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OMB No.: xxxx-xxxx Expiration
date: xx/xx/xxxx
Child Care Partner Survey
Study of Early Head Start–Child
Care Partnerships
collection of information is voluntary and will be used to learn
about the characteristics and implementation of Early Head
Start–child care partnerships. Public reporting burden for
this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes
per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to [Contact Name]; [Contact Address]; Attn: OMB-PRA
The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to conduct a descriptive study of the Early Head Start-child care partnership grant initiative. As part of this study, we are surveying all Early Head Start-child care partnership grantees, including delegate agencies to which grantees have delegated all or part of their responsibility for program operations. We are also surveying a subset of their child care partners.
You are being asked to complete this survey because of your involvement in a partnership with [GRANTEE NAME]. This survey will collect information about you and your [child care center/family child care home] and the activities you engage in with the partnership grantee to develop partnerships, improve the quality of services, and deliver services to children and families. Your participation in this survey is important and will help ACF better understand the national landscape of Early Head Start-child care partnerships, including information about the experiences of child care providers participating in these partnerships. The length of this survey is different for different people, but on average it should take no more than 30 minutes. As a thank you, we will send you a $20 gift card for completing this survey.
Throughout this survey, we use the term partnership grantee to refer to the entity that was awarded the Early Head Start-child care partnership grant. Partnership grantees are responsible for ensuring that the partnership meets all grant requirements, including the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS). We use the term child care partner to refer to the local child care centers or family child care providers that the partnership grantee partners with to provide direct early care and education services to children and families. We use the term partnership slots to refer to slots available to children through funding from the partnership grant.
Participation in the survey is completely voluntary and you may choose to skip any question you prefer not to answer. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can rather than leaving it blank. Your responses will be kept private and used only for research purposes. They will be combined with the responses of other child care providers and no individual names will be reported. While there are no direct benefits to participants, your participation will help us learn about the characteristics and implementation of Early Head Start-child care partnerships. There are no known risks associated with your participation.
If you have any questions about the survey, or if you prefer to complete the survey by telephone, please contact xxxxx at Mathematica by calling 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx or emailing [email protected]. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant in this study, you may contact the New England Institutional Review Board (NEIRB) by calling 1-800-232-9570.
By completing the survey and submitting your responses, you are confirming that you understand that the information you provide will be kept private and used only for research purposes. You further understand that your answers will be combined with the responses of other child care providers so that no individuals are identified.
about your child care business
The first questions are about your child care business, [PARTNER NAME].
PC1. Which of the following best describes your child care setting?
Select one only
Child care center 1
Family child care home 2
PC2. The next questions are about the capacity of your [child care center/family child care home].
a. What is the total licensed enrollment capacity of your [child care center/family child care home] across all ages? |
d □ |
b. What is the total licensed enrollment capacity of your [child care center/family child care home] for children birth to age 3? |
d □ |
c. Before the partnership began, what was the total licensed enrollment capacity of your [child care center/family child care home] for children birth to age 3? |
d □ |
d. In the past month, what was your actual enrollment across all ages? |
d □ |
e. In the past month, what was your actual enrollment for children birth to age 3? |
d □ |
f. What is the total number of enrollment slots for children birth to age 3 funded through the Early Head Start-child care partnership grant (“partnership slots”)? |
d □ |
PC3a. How many children enrolled in partnership slots currently receive a child care subsidy? Your best estimate is fine.
Don’t know D
PC3b. All we need is your best estimate. Can you tell us what percentage of children enrolled in partnership slots currently receive a subsidy?
PC4a. Before the partnership began, how many children birth to age 3 received a child care subsidy? Your best estimate is fine.
Don’t know D
PC4b. All we need is your best estimate. Before the partnership began, can you tell us what percentage of children birth to age 3 received a child care subsidy?
Source: New item
PC5a. What is the total number of child development staff that regularly care for children birth to age 3 at your child care center? Child development staff include teachers, assistant teachers, and aides.
Source: New item
PC5b. Before the partnership began, how many child development staff caring for children birth through age 3 had an infant/toddler CDA or credential/degree that meets or exceeds CDA requirements?
Source: New item
PC5c. How many child development staff currently caring for children birth through age 3 have an infant/toddler CDA or credential/degree that meets or exceeds CDA requirements?
