Appendix C. Survey of SNAP E&T Case Management_Master Discussion Guide_revision2_clean

Survey of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Case Management

Appendix C. Survey of SNAP E&T Case Management_Master Discussion Guide_revision2_clean

OMB: 0584-0665

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Appendix C. Master site visit discussion guide

OMB No. 0584-[NEW]

Survey of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Case Management

September 12, 2021

Project Officer: Kristen Corey

Office of Policy Support

Food and Nutrition Service

U.S. Department of Agriculture

1320 Braddock Place

Alexandria, VA 22314

Survey of SNAP E&T Case Management



Introduction and consent 1

A. Respondent background 5

B. Overview of State SNAP E&T program 6

C. Overall approach to case management, assessment, and participant reimbursements and other supports 7

Case management 7

Assessment 9

Participant reimbursements and other supports 10

D. State policy and guidance 12

E. Training 15

F. Providers 17

G. Staffing 19

H. Participant flow and case management service provision 21

SNAP E&T referral process 21

Case management 21

Assessment 26

Participant reimbursements and other supports 27

I. Data collection and reporting 31

J. Lessons learned and closing 33


Public Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-xxxx. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the following address: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314, ATTN: PRA (0584-xxxx). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Introduction and consent

Thank you for participating in this important study. My name is [NAME] and I am from a company called [SPR/Mathematica], which is a [describe organization]. We were hired by the Food and Nutrition Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture to help conduct a study to learn about States’ current SNAP E&T case management approaches, and the types of assessments, participant reimbursements, and other supports they offer participants after referral to E&T. An important goal of the study is to help develop best practices and lessons learned to support SNAP E&T programs. For this study, we are interviewing State and local SNAP staff and providers of SNAP E&T services in four states. We are not auditors—we are trained interviewers here to learn about how you implement your SNAP E&T program.

We will summarize our findings in a report, and no comments will be linked with your name. Further, personally-identifiable information (PII) will not be used to retrieve survey records or data.  The information you provide will be kept private, except as otherwise required by law and will not be maintained or disclosed in identifiable form to anyone.

I want to let you know that:

  • Your participation is voluntary so you may skip any questions that you are not comfortable answering. Be assured that there will be no penalties if you decide not to respond, either to the information collection as a whole or to any particular questions.

  • There are no right or wrong answers.

  • We will be taking notes throughout our conversation so that we can remember the information you provide when we are writing our report.

  • The interview will last approximately 60 minutes.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

Discussion questions by respondent type

Note to site visitors: The chart below is a general guide for constructing tailored interviews. Questions will vary depending on the structure of the State’s SNAP and SNAP E&T program, and the local structure of case management services. In advance of the visit, review the State’s SNAP E&T plan and other relevant documents to guide you in constructing the most appropriate set of interview questions for each respondent in each State. Keep in mind the length of time for each interview so as not to overload any one respondent.


Respondent type


State administrators

Local office or E&T provider directors

Local office or E&T provider supervisors

Local office or E&T provider frontline staff (e.g. case managers)

A. Respondent background





B. Overview of State SNAP E&T program


C. Overall approach to case management, assessment, and participant reimbursements and other supports



D. State policy and guidance



E. Training




F. Providers



G. Staffing




H. Participant flow and case management service provision



I. Data collection and reporting




J. Successes, challenges, and lessons learned





Note to site visitors: In advance of the visit, gather and review relevant documents from each State and complete the table below. Then prepopulate the discussion guide questions with information from the documentation and previous discussions with the State. For information we are not sure is accurate or is likely to change over time, prepopulate the question and confirm with the respondent.

State SNAP E&T program characteristics

Number of SNAP E&T participants

Target population

Voluntary or mandatory program

Types of SNAP E&T providers

Service components offered (Check all those offered)

Job search

Job search training

Job retention

Educational programs (includes Basic/Foundational Skills Instruction; Career/Technical Education Programs or Other Vocational Training; English Language Acquisition; Integrated Education and Training/Bridge Programs; and Work Readiness Training)

Self-employment training

Work experience


Work-based learning (includes Internship; On-the-job Training; apprenticeships; and Subsidized Employment)

Materials to collect in advance or on-site: (Check if collected)

SNAP E&T procedures manuals

Policy memos and written guidance related to case management, assessments, participant reimbursements, and other supports

SNAP E&T brochures or pamphlets

Examples of notices or letters sent to participants describing SNAP E&T, case management, assessments, participant reimbursements, or other supports

Case manager training manuals, slides, or hand outs

Case manager job description

Sample contracts for case management services

Formal communication with FNS regarding implementation of E&T case management, assessments, or participant reimbursements and other support services

Financial reports that include information about participant reimbursements

Case management tracking and reporting forms

Case management data reports

Non-proprietary assessment tools used with SNAP E&T participants (especially any created by the program)

Other case management tools, such as goal-setting sheets, individual development plan forms, and referral forms

Other related State documents, such as relevant State legislation

A. Respondent background

  1. What is your official job title and how long have you been in this role?

  2. What are your job responsibilities?

  3. How long have you been with [NAME OF AGENCY/ORGANIZATION]?

  4. [Ask as needed:] Please tell me about your agency/organization and the work that it does.

B. Overview of State SNAP E&T program [State administrators only]

Note to site visitors: As indicated above, ask questions from this section only if needed after review of relevant State documents and discussions with the State. Ask to confirm the accuracy of the information you already know, especially for information that is likely to change over time.

  1. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:] What is the target population of your SNAP E&T program?

  1. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:] Is participation in SNAP E&T mandatory or voluntary?

  1. Does this vary by type of participant or area of the State? Describe.

  1. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:] How many E&T participants did you serve in the last fiscal year?

  1. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:] Which SNAP E&T components are offered to participants?

  2. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:]: What types of organizations provide SNAP E&T components (e.g., local SNAP offices, community colleges, local workforce agencies, community-based organizations)?

  3. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:] Are decisions about which organizations will provide SNAP E&T components made at the State-level or the local level?

  4. [Ask as needed or to confirm understanding:] Do the types of organizations providing SNAP E&T components vary by region or county, and if so, how?

C. Overall approach to case management, assessment, and participant reimbursements and other supports [State administrators and local office or E&T provider directors]

Case management

  1. Describe your overall approach for providing case management to SNAP E&T participants.

  1. How do you define case management in your SNAP E&T program? What does case management include or encompass at your organization?

  2. What is the goal or goals of your case management approach? Does the goal or goals depend on the individual participant? If so, how? Probe for the following:

  • Helping a participant get a job?

  • Making sure the participant fulfills SNAP requirements?

  • Teaching the participant new skills?

  • Other goals?

  1. What services and activities are provided as part of case management? Probe for the following:

  • Comprehensive intake assessments or initial assessment (By initial assessment, we mean an assessment of SNAP E&T participants who have already been determined to be eligible or required to participate in the E&T program. Initial assessments may include assessments of participants’ needs, barriers, and work readiness)

  • Other assessments (e.g., assessments of participants’ work skills or aptitude, or work interest assessments)

  • Developing individualized development or employment plans

  • Career planning

  • Providing participants participant reimbursements and other support services (e.g., transportation or child and dependent care)

  • Providing referrals to other support services (e.g., mental or behavioral health services)

  • Providing information on other available supports, such as childcare and transportation

  • Providing referrals to other employment or training programs

  • Coordinating with service providers

  • Coaching and goal setting

  • Tracking and monitoring participant progress and outcomes

  • Monitoring and assuring participants meet SNAP E&T program requirements

  • Motivating or supporting participants to engage in the program (e.g., contacting clients to check on progress, reminding clients of appointments, or accompanying clients to appointments)

  • Follow-up and job retention services

  • Crisis management and referral

  1. What are the expectations about the frequency and mode of case management and participant interactions?

  1. Are case managers expected to use specific case management techniques or approaches with participants (such as motivational interviewing, coaching, team-based case management, trauma informed practice)? Describe.

  1. How were these techniques or approaches chosen?

  1. Do these approach(es) to case management vary by type of E&T participant (such as participants facing specific barriers or who have experienced trauma)? Describe.

  1. [State administrators only:] Does your approach vary by local area or E&T provider? Describe.

  1. Were the different approaches determined by the State, or are the local areas or E&T providers given discretion in how they implement case management?

  1. What are the strengths of your overall case management approach? What works particularly well?

  2. What are the drawbacks or challenges of your case management approach? What could be improved?

    1. How have you addressed these challenges?

  1. Do you consider any elements of your case management approach to be innovative or unique? Describe.

  1. How did [State/organization] choose this approach for providing case management?

  1. What made this approach a good fit for your State/organization, E&T program, or E&T participants?

  1. What factors did [State/organization] consider in determining the approach?

  1. Was cost a factor?

  1. Was the approach already being used in your [State/local area/organization]?

  1. If so, how and with which populations?

  2. How did [State/organization] decide it would also be a good fit for SNAP E&T participants?

  1. How long has [State/organization] been implementing this approach to case management?

  1. [If approach implemented in last two years:] How is this new approach different from how case management was provided previously?

  1. What motivated [State/organization] to implement this new approach? Did the 2018 Farm Bill requirement play a role?

  1. How has your approach evolved over time? Describe.

  1. What motivated the changes?

  2. Why were the changes necessary?

  3. Did the 2018 Farm Bill requirement play a role?

  4. Did anything in the 2018 Farm Bill requirement for case management cause challenges for you? Describe.

    1. If so, how did you overcome them?

  1. Do you know how much implementing this approach to case management costs per participant? Describe.

  2. Has [State/organization] invested additional resources in case management in response to the 2018 Farm Bill requirement (such as additional staff or facilities)? Describe.

  1. How much did these additional resources cost?

  1. If not, does [State/organization] anticipate investing additional resources? Describe.

  1. What is the timeline for doing so?


  1. Describe [State/organization’s] approach for assessing E&T participants. Probe for:

  1. What types of assessments are E&T participants expected to be given (such as comprehensive intake assessments, needs/barrier assessments, clinical assessments, mental health or substance use assessments, work skills or aptitude assessments, work interest assessments)?

