PA - USDC Front-end Evaluation

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

PA - USDC Front-end Evaluation

OMB: 1405-0193

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OMB Control No.: 1405-0193

EXPIRES: 7-31-2020



USDC Front-end Evaluation - Interview Guide:

Hello. Today we’re talking to people about a new museum that is going to be built here in Washington, DC. Do you have a few minutes to share your thoughts on some of the themes and exhibits they are planning to include? Great, thank you!

  1. Before I tell you what the new museum is, please tell me what comes to mind when you see this word? [Show card with “diplomacy” written on it].

(Probes: Who uses it? What does it involve? Why might it be important or useful?)

Follow-up: What kinds of things do you think diplomats do? (Probe: What else?)

2. So, the new museum is being built by the Department of State and it will be called the United States Diplomacy Center. Please rank the following topics in order of how much they would appeal to you:

____ Significant diplomatic events in world history

____ The history of diplomacy in the United States

____ Places where U.S. diplomats engage in diplomacy

____ The issues on which U.S. diplomats work

____ What it’s like to be a professional diplomat

____ How the work of the State Department affects you personally

3. We would like people to answer a question about the terms that people will read as they enter the museum. These are diplomacy, diplomat, ambassador, embassy and passport. We would like to find out if these terms would help orient them, be interesting, be confusing or any other perception. We would like these terms (or other, better terms) to welcome our visitors and ground them in the museum (i.e. “You are now entering a museum about diplomacy.”).

4.a) The museum plans to display a wall of flags of all the countries with which the United States has diplomatic relations. As visitors walk along the wall, each flag will reveal a hidden image relating to the nation it represents. What image would you be most interested in seeing? (Please choose only one)

      1. A person or group of persons from that nation

      2. A diplomatic scene taking place in that nation

      3. A landscape or landmark from that nation

4.b) At the wall of flags, visitors will also be able to find out more about the country/countries that interest them. Some of the things they could find out about are listed below. Please rank these topics in the order of how much they sound appealing to you:

___ The symbolism of each nation’s flag

___ The diplomatic relationship between the U.S. and that nation historically

___ The current relationship between the U.S. and that nation

5. The museum also plans to display a large map of the world that identifies where all U.S. embassies and other diplomatic posts are located. What would you like to see most on a map like this? Please rank the following topics in order of how much they would appeal to you:

___Where our diplomat are stationed around the world

___Which countries we have alliances with

___Where the current diplomatic hot spots are

___Where the Secretary of State is traveling

___How diplomats communicate with each other

___How U.S. diplomatic relations have changed with other countries throughout its history

6. In an exhibit about economic diplomacy, which of the following topics would interest you the most?

(Choose two)

  1. How the U.S. uses its economic power in diplomacy

  2. Opening up trade for American businesses abroad

  3. How diplomatic efforts abroad have an impact on jobs in the US

  4. How economic treaties like Open Skies, free trade, affect you

  5. Protecting U.S. intellectual property rights around the world

7. What if you had the chance to have dinner with the Secretary of State. What kinds of things would you like to ask them (about is their work and/or the work of the State Department)?

8. Do you have any comments or questions about this survey or the new museum?

Gender (observed): Age: <20s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70+

Social group: __ Family (min. 1 adult + 1 child <20 yrs.)

__ Family (all adults)

__ Friends (all adults)

__ Alone

__ Other: ________________________ # Adults: _______ # Children: ________

What is your State of residence (If from outside the U.S., please indicate the country)


PRA Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection.  You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.  If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it please send them by mail: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs (PA/EX), 2201 C St NW, Washington, DC 20520, or email: Carimanda Baynard ([email protected]) and cc [email protected].


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File Created2021-07-29

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