Sample - General survey

AppxE GenSurvey SAMPLE.docx

Assessment of Chemical Exposures (ACE) Investigations

Sample - General survey

OMB: 0923-0051

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0923-0051

Exp. Date 02/28/2021

Appendix E: General Survey

Interviewer__________ Household ID___________ Participant ID ___________

Date _____________ Start time _____________ End time ______________

Participant Name: ____________________________________________________



General Survey Module: Location/Exposure

From now on, I will refer to the [Description of Incident] on [Date] as “the incident.”

  1. I would like to know about your exposure inside the highlighted area on the map between [Incident Date] at [Time] and [End Date/Time].


Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 28 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11 Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0923-0051)

  1. What is the address of where you were the longest during the incident? Probe for as much location information as possible. Then, continue to b.

Street address

City, State Zip

Other location information

  1. How long were you in this location? circle whether in minutes or hours.

_____ minutes hours

  1. Did you receive instructions to shelter in place? If respondent said “yes” go to d, if “no” continue to e:

Yes No Unsure

  1. Please describe what you did to shelter in place.

  1. Did you smell an odor? If no or unsure skip questions f and g.

Yes No Unsure

  1. Can you please describe the odor?

Shape4 Gasoline

Shape5 Rotten eggs

Shape6 Chemical Smell

Shape7 Paint or paint thinner

Shape8 Bug spray

Shape9 Smoke

Shape10 Sewage

Shape11 Other______

  1. Would you describe the odor as light, moderate or severe?

Light Moderate Severe

  1. Did you come in contact with any of the following?

Shape12 Smoke

Shape13 Dust

Shape14 Debris

Shape15 Hazardous substance

Shape16 Unsure

Shape17 Other___________

2. Did you evacuate from the highlighted area on the map?

Shape18 Yes


Shape20 No Go to Question 5

3. At approximately what time did you evacuate?

____:_____ Shape21 AM Shape22 PM

Hour Min

4. How did you evacuate?

Shape23 Ambulance

Shape24 Privately-owned vehicle

Shape25 Bus

Shape26 Other (Please specify):

5. Were you decontaminated, meaning your clothing was removed or your body was washed?

Shape27 Yes


Shape29 No Go to next module

6. How were you decontaminated? Read all answer choices aloud to the respondent and check all that apply.

Shape30 Clothing Removal

Shape31 Water

Shape32 Soap and Water

Shape33 Other (Please specify):

7. Where were you decontaminated? If respondent needs clarification, specify that this question is asking for a geographic location, not a place on their body. Read all choices to the respondent.

Shape34 Community reception center (CRC)

Shape35 Mobile decontamination unit

Shape36 Emergency room (ER)

Shape37 Other (Please specify):

8. At approximately what time were you decontaminated?

____:_____ Shape38 AM Shape39 PM

Hour Min

General Survey Module: Health Status after the Incident

  1. I’m going to ask you some questions about symptoms that could be related to the [Incident]. This list should be narrowed down ahead of time with a toxicologist or physian or other expert. Fill out the table provided below. Completei-iii for one symptom before asking about the next symptom.

