Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP)

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Certified Cargo Screening Program

Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP)

OMB: 1652-0053

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§ 1548.19

49 CFR Ch. XII (10–1–09 Edition)

§ 1548.19 Security Directives and Information Circulars.
(a) TSA may issue an Information
Circular to notify indirect air carriers
of security concerns.
(b) When TSA determines that additional security measures are necessary
to respond to a threat assessment, or
to a specific threat against civil aviation, TSA issues a Security Directive
setting forth mandatory measures.
(1) Each indirect air carrier that is
required to have an approved indirect
air carrier security program must comply with each Security Directive that
TSA issues to it, within the time prescribed in the Security Directive for
(2) Each indirect air carrier that receives a Security Directive must comply with the following:
(i) Within the time prescribed in the
Security Directive, acknowledge in
writing receipt of the Security Directive to TSA.
(ii) Within the time prescribed in the
Security Directive, specify the method
by which the measures in the Security
Directive have been implemented (or
will be implemented, if the Security
Directive is not yet effective).
(3) In the event that the indirect air
carrier is unable to implement the
measures in the Security Directive, the
indirect air carrier must submit proposed alternative measures and the
basis for submitting the alternative
measures to TSA for approval.
(i) The indirect air carrier must submit the proposed alternative measures
within the time prescribed in the Security Directive.
(ii) The indirect air carrier must implement any alternative measures approved by TSA.
(4) Each indirect air carrier that receives a Security Directive may comment on it by submitting data, views,
or arguments in writing to TSA.
(i) TSA may amend the Security Directive based on comments received.
(ii) Submission of a comment does
not delay the effective date of the Security Directive.
(5) Each indirect air carrier that receives a Security Directive or Information Circular, and each person who receives information from a Security Directive or Information Circular, must:

(i) Restrict the availability of the Security Directive or Information Circular, and information contained in either document, to those persons with a
(ii) Refuse to release the Security Directive or Information Circular, and information contained in either document, to persons other than those with
a need-to-know without the prior written consent of TSA.
[71 FR 30516, May 26, 2006]

§ 1548.21 Screening of cargo.
An IAC may only screen cargo for
transport on a passenger aircraft under
§§ 1544.205 and 1546.205 if the IAC is a
certified cargo screening facility as
provided in part 1549.
[74 FR 47706, Sept. 16, 2009]
Sept. 16, 2009, § 1548.21 was added, effective
November 16, 2009.

Subpart A—General
1549.1 Applicability.
1549.3 TSA inspection authority.
1549.5 Adoption and implementation of the
security program.
1549.7 Approval, amendment, renewal of the
security program and certification of a
certified cargo screening facility.

Subpart B—Operations
1549.101 Acceptance, screening, and transfer
of cargo.
1549.103 Qualifications and training of individuals with security-related duties.
1549.105 Recordkeeping.
1549.107 Security coordinators.
1549.109 Security Directives and Information Circulars.
1549.111 Security threat assessments for
personnel of certified cargo screening facilities.
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 114, 5103, 40113, 44901–
44905, 44913–44914, 44916–44917, 44932, 44935–
44936, 46105.
SOURCE: 74 FR 47706, Sept. 16, 2009, unless
otherwise noted.
Sept. 16, 2009, part 1549 was added, effective
Nov. 16, 2009.


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Transportation Security Administration, DHS

Subpart A—General

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§ 1549.1 Applicability.
This part applies to each facility applying for or certified by TSA as a certified cargo screening facility to screen
cargo that will be transported on a passenger aircraft operated under a full
program under 49 CFR 1544.101(a), or a
foreign air carrier operating under a
program under 49 CFR 1546.101(a) or (b).
§ 1549.3 TSA inspection authority.
(a) Each certified cargo screening facility must allow TSA, at any time or
place, in a reasonable manner, without
advance notice, to enter the facility
and make any inspections or tests, including copying records, to—
(1) Determine compliance of a certified cargo screening facility, airport
operator, foreign air carrier, indirect
air carrier, or airport tenant with this
chapter and 49 U.S.C. 114 and Subtitle
VII, as amended; or
(2) Carry out TSA’s statutory or regulatory authorities, including its authority to—
(i) Assess threats to transportation;
(ii) Enforce security-related regulations, directives, and requirements:
(iii) Inspect, maintain, and test the
security of facilities, equipment, and
(iv) Ensure the adequacy of security
measures for the transportation of passengers and cargo;
(v) Oversee the implementation, and
ensure the adequacy, of security measures at airports and other transportation facilities;
(vi) Review security plans; and
(vii) Carry out such other duties, and
exercise such other powers, relating to
transportation security as the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security
for the TSA considers appropriate, to
the extent authorized by law.
(b) At the request of TSA, each certified cargo screening facility must
provide evidence of compliance with
(c) TSA and DHS officials working
with TSA may conduct inspections
under this section without access
media or identification media issued or
approved by a certified cargo screening
facility or other person, except that

§ 1549.5

the TSA and DHS officials will have
identification media issued by TSA or
§ 1549.5 Adoption and implementation
of the security program.
(a) Security program required. No person may screen cargo to be tendered to
an aircraft operator operating under a
full program under part 1544, a foreign
air carrier operating under § 1546.101(a)
or (b), or an indirect air carrier operating under § 1548.5 for carriage on a
passenger aircraft, unless that person
holds and carries out an approved security program under this part.
(b) Content. Each security program
under this part must—
(1) Provide for the security of the aircraft, as well as that of persons and
property traveling in air transportation against acts of criminal violence
and air piracy and against the introduction into the aircraft of any unauthorized explosive, incendiary, and
other destructive substance or item as
provided in the certified cargo screening facility’s security program;
(2) Be designed to prevent or deter
the introduction of any unauthorized
explosive, incendiary, and other destructive substance or item onto an
aircraft; and
(3) Include the procedures and description of the facilities and equipment used to comply with the requirements of this part.
(c) Employees and agents. The certified cargo screening facility must ensure that its employees and agents
carry out the requirements of this
chapter and the certified cargo screening facility’s security program.
(d) Facility’s security program. The
certified cargo screening facility standard security program together with approved
amendments issued to a particular facility constitutes that facility’s security program.
(e) Availability. Each certified cargo
screening facility must:
(1) Maintain an original of the security program at its corporate office.
(2) Have accessible a complete copy,
or the pertinent portions of its security
program, or appropriate implementing
instructions, at its facility. An electronic version is adequate.


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§ 1549.7

49 CFR Ch. XII (10–1–09 Edition)

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(3) Make a copy of the security program available for inspection upon the
request of TSA.
(4) Restrict the distribution, disclosure, and availability of information
contained in its security program to
persons with a need to know, as described in part 1520 of this chapter.
(5) Refer requests for such information by other persons to TSA.
§ 1549.7 Approval,
renewal of the security program and
certification of a certified cargo
screening facility.
(a) Initial application and approval—(1)
Application. Unless otherwise authorized by TSA, each applicant must apply
for a security program and for certification as a certified cargo screening facility at a particular location, in a
form and a manner prescribed by TSA
not less than 90 calendar days before
the applicant intends to begin operations. TSA will only approve a facility
to operate as a CCSF if it is located in
the United States. The CCSF application must be in writing and include the
(i) The business name; other names,
including doing business as; state of incorporation, if applicable; and tax identification number.
(ii) The name of the senior manager
or representative of the applicant in
control of the operations at the facility.
(iii) A signed statement from each
person listed in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of
this section stating whether he or she
has been a senior manager or representative of a facility that had its security program withdrawn by TSA.
(iv) Copies of government-issued
identification of persons listed in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section.
(v) The street address of the facility
where screening will be conducted.
(vi) A statement acknowledging and
ensuring that each individual and
agent of the applicant, who is subject
to training under § 1549.11, will have
successfully completed the training
outlined in its security program before
performing security-related duties.
(vii) Other information requested by
TSA concerning Security Threat Assessments.
(viii) A statement acknowledging and
ensuring that each individual will suc-

cessfully complete a Security Threat
Assessment under § 1549.111 before the
applicant authorizes the individual to
have unescorted access to screened
cargo or to screen or supervise the
screening of cargo.
(2) Standard security program and assessment. (i) After the Security Coordinator for an applicant successfully
completes a security threat assessment, TSA will provide to the applicant the certified cargo screening
standard security program, any security directives, and amendments to the
security program and other alternative
procedures that apply to the facility.
The applicant may either accept the
standard security program or submit a
proposed modified security program to
the designated official for approval.
TSA will approve the security program
under paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4) of the
section or issue a written notice to
modify under paragraph (a)(4) of this
(ii) An applicant must successfully
undergo an assessment by a TSA-approved validation firm under 49 CFR
part 1522 or by TSA.
(3) Review. TSA will review a facility
at a particular location to determine
(i) The applicant has met the requirements of this part, its security program, and any applicable Security Directive;
(ii) The applicant has successfully
undergone an assessment by a TSA-approved validation firm under 49 CFR
part 1522 or by TSA;
(iii) The applicant is able and willing
to carry out the requirements of this
part, its security program, and an applicable Security Directive;
(iv) The approval of such applicant’s
security program is not contrary to the
interests of security and the public interest;
(v) The applicant has not held a security program that was withdrawn within the previous year, unless otherwise
authorized by TSA; and
(vi) TSA determines that the applicant is qualified to be a certified cargo
screening facility.
(4) Approval and certification. If TSA
determines that the requirements of
paragraph (a)(4) of this section are met
and the application is approved, TSA


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dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR

Transportation Security Administration, DHS
will send the applicant a written notice
of approval of its security program,
and certification to operate as a certified cargo screening facility.
(5) Commencement of operations. The
certified cargo screening facility may
operate under a security program when
it meets all TSA requirements, including but not limited to a validation by
TSA or a TSA-approved validation
firm, successful completion of training,
and Security Threat Assessments by
relevant personnel.
(6) Duration of security program. The
security program will remain effective
until the end of the calendar month
three years after the month it was approved or until the program has been
surrendered or withdrawn, whichever is
(7) Requirement to report changes in information. Each certified cargo screening facility under this part must notify
TSA, in a form and manner approved
by TSA, of any changes to the information submitted during its initial application.
(i) The CCSF must submit this notification to TSA not later than 30 days
prior to the date the change is expected
to occur.
(ii) Changes included in the requirement of this paragraph include, but are
not limited to, changes in the certified
cargo screening facility’s contact information, senior manager or representative, business addresses and locations, and form of business facility.
(iii) If the certified cargo screening
facility relocates, TSA will withdraw
the existing certification and require
the new facility to undergo a validation and certification process.
(b) Renewal Application. Upon timely
submittal of an application for renewal, and unless and until TSA denies
the application, the certified cargo
screening facility’s approved security
program remains in effect.
(1) Unless otherwise authorized by
TSA, each certified cargo screening facility must timely submit to TSA, at
least 30 calendar days prior to the first
day of the 36th anniversary month of
initial approval of its security program, an application for renewal of its
security program in a form and a manner approved by TSA.

§ 1549.7

(2) The certified cargo screening facility must demonstrate that it has
successfully undergone a revalidation
of its operations by a TSA or a TSA-approved validation firm prior to the first
day of the 36th anniversary month of
initial approval of its security program.
(3) The application for renewal must
be in writing and include a signed
statement that the certified cargo
screening facility has reviewed and ensures the continuing accuracy of the
contents of its initial application for a
security program, subsequent renewal
applications, or other submissions to
TSA confirming a change of information and noting the date such applications and submissions were sent to
TSA, including the following certification:
[Name of certified cargo screening facility]
(hereinafter ‘‘the CCSF’’) has adopted and is
currently carrying out a security program in
accordance with the Transportation Security
Regulations as originally approved on [Insert
date of TSA initial approval]. In accordance
with TSA regulations, the CCSF has notified
TSA of any new or changed information required for the CCSF’s initial security program. If new or changed information is being
submitted to TSA as part of this application
for reapproval, that information is stated in
this filing.
The CCSF understands that intentional
falsification of certification to an aircraft
operator, foreign air carrier, indirect air carrier, or to TSA may be subject to both civil
and criminal penalties under 49 CFR part
1540 and 18 U.S.C. 1001. Failure to notify TSA
of any new or changed information required
for initial approval of the CCSF’s security
program in a timely fashion and in a form
acceptable to TSA may result in withdrawal
by TSA of approval of the CCSF’s security

(4) TSA will renew approval of the security program if TSA determines
(i) The CCSF has met the requirements of this chapter, its security program, and any Security Directive; and
(ii) The renewal of its security program is not contrary to the interests of
security and the public interest.
(5) If TSA determines that the certified cargo screening facility meets
the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of
this section, it will renew the certified
cargo screening facility’s security program and certification. The security


