Attachment 3d. Ramp, Baggage, Cargo, and Dock Agent Survey
Form Approved OMB
NO. 0920-xxxx Expiration
Date: xx/xx/20xx
NIOSH2018 - Aviation Safety – Ramp, Baggage, Cargo, and Dock Agents
Screening Question: Q00 Do you currently work for (Pipe in company name)?
Yes, I work for (Pipe in company name).
No, I no longer work for (Pipe in company name).
Skip To: END of Survey if Do you currently work for (Pipe in company name)? = No, I no longer work for (Pipe in comp…)
I agree to participate in this study.
I do not agree to participate in this study.
Skip To: END of Survey IF Informed Consent = I do not agree to participate in this study.
These first questions ask about your employment with (Pipe in company name).
Q1 Which of the following best describes your job?
Ramp agent
Baggage agent
Cargo agent
Dock agent
Other. Please describe: ________________________________________________
Q2 How long have you worked for (Pipe in company name) as a {pipe in text from Q1 response}?
Please enter the number of months if less than 1 year.
Years: ________________________________________________
Months: ________________________________________________
reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to
average 15 mins per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600
Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA
Q3 In general, do you work alone, as part of a team, or something in between?
I always work alone
I usually work alone, but sometimes as part of a team
I usually work as part of a team, but sometimes alone
I always work as part of a team
Q4 Do you routinely perform tasks that are not in your job description as a {Pipe in text from Q1}?
I don’t know
Display This Question:
If Do you routinely perform tasks that are not in your job description as a {Pipe in text from Q1}? = Yes
Q4a What three tasks do you perform most often that are not in your job description?
Task 1: ________________________________________________
Task 2: ________________________________________________
Task 3: ________________________________________________
The next questions are about your work schedule as a {Pipe in text from Q1}.
Q5 Some people work a rotating schedule such as 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Do you currently work a rotating schedule?
Other. Please explain:
Display This Question:
If Some people work a rotating schedule such as 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Do you currently work a rotating schedule? = Yes
Q5a Do you currently work...
1 week on and 1 week off
2 weeks on and 2 weeks off
3 weeks on and 1 week off
Other. Please specify: ________________________________________________
Q6 Is your work seasonal or year-round?
Mostly year-round
Mostly seasonal
Other. Please explain: _______________
Q7 Please estimate what percent of your paid hours in YEAR
occurred in each season.
Spring: _______
Summer: _______
Autumn: _______
Winter: _______
Total: ________
Q8 Does your work as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season?
I don’t know
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = Yes
Q8a Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}?
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = Yes AND Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = Yes
Q9 During the peak season, what is your typical daily shift?
Please enter your typical daily shift in 24-hour clock format.
That is, for 7:00 AM please enter 0700; for 1:00 PM please enter
From: ________________________________________________
To: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = Yes AND Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = Yes
Q10 On the days you work during the peak season, how many hours per day are you typically on duty?
Duty hours per day: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = Yes AND Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = Yes
Q11 During the peak season, how many days per week do you typically work?
Duty days per week: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = Yes AND Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = Yes
Q12 During the peak season, do you typically work more than 40 hours per week?
Display This Question:
If During peak season, do you typically work more than 40 hours per week? = Yes
Q12a During peak season, about how many hours over 40 do you work per week?
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = No –OR_ I don’t know OR Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = No
Q9z What is your typical daily shift?
Please enter your typical daily shift in 24-hour clock format.
That is, for 7:00 AM please enter 0700; for 1:00 PM please enter
From: ________________________________________________
To: ______
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = No –OR_ I don’t know OR Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = No
Q10z How many hours per day are you typically on duty?
Duty hours per day: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = No –OR_ I don’t know OR Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = No
Q11z How many days per week do you typically work?
Duty days per week: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If Does your work a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} have a peak season? = No –OR_ I don’t know OR Have you worked during peak season as a ${Q1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? = No
Q12z Do you generally work more than 40 hours per week?
Display This Question:
If Do you generally work more than 40 hours per week? = Yes
Q12az About how many hours of over 40 do you work per week?
Hours over 40 per week: _________________
These next few questions ask about training and safety.
Q13 In your job as a {Pipe text from Q1} at {pipe in company name}, are you provided with training, equipment, or information on…
*If you are using a mobile device, like a smart phone or tablet, please turn it sideways so you can see the full question. You may need to turn off your "screen lock" feature so the screen will turn.
Training |
Equipment |
Information |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Hazardous materials safety |
Fire safety |
Ramp safety |
Office safety |
Lifting safely |
Forklift use |
Fall from heights prevention |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fall from the same level prevention |
Prevention of slips on ice |
Personal protective equipment use |
Exposure to pathogens or chemical contaminants |
De-escalation of threats from customers, passengers, or co-workers |
Other. Please specify: |
Q14 In your opinion, what additional training could help reduce injuries, prevent illnesses, and increase safety?
Q15 While at work, about how often do you lift more than 50 pounds without equipment?
2-3 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
2-3 times a year
Other. Please describe: _________
Q16 Is any of the following equipment available at work to assist with moving heavy items? Please select all that apply.
Pallet jack
Mechanical lift
Other. Please describe: ________________________________________________
None of the above
Q17 Compared to other jobs, how safe is your job?
Much safer than other jobs
Slightly safer than other jobs
As safe as other jobs
Slightly more dangerous than other jobs
Much more dangerous than other jobs
The following questions are about work-related exposures, illnesses, and injuries and measures to eliminate them at your job as a {Pipe text from Q1}.
Examples of exposures are workplace exposures to harmful substances, fumes, loud noises, and temperature extremes.
Examples of illnesses are skin diseases, respiratory disorders, and poisonings resulting from work exposures.
Examples of injuries are work-related cuts, fractures, sprains, hearing loss, and amputations.
These questions refer to a time when your body was damaged and required medical attention at the time of the event, or caused you to take time away from work, or required you to change how you did your job.
Q18 Exposures in the workplace may be to harmful substances, fumes, loud noises, or temperature extremes. In the past five years, have you had any exposures as a result of your work that required medical care, first aid, time off work, or changes in how you do your job?
Yes. Please explain:
Q19 Which of your duties or tasks are most likely to make you ill?
Q20 In the past five years, have you been made ill as a result of your work?
Yes. Please explain:
Q21 Which of your duties or tasks are most likely to injure you?
Q22 In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work?
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q23 In the past five years, how many different times have you been injured as a result of your work?
Three or more times
Display This Statement:
If In the past five years, how many different times have you been injured as a result of your work? != Once
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Please think about your most serious injury when answering these next questions.
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q24 How did your injury occur?
Lifting (picking up cargo, baggage, equipment, etc.)
Slip (on ice, wet or oily surfaces, etc.)
Trip (over objects, uncovered hoses or cables, etc.)
Pushing or pulling
Contact injury with object (aircraft wing, tug, etc.)
Assault or injury by another person
Other. Please specify: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If How did your injury occur? = Fall
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q24a Was your fall while you were above ground level or at ground level?
Above ground level (on a ladder, aircraft wing, etc.)
At ground level
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q25 How was your injury treated?
Please select all that apply.
Did not receive any treatment
Received first aid at work
Self-treatment at home after work
Went to medical or community clinic
Went to hospital or emergency room, but wasn't admitted to hospital
Hospitalized 1-3 days
Hospitalized 4-7 days
Hospitalized more than 7 days
Received outpatient long-term care including therapy (physical, occupational, massage, counseling, etc.)
Other. Please explain: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q26 Due to your injury, did you miss any workdays?
I don’t remember
Prefer not to answer
Display This Question:
If Due to your injury, did you miss any workdays? = Yes
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q26a Due to your injury, about how much time did you miss from work?
Days ________________________________________________
Weeks ________________________________________________
Months ________________________________________________
Years __
I don’t remember_______________________________________________
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q27 What part or parts of your body were affected? Please select all that apply.
Upper limbs (shoulders, arms, hands, wrists)
Lower limbs (legs, knees, feet)
Trunk (back, lungs, stomach, chest, hips, buttocks)
Other. Please explain: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q28 At the time of your injury, about how long had you been at work that day?
Less than 1 hour
1 – 2 hours
3 – 5 hours
6 – 8 hours
More than 8 hours
I don’t remember
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q29 Did you file a worker's compensation claim for your injury?
No, I didn’t have coverage at the time
No, other reason
I don’t remember
Prefer not to answer
Display This Question:
If Did you file a worker’s compensation claim for your injury? = No, other reason
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q29a Which of the following best describes your reasons for not filing a worker's compensation claim?
Please select all that apply.
I didn't think the injury was bad enough, filing was unnecessary
I didn't know I could
I didn't know how
I didn’t want to hurt the company or my employer
I didn’t want my employer to be disappointed in me
I was worried it would make me look bad
I didn’t want to get a co-worker in trouble
I was worried about getting in trouble with my employer
Other. Please describe: ________________________________________________
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q30 Did you report your injury to your employer?
I don’t remember
Prefer not to answer
Display This Question:
If In the past five years, have you been injured as a result of your work? = Yes
Q31 Do you think your injury could have been prevented?
Yes. What could have prevented it? ________________________________________________
No. Please explain: ________________________________________________
I don't know
Q32 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Where I work…
Where I work… |
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Neither Disagree nor Agree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
the safety of workers is a high priority with management. |
workers are discouraged from reporting safety issues |
there are no significant compromises or shortcuts taken when worker safety is at stake. |
keeping aircraft in the air is more important than worker safety. |
employees and management work together to ensure the safest possible working conditions. |
management isn’t interested in safety issues. |
Q33 What do you think contributes most to injuries in aviation in Alaska?
Q34 If you could make changes, how would you make your job safer?
Q35 Have you ever felt pressured to complete work when you felt safety might be at risk?
I don’t know
Prefer not to answer
Display This Question:
If Have you ever felt pressured to complete work when you felt safety might be at risk? = Yes
Q35a In the table below, please indicate how often you have felt pressured by someone in the following positions to complete work when you felt safety might be at risk.
Frequently |
Sometimes |
Rarely |
Never |
Prefer not to answer |
Employer |
Upper management |
Team or shift leads |
Co-workers |
Other. Please describe: |
Q36 Have you ever felt so tired at work that you forgot what you were doing, what you had done, or made a mistake?
I don’t remember
Prefer not to answer
Q37 During YEAR, about how often have you felt too tired to work, but you worked anyway?
Less often than monthly
Prefer not to answer
Display This Question:
If During YEAR, about how often have you felt too tired to work, but you worked anyway? != Never –OR- Prefer not to answer
Q37a When you continued to work despite being tired, you did so
Please select all that apply.
Your employer expected you to get the job done
Passengers were waiting
You needed the money
You didn’t want to let your co-workers down
You didn’t want to let your company down
Other. Please describe: ________________________________________________
These final questions are about you.
Q38 What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than high school
Attended high school; didn't graduate
GED or equivalent
High school diploma
Attended college; no degree
Associate's degree
Bachelor's degree
Graduate or Professional degree
Q39 Are you male or female?
Prefer not to answer
Q40 How old are you?
Years: ________________________________________________
Prefer not to answer
Q41 What is your race? Please select all that apply
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Some other race. Please specify: ________________________________________________
Prefer not to answer
Q42 Please add any other comments about aviation safety in Alaska you think we should know.
Thank you for your help!
End of Survey
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | NIOSH2018 - Aviation Safety_Ramp/Baggage/Cargo/Ramp Agents |
Author | Qualtrics |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-02-04 |