Appendix 7.1 FNS-2 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Online Reautho

SNAP - Store Applications

Appendix 7.1 FNS-252-R-ORA (online)

OMB: 0584-0008

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Documents & Eligibility
Ack:no-A1edgement Agreement

0 TIP: Your GpPllcabon ror
reaufhorizanon is OVERDUE. To avoid
any possible interruption m SNAP
beneflls, complete and submit your
appltcatton today

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Customer Number: SFFN LNAL E9U1

Acknowledgement Agreement
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT· Authority: Soction 9 of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008. as amended, (7 U.S.C, 2018): section 205(c)
(2XC) of the Social Security Act (42 u.S.C. 405(c)(2XC)): and section 6109(() of Ille InIemaI Revenue Code or 1986 (26 u.S.C. 6109(f)),
authorizes collection of the infOffllabon on this application.
► Oetail5

USE AND DISCLOSURE - Routine Uses: We may use the informabon you give us in the following ways;
► Details


By stgnlng the application f()( reauthofizebon you ate confirming your unders1:and1n9 of and agreement with the foUowlng:
I am an owner of this firm; or am authorized to represent the firm regarding this reauthorization
I have provided truthful and oomplete infom,abon on this form �md on any documents provided to the Food and Nutrition Service;
If I provide false information, my authorization to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assist�mce Program (SNAP) benefits may be
Any mrormatloo I have provided or WIii provide may be verified and shared by the USDA as described in tho Pnvacy Act alld Use
and Disclosure statement.
SNAP training materials are available on request from the Food and Nutrition Service Owners/Officers must ensure that the
l181ning mal&rials ere reviewed by all finn's: owners and au empk)yees (whether paid or unpaid, new, futl•llme or part-time) and that
aJI employees will folk,w SNAP reguJations.
Violations of program rules can result in admfnistrative actions such as fines, sanctions, withdrawal or disqualification from the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Violation$ of the Supplemental Nutritiori Assistance Program rules can also resvft In
Federal, State and/or local otimlnat prosecution and sanctloRS.
Owners/Officers are responsible for vlolan.ons of the Supplemental Nul:rit10n Assistance Program regulations, Including those
committed by any of the firm's employees, paid or unpaid, new. full-time or parUime. These include violations such as, but 001
limited to·
a. Trading cash for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits {i.e., trafficking);
b. Accepting SupplomontaJ Nutrit)OJ\ Assistance Program benefits as payment foe inollgible items:

c. Accepting Supplemental Nu1rition Ass stance Program benefrts c.1s payment on credit accounts oc loans:
d. Knowingly accepting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits from people not authorized to use them:
Disqualification from the WIC Program may result in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program disqualification and a
disqualification from the Supplemental Nutntlon As1>i&tanoe Program rra&y re1>ull tn WIC Program d1squa1tfication;
In scool'dance with Federal law and U.S. Department or Agricullure policy, no customer may be dlsctlminaled against on the
grounds of race, color, national origin, sex. age, religion. pofitJcal beliefs, or disability. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
customers must be treated in the same manner as non..Supplemental Nutrition Assistanoe Program customers:
• Participation can be withdrawn if the firm violates any or re,gul�tions issued by Federal. State or local agencies. including
civil rights laws and their lmplemenong rogu1at1ons:
Changes an the firm's ownersNp, address, type of business a()d operation mus! be reponed to the Food and Nutotlon Service.
If your store is disquaJified or tined for violating Program rules, FNS may publicly dtsclose your store's name and address, ownecs•
names, and the penalty.

Supplemental Nutribon Assistance Program authorizabon may not be transferred to new ovmers, partners, or oorporations, An
unauthorized individual ot firm accepting or r&deemu)Q Supplemental Nutrit>On Assls1ance Ptog
File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-08-31
File Created2018-07-18

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