Source: Adapted from the Head Start FY2014 PIR
PC6. What is the total number of child development staff that regularly care for children birth to age 3 in partnership slots?
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
PC7. How many adults in your family child care home regularly work with or provide care to children?
PC7a. Before the partnership began, how many adult staff in your family child care home who provide care to children had a CDA or credential/degree that meets or exceeds CDA requirements?
PC8. Thinking about the [FILL FROM PC6] child development staff that regularly care for children birth to age 3 in partnership slots, please enter the number who hold each degree level. If a staff member holds more than one degree, please count only the highest one. For example, if a staff member has a high school degree and is in training for a CDA, please count them under option e (in training for CDA).
a. Graduate/Professional Degree |
b. Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., B.S.) |
c. Associate of Arts Degree (A.A., A.A.S.) |
d. Child Development Associate (CDA), or state-awarded certification, credential, or licensure that meets or exceeds CDA requirements |
e. In training for CDA |
f. High School Diploma/Equivalent |
PC9. Thinking about the [FILL FROM PC7] adults that regularly work with or provide care to children, please enter the number who hold each degree level. If an adult holds more than one degree, please count only the highest one. For example, if someone has a high school degree and is in training for a CDA, please count them under option e (in training for CDA).
a. Graduate/Professional Degree |
b. Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., B.S.) |
c. Associate of Arts Degree (A.A., A.A.S.) |
d. Child Development Associate (CDA), or state-awarded certification, credential, or licensure that meets or exceeds CDA requirements |
e. In training for CDA |
f. High School Diploma/Equivalent |
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
PC10. Thinking about the child development staff who serve children in partnership slots, how many have left your program since you began receiving funding through the partnership grant?
Of the [FILL FROM PC10] child development staff who left your program, did any leave . . .
NO |
a. For a change in careers? |
1 |
0 |
b. For higher compensation or a better benefits package in the same field? |
1 |
0 |
c. Because they were fired or laid off? |
1 |
0 |
d. For maternity leave? |
1 |
0 |
e. For personal reasons? |
1 |
0 |
f. For another reason? (specify) |
1 |
0 |
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
PC11. Since you began receiving funding through the partnership grant, has the director left the program?
Yes 1
No 0
PC12a. Before the partnership award, what was the average annual salary of [child development staff caring for children birth through age 3/family child care providers] at your [center/child care home]? If staff is paid hourly, please give your best estimate of annual salary. For staff that work part-time, please use their annual full-time equivalent.
PC12b. What is the current average annual salary of [child development staff caring for children birth through age 3/family child care providers] at your [center/child care home]? If staff is paid hourly, please give your best estimate of annual salary. For staff that work part-time, please use their annual full-time equivalent.
PC13a. Before the partnership award, which of the following benefits were provided to [child development staff caring for children birth through age 3/family child care providers] at your [center/child care home]?
Select all that apply
Sick days 1
Vacation days 2
Paid holidays 3
Health benefits 4
Retirement benefits 5
Reduced tuition rates for continuing education 6
None 7
Other (specify) 99
PC13b. Which of the following benefits are currently provided to [child development staff caring for children birth through age 3/family child care providers] at your [center/child care home] through the partnership grant?
Select all that apply
Sick days 1
Vacation days 2
Paid holidays 3
Health benefits 4
Retirement benefits 5
Reduced tuition rates for continuing education 6
None 7
Other (specify) 99
Source: National Survey of Early Care and Education
PC14. Please provide the hours that your [child care center/family child care home] was open for children last week, beginning with last Monday.
a. Monday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
b. Tuesday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
c. Wednesday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
d. Thursday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
e. Friday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
f. Saturday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
g. Sunday |
| | | : | | | am pm |
| | | : | | | am pm |
d □ |
PC15. Thinking about before the partnership began, which statement best describes how the hours your [child care center/family child care home] was open for children compares to now?
Select one only
My [child care center/family child care home] was open for children more hours per week before the partnership began 1
My [child care center/family child care home] was open for children fewer hours per week before the partnership began 2
There has been no change to the hours per week my [child care center/ family child care home] is open for children 3
Source: National Survey of Early Care and Education
PC16. How many weeks per year does your [child care center/family child care home] provide care for children under age 3?