    1. Do you know to what extent these assessments are being used by staff in practice? Describe.

  1. What assessment tools are available for use (such as a tool developed by or for the State/organization, ACT WorkKeys, TABE)? [Site visitors should ask for copies of tools not already collected.]

  1. [If developed own tool] What does your tool assess?

  1. How does [State/organization] expect the assessment information to be used?

  1. Are any assessments required? Why?

  1. Do participants need to complete or pass certain assessments before beginning specific E&T components? Describe.

  1. Do local areas or E&T providers have discretion in which assessment tools they use?

  1. Do case managers?

  1. [If specific assessment tools are used:] What led [State/organization] to offer these specific assessment tools?

  1. Did you consult research or best practices literature?

  1. [If developed own tool:] Why did you choose to develop your own assessment tool?

  1. What was the process for doing so?

  2. Who was involved in developing it?

  3. How much did it cost to develop?

  1. Was it developed specifically for SNAP E&T participants?

  1. How much does each assessment offered cost to administer per participant?

  1. Who covers the cost?

  1. What are the strengths of [State/organization’s] assessment approach? What works particularly well?

  2. What are the drawbacks or challenges of the assessment approach? What could be improved?

  1. How have you addressed these challenges?

  1. Do you consider any of your current assessment practices to be innovative or unique? Describe.

  2. What best practices, if any, have you identified for assessing E&T participants? Describe.

Participant reimbursements and other supports

  1. Describe [State/organization’s] overall approach for providing E&T participants participant reimbursements and other support services.

  1. Which agency or organizations provide participant reimbursements?

  1. Does the E&T provider provide these reimbursements itself or does the local SNAP agency do so?

  1. Which agencies or organizations provide other support services (for example, housing assistance, counseling, or legal services.)?

    1. What types of support services are offered?

    2. [State administrators only:] Do these agencies vary by local area or E&T provider? Describe.

    3. Do the local areas or E&T providers have discretion to partner with local agencies for support services? Describe.

  1. When and how are participants expected to be informed of available participant reimbursements and other supports?

  1. Do local areas or E&T providers have discretion about how they offer participant reimbursements? What about other supports? If so, explain.

  1. How much of the costs of participant reimbursements do providers pay versus what SNAP reimburses?

  1. Does it vary by type? Describe.

  1. [For mandatory States only.] How often are work registrants exempted from participating in SNAP E&T because the State is unable to provide the necessary participant reimbursements?

  1. Do you know how many participants were exempted for this reason in the last fiscal year?

  1. What are the strengths of [State/organization’s] approach for providing participant reimbursements and other supports? What works particularly well?

  2. What are the drawbacks or challenges of the approach for providing participant reimbursements and other supports? What could be improved?

  3. Do you consider anything about how you provide participant reimbursements or other supports to be innovative or unique? Describe.

D. State policy and guidance [State administrators and local office or SNAP E&T provider directors only]

  1. Does your State have written policy or written or oral guidance for how case management should be provided to SNAP E&T participants? [Site visitor should confirm understanding of written policies/guidance if reviewed in advance or request copies of the written policy if not yet received.]

  1. If yes, what does the policy specify? Probe for:

  1. Which staff should provide case management or what qualifications are required for case managers?

  2. Which E&T participants should receive case management?

  3. Maximum caseload size?

  4. The frequency and mode of case management meetings?

  5. The types of case management services provided?

  6. A specific case management approach or techniques (such as motivational interviewing, coaching, team-based case management, clinical assessments and treatment, trauma informed practice)?

  1. When was the policy or guidance issued?

  1. [For State administrators only.] How was the policy or guidance developed? Probe for:

  1. Which staff or organizations were involved?

  2. Was there opportunity for input from others, such as local areas, E&T providers, or participants?

  3. Was research or evaluation consulted?

  1. Has your State’s policy or guidance about case management changed in the past two years? If yes, how?

  1. What motivated these changes?

  1. Were they made in response to the 2018 Farm Bill case management requirement?

  1. Do you have plans to change your policy or guidance in the future? Describe.

  1. What is the timeline for making these changes?

  1. Does your State have policy or guidance about how case management should be aligned or coordinated across programs, such as those funded by WIOA? If yes, describe.

  2. Does your State have written policy or written or oral guidance for the assessment of E&T participants? [Site visitor should confirm understanding of written policies/guidance if reviewed in advance or request copies of the written policy.]

  1. If yes, what does the policy specify? Probe for:

  1. Types of assessments required?

  2. The timing of assessments?

  3. Who conducts the assessments?

  4. Use of assessment results?

  1. When was the policy or guidance issued?

  1. How was the policy or guidance developed? Probe for:

  1. Which staff or organizations were involved?

  2. Was there opportunity for input from others, such as local areas, E&T providers, or participants?

  3. Was research or evaluation consulted?

  1. Has your State’s policy or guidance about assessment changed in the past two years? If yes, how?

  1. What motivated these changes?

  1. Were they made in response to the 2018 Farm Bill case management requirement?

  1. Do you have plans to change your policy or guidance in the future? Describe.

  1. What is the timeline for making these changes?

  1. Does your State have written policy or written or oral guidance on how participant reimbursements should be provided? [Site visitors should confirm understanding of written policies/guidance if reviewed in advance or request copies of the written documents.]

