October 12, 2011). |