  1. Did you experience [Symptom] since the incident? If yes, go to ii. If no, repeat i for next symptom.

  1. If you experienced this [Symptom] before the incident did it get worse?

  1. Are you still experiencing [Symptom]? Repeat i for next symptom.









  1. Fever

  1. Chills

  1. Generalized weakness

  1. Body pain

  1. Severe bleeding


  1. Increased tearing

  1. Irritation/pain/ burning of eyes

  1. Blurred vision/double vision

  1. Bleeding in eyes


  1. Runny nose

  1. Burning nose or throat

  1. Nose Bleeds

  1. Hoarseness

  1. Increased salivation

  1. Ringing in ears

  1. Difficulty swallowing

  1. Swollen neck

  1. Pain in jaw

  1. Odor on breath (Gasoline or other, specify)

  1. Stuffy nose/sinus congestion

  1. Increased congestion or phlegm


  1. Headache

  1. Dizziness or lightheadedness

  1. Loss of consciousness/fainting

  1. Seizures or convulsions

  1. Numbness, pins and needles, or funny feeling in arms or legs

  1. Confusion

  1. Difficulty concentrating

  1. Difficulty remembering things

  1. Concussion

  1. Loss of balance


  1. Weakness of arms

  1. Weakness of legs

  1. Joint swelling

  1. Muscle weakness

  1. Muscle twitching

  1. Tremors in arms or legs

  1. Joint pain

  1. Broken bone/fracture

  1. Dislocation

  1. Sprain or strain

  1. Whiplash


  1. Breathing slow

  1. Breathing fast

  1. Difficulty breathing/feeling out-of-breath

  1. Coughing

  1. Wheezing in chest

  1. Slow heart rate/pulse

  1. Fast heart rate/pulse

  1. Chest tightness or pain/angina

  1. Bronchitis

  1. Pneumonia

  1. Burning lungs


  1. Nausea

  1. Non-bloody vomiting

  1. Non-bloody diarrhea

  1. Bloody vomiting

  1. Blood in stool/diarrhea

  1. Abdominal pain

  1. Fecal incontinence or inability to control bowel movements

  1. Bowel perforation


  1. Irritation, pain, or burning of skin

  1. Skin rash

  1. Hives

  1. Skin blisters

  1. Bumps containing pus

  1. Nail changes

  1. Hair loss in area of rash

  1. Hair loss

  1. Dry or itchy skin

  1. Sweating

  1. Cool or pale skin

  1. Skin discoloration

  1. Poor wound healing

  1. Petechiae/Pinpoint round spots

  1. Blue coloring of ends of fingers/toes or lips

  1. Lips turning blue

  1. Abrasion/scrape

  1. Bruise

  1. Cut


  1. Urinary incontinence or dribbling pee

  1. Inability to urinate or pee

  1. Blood in urine

  1. Painful urine


  1. Anxiety

  1. Agitation/irritability

  1. Thoughts of suicide

  1. Fatigue/tiredness

  1. Difficulty sleeping

  1. Difficulty staying asleep

  1. Feeling depressed

  1. Hallucinations

  1. Paranoia

  1. Unexplained fear

  1. Tension or nervousness

Any other symptoms? If yes, What was it? Record below.





General Survey Module: Optional Mental Health Screeners

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 ( GAD 7)

Over the last 2 weeks, how often Not Several More Nearly

have you been bothered by the at all days than half every

following symptoms? the days day

  1. Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge 0 1 2 3

  1. Not being able to stop or control worrying 0 1 2 3

  1. Worrying too much about different things 0 1 2 3

  1. Trouble relaxing 0 1 2 3

  1. Being too restless that it is hard to sit still 0 1 2 3

  1. Being easily annoyed or irritable 0 1 2 3

  1. Feeling as though something awful might

happen 0 1 2 3

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD7) Scoring System

GAD-7 Score Level of Anxiety

0 – 4 Minimal

5 – 9 Mild

10 – 14 Moderate

15 – 21 Severe

Screening Questionaire for Disaster Mental Health (SQD)

People who have experienced the incident often report that their lives have changed dramatically and they are constantly under various kinds of stress. Have you experienced any of the symptoms listed below in the past month?

Q1. Have you noticed any changes in your appetite? 1. Yes 0. No

Q2. Do you feel that you are easily tired and/or tired all the time? 1. Yes 0. No

Q3. Do you have trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night? 1. Yes 0. No

Q4. Do you have nightmares about the event? 1. Yes 0. No

Q5. Do you feel depressed? 1. Yes 0. No

Q6. Do you feel irritable? 1. Yes 0. No

Q7. Do you feel that you are hypersensitive to small noises or tremors? 1. Yes 0. No

Q8. Do you avoid places, people, topics related to the event? 1. Yes 0. No

Q9. Do you think about the event when you do not want to? 1. Yes 0. No

Q10. Do you have trouble enjoying things you used to enjoy? 1. Yes 0. No

Q11. Do you get upset when something reminds you of the event? 1. Yes 0. No

Q12. Do you notice that you are making an effort to try not to think about the

event, or are trying to forget it? 1. Yes 0. No

[ Score ]

SQD-P: Q3 + Q4 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9 + Q10 + Q11 + Q12 = __________________

SQD-D: Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q5 + Q6 + Q10 = _______________________

[ Guidelines ]

SQD-P: 9-6 = Severely affected (possible Acute Stress Disorder (ASD))

5-4 = Moderately affected

3-0 = Slightly affected (currently little possibility of ASD)

SQD-D: 6-5 = More likely to be depressed

4-0 = Less likely to be depressed

General Survey Module: Medical Care

1. Did you receive medical care or a medical evaluation because of the incident?


Shape41 Yes Go to Question 3

Shape42 No

2. Why didn’t you seek medical care?

Shape43 Did not have symptoms    

Shape44 Symptoms were not bad enough    

Shape45 Don’t like to go to the doctor

Shape46 Didn’t want to take time

Shape47 Worried about who would pay for the medical visit

Shape48 Worried about losing job

Shape49 Other (Please specify): ______________________________________________

Shape50 Unsure


For those individuals who did not seek medical care, go to the next module.

3. Please tell me if any of the following describe why you sought medical care. Read questions a-c to the respondent and circle the appropriate answer(s).

    1. You were given instructions to seek medical care? Yes No Unsure

    2. You experienced health problems or symptoms
      within 24 hours of the incident? Yes No Unsure

    3. You were worried about possible health
      problems associated with the incident? Yes No Unsure

  1. How did you receive medical care Can Check more than 1?

Shape52 EMT or paramedic

Shape53 Hospital Go to Question 5

Shape54 Doctor or other medical professional Go to Question 15

  1. On what date were you first provided care at a hospital? If you had any additional visits to the hospital, please provide me the dates of those visits. Record the date that the respondent first went to the hospital and then the date of any subsequent visits.

1st date of hospital visit: ____/____/______


2nd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______


3rd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______


  1. What is the name and city of the hospital(s)?

Hospital 1_____________City 1 ______________________

Hospital 2 ____________City 2_______________________

Hospital 3 _____________City 3______________________

  1. How did you get to the hospital? If the respondent had more than one hospital visit, tell them that you are referring to their first visit.

Shape55 EMS/Ambulance

Shape56 Drove self

Shape57 Driven by relative, friend, or acquaintance

Shape58 Other (Please specify):

  1. Were you treated only in the emergency department or were you admitted to the hospital?


Shape60 Treated in emergency department (Outpatient) Go to Question 15

Shape61 Admitted (Hospitalized)

  1. How many nights were you hospitalized, including any nights in an intensive care unit (ICU)?

________ Nights

  1. Were you placed in an Intensive Care Unit or ICU?

Shape62 Yes


Shape64 No Go to Question 15

  1. How many nights were you in the ICU?

________ Nights

  1. Were you on a ventilator?

Shape65 Yes


Shape67 No Go to Question 15

  1. How many nights were you on a ventilator?

________ Nights

  1. If aged 18 or older, read: To improve future responses, we try to study medical emergency response as thoroughly as possible. Are you willing to let us get a copy of your medical records for the medical treatment you received because of the incident?


Shape69 Yes Review the medical records release form with the respondent and collect their signature

Shape70 No

  1. Read iiv to the respondent and record information in the table below.

  1. On what dates were you provided care by a doctor or other medical professional? (mm/dd/yyyy)

  1. What is the name of the doctor or other medical professional?

  1. What service did this doctor or medical professional provide?

  1. What is the address of the office?

General Survey Module: Medical History

Now I’m going to ask you a few questions about illnesses you may have had and the kinds of medicines you may have used.

1. Prior to the incident, have you ever been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you have or had any of the following medical conditions? You can narrow down the table below in consultation with a toxicologist or physician if these conditions do not seem relevant to the exposures. Fill out the table below. Circle appropriate response and ask the respondent to specify as directed.

Medical Condition

  1. Allergies?

Yes (Please specify) ______________________



  1. Asthma?




  1. Depression?




  1. Anxiety?




  1. Diabetes?




  1. High blood pressure?




  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema?




  1. Heart Disease?




  1. Physical disability that hinders mobility?

Yes (Please specify)_______________________



  1. Psychological condition such as anxiety, depression or dependence disorder?

Yes (Please specify) ______________________



  1. Cancer?

Yes (Please specify) _____________________



  1. Immune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or HIV?




  1. Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis?




  1. Any other medical conditions?

Yes (Please specify) _____________________



2. Prior to the incident, were you taking any medication? This includes medication prescribed by a health care provider and those you might have gotten without a prescription from stores, pharmacies, friends, or relatives.

