e-Manifest Users Guide
Table of Contents
The Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Establishment Act, signed into law by President Barack Obama on October 5, 2012, authorizes EPA to implement a national electronic manifest system that facilitates the electronic transmission of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (EPA Form 8700-22). Key features of this Act include:
extension to all federally- and state-regulated wastes requiring manifests;
authorization for the central collection of data from electronic and paper manifests;
authorization for EPA to collect reasonable user fees for all system related costs including development and maintenance;
mandate for EPA to conduct annual Inspector General (IG) audits and submit biennial reports to Congress;
mandate for EPA to establish a uniform effective date for all States and must implement e-Manifest until States are authorized.
The final rule for the Modification of the Hazardous Waste Manifest System; Electronic Manifests, published on February 7, 2014, authorizes the use of electronic hazardous waste manifests. This modification provides waste handlers with the opportunity to complete, sign, transmit, and store manifest information electronically in the national system.
The final fee rule for User Fees for the Electronic Hazardous Waste Manifest System and Amendments to Manifest Regulations, published on January 3, 2018, outlines the fees for the system and sets a June 30, 2018 go live date for the e-Manifest system.
The e-Manifest module within the RCRAInfo Industry Application is EPA's implementation of a national electronic manifest system. The application is being developed in iterations. The on-line help will address functionality as it becomes available to the user community. The e-Manifest module went into the production environment on June 30, 2018
OMB Control Number: OMB No. 2050-0039
Expiration Date:yyyy mm/dd/
The public burden related to the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, which is approved under OMB 2050-0039, is estimated to average (per manifest) 60 minutes for generators; 20 minutes for transporters; and 30 minutes for owners and operators of receiving facilities designated on the manifest. This is a mandatory collection under 40 CFR Part 262, Subpart B, 40 CFR Part 263, Subpart B, and 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265, Subpart E. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The completed form should be submitted in accordance with the instructions accompanying the form, or as specified in the corresponding regulation.
Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of e-Manifest, to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Please include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do NOT send the completed manifest forms to this address. Privacy Act Statement - None of the information collected under the Manifest Program is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Confidential Business Information (CBI).
Privacy Act Statement
None of the information collected under the Manifest Program is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Confidential Business Information (CBI).
When you click on the "e-Manifest" tab from the Site Dashboard, manifests associated with this site will be displayed. A site may be a generator, a transporter, a receiving facility, or a broker for any given manifest. At this time, the RCRAInfo Industry Application only shows manifests where the site is the generator, transporter, or the receiving facility.
If the site selected is NOT identified as a receiving facility, a transporter, or a broker within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, the e-Manifest Dashboard will show manifests where this site is listed as the generator facility. Manifests with a status of "Draft", "Pending", "Scheduled", and "In Transit" will be displayed in the "In Progress" table. Manifests with a status of "Received", "Ready For Signature", or "Signed" will be displayed in the "Received" table. The "Paper Manifests (Image Only)" table shows image only manifests uploaded by the receiving facility, thus this table does not pertain to generators. Note: If another party (e.g., broker or receiving facility) creates a manifest on behalf of a generator, the generator will not be able to see the manifest until the manifest has a status of "Pending" or later.
The tables may be sorted by clicking the arrows next to the column of interest. The arrows act as a toggle between ascending order and descending order. To sort by more than one column, click the arrows next to the column for the primary sort, then, while holding down the <shift> key, click the arrows next to the column for the secondary sort.
The first 10 manifests for each grid will be displayed. You can change the number of manifests displayed on each table by selecting a value from the "Show entries" drop-down list. You can page through the manifests by using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons, as well as specific page numbers at the bottom of each table.
You may also filter the information shown in each table by specifying a value in the "Search" text box located in the upper right-hand corner of each table. The results within the table will be limited to manifests where the value specified matches information within ANY column of the manifest. This feature is useful to find manifests associated with a specific receiving facility, a particular status, or a given manifest ID if there are a lot of manifests associated with this site.
If the site selected is identified as a transporter within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, the e-Manifest Dashboard will show manifests where this site is listed as the transporter in the "In Progress" and "Received" tables. However, the user may show the manifests where this site is listed as the generator or receiving facility by changing the "View" in the upper right-hand corner (above the "In Progress" table) from "Transporting" to either "Outgoing", or if applicable "Incoming". Manifests with a status of "Draft", "Pending", "Scheduled", and "In Transit" will be displayed in the "In Progress" table. Manifests with a status of "Received", "Ready For Signature", or "Signed" will be displayed in the "Received" table. The "Paper Manifests (Image Only)" table shows image only manifests uploaded by the receiving facility, thus this table does not pertain to transporters. Note: If another party (e.g., broker or receiving facility) creates a manifest, the Transporter will not be able to see the manifest until the manifest status has been changed to "Pending".
The tables may be sorted by clicking the arrows next to the column of interest. The arrows act as a toggle between ascending order and descending order. To sort by more than one column, click the arrows next to the column for the primary sort, then, while holding down the <shift> key, click the arrows next to the column for the secondary sort.
The first 10 manifests for each table will be displayed. You can change the number of manifests displayed on each table by selecting a value from the "Show entries" drop-down list. You can page through the manifests by using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons, as well as specific page numbers at the bottom of each table.