  1. If yes, what does it specify? Probe for:

  1. When and how participants are informed about reimbursements?

  2. [For mandatory States:] When and how participants are informed they must be exempted from mandatory E&T if needs exceed the caps?

  3. Types of reimbursements offered?

  4. Caps on the total reimbursements amounts participants can receive?

  5. Qualifications for specific reimbursements (such as the reimbursements must be required for a job or a participant must be working)?

  6. Approvals needed to provide certain reimbursements?

  1. When was the policy or guidance issued?

  1. How was the policy or guidance developed? Probe for:

  1. Which staff or organizations were involved?

  2. Was there opportunity for input from others, such as local areas, E&T providers, or participants?

  3. Was research or evaluation consulted?

  1. Has your State’s policy or guidance about participant reimbursements changed in the past two years? If yes, how?

  1. What motivated these changes?

  1. Do you have plans to change your policy or guidance in the future? Describe.

  1. If so, what is the timeline for making these changes?

  1. How were these policies or changes to policies communicated to local SNAP offices or E&T providers?

  2. What current federal SNAP policies, if any, are influencing how you are implementing the case management requirement? How have your policies for case management, assessments, and participant reimbursements changed because of these policies, if at all?

  3. Has FNS provided you any specific guidance or technical assistance about implementing the E&T case management requirement? What about for providing assessments or participant reimbursements?

  1. If so, describe the guidance or technical assistance you received.

  2. How helpful has this support been? How has it influenced your policy or guidance?

  3. What additional guidance or technical assistance would be useful?

E. Training [State administrators and local office or E&T provider directors and supervisors only]

  1. What training has been offered on case management for SNAP E&T providers or case managers in the last two years? [Site visitor should ask for copies of training slides or manuals.] [Site visitors should repeat questions E.1.a –i for each separate training.]

  1. Who provided the training?

  2. What was the content of the training?

  3. Was it a new training?

  4. Why was the training offered?

  5. When was the training offered?

  6. Which staff was it required for? Who required it?

  7. Who was trained?

  8. What was the format (e.g., online or in-person)?

  9. How long was the training?

  1. [If not previously discussed:] Was training offered on specific case management techniques or approaches? Describe. [Site visitors should repeat questions E.1.a –i for each separate training.]

  1. [If not previously discussed:] Why were these specific approaches or techniques chosen?

  1. [If not previously discussed:] Was training offered on administering assessments? Describe. [Site visitors should repeat questions E.1a – i for each separate training.]

  1. Was training provided on specific assessment tools? Describe.

  1. [If not previously discussed:] Why were these specific assessment tools chosen?

  1. [If not previously discussed:] Was training offered on providing participant reimbursements or other supports? Describe. [Site visitors should repeat questions E.1a –i for each separate training.]

  2. Have you identified any unmet training needs for providers, case managers, or other E&T program staff? Describe.

  1. How were these needs identified?

  1. What challenges have you faced in providing or receiving training? How were these challenges addressed? What successes have you achieved?

  2. Have you made any additional investments in training in response to the 2018 Farm Bill requirement? Describe.

  1. If not, do you plan to?

  1. Are additional trainings on case management, assessments, or participant reimbursements and other supports planned?

  1. If so, what is the timeline for the training?

  1. If not, what other trainings would you like to provide?

F. Providers [State and local SNAP administrators and directors only]

  1. Which organizations, or types of organizations, provide case management to SNAP E&T participants?

  1. Do the same organizations provide case management as provide other SNAP E&T services, like education and training, or is case management provided by a separate organization?

  1. Are the decisions about which organizations will provide case management made at the State-level or the local level?

  2. [State administrators only:] Do the organizations providing case management vary by region or county? How so?

  1. How were these providers chosen?

  2. How long have they been providing case management services to E&T participants?

  3. Have you made changes to your E&T providers in response to the 2018 Farm Bill requirement?

  1. If so, what changes did you make and why?

  1. What impact did this have on service provision?

  2. If not, are you planning to? Describe.

  3. What is the timeline for making these changes?

  1. What challenges, if any, have you experienced identifying organizations that can provide case management services, or the specific case management services you want to provide, to E&T participants? Probe for:

  1. Has it been difficult to identify organizations with the skilled staff required to provide case management or specific case management techniques?

  1. Has it been difficult to identify organizations that can provide the type of assessments you want to provide?

  2. Has it been difficult to identify organizations that can provide the type of support services you want to provide?

  3. [State administrators only:] Do the challenges vary in different parts of the State?

  1. [If contract service providers are used:] What is specified in provider contracts about how case management should be provided?

    1. What is specified about assessments?

    2. About participant reimbursements?

  1. How do you monitor providers’ provision of case management?

  1. How do you ensure providers are following contract requirements or stated policy on case management?

  1. Are specific systems used for monitoring? Describe.

  2. Do you review case notes? If so, how frequently are reviews conducted?

  1. How do you monitor providers’ provision of assessments?

  1. How do you ensure providers are following contract requirements or stated policy on assessment?

  2. Are specific systems used for monitoring? Describe.

  1. [If provided by providers:] How do you monitor providers’ provision of participant reimbursements?