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dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR

§ 1549.7

49 CFR Ch. XII (10–1–09 Edition)

program and certification will remain
effective until the end of the calendar
month three years after the month it
was renewed.
(c) Amendment requested by a certified
cargo screening entity or applicant. A
certified cargo screening facility or applicant may file a request for an
amendment to its security program
with the TSA designated official at
least 45 calendar days before the date it
proposes for the amendment to become
effective, unless the designated official
allows a shorter period. Any certified
cargo screening facility may submit to
TSA a group proposal for an amendment that is on behalf of it and other
certified cargo screening facilities that
co-sign the proposal.
(1) Within 30 calendar days after receiving a proposed amendment, the
designated official, in writing, either
approves or denies the request to
(2) TSA may approve an amendment
to a certified cargo screening facility’s
security program, if the TSA designated official determines that safety
and the public interest will allow it,
and if the proposed amendment provides the level of security required
under this part.
(3) Within 30 calendar days after receiving a denial of the proposed amendment, the certified cargo screening facility may petition TSA to reconsider
the denial. The CCSF must file the Petition for Reconsideration with the
designated official.
(4) Upon receipt of a Petition for Reconsideration, the designated official
either approves the request to amend
or transmits the petition, together
with any pertinent information, to
TSA for reconsideration. TSA will dispose of the petition within 30 calendar
days of receipt by either directing the
designated official to approve the
amendment or by affirming the denial.
(d) Amendment by TSA. TSA may
amend a security program in the interest of safety and the public interest, as
(1) TSA notifies the certified cargo
screening facility, in writing, of the
proposed amendment, fixing a period of
not less than 30 calendar days within
which the certified cargo screening facility may submit written information,

views, and arguments on the amendment.
(2) After considering all relevant material, the designated official notifies
the certified cargo screening facility of
any amendment adopted or rescinds
the notice of amendment. If the
amendment is adopted, it becomes effective not less than 30 calendar days
after the certified cargo screening facility receives the notice of amendment, unless the certified cargo screening facility disagrees with the proposed
amendment and petitions the TSA to
reconsider, no later than 15 calendar
days before the effective date of the
screening facility must send the petition for reconsideration to the designated official. A timely Petition for
Reconsideration stays the effective
date of the amendment.
(3) Upon receipt of a Petition for Reconsideration, the designated official
either amends or withdraws the notice
of amendment, or transmits the Petition, together with any pertinent information, to TSA for reconsideration.
TSA disposes of the Petition within 30
calendar days of receipt, either by directing the designated official to withdraw or amend the notice of amendment, or by affirming the notice of
(e) Emergency amendments. (1) If TSA
finds that there is an emergency requiring immediate action, with respect
to aviation security that makes procedures in this section contrary to the
public interest, the designated official
may issue an emergency amendment,
without the prior notice and comment
procedures described in paragraph (d)
of this section.
(2) The emergency amendment is effective without stay on the date the
certified cargo screening facility receives notification. TSA will incorporate in the notification a brief statement of the reasons and findings for
the emergency amendment to be adopted.
(3) The certified cargo screening facility may file a Petition for Reconsideration with the TSA no later than 15
calendar days after TSA issued the
emergency amendment. The certified
cargo screening facility must send the
Petition for Reconsideration to the


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Transportation Security Administration, DHS
designated official; however, the filing
does not stay the effective date of the
emergency amendment.

dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR

Subpart B—Operations
§ 1549.101 Acceptance, screening, and
transfer of cargo.
(a) Preventing or deterring the carriage
of any explosive or incendiary. Each certified cargo screening facility must use
the facilities, equipment, and procedures described in its security program
to prevent or deter the carriage onboard an aircraft of any unauthorized
explosives, incendiaries, and other destructive substances or items in cargo
onboard an aircraft, as provided in the
facility’s security program.
(b) Screening and inspection of cargo.
Each certified cargo screening facility
must ensure that cargo is screened and
inspected for any unauthorized explosive, incendiary, and other destructive
substance or item as provided in the facility’s security program before it is
tendered to another certified cargo
screening facility, an aircraft operator
with a full program under part 1544, a
foreign air carrier operating under
§§ 1546.101(a) or (b), or an indirect air
carrier operating under § 1548.5 for
transport on a passenger aircraft.
Cargo that the facility represents as
screened, must be screened in accordance with this part.
(c) Refusal to transport. Each certified
cargo screening facility must refuse to
offer to another certified cargo screening facility, an aircraft operator with a
full program under part 1544, a foreign
air carrier operating under §§ 1546.101(a)
or (b), or an indirect air carrier operating under § 1548.5 for transport on a
passenger aircraft any cargo, if the
shipper does not consent to a search or
inspection of that cargo in accordance
with this part, or parts 1544, 1546, or
1548 of this chapter.
(d) Chain of custody. Each certified
cargo screening facility must protect
the cargo from unauthorized access
from the time it is screened until the
time it is tendered to another certified
cargo screening facility as approved by
TSA, an indirect air carrier under 49
CFR part 1548, an aircraft operator
under part 1544, or a foreign air carrier
under part 1546.

§ 1549.103

§ 1549.103 Qualifications and training
of individuals with security-related
(a) Security threat assessments. Each
certified cargo screening facility must
ensure that individuals listed in 49 CFR
1540.201(a)(6), (7), (8), (9), and (12) relating to a certified cargo screening facility complete a security threat assessment or comparable security threat assessment described in part 1540, subpart C of this chapter, before conducting
screening or before having unescorted
access to screened cargo, unless the individual is authorized to serve as law
enforcement personnel at that location.
(b) Training required. Each certified
cargo screening facility must ensure
that individuals have received training, as specified in this section and its
security program, before such individual perform any duties to meet the
requirements of its security program.
(c) Knowledge and training requirements. Each certified cargo screening
facility must ensure that each individual who performs duties to meet the
requirements of its security program
have knowledge of, and annual training
in, the—
(1) Applicable provisions of this chapter, including this part, part 1520, and
§ 1540.105;
(2) The certified cargo screening facility’s security program, to the extent
that such individuals need to know in
order to perform their duties;
(3) Applicable Security Directives
and Information Circulars; and
(4) The applicable portions of approved airport security program(s) and
aircraft operator security program(s).
(d) Screener qualifications. Each certified cargo screening facility must ensure that each individual who screens
cargo or who supervises cargo screening—
(1) Is a citizen or national of the
United States, or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence;
(2) Has a high school diploma, a General Equivalency Diploma, or a combination of education and experience
that the certified cargo screening facility has determined to have equipped
the person to perform the duties of the


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§ 1549.105

49 CFR Ch. XII (10–1–09 Edition)

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(3) Has basic aptitudes and physical
abilities including color perception,
visual and aural acuity, physical coordination, and motor skills to the extent required to effectively operate
cargo screening technologies that the
facility is authorized to use. These include:
(i) The ability to operate x-ray equipment and to distinguish on the x-ray
standard specified in the certified
cargo screening facility security program. Wherever the x-ray system displays colors, the operator must be able
to perceive each color.
(ii) The ability to distinguish each
color displayed on every type of screening equipment and explain what each
color signifies.
(iii) The ability to hear and respond
to the spoken voice and to audible
alarms generated by screening equipment.
(4) Has the ability to read, write and
understand English well enough to
carry out written and oral instructions
regarding the proper performance of
screening duties or be under the direct
supervision of someone who has this
ability, including reading labels and
shipping papers, and writing log entries
into security records in English.
§ 1549.105 Recordkeeping.
(a) Each certified cargo screening facility must maintain records demonstrating compliance with all statutes, regulations, directives, orders,
and security programs that apply to
operation as a certified cargo screening
facility, including the records listed
below, at the facility location or other
location as approved by TSA:
(1) Records of all training and instructions given to each individual
under § 1549.103. The CCSF must retain
these records for 180 days after the individual is no longer employed by the
certified cargo screening facility or is
no longer acting as the facility’s agent.
(2) Copies of all applications for, or
renewals of, TSA certification to operate under part 1549. Copies of reports
by TSA-certified validators must be included in these records.
(3) Documents establishing TSA’s
certification and renewal of certification as required by part 1549.

(4) Records demonstrating that each
individual has complied with the security threat assessment provisions of
§ 1549.111.
(b) Unless otherwise stated, records
must be retained until the next re-certification.
§ 1549.107 Security coordinators.
Each certified cargo screening facility must have a Security Coordinator
and designated alternate Security Coordinator appointed at the corporate
level. In addition, each certified cargo
screening facility must have a facility
Security Coordinator and alternate facility Security Coordinator appointed
at the facility level. The facility Security Coordinator must serve as the certified cargo screening facility’s primary contact for security-related activities and communications with TSA,
as set forth in the security program.
The Security Coordinator and alternate appointed at the corporate level,
as well as the facility Security Coordinator and alternate, must be available
on a 24-hour, 7-days a week basis.
§ 1549.109 Security Directives and Information Circulars.
(a) TSA may issue an Information
Circular to notify certified cargo
screening facilities of security concerns.
(b) When TSA determines that additional security measures are necessary
to respond to a threat assessment, or
to a specific threat against civil aviation, TSA issues a Security Directive
setting forth mandatory measures.
(1) Each certified cargo screening facility must comply with each Security
Directive that TSA issues to it, within
the time prescribed in the Security Directive for compliance.
(2) Each certified cargo screening facility that receives a Security Directive must comply with the following:
(i) Within the time prescribed in the
Security Directive, acknowledge in
writing receipt of the Security Directive to TSA.
(ii) Within the time prescribed in the
Security Directive, specify the method
by which the measures in the Security
Directive have been implemented (or
will be implemented, if the Security
Directive is not yet effective).


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Transportation Security Administration, DHS
(3) In the event that the certified
cargo screening facility is unable to
implement the measures in the Security Directive, the certified cargo
screening facility must submit proposed alternative measures and the
basis for submitting the alternative
measures to TSA for approval.
(i) The certified cargo screening facility must submit the proposed alternative measures within the time prescribed in the Security Directive.
(ii) The certified cargo screening facility must implement any alternative
measures approved by TSA.
(4) Each certified cargo screening facility that receives a Security Directive may comment on it by submitting
data, views, or arguments in writing to
(i) TSA may amend the Security Directive based on comments received.
(ii) Submission of a comment does
not delay the effective date of the Security Directive.
(5) Each certified cargo screening facility that receives a Security Directive or Information Circular, and each
person who receives information from a
Security Directive or Information Circular, must—
(i) Restrict the availability of the Security Directive or Information Circular, and information contained in either document, to those persons with a
need-to-know; and
(ii) Refuse to release the Security Directive or Information Circular, and information contained in either document, to persons other than those with
a need-to-know without the prior written consent of TSA.

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§ 1549.111 Security threat assessments
for personnel of certified cargo
screening facilities.
(a) Scope. This section applies to the
(1) Each individual the certified
cargo screening facility authorizes to
perform cargo screening or supervise
cargo screening.
(2) Each individual the certified
cargo screening facility authorizes to
have unescorted access to cargo at any
time from the time it is screened until
the time it is tendered to another certified cargo screening facility, an indirect air carrier under 49 CFR part 1548

§ 1550.3

for transport on a passenger aircraft,
an aircraft operator under part 1544, or
a foreign air carrier under part 1546.
(3) The senior manager or representative of its facility in control of the operations.
(4) The security coordinators and
their alternates.
(b) Security threat assessment. Before a
certified cargo screening facility authorizes an individual to perform the
functions described in paragraph (a) of
this section, and before the individual
performs those functions—
(1) Each individual must successfully
complete a security threat assessment
or comparable security threat assessment described in part 1540, subpart C
of this chapter; and
(2) Each certified screening facility
must complete the requirements in 49
CFR part 1540, subpart C.


Applicability of this part.
TSA inspection authority.
Operations using a sterile area.
Operations in aircraft of 12,500 pounds

AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 114, 5103, 40113, 44901–
44907, 44913–44914, 44916–44918, 44935–44936,
44942, 46105.
SOURCE: 67 FR 8383, Feb. 22, 2002, unless
otherwise noted.

§ 1550.1 Applicability of this part.
This part applies to the operation of
aircraft for which there are no security
requirements in other parts of this subchapter.
§ 1550.3 TSA inspection authority.
(a) Each aircraft operator subject to
this part must allow TSA, at any time
or place, to make any inspections or
tests, including copying records, to determine compliance with—
(1) This subchapter and any security
program or security procedures under
this subchapter, and part 1520 of this
chapter; and
(2) 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, as amended.
(b) At the request of TSA, each aircraft operator must provide evidence of


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