Student Financial Aid

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2019-20 through 2021-22

Student Financial Aid

OMB: 1850-0582

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Student Financial Aid
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
2019-20 to 2021-22

Changes are detailed in the Change Memo. Dates are also updated to
reflect the current data collection.


IPEDS Data Collection System

Data Collection System
2021-22 Survey Materials      Package

(877) 225-2568 | [email protected]
OMB NO. 1850-0582 v.27 : Approval Expires 8/31/2022


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Student Financial Aid for public institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters)
IPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview - Public Academic Reporters
Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component. The purpose of the SFA component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups
of undergraduate students and military/veteran educational benefits for all students at your institution.
Data Reporting Reminders:
Report data to accurately reflect the time period corresponding with the IPEDS survey component, even if such reporting is seemingly inconsistent with prioryear reporting. For example, if a summer term began later than usual due to Coronavirus Pandemic postponements, continue to report using the timeframes
as defined in the IPEDS instructions. NCES expects that some data reported during the 2021-22 data collection year will vary from established prior trends
due to the impacts of Coronavirus Pandemic. If an error edit is triggered even when submitting accurate data, please indicate in the corresponding context
box or verbally to the Help Desk that the seemingly inconsistent data are accurate and reflect the effects of Coronavirus Pandemic.
Undergraduate Student Groups

You will be asked to report information for different groups of students.
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students (FTFT)
Group 3: Of Group 2, FTFT students who paid the in-state/in-district tuition rate and were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution
Group 4: Of Group 2, FTFT students who paid the in-state/in-district tuition rate and were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

COA Revisions

Revisions to Cost of Attendance (COA) used to calculate the net price of attendance can be made in this component. 

Consult the instructions and screens to make sure you are reporting the correct aid amounts for the correct groups of students.
College Affordability and Transparency Lists

Net price amounts calculated in SFA will be used to populate the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency lists.
Interactive Edits and Error Messages

SFA contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will require you
to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877) 225-2568 for
Context Boxes

You will find optional text boxes throughout SFA. Context boxes allow you to provide more information about the data you enter. Some of these context boxes
may be made available to the public on College Navigator, so make sure that the information you enter can be understood easily by students, parents, and the
general public.
Changes to reporting for 2021-22:
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

To download the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials



IPEDS Data Collection System

To access your prior year data submission for this component: Reported Data
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part A
Part A - Establish Your Groups
Reporting Reminders:
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the numbers on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student
Financial Aid component.
In the fields below, report the number of students in each of the following groups.

Fall 2020



Fall 2019


Group 1

All undergraduate students



Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources known
to the institution




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Group 3

Of those in Group 2, those paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded any
Title IV federal student aid



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part B
Part B - Enter Information About Group 1
Reporting Reminders:
Group 1 students are ALL undergraduate students (including first-time students) enrolled in Fall 2020.
For this part, report:

For These Students


The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
other sources known to the
Loans to students from:
the federal government

All undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020

Any time during academic year

In the fields below, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.





Information from Part A


Fall 2020

Group 1: All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 01.)


Aid Type



Number of Group
1 students who
were awarded

Percentage of
Group 1 students
who were
awarded aid

Total amount of
aid awarded to
Group 1

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 1 students

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, the institution, and other sources known to the
institution (Do NOT include federal student loans)
02 Pell Grants
Federal student loans

You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part C, Page 1
Part C, Page 1 - Enter Information about Group 2
Reporting Reminders:
Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020.
In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students paying in-district, in-state, and out-of-state tuition rates. If your institution does not offer different
rates, report all students as paying in-state tuition rates.
Information from Part A

Fall 2020

Group 2: Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)


Group 2 students:
Number of Group 2



Fall 2020

Fall 2019

Percentage of Group 2

Percentage of Group 2



paying in-district tuition rates




paying in-state tuition rates




paying out-of-state tuition rates




Unknown (calculated value)

This value is calculated using the following formula: [A02(C01a+C01b+C01c)]



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part C, Page 2
Part C, Page 2 - Enter Information about Group 2
Reporting Reminders:
Part C includes financial aid information about Group 2. Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled in Fall 2020.
For this part, report:

For These Students

Full-time, first-time
undergraduate students enrolled in
Fall 2020


The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
Loans to students from:
the federal government
other sources, including private or other loans
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources
PLUS loans or loans made to anyone other than the

Any time during academic year 202021
For program reporters, this is the aid
year period from July 1, 2020 through
June 30, 2021.

In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid. Enter unduplicated
student counts within a category (e.g., Pell Grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.
Information from Part A

Fall 2020

Group 2: Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)
Group 2a: (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Federal Work Study
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
Other sources known to the institution


Group 2b (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution


Group 3 (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)
Of those in Group 2, those who Paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded:
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Aid Type
Number of Group
2 students who
were awarded aid



Fall 2020

Fall 2019

Percentage of
Group 2 students
who were awarded

Total amount of
aid awarded to
Group 2

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 2 students

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 2 students

Grants or scholarships from the federal
government, state/local government, or
the institution




Federal grants





Pell Grants



Other federal grants




State/local government grants
or scholarships

(includes fellowships/tuition




IPEDS Data Collection System



Institutional grants or

(includes fellowships/tuition


Loans to students



Federal loans



Other loans (including
private loans)


You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Comparison Chart
Comparison Chart
Reporting Reminders:
Based on the information reported on the previous screens for Group 1 (all undergraduates) and Group 2 (full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduates), this comparison chart seeks to help institutions check their reported data. Assuming that the information on Groups 1 and 2 is correct, then
the calculated fields for ‘All Other Undergraduates’ should be the balance (Group 1 minus Group 2). If the balance does not check with your institution’s
calculations, please correct your reported numbers for Groups 1 and 2 before moving forward with the completion of the SFA survey component.
Data for the 'All Other Undergraduates' will appear in the IPEDS Data Center for data users, but not in College Navigator.


Number of students

     Pell grants     

Federal Student Loans

Group 1 (all undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded




Group 2 (Full-time, first-time undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded









All other undergraduates (Line 01 - Line 06)



Number of students who were awarded aid

(Line 02 - Line 07)




Percentage who were awarded aid

(Line 12 / Line 11)




Total amount of aid awarded

(Line 04 - Line 09)




Average amount of aid awarded

(Line 14 / Line 12)



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance for full-time, first-time undergraduate students
Reporting Reminders:
Please enter the amounts requested below. These data will be made available to the public on College Navigator. If your institution participates in any Title IV
programs (Pell, Stafford, etc.), you must complete all information.
Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance report used by the financial aid
office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get these numbers to ensure that you are reporting correctly.
These numbers are carried forward from Institutional Characteristics and should only be changed if an error was made in the reporting.
Charges for full academic year




Published tuition and required fees:







Required fees



Tuition + fees total








Required fees



Tuition + fees total








Required fees



Tuition + fees total











Books and supplies


Room and board


Other expenses


Room and board and other expenses

Off-campus (not with family):

Room and board


Other expenses


Room and board and other expenses
Off-campus (with family):


Other expenses



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part D
Part D - Enter Information about Group 3
Reporting Reminders:
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 paying the in-state or in-district tuition
rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. The
information you report in this part will be used in Part F to calculate average institutional net price.
For this part, report:


For These Students
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 paying the
in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded
grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the
federal government, state/local government, or the
Do not include students who were awarded only grant
or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or
students who were awarded only non-grant aid

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution

Any time during academic year 2020-21

Do not include grant or scholarship aid
from private or other sources

In the fields below, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.



Information from Part A:





Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students paying the instate or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the
following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)


Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements:






Off-campus (with family)



Off-campus (not with family)



Unknown (calculated) 

This value is calculated using the following
formula: [A03-(D01a+D01b+D01c)]


Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students (calculated value).

This value is calculated using the following formula: [D02/A03]












The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part E
Part E – Enter Information about Group 4
Reporting Reminders:
Part E includes financial aid information about Group 4. undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were
awarded any Title IV federal student aid, including federal grants or federal student loans. The information you report in this part will be used in Part G to
calculate average institutional net price by income level.
For this part, report:

For These Students

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 paying
the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were
awarded any Title IV federal student aid


Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from
private or other sources
loan amounts
Federal Work Study amounts

Any time during academic year 2020-21

In the fields below, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level.
Information from Part A:




Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students paying the instate or in-district tuition rate who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 04)



Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living arrangements:






Off-campus (with family)



Off-campus (not with family)



Unknown (calculated)

This value is calculated using the formula: [A04(E01a+E01b+E01c)]












Number of students who
were awarded any Title
IV aid (Group 4)



Of those in Column 1, the
number who were awarded any
grant or scholarship aid from
the following sources: the
federal government, state/local
government, or the institution

Of those in Column 1, the
total amount of grant or
scholarship aid awarded from
the following sources: the
federal government,
state/local government, or
the institution

amount of federal,
state/local, and
institutional grant
or scholarship aid
awarded to Group
4 students

Col. 3

Col. 4


Income level















$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

Col. 1

Col. 2




IPEDS Data Collection System


Income level















$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

Col. 1

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4


Col. 1


Income level













$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part F
Part F – Net Price Calculation for Group 3
The following net price calculation is based on information that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component and the Student
Financial Aid component. For more information about the data your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.

Components of cost of attendance










Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state)





Books and supplies





Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)





Number of Group 3 students by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)











Weighted average for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknown

See instructions for the formula for this calculation


Total cost of attendance 

This value is calculated using the following formula: [F01+F02+F05]


Average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 3 students from the following sources: the
federal government, state/local government, and the institution


Average institutional net price for Group 3 students

This value is calculated using the following formula: [F06-F07]

As required by the Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), these amounts will be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website and used
in the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Lists.

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part G
Part G – Net Price Calculation for Group 4
The following net price calculation is based on information that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component and the Student
Financial Aid component. For more information about the data your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.

Components of cost of attendance










Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state)





Books and supplies





Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)





Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)











Weighted average for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknown

See instructions for the formula for this calculation


Total cost of attendance by income level

This value is calculated using the following formula: [G01+G02+G05]


Average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students from the following sources: the
federal government, state/local government, and the institution















$110,001 and more


Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

This value is calculated using the following formula: [G06-G07]















$110,001 and more

As required by the Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), these amounts will be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website.

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 2: Military Servicemembers and Veteran's Benefits - Undergraduate and Graduate
Section 2: Military Servicemembers and Veteran's Benefits
Important Note:
Report for Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021.
Report for Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021
Reporting Reminders:
Report the total number of student recipients and the total dollar amounts for each program.
Student recipients can also include eligible dependents.
Consult with your campus certifying official, who may not be in the student financial aid office.
For Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits, do not include the matching institutional aid provided through the Yellow Ribbon Program if your school participated.
Information reported to IPEDS is only what is known to the institution.
Enter zero (0) if your institution did not have beneficiaries for that student level or program. Please do not leave a cell blank.

Type of

Number of students


Total dollar amount of


through the institution

Average dollar amount of


through the institution

Average dollar amount of


through the institution

Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits
Undergraduate students


Graduate students




Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program
Undergraduate students


Graduate students





IPEDS Data Collection System

Prepared by
Prepared by
Reporting Reminders:
The name of the preparer is being collected so that we can follow up with the appropriate person in the event that there are questions concerning the data.
The Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence to other preparers.
The time it took to prepare this component is being collected so that we can continue to improve our estimate of the reporting burden associated with IPEDS.
Please include in your estimate the time it took for you to review instructions, query and search data sources, complete and review the component, and
submit the data through the Data Collection System.
Thank you for your assistance.
This survey component was prepared by:


SFA Contact

HR Contact



Finance Contact

Academic Library Contact









How many staff from your institution only were involved in the data collection and
reporting process of this survey component?

Number of Staff (including yourself)


How many hours did you and others from your institution only spend on each of the steps below when responding to this survey component?

Exclude the hours spent collecting data for state and other reporting purposes.
Collecting Data Needed

Revising Data to Match

IPEDS Requirements


Staff member

Entering Data


Your office







Other offices





Revising and Locking Data




IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid, Public Academic Reporters
Table of Contents
The Student Financial Aid (SFA) component has expanded from gathering data on only undergraduate survey component to all students (undergraduates and
graduate students) because of the new question on military servicemembers and veterans' educational benefits. The survey instructions that follow are divided
into two sections. Section 1 discusses the portion of the SFA component that asks questions about your undergraduate students only. Section 2 explains the
portion of the SFA component that ask questions about your military and veteran students. As you complete both sections of SFA, please refer to the "Where to
Get Help" and "Where the Data Will Appear" sections.

Where to Get Help
Where the Data Will Appear
Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students
Purpose of Component
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period
Student Cohort
What to Include
What NOT to Include

Detailed Instructions

A - Establish Your Groups
B - Financial Aid About Group 1
C - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period

Detailed Instructions

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: (877) 225-2568

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Tutorials
You can consult the IPEDS Website's Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced overview of IPEDS tools,
and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website's Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information centers (e.g.,
academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution and aggregate levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Use the Data portal
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website
At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS Data Explorer
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduate students
in order to meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended. Item areas include:
Financial aid about all undergraduate students
Financial aid about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal
student aid by income. For public institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this
includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public institutions, this includes only
students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid by income. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Who Must Report
Institutions that had undergraduate students enrolled during the prior academic year must report.

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
The institution’s financial aid system should be the starting point for reporting to this IPEDS component.
Data providers for this component should be familiar with college and university practices associated with student financial aid. In general, there are two types
of financial aid data that will be requested in this component. These types are:
Numbers of students that meet certain conditions
Total aid dollars awarded to these students
To complete this component, data providers will need the following:
1. Financial aid information about the following student groups:
Group 1. All undergraduate students
Group 2. Of the students in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3. Of the students in Group 2, those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following
sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
Group 4. Of the students in Group 2, those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded Title IV federal student aid

sfa overview
2. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and
were awarded grant or scholarship aid during the reporting period



IPEDS Data Collection System

3. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and
were awarded Title IV federal student aid during the reporting period
4. Income levels for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded
Title IV federal student aid during the reporting period

About the Data
Five different types of data appear in this component. There are data:
That institutions provide from their own financial aid records
That are prior-year data, shown in red, which can be used as a comparison with the current year's data (i.e., the data that is being reported)
That are carried forward from the IPEDS Fall Enrollment (EF) component and the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics (IC) component that your institution
completed in the most recent collections of those components
That are carried forward from one part of the Student Financial Aid component to another part to ensure that the data are internally consistent
That are calculated from the other data elements
In the latter two cases, the data provider should check that the data that are carried forward and calculated are consistent with the data in the institution's
underlying financial aid records. If the data carried forward or calculated are not consistent with the institution's records, then an error in data entry may have

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written so that they can be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for this component should be for the prior academic year.

Student Cohort
For academic reporters, the student cohort covered by this component includes undergraduate students enrolled for the prior year as of October 15 or as of the
institution’s official fall reporting date. For hybrid reporters, the student cohort covered includes undergraduate students enrolled in the prior academic year
between August 1 and October 31. 

What to Include
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:
Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title
IV federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.