PC17. Thinking about before the partnership began, which statement best describes how the weeks per year your [child care center/family child care home] provided care for children under age 3 compares to now.
Select one only
My [child care center/family child care home] provided care for children under age 3 more weeks per year before the partnership began 1
My [child care center/family child care home] provided care for children under age 3 fewer weeks per year before the partnership began 2
There has been no change to the weeks per year my [child care center/family child care home] provides care for children under age 3 3
Source: National Survey of Early Care and Education
PC18. Does your [child care center/family child care home] allow parents to use varying hours of care each week?
Select one only
Yes, at their convenience 1
Yes, from a set schedule of options 2
Yes, beyond a minimum number of hours 3
No 0
partnership development activities
Now, we would like to learn about how you got involved in the partnership with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] and the development and content of your partnership agreement.
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
PD1. How did you learn about the Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership grant opportunity?
Select all that apply
Prior partnership with the grantee to serve children and families 1
Competitive request for proposal (RFP) process 2
Community planning process 3
Discussion initiated by [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] 4
Discussion initiated by you or your organization 5
Consultation with local planning council 6
Consultation with a local child care resource and referral (CCR&R) 7
Consultation with a state or local quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) administrator 8
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
PD1a. When did you learn about the opportunity to partner with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] on the partnership grant?
Select one only
Before or during the grant writing process 1
After the partnership grantee received the award 2
Source: New item
PD2. Did you have any experience collaborating with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] prior to the partnership grant?
Select all that apply
Yes, a previous partnership to serve Early Head Start/Head Start children and families 1
Yes, part of a community collaborative group 2
Yes, participated in joint training 3
Yes, other (specify) 99
No 0
[IF PD2 = 1]
PD2a. Prior to this partnership grant, how long did you partner with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] to provide services to Early Head Start/Head Start children and families?
Select one only
Less than 1 year 1
1 to 3 years 2
4 to 5 years 3
More than 5 years 4
[IF PD2 = 1]
PC2b. Regarding the services provided to Early Head Start/Head Start children and families prior to this partnership grant, did you have a formal partnership agreement with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF PD2 = 1]
PD2c. Did the grantee provide you with funds to pay for services provided through the partnership?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from the Evaluation of the Early Learning Initiative
PD3. Aside from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE], do you collaborate with other child care providers in your community? For example, do you work together with service providers in the community to hold trainings for staff, share information about clients, develop program materials, share costs, or coordinate referrals?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study, Child Care Partnership Questionnaire; I PIECE Study, Early Childhood Education Management Survey
PD4. What factors motivated you to participate in the partnership grant?
Select all that apply
Improve the quality of infant toddler care and education 1
Increase families’ access to full-day, full-year care 2
Better meet families’ child care needs (such as location, hours of care, type of care) 3
Increase families’ access to comprehensive services 4
Increase continuity of care for children 5
Gain access to new funding and other resources 6
Use resources more efficiently 7
Link to other early care and education resources in the community 8
Improve access to training for staff 9
Improve staff compensation 10
Improve staff credentialing 11
Improve curriculum 12
PD4a. Below are the factors you identified as motivating you to participate in the partnership grant. Please rank these factors in the order of importance, with 1 being the biggest motivator.
PROGRAMMER: insert table that lists all items = yes from PD4, table should have a funCTION that allows for rank ordering of items, with 1 being of highest priority and N of lowest priority. |
Source: Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
PD5. Do you have a written partnership agreement in place with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]?
Select one only
Yes, an agreement is in place 1
Not yet, but the agreement is in process 2
No 0
[IF PD5 = 1]
Source: Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
PD5a. How was the partnership agreement in place with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] developed?
Select one only
[PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] developed the partnership agreement with no input from my [child care center/family child care home] 1
[PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] developed the partnership agreement and my [child care center/family child care home] provided input 2
The partnership agreement was jointly developed by [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] and my [child care center/family child care home] 3
[IF PD5 = 1]
Source: New item
PD6. Which of the following components are included in the agreement you have in place with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]?