You may also filter the information shown in each table by specifying a value in the "Search" text box located in the upper right-hand corner of each table. The results within the table will be limited to manifests where the value specified matches information within ANY column of the manifest. This feature is useful to find manifests associated with a specific generator, a particular status, or a given manifest ID if there are a lot of manifests associated with this site.
If the site selected is identified as a receiving facility within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, the e-Manifest Dashboard will show manifests where this site is listed as the receiving facility in the "In Progress" and "Received" tables. However, the user may show the manifests where this site is listed as the generator or transporter by changing the "View" in the upper right-hand corner (above the "In Progress" table) from "Incoming" to "Outgoing" or if applicable, "Transporting". Manifests with a status of "Draft", "Pending", "Scheduled", and "In Transit" will be displayed in the "In Progress" table. Manifests with a status of "Received", "Ready For Signature", or "Signed" will be displayed in the "Received" table. The "Paper Manifests (Image Only)" table shows image only manifests uploaded by the receiving facility, thus this table does not pertain to transporters. Note: If another party (e.g., broker or generator) creates a manifest, the receiving facility will not be able to see the manifest until the manifest status has been changed to "Pending".
The tables may be sorted by clicking the arrows next to the column of interest. The arrows act as a toggle between ascending order and descending order. To sort by more than one column, click the arrows next to the column for the primary sort, then, while holding down the <shift> key, click the arrows next to the column for the secondary sort.
The first 10 manifests for each table will be displayed. You can change the number of manifests displayed on each table by selecting a value from the "Show entries" drop-down list. You can page through the manifests by using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons, as well as specific page numbers at the bottom of each table.
You may also filter the information shown in each table by specifying a value in the "Search" text box located in the upper right-hand corner of each table. The results within the table will be limited to manifests where the value specified matches information within ANY column of the manifest. This feature is useful to find manifests associated with a specific generator, a particular status, or a given manifest ID if there are a lot of manifests associated with this site.
The actions that can be taken on a manifest at any given time are dependent on the entity acting upon the manifest (generator, transporter, receiving facility, broker), the permissions of the user (viewer, preparer, certifier, site manager), and the current status of the manifest (draft, pending, scheduled, in transit, received, ready for signature, signed). Refer to the Roles and Responsibilities topic for additional information.
The possible actions that you will see associated with a manifest include:
icon: Edit manifest
icon: View manifest
icon: Copy or duplicate manifest (this feature will be implemented in
a future release)
Users that have Preparer, Certifier, or Site Manager permissions for this site can create a new manifest by clicking the "Create New Manifest" button at the bottom of the "In Progress" table. Note: Users who have only Viewer permissions for this site will not see this button. Click here for information on creating a new manifest.
Users may sign one or more manifests from the e-Manifest Dashboard by clicking the "Sign e-Manifests" button at the bottom of the page. Note: Users who have only Viewer or Preparer permissions for this site will not see this button. Click here for information on signing one or more manifests.
The creation and progression of an electronic manifest is dependent on three components:
1) Entity (i.e., generator, transporter, receiving facility, broker);
2) Application Permissions (i.e., viewer, preparer, certifier, site manager); and
3) Status of the manifest (i.e., draft, pending, scheduled, in transit, received, ready for signature, signed).
It is important that you understand the relationship between these components to know "who can do what" and "when". Note: At this time, only the "Generator" and "Receiving Facility" views have been implemented. The "Transporter" and "Broker" views will be implemented in a future release.
The "Generator" is the site at which the waste was generated. Below is an illustration of how a manifest may progress when the generator is the entity that creates the manifest. Note: The user must have preparer, certifier, or site manager permissions to create, edit, or delete a manifest.
X - The entity has the ability to perform this function at this step
L - The entity has limited ability to perform this function at this step
Blank - The entity does not have the ability to perform this function at this step
Draft |
Pending |
Scheduled |
In Transit |
Received |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Generator |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
L |
X |
Transporter |
X |
X |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Broker |
The "Transporter" is the individual or entity that moves the waste from the generator's site or another transporter by highway, rail, water, or air, to the receiving facility. Note: The user must have preparer, certifier, or site manager permissions to create, edit, or delete a manifest.
X - The entity has the ability to perform this function at this step
L - The entity has limited ability to perform this function at this step
Blank - The entity does not have the ability to perform this function at this step
Draft |
Pending |
Scheduled |
In Transit |
Received |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Generator |
X |
X |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
L |
X |
Transporter |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Broker |
The "Receiving Facility", is the facility that receives the waste from the generator's site. The waste must be manifested under Federal law, as well as under State law for state-only hazardous wastes that require a manifest under the law of either the State where the generator is located or the State where the receiving facility is located. The receiving facility treats, stores, and/or disposes of the waste in a proper and appropriate manner. The receiving facility may create a manifest on behalf of the generator. The following is an illustration of how the manifest may progress when the receiving facility is the entity that creates the manifest on behalf of the generator. Note: The user must have preparer, certifier, or site manager permissions to create, edit, or delete a manifest.