Do not include veterans education benefits, as defined in section 480(c) of the HEA, as they are no longer treated as Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA)
for the Office of Federal Student Aid's purposes. For more information, visit
Federal loans to students: Monies from the federal government that must be repaid for which the student is the designated borrower. This type of aid
includes all Title IV federal student loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL
Stafford Loans. Do not include PLUS loans and other federal loans not made directly to the student.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were awarded by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Include merit-based grants or scholarships that were provided by your
state or local government. Also include tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state or local government agency.
Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/waivers): Grants, scholarships, and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or
individual departments within the institution and are limited to students attending your institution. Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals
(e.g., based on state of residence, major, or participation in athletic activities) for which the institution designates the recipient. Also include institutional
tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was not reimbursed by a state or local government agency. This is not intended to include Federal Work
Private grants or scholarships: Grants or scholarships to students that are awarded and paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).

Private loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all
institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Do not include loans that are not made directly to the student.
NOTE: In this component, "aid awarded" refers to grant or scholarship aid that was awarded to students or to loans awarded to students. For reporting grant
or scholarship aid, institutions should report on aid that was awarded to students. This amount may be different from the amount that was actually disbursed
to students. For example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the institution before the
entire amount is disbursed. In this case, institutions should report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded. For reporting loans to
students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.
Note also that different types of financial aid should be reported for different groups of students. Please review the instructions and the screens carefully to
ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.
Institutions need to report aid in this component such that the net price calculations shown on College Navigator and used for the College Affordability and
Transparency lists are a reflection of what students actually pay.
In cases where a student is awarded aid for multiple academic years within one aid year period, institutions should report only aid awarded for the student’s
first academic year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

For total aid amounts, report to the nearest whole dollar and omit cents. For student counts, an unduplicated count should be given within a given aid category
(e.g., Pell grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.

What NOT to Include
Do not report student counts or aid amounts for the following:
Students who were only graduate students at the institution during the reporting period
Students who were enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a certificate/degree
Students who were enrolled exclusively in Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Students who were exclusively auditing classes
Students in Experimental Pell programs
Do not report:
Federal Work Study amounts into any total aid amounts
ROTC aid, which are excluded from EFA calculations, in any total aid amounts
Loans that are made to someone other than the student
Military/veterans aid in Section 1 because such aid is ONLY reported in Section 2
Experimental Pell grant amounts

Detailed Instructions
This section provides line-by-line instructions for each part of the Student Financial Aid component.

Part A - Establish Your Groups
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the data you report on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student Financial Aid component.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act are to be counted as federal aid, but not Title IV aid. As such, students who only receive emergency grants funded
through the CARES Act should not be included in Group 4.

In the fields provided, report the number of students in each of the following groups:



Group 1
All undergraduate students

Report the number of all undergraduate students who were enrolled for the prior year as of October 15 or your
institution’s official fall reporting date. Include all new and continuing undergraduate students (full-time students,
part-time students, degree/certificate-seeking students, non-degree/certificate-seeking students, and all others).
This number will be preloaded from your institution's IPEDS Fall Enrollment component, but it may be modified if
necessary. If you have questions about the value that has been preloaded in this field, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.

Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

Report the number of students who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates. This number
will be preloaded from your institution's IPEDS Fall Enrollment component, but it may be modified if necessary. If you
have questions about the value that has been preloaded in this field, please contact your institution’s IPEDS

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study; loans to students; or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources
known to the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study;
Government and/or private loans to students;
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution; or
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution, such as aid from private
sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Note that the students reported in Line 02a are not defined as a particular group because no additional
financial aid information will be collected about these students.

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Government and/or private loans to students; or
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Note that the students reported in Line 02b are not defined as a particular group because no additional
financial aid information will be collected about these students.




IPEDS Data Collection System
Group 3
Of those in Group 2, those were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. Report students
who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution. Do not include students who were awarded aid only from other sources.

Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. Report students
who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., report students who were awarded federal grant aid or who
were awarded federal work study or federal student loans).

Title IV federal student aid includes:

Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic
Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National
SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford

Part B - Financial Aid About Group 1
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 1 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. Group
1 students are all undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 1 in Part B under “Grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution”.

For this part, report:
For These Students
· All undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution
· Grant or scholarship aid from
other sources known to the
· Loans to students from the
federal government

Awarded in This Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 1
All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Prior Fall
Carried forward from Part A

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the
institution, and other sources known to the institution
Column 1. Report the number of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to
the institution.
Column 2. The percentage of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution awarded to Group
1 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 1 students is
calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System
Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants is calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students is calculated for you.


Federal student loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded federal loans to students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded federal student loans is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of federal student loans awarded to Group 1 students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 4. The average amount of federal student loans awarded to students in Group 1 is
calculated for you.



Part C, Page 1 - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 2 students who may be paying different tuition rates. Group 2 students are all full-time,
first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior Fall.
Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 2
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Prior Fall

Carried forward from Part A

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 2 students paying in-district, in-state, and out-of-state tuition rates.





Group 2 students paying in-district tuition rates
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students paying the in-district tuition rate.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students paying the in-district tuition rate is
calculated for you.
Group 2 students paying in-state tuition rates
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students paying the in-state tuition rate.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students paying the in-state tuition rate is
calculated for you.
Group 2 students paying out-of-state tuition rates
Column 1. Report the number of students in Group 2 paying the out-of-state tuition rate.
Column 2. The percentage of students in Group 2 paying the out-of-state tuition rate is
calculated for you.
Unknown (calculated value)
Column 1. The number of students in Group 2 whose tuition rate is unknown is generated
for you. This value is calculated using the following formula: [A02 – (C01a + C01b +
Column 2. The percentage of students in Group 2 whose tuition rate is unknown is
calculated for you.

Part C, Page 2 - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 2 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. For academic reporters,
Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior Fall. For program reporters, Group 2 students are all full-time, firsttime degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 2 in Part C under “Other federal grants”.
For this part, report:
For These Students

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period



IPEDS Data Collection System

·         Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior Fall
(academic reporters) or any
time during the prior academic
year (program reporters)

· Grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
· Loans to students from the federal
government and from other
sources, including private loans
· Do not include grant or scholarship
aid from private or other
· Do not include PLUS loans or loans
made to anyone other than the

· Any time during the prior academic
· For program reporters, this is the
aid year period from July 1
through June 30.

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 2a
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any
Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, the institution, or other sources known to
the institution

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)
Group 2b
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans
to students or grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or  the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)
Group 03
Of those in Group 2, those (enrolled in the largest
program for program reporters) who paid the in-state or
in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)

Prior Academic Year

Carried forward from Part A

Carried forward from Part A

Carried forward from Part A

Note:  Two aid categories in this section are further disaggregated into subcategories. Because students may be awarded more than one type of aid, the sum of the values you enter
in the subcategories will not necessarily equal the value you enter in the aid category. However, the total number of students reported for the aid category cannot exceed the sum of
subcategories. (For example, the number of students who were awarded federal grants cannot exceed the sum of the number of students who were awarded Pell grants and the
number who were awarded other federal grants). In addition, the total number of students reported for an aid category must be at least as large as the largest of those reported in a

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid they were awarded for each type of aid.

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, and the institution
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants or scholarships from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution. If a student appears in more than one type of aid
category in Lines 02 through 04, that student should only be counted once for Line 01. Do not include students who
were awarded only grants or scholarships from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants or scholarships from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 01 will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following
formula: [(Line 02, Column 3) + (Line 03, Column 3) + (Line 04, Column 3)].


Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Federal grants

This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: Pell grants and other federal grants.

Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants from the federal
government. This includes Pell grants and other federal grants. If a student appears in more than one type of aid
category in Lines 02a or 02b, that student should only be counted once for Line 02. Note that this number should be
at least as large as the largest number reported in Line 02a, Column 1 or Line 02b, Column 1. In addition, this
number cannot exceed the sum of [(Line 02a, Column 1) + (Line 02b, Column 1)].
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants from the federal government
will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 02 will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following
formula: [(Line 02a, Column 3) + (Line 02b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of grants from the federal government awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all Pell grants awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.


Other federal grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded other federal grants. Other federal
grants include Title IV grant aid other than a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of students Group 2 students who were awarded other federal grants will be
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all other federal grants awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of other federal grants awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for


State/local government grants or scholarships (grants/scholarships/waivers)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from a state/local
government. This includes grants, scholarships, or waivers funded by a state or local government. Do not include any
other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships from a state/local
government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from a state/local government awarded to
Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from a state/local government awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/fellowships)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the institution.
This includes grants, scholarships, or fellowships funded by the institution. Do not include any other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships from the institution will be
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from the institution awarded to Group 2
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the institution awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.


Loans to students
This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: federal loans and other loans.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students. This includes
loans from the federal government and from other sources (including private lenders). If a student appears in more
than one type of loan category in Lines 05a or 05b, that student should only be counted once for Line 05. Note that
this number should be at least as large as the largest number reported in Line 05a, Column 1 or Line 05b, Column 1.
In addition, this number cannot exceed the sum of [(Line 05a, Column 1) + (Line 05b, Column 1)].
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students will be calculated
for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 05 will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following
formula: [(Line 05a, Column 3) + (Line 05b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Federal loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from
the federal government. Do not include loans to others (e.g., PLUS loans to parents) and do not include any
other type of grant or loan aid.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from the
federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from the federal government awarded to
Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from the federal government awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Other loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from
sources other than the federal government. This includes private loans to students. Do not include loans to
others (e.g., loans to parents).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from
sources other than the federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from sources other than the federal
government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from sources other than the federal government
awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Cost of Attendance Revision
If you made errors in the prior year reporting of cost of attendance in the IC component, you can make changes in the SFA component. However, there are no
prior year revisions for the SFA component. Please refer to the instructions on reporting cost of attendance in the IC component.
Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance report used by the financial aid
office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get these numbers to ensure that you are reporting correctly.

Part D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students in Part F.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall who paid the in-state or in-district
tuition rate and were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: federal government, state/local government, or the institution. Students who
were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid should not be included in this

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 3 in Part D under “Report the total amount of grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students,” as inclusion of these
grants would skew net price calculations.
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who
paid the in-state or indistrict tuition rate and were
awarded grant or
scholarship aid from the
following sources: the
federal government,
state/local government, or
the institution
· Do not include students who
were awarded only grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources, or
students who were awarded
only non-grant aid.

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources.

Information from Part A:
Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students who paid the in-state or
in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Awarded in this Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year








forward from
Part A

In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 3 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component are the
same categories used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangements. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his
FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled, she or he decided to live on
campus. Although the student may not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in



IPEDS Data Collection System

its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In
this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If
a student in this group did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution
knows the living arrangement for the student, then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.



Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements.
On-campus. Report the number of Group 3 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived off-campus
with their parents or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived offcampus not with their parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A03 – (D01a +
D01b + D01c)], where A03 is the number of Group 3 students that you entered in Part A, Line
03. Note that this number should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a
given year because institutions should have this information available for all students that
completed the FAFSA as well as other information they have in their financial aid data
Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students
Report the total dollar amount of grants and scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students. Exclude grant or scholarship aid from
private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship) and exclude all loan aid.
Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or
the institution awarded to Group 3 students
The average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution awarded to Group 3 students will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the
following formula: [D02/A03]. This amount will be used in Part F to calculate net price.

Part E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students in Part G.
Group 4 students are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in the prior fall who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and
were awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., students who were awarded federal grant aid or who were awarded federal work study or federal student
Title IV federal student aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and
Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan
Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 4 in Part E under “grant or scholarship aid from the
following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution,” as inclusion of these grants would skew net price
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who
paid the in-state or in-district
tuition rate and were
awarded any Title IV federal
student aid

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources.
· Do not include loan amounts.
· Do not include Federal Work
Study amounts.

Awarded in this Period
·  Any time during the prior
academic year

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students who paid the in-state or
in-district tuition rate and were awarded any Title
IV federal student aid
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line








forward from
Part A

Notes: In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 4 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component
are the same categories used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangements. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his
FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled she or he decided to live on
campus. Although the student may not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in
its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In
this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If
a student in this group did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution
knows the living arrangement for the student, then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In this part, you will also be asked to report the number of students in Group 4 and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid they were awarded by income
level. To determine the income level of the student, use the income that was used by the institution’s financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected
Family Contribution (EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For
independent students this will include the student’s adjusted gross income.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement.

Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living arrangements.
On-campus. Report the number of Group 4 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived off-campus
with their parents or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived offcampus not with their parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A04 – (E01a +
E01b + E01c)], where A04 is the number of Group 4 students that you entered in Part A, Line
04. Note that this number should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a
given year because institutions should have this information available for all students that
completed the FAFSA as well as other information they have in their financial aid data

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students who were awarded any Title IV aid (column 1); the number of Group 4 students who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution (column 2); and the total amount of grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level (column 3).









Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

$110,001 and


Total all
income levels

Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any
Title IV aid will be calculated for you.
Column 2. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any
grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to
Group 4 students from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution will be calculated for you.

Part F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following
sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public institutions, Group 3 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator. In addition, the average net price calculated for this group
will be used in the U.S. Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance and the average grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 3 students. The total
cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living arrangement for room and board and
other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component of IPEDS. If
you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.








Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions)

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions) are carried forward
from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried forward from data that your
institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of

Number of Group 3 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part D, Lines 01a through 01d.

Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses (Lines 03a through 03c)
weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in the unknown category). This value is calculated
using the following formula:
Line 05 = [(Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))] + [Line 03b*(Line 04b/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line
04c))] + [Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]

Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.

Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
awarded to Group 3 students

This value is carried forward from Part D, Line 04.



IPEDS Data Collection System
Average institutional net price for Group 3 students 

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution is calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 06
– Line 07. The average net price for Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator and used in the U.S.
Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.

Part G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students.
Group 4 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded Title IV federal student aid. For public
institutions, Group 4 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 4 students will be posted on College Navigator.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance and the average grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students. The total
cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living arrangement for room and board and
other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component of IPEDS. If
you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.









Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions)

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions) are carried forward
from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried forward from data that your
institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of

Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part E, Lines 01a through 01d.

Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses (Lines 03a through 03c)
weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in the unknown category). This value is calculated
using the following formula: Line 05 = [Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03b*(Line
04b/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]

Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.

Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
awarded to Group 4 students

These values are carried forward from Part E, Line 04, Column 4 for each income level.

Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded Title IV federal student aid is calculated for you. These values are
calculated for each income level using the following formula: Line 06 – Line 07. The average net price for Group
4 students by income level will be posted on College Navigator.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about the financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduates in order to
meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Starting in the 2014-15 data collection year, SFA has expanded to collect information on the
federal dollars supporting military servicemember and veteran undergraduate and graduate students.
As presented in the Technical Review Panel Report #36 (March 2012), the increase in beneficiaries and federal dollars has led to an increased demand for
information to help prospective students decide where to use their educational benefits, researchers to study the impact of the programs on college outcomes, and
policymakers to assess the effectiveness of benefits programs and return on investment.

