5800-14 Discussion Guide

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (Renewal)

Final Discussion Guide 12-10-2020

Pretesting Outreach and Web Materials for Fish Consumption Advisories

OMB: 2030-0051

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OMB No: 2010-0042

Exp. Date: 3/31/2021

Pretesting Outreach and Web Materials for Fish Consumption Advisories

Discussion Guide



This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 20110-0042). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary (authorized under 42 USC 241, Section 301 of the Public Health Service Act and Public Health Service Act 308). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to 15 minutes per response for interview OR 55 minutes per response for group. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

Draft Discussion Guide


Instruction to Interviewer/Moderator

In-Person Individual interview: Interviewer provides a list of the questions on a sheet of paper. The interviewer reads each question aloud to the participant. The interviewer enters the participant’s response directly into the tablet or laptop computer.

In-Person Group interview: Moderator provides each participant with a tablet computer. The moderator asks the participants to read the questions on the tablet and enter their responses directly on the tablet.

Virtual Individual Interview: Questions 1-4 will be included in the online survey and are not asked during the interview. Please confirm participant has completed the survey before beginning the interview.

Virtual Group Interview: Questions 1-4 will be included the online survey and are not asked during the group. Please confirm that everyone has completed the survey before beginning the group

Before we get started looking at the pictures, I just have a few questions for you about eating fish.

  1. Which parts of a fish do you eat?

    1. Fat

    2. Fillet

    3. Fins

    4. Fish steak

    5. Head

    6. Organs

    7. Skin

    8. Tail

    9. Bones

    10. Roe/fish eggs

    11. Other [specify] _____________________

    12. Prefer not to answer

    13. None

  1. Have you ever heard or seen information about which parts of a fish are safe or unsafe to eat?

    1. Yes

    2. No [Skip to Question 4]

    3. Don’t know

    4. Prefer not to answer

  1. Where have you heard or seen this information? ______________________________

  1. Which parts of a fish are safe to eat? Select all that apply.

    1. Fat

    2. Fillet

    3. Fins

    4. Fish steak

    5. Head

    6. Organs

    7. Skin

    8. Tail

    9. Bones

    10. Roe/fish eggs

    11. Other [specify] _______________________

    12. Prefer not to answer

Comprehension and Receptivity to Pictures without Text

Next, I’m going to show you several pictures. We are going to talk about each of them one by one.

Instruction to Interviewer/Moderator

The two primary pictures (“simple fish” and “fish pieces”) without text will be rotated across interviews to mitigate order effects; hand out first picture in rotation.

In-Person Individual Interviews: Interviewer provides participant with a sheet of paper with the response options: strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree nor agree, agree, strongly agree. Interviewer reads Questions 5-8 to the participant. The interviewer enters participant’s response directly into tablet or laptop computer.

In-Person Group Interviews: Moderator asks participants to read Questions 5-8 and enter their responses directly into tablet computer. After Question 8, ask the participants to set their tablet aside. Moderator continues with Question 9.

In-Person Individual Interviewers/Group Interviewers: Unless noted that responses are entered directly into the tablet or laptop, the interviewer/moderator captures responses to questions by taking qualitative notes.

Virtual Individual Interview: Screenshare the first picture. For Questions 5-8, ask them one at a time and ask the participant to provide their answers verbally. Notetaker records ratings.

Virtual Group Interview: Screenshare the first picture. For Questions 5-8, moderator launches the poll in Zoom and asks each participant to answer on their screen. After the group, moderator will export results. Once all participants have answered Questions 5-8, interview continues with Question 9.

Please tell me how much you disagree or agree with the following statements. [Response scale is strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree nor agree, agree, strongly agree]

  1. This picture caught my attention.

  2. This picture is confusing.

  3. I learned something new from this picture.

  4. This picture communicates information that is important for me to know.

  1. What is the picture trying to communicate to you?

    1. Probe: Please point to the parts of the fish that you think the pictures is showing you are safe to eat. [In groups, ask participants to circle the parts of the fish that the picture is showing are safe to eat on their handout]. What should a person do with the rest of the fish?

    2. Probe: What do you think the symbols mean? [Point to the different (fork/knife etc.) symbols]

    3. Probe: What is meant by the different colors on the picture?

  1. What is your general reaction to the way the picture looks?

    1. Probe: What do you like? Dislike?

  1. What would you change about this picture to make it better?

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual/Group interview: Show black & white version of the same picture.

Virtual individual/Group interview: Using screenshare, show black & white version of the same picture.

Here is a black and white version of the picture we just discussed.

  1. Do you think seeing the picture in black and white changes its meaning?

  1. Is one version easier to understand than the other? Which one? Why?

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual/Group interview: Hand out second picture in rotation and repeat Questions 5-13.

Virtual Individual/Group interview: Screenshare the second picture in rotation and repeat Questions 5-13.

Comparison of Two Primary Pictures (Simple Fish and Fish Pieces)

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual Interviews: Show both versions of picture without text (on separate sheets of paper) side-by-side. Interviewer reads Question 14 aloud to the participant. Interviewer enters the participant’s response directly into tablet or laptop computer. Interviewer follows up by asking the participant why they prefer the picture he/she chose and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

In-Person Group Interviews: Show both versions of picture without text (on separate sheets of paper) side-by-side. Moderator asks Question 14. Moderator asks the participants to enter their responses directly into the tablet computer. The response to the question will show each of the two pictures and the participant will select the one that they prefer. Moderator follows up by asking the group why they prefer the picture they chose and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

Virtual Individual Interviews: Interviewer screenshares the two images on the same page with images labeled as Image 1 and Image 2, and reads Question 14 aloud to the participant. Notetaker enters the participant’s response directly into notes. Interviewer follows up by asking the participant why they prefer the picture he/she chose and notetaker captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

Virtual Group Interviews: Moderator screenshares the two images on same page with images labeled as Image 1 and Image 2. Moderator will launch the Zoom poll for Question 14 and ask each participant to answer on their screen. After voting, moderator follows up by asking the group why they prefer the picture they chose and notetaker captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

OK, now let’s compare the two versions of the picture that we just discussed.

  1. Which one of these two pictures do you prefer? Why?

Comparison of Pictures with and without Text

Now, let’s look at another version of the first picture that we talked about.

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual/Group interview: Hand out first picture in rotation with text.

Virtual Individual/Group interview: Screenshare first picture in rotation with text.

  1. What are your initial reactions to this version of the picture?

  1. Does seeing the picture with text change your understanding of it? If so, how?

  1. What would you change about this version of the picture to make it better?

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

Show the versions of the same picture with and without text side-by-side.

In-Person Individual Interviews: Interviewer reads Question 18 aloud to participant. Interviewer enters the participant’s response directly into tablet or laptop computer. Interviewer follows up by asking the participant why he/she prefers the selected picture and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

In-Person Group Interviews: Moderator asks Question 18. Moderator asks the participants to enter their responses directly into the tablet computer. The response to the question will show each version of the picture and the participant will select the one that they prefer. Moderator follows up by asking the group why they prefer the picture they chose and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

In-Person Individual/Group Interviews: Hand out second picture with text in rotation and repeat Questions 15-17. Then, show the versions of the same picture with and without text side-by-side and ask Question 18.

Virtual Individual Interviews: Screenshare the versions of the same picture with and without text and then ask Question 18. Notetaker enters the participant’s response directly into notes. Interviewer follows up by asking the participant why he/she prefers the selected picture and notetaker captures responses taking qualitative notes.

Virtual Group interviews: Screenshare the versions of the same picture with and without text. Moderator launches Zoom poll and asks participants Question 18 asking them to provide their answer in Zoom. After participants answer Question 18 in Zoom poll, moderator follows up by asking the participants why they prefer the selected picture and notetaker captures responses taking qualitative notes.

  1. Which of these two versions of the picture do you prefer? Why?

Final Preference

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual Interviews: Show all four versions to participant (hands them out on separate sheets of paper). Interviewer reads Question 19 aloud to the participant. The interviewer enters the participant’s response directly into the tablet or laptop computer.

In-Person Group Interview: Show all four versions to participants (hands them out on separate sheets of paper). Moderator reads Question 19 aloud to the group. The participants enter their responses directly into the tablet or laptop computer.

Virtual Individual Interview: Screenshare all 4 images at once. Interviewer reads Question 19 aloud to the participant. The notetaker records their response in the notes.

Virtual Group Interview: Screenshare all 4 images at once. Moderator reads Question 19 aloud to the participants. The notetaker records their response in the notes.

  1. Do any of these pictures change the way you think about which parts of the fish are safe to eat? Which ones?

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual Interviews: Interviewer reads Question 20 aloud to participant. Interviewer enters participant’s response directly into tablet or laptop computer. Interviewer follows up by asking the participant why he/she ranked the selected picture as easiest to understand and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

In-Person Group Interviews: Moderator asks Question 20. Moderator asks the participants to enter their responses directly into the tablet computer. The response to the question will show each of the four diagrams and the participant will drop and drag them into order from 1=easiest to understand to 4=hardest to understand. Moderator follows up by asking the group why they ranked the one they selected as easiest to understand and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

Virtual individual interviews: Continue screensharing all 4 images at once. Interviewer reads Question 20 aloud to participant. Notetaker enters participant’s response directly into notes. Interviewer follows up by asking the participant why he/she ranked the selected picture as easiest to understand and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

Virtual group interviews: Continue screensharing all 4 images at once. Moderator launches Zoom poll and asks the participants to enter their responses directly into the Zoom poll. This will show as 4 questions, one for each image, and participants will select one of four options where 1=easiest to understand to 4=hardest to understand for each question. Moderator follows up by asking the group why they ranked the one they selected as easiest to understand and captures responses by taking qualitative notes.

  1. Please rank the four diagrams that we discussed from easiest to hardest to understand, where 1=easiest to understand and 4=hardest to understand.

    1. Probe: Why did you rank this one as easiest to understand?

Information Sources/Channels

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

Read questions 21 and 22 aloud and capture responses by taking qualitative notes.

Thinking about the pictures that we discussed today…

  1. Where would you expect to see information like this?

  1. What would be a good way to make sure that people who prepare and eat fish see this information?

    1. For freshly caught fish

    2. For store bought fish

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual Interviews: Interviewer reads Questions 23-26 aloud to participant. Interviewer enters participant’s responses directly into tablet or laptop computer. Interviewer captures responses to Question 27 via qualitative notes.

In-Person Group Interviews: Moderator asks Questions 23-26. Moderator asks the participants to enter their responses directly into the tablet computer. Interviewer captures responses to Question 27 via qualitative notes.

Virtual individual interview: Questions 23-31 are asked in the online survey completed before the interview. Skip to closing.

Virtual group interview: Questions 23-31 are asked in the online survey completed before the group. Skip to closing.

  1. Do you use the Internet?

    1. Yes

    2. No [Skip to Question 25]

    3. Prefer not to answer

  1. How do you access the Internet? Select all that apply.

    1. On a computer

    2. On a tablet or iPad

    3. On a mobile phone

    4. Other [specify]

    5. Prefer not to answer

  1. Before participating in this project, had you ever heard of the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA?

    1. Yes

    2. No [Skip to Question 27]

    3. Don’t know

    4. Prefer not to answer

  1. How much do you disagree or agree with this statement: I trust the EPA as a source of health information. [Response scale: Strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree nor agree, agree, strongly agree]

  1. What people or organizations would you trust to provide health information about eating freshly caught fish? ________________


We are almost finished. We are collecting basic demographic information to help us better communicate health information with different groups of people. I just have a few more questions for you.

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person Individual Interviews: Interviewer hands the tablet computer to the participant and asks the participant to enter their responses to Questions 28-31 directly into the tablet.

In-Person Group Interviews: Moderator asks the participants to enter their responses to Questions 28-31 directly into the tablet.

Virtual individual interview: Skip to closing.

Virtual group interview: Skip to closing.

  1. What is your ethnicity?

    1. Hispanic or Latino/a

    2. Not Hispanic or Latino/a

    3. Prefer not to answer

  1. What is your race? Select all that apply.

    1. White or Caucasian

    2. Black or African American

    3. Asian

    4. American Indian or Alaska Native

    5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

    6. Other [Specify] _____________________

    7. Prefer not to answer

  1. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

    1. Grade school

    2. Some high school

    3. High school graduate or completed GED

    4. Some college or technical school

    5. Four-year college degree or more

    6. Prefer not to answer

  1. Which of the following categories best describes your total, annual household income?

    1. Under $20,000 per year

    2. $20,000-$44,999 per year

    3. $45,000-$74,999 per year

    4. $75,000 or more per year

    5. Prefer not to answer


You are finished with the interview. Thank you for your time. Your feedback has been very helpful.

Interviewer/Moderator Instruction

In-Person: Give token of appreciation and obtain receipt.

Virtual: Virtual gift card to be sent to participants within 3 days of completing their interview or focus group.

EPA Form Number: 5800-14

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorUhrig, Jennifer
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-10-27

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