X - The entity has the ability to perform this function at this step
L - The entity has limited ability to perform this function at this step
Blank - The entity does not have the ability to perform this function at this step
Draft |
Pending |
Scheduled |
In Transit |
Received |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Create |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Generator |
X |
X |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
L |
X |
Transporter |
X |
X |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
L |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Broker |
The RCRAInfo Industry Application has several statuses that are used to track the progression of the manifest. The status affects what information can be provided as well as what information must be provided. A manifest does not have to go through every status to be completed. At a minimum, the manifest must go through the following statuses: Scheduled, Received, Ready For Signature, and Signed. A description of the various statuses are provided below.
When the "Create New Manifest" button is clicked, the manifest, by default, is given a status of "Draft". The "Draft" status indicates that the manifest is in a draft state and is only visible to the site that is creating the manifest. A manifest in the "Draft" status does not have to meet any business rules. A Manifest Tracking Number is NOT assigned to a manifest with a "Draft" status.
The entity that created the manifest (either the generator, transporter, or receiving facility) may place the manifest into the "Pending" status. The "Pending" status makes manifest is visible to all parties specified in the manifest (i.e., generator, transporter(s), receiving facility). If you are the Generator, you must provide your Contact Phone Number and your Emergency Phone Number as well as specifying the Receiving Facility in order to move the manifest to the "Pending" status. If you are the Receiving Facility, you must specify the Generator and provide the Generator Contact Phone Number and Emergency Phone Number before moving the manifest to the "Pending" status. A Manifest Tracking Number is assigned to the manifest when the manifest is placed in the "Pending" status.
A manifest in the "Scheduled" status contains all of the information needed to sign a manifest. The receiving facility may place the manifest into the "Scheduled" status indicating that the waste is ready to be picked up at the generator site by the specified transporter. Additional information is required in order to move a manifest to this status including at least one Transporter and one Waste. The waste information must include the Proper Shipping Name, ID Number, Hazard Class, Packing Group, Emergency Response Guidebook Number, Number of Containers, Container Type, Quantity of Waste, Unit of Measure, and Waste Code(s).
Generators and transporters will have limited ability to edit and remove wastes when a manifest is in the "Scheduled" status. However, since the wastes are agreed upon by the receiving facility, they cannot add new wastes. In addition, all users are still able to add and remove reference information (Section 14) when a manifest is in the "Scheduled" status. Transporters also have the ability to make changes to other transporters. If the generator or transporter needs to make significant revisions to the manifest, they may move the manifest back to the "Pending" status and communicate with the receiving facility to move the manifest back to the "Scheduled" status.
The generator and/or transporter may make revisions to the manifest after the generator has signed the manifest, but the parties will have to re-sign the manifest.
The first transporter upon signing the manifest electronically will place the manifest into the "In Transit" status. This status indicates that the waste has been picked up at the generator site by the specified transporter and is now in route to the receiving facility. Transporters may specify additional transporters, as needed.
A manifest is placed into the "Ready For Signature" status depending on the manifest type. For electronic, hybrid, and on-behalf-of manifests, this status is set when the last transporter signs the manifest. For paper manifests, this status is set once the paper manifest has been uploaded into the system.
The manifest is placed into the "Signed" status once the receiving facility completes the initial signing ceremony and enters the Received Date. This ceremony is initiated by clicking the "Sign e-Manifests" button at the bottom of the e-Manifest Dashboard or the "Sign" button on the "Review and Sign" screen. Note: The manifest is not complete at this time and may be missing information such as Management Method and Discrepancy information.
If a manifest has been signed and it passes all validations needed for that particular manifest type, the status will be set to "Signed-Completed". At this time, the manifest will be added to the receiving facility's invoice for fee collection.
To create a new manifest, click the "Create New Manifest" button on the e-Manifest Dashboard. This button is only visible to users who have Preparer, Certifier, or Site Manager privileges for the site selected. Click here for instructions associated with the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. This topic will provide information on the various aspects of creating a manifest. This includes:
General Information (Item 4 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest)
Generator Information (Item 5 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest)
Transporter Information (Items 6 and 7 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest)
Designated Facility Information (Item 8 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest)
Waste Information (Items 9 - 13 and Item 19 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest)
Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information (Item 14 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest)
Required information for the current status are marked with a red asterisk next to the label. The information required varies based on the status of the manifest. For example, for a manifest that has a status of "Pending" you may add and save waste lines to the manifest. However, before a manifest may have a status of "Scheduled", the manifest MUST have at least one waste line completed. That waste line (even in the "Scheduled" status) is allowed to omit the management method, but that information must be provided when the status is changed to "Received".
When a manifest is created, the Manifest Tracking Number is unassigned, and the default status is set to "Draft". A Manifest Tracking Number will not be assigned until the status is changed to "Pending" or later.
The Manifest Type indicates whether a manifest is an electronic or paper manifest. This type is assigned when the manifest is assigned the “Scheduled" status. The Manifest Type options are determined by the entities (generator, transporters, and/or receiving facilities) that can electronically sign the manifest. If all the entities can electronically sign the manifest, then the Manifest Type may be fully electronic, hybrid, or on behalf of. If all entities except the generator can electronically sign the manifest, then the Manifest type may be hybrid or on behalf of, although this is still considered an electronic manifest. If at least one transporter or the receiving facility cannot electronically sign the manifest, then the Manifest Type must be paper until all transporters and the receiving facility can electronically sign the manifest.
You can determine if an entity (generator, transporter, or receiving facility) can electronically sign but looking at the "Can e-Sign?" field applicable to that entity. A value of Yes indicates that the entity has at least one user that can electronically sign the manifest. A value of No indicates that the entity does not have any users that can electronically sign the manifest. Note: Sites should ensure that users with the ability to electronically sign a manifest are available for electronic manifest shipments, otherwise, a paper manifest will need to be used.
upper right-hand corner of this section contains the following icons:
"Envelope" icon: Share the manifest (this feature will be implemented in a future release)
icon: Print the manifest in PDF format. If the status is
"Draft" or "Pending", the printed manifest is a
draft manifest. If the status is "Scheduled" or
later, the printed manifest is the official manifest. You may
use this feature to produce an electronic copy of the "paper"
manifest to be attached to the manifest data when the status is set
to "Received".
icon: Shows revision history associated with the manifest
included when the manifest was created and by whom, and when the
manifest was last updated and by whom.
If the site selected for the creation of the manifest is a site that has NOT been identified as a receiving facility, transporter, or broker within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, the site is assumed to be the generator. The Generator Information section of the manifest will be pre-populated with the EPA ID Number, Site Name, Mailing Address, and Site Address and cannot be changed. Additionally, the application will determine if the site has a signatory authority and convey that information in the Can e-Sign? field. The Contact Phone Number, Extension, and Email will also be pre-populated, but may be changed if the information does not exist within RCRAInfo, or if different contact information is to be provided. You will need to provide the Emergency Response Phone Number for this manifest.
If this is an import manifest, you may also provide the Foreign Generator Site Information, including the Name, Country, Street Address, City, State/Province, and Zip Code.
If the site selected for the creation of the manifest is a site that has been identified as a receiving facility, transporter, or broker, click the "Search for Generator" button to find and select the generator facility associated with this manifest. At a minimum you must specify a State but may also specify one or more of the following criteria: Generator Site ID, Generator Name, and/or Location Address (Street Number, Street Name, City, County, Zip). Specifying the Generator's Site Identification Number is the fastest and most effective way to find a given generator. If you know the Generator's Site Identification Number, enter the number in the Generator Id box. Note: Search criteria provided is case insensitive. That is, ALD000000000 will provide the same search results as ald000000000.
If you do not know the Generator's Site Identification Number, provide information for one or more of the other search criteria. All searches are based on an "and" condition between criteria; this means that all criteria must be satisfied for the generator to be included in the results list. Text fields are searched by removing the white space from the field then searching for the value specified anywhere within the field. For example, searching for "main" in the Street Name would find "11 MAIN ST", "MAINTENANCE AVE", or "STIGMA INTERSTATE" in the Street Name field. Exception: If you specify a Generator Id (or part of a Generator Id), the search will only return generators that have a Generator Id that STARTS WITH the value provided. Once you have provided your search criteria, click "Search".
Generators found for the search criteria provided will be displayed showing the Site ID, Site name, Location Address, City, State, and County. The results are sorted by Site Name, but you may re-sort the results set by clicking the arrows next to the column of interest. The arrows act as a toggle between ascending order and descending order. To sort by more than one column, click the arrows next to the column for the primary sort, then, while holding down the <shift> key, click the arrows next to the column for the secondary sort.
The first 20 generators found will be displayed. You can change the number of generators displayed on each page by selecting a value from the "Show entries" drop-down list. You can page through the results by using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons, as well as specific page numbers at the bottom of the page.
Select the generator associated with this manifest by clicking the appropriate Site ID Number and the generator information will be populated with the information associated with this generator. You may edit this information by clicking the "Edit" button within the generator section.
If the generator is not found, revise your search criteria or click the "Site Not Found" button at the bottom of the pop-up to manually add the generator information. Note: You should conduct several searches before determining that a generator cannot be found. To manually enter a generator, you will need to provide the EPA ID Number (if applicable), Site Name, Mailing Address, and Site Address (if different from the mailing address), Emergency Response Phone Number and Extension, Contact Phone Number and Extension, and Contact Email.
If this is an import manifest, you may also provide the Foreign Generator Site Information, including the Name, Country, Street Address, City, State/Province, and Zip Code.
If the site selected for the creation of the manifest is a site that has been identified as a receiving facility, but for this manifest, the site is not the receiving facility, but rather is the generator, slide the "Select this Site as Generator" slide box in the Generator Information section to "Yes". The EPA ID Number, Site Name, Mailing Address, and Site Address will be pre-populated and cannot be changed. The Contact Phone Number, Extension, and Email will also be pre-populated, but may be changed if the information does not exist within RCRAInfo, or if different contact information is to be provided.
If this is an import manifest, you may also provide the Foreign Generator Site Information, including the Name, Country, Street Address, City, State/Province, and Zip Code.