Who Must Report
All registered IPEDS institutions that educate military servicemembers, veterans, or eligible dependents receiving any Tuition Assistance Program or Post-9/11 GI
Bill benefits.

Report only those that RECEIVED the benefit(s).

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
If you are unfamiliar with these educational benefits, a general synopsis of each program is found below. 
1. Post-9/11 GI Bill
Effective August 1, 2009, benefit provides payment of tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and books and supplies stipend.
Tuition and fees are paid directly to the institution on behalf the students; thus, institutions should know which students have Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
and the amount of benefits received at the institution.
Educational benefits can be transferred to a dependent.
Program expanded in 2011 to cover non-degree-granting programs, apprenticeships/on-the-job training programs, flight training programs, and training
The Yellow Ribbon program through the Post-9/11 GI Bill is an institutional aid matching program only for tuition and fees for students attending
participating institutions.
For more information, visit the Department of Veteran Affairs, Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits website
2. Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program (DOD TAP)
For active duty servicemembers, reservists called to active duty, and their spouses.
Educational payments cover only tuition and fees and are made directly to the institution.
GI Bill benefits can be used to supplement costs not covered by this program.
For more information, visit the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program website and see 38 USC § 36 (2020).
Consult and verify the data with your institutional representative who certifies these benefits. This individual or office may not be in the student financial aid

About the Data
The Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs may only highlight two of many educational benefits provided to military servicemembers and veterans.
However, from a national perspective, Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs are more likely to be found across over 7,500 IPEDS institutions.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included
in the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written so they can be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Reporting Period
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30. For example, for the 2021-22 data
collection year, the data reported will be July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September 30.
For example, for the 2021-22 data collection year, the data reported will be October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021.

Detailed Instruction
This section provides line-by-line instructions for the Military Servicemember and Veteran Benefits questions.
For the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the July 1-June 30 reporting period (see
coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting period.
For the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the
October 1-September 30 reporting period (see coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting
If your institution did not have any student beneficiaries for one of the benefit programs, enter a zero (0) in the cell. In other words, do NOT leave the cell blank
for a program that did not have any beneficiaries.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included in
the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

date: 06/29/2021


Cohort year

The year that a cohort of students begins attending college.

Cost of attendance

The amount of tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses that a full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking student can expect to pay to go to college for an academic year. Costs reported by the institutions
are those amounts used by the financial aid office to determine a student's financial need.

Federal grants
assistance funds)

Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV Pell Grants and Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG). Also includes need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training
vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or federally sponsored educational benefits programs. (Used for reporting
on the Student Financial Aid component)

Financial aid

Federal Work Study, grants, loans to students (government and/or private), assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, tuition
waivers, tuition discounts, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than from relatives/friends) provided to
students to meet expenses. This excludes loans to parents.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled
in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced
standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more clock hours a
week each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved
in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as
defined by the institution.

Institutional grants

Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution, (i.e.,
instruction, research, public service) that may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs . Includes
scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence, major field of study, athletic team participation)
for which the institution designates the recipient.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual
institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report
data using a web-based data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional
Characteristics (IC); 12-month Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human
Resources (HR) composed of Employees by Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates
(GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and Academic Libraries (AL).

Loans to students

Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV
subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans
made directly to parents.

Military Tuition Assistance
Program (TAP)

A program that funds up to 100% of an eligible servicemember's college tuition and course-specific fees. Available only to
eligible servicemembers who are currently in active service as long as criteria limits are not exceeded and students are enrolled
off-duty in an U.S. Department of Education accredited post-secondary institution. This military benefit is paid directly to the
postsecondary institution by the individual's Armed service.

Net price

The Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), defines institutional net price as "the average yearly price actually charged to
first-time, full-time undergraduate students receiving student aid at an institution of higher education after deducting such aid."
In IPEDS, average institutional net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or
institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition
and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state for public institutions), books and supplies, and the weighted average for room
and board and other expenses. Cost of attendance data are collected in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component of
IPEDS, and financial aid data are collected in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component of IPEDS.

Off-campus (not with family)

A living arrangement in which a student does not live with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is
not owned or controlled by the educational institution.

Off-campus (with family)

A living arrangement in which a student lives with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is not
owned or controlled by the educational institution.

On-campus housing

Any residence hall or housing facility owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic
area and used by the institution in direct support of or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Post 9/11 GI Bill

A federal education benefit program for veterans, who served on active duty after September 10, 2001. This Department of
Veteran Affairs benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits at an approved institution for the following college costs:
tuition and fees, books and supplies, and housing. The tuition and fees payment, which is the cost for an in-state student
attending a public institution, is made directly to the postsecondary institution whereas payments for books and supplies and
housing are sent directly to the student.


Grants-in-aid, trainee stipends, tuition and required fee waivers, prizes or other monetary awards given to undergraduate

State and local grants

Grant monies provided by the state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIG's); merit
scholarships provided by the state; and tuition and fee waivers for which the institution was reimbursed by a state agency.
Local government grants include scholarships or gift-aid awarded directly to the student. (Used for reporting Finance data for
private for-profit institutions )

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the
Title IV federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early
Intervention Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer of Entitlement Option

A program through which any unused Post 9/11 GI Bill may be transferred to a spouse or dependent(s) as long as
servicemembers or veterans meet the additional Department of Veterans Affairs criteria. Only Department of Defense (DoD) can
approve transfer of benefits requests.

Yellow Ribbon Program

A voluntary program through which participating public and private institutions can provide veterans and eligible beneficiaries
additional institutional aid to cover the costs of tuition and fees at their institutions. The Yellow Ribbon Program is a
supplementary program to the Post 9/11 GI Bill coverage of in-state tuition and fees. The Department of Veterans Affairs
matches the institutional aid provided beyond the in-state tuition and fees, but up to a certain limit each year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid
Click one of the following questions to view the answer.

Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?


What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?


What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?


Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?


Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell
Grant while taking college coursework?

Student Counts

For which students should I report financial aid information?


What students are included in Group 1?


What students are included in Group 2?


What students are included in Group 2a?


What students are included in Group 2b?


What students are included in Group 3?


What students are included in Group 4?

Financial Aid

Should veterans education benefits be reported?


How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?


The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is
greater than $4500 per student?


What types of financial aid should be reported?


What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?


do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?


Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?


Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?


Should PLUS loans be reported?


What does "aid awarded" mean?


If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?


Where can I get living arrangement information for students?


How do I get information about students' income categories?


The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?


Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
All postsecondary institutions that either 1.) participate in federal student financial aid programs that enrolled undergraduate students or 2.) enroll
students who received an educational benefit (e.g., Department of Defense Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs Post-9/11GI Bill) any
time during academic year 2020-21 must complete SFA.


What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 data collection, institutions should report data for academic year 2020-21. 

For Title IV participating institutions that enroll undergraduate students:
For academic reporters, the academic year is defined as the period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to 2
semesters or trimesters, 3 quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.



IPEDS Data Collection System
To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time,
first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2020). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these
students any time during the 2020-21 academic year.
For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as the institutionally defined academic year falls within the full aid
year period of July 1-June 30.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time,
first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled any time during the academic year). Second, determine the financial aid that was
awarded to these students any time during the academic year.
For institutions that enroll undergraduate and graduate students who received military or veteran benefits:
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to
September 30.


What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 collection year, there were no changes.


Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Yes, the 3 most recent COA years can be changed in SFA's "Cost Revision" screen, which carried forward the COA data from Institutional Characteristics
(IC) component. Changes should only be made if errors were made in the IC reporting. Changes cannot be made in the prior year revision system.


Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant
while taking college coursework?
If your institution is participating in the Dual Enrollment experimental site or the Second Chance Pell experimental site program, exclude these students
from reporting.

Student Counts

For which students should I report financial aid information?
SFA collects information on undergraduate students only.

Academic reporters should report on students who were enrolled as of October 15, or the institution’s official Fall reporting date.

Program reporters should report on students who were enrolled any time during the academic year. For program reporters, the academic year is defined
by the institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

For the purposes of reporting to SFA, students are divided into the following groups:
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution. For public institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in
the institution’s largest program.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, include only those paying in-state/indistrict tuition rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.


What students are included in Group 1?
Group 1 includes all undergraduate students. You should report the total number of all new and continuing full-time students, part-time students,
degree/certificate-seeking students, and non-degree/certificate-seeking students.


What students are included in Group 2?
Group 2 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates.

For academic reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Also include students enrolled in the fall



IPEDS Data Collection System
term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before
graduation from high school). This number should match the data that you reported on the Fall Enrollment component of IPEDS.

For program reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level anytime during the academic year, as
defined at your institution. Also include students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school). This
number should closely match the data you reported on the 12-month Enrollment component of IPEDS.


What students are included in Group 2a?
In Group 2a, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the
Federal Work Study
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution


What students are included in Group 2b?
In Group 2b, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Group 2b is Group 2a minus those students who were awarded only Federal Work Study or grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the


What students are included in Group 3?
Group 3 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following
Federal government
State/local government
For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students
enrolled in the institution's largest program.

Do not include students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid,
such as loans.


What students are included in Group 4?
Group 4 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded any Title IV aid.

Title IV aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and
Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH)
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan
For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students
enrolled in the institution's largest program.

Financial Aid

Should veterans education benefits be reported?



IPEDS Data Collection System
For the portion of SFA (Parts A through E) that requires Title IV institutions to report on undergraduate students receiving financial aid:
Veterans education benefits should not be reported as financial aid in SFA.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) removed veterans education benefits from “estimated financial assistance,” effective July 1,
2010. A later technical corrections bill (H.R. 1777) updated the list of programs that meet the definition of "veterans' education benefits" in section
480(c) of the Higher Education Act (HEA) and moved the effective date of the exclusion to July 1, 2009 (beginning with the 2009-10 award year).
However, the institutional aid from Yellow Ribbon program should be reported under institutional aid. See how to report the Yellow Ribbon aid in
For more information about the Department's Guidance on Federal Veterans’ Education Benefits for Purposes of the Title IV Student Assistance
Programs, please visit
For the portion of SFA (Section 2) that requires institutions to report on students who received military or veteran benefits:
Educational benefits from the Department of Defense's Military Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs' Post-9/11 GI Bill should be
reported in SFA.


How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The Post-9/11 GI Bill program includes a 'Yellow Ribbon' program, which is comprised of matching funds provided by the government and the institution.
The institutional part of this aid should be reported in the SFA component (Section 1) as aid to the undergraduate student. Yellow Ribbon benefits
provided from the VA should NOT be included when reporting to the portion of SFA (Section 1) on Title IV institutions that enroll full-time, first-time
degree/certificate seeking undergraduate students.
However, both Post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon beneficiaries and federal dollar amounts should be reported to the military/veteran question of SFA
(Section 2). This portion of SFA requires all institutions that enroll students with Post-9/11 GI Bill and/or Tuition Assistance educational benefits to
provide the number of beneficiaries and total dollar amounts.


The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is
greater than $4500 per student?
According to the 2014 final regulations set for the DOD Voluntary Education Programs - which include TAP - each branch of military service can pay no
more than $250/semester-unit (or equivalent) for tuition. Each service member is eligible for up to $4500 in aggregate for each fiscal year. If your
institution’s DOD TAP average is greater than $4500 per student per award year, then you should:
--Ask your financial aid office or VA certifying official to sort out the military aid and remove any non-DOD TAP aid (e.g., ROTC scholarships, tuition
reimbursements for advanced civil schooling, education-related incentive or bonus); 
--Remove any non-Title 10 aid since TAP is a Title 10 program; and
--Make sure that you are including one disbursement period for that award year. Even though DOD TAP aid are reported for the Oct 1 – Sep 30 timeframe,
which technically covers two fall periods; only include one fall disbursement period per award year. 


What types of financial aid should be reported?
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:

Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including
Title IV federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), Academic Competitiveness
Grants (ACGs), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for
College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers
provided from other federal agencies and/or federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were provided by your state such as Leveraging Educational
Assistance Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Also include merit scholarships that were provided by
your state and tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency. Local grants include any local government
grants, scholarships or gift-aid awarded directly to the student.
Institutional grants: Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution (and
are limited to students attending your institution). Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence or
major) for which the institution designates the recipient; athletic scholarships; and the like. This is not intended to include Federal Work Study.
Private grants or scholarships: These may include scholarships or grants to students that are paid by an outside organization but are directed
through the institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all Title IV
federal student loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans.
Also include all institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Please do not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.

Note that different parts of the SFA component ask for different types of financial aid to be reported. Please review the instructions and the survey
screens carefully to ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.



IPEDS Data Collection System
What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
Institutions should report aid that was awarded any time during the academic year.

For academic reporters, the academic year is the period of time generally extending from September to June, usually equated to two semesters or
trimesters, three quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

Note that for the purposes of calculating net price, the cost of attendance (COA) for an academic year reported in the Institutional Characteristics (IC)
component should align with the aid amounts reported in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component.


do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
financial aid awarded for the 2020-21 academic year. If a student receives an
award for a cross-over payment period, report the award in the
academic year
assigned by the financial aid office, which should be the same as the financial
aid allocation or authorization year. This also applies if a
student receives
two Federal Pell Grant awards in the same academic year (i.e., Year-Round


Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
Yes, tuition and fee waivers should be reported.
Tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency should be reported under state/local government grants.

Tuition and fee waivers granted by your institution (for which your institution is not reimbursed from another source) should be reported as institutional


Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
In general, institutions should report financial aid from tribal offices awarded to full-time, first-time students in the state/local government field (Line
03) in Part C.


Should PLUS loans be reported?
No. PLUS loans are made to the parents of students. Any type of loan that is not made to the student should not be reported.


What does "aid awarded" mean?
Institutions should report on grant or scholarship aid that has been awarded to students. This may be different from aid that was actually disbursed to
students. For example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the institution before the
entire amount is disbursed. In this case, you would report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded, even though the entire
amount was not actually disbursed to the student.
For reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.


If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?
Yes, students should be included in each category of aid that they are awarded. If a student is awarded both federal and institutional aid, he/she should
be counted under both types of aid.

However, in Part C, count students only once in the major aid category. For example, if a student is awarded both a Pell Grant (Line 02a) and another type
of federal grant (Line 02b), then count that student once for the major category of Federal grants (Line 02).


Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or an institutional financial aid application. If
a student did not complete the FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application with living arrangement information, that student may appear as having
an unknown living arrangement.

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement.



IPEDS Data Collection System
How do I get information about students' income categories?
To assign the income category of the student, use the income that was used by your financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family
Contribution (EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For
independent students this will include the student’s adjusted gross income.

