The purpose of this ICR is to collect information on EnviroAtlas users’ experience with the EnviroAtlas interactive mapping tool as well as the EnviroAtlas website as a whole. The information gathered from this collection largely focuses on users’ satisfaction with the content, functionality and usefulness of EnviroAtlas. Under this ICR, EPA will collect information necessary 1) to gauge respondents’ satisfaction with the beta-version of EnviroAtlas, 2) to understand respondents’ needs and potential uses for EnviroAtlas, and 3) to improve EnviroAtlas in preparation for wide public use. Evaluating EnviroAtlas according to respondents’ experience with the beta-version will allow the EnviroAtlas team to modify and improve this collection of tools before its public release in August, which is a major 2013 fiscal year deliverable.
This information collection with be conducted using low-burden web surveys.
Respondents will consist largely of those individuals who have some experience with EnviroAtlas, likely through a live demonstration, who have expressed interest in beta-testing and providing feedback on EnviroAtlas. At present, the list of these individuals is composed mainly of individuals from the federal government, university/research institutions, and non-profit organizations. Additional respondents will be obtained through allowing individuals to forward the request to beta-test and provide feedback to those who they believe will be interested. We expect our respondents to be wide-ranging, including students, government employees and contractors, city planners, and educators, among others.
[] Customer Comment Card/Complaint Form [ ] Customer Satisfaction Survey
[X ] Usability Testing (e.g., Website or Software) [ ] Small Discussion Group
[ ] Focus Group [ ] Other: ______________________
I certify the following to be true:
The collection is voluntary.
The collection is low-burden for respondents and low-cost for the Federal Government.
The collection is non-controversial and does not raise issues of concern to other federal agencies.
The results are not intended to be disseminated to the public.
Information gathered will not be used for the purpose of substantially informing influential policy decisions.
The collection is targeted to the solicitation of opinions from respondents who have experience with the program or may have experience with the program in the future.
Name:_Jessica [email protected] 919-541-1189
To assist review, please provide answers to the following question:
Personally Identifiable Information:
Is personally identifiable information (PII) collected? [ X ] Yes [ ] No
The survey asks respondents for their email address for future contact. It was determined that no Privacy Impact Assessment is needed because no new email addresses will be collected through this survey. All beta-test participants had already provided their email addresses when they signed up for the beta-test.
If Yes, is the information that will be collected included in records that are subject to the Privacy Act of 1974? [ ] Yes [ X ] No
If Applicable, has a System or Records Notice been published? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Gifts or Payments:
Is an incentive (e.g., money or reimbursement of expenses, token of appreciation) provided to participants? [ ] Yes [ X ] No
Category of Respondent |
No. of Respondents |
Participation Time |
Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
200 |
15 min |
50 |
FEDERAL COST: The estimated annual cost to the Federal government is: 40 hours (contractor) x $29.35 hourly rate = $1174 annually
If you are conducting a focus group, survey, or plan to employ statistical methods, please provide answers to the following questions:
The selection of your targeted respondents
Do you have a customer list or something similar that defines the universe of potential respondents and do you have a sampling plan for selecting from this universe? [ ] Yes [X ] No
If the answer is yes, please provide a description of both below (or attach the sampling plan)? If the answer is no, please provide a description of how you plan to identify your potential group of respondents and how you will select them?
At present, there is a list of 100 people who are affiliated with, or who have expressed interest in, beta-testing and providing feedback on EnviroAtlas. An invitation to beta-test and complete the survey will be sent out to all of these individuals; they will voluntarily sign up for the beta-test and survey. These individuals may also forward the invite to others who they believe may be interested in EnviroAtlas. Thus, many respondents will likely come from an unidentified group.
Administration of the Instrument
How will you collect the information? (Check all that apply)
[X ] Web-based or other forms of Social Media
[ ] Telephone
[ ] In-person
[ ] Other, Explain
Will interviewers or facilitators be used? [ ] Yes [X ] No
Please make sure that all instruments, instructions, and scripts are submitted with the request.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | 558022 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-11-04 |