Shape71 Yes

Shape72 No

Shape73 Don’t Know

  1. Do you currently smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes?

Shape74 Shape75 Yes

Shape76 No Go to Question F6

Shape77 Don’t Know/Refuse to answer

  1. Have you smoked on a daily basis in the past?

Shape78 Yes

Shape79 No

Shape80 Don’t Know/Refuse to answer

  1. On average, how many of that product do you currently smoke each day?

Please specify: ________________________


If respondent is male, go to next module

  1. Are you currently pregnant?

Shape82 Yes

Shape83 No

Shape84 Don’t Know

  1. Are you currently breastfeeding?

Shape85 Yes

Shape86 No

General Survey Module: Occupation

1. Are you currently employed. This includes part-time and full-time jobs that lasted one month or more, such as jobs for pay inside or outside the home or jobs on a farm?

Shape87 Yes

Shape88 No skip to next module

  1. What is your occupation? If unknown probe for a specific description of their main duties_________________

  1. Who is your employer? Probe for company name and city _________________

  1. Did you respond in any way to this incident If yes and necessary, probe.

Shape89 Yes

Shape90 Not a responder Go to next module

2. Are you a volunteer or career responder?

Shape91 Volunteer

Shape92 Career responder

3. At the time of the incident, how long had you been working in that role? (e.g., firefighter, police, recovery worker etc.)

____ Years ______ Months

4. Prior to incident, were you trained to respond to an incident of this nature?

Shape93 Yes

Shape94 No

5. Were you trained on PPE usage, including types and how to properly don/remove your PPE?

Shape95 Yes

Shape96 No

6. Is PPE readily available to you?

Shape97 Yes

Shape98 No

Shape99 Unsure


  1. Please look at this list and tell me what level of PPE you were wearing when you responded to the incident

If Responder type Volunteer firefighter through Company Responder ask . Present Showcard Side A.

Shape100 None

Shape101 Level “A”

Shape102 Level “B”

Shape103 Level “C”

Shape104 Level “D”

Shape105 Firefighter turn-out gear with respiratory protection.

Shape106 Firefighter turn-out gear without respiratory protection.

Shape107 Other types of protection (such as gloves, eye protection, hardhat, steel-toed shoes)

If selected, ask: Please specify the type of protection:

If Responder type is Hospital worker or EMS worker or other ask Present Showcard Side B

Shape108 None

Shape109 Non-sterile exam gloves

Shape110 Surgical gloves

Shape111 Face mask without protective shield

Shape112 Face mask with protective shield

Shape113 Non-splash resistant disposable gown

Shape114 Splash resistant disposable gown

Shape115 Protective eye glasses/goggles

Shape116 Supplied air respirator

Shape117 Respirator with cartridge/HEPA filters

Shape118 Other-specify the type of protection:

  1. Did you need to stay home from work or miss work due to symptoms you experienced after the incident?

Shape119 Yes Ask how many days did you miss?_________days

Shape120 No

Shape121 Unsure

  1. Did you need to modify your regular work duties due to symptoms you experienced after the incident?

Shape122 Yes Ask how many days of modified work duties did you need?_________days

Shape123 No

Shape124 Unsure

  1. What, if anything, could have been done differently to improve the response?

General Survey Module: Communication and Needs

Now I would like to ask you a few questions about the communication you may have received regarding the incident.

Fill in the table below. Ask i and only check the box next to the type of information the respondent received first. Then follow-up with ii-iii for the information the respondent received first. Then continue to next table.

Source of Information

  1. How did you first receive information about the incident? Check only one box.

ii How soon after incident did you receive instructions (minutes)? Was the information Minutes

iii.Was the information Sufficient/helpful sufficient/helpful? Write yes, no, or DK (for don’t know)

Directly from person in authority (i.e. police, firefighter, Hazmat official, supervisor)



Two-way radio





Social Media

Reverse 911 call

Phone call

Text message on a cell phone


Community Meeting

Other, Specify:

Ask i and only check the box next to the type of follow-up information the respondent received. Then ask ii-iii for each information source before moving to the next source.

Source of Information

i. How did you receive follow-up information about the incident?

Check all that apply.

ii.How soon after incident did you receive instructions (minutes)

iii.Was the information sufficient/helpful? Write yes, no, or DK (for don’t know)

Directly from person in authority (i.e. police, firefighter, Hazmat official, supervisor)



Two-way radio





Social Media

Reverse 911 call

Phone call

Text message on a cell phone


Community Meeting

Other, Specify:

  1. In the future, what are the best ways for your local authorities or the health department to reach you with information regarding an incident? Check all that apply:

Shape125 TV

Shape126 Radio

Shape127 Newspaper

Shape128 Website

Shape129 Social Media

Shape130 Phone call

Shape131 Text message on a cell phone

Shape132 Email

Shape133 Community meeting

Shape134 Other (Please specify):

  1. As a result of this incident, are you personally in need of anything? (check all that apply)

Medicine or medical supplies

Medical care

Mental health care






 Other, specify _________________________________

Don’t know/refused

  1. What is your current address?

Street Apt

City State __ __ Zip Code:

  1. What is the best telephone number to reach you? Please specify if this is a cellular phone, house phone, or work phone.

( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ ‑ __ __ __ __

Shape135 Cell

Shape136 House

Shape137 Work

  1. Are there any more telephone numbers where you can be reached?

If yes, collect all other numbers and specify whether cell, house, or work number.

( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ ‑ __ __ __ __

Shape138 Cell

Shape139 House

Shape140 Work

  1. Do you have an email address where you can be reached?

Shape141 Yes


Shape143 No Go to Q8

What is your email address?

  1. We may want to interview you again in the future to check up on your health. Keeping in mind that people move, we would like to get a little more information to help us locate you in the future. In case you move to another residence, could we have the name and contact information of a person who live outside of your household and who would always know how to find you?


Shape145 Yes Complete the table provided


Shape147 No Go to next module

Person 1

First and Last Name


Phone Number

(including area code)

Email Address

Relationship to you

(parent, child, sibling, other relative, friend, other)

General Survey Module: Exposure of Other People Present

  1. Were there any other individuals present with you in the highlighted area of the map during the incident? Show highlighted area of the map.

Shape148 Yes


Shape150 No Go to next module

  1. In order to accurately evaluate the impact of the incident, we are trying to interview as many people who were in the area as possible. Fill in the following table with the information given for Question a-c.

    1. Can you tell me the names of everyone else who was present with you during the incident?

    2. Which are children, and what are their ages?

    3. Can you tell me the phone number and e-mail address of the people who do not live with you?


(if child)



General Survey Module: Demographic and Contact Information

Now, I have some general questions about you.

1. Do you identify as male, female, or other?

Shape151 Male

Shape152 Female

Shape153 Other

2. What is your date of birth?


  1. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?

Shape154 Yes

Shape155 No

Shape156 Refused or unknown

  1. What race do you consider yourself to be?

Check all that apply:

Shape157 Black or African American

Shape158 White

Shape159 Asian

Shape160 American Indian or Alaska Native

Shape161 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  1. What is the highest level of education you completed?

Shape162 Grade 8 or Less

Shape163 Some High School

Shape164 High School Graduate or Equivalent

Shape165 Some University/College

Shape166 Technical or Trade School

Shape167 Junior or Community College

Shape168 University/College Graduate

Shape169 Graduate School or Higher

Conclusion Statements

  1. Is there anything that we did nto cover that you want to tell us related to the incident?

  1. If Exposure of Other People Present Module did not identify children under the age of 13 that were present, go to Closing Statement. If children under the age of 13 were identified, read: I would now like to ask you some questions regarding any children you have under the age of 13 that were with you when you were in the highlighted areas of the map.


Refer to Exposure of Other People Present Module to recall child’s name and then go to the Child Survey Section

Closing Statement:

That completes this survey. I would like to sincerely thank you for your time. Be sure to record the end time on the first page of this survey.

Child’s Name: ________________________________________ Participant ID _________

Child Survey Module: Location/Exposure

1. Did [Child’s name] evacuate from the highlighted area on the map?

Shape171 Yes

Shape172 No

2. At approximately what time did he/she evacuate?

____:_____ Shape173 AM Shape174 PM

Hour Min

3. How did he/she evacuate?

Shape175 Ambulance

Shape176 Privately-owned vehicle

Shape177 Bus

Shape178 Other (Please specify):

4.Was [Child’s name] decontaminated, meaning their clothing was removed or their body was washed?

Shape179 Yes


Shape181 No Go to next module

5.How was [Child’s name] decontaminated? Read all answer choices aloud to the respondent and check all that apply.

Shape182 Clothing Removal

Shape183 Water

Shape184 Soap and Water

Shape185 Other (Please specify):

  1. Where was [Child’s name] decontaminated? If respondent needs clarification, specify that this question is asking for a geographic location, not a place on their body. Read all choices to the respondent.

Shape186 Community reception center (CRC)

Shape187 Mobile decontamination unit

Shape188 Emergency room (ER)

Shape189 Other (Please specify):

  1. At approximately what time was [Child’s name] decontaminated?

_____:_____ Shape190 AM Shape191 PM

Child Survey Module: Health Status after the Incident

I’m going to ask some questions about symptoms that could be related to the [Incident]. Fill out the table provided below. Check the boxes that apply before asking about the next symptom.

  1. Did [Child’s name] experience [Symptom] since the incident? If yes, go to ii. If no, repeat i for next symptom.

  1. If [Child’s name] experienced this [Symptom] before the incident did it get worse?

  1. Is [Child’s name] still experiencing [Symptom]? Repeat i for next symptom.








  1. Fever

  1. Chills

  1. Generalized weakness

  1. Body pain

  1. Severe bleeding


  1. Increased tearing

  1. Irritation/pain/ burning of eyes

  1. Blurred vision/double vision

  1. Bleeding in eyes


  1. Runny nose

  1. Burning nose or throat

  1. Nose Bleeds

  1. Hoarseness

  1. Increased salivation

  1. Ringing in ears

  1. Difficulty swallowing

  1. Swollen neck

  1. Pain in jaw

  1. Odor on breath (Gasoline or other, specify)

  1. Stuffy nose/sinus congestion

  1. Increased congestion or phlegm


  1. Headache

  1. Dizziness or lightheadedness

  1. Loss of consciousness/fainting

  1. Seizures or convulsions

  1. Numbness, pins and needles, or funny feeling in arms or legs

  1. Confusion

  1. Difficulty concentrating

  1. Difficulty remembering things

  1. Concussion

  1. Loss of balance


  1. Weakness of arms

  1. Weakness of legs

  1. Joint swelling

  1. Muscle weakness

  1. Muscle twitching

  1. Tremors in arms or legs

  1. Joint pain

  1. Broken bone/fracture

  1. Dislocation

  1. Sprain or strain

  1. Whiplash


  1. Breathing slow

  1. Breathing fast

  1. Difficulty breathing/feeling out-of-breath

  1. Coughing

  1. Wheezing in chest

  1. Slow heart rate/pulse

  1. Fast heart rate/pulse

  1. Chest tightness or pain/angina

  1. Bronchitis

  1. Pneumonia

  1. Burning lungs


  1. Nausea

  1. Non-bloody vomiting

  1. Non-bloody diarrhea

  1. Bloody vomiting

  1. Blood in stool/diarrhea

  1. Abdominal pain

  1. Fecal incontinence or inability to control bowel movements

  1. Bowel perforation


  1. Irritation, pain, or burning of skin

  1. Skin rash

  1. Hives

  1. Skin blisters

  1. Bumps containing pus

  1. Nail changes

  1. Hair loss in area of rash

  1. Hair loss

  1. Dry or itchy skin

  1. Sweating

  1. Cool or pale skin

  1. Skin discoloration

  1. Poor wound healing

  1. Petechiae/Pinpoint round spots

  1. Blue coloring of ends of fingers/toes or lips

  1. Lips turning blue

  1. Abrasion/scrape

  1. Bruise

  1. Cut


  1. Urinary incontinence or dribbling pee

  1. Inability to urinate or pee

  1. Blood in urine

  1. Painful urine


  1. Anxiety

  1. Agitation/irritability

  1. Thoughts of suicide

  1. Fatigue/tiredness

  1. Difficulty sleeping

  1. Difficulty staying asleep

  1. Feeling depressed

  1. Hallucinations

  1. Paranoia

  1. Unexplained fear

  1. Tension or nervousness

Any other symptoms? If yes, What was it? Record below.





Child Survey Module: Medical care

  1. Did [Child’s name] receive medical care or evaluation because of the incident?


Shape193 Yes Go to Question 3

Shape194 No

  1. Why didn’t you seek medical care for [Child’s name]?

Shape195 Did not have symptoms    

Shape196 Symptoms were not bad enough    

Shape197 Don’t like to go to the doctor

Shape198 Didn’t want to take time

Shape199 Worried about who would pay for the medical visit

Shape200 Worried about losing job

Shape201 Other (Please specify): ______________________________________________________

Shape202 Unsure


For those individuals who did not seek medical care for the child, go to the next module.

  1. Please tell me if any of the following describe why [Child’s name] sought medical care. Read questions a-c to the respondent and circle the appropriate answer(s).

    1. You were given instructions to seek medical care? Yes No Unsure

    2. You experienced health problems or symptoms
      within 24 hours of the incident? Yes No Unsure

    3. You were worried about possible health
      problems associated with the incident? Yes No Unsure

  1. How did [Child’s name] receive medical care?

Shape204 EMT or paramedic

Shape205 Hospital Go to Question 5

Shape206 Doctor or other medical professional Go to Question 14

  1. On what date was [Child’s name] first provided care at a hospital? If he/she had any additional visits to the hospital, please provide me the dates of those visits. Record the date that the child first went to the hospital and then the date of any subsequent visits.

1st date of hospital visit: ____/____/______


2nd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______


3rd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______


  1. What is the name and city and state of the hospital(s)?

Hospital Name 1 __________________HCity 1__________HState 1__ __

Hosptal Name 2___________________HCity 2__________HState2 __ __

Hospital Name 3___________________HCity 3__________HState3__ __

  1. How did [Child’s name] get to the hospital? If the child had more than one hospital visit, tell the respondent that you are referring to the child’s first visit.

Shape207 EMS/Ambulance

Shape208 Driven by relative, friend, or acquaintance

Shape209 Other (Please specify):

  1. Was [Child’s name] treated only in the emergency department or was he/she admitted to the hospital?


Shape211 Treated in an emergency department (Outpatient) Go to Question 14

Shape212 Admitted (Hospitalized)

  1. How many nights was he/she hospitalized, including any nights in an intensive care unit (ICU)?


  1. Was he/she placed in an Intensive Care Unit or ICU?

Shape213 Yes


Shape215 No Go to Question 14

  1. How many nights was he/she in the ICU?

________ Nights

  1. Was he/she on a ventilator?

Shape216 Yes


Shape218 No Go to Question 14

  1. How many nights was he/she on a ventilator?

________ Nights

  1. Read i–iv to the respondent and record information in the table below.

  1. On what dates was [Child’s name] provided care by a doctor or other medical professional? (mm/dd/yyyy)

  1. What is the name of the doctor or medical professional?

  1. What service did this doctor or medical professional provide?

  1. What is the address of the office?

Child Survey Module: Medical History

Now I’m going to ask you a few questions about illnesses your child may have had and the kinds of medicines he/she may have used.

  1. Prior to the incident, have you ever been told by a doctor or other health care provider that [Child’s name] has any of the following medical conditions? Fill out the table below. Circle appropriate response and ask the respondent to specify as directed.

Medical Condition

a. Allergies?

Yes (Please specify) ______________________



b. Asthma?




c. Depression?




d. Anxiety?




e. Diabetes?




  1. High blood pressure?




  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema?




  1. Heart Disease?




  1. Physical disability that hinders mobility?

Yes (Please specify)_______________________



  1. Psychological condition such as anxiety, depression or dependence disorder?

Yes (Please specify) ______________________



  1. Cancer?

Yes (Please specify) _____________________



  1. Immune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or HIV?




  1. Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis?




  1. Any other medical conditions?

Yes (Please specify) _____________________



Prior to the incident, was [Child’s name] taking any medication? This includes medication prescribed by a health care provider and those you might have gotten without a prescription from stores, pharmacies, friends, or relatives.

Shape219 Yes

Shape220 No

Shape221 Don’t Know

Child Survey Module: Demographic Information

Now, I have some general questions about [Child’s name].

  1. Does [Child’s name] identify as male, female, or other?

Shape222 Male

Shape223 Female

Shape224 Other

  1. What is [Child’s name] date of birth?


  1. Do you consider [Child’s name] to be Hispanic or Latino?

Shape225 Yes

Shape226 No

  1. What race do you consider him/her to be?

Check all that apply:

Shape227 Black or African American

Shape228 White

Shape229 Asian

Shape230 American Indian or Alaska Native

Shape231 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  1. What is [Child’s name] current address?

Street Apt

City State __ __ Zip Code:

Child Survey Module: Concluding Instructions


If there are more children under age 13, get a new child survey and ask about next child.

Closing Statement:

That completes this survey. I would like to sincerely thank you for your time. Be sure to record the end time on the first page of this survey.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleACE Toolkit – Adult Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-05-27

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