If your institution takes part in campus-based aid programs like the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, and
Perkins Loans, then it might be easiest to tell your financial aid office that students should be put in income categories as they are done on FISAP(Fiscal
Operations Report and Application to Participate). Institutions with campus-based aid programs must report annually to the Department of Education
using the FISAP. Part of the FISAP includes income-related information. Even if your institution does not file FISAP, the instructions from it may be helpful
(fields 26-39):
Use the FISAP Total Income (FTI), one of the intermediate computed values on the Student Aid Record (SAR) or ISIR (Institutional Student
Information Record), to determine the proper cell for each student. For dependent students, FTI is the sum of Total Income (TI) and Student’s Total
Income (STI). For independent students, the FTI will equal the TI. Remember, extract this information only from the SARs/ISIRs of students who
actually enrolled in your school.
You might need to correct or adjust a student’s income information and recalculate the EFC. If so, you must use that corrected or adjusted
information when determining the proper income cell for a student. In such a case, to determine the income cell for a dependent student, you
must use the student’s and parents’ base year incomes, as reported on the SAR/ISIR.


The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?
If the foundation’s mission is to benefit the institution, then:  (1) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the institution designates the
recipient should be reported as institutional grants; and (2) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the foundation designates the recipient
should be reported as private grants. All grants funded by foundations with missions other than to benefit the institution should be reported as private



IPEDS Data Collection System

Data Collection System

(877) 225-2568 | [email protected]
OMB NO. 1850-0582 v.27 : Approval Expires 8/31/2022

2021-22 Survey Materials      Package
Student Financial Aid for private institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters)
IPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview - Private Academic Reporters
Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component. The purpose of the SFA component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups
of undergraduate students and military/veteran educational benefits for all students at your institution.
Data Reporting Reminders:
Report data to accurately reflect the time period corresponding with the IPEDS survey component, even if such reporting is seemingly inconsistent with prioryear reporting. For example, if a summer term began later than usual due to Coronavirus Pandemic postponements, continue to report using the timeframes
as defined in the IPEDS instructions. NCES expects that some data reported during the 2021-22 data collection year will vary from established prior trends
due to the impacts of Coronavirus Pandemic. If an error edit is triggered even when submitting accurate data, please indicate in the corresponding context
box or verbally to the Help Desk that the seemingly inconsistent data are accurate and reflect the effects of Coronavirus Pandemic.
Undergraduate Student Groups

You will be asked to report information for different groups of students.
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students (FTFT)
Group 3: Of Group 2, FTFT students who were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
Group 4: Of Group 2, FTFT students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

COA Revisions

Revisions to Cost of Attendance (COA) used to calculate the net price of attendance can be made in this component.

Consult the instructions and screens to make sure you are reporting the correct aid amounts for the correct groups of students.
College Affordability and Transparency Center's lists

Net price amounts calculated in SFA will be used to populate the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency lists.
Interactive Edits and Error Messages

SFA contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will require you
to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877) 225-2568 for
Context Boxes

You will find optional text boxes throughout SFA. Context boxes allow you to provide more information about the data you enter. Some of these context boxes
may be made available to the public on College Navigator, so make sure that the entered information can be understood easily by students, parents, and the
general public.
Changes to reporting for 2021-22:
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.



IPEDS Data Collection System

To download the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
To access your prior year data submission for this component: Reported Data
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part A
Part A - Establish Your Groups
Reporting Reminders:
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the numbers on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student
Financial Aid component.
In the fields below, report the number of students in each of the following groups.

Fall 2020



Fall 2019


Group 1

All undergraduate students



Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources known
to the institution




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Group 3

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution



Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part B
Part B - Enter Information About Group 1
Reporting Reminders:
Group 1 students are ALL undergraduate students (including first-time students) enrolled in Fall 2020.
For this part, report:

For These Students


The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
other sources known to the
Loans to students from:
the federal government

All undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020

Any time during academic year

In the fields below, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.





Information from Part A


Fall 2020

Group 1: All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 01.)


Aid Type



Number of Group
1 students who
were awarded

Percentage of
Group 1 students
who were
awarded aid

Total amount of
aid awarded to
Group 1

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 1 students

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, the institution, and other sources known to the
institution (Do NOT include federal student loans)
02 Pell Grants
Federal student loans

You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part C, Page 2
Part C - Enter Information about Group 2
Reporting Reminders:
Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020.
For this part, report:

For These Students

Full-time, first-time
undergraduate students enrolled in
Fall 2020


The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
Loans to students from:
the federal government
other sources, including private or other loans
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources
PLUS loans or loans made to anyone other than the

Any time during academic year 202021
For program reporters, this is the aid
year period from July 1, 2020 through
June 30, 2021.

In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid. Enter unduplicated
student counts within a category (e.g., Pell Grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.
Information from Part A

Fall 2020

Group 2: Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)
Group 2a (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Federal Work Study
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution


Group 2b (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution


Group 3 (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Aid Type
Number of Group
2 students who
were awarded aid



Fall 2020

Fall 2019

Percentage of
Group 2 students
who were awarded

Total amount of
aid awarded to
Group 2

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 2 students

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 2 students

Grants or scholarships from the federal
government, state/local government, or
the institution




Federal grants





Pell Grants



Other federal grants




State/local government grants
or scholarships

(includes fellowships/tuition



Institutional grants or

(includes fellowships/tuition



IPEDS Data Collection System
Loans to students



Federal loans



Other loans (including
private loans)


You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Comparison Chart
Comparison Chart
Reporting Reminders:
Based on the information reported on the previous screens for Group 1 (all undergraduates) and Group 2 (full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduates), this comparison chart seeks to help institutions check their reported data. Assuming that the information on Groups 1 and 2 is correct, then
the calculated fields for ‘All Other Undergraduates’ should be the balance (Group 1 minus Group 2). If the balance does not check with your institution’s
calculations, please correct your reported numbers for Groups 1 and 2 before moving forward with the completion of the SFA survey component.
Data for the 'All Other Undergraduates' will appear in the IPEDS Data Center for data users, but not in College Navigator.


Number of students

     Pell grants     

Federal Student Loans

Group 1 (all undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded




Group 2 (Full-time, first-time undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded









All other undergraduates (Line 01 - Line 06)



Number of students who were awarded aid

(Line 02 - Line 07)




Percentage who were awarded aid

(Line 12 / Line 11)




Total amount of aid awarded

(Line 04 - Line 09)




Average amount of aid awarded

(Line 14 / Line 12)



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance for full-time, first-time undergraduate students
Reporting Reminders:
Please enter the amounts requested below. These data will be made available to the public on College Navigator. If your institution participates in any Title IV
programs (Pell, Stafford, etc.), you must complete all information.
Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance report used by the financial aid
office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get these numbers to ensure that you are reporting correctly.
These numbers are carried forward from Institutional Characteristics and should only be changed if an error was made in the reporting.
Charges for full academic year




Published tuition and required fees:







Required fees



Tuition + fees total








Required fees



Tuition + fees total








Required fees



Tuition + fees total











Books and supplies


Room and board


Other expenses


Room and board and other expenses

Off-campus (not with family):

Room and board


Other expenses


Room and board and other expenses
Off-campus (with family):


Other expenses



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part D
Part D - Enter Information about Group 3
Reporting Reminders:
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 who were awarded grant or scholarship
aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. The information you report in this part will be used in Part F
to calculate average institutional net price.
For this part, report:


For These Students
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 who
were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the
following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
Do not include students who were awarded only grant
or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or
students who were awarded only non-grant aid

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution

Any time during academic year 2020-21

Do not include grant or scholarship aid
from private or other sources

In the fields below, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.



Information from Part A:





Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were
awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)


Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements:






Off-campus (with family)



Off-campus (not with family)



Unknown (calculated) 

This value is calculated using the following
formula: [A03-(D01a+D01b+D01c)]


Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 3
students from the following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students (calculated value).

This value is calculated using the following formula: [D02/A03]












The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part E
Part E – Enter Information about Group 4
Reporting Reminders:
Group 4 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020 who were awarded any Title IV federal
student aid, including federal grants or federal student loans. The information you report in this part will be used in Part G to calculate average institutional net
price by income level.
For this part, report:

For These Students

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2020
who were awarded any Title IV federal student


Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from private or
other sources
loan amounts
Federal Work Study amounts

Any time during academic year 2020-21

In the fields below, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level.
Information from Part A:



Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were
awarded any Title IV federal student aid

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 04)



Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living






Off-campus (with family)



Off-campus (not with family)



Unknown (calculated)

This value is calculated using the formula: [A04(E01a+E01b+E01c)]













Number of students who
were awarded any Title
IV aid (Group 4)



Of those in Column 1, the
number who were awarded any
grant or scholarship aid from
the following sources: the
federal government, state/local
government, or the institution

Of those in Column 1, the
total amount of grant or
scholarship aid awarded from
the following sources: the
federal government,
state/local government, or
the institution

amount of federal,
state/local, and
institutional grant
or scholarship aid
awarded to Group
4 students

Col. 3

Col. 4


Income level















$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

Col. 1

Col. 2




IPEDS Data Collection System


Income level















$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

Col. 1

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4


Col. 1


Income level













$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid, Private Academic Reporters
Table of Contents
The Student Financial Aid (SFA) component has expanded from gathering data on only undergraduate survey component to all students (undergraduates and
graduate students) because of the new question on military servicemembers and veterans' educational benefits. The survey instructions that follow are divided
into two sections. Section 1 discusses the portion of the SFA component that asks questions about your undergraduate students only. Section 2 explains the
portion of the SFA component that ask questions about your military and veteran students. As you complete both sections of SFA, please refer to the "Where to
Get Help" and "Where the Data Will Appear" sections.

Where to Get Help
Where the Data Will Appear
Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students
Purpose of Component
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period
Student Cohort
What to Include
What NOT to Include

Detailed Instructions

A - Establish Your Groups
B - Financial Aid About Group 1
C - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period

Detailed Instructions

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: (877) 225-2568

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Tutorials
You can consult the IPEDS Website's Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced overview of IPEDS tools,
and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website's Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information centers (e.g.,
academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution and aggregate levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Use the Data portal
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website
At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS Data Explorer
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduate students
in order to meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended. Item areas include:
Financial aid about all undergraduate students
Financial aid about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal
student aid by income. For public institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this
includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public institutions, this includes only
students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid by income. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Who Must Report
Institutions that had undergraduate students enrolled during the prior academic year must report.

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
The institution’s financial aid system should be the beginning basis for reporting to this IPEDS component.
Data providers for this component should be familiar with college and university practices associated with student financial aid. In general, there are two types
of financial aid data that will be requested in this component. These types are:
Numbers of students that meet certain conditions
Total aid dollars awarded to these students
To complete this component, data providers will need the following:
1. Financial aid information about the following student groups:
Group 1. All undergraduate students
Group 2. Of the students in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3. Of the students in Group 2, those who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
Group 4. Of the students in Group 2, those who were awarded Title IV federal student aid

sfa overview
2. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid during
the reporting period



IPEDS Data Collection System

3. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded Title IV federal student aid
during the reporting period
4. Income levels for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded Title IV federal student aid during the reporting

About the Data
Five different types of data appear in this component. There are data:
That institutions provide from their own financial aid records
That are prior year data, shown in red, which can be used as a comparison with the current year's data being reported
That are carried forward from the IPEDS Fall Enrollment (EF) component and the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics (IC) component that your institution
completed in the most recent collections of those components.
That are carried forward from one part of the Student Financial Aid component to another part to ensure that the data are internally consistent
That are calculated from the other data elements
In the latter two cases, the data provider should check that the data that are carried forward and calculated are consistent with the data in the institution's
underlying financial aid records. If the data carried forward or calculated are not consistent with the institution's records, then an error in data entry may have

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written to be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for this component should be for the prior academic year.

Student Cohort
For academic reporters, the student cohort covered by this component includes undergraduate students enrolled in the prior academic year as of October 15 or
as of the institution’s official fall reporting date. For hybrid reporters, the student cohort covered includes undergraduate students enrolled in the prior
academic year between August 1 and October 31. 

What to Include
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:
Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title
IV federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs. 

Do not include veterans education benefits, as defined in section 480(c) of the HEA, as they are no longer treated as Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA)
for the Office of Federal Student Aid's purposes. For more information, visit
Federal loans to students: Monies from the federal government that must be repaid for which the student is the designated borrower. This type of aid
includes all Title IV federal student loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL
Stafford Loans. Do not include PLUS loans and other federal loans not made directly to the student.

State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were awarded by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Include merit-based grants or scholarships that were provided by your
state or local government. Also include tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state or local government agency.
Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/waivers): Grants, scholarships, and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or
individual departments within the institution and are limited to students attending your institution. Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals
(e.g., based on state of residence, major, or participation in athletic activities) for which the institution designates the recipient. Also include institutional
tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was not reimbursed by a state or local government agency. This is not intended to include Federal Work
Private grants or scholarships: Grants or scholarships to students that are awarded and paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Private loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all
institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Do not include loans that are not made directly to the student.
NOTE: In this component, "aid awarded" refers to grant or scholarship aid that was awarded to students or to loans awarded to and accepted by students. For
reporting grant or scholarship aid, institutions should report on aid that was awarded to students. This amount may be different from the amount that was
actually disbursed to students. For example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the
institution before the entire amount is disbursed. In this case, institutions should report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded. For
reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.
Note also that different types of financial aid should be reported for different groups of students. Please review the instructions and the screens carefully to
ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.
Institutions need to report aid in this component such that the net price calculations shown on College Navigator and used for the College Affordability and
Transparency lists are a reflection of what students actually pay.
In cases where a student is awarded aid for multiple academic years within one aid year period, institutions should report only aid awarded for the student’s
first academic year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

For total aid amounts, report to the nearest whole dollar and omit cents. For student counts, an unduplicated count should be given within a given aid category
(e.g., Pell grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.

What NOT to Include
Do not report student counts or aid amounts for the following:
Students who were only graduate students at the institution during the reporting period
Students who were enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a certificate/degree
Students who were enrolled exclusively in Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Students who were exclusively auditing classes
Students in Experimental Pell programs
Do not report:
Federal Work Study amounts into any total aid amounts
ROTC aid, which are excluded from EFA calculations, in any total aid amounts
Loans that are made to someone other than the student
Military/veterans aid in Section 1 because such aid is ONLY reported in Section 2
Experimental Pell grant amounts

Detailed Instructions
This section provides line-by-line instructions for each part of the Student Financial Aid component.

Part A - Establish Your Groups
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the data you report on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student Financial Aid component.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act are to be counted as federal aid, but not Title IV aid. As such, students who only receive emergency grants funded
through the CARES Act should not be included in Group 4.

In the fields provided, report the number of students in each of the following groups:



Group 1
All undergraduate students

Report the number of all undergraduate students who were enrolled for the prior year as of October 15 or your
institution’s official fall reporting date. Include all new and continuing undergraduate students (full-time students,
part-time students, degree/certificate-seeking students, non-degree/certificate-seeking students, and all others).
This number will be preloaded from your institution's IPEDS Fall Enrollment component, but it may be modified if
necessary. If you have questions about the value that has been preloaded in this field, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.

Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

Report the number of students who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates. This number
will be preloaded from your institution's IPEDS Fall Enrollment component, but it may be modified if necessary. If you
have questions about the value that has been preloaded in this field, please contact your institution’s IPEDS

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study; loans to students; or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources
known to the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study;
Government and/or private loans to students;
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution; or
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution, such as aid from private
sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Note that the students reported in Line 02a are not defined as a particular group because no additional
financial aid information will be collected about these students.