Select all that apply
A statement of the partnership’s goals 1
The number of children and families to be served in the partnership 2
The number of children to be served in the partnership that receive child care subsidies 3
Information about procedures for recruitment and enrollment 4
Start-up and ongoing procedures for filling partnership slots 5
Eligibility criteria for partnership slots 6
Actions partners will take to meet the goals specified in the agreement 7
Specific roles and responsibilities of partners to comply with the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) 8
Enhancements to teacher/staff salaries 9
Amount and purpose of the funds to be provided 10
Training and technical assistance to be provided or arranged by the partnership grantee to child care partners 11
Materials and supplies to be provided by the partnership grantee to child care partners 12
A statement of each party’s rights, including the right to terminate the agreement 13
[IF PD6 = 10]
Source: New item
PD6a. Does the agreement specify the amount of funding your [child care center/family child care home] will receive per year from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF PD6 = 10]
Source: New item
PD6b. Does the agreement specify the amount of funding your [child care center/family child care home] will receive per child per year from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]?
Yes 1
No 0
partnership funding arrangements
The next questions are about funding arrangements between you and [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE].
PF1. Did you receive start-up funds from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] at the beginning of the partnership, in addition to the amount of funding you receive per child?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF PF1 = YES]
PF1a. What is the amount of start-up funds you received from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] at the beginning of the partnership? Your best estimate is fine.
[IF PF1 = YES]
PF1b. Have you used the start-up funds received from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] for any of the following:
Select all that apply
Administration and overhead 1
Staff training and professional development 2
Materials, supplies, furniture, and equipment 3
Enhanced salaries and/or benefits for staff 4
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
PF2. How much does your [child care center/family child care home] receive per year from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]? Your best estimate is fine.
PF3. What is the amount of funding per child in a partnership slot received per year from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]? Your best estimate is fine.
PF4. Does your [child care center/family child care home] receive the same amount of funding each month from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]?
The same amount each month 1
A varying amount each month 2
[IF PF4 = 2]
PF4a. What are the reasons your funding from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] varies from month to month?
Select all that apply
Mix of children’s ages 1
Receipt of subsidies 2
Other (specify) 99
PF4b. How much does your [child care center/family child care home] receive per month from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] (on average if the monthly amount varies)?
Source: New item
PF5. Do you receive a payment from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] for each partnership slot that is not filled?
Select one only
Yes, until the slot is filled 1
Yes, for a limited period of time 2
No 0
[IF PF5 = 1, 2]
Source: New item
PF5a. Is the amount of payment received from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] for each slot that is not filled…
Select one only
The same as the amount provided to a filled partnership slot 1
Less than the amount provided to a filled partnership slot 2
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
PF6. If a child in a partnership slot loses subsidy funding, does your [child care center/family child care home] receive funds from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] to offset those funds?
Yes, for the entire period of time the child is enrolled 1
Yes, for a limited period of time 2
No 0
[IF PF6 = 1, 2]
Source: New item
PF6a. Does the amount of funds received from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] offset the lost subsidy funds?
Select one only
The funds completely offset the lost subsidy funds 1
The funds partially offset the lost subsidy funds 2
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
PF7. Does your [child care center/family child care home] receive additional funds from any other source to offset the cost of care for children in partnership slots?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF PF7 = YES]:
PF7a. What are the other sources of funding?
Select all that apply
Subsidies paid by state or county government (vouchers/certificates, state contracts) 1
Child and Adult Care Food Program funds 2
State preschool funding 3
Other funds (specify) 99
PF7a1. On average, how much funding is allocated for this source each month? Your best estimate is fine.
Source: New item (adapted)
PF8. Aside from start-up funds and funding received for partnership slots, has your [child care center/family child care home] received additional funds from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] for the following?
Select all that apply
Administration and overhead 1
Staff training and professional development 2
Funds for materials, supplies, furniture, and equipment (do not count items that the partnership grantee purchased on your behalf) 3
Enhanced salaries and/or benefits for staff 4
No additional funds have been received 0
Other (specify) 99
PF8a. How much funding do you receive for this purpose?
quality improvement activities
The next several questions ask about the quality improvement activities you have access to through the partnership with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] to support the delivery of high quality infant and toddler child care.