Click the "Add Transporter" button to associate a transporter facility with this manifest. To find the transporter, begin typing the transporter's EPA ID, Name, or Location City into the drop-down box provided. The drop-down list will provide the list of transporters that contains the value that you provided in either the EPA ID, Name, or Location City. Select the appropriate transporter. The transporter's ID, Name, Location Address, and Contact Information will be displayed to ensure that you are selecting the correct transporter. Click the "Save & Return" button to confirm this transporter selection.
If you cannot find the appropriate transporter in the drop-down list, you may manually add the transporter to this manifest. You will need to provide the EPA ID Number of the transporter, in addition to the Transporter Name, Location Address, and Contact Telephone. You may optionally provide additional contact information including the Contact Name and Email.
Click the "Add Transporter" button to select additional transporters. Click the "X" icon in the Action column to remove a transporter from the manifest. Transporters appear in the order that they will pick up the waste specified on the manifest.
If the site selected for the creation of the manifest is a site that has NOT been identified as a receiving facility within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, select a receiving facility by typing the receiving facility's EPA ID, Name, or Location City into the drop-down box provided. The drop-down list will provide the list of designated/receiving facilities that contains the value that you provided in either the EPA ID, Name, or Location City. Select the appropriate receiving facility. The receiving facility's ID, Name, Location Address, and Contact Information will be displayed to ensure that you are selecting the correct designated facility. Note: You CANNOT select a site that has not been identified as a receiving facility within the RCRAInfo Industry Application. If the receiving facility is not listed, the representatives for that site will need to register with EPA in order to pay manifest fees. For assistance with registration, contact your local State authority or send an email to [email protected].
If the site selected for the creation of the manifest is a site that has been identified as a receiving facility within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, the Designated Facility Information section of the manifest will be pre-populated with the EPA ID Number, Site Name, and Site Address. This information cannot be changed. The Contact Phone Number and Extension will also be pre-populated but may be changed if the Contact Phone Number does not exist within RCRAInfo, or if a different Contact Phone Number is to be provided.
If the site selected for the creation of the manifest is a site that has been identified as a receiving facility within the RCRAInfo Industry Application, but this site was marked as the generator facility in the Generator Information section of the manifest, select a receiving facility by typing the receiving facility's EPA ID, Name, or Location City into the drop-down box provided. The drop-down list will provide the list of receiving facilities that contains the value that you provided in either the EPA ID, Name, or Location City. Select the appropriate receiving facility. The receiving facility's ID, Name, Location Address, and Contact Information will be displayed to ensure that you are selecting the correct receiving facility. Note: You CANNOT select a site that has not been identified as a receiving facility within the RCRAInfo Industry Application. If the receiving facility is not listed, the representatives for that site will need to register with EPA in order to pay manifest fees. For assistance with registration, contact your local State authority or send an email to [email protected].
You may provide information for one or more wastes associated with this manifest by clicking the "Add Waste Line" button. A pop-up window will be displayed. Information that may be provided includes indicating if the waste is Hazardous Material, U.S. DOT Description, Containers and Quantity, Hazardous Waste Codes, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information, and Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes. For import manifests, Consent Number may also be provided. With the exception of PCB manifests and certain Illinois manifests, at least one Federal or State Waste Code must be provided.
There are three "Yes/No" slider box in Section 9a that determine what information can and must be provided.
9a. Is this waste a DOT Hazardous Material?
If you answer "Yes", then you will need to provide the US DOT information, including: DOT ID Number, Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, Packing Group, and at least one Federal Waste Code. If you answer "No", then you will need to provide a Waste Description and may need to provide at least one Waste Code (either Federal or State).
Is this an EPA Hazardous Waste?
Answer "Yes" if the waste specified on this waste line is EPA RCRA hazardous waste. If you answer "Yes", you must provide at least one Federal Waste Code. Answer "No" if the waste is not EPA RCRA hazardous waste (i.e., it is a hazardous material but not a hazardous waste). If you answer "No", a Federal Waste Code is not required.
Does this waste contain PCBs? Refer to 40 CFR §761.207
Answer "Yes" if the waste contains PCBs. If you answer "Yes", a Federal Waste Code is not required but you will be requested to provide additional information about the PCB waste including the Load Type (Container, Article in Container, Article Not in Container, and Bulk Waste) as well as the Weight in Kilograms and the Earliest Date of Removal from Service. This information will be printed in Section 14 of the manifest.
If you indicated in 9a that the waste is a DOT hazardous material, you must provide the required DOT Description by entering the information manually into the U.S. DOT Description text box by building the description.
Enter U.S. DOT Description
To manually enter your U.S. DOT Description, type the description into the text box provided and select the ID Number. To select the ID Number, begin typing the number into the drop-down box provided. The drop-down list will show the ids that contain the value that you provided. Select the appropriate id.
Build U.S. DOT Description
To build your U.S. DOT Description, begin by selecting the ID Number and Proper Shipping Name. To select the ID Number and Proper Shipping Name begin typing the ID number or proper shipping name into the drop-down box provided. The drop-down list will show the ids and/or proper shipping names that contain the value that you provided. For example, if you type "fireworks", the drop-down list will show "UN0333 / Fireworks", "UN0334 / Fireworks", "UN0335 / Fireworks", "UN0336 / Fireworks", and "UN0337 / Fireworks". Select the appropriate id and name.
The Hazard Class and Packing Group will be pre-populated based on your selection. If more than one Hazard Class and/or Packing Group is associated with the ID Number and Proper Shipping Name selected, you will need to specify the appropriate value(s). In addition, you will be allowed to add the technical name and reportable quantities to the U.S. DOT Description. Once the Proper Shipping Name, ID Number, Hazard Class, and Packing Group have been specified, click the "Build U.S. DOT Description" button. The information you provided will be populated into a text box where you may modify the information as needed.
Waste Description
If you indicated in 9a that the waste is not DOT hazardous material, provide a description of the waste in the Waste Description text box provided.
The containers and quantity information are required when a manifest's status is "Scheduled". This information may also be edited when the manifest's status is "Scheduled" to ensure that the correct number of containers and volumes are placed in transit. See the Instructions for Completing the Hazardous Waste Manifest for validations that this data must meet. For example, if you have ten (10) full 55 gallons metal drums of a substance, you would enter "10" in the Number field, select "DM-Metal drums, bar..." in the Type field, enter "550 in the Quantity field, and select "G-Gallons" for the Unit Wt./Vol. field. Per the instructions, the Quantity field must be a whole number.
The hazardous waste codes section is dynamic depending on if the material is hazardous and the generator's and/or receiving facility's site location. With a few exceptions (PCBs and Illinois special waste), e-Manifest requires at least one waste line to have a State or Federal waste code. EPA does not recommend using e-Manifest for shipments that are made up entirely of materials that are not required to be on a manifest. If these voluntary manifests are sent to the paper processing center, EPA has an obligation to process and charge the receiving facility for the manifest.
If the material is hazardous (9a = Yes), then the Federal waste codes will be displayed. If the material is not hazardous (9a = No), then only State waste codes (if applicable) will be displayed. If the site location of the generator or receiving facility are in States that have defined waste codes in addition to the Federal waste codes, those State waste codes will be displayed below the Federal waste codes.
To select a Waste Code, click the checkbox next to the applicable waste code or begin typing the code to filter the results. For example, typing F01 in the Federal Waste Codes drop-down list will filter the results set to show F010, F011, F012, and F019. You must click the checkbox next to the waste code or click the "Select all" checkbox to actually select the waste code. The waste code(s) selected will appear in the "Selected" box. You may remove a waste code by clicking the "x" next to the waste code within the "Selected" box or un-checking the waste code from the drop-down list.
Note: The Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information referenced here pertains to the waste line and should not be confused with the special handling instructions and additional information associated with the manifest.
The Special Handling Instructions section may be used to capture additional information about the specific waste line. You may capture this information by entering information in the Special Handling Instructions for this Waste text box and/or providing reference information by clicking the "Add Reference Information" button. The Reference Information is helpful if you have information that you want to retrieve at a later date, such as container size, waste profile numbers, or any type of internal tracking that is deemed necessary and/or appropriate. EPA has provided some frequently requested items in the Label drop-down list, but you may select "Other" to provide your own reference information. Some items (labels) have validations for the Description field. For example, "BR Density" requires that the Description contain a number of no more than 6 digits with no more than 2 decimal digits. In all cases, you must provide a Description. If you select "Other", you must also provide the Label. For example, if you want to provide waste minimization activity associated with this waste line, you could enter "Waste Minimization" in the Label and a statement regarding the waste minimization activity that took place within the Description field. Click the "Add Another Row" button to enter additional reference information.
PCB Waste
If you answered "Yes" in Section 9a that this waste contains PCBs, you must provide additional information applicable to PCB waste. First, you must indicate is the Load Type is Bulk Load, Container, Article in Container, or Article not in Container. The definitions for these load types can be found in 40 CFR §761.3. Regardless of the Load Type, you must also provide the Weight (in kilograms) and the Earliest Date of Removal from Service. Depending on the Load Type, other information that must be provided includes a Unique Identifier for the Article or Container, Type of Waste, and Identity of Bulk Waste. A single waste line may contain information for multiple PCB wastes.
A Management Method can be entered at any time using the values presented in the drop-down list. The Management Method becomes required once the manifest has a status of "Received" (i.e., the manifest has reached the receiving facility).
Within the Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes section, you may indicate if you want to provide Biennial Report Information for this waste. This information is always optional, but if provided will make completing the required Biennial Report submission for Large Quantity Generators and TSD Facilities easier as this information is required for Biennial Report submissions. If you elect to provide the Biennial Report information, you do NOT have to provide all of the information. Rather, you may provide as much or as little Biennial Report information as needed. If you provide the Density, you must also provide the Density Unit of Measure.
Click the "Save & Return" button to save this waste information and return to the primary manifest screen or click the "Save & Add New" button to save this waste information and enter information for another waste.
Note: The Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information referenced here pertains to the manifest and should not be confused with the special handling instructions and additional information associated with a given waste line.
The Special Handling Instructions section may be used to capture additional information for the manifest. You may capture this information by entering information in the Special Handling Instructions for this Manifest text box and/or providing reference information by clicking the "Add Reference Information" button. The Reference Information is helpful if you have information that you want to retrieve at a later date, such as customer number, purchase order number, or any type of internal tracking that is deemed necessary and/or appropriate. EPA has provided some frequently requested items in the Label drop-down list, but you may select "Other" to provide your own reference information. In all cases, you must provide a Description. If you select "Other", you must also provide the Label. For example, if you want to provide the name of the truck driver, you could enter "Truck Driver" in the Label and the name of the driver in the Description field. Click the "Add Another Row" button to enter additional reference information.
The International Shipment Information section is used to capture the Port of Entry of the waste for import manifests. Select the Port of Entry by typing two or more characters into the drop-down list and selecting the appropriate port.
Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. If the required information associated with the current status of the manifest has not been provided, an error message will be displayed for each piece of information that is missing. You must provide this information before the manifest can be saved.
If the manifest status is set to "Scheduled", a pop-up window will be displayed prompting you to specify the type of manifest you are creating (electronic, hybrid, on behalf of, or paper). Note: In order to create an electronic manifest, all sites on the manifest must have at least one user who can electronically sign the manifest for their site. Click the "Save" button to save all of the data associated with the manifest and return to the manifest screen. Click the "Save and Close" button to save all of the data associated with the manifest and return to the e-Manifest Dashboard.
The "Back to Dashboard" button returns you to the e-Manifest Dashboard. Before leaving the page, you will be warned that any data that you entered or changed is unsaved and will be lost. Click "Continue" to return to the e-Manifest Dashboard and lose any unsaved data, or click "Cancel" to return to the Create New Manifest screen.
You can edit a manifest by clicking the "pencil" icon next to the manifest of interest from the e-Manifest Dashboard. Depending on the manifest status and the role of the site on the manifest, you may change any applicable information, as needed. Please click here for additional information on how to edit the manifest.
You may view an individual manifest by clicking the "eye" icon next to the manifest of interest. The manifest will be presented in read-only mode. Depending on the manifest status, the role of the site on the manifest, and your permissions, the "Make Changes" or "Review and Sign" buttons may be available allowing you to perform those functions as appropriate. For example, if a manifest has a status of "Scheduled" and a user associated with the generator site who has Certifier permissions is viewing the manifest, that user will see a "Review and Sign" button, allowing them to review and sign the manifest, if appropriate. However, if a user associated with the transporter site or receiving site who also have Certifier permissions is viewing the manifest, those users will not see a "Review and Sign" button because transporters and receiving facilities cannot sign a manifest when it has a status of "Scheduled". They will, however, see the "Review and Sign" button when the manifest has a status that allows them to sign (i.e., "In Transit" for the transporter and "Received" for the receiving facility).
Depending on the type of manifest and site (electronic, on-behalf of, hybrid, and the paper manifest options), users may electronically sign a manifest. If you have the Certifier or Site Manager permission for a site, you may sign manifests in one of two ways: 1) You may sign an individual manifest in the Edit Manifest screen by clicking the "Review and Sign" button; or 2) The users may sign one or more manifests by clicking the "Sign e-Manifests" button at the bottom of the e-Manifest Dashboard. Additional information for both of these methods is provided below.
You may sign a manifest if it is the appropriate time for your site to sign. For example, if an unsigned manifest has a "Scheduled" status and you are a Certifier or Site Manager for the generator, you will see the "Review and Sign" button for that manifest. However, the transporter(s) and receiving facility specified on the manifest will not see the "Review and Sign" button until the manifest has a status making it the appropriate time for their signatures.
Click the "Review and Sign" button to initiate the signature process. You will be taken to the Review page where you can review the manifest. Once you have reviewed the manifest, click the "Sign" button at the bottom of the page. You must certify that the information that you are providing is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge by clicking the "Accept" button. Next, you will be prompted to provide your password and click "Login". One of the five security questions that you selected during the user registration process will be displayed. Please enter the correct answer in the box and click "Answer". Once your answer has been verified, click the "Sign" button to complete the signature process. If this is successful, the status of the manifest will be changed to "Signed" (unless you are signing for the generator, in which the status will remain unchanged) and you will return to the e-Manifest Dashboard.
Note: If you repeatedly answer your security question incorrectly, you will be prompted to reset all five of your security questions the next time that you login.
Users may also sign one or more manifests by clicking the "Sign e-Manifests" button at the bottom of the e-Manifest Dashboard. A list of the manifests with a status of "Ready For Signature" will be displayed. Select the manifest(s) to sign by clicking the checkbox next to the Manifest ID, or click the "Select All" checkbox. You may review the manifest(s) prior to signing by clicking the "Scan" icon in the "View" column to view the scanned paper manifest (if available) of the "Data" icon to see the electronic information associated with this manifest in PDF format. Once you have reviewed the appropriate manifests, click the "Sign" button. You must certify that the information that you are providing is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge by clicking the "Accept" button. The statement for accuracy and completeness applies to all data for every manifest in this submission. Next, you will be prompted to provide your password and click "Login". One of the five security questions that you selected during the user registration process will be displayed. Please enter the correct answer in the box and click "Answer". Once your answer has been verified, click the "Sign" button to complete the signature process. If this is successful, the status of all the manifests selected will be changed to "Signed".
Note: If you repeatedly answer your security question incorrectly, you will be prompted to reset all five of your security questions the next time that you login.
It is the responsibility of the designated facility to report any discrepancies between the waste described on the manifest and the waste actually received. Manifest discrepancies are: significant differences (as defined by 40 CFR §264.72(b) and 40 CFR §265.72(b)) between the quantity or type of hazardous waste designated on the manifest and the quantity and type of hazardous waste a facility actually receives; rejected wastes, which may be a full or partial shipment of hazardous waste that the designated facility cannot accept; or container residues, which are residues that exceed the quantity limits for "empty" containers set forth in 40 CFR §261.7(b).
To report a discrepancy for an electronic or hybrid manifest, click the "eye" icon next to the manifest of interest within the Received Section of the e-Manifest Dashboard. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Make Changes". Note: You must have Preparer or Certifier permissions for the e-Manifest module or be a Site Manager in order for the "Make Changes" button to be displayed. The manifest will now be edit-able. Click on the "pencil" icon next to the waste line or lines affected by the discrepancy in Section 9-13 of the manifest. A pop-up window containing the information for that waste line will be displayed. Make the corrections to the waste line as appropriate. In Section 18, indicate the type of discrepancy you encountered by setting the Yes/No slider boxes for Quantity and Type to the appropriate values. A value of Yes for Quantity indicates that a quantity discrepancy for this waste was discovered. A value of Yes for Type indicates that a waste type discrepancy for this waste was discovered. You must also provide comments describing the discrepancy encountered. Click the "Save & Return" button to save the revisions made to the waste line and the discrepancy information entered, then click "Save" (if you are a Preparer) or "Review and Sign" (if you are a Certifier or Site Manager) to save the revisions to the manifest.
A designated facility may reject waste, either a full or partial shipment, that they cannot accept. At this time, rejections on an electronic or hybrid manifest cannot be processed via the application. If you are rejecting a waste, either in full or partially, you must process this rejection using a paper manifest. Functionality for the application to process rejections for electronic and hybrid manifests will be implemented soon. Click here for information processing rejections for paper + data manifests.
If errors are discovered on a manifest after the manifest has a Status of "Signed-Completed", the manifest may be corrected. Any party to the manifest (i.e., the generator, transporter(s), receiving facility, or alternate receiving facility) may initiate the corrections process by clicking the "eye" icon next to the manifest to correct on the e-Manifest Dashboard from either the "Received" section or the "Paper Manifests (Image-Only)" section then clicking the "Make Correction" button next to the Status or at the bottom of the page. This topic will provide information on the various aspects of correcting a manifest. This includes:
The manifest data that you are allowed to change varies based on the type of manifest (electronic/hybrid, paper only, or paper+data) that you are correcting. Users are not able to change the Manifest Tracking Number nor are they allowed to change the site (receiving facility or alternate receiving facility) that was invoiced for this manifest. To request a correction of the Manifest Tracking Number or have questions regarding your invoice, contact [email protected]. The information provided below gives a general overview of the data that can be changed for each manifest type.
Electronic and hybrid manifests allow the user to make corrections to the following data:
Section 8 Designated Facility Information (Contact Phone and Extension only)
Sections 9-13 Waste Information
Section 14 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information
Section 16 International Shipment Information (Port of Entry and State Only)
Section 18 Discrepancy, Residue and Rejection Information (Note: if the waste was rejected, you cannot change the alternate receiving facility where the waste was subsequently shipped)
Paper + Data manifests allow the user to make corrections to the following data:
Section 1-5 Generator Information
Section 6-7 Transporter Information
Section 8 Designated Facility Information (Contact Phone and Extension only)
Sections 9-13 Waste Information
Section 14 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information
Section 15 Generator's / Offeror's Certification
Section 16 International Shipment Information
Section 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials
Section 18 Discrepancy, Residue and Rejection Information (Note: if the waste was rejected, you cannot change the alternate receiving facility where the waste was subsequently shipped)
Reload Paper Manifest Attachment
The Paper Only manifests only allows the user to reload the paper manifest attachment. No other data may be revised or corrected.
Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save your corrections. At a later date, your corrections will need to be electronically signed (see below) or reverted to the most recently signed manifest. To revert the manifest back to the most recently signed manifest, click the "Revert" button. The corrections that you saved will be discarded and the manifest data displayed will reflect the data from the most recently signed manifest. The manifest will remain in the "Under Correction" status until your corrections are electronically signed or reverted.
Once a correction is initiated, one party (i.e., the generator, transporter, receiving facility, or alternate receiving facility) must re-sign the manifest to certify the corrections. Once the manifest has been re-signed, the manifest status is set to "Corrected". To make additional corrections, the corrections process must be re-initiated by clicking the "Make Correction" button. To discard the corrections, click the "Revert" button (see above). Note: You cannot revert to a previous manifest once the corrections to the manifest have been re-signed. However, the application maintains all versions of the manifest and may be referenced as needed.
Every time a correction is initiated a new version of the manifest is created. To see previous versions of the manifest, from the correction page, click the "paper" icon in the top right-hand corner of the General Information section, then click the "eye" icon next to the version of interest. Note: You can only make corrections to the current version of the manifest.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Brenda Neel |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-04-10 |