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Government and/or private loans to students; or
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Note that the students reported in Line 02b are not defined as a particular group because no additional
financial aid information will be collected about these students.




IPEDS Data Collection System
Group 3
Of those in Group 2, those were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. Report students
who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution. Do not include students who were awarded aid only from other sources.

Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. Report students
who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., report students who were awarded federal grant aid or who
were awarded federal work study or federal student loans).

Title IV federal student aid includes:

Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic
Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National
SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford

Part B - Financial Aid About Group 1
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 1 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. Group
1 students are all undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 1 in Part B under “Grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution”.

For this part, report:
For These Students
· All undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution
· Grant or scholarship aid from
other sources known to the
· Loans to students from the
federal government

Awarded in This Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 1
All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Prior Fall
Carried forward from Part A

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the
institution, and other sources known to the institution
Column 1. Report the number of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to
the institution.
Column 2. The percentage of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution awarded to Group
1 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 1 students is
calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System
Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants is calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students is calculated for you.


Federal student loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded federal loans to students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded federal student loans is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of federal student loans awarded to Group 1 students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 4. The average amount of federal student loans awarded to students in Group 1 is
calculated for you.



Part C - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 2 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. For
academic reporters, Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall. For program
reporters, Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 2 in Part C under “Other federal grants”.
For this part, report:
For These Students

· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall
(academic reporters) or
any time during the prior
academic year (program

The Following Type(s) of Aid

· Grant or scholarship aid from

Awarded in This Period

· Any time during the prior

the federal government

academic year.

· Grant or scholarship aid from

· For program reporters, this is

state/local government

· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution

aid year period from July 1
through June 30.

· Loans to students from the
federal government and
from other sources,
including private loans
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources
· Do not include PLUS loans or
loans made to anyone other
than the student

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 2a
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded
any Federal Work Study, loans to students, or
grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the
institution, or other sources known to the

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line
Group 2b
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded
any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Prior Academic Year

Carried forward from Part A

Carried forward from Part A



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 03
Of those in Group 2, those (in the largest
program for program reporters) who were
awarded grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or
the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Carried forward from Part A

Note: Two aid categories in this section are further disaggregated into subcategories. Because students may be awarded more than one type of aid, the sum of
the values you enter in the subcategories will not necessarily equal the value you enter in the aid category. However, the total number of students reported for
the aid category cannot exceed the sum of subcategories. (For example, the number of students who were awarded federal grants cannot exceed the sum of
the number of students who were awarded Pell grants and the number who were awarded other federal grants). In addition, the total number of students
reported for an aid category must be at least as large as the largest of those reported in a subcategory.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid they were awarded for each type of aid.



Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government,
and the institution
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants
or scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. If a
student appears in more than one type of aid category in Lines 02 through 04, that student
should only be counted once for Line 01. Do not include students who were
awarded only grants or scholarships from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants or
scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution will be
calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 01 will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [(Line 02, Column 3) + (Line 03, Column 3) + (Line
04, Column 3)].


Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for

Federal grants

This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: Pell grants and
other federal grants.

Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants
from the federal government. This includes Pell grants and other federal grants. If a student
appears in more than one type of aid category in Lines 02a or 02b, that student should only
be counted once for Line 02. Note that this number should be at least as large as the
largest number reported in Line 02a, Column 1 or Line 02b, Column 1. In addition,
this number cannot exceed the sum of [(Line 02a, Column 1) + (Line 02b, Column
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants
from the federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 02 will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [(Line 02a, Column 3) + (Line 02b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of grants from the federal government awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.

Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant will
be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all Pell grants awarded to Group 2
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Other federal grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded other federal
grants. Other federal grants include Title IV grant aid other than a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded other federal
grants will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all other federal grants awarded to
Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of other federal grants awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


State/local government grants or scholarships (grants/scholarships/waivers)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship
aid from a state/local government. This includes grants, scholarships, or waivers funded by
a state or local government. Do not include any other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships
from a state/local government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from a state/local
government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from a state/local government
awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.


Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/fellowships)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship
aid from the institution. This includes grants, scholarships, or fellowships funded by the
institution. Do not include any other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships
from the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from the institution
awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


Loans to students
This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: federal loans and
other loans.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to
students. This includes loans from the federal government and from other sources
(including private lenders). If a student appears in more than one type of loan category in
Lines 05a or 05b, that student should only be counted once for Line 05. Note that this
number should be at least as large as the largest number reported in Line 05a,
Column 1 or Line 05b, Column 1. In addition, this number cannot exceed the sum
of [(Line 05a, Column 1) + (Line 05b, Column 1)].
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to
students will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 05 will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [(Line 05a, Column 3) + (Line 05b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.

Federal loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from the federal government. Do not include loans to others (e.g.,
PLUS loans to parents) and do not include any other type of grant or loan aid.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from the federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from the federal
government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from the federal government
awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Other loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from sources other than the federal government. This includes
private loans to students. Do not include loans to others (e.g., loans to parents).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from sources other than the federal government will be calculated
for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from sources other
than the federal government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from sources other than the
federal government awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Cost of Attendance Revision
If you made errors in the prior year reporting of cost of attendance in the IC component, you can make changes in the SFA component. However, there are no
prior year revisions for the SFA component. Please refer to the instructions on reporting cost of attendance in the IC component.
Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance report used by the financial aid
office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get these numbers to ensure that you are reporting correctly.

Part D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students in Part F.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded grant or scholarship
aid from the following sources: federal government, state/local government, or the institution. Students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from
private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid should not be included in this group.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 3 in Part D under “Report the total amount of grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students,” as inclusion of these
grants would skew net price calculations.
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who
were awarded grant or
scholarship aid from the
following sources: the
federal government,
state/local government, or
the institution
· Do not include students who
were awarded only grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources, or
students who were awarded
only non-grant aid.

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship from the
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources.

Awarded in this Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year.

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students who were awarded grant
or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line








forward from
Part A

Note: In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 3 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component
are the same categories used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his
FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled, she or he decided to live on
campus. Although the student may not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in



IPEDS Data Collection System

its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In
this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If
a student in this group did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution
knows the living arrangement for the student, then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.



Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements.
On-campus. Report the number of Group 3 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived off-campus
with their parents or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived offcampus not with their parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A03 – (D01a +
D01b + D01c)], where A03 is the number of Group 3 students that you entered in Part A, Line
03. Note that this number should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a
given year because institutions should have this information available for all students that
completed the FAFSA as well as other information they have in their financial aid data
Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students
Report the total dollar amount of grants and scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students. Exclude grant or scholarship aid from
private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship) and exclude all loan aid.
Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or
the institution awarded to Group 3 students
The average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution awarded to Group 3 students will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the
following formula: [D02/A03]. This amount will be used in Part F to calculate net price.

Part E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students in Part G.
Group 4 students are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid
(i.e., students who were awarded federal grant aid or who were awarded federal work study or federal student loans)
Title IV federal student aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and
Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan
Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 4 in Part E under “grant or scholarship aid from the
following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution,” as inclusion of these grants would skew net price
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who
were awarded any Title IV
federal student aid

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources.
· Do not include loan amounts.
· Do not include Federal Work
Study amounts.

Awarded in this Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students who were awarded any
Title IV federal student aid
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line







forward from
Part A

Notes: In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 4 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component
are the same categories used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his
FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled she or he decided to live on
campus. Although the student may not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in
its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In
this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If
a student in this group did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution
knows the living arrangement for the student, then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In this part, you will also be asked to report the number of students in Group 4 and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid they were awarded by income
level. To determine the income level of the student, use the income that was used by the institution’s financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected
Family Contribution (EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For
independent students this will include the student’s adjusted gross income.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement.

Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living arrangements.
On-campus. Report the number of Group 4 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived off-campus
with their parents or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived offcampus not with their parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A04 – (E01a +
E01b + E01c)], where A04 is the number of Group 4 students that you entered in Part A, Line
04. Note that this number should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a
given year because institutions should have this information available for all students that
completed the FAFSA as well as other information they have in their financial aid data

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students who were awarded any Title IV aid (column 1); the number of Group 4 students who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution (column 2); and the total amount of grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level (column 3).









Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

$110,001 and


Total all
income levels

Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level
who were awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded
to Group 4 students in this income level from the following sources:
federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students in this income level from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated
for you.
Column 1. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any
Title IV aid will be calculated for you.
Column 2. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any
grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to
Group 4 students from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution will be calculated for you.

Part F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following
sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public institutions, Group 3 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator. In addition, the average net price calculated for this group
will be used in the U.S. Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance and the average grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 3 students. The total
cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living arrangement for room and board and
other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component of IPEDS. If
you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.








Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions)

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions) are carried forward
from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried forward from data that your
institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of

Number of Group 3 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part D, Lines 01a through 01d.

Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses (Lines 03a through 03c)
weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in the unknown category). This value is calculated
using the following formula:
Line 05 = [(Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))] + [Line 03b*(Line 04b/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line
04c))] + [Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]

Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.

Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
awarded to Group 3 students

This value is carried forward from Part D, Line 04.



IPEDS Data Collection System
Average institutional net price for Group 3 students 

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution is calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 06
– Line 07. The average net price for Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator and used in the U.S.
Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.

Part G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students.
Group 4 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded Title IV federal student aid. For public
institutions, Group 4 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 4 students will be posted on College Navigator.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance and the average grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students. The total
cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living arrangement for room and board and
other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component of IPEDS. If
you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.









Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions)

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public institutions) are carried forward
from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.

Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried forward from data that your
institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of

Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part E, Lines 01a through 01d.

Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses (Lines 03a through 03c)
weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in the unknown category). This value is calculated
using the following formula: Line 05 = [Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03b*(Line
04b/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]

Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.

Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
awarded to Group 4 students

These values are carried forward from Part E, Line 04, Column 4 for each income level.

Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall who were awarded Title IV federal student aid is calculated for you. These values are
calculated for each income level using the following formula: Line 06 – Line 07. The average net price for Group
4 students by income level will be posted on College Navigator.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about the financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduates in order to
meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Starting in the 2014-15 data collection year, SFA has expanded to collect information on the
federal dollars supporting military servicemember and veteran undergraduate and graduate students.
As presented in the Technical Review Panel Report #36 (March 2012), the increase in beneficiaries and federal dollars has led to an increased demand for
information to help prospective students decide where to use their educational benefits, researchers to study the impact of the programs on college outcomes, and
policymakers to assess the effectiveness of benefits programs and return on investment.

Who Must Report
All registered IPEDS institutions that educate military servicemembers, veterans, or eligible dependents receiving any Tuition Assistance Program or Post-9/11 GI
Bill benefits.

Report only those that RECEIVED the benefit(s).

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
If you are unfamiliar with these educational benefits, a general synopsis of each program is found below. 
1. Post-9/11 GI Bill
Effective August 1, 2009, benefit provides payment of tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and books and supplies stipend.
Tuition and fees are paid directly to the institution on behalf the students; thus, institutions should know which students have Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
and the amount of benefits received at the institution.
Educational benefits can be transferred to a dependent.
Program expanded in 2011 to cover non-degree-granting programs, apprenticeships/on-the-job training programs, flight training programs, and training
The Yellow Ribbon program through the Post-9/11 GI Bill is an institutional aid matching program only for tuition and fees for students attending
participating institutions.
For more information, visit the Department of Veteran Affairs, Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits website
2. Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program (DOD TAP)
For active duty servicemembers, reservists called to active duty, and their spouses.
Educational payments cover only tuition and fees and are made directly to the institution.
GI Bill benefits can be used to supplement costs not covered by this program.
For more information, visit the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program website and see 38 USC § 36 (2020).
Consult and verify the data with your institutional representative who certifies these benefits. This individual or office may not be in the student financial aid

About the Data
The Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs may only highlight two of many educational benefits provided to military servicemembers and veterans.
However, from a national perspective, Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs are more likely to be found across over 7,500 IPEDS institutions.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included
in the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written so they can be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Reporting Period
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30. For example, for the 2021-22 data
collection year, the data reported will be July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September 30.
For example, for the 2021-22 data collection year, the data reported will be October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021.

Detailed Instruction
This section provides line-by-line instructions for the Military Servicemember and Veteran Benefits questions.
For the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the July 1-June 30 reporting period (see
coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting period.
For the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the
October 1-September 30 reporting period (see coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting
If your institution did not have any student beneficiaries for one of the benefit programs, enter a zero (0) in the cell. In other words, do NOT leave the cell blank
for a program that did not have any beneficiaries.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included in
the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

date: 06/29/2021


Cohort year

The year that a cohort of students begins attending college.

Cost of attendance

The amount of tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses that a full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking student can expect to pay to go to college for an academic year. Costs reported by the institutions
are those amounts used by the financial aid office to determine a student's financial need.

Federal grants
assistance funds)

Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV Pell Grants and Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG). Also includes need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training
vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or federally sponsored educational benefits programs. (Used for reporting
on the Student Financial Aid component)

Financial aid

Federal Work Study, grants, loans to students (government and/or private), assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, tuition
waivers, tuition discounts, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than from relatives/friends) provided to
students to meet expenses. This excludes loans to parents.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled
in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced
standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more clock hours a
week each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved
in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as
defined by the institution.

Institutional grants

Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution, (i.e.,
instruction, research, public service) that may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs . Includes
scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence, major field of study, athletic team participation)
for which the institution designates the recipient.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual
institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report
data using a web-based data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional
Characteristics (IC); 12-month Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human
Resources (HR) composed of Employees by Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates
(GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and Academic Libraries (AL).

Loans to students

Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV
subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans
made directly to parents.

Military Tuition Assistance
Program (TAP)

A program that funds up to 100% of an eligible servicemember's college tuition and course-specific fees. Available only to
eligible servicemembers who are currently in active service as long as criteria limits are not exceeded and students are enrolled
off-duty in an U.S. Department of Education accredited post-secondary institution. This military benefit is paid directly to the
postsecondary institution by the individual's Armed service.

Net price

The Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), defines institutional net price as "the average yearly price actually charged to
first-time, full-time undergraduate students receiving student aid at an institution of higher education after deducting such aid."
In IPEDS, average institutional net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or
institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition
and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state for public institutions), books and supplies, and the weighted average for room
and board and other expenses. Cost of attendance data are collected in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component of
IPEDS, and financial aid data are collected in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component of IPEDS.

Off-campus (not with family)

A living arrangement in which a student does not live with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is
not owned or controlled by the educational institution.

Off-campus (with family)

A living arrangement in which a student lives with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is not
owned or controlled by the educational institution.

On-campus housing

Any residence hall or housing facility owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic
area and used by the institution in direct support of or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Post 9/11 GI Bill

A federal education benefit program for veterans, who served on active duty after September 10, 2001. This Department of
Veteran Affairs benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits at an approved institution for the following college costs:
tuition and fees, books and supplies, and housing. The tuition and fees payment, which is the cost for an in-state student
attending a public institution, is made directly to the postsecondary institution whereas payments for books and supplies and
housing are sent directly to the student.