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
QI1. In your partnership, do you have any written documents that specify what your [child care center/family child care home] needs to do to meet the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS)?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF QI1 = YES]
QI1a. Was this document developed with input from both [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] and your [child care center/family child care home]?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: New item
QI2a. Have you received guidance on Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)/subsidy rules?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF QI2a = YES]
QI2a1. What topics did the guidance cover?
Select all that apply
Eligibility 1
Documentation or record keeping 2
Reimbursement 3
Co-payments 4
Attendance policies 5
Other (specify) 99
Source: Adapted from qualitative interview questions from the Study of Community Strategies for Infant-Toddler Care
QI2b. Have you received guidance on implementing the HSPPS?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF QI2b = YES]
QI2b1. What kind of guidance did you receive?
Select all that apply
Training 1
Written materials 2
Classroom observation and feedback 3
On-site coaching 4
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
QI3. How would you rate your [child care center’s/family child care home’s] implementation of the HSPPS?
Select one only
My [child care center/family child care home] met the HSPPS prior to participating in the partnership grant 1
My [child care center/family child care home] currently meets the HSPPS 2
My [child care center/family child care home] already meets most of the HSPPS, and we are striving toward meeting all standards 3
I think it will be difficult for my [child care center/family child care home] to meet the HSPPS, but we are striving to meet as many standards as possible 4
I think it will be difficult for my [child care center/family child care home] to meet the HSPPS and, as a result, we are not attempting to meet all standards 5
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
QI4. Please indicate whether someone from the [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] conducted any of the following activities at your [child care center/family child care home] since being awarded the partnership grant:
Select all that apply
Observes [staff/providers] to assess their practice 1
Meets with [staff/providers] to provide feedback regarding their teaching practices 2
Meets with [staff/providers] to discuss how to link the curriculum to children’s developmental needs 3
Discusses with [staff/providers] strategies to ensure teaching practice is developmentally appropriate 4
Discusses with [staff/providers] strategies to ensure a rich curriculum 5
Discusses with [staff/providers] strategies to ensure developmentally appropriate emotional and behavioral support 6
Reviews [staffs’/providers’] lesson plans 7
Reviews program data to see how the [child care center/family child care home] is doing with respect to specific goals or objectives 8
[IF CHILD CARE CENTER] Meets with director of this child care center 9
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
QI5. Does [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] let you use the partnership funds for whatever purposes you think are necessary, or are the funds earmarked for specific purposes?
Select one only
Whatever we think necessary 1
Earmarked for specific purposes 2
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
QI6. Separate from funds received from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE], has the grantee directly provided the following equipment and supplies for your [child care center/family child care home]?
Select all that apply
Bookshelves 1
Playground or other outdoor equipment 2
Tables and chairs 3
Cribs and/or changing tables 4
Paper or other office supplies 5
Curriculum materials 6
Screening or assessment materials 7
Art supplies 8
Toys and/or materials for pretend play 9
Books 10
Information technology (such as a computer, internet access, or program management software) 11
Other (specify) 99
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
QI7a. Prior to the partnership grant, which of the following professional development opportunities did you or staff from your [child care center/family child care home] engage in?
Select all that apply
Workshops 1
One-on-one training 2
Coaching, mentoring, or consultation 3
On-line training 4
Other (specify) 99
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
QI7b. Since the start of your involvement in the partnership grant, did [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] provide the following professional development opportunities to you or staff from your [child care center/family child care home]?
Select all that apply
Workshops at the partnership grantee 1
[IF CHILD CARE CENTER] Workshops at the child care center 2
One-on-one training 3
Coaching, mentoring, or consultation 4
On-line training 5
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
QI8. Under this partnership grant, does [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] provide you or your staff with opportunities to obtain any of the following?
Select all that apply
Child Development Associate (CDA) 1
State-awarded certification, credential, or licensure that meets or exceeds CDA requirements 2
Associate of Arts (A.A., A.A.S.) degree 3
Bachelor’s (B.A., B.S.) degree 4
QI9. Through the partnership, do you receive funding for staff from your [child care center/family child care home] to have release time to participate in training? This can include paying for substitutes while you or other staff are participating in a training.