  1. How do you ensure providers are following contract requirements or stated policy on participant reimbursements?

  2. Are specific systems used for monitoring? Describe.

  1. [For programs with multiple providers:] How do you communicate and collaborate with providers at the management level (for example, formal planning sessions, cross-agency meetings, and ad hoc communication)?

  2. [For programs with multiple providers:] How do frontline staff communicate and coordinate across providers? How is participant information shared? What limitations are there?

  3. What are the primary challenges and successes in coordinating and collaborating with organizations to provide case management services?

  1. Are there specific challenges or successes related to assessments? Participant reimbursements?

G. Staffing [Local office or E&T provider directors, supervisors, and frontline staff only]

  1. [Local office and E&T provider directors and supervisors only:] How many staff do you have that provide case management to SNAP E&T participants?

  1. Do these staff provide case management only to SNAP E&T participants or to other populations as well? Describe.

  1. What are the main roles and responsibilities of a case manager in this organization?

  1. Do they conduct assessments of participants, or do other staff? Describe.

  2. Do they connect participants to participant reimbursements and other supports?

  3. Do they have other responsibilities outside of providing case management?

  1. [Local office and E&T provider directors and supervisors only:] What is the formal job description for a case manager? [Site visitors should ask for job description or announcement if not already collected]

  1. What are the minimum required qualifications?

  2. What education, training, skills, or qualities do you seek when hiring case managers?

  3. Why are those skills or qualities important to the position?

  1. Are specific skills required to implement the case management approach?

  1. Is it difficult to find qualified or skilled people for the position? Why?

  1. Are there challenges related to pay, burnout, geography?

  1. [Local office and E&T provider directors and supervisors only] Has your case manager job description or position requirements changed in the past two years?

  1. If so, how?

  1. What motivated these changes?

  2. What was the effect of these changes on hiring, availability of good candidates, turnover?

  1. [Local office and E&T provider directors and supervisors only:] What is the annual turnover rate for case managers? Roughly how long do case managers remain in the job?

  2. What training do case managers receive when they are hired?

  1. What topics are covered?

  1. Are case managers trained in specific case management techniques or approaches? Describe.

  1. How long is the training?

  2. Who conducts it?

  3. What is the training format? (e.g., online, in person)

  4. Do you think the training is effective?

  5. What additional upfront training is desired or would be useful to staff?

  1. How often do case managers receive training after the initial training?

  1. How are training needs of staff identified?

  1. What types of additional, ongoing training is desired or would be useful to staff?

  1. What other professional development opportunities are available to case managers (such as opportunities for external training or certification)?

  2. How are case managers supervised and monitored?

  1. How often do they meet with supervisors?

  1. How often do they meet with other case managers?

  2. How are they assessed?

  1. Do supervisors conduct case reviews or observations?

  1. If so, how often? How are the results used?

  1. What is the expected case manager caseload?

  1. About how many cases do case managers maintain currently? What is the mix of new cases versus cases in follow-up?

  1. [Local office and E&T provider supervisors only:] How are cases distributed to case managers and the overall agency’s caseload managed?

  1. Is there an automated case management system? If so, describe.

H. Participant flow and case management service provision [Local office or E&T provider frontline staff and supervisors only]

SNAP E&T referral process

Note to site visitors: These questions should be asked of local SNAP office eligibility workers, if, depending on the State model, we are visiting local SNAP offices. If we are not visiting local SNAP offices, we should ask State-level policy staff about what is expected to happen. These questions can also be asked of E&T provider staff to verify the process.

  1. How do SNAP participants typically learn about the SNAP E&T program? Probe for:

  1. During the SNAP eligibility interview?

  1. Through brochures, marketing materials, or websites?

  1. What are they told about the program and what it offers?

  1. Are they told about available participant reimbursements and other support services?

  1. How and by whom?

  2. How are the reimbursements and support services described?

  1. After a SNAP participant decides to participate or is required to participate in E&T, what are the next steps? Probe for:

  1. Does the SNAP eligibility worker give them an initial assessment? If so, describe the content and how the information is used. [Site visitor should collect the assessment tool if not already collected]

  2. Is the assessment information shared with an E&T provider or case manager?

  1. Do they attend an E&T orientation? If yes, describe the topics covered and format.

  2. Are they referred to an E&T provider?

  1. If so, describe the referral process.

  2. If referral to more than one E&T provider is an option, how is it determined to which provider they will be referred?

  1. Are they referred directly to an E&T case manager at the SNAP office? Describe.

Case management

Note to site visitors: If a local SNAP agency or E&T provider is offering more than one type of case management (such as general case management and a different approach to case management for a sub-set of participants), ask the following questions for each type.

Case management structure

  1. How are participants assigned to case managers?

  2. Do participants work with one case manager or more than one at the same time? If more than one, ask:

  1. What roles do the different case managers play?

  1. Are the case managers in different organizations or the same?

  2. How do the case managers coordinate?

  3. What information is shared and how?

    1. Are there case conferences?

    2. Do they use shared databases or other IT systems to share information?

Case management intake and initial assessment

  1. Describe the case management intake process.

  1. Who conducts the intake process (for example, the case manager assigned to the participant, a separate staff person who only conducts intake)?

  2. How long does the intake process take?

  1. Do participants receive one or more assessments during intake? Describe. Site visitors should probe for the following and ask each probe about each assessment mentioned.

  1. What type of assessments is it? Probe for:

    1. Needs and barriers assessments

    2. Aptitude/abilities assessments (e.g., O*NET Ability Profiler, ACT WorkKeys)

    3. Mental and physical ability tests (e.g., Candidate Physical Ability Test)

    4. Occupation-specific assessments (e.g., ProveIt!, JobFit!)

    5. Interest measures (e.g., Campbell Interest and Skills Survey, O*NET Interest Profiler, My Next Move)

    6. Work and personal values measures (e.g., COPSystem, CareerScope)

    7. Personality inventories (e.g., Human Metrics, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

  1. Who conducts the assessment?

  1. Is one specific assessment tool used? If yes, describe. [Site visitor should ask for a copy, if assessment is non-proprietary]

    1. [If there is not one specific assessment tool to use, but several available to be used:] What are the available assessment tools?

1. How do case managers/staff determine which assessment tool to use?

2. How much discretion do case managers/staff in selecting the tool?

3. What challenges do case managers/staff face in selecting the right assessment?

  1. Was the tool(s) developed specifically for SNAP E&T participants?

1. If not, does any information in the tool(s) need to be altered to better serve SNAP participants?

  1. What is the purpose of the assessment? What are case managers hoping to learn about participants?

  2. How long does it take to administer?

  3. Do participants need to take the assessment in person?

  4. How is the initial assessment information used? Probe for:

  1. Do the results of the assessment determine the intensity or type of case management services a participant will receive? How?

  2. Do the results help determine what types of support services or participant reimbursements participants need? How?

  3. Are they used to develop individual development plans? How?

  4. Are they used to place participants in E&T components or activities? How?

  5. Is assessment information shared between providers and/or back to the SNAP agency? How?

  6. Do case managers have discretion about how to use the assessment information? Describe.

  1. What challenges, if any, do case managers/staff face when administering the assessment? Probe for:

    1. Are there challenges with the length of the assessment?

    2. Are there challenges with asking specific assessment questions?

    3. Are there challenges with the quality of the assessments?

  1. What challenges, if any, do participants face to taking or completing the assessment? Describe.

  1. Do participants come with prior assessment information when they enter the program? Describe.

  1. If so, how is the information used?

  1. Are participants informed of available participant reimbursements or support services during intake?

  1. If yes, what are they told?

  1. At what other points in time are they told about participant reimbursements? Are they told about them on an ongoing basis?

Case management services and activities

  1. How and when do case managers work with participants to identify goals and create service plans or individual employment/development plans (IEP/IDPs)?

  1. Are specific tools or forms used? [Site visitor should ask for copies]

  1. Are assessment results discussed with participants to develop the plan?

  2. What types of goals are typically included?

  1. Do case managers refer participants to other programs for employment and training services (these could be other SNAP E&T providers or other organizations in the community)?

  1. If so, what is the process?

  1. How and what information is shared between the case manager and the programs?

  1. Do case managers coordinate services for participants with other providers?

  1. If so, what is the process?

  2. How and what information is shared between the case manager and the providers?

  1. How frequently do case managers typically meet with participants (for example, weekly, monthly, quarterly)?

  1. How long is the typical meeting?

  1. What is the format of the meetings (for example, in person, over the telephone, via live web conference, or email)?

  2. What is the primary purpose of the meetings?

  1. Do case managers check in with participants in between scheduled meetings?

  1. On average, how often do they check in?

  1. What is the primary purpose of the check ins?

  2. What mechanisms do case managers use to communicate with participants in between scheduled meetings? (For example, in-person meetings, telephone, text message)

  1. If multiple methods are used, which are used most frequently?

  2. Which seem most effective (or which is easiest to reach participants)?

  1. What are the most common issues, needs, or challenges that participants describe during case management interactions? How are those issues then addressed?

  2. How do case managers support participants’ attendance and engagement in the program?

  1. What strategies are used to promote attendance or retention (such as reminding clients of appointments or accompanying participants to appointments)?

  1. How are problems with participants’ lack of attendance or completion of activities addressed?

  1. How long do E&T participants typically receive case management services?

  2. Are follow-up and job retention services provided? Describe.

  1. If so, for how long?

  1. Are these provided by the same case manager or a different case manager or staff person?

Case management techniques or approaches

  1. What specific case management techniques or approaches do case managers use when working with participants (such as motivational interviewing, coaching, team-based case management, trauma informed practice)? Describe.

  1. Are these techniques or approaches used with all participants or a subset?

  1. If a subset, how is it determined with which participants case managers should use the approach or technique?

  1. What are the strengths of using these techniques or approaches with SNAP E&T participants?

  2. What are the challenges?

  1. How have you worked to overcome these challenges?

Participant monitoring and compliance

  1. How do case managers track their interactions with participants?

  1. What information must they record about case management meetings?

  1. About assessments, participant reimbursements, and referrals?

  2. Is the data collected electronically in a data system or software program, in case notes, or in another format? Describe.

  3. How often are case managers expected to input the information?

  1. How do case managers track and monitor participants progress in the program and their outcomes?

  1. What specific outcomes are tracked?

  1. What role do case managers play in monitoring whether participants are meeting SNAP program requirements?

  1. What information must be tracked for SNAP compliance reasons?

  1. How does information about program compliance flow between the E&T case manager and the SNAP agency/eligibility worker?

Case management strengths and challenges

  1. What are the strengths of how [organization] provides case management services to SNAP E&T participants? What works particularly well?

  2. What are the drawbacks or challenges with how [organization] provides case management services? What could be improved?

  1. How has [organization] worked to address any challenges?


  1. What (other) types of formal and informal assessments are conducted with participants? Probe for:

  1. Needs and barriers assessments

  1. Aptitude/abilities assessments (e.g., O*NET Ability Profiler, ACT WorkKeys)

  2. Mental and physical ability tests (e.g., Candidate Physical Ability Test)

  3. Occupation-specific assessments (e.g., ProveIt!, JobFit!)

  4. Interest measures (e.g., Campbell Interest and Skills Survey, O*NET Interest Profiler, My Next Move)

  5. Work and personal values measures (e.g., COPSystem, CareerScope)

  6. Personality inventories (e.g., Human Metrics, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

  1. For each type of assessment, ask:

  1. Is this type of assessment required?

  1. If required, by whom?

  2. Is it required for all participants or just a subset?

  3. Is it required to be completed or passed before entering certain E&T components? Which ones?

  1. [If not required] How is it determined whether a participant would receive the assessment? Who determines this?

  2. What is the purpose of conducting the assessment?

  3. What topics are covered in the assessment?

  4. Who conducts the assessment?

  1. Case manager or other staff?

  2. Another organization or agency?

  1. Is one specific assessment tool used?

  1. If yes, describe.

  2. [If not one assessment tool is used, but there are multiple assessment tools available to choose from:] What are the available tools?

  3. How do case managers/staff determine which assessment tools to use?

  4. What challenges do case managers/staff face in selecting the right assessments?

  1. When is it given?

  1. Is the assessment given only one time or multiple times to track participant progress?

  2. If given multiples times, are participants reassessed at specific intervals? Describe.

  1. How long does it generally take to administer?

  2. How is the assessment information used?

  1. Do the results of the assessment determine the intensity or type of case management services a participant will receive? How?

  2. Do the results help determine what types of support services or participant reimbursements participants need? How?

  3. Are they used to develop individual development plans? How?

  4. Are they used to place participants in E&T components or activities? How?

  5. Is assessment information shared between providers and/or back to the SNAP agency? How?

  1. How much discretion do case managers have in applying the assessment information?

  1. Does a staff member review assessment results with the participant?

  1. Which staff member – e.g., case manager or the assessor?

  1. How long does this meeting to review results take?

  1. What are the strengths of how you provide assessments to SNAP E&T participants?

  2. What challenges, if any, do you face implementing these assessments?

  1. Do you face any challenges specific to providing them to the SNAP population?

  1. How have you worked to overcome these challenges?

  1. What challenges, if any, do participants face to completing the assessments? Describe.

  2. Are there specific types of assessments that you would like to have available to use with participants? If so, which types and why?

Participant reimbursements and other supports

  1. Which participant reimbursements are offered to E&T participants? Probe for:

  1. Child care vouchers or funds

  1. Other child care assistance (for example, referrals to child care agency)

  2. Other dependent care (for example, elder care)

  3. Transportation assistance (for example, bus passes, gas cards)

  4. Auto repair

  5. Books or other supplies for classes

  6. Course tuition/fees

  7. Fees associated with tests, licensing, or credentialing

  8. Uniforms, work or interview clothing, tools, or other work equipment

  9. Other work-related expenses (for example, union dues, drug testing, background checks, fingerprinting)

  10. Personal hygiene or grooming supplies

  11. Health, dental, or eye care

  12. Rent/housing assistance

  13. Expenses associated with obtaining ID or other documentation

  14. Legal services

  1. Who determines a participant’s need for each type of reimbursement?

  1. Does the case manager make the determination? If a different staff person, who?

  1. If so, how?

  2. Is assessment information used?

  1. Do participants need to ask for a reimbursement or identify a need to get this assistance?

  1. How do participants qualify for each type of reimbursement? What paperwork or documentation, if any, do they need to provide?

  2. What is the process for the participant to receive a reimbursement?

  1. Is the reimbursement provided up front or after the participant pays the cost?

  1. Is the reimbursement given directly to the participant or to a third-party provider?

  2. Does it vary by type of reimbursement? Describe.

  1. What formats are used for participant reimbursements (such as cash, vouchers, in-kind assistance)?

  1. Does it vary by type of reimbursements? Describe.

  1. How do you decide when to limit or not offer certain reimbursements to participants?

  2. What caps or limits are placed on reimbursements?

  1. Are there different limits by type of reimbursement? Describe.

  1. Is there a total cap across all reimbursements? Describe.

  2. Are the caps monthly, annual, or lifetime?

  1. For each reimbursement type, what is the average dollar amount provided per participant?

  2. Approximately what percentage of E&T participants who are eligible for each type of reimbursement receive it?

  3. Are certain reimbursements in higher demand than others? Explain.

  1. Do participants value some reimbursements more than others? If yes, which, and how do you know?

  1. Does the availability of participant reimbursements seem to affect SNAP E&T participation and program retention rates? If yes, how?

  1. Do certain reimbursements seem more important to helping participants engage and continue to participate? If yes, which ones? How do you know?

  1. Are the reimbursements you provide adequate to meet the needs of participants?

  1. If not, how much more is needed?

  1. Are there specific types of reimbursements that are needed by participants that the program is not able to provide? Describe.

  2. How would you allocate additional resources?

  1. Are there other support services that you offer to participants that are not paid for in total or in part by SNAP funding? If so, what are they? For each support service identified ask:

  1. Who provides the service? Is it offered in house or by referral to another organization?

  1. If by referral, what is the referral process?

  2. How do you ensure referrals of participants are successful and services are available in a timely way?

  1. What are the eligibility criteria?

  2. What is the dosage, duration, and frequency?

  1. Are certain support services in higher demand than others? Explain.

  2. Are the available support services adequate to meet the needs of participants?

  1. If not, what other support services are needed?

  1. What are the strengths of how you provide participant reimbursements or support services to SNAP E&T participants? What works particularly well?

  2. What challenges, if any, do you face providing participant reimbursements or support services to SNAP E&T participants?

  1. How have you worked to overcome these challenges?

  1. What challenges, if any, do participants face obtaining reimbursements or other support services? Describe.

I. Data collection and reporting [State administrators and local office or E&T provider directors and supervisors only]

Note to site visitors: For States who were not able to provide some or all the aggregate data before the site visit, ask respondents to provide approximate estimates (percentages or averages) of each measure included in the aggregate data request table.

  1. What data are collected about case management (e.g., number of meetings attended, length and mode of meetings, etc.)?

  1. Are the data required to be collected and reported? If so, by whom?

  1. How are the data collected? Are the data collected electronically or in another format? [Site visitor should collect a screen shot or copy of the reporting form/spreadsheet – blank with no PII.]

  2. How often is this data tracked and reported? [Site visitor should ask for latest report.]

  3. How are the data used (e.g., for reporting to local SNAP E&T agency or State agency, or for program/business process improvement)?

  1. What data are collected about assessments given (e.g., number of assessments given and completed, assessment results)?

  1. Are the data required to be collected and reported? If so, by whom?

  1. How are the data collected? Are the data collected electronically or in another format? [Site visitor should collect a screen shot or copy of the reporting form/spreadsheet – blank with no PII.]

  2. How often are the data tracked and reported? [Site visitor should ask for latest report.]

  3. How are the data used (e.g., for reporting to local SNAP E&T agency or State agency, for individual case manager performance, or for program/business process improvement)?

  1. What data are collected about participant reimbursements (e.g., number and type of reimbursements provided, amount of reimbursements provided)?

  1. Are the data required to be collected and reported? If so, by whom?

  1. How are the data collected? Electronically or in another format? [Site visitor should collect a screen shot or copy of the reporting form/spreadsheet – blank with no PII.]

  2. How often are the data tracked and reported? [Site visitor should ask for latest report.]

  3. How are the data used (e.g., for reporting to local SNAP E&T agency or State agency, or for program/business process improvement)?

  1. Do you collect any outcome data that you consider to be associated with the provision of case management (e.g., credentials earned or employment)?

  1. If so, what outcomes?

  1. How are they measured?

  2. What entity requires that you collect this data (e.g., State or county SNAP agency, local SNAP office)?

  3. Who do you report it to?

  1. Have you participated in any research or evaluation activities to measure the effectiveness of your case management practices?

  1. If yes, what did you learn from these research or evaluation activities?

  1. What outcomes were measured?

  2. What were the results?

  3. Did you adjust any practices as a result of the findings?

J. Lessons learned and closing

  1. What lessons have you learned about implementing SNAP E&T case management that might be helpful for other States?

  1. Have you learned any lessons specific to providing assessments?

  1. Have you learned any lessons specific to providing participant reimbursements or other supports?

  1. [If not previously discussed] What successes have you experienced implementing E&T case management in the past two years? To what do you attribute these successes?

  1. Have you experienced successes specific to implementing assessments?

  2. Have you experienced successes specific to implementing participant reimbursements or support services?

  1. [If not previously discussed] What challenges have you experienced implementing E&T case management in the past two years? What have you done/been doing to overcome these challenges?

  1. Have you experienced challenges specific to implementing assessments?

  1. Have you experienced challenges specific to implementing participant reimbursements or support services?

  1. Other than what we’ve already discussed, are there any other innovative or unique practices related to case management, assessment, or participant reimbursements and other supports that you would like to share?

  2. Is there anything else that would be helpful to know about your approach to SNAP E&T case management, or how you provide assessments and offer participant reimbursements and other supports?

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleMathematica Standard Report Template
AuthorCindy Castro
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-09-12

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