Grants-in-aid, trainee stipends, tuition and required fee waivers, prizes or other monetary awards given to undergraduate

State and local grants

Grant monies provided by the state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIG's); merit
scholarships provided by the state; and tuition and fee waivers for which the institution was reimbursed by a state agency.
Local government grants include scholarships or gift-aid awarded directly to the student. (Used for reporting Finance data for
private for-profit institutions )

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the
Title IV federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early
Intervention Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer of Entitlement Option

A program through which any unused Post 9/11 GI Bill may be transferred to a spouse or dependent(s) as long as
servicemembers or veterans meet the additional Department of Veterans Affairs criteria. Only Department of Defense (DoD) can
approve transfer of benefits requests.

Yellow Ribbon Program

A voluntary program through which participating public and private institutions can provide veterans and eligible beneficiaries
additional institutional aid to cover the costs of tuition and fees at their institutions. The Yellow Ribbon Program is a
supplementary program to the Post 9/11 GI Bill coverage of in-state tuition and fees. The Department of Veterans Affairs
matches the institutional aid provided beyond the in-state tuition and fees, but up to a certain limit each year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid
Click one of the following questions to view the answer.
1) Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
2) What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
3) What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
4) Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?

Student Counts
1) For which students should I report financial aid information?
2) What students are included in Group 1?
3) What students are included in Group 2?
4) What students are included in Group 2a?
5) What students are included in Group 2b?
6) What students are included in Group 3?
7) What students are included in Group 4?

Financial Aid
1) Should veterans education benefits be reported?
2) How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
4) What types of financial aid should be reported?
5) What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
6) When
do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
7) Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
8) Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
9) Should PLUS loans be reported?
10) What does "aid awarded" mean?
11) If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?
12) Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
13) How do I get information about students' income categories?
14) The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?

Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
All postsecondary institutions that either 1.) participate in federal student financial aid programs that enrolled undergraduate students or 2.) enroll students who
received an educational benefit (e.g., Department of Defense Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs Post-9/11GI Bill) any time during academic year
2020-21 must complete SFA.

What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 data collection, institutions should report data for academic year 2020-21.



IPEDS Data Collection System

For Title IV participating institutions that enroll undergraduate students:
For academic reporters, the academic year is defined as the period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to 2 semesters or
trimesters, 3 quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2020). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these students any time during the
2020-21 academic year.
For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as the institutionally defined academic year falls within the full aid year period
of July 1-June 30.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled any time during the academic year). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these
students any time during the academic year.
For institutions that enroll undergraduate and graduate students who received military or veteran benefits:
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September

What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 collection year, there were no changes.

Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Yes, the 3 most recent COA years can be changed in SFA's "Cost Revision" screen, which carried forward the COA data from Institutional Characteristics (IC)
component. Changes should only be made if errors were made in the IC reporting. Changes cannot be made in the prior year revision system.

Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?
If your institution is participating in the Dual Enrollment experimental site or the Second Chance Pell experimental site program, exclude these students from

Student Counts
For which students should I report financial aid information?
SFA collects information on undergraduate students only.

Academic reporters should report on students who were enrolled as of October 15, or the institution’s official Fall reporting date.

Program reporters should report on students who were enrolled any time during the academic year. For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the
institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

For the purposes of reporting to SFA, students are divided into the following groups:
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public
institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition
rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.

What students are included in Group 1?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 1 includes all undergraduate students. You should report the total number of all new and continuing full-time students, part-time students, degree/certificateseeking students, and non-degree/certificate-seeking students.

What students are included in Group 2?
Group 2 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates.

For academic reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Also include students enrolled in the fall term who
attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high
school). This number should match the data that you reported on the Fall Enrollment component of IPEDS.

For program reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level anytime during the academic year, as defined at your
institution. Also include students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school). This number should closely
match the data you reported on the 12-month Enrollment component of IPEDS.

What students are included in Group 2a?
In Group 2a, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution

What students are included in Group 2b?
In Group 2b, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Group 2b is Group 2a minus those students who were awarded only Federal Work Study or grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution.

What students are included in Group 3?
Group 3 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources:
Federal government
State/local government
For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Do not include students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid, such as

What students are included in Group 4?
Group 4 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded any Title IV aid.

Title IV aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics
Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan



IPEDS Data Collection System

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Financial Aid
Should veterans education benefits be reported?
For the portion of SFA (Parts A through E) that requires Title IV institutions to report on undergraduate students receiving financial aid:
Veterans education benefits should not be reported as financial aid in SFA.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) removed veterans education benefits from “estimated financial assistance,” effective July 1, 2010. A
later technical corrections bill (H.R. 1777) updated the list of programs that meet the definition of "veterans' education benefits" in section 480(c) of the
Higher Education Act (HEA) and moved the effective date of the exclusion to July 1, 2009 (beginning with the 2009-10 award year).
However, the institutional aid from Yellow Ribbon program should be reported under institutional aid. See how to report the Yellow Ribbon aid in FAQ.
For more information about the Department's Guidance on Federal Veterans’ Education Benefits for Purposes of the Title IV Student Assistance Programs,
please visit
For the portion of SFA (Section 2) that requires institutions to report on students who received military or veteran benefits:
Educational benefits from the Department of Defense's Military Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs' Post-9/11 GI Bill should be reported in

How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The Post-9/11 GI Bill program includes a 'Yellow Ribbon' program, which is comprised of matching funds provided by the government and the institution. The
institutional part of this aid should be reported in the SFA component (Section 1) as aid to the undergraduate student. Yellow Ribbon benefits provided from
the VA should NOT be included when reporting to the portion of SFA (Section 1) on Title IV institutions that enroll full-time, first-time degree/certificate
seeking undergraduate students.
However, both Post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon beneficiaries and federal dollar amounts should be reported to the military/veteran question of SFA (Section
2). This portion of SFA requires all institutions that enroll students with Post-9/11 GI Bill and/or Tuition Assistance educational benefits to provide the number of
beneficiaries and total dollar amounts.

The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
According to the 2014 final regulations set for the DOD Voluntary Education Programs - which include TAP - each branch of military service can pay no more than
$250/semester-unit (or equivalent) for tuition. Each service member is eligible for up to $4500 in aggregate for each fiscal year. If your institution’s DOD TAP average
is greater than $4500 per student per award year, then you should:
--Ask your financial aid office or VA certifying official to sort out the military aid and remove any non-DOD TAP aid (e.g., ROTC scholarships, tuition reimbursements
for advanced civil schooling, education-related incentive or bonus); 
--Remove any non-Title 10 aid since TAP is a Title 10 program; and
--Make sure that you are including one disbursement period for that award year. Even though DOD TAP aid are reported for the Oct 1 – Sep 30 timeframe, which
technically covers two fall periods; only include one fall disbursement period per award year. 

What types of financial aid should be reported?
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:

Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV
federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACGs),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were provided by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Also include merit scholarships that were provided by your state and tuition
and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency. Local grants include any local government grants, scholarships or gift-aid
awarded directly to the student.
Institutional grants: Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution (and are limited to
students attending your institution). Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence or major) for which the



IPEDS Data Collection System

institution designates the recipient; athletic scholarships; and the like. This is not intended to include Federal Work Study.
Private grants or scholarships: These may include scholarships or grants to students that are paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all Title IV federal student
loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans. Also include all
institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Please do not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.

Note that different parts of the SFA component ask for different types of financial aid to be reported. Please review the instructions and the survey screens carefully
to ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.

What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
Institutions should report aid that was awarded any time during the academic year.

For academic reporters, the academic year is the period of time generally extending from September to June, usually equated to two semesters or trimesters, three
quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

Note that for the purposes of calculating net price, the cost of attendance (COA) for an academic year reported in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component
should align with the aid amounts reported in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component.

do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
financial aid awarded for the 2020-21 academic year. If a student receives an
award for a cross-over payment period, report the award in the academic year
assigned by the financial aid office, which should be the same as the financial
aid allocation or authorization year. This also applies if a student receives
two Federal
Pell Grant awards in the same academic year (i.e., Year-Round

Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
Yes, tuition and fee waivers should be reported.
Tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency should be reported under state/local government grants.

Tuition and fee waivers granted by your institution (for which your institution is not reimbursed from another source) should be reported as institutional grants.

Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
In general, institutions should report financial aid from tribal offices awarded to full-time, first-time students in the state/local government field (Line 03) in Part C.

Should PLUS loans be reported?
No. PLUS loans are made to the parents of students. Any type of loan that is not made to the student should not be reported.

What does "aid awarded" mean?
Institutions should report on grant or scholarship aid that has been awarded to students. This may be different from aid that was actually disbursed to students. For
example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the institution before the entire amount is
disbursed. In this case, you would report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded, even though the entire amount was not actually disbursed
to the student.
For reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.

If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Yes, students should be included in each category of aid that they are awarded. If a student is awarded both federal and institutional aid, he/she should be counted
under both types of aid.

However, in Part C, count students only once in the major aid category. For example, if a student is awarded both a Pell Grant (Line 02a) and another type of federal
grant (Line 02b), then count that student once for the major category of Federal grants (Line 02).

Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or an institutional financial aid application. If a student
did not complete the FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application with living arrangement information, that student may appear as having an unknown living

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement.

How do I get information about students' income categories?
To assign the income category of the student, use the income that was used by your financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family Contribution
(EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For independent students this will
include the student’s adjusted gross income.

If your institution takes part in campus-based aid programs like the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, and Perkins Loans,
then it might be easiest to tell your financial aid office that students should be put in income categories as they are done on FISAP(Fiscal Operations Report and
Application to Participate). Institutions with campus-based aid programs must report annually to the Department of Education using the FISAP. Part of the FISAP
includes income-related information. Even if your institution does not file FISAP, the instructions from it may be helpful (fields 26-39):
Use the FISAP Total Income (FTI), one of the intermediate computed values on the Student Aid Record (SAR) or ISIR (Institutional Student Information
Record), to determine the proper cell for each student. For dependent students, FTI is the sum of Total Income (TI) and Student’s Total Income (STI). For
independent students, the FTI will equal the TI. Remember, extract this information only from the SARs/ISIRs of students who actually enrolled in your school.
You might need to correct or adjust a student’s income information and recalculate the EFC. If so, you must use that corrected or adjusted information when
determining the proper income cell for a student. In such a case, to determine the income cell for a dependent student, you must use the student’s and
parents’ base year incomes, as reported on the SAR/ISIR.

The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?
If the foundation’s mission is to benefit the institution, then:  (1) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the institution designates the recipient should
be reported as institutional grants; and (2) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the foundation designates the recipient should be reported as
private grants. All grants funded by foundations with missions other than to benefit the institution should be reported as private grants.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Data Collection System

(877) 225-2568 | [email protected]
OMB NO. 1850-0582 v.27 : Approval Expires 8/31/2022

2021-22 Survey Materials      Package
Student Financial Aid for institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (public program reporters)
IPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview - Program Reporters
Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component. The purpose of the SFA component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups
of undergraduate students and military/veteran educational benefits for all students at your institution.
Data Reporting Reminders:
Report data to accurately reflect the time period corresponding with the IPEDS survey component, even if such reporting is seemingly inconsistent with prioryear reporting. For example, if a summer term began later than usual due to Coronavirus Pandemic postponements, continue to report using the timeframes
as defined in the IPEDS instructions. NCES expects that some data reported during the 2021-22 data collection year will vary from established prior trends
due to the impacts of Coronavirus Pandemic. If an error edit is triggered even when submitting accurate data, please indicate in the corresponding context
box or verbally to the Help Desk that the seemingly inconsistent data are accurate and reflect the effects of Coronavirus Pandemic.
Undergraduate Student Groups

You will be asked to report information for different groups of students.
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students (FTFT)
Group 3: Of Group 2, students enrolled in the institution’s largest program and were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution. For public institutions, include only those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students enrolled in the institution’s largest program and were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions,
include only those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.

COA Revisions

Revisions to Cost of Attendance (COA) used to calculate the net price of attendance can be made in this component. 

Consult the instructions and screens to make sure you are reporting the correct aid amounts for the correct groups of students.
College Affordability and Transparency Center's lists

Net price amounts calculated in SFA will be used to populate the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency lists.
Interactive Edits and Error Messages

SFA contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will require you
to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877) 225-2568 for
Context Boxes

You will find optional text boxes throughout SFA. Context boxes allow you to provide more information about the data you enter. Some of these context boxes
may be made available to the public on College Navigator, so make sure that the entered information can be understood easily by students, parents, and the
general public.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Changes to reporting for 2021-22:
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

To download the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
To access your prior year data submission for this component: Reported Data
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part A
Part A - Establish Your Groups
Reporting Reminders:
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the numbers on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student
Financial Aid component.
In the fields below, report the number of students in each of the following groups.
July 1, 2020


June 30, 2021





Group 1

All undergraduate students



Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources known
to the institution




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Group 3

Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution’s largest program paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate
who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution



Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution’s largest program paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate
who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part B
Part B – Enter Information about Group 1
Reporting Reminders:
Group 1 students are ALL undergraduate students (including first-time students) enrolled any time during the academic year 2020-21.
For this part, report:


For These Students

All undergraduate students

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
other sources known to the institution
Loans to students from:
the federal government

Any time during academic year
2020-21 (the aid year period from
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021)

In the fields below, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.






Information from Part A


Group 1: All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 01)


Aid Type



Number of Group
1 students who
were awarded

Percentage of
Group 1 students
who were
awarded aid

Total amount of
aid awarded to
Group 1

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 1 students

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, the institution, and other sources known to the
institution (Do NOT include federal student loans)
02 Pell Grants
Federal student loans

You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part C, Page 2
Part C, Page 2 - Enter Information about Group 2
Reporting Reminders:
Part C includes financial aid information about Group 2. Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled any time during academic year 2020-21.
For this part, report:

For These Students

The Following Type(s) of Aid
Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
Loans to students from:
the federal government
other sources, including private or other loans
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from private or other
PLUS loans or loans made to anyone other than
the student

Full-time, first-time degree/certificateseeking undergraduate students enrolled
any time during academic year 2020-21


Awarded in This Period

Any time during academic year
For program reporters, this is the aid
year period from July 1, 2020
through June 30, 2021.

In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid. Enter unduplicated
student counts within a category (e.g., Pell Grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.
Information from Part A


Group 2: Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)
Group 2a: (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Federal Work Study
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
Other sources known to the institution


Group 2b (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution


Group 3 (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)
Of those in Group 2, those who Paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded:
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Aid Type

Number of
Group 2
students who
were awarded





Percentage of
Group 2 students
who were
awarded aid

Total amount
of aid awarded
to Group 2

Average amount
of aid awarded
to Group 2

Average amount
of aid awarded
to Group 2

Grants or scholarships from the federal
government, state/local government, or the




Federal grants





Pell Grants



Other federal grants




State/local government grants or

(includes fellowships/tuition




IPEDS Data Collection System


Institutional grants or scholarships

(includes fellowships/tuition


Loans to students



Federal loans



Other loans (including private


You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Comparison Chart
Comparison Chart
Reporting Reminders:
Based on the information reported on the previous screens for Group 1 (all undergraduates) and Group 2 (full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduates), this comparison chart seeks to help institutions check their reported data. Assuming that the information on Groups 1 and 2 is correct, then
the calculated fields for ‘All Other Undergraduates’ should be the balance (Group 1 minus Group 2). If the balance does not check with your institution’s
calculations, please correct your reported numbers for Groups 1 and 2 before moving forward with the completion of the SFA survey component.
Data for the 'All Other Undergraduates' will appear in the IPEDS Data Center for data users, but not in College Navigator.