Yes 1
No 0
Source: National Survey of Early Care and Education
QI10. Does your [child care center/family child care home] have an overall quality rating (for example, based on standards associated with accreditation, tiered reimbursement or some other quality rating system)? A quality rating reflects standards above and beyond those required for licensing.
Yes 1
No 0
[IF QI10 = YES]
QI10a. What agency or group provided your quality rating?
Select all that apply
National Association for the Education of Young Children 1
National Association for Family Child Care 2
State or local child care quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) 3
Local child care resource and referral (CCR&R) 4
State or local child care agency 5
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
QI11. For each of the following, please indicate whether you have accessed training or technical assistance about this topic. You might have accessed training and technical assistance through the National Center on Early Head Start Child Care Partnerships (NCEHS-CCP), or from another source. Examples of other sources include national centers funded by the Office of Child Care (OCC) and/or the Office of Head Start (OHS); and consultation with regional specialists, child care resource and referral agencies, or state quality rating and improvement system administrators.
QI11a. Did you access training and technical assistance from NCEHS-CCP, or from some other source?
QI11. |
QI11a. Information accessed from… |
a. Establishing partnership agreements |
1 |
1 |
2 |
b. Sustaining effective relationships with partners |
1 |
1 |
2 |
c. Understanding Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)/subsidy rules |
1 |
1 |
2 |
d. Learning strategies for meeting HSPPS |
1 |
1 |
2 |
e. Coordination of resources |
1 |
1 |
2 |
f. Other (specify) |
1 |
1 |
2 |
services for children and families
Next, we would like to learn about how you work with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] to provide services to children and families who are enrolled in partnership slots.
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS1. What are the primary ways you recruit families for partnership slots?
Select all that apply
Referrals from the partnership grantee 1
Referrals from community agencies/partner 2
Referrals from a Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency 3
Word of mouth 4
Outreach efforts your staff make in the community 5
Local advertising, such as flyers, newspaper ads, or radio spots 6
No need to recruit 7
Other (specify) 99
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS2a. Prior to your involvement in the partnership grant, did your [child care center/family child care home] have a waiting list for infant/toddler slots?
Yes 1
No 0
FS2b. Does your [child care center/family child care home] currently have…
Select one only
A waiting list for partnership slots only 1
A waiting list for infant/toddler slots but not for partnership slots 2
A waiting list for partnership slots and infant/toddler slots that are not funded through the partnership 3
No waiting list 0
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS3. Prior to your involvement in the partnership grant, did you have a formal system to prioritize enrollment based on family risks or needs?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF FS3 = YES]
FS3a. What factors were considered in prioritizing enrollment?
Select all that apply
Parent/guardian employment 1
Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) eligibility 2
Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) receipt 3
Child special needs 4
Number of children in the family 5
Teen mother 6
Single parent 7
Dual-Language Learners 8
Welfare/TANF 9
Mental health 10
Family violence 11
Substance use 12
Homelessness 13
Other (specify) 99
FS3b. Below are the factors you identified as being considered for prioritizing enrollment prior to the partnership grant. Please rank these factors in the order in which they were prioritized, with 1 being of highest priority.
PROGRAMMER: insert table that lists all items = yes from FS3a, table should have a funCTION that allows for rank ordering of items, with 1 being of highest priority and N of lowest priority. |
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS4. Do you currently have a formal system to prioritize enrollment into the partnership based on family risks or needs?
Yes 1
No 0
[IF FS4 = YES]
FS4a. What factors are considered in prioritizing enrollment?
Select all that apply
Parent/guardian employment 1
Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) eligibility 2
Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) receipt 3
Child special needs 4
Number of children in the family 5
Teen mother 6
Single parent 7
Dual-Language Learners 8
Welfare/TANF 9
Mental health 10
Family violence 11
Substance use 12
Homelessness 13
Other (specify) 99
FS4b. Below are the factors you identified for prioritizing enrollment into the partnership. Please rank these factors in the order in which they are prioritized, with 1 being of highest priority.
PROGRAMMER: insert table that lists all items = yes from FS4a, table should have a funCTION that allows for rank ordering of items, with 1 being of highest priority and N of lowest priority. |
Source: Adapted from Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study & Baby FACES
FS5a. Did you offer any of the following services to children before the partnership award? These services could have been offered directly by your agency, or by a community partner.
Source: Adapted from Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study & Baby FACES
FS5b. Do you currently offer this service to children enrolled in partnership slots and to other children birth to age 3 who are enrolled in care as well? These services can be provided by your agency, by the partnership grantee, or by a commnuity partner.
FS5b1. Who is responsible for providing this service?
FS5a. |
FS5b. Currently offered to… |
FS5b1. Service provided by… |
a. Vision screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
b. Hearing screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
c. Dental screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
d. Mental health observation/assessment |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
e. Developmental screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
f. Speech screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
g. Nutritional screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
h. Lead screening |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
i. Medical referrals |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
j. Dental referrals |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
k. Mental health referrals |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
l. Social service referrals |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
m. Physical therapy |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
n. Speech therapy |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS6a. Did you offer any of the following services to families before the partnership award? These services could have been offered directly by your agency, or by a community partner.
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS6b. Do you currently offer this service to families of children enrolled in partnership slots and to other families of children birth to age 3 who are enrolled in care as well? These services can be provided by your agency, by the partnership grantee, or by a commnuity partner.
FS6c. Who is responsible for providing this service?
FS6a. |
FS6b. Currently offered to…
FS6c. Service provided by… |
a. Pediatrician services |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
b. Adult health care |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
c. Prenatal care/OB GYN |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
d. Transportation assistance |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
e. Disability services for parents |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
f. Emergency assistance |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
g. Employment assistance |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
h. Education or job training |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
i. Services for drug or alcohol abuse |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
j. Legal assistance |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
k. Housing assistance |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
l. Financial counseling |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
m. Family literacy services |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
n. Services for dual-language learners |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
o. Dental care |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
p. Mental health screenings |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
q. Mental health assessments |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
r. Therapy |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
s. Care coordination |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
t. Staff consultation or follow-up with families about results of screenings or assessments |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
u. Some other service (specify) |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Source: New item
FS7. Prior to your involvement in the partnership grant, did your [child care center/family child care home] develop Individual Family Partnership Agreements (or something similar)?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES
FS8a. For which families do you offer Individual Family Partnership Agreements (IFPAs)?
Select all that apply
Families enrolled in partnership slots 1
Other families enrolled in care 2
Source: New item
FS8b. Who is primarily responsible for developing IFPAs with families?
Select one only
Partnership grantee staff 1
Child care partner staff 2
Other (specify) 99
Source: New item
FS9a. Did you offer home visits to children and families before the partnership award?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
FS9b. For which familes are home visits currently offered?
Select all that apply
Families enrolled in partnership slots 1
Other families enrolled in care 2
Home visits are not offered to enrolled families 0
Source: New item
[IF FS9B = 1,2]
FS9b1. Who is primarily responsible for conducting home visits?
Select one only
Partnership grantee staff 1
Child care partner staff 2
Other (specify) 99
FS10a. Prior to your involvement in the partnership grant, did staff from your [child care center/family child care home] meet regularly to discuss services for individual children and families?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from the Evaluation of the Early Learning Initiative
FS10b. Do you or someone from your [child care center/family child care home] meet regularly with someone from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] to discuss services for individual children and families?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: New item
[IF FS10b = YES]
FS10b1. What is discussed during these meetings?
Select all that apply
Family service plans 1
Child assessment result 2
Classroom lesson plans 3
Transition plans 4
Communication with parents 5
Coordination with early intervention or other service providers 6
Other child care arrangements children are in 7
Transportation for children 8
Child or family needs or barriers 9
Other (specify) 99
Source: Adapted from the Evaluation of the Early Learning Initiative
[IF FS10b = YES]
FS10b2. How often do these meetings about services for individual children and families take place?
Select one only
Every day or almost every day 1
Every week or almost every week 2
Once or twice a month 3
Less than once a month 4
FS11. Were you implementing any specific infant/toddler curriculum before the partnership award?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES 2009 Director Interview
[IF FS11 = YES]
FS11a. Please indicate the infant/toddler curriculum/curricula you were implementing before the partnership award.
Select all that apply
Agency-created curriculum 1
Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System (AEPS) 2
Beautiful Beginnings 3
Creative Curriculum 4
Early Learning Accomplishments Profile 5
Emotional Beginnings 6
Games to Play with Babies 7
Games to Play with Toddlers 8
Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) 9
High/Scope 10
Learning Activities for Infants 11
Montessori 12
Ones and Twos 13
Partners as Primary Caregivers 14
Partners in Learning 15
Playtime Learning Games for Young Children 16
Resources for Infant Educators 17
Talking to Your Baby 18
The Anti-Bias Curriculum 19
Program for Infant-Toddler Care 20
Other curriculum (describe) 99
FS12. Since the start of your involvement in the partnership grant, have you been implementing any specific infant/toddler curricula?
Yes 1
No 0
Source: Adapted from Baby FACES 2009 Director Interview
[IF FS12 = YES]
FS12a. What curriculum/curricula does your program currently use?
Select all that apply
Agency-created curriculum 1
Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System (AEPS) 2
Beautiful Beginnings 3
Creative Curriculum 4
Early Learning Accomplishments Profile 5
Emotional Beginnings 6
Games to Play with Babies 7
Games to Play with Toddlers 8
Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) 9
High/Scope 10
Learning Activities for Infants 11
Montessori 12
Ones and Twos 13
Partners as Primary Caregivers 14
Partners in Learning 15
Playtime Learning Games for Young Children 16
Resources for Infant Educators 17
Talking to Your Baby 18
The Anti-Bias Curriculum 19
Program for Infant-Toddler Care 20
Other curriculum (Please describe) 99
Next, we would like your opinion about how your partnership with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] is going so far.
Source: Adapted from the Head Start/Child Care Partnership Study
PQ1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:
a. Individuals in the partnership demonstrate mutual respect for each other. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. I feel my [child care center/family child care home] is a full partner with [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. I feel my voice is heard in the partnership. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d. I feel I can pick up the phone and call [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE]. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] and I have similar goals for our work together. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. I feel that [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] respects my [child care center/family child care home]. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
g. I feel [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] does not really view my [child care center/family child care home] as a partner. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Source: Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS; Aarons, Ehrhart, and Farahnak 2014)
PQ2. These next questions are about the progress the director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] has made leading the implementation of partnerships with your [child care center/family child care home]. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement.
a. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] has developed a plan to facilitate implementation of the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] has removed obstacles to the implementation of the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] has established clear department standards for the implementation of the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] is knowledgeable about the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] is able to answer staff’s questions about the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] knows what he/she talking about when it comes to the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
g. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] recognizes and appreciates child care partner staff efforts toward successful implementation of the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
h. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] supports child care partner staff efforts to learn more about the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
i. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] supports child care partner staff efforts to deliver services through the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
j. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] perseveres through the ups and downs of implementing the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
k. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] carries on through the challenges of implementing the partnerships. |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
l. The director from [PARTNERSHIP GRANTEE] reacts to critical issues regarding the implementation of the partnerships by openly and effectively addressing the problem(s). |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
education and experience
In this final section, we would like to learn about your educational background and your experience working in early childhood settings.
PE1. Are you a…
Select your primary role
Director? 1
Assistant director? 2
Manager/supervisor 3
Owner 4
Family child care provider? 5
Other (specify) 99
PE2. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
Select one only
High school diploma or GED certificate 1
Some technical/vocational school, but no diploma 2
Technical/vocational diploma 3
Some college courses, but no degree 4
Associate of Arts degree (A.A., A.A.S.) 5
Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S.) 6
Master’s degree (M.A., M.S.) 7
Doctorate degree (Ph.D., Ed.D.) 8
Professional degree after Bachelor’s degree 9
Other (specify) 99
[IF PE2 = 3, 5-9, 99]
PE3. In what field did you obtain your highest degree?
Select one only
Child development or developmental psychology 1
Early childhood education 2
Elementary education 3
Special education 4
Other (specify) 99
PE4. Including this year, how many years have you been working with infants and/or toddlers?
PE5. Including this year, how many years have you been in your current position?
Thank you for your participation in this survey. Please provide the mailing address to where we should send your thank-you gift card. You will receive it in about 2 weeks.
Address 1:
Address 2:
Thank you for completing the Child Care Partner Survey!
Please click the “Submit survey” button in the lower right hand corner to submit your completed survey.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-07-23 |