Number of students

     Pell grants     

Federal Student Loans

Group 1 (all undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded




Group 2 (Full-time, first-time undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded









All other undergraduates (Line 01 - Line 06)



Number of students who were awarded aid

(Line 02 - Line 07)




Percentage who were awarded aid

(Line 12 / Line 11)




Total amount of aid awarded

(Line 04 - Line 09)




Average amount of aid awarded

(Line 14 / Line 12)



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance
Reporting Reminders:
These numbers are carried forward from Institutional Characteristics and should only be changed if an error was made in the reporting.


Total length of PROGRAM in WEEKS, as completed by a student attending full-time


Total length of ACADEMIC YEAR (as used to calculate your Pell budget) in WEEKS


Published student charges for the entire program




Tuition and required fees for the entire program 

(public program reporters report the lowest of in-district or in-state, if applicable)
Books and supplies for the entire program

The following numbers need to be reported for 4 weeks (1 month).

The correct numbers should be available from your financial aid office. Off-campus numbers should be based on costs for your area, not on national averages.


Room and board for 4 weeks (1 month)


Other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)


Room and board and other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)

Off-campus (not with family):

Room and board for 4 weeks (1 month)


Other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)


Room and board and other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)
Off-campus (with family):


Other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Cost of Attendance (calculated)
Cost of attendance
Reporting Reminders:
These numbers are carried forward from Institutional Characteristics and should only be changed if an error was made in the reporting.
Published student charges for the entire program





Tuition and required fees





Books and supplies





Room and board


Other expenses


Room and board and other expenses

Off-campus (not with family):

Room and board


Other expenses


Room and board and other expenses

Off-campus (with family):

Other expenses



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part D
Part D - Enter Information about Group 3
Reporting Reminders:
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution’s largest program any time during
academic year 2020-21 paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution. The information you report in this part will be used in Part F to calculate average institutional net price.
For this part, report:


For These Students
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your institution’s
largest program paying the in-state or in-district tuition
rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the
following sources: the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
Do not include students who were awarded only grant or
scholarship aid from private or other sources, or
students who were awarded only non-grant aid

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution

Any time during academic year 2020-21
(the aid year period from July 1, 2020
through June 30, 2021)

Do not include grant or scholarship aid
from private or other sources

In the fields below, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.
In this part, you must report information for your institution’s largest program. Your largest program is the program with the most number of undergraduate
students enrolled. You must provide three years’ worth of data for your largest program.
Largest Program Information from the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component

CIP Code







Information from Part A:





Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your
institution’s largest program paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were
awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)


Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements:






Off-campus (with family)



Off-campus (not with family)



Unknown (calculated) 

This value is calculated using the following
formula: [A03-(D01a+D01b+D01c)]


Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students (calculated value).

This value is calculated using the following formula: [D02/A03]












The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System




IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part E
Part E – Enter Information about Group 4
Reporting Reminders:
Group 4 students are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution’s largest program any time during
academic year 2020-21 paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. The information you report in this part
will be used in Part G to calculate average institutional net price by income level.
For this part, report:

For These Students

The Following Type(s) of Aid
Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from
private or other sources
loan amounts
Federal Work Study amounts

Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your institution’s
largest program paying the in-state or in-district tuition
rate who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid


Awarded in This Period

Any time during academic year 2020-21
(the aid year period from July 1, 2020
through June 30, 2021)

In the fields below, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level.
In this part, you must report information for your institution’s largest program. Your largest program is the program with the most number of undergraduate
students enrolled. You must provide three years’ worth of data for your largest program.
Largest Program Information from the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component

CIP Code







Information from Part A:





Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your
institution’s largest program paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were
awarded any Title IV federal student aid

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 04)



Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living arrangements:






Off-campus (with family)



Off-campus (not with family)



Unknown (calculated)

This value is calculated using the formula: [A04(E01a+E01b+E01c)]












Number of students who
were awarded any Title
IV aid (Group 4)



Of those in Column 1, the
number who were awarded any
grant or scholarship aid from
the following sources: the
federal government, state/local
government, or the institution

Of those in Column 1, the
total amount of grant or
scholarship aid awarded from
the following sources: the
federal government,
state/local government, or
the institution

amount of federal,
state/local, and
institutional grant
or scholarship aid
awarded to Group
4 students

Col. 3

Col. 4


Income level



Col. 1

Col. 2




IPEDS Data Collection System












$110,001 and more



Total all income levels


Income level















$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

Col. 1

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4

Col. 2

Col. 3

Col. 4


Col. 1


Income level













$110,001 and more



Total all income levels

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part F
Part F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
The following net price calculation is based on information that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component and the Student
Financial Aid component. For more information about data your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
Largest Program Information from the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component

CIP Code




Components of cost of attendance

Please note: Net price calculations use ACADEMIC YEAR costs, not full program costs










Published tuition and required fees





Books and supplies





Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)





Number of Group 3 students by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)











Weighted average for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknown

See instructions for the formula for this calculation


Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: [F01+F02+F05]


Average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 3 students from the following sources: the
federal government, state/local government, and the institution


Average institutional net price for Group 3 students

This value is calculated using the following formula: [F06-F07]

As required by the Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), these amounts will be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website and used
in the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Lists.

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part G
Part G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4
The following net price calculation is based on information that your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component and the Student
Financial Aid component. For more information about data your institution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
Largest Program Information from the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component

CIP Code




Components of cost of attendance

Please note: Net price calculations use ACADEMIC YEAR costs, not full program costs










Published tuition and required fees





Books and supplies





Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)





Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement









Off-campus (with family)






Off-campus (not with family)











Weighted average for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknown

See instructions for the formula for this calculation


Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: [G01+G02+G05]


Average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students from the following sources: the
federal government, state/local government, and the institution.















$110,001 and more


Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

This value is calculated using the following formula: [G06-G07]















$110,001 and more

As required by the Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), these amounts will be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website.



IPEDS Data Collection System

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid, Public Program Reporters
Table of Contents
The SFA component has expanded from gathering data on only undergraduate survey component to all students (undergraduates and graduate students) because
of the new question on military servicemembers and veterans' educational benefits. The survey instructions that follow are divided into two sections. Section 1
discusses the portion of the SFA component that asks questions about your undergraduate students only. Section 2 explains the portion of the SFA component that
ask questions about your military and veteran students. As you complete both sections of SFA, please refer to the "Where to Get Help" and "Where the Data Will
Appear" sections.

Where to Get Help
Where the Data Will Appear
Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students
Purpose of Component
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period
Student Cohort
What to Include
What NOT to Include

Detailed Instructions

A - Establish Your Groups
B - Financial Aid About Group 1
C - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period

Detailed Instructions

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: (877) 225-2568

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Tutorials
You can consult the IPEDS Website's Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced overview of IPEDS tools,
and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website's Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information centers (e.g.,
academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution and aggregate levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Use the Data portal
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website
At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS Data Explorer
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduate students
in order to meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended. Item areas include:
Financial aid about all undergraduate students
Financial aid about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal
student aid by income. For public institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this
includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public institutions, this includes only
students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid by income. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Who Must Report
Institutions that had undergraduate students enrolled during the prior academic year must report.

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
The institution’s financial aid system should be the beginning basis for reporting to this IPEDS component.
Data providers for this component should be familiar with college and university practices associated with student financial aid. In general, there are two types
of financial aid data that will be requested in this component. These types are:
Numbers of students that meet certain conditions
Total aid dollars awarded to these students
To complete this component, data providers will need the following:
1. Financial aid information about the following student groups:
Group 1. All undergraduate students
Group 2. Of the students in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3. Of the students in Group 2, those enrolled in the institution's largest program who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded
grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Group 4. Of the students in Group 2, those enrolled in the institution's largest program who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded
Title IV federal student aid.

sfa overview



IPEDS Data Collection System

2. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the institution's largest program who
paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or scholarship aid during the reporting period.
3. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the institution's largest program who
paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded Title IV federal student aid during the reporting period.
4. Income levels for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the institution's largest program who paid the in-state or
in-district tuition rate and were awarded Title IV federal student aid during the reporting period.

About the Data
Five different types of data appear in this component. There are data:
That institutions provide from their own financial aid records
That are prior year data, shown in red, which can be used as a comparison with the current year's data being reported
That are carried forward from the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics (IC) component and the IPEDS 12-month Enrollment (E12) component that your
institution completed in the most recent collections of those components.
That are carried forward from one part of the Student Financial Aid component to another part to ensure that the data are internally consistent
That are calculated from the other data elements
In the latter two cases, the data provider should check that the data that are carried forward and calculated are consistent with the data in the institution's
underlying financial aid records. If the data carried forward or calculated are not consistent with the institution's records, then an error in data entry may have

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written to be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for this component should be for the prior academic year. For the purposes of reporting to SFA, the aid year period runs from July 1 through
June 30.
Program reporters will report students' aid data for an institutionally defined academic year. This is the academic year length, in weeks, used by your institution
to calculate your Pell budget. It must begin within the aid year period specified above and will vary from student to student depending on when he or she

Student Cohort
The student cohort covered by this component includes undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year (the aid year period from July
1 through June 30).

What to Include
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:
Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title
IV federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.

Do not include veterans education benefits, as defined in section 480(c) of the HEA, as they are no longer treated as Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA)
for the Office of Federal Student Aid's purposes. For more information, visit
Federal loans to students: Monies from the federal government that must be repaid for which the student is the designated borrower. This type of aid
includes all Title IV federal student loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL
Stafford Loans. Do not include PLUS loans and other federal loans not made directly to the student.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were awarded by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Include merit-based grants or scholarships that were provided by your
state or local government. Also include tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state or local government agency.
Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/waivers): Grants, scholarships, and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or
individual departments within the institution and are limited to students attending your institution. Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals
(e.g., based on state of residence, major, or participation in athletic activities) for which the institution designates the recipient. Also include institutional
tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was not reimbursed by a state or local government agency. This is not intended to include Federal Work
Private grants or scholarships: Grants or scholarships to students that are awarded and paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Private loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all
institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Do not include loans that are not made directly to the student.
NOTE: In this component, "aid awarded" refers to grant or scholarship aid that was awarded to students or to loans awarded to and accepted by students. For
reporting grant or scholarship aid, institutions should report on aid that was awarded to students. This amount may be different from the amount that was
actually disbursed to students. For example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the
institution before the entire amount is disbursed. In this case, institutions should report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded. For
reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.
Note also that different types of financial aid should be reported for different groups of students. Please review the instructions and the screens carefully to
ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Institutions need to report aid in this component such that the net price calculations shown on College Navigator and used for the College Affordability and
Transparency lists are a reflection of what students actually pay.
In cases where a student is awarded aid for multiple institutionally defined academic years within one aid year period, institutions should report only aid
awarded for the student's first institutionally defined academic year.
For total aid amounts, report to the nearest whole dollar and omit cents. For student counts, an unduplicated count should be given within a given aid category
(e.g., Pell grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.

What NOT to Include
Do not report student counts or aid amounts for the following:
Students who were only graduate students at the institution during the reporting period
Students who were enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a certificate/degree
Students who were enrolled exclusively in Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Students who were exclusively auditing classes
Students in Experimental Pell programs
Do not report:
Federal Work Study amounts into any total aid amounts
ROTC aid, which are excluded from EFA calculations, in any total aid amounts
Loans that are made to someone other than the student
Military/veterans aid in Section 1 because such aid is ONLY reported in Section 2
Experimental Pell grant amounts

Detailed Instructions
This section provides line-by-line instructions for each part of the Student Financial Aid component.

Part A - Establish Your Groups
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the data you report on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student Financial Aid

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act are to be counted as federal aid, but not Title IV aid. As such, students who only receive emergency grants funded through the
CARES Act should not be included in Group 4.
In the fields provided, report the number of students in each of the following groups:




Group 1
All undergraduate students

Report the number of all undergraduate students who were enrolled any time during the
prior academic year. Include all new and continuing undergraduate students (full-time
students, part-time students, degree/certificate-seeking students, non-degree/certificateseeking students, and all others). This number will be preloaded from your institution's
IPEDS 12-month Enrollment component, but it may be modified if necessary. If you have
questions about the value that has been preloaded in this field, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.

Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

Report the number of students who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study;
loans to students; or grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources
known to the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study;
Government and/or private loans to students;
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution; or
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution, such as
aid from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Note that the students reported in Line 02a are not defined as a particular group
because no additional financial aid information will be collected about these



IPEDS Data Collection System


Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or
grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Government and/or private loans to students; or
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Note that the students reported in Line 02b are not defined as a particular group
because no additional financial aid information will be collected about these

Group 3
Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution's largest program who
were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district
tuition rate. Report students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following


sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. Do not include
students who were awarded aid only from other sources.

Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution's largest program who
were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district
tuition rate. Report students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., report

students who were awarded federal grant aid or who were awarded federal work study or
federal student loans).

Title IV federal student aid includes:

Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG),
Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to
Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for
College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized
Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan

Part B - Financial Aid About Group 1
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 1 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. Group
1 students are all undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 1 in Part B under “Grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution”.
For this part, report:

For These Students
· All undergraduate

The Following Type(s) of
· Grant or scholarship aid
from the federal
· Grant or scholarship aid
from state/local
· Grant or scholarship aid
from the institution
· Grant or scholarship aid
from other sources
known to the institution
· Loans to students from the
federal government

Awarded in This Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year (the aid
year period from July 1
through June 30)

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:

Information from Part A:
Group 1
All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part
A, Line 01)

Prior Academic Year
Carried forward from Part A

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.





IPEDS Data Collection System
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the
institution, and other sources known to the institution
Column 1. Report the number of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to
the institution.
Column 2. The percentage of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution awarded to Group
1 students.


Column 4. The average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 1 students is
calculated for you.
Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants is calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students is calculated for you.


Federal student loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded federal loans to students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded federal student loans is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of federal student loans awarded to Group 1 students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 4. The average amount of federal student loans awarded to students in Group 1 is
calculated for you.



Part C, Page 2 - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 2 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. For academic reporters,
Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior Fall. For program reporters, Group 2 students are all full-time, firsttime degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 2 in Part C under “Other federal grants”.
For this part, report:
For These Students
·         Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior Fall
(academic reporters) or any
time during the prior academic
year (program reporters)

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
· Loans to students from the federal
government and from other
sources, including private loans
· Do not include grant or scholarship
aid from private or other
· Do not include PLUS loans or loans
made to anyone other than the

Awarded in This Period
· Any time during the prior academic
· For program reporters, this is the
aid year period from July 1
through June 30.

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 2a
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any
Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, the institution, or other sources known to
the institution

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)

Prior Academic Year

Carried forward from Part A



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 2b
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans
to students or grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or  the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)

Carried forward from Part A

Group 03
Of those in Group 2, those (enrolled in the largest
program for program reporters) who paid the in-state or
in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)

Carried forward from Part A

Note:  Two aid categories in this section are further disaggregated into subcategories. Because students may be awarded more than one type of aid, the sum of the values you enter
in the subcategories will not necessarily equal the value you enter in the aid category. However, the total number of students reported for the aid category cannot exceed the sum of
subcategories. (For example, the number of students who were awarded federal grants cannot exceed the sum of the number of students who were awarded Pell grants and the
number who were awarded other federal grants). In addition, the total number of students reported for an aid category must be at least as large as the largest of those reported in a

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid they were awarded for each type of aid.

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, and the institution
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants or scholarships from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution. If a student appears in more than one type of aid
category in Lines 02 through 04, that student should only be counted once for Line 01. Do not include students who
were awarded only grants or scholarships from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants or scholarships from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 01 will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following
formula: [(Line 02, Column 3) + (Line 03, Column 3) + (Line 04, Column 3)].


Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Federal grants

This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: Pell grants and other federal grants.

Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants from the federal
government. This includes Pell grants and other federal grants. If a student appears in more than one type of aid
category in Lines 02a or 02b, that student should only be counted once for Line 02. Note that this number should be
at least as large as the largest number reported in Line 02a, Column 1 or Line 02b, Column 1. In addition, this
number cannot exceed the sum of [(Line 02a, Column 1) + (Line 02b, Column 1)].
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants from the federal government
will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 02 will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following
formula: [(Line 02a, Column 3) + (Line 02b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of grants from the federal government awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.

Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all Pell grants awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.


Other federal grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded other federal grants. Other federal
grants include Title IV grant aid other than a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of students Group 2 students who were awarded other federal grants will be
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all other federal grants awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of other federal grants awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for



IPEDS Data Collection System
State/local government grants or scholarships (grants/scholarships/waivers)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from a state/local
government. This includes grants, scholarships, or waivers funded by a state or local government. Do not include any
other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships from a state/local
government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from a state/local government awarded to
Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from a state/local government awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/fellowships)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the institution.
This includes grants, scholarships, or fellowships funded by the institution. Do not include any other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships from the institution will be
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from the institution awarded to Group 2
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the institution awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.


Loans to students
This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: federal loans and other loans.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students. This includes
loans from the federal government and from other sources (including private lenders). If a student appears in more
than one type of loan category in Lines 05a or 05b, that student should only be counted once for Line 05. Note that
this number should be at least as large as the largest number reported in Line 05a, Column 1 or Line 05b, Column 1.
In addition, this number cannot exceed the sum of [(Line 05a, Column 1) + (Line 05b, Column 1)].
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students will be calculated
for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 05 will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the following
formula: [(Line 05a, Column 3) + (Line 05b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Federal loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from
the federal government. Do not include loans to others (e.g., PLUS loans to parents) and do not include any
other type of grant or loan aid.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from the
federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from the federal government awarded to
Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from the federal government awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


Other loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from
sources other than the federal government. This includes private loans to students. Do not include loans to
others (e.g., loans to parents).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to students from
sources other than the federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from sources other than the federal
government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from sources other than the federal government
awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Cost of Attendance Revision
If you made errors in the prior year reporting of cost of attendance in the IC component, you can make changes in the SFA component. However, there are no
prior year revisions for the SFA component. Please refer to the instructions on reporting cost of attendance in the IC component.
Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance report used by the financial aid
office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get these numbers to ensure that you are reporting correctly.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Part D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students in Part F.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during
the prior academic year paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: federal
government, state/local government, or the institution. Students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students
who were awarded only non-grant aid should not be included in this group.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 3 in Part D under “Report the total amount of grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students,” as inclusion of these
grants would skew net price calculations.
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in your institution's
largest program paying the
in-state or in-district tuition
rate who were awarded
grant or scholarship aid
from the following sources:
the federal government,
state/local government, or
the institution
· Do not include students who
were awarded only grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources, or
students who were awarded
only non-grant aid.

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship from the
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources.

Awarded in this Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year (the aid year
period from July 1 through
June 30)

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your
institution's largest program paying the in-state
or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant
or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line








forward from
Part A

In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 3 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component are the
same categories used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his
FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled, she or he decided to live on
campus. Although the student may not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in
its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In
this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If
a student in this group did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution
knows the living arrangement for the student, then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.

Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements.
On-campus. Report the number of Group 3 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived off-campus
with their parents or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived offcampus not with their parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A03 – (D01a +
D01b + D01c)], where A03 is the number of Group 3 students that you entered in Part A, Line
03. Note that this number should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a
given year because institutions should have this information available for all students that
completed the FAFSA as well as other information they have in their financial aid data



IPEDS Data Collection System
Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students
Report the total dollar amount of grants and scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students. Exclude grant or scholarship aid from
private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship) and exclude all loan aid.
Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or
the institution awarded to Group 3 students
The average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution awarded to Group 3 students will be calculated for you. This value is calculated using the
following formula: [D02/A03]. This amount will be used in Part F to calculate net price.


Part E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students in Part G.
Group 4 students are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during the prior academic year who were
awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., students who were awarded federal grant aid or who were awarded federal work study or federal student loans). For public institutions,
Group 4 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
Title IV federal student aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain
Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan
Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 4 in Part E under “grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution,” as inclusion of these grants would skew net price calculations.
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students enrolled
in your institution's largest
program who were awarded any
Title IV federal student aid
· For public institutions, include only
those students who paid the instate or in-district tuition rate.

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
· Do not include grant or scholarship
aid from private or other sources.
· Do not include loan amounts.
· Do not include Federal Work Study

Awarded in this Period
· Any time during the prior academic
year (the aid year period from
July 1 through June 30)

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your
institution's largest program who were awarded
any Title IV federal student aid. For public
institutions, include only students paying the instate or in-district tuition rate. 
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line








Carried forward
from Part A

Notes: In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 4 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component are the same categories
used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangements. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his FAFSA or an
institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled she or he decided to live on campus. Although the student may
not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on
campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If a student in this group
did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution knows the living arrangement for the student,
then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In this part, you will also be asked to report the number of students in Group 4 and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid they were awarded by income level. To determine the
income level of the student, use the income that was used by the institution’s financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). For dependent
students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For independent students this will include the student’s adjusted gross income.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement.


Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living arrangements.



IPEDS Data Collection System

On-campus. Report the number of Group 4 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived off-campus with their parents
or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived off-campus not with their
parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A04 – (E01a + E01b + E01c)],
where A04 is the number of Group 4 students that you entered in Part A, Line 04. Note that this number
should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a given year because institutions should
have this information available for all students that completed the FAFSA as well as other information they
have in their financial aid data systems.

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students who were awarded any Title IV aid (column 1); the number of Group 4 students who were awarded any grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution (column 2); and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level (column 3).










$110,001 and


Total all income


Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any Title IV aid
will be calculated for you.
Column 2. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students
from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution will be
calculated for you.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
will be calculated for you.

Part F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during the prior academic year
who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public institutions, Group 3 includes only
those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator. In addition, the average net price calculated for this group
will be used in the U.S. Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance for the institution's largest program and the average grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 3 students. The total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living
arrangement for room and board and other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional
Characteristics component of IPEDS. If you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.



Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public
institutions) are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution
reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried
forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional
Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Number of Group 3 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part D, Lines 01a through 01d.


Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room
and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses
(Lines 03a through 03c) weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in
the unknown category). This value is calculated using the following formula:
Line 05 = [(Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))] + [Line 03b*(Line
04b/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))] + [Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line


Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students

This value is carried forward from Part D, Line 04.


Average institutional net price for Group 3 students 

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during
the prior academic year who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution is calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: Line 06 – Line 07. The average net price for
Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator and used in the U.S. Department
of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.

Part G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 4 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during the prior academic year
who were awarded Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, Group 4 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 4 students will be posted on College Navigator.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance for the institution's largest program and the average grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students. The total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living
arrangement for room and board and other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional
Characteristics component of IPEDS. If you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.



Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public
institutions) are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution
reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried
forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional
Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part E, Lines 01a through 01d.


Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room
and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses
(Lines 03a through 03c) weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in
the unknown category). This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 05 =
[Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03b*(Line 04b/(Line
04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]


Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 4 students

These values are carried forward from Part E, Line 04, Column 4 for each income level.


Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during
the prior academic year who were awarded Title IV federal student aid is calculated for
you. These values are calculated for each income level using the following formula: Line
06 – Line 07. The average net price for Group 4 students by income level will be posted
on College Navigator.

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits

Purpose of Component



IPEDS Data Collection System

The purpose of the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about the financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduates in order to
meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Starting in the 2014-15 data collection year, SFA has expanded to collect information on the
federal dollars supporting military servicemember and veteran undergraduate and graduate students.
As presented in the Technical Review Panel Report #36 (March 2012), the increase in beneficiaries and federal dollars has led to an increased demand for
information to help prospective students decide where to use their educational benefits, researchers to study the impact of the programs on college outcomes, and
policymakers to assess the effectiveness of benefits programs and return on investment.

Who Must Report
All registered IPEDS institutions that educate military servicemembers, veterans, or eligible dependents receiving any Tuition Assistance Program or Post-9/11 GI
Bill benefits.

Report only those that RECEIVED the benefit(s).

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
If you are unfamiliar with these educational benefits, a general synopsis of each program is found below. 
1. Post-9/11 GI Bill
Effective August 1, 2009, benefit provides payment of tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and books and supplies stipend.
Tuition and fees are paid directly to the institution on behalf the students; thus, institutions should know which students have Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
and the amount of benefits received at the institution.
Educational benefits can be transferred to a dependent.
Program expanded in 2011 to cover non-degree-granting programs, apprenticeships/on-the-job training programs, flight training programs, and training
The Yellow Ribbon program through the Post-9/11 GI Bill is an institutional aid matching program only for tuition and fees for students attending
participating institutions.
For more information, visit the Department of Veteran Affairs, Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits website
2. Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program (DOD TAP)
For active duty servicemembers, reservists called to active duty, and their spouses.
Educational payments cover only tuition and fees and are made directly to the institution.
GI Bill benefits can be used to supplement costs not covered by this program.
For more information, visit the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program website and see 38 USC § 36 (2020).
Consult and verify the data with your institutional representative who certifies these benefits. This individual or office may not be in the student financial aid

About the Data
The Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs may only highlight two of many educational benefits provided to military servicemembers and veterans.
However, from a national perspective, Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs are more likely to be found across over 7,500 IPEDS institutions.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included
in the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written so they can be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30. For example, for the 2021-22 data
collection year, the data reported will be July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.



IPEDS Data Collection System

The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September 30.
For example, for the 2021-22 data collection year, the data reported will be October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021.

Detailed Instruction
This section provides line-by-line instructions for the Military Servicemember and Veteran Benefits questions.
For the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the July 1-June 30 reporting period (see
coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting period.
For the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the
October 1-September 30 reporting period (see coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting
If your institution did not have any student beneficiaries for one of the benefit programs, enter a zero (0) in the cell. In other words, do NOT leave the cell blank
for a program that did not have any beneficiaries.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included in
the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

date: 06/29/2021


Cohort year

The year that a cohort of students begins attending college.

Cost of attendance

The amount of tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses that a full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking student can expect to pay to go to college for an academic year. Costs reported by the institutions
are those amounts used by the financial aid office to determine a student's financial need.

Federal grants
assistance funds)

Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV Pell Grants and Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG). Also includes need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training
vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or federally sponsored educational benefits programs. (Used for reporting
on the Student Financial Aid component)

Financial aid

Federal Work Study, grants, loans to students (government and/or private), assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, tuition
waivers, tuition discounts, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than from relatives/friends) provided to
students to meet expenses. This excludes loans to parents.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled
in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced
standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more clock hours a
week each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved
in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as
defined by the institution.

Institutional grants

Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution, (i.e.,
instruction, research, public service) that may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs . Includes
scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence, major field of study, athletic team participation)
for which the institution designates the recipient.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual
institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report
data using a web-based data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional
Characteristics (IC); 12-month Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human
Resources (HR) composed of Employees by Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates
(GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and Academic Libraries (AL).

Loans to students

Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV
subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans
made directly to parents.

Military Tuition Assistance
Program (TAP)

A program that funds up to 100% of an eligible servicemember's college tuition and course-specific fees. Available only to
eligible servicemembers who are currently in active service as long as criteria limits are not exceeded and students are enrolled
off-duty in an U.S. Department of Education accredited post-secondary institution. This military benefit is paid directly to the
postsecondary institution by the individual's Armed service.

Net price

The Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), defines institutional net price as "the average yearly price actually charged to
first-time, full-time undergraduate students receiving student aid at an institution of higher education after deducting such aid."
In IPEDS, average institutional net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or
institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition
and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state for public institutions), books and supplies, and the weighted average for room
and board and other expenses. Cost of attendance data are collected in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component of
IPEDS, and financial aid data are collected in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component of IPEDS.

Off-campus (not with family)

A living arrangement in which a student does not live with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is
not owned or controlled by the educational institution.

Off-campus (with family)

A living arrangement in which a student lives with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is not
owned or controlled by the educational institution.

On-campus housing

Any residence hall or housing facility owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic
area and used by the institution in direct support of or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Post 9/11 GI Bill

A federal education benefit program for veterans, who served on active duty after September 10, 2001. This Department of
Veteran Affairs benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits at an approved institution for the following college costs:
tuition and fees, books and supplies, and housing. The tuition and fees payment, which is the cost for an in-state student
attending a public institution, is made directly to the postsecondary institution whereas payments for books and supplies and
housing are sent directly to the student.


Grants-in-aid, trainee stipends, tuition and required fee waivers, prizes or other monetary awards given to undergraduate

State and local grants

Grant monies provided by the state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIG's); merit
scholarships provided by the state; and tuition and fee waivers for which the institution was reimbursed by a state agency.
Local government grants include scholarships or gift-aid awarded directly to the student. (Used for reporting Finance data for
private for-profit institutions )

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the
Title IV federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early
Intervention Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer of Entitlement Option

A program through which any unused Post 9/11 GI Bill may be transferred to a spouse or dependent(s) as long as
servicemembers or veterans meet the additional Department of Veterans Affairs criteria. Only Department of Defense (DoD) can
approve transfer of benefits requests.

Yellow Ribbon Program

A voluntary program through which participating public and private institutions can provide veterans and eligible beneficiaries
additional institutional aid to cover the costs of tuition and fees at their institutions. The Yellow Ribbon Program is a
supplementary program to the Post 9/11 GI Bill coverage of in-state tuition and fees. The Department of Veterans Affairs
matches the institutional aid provided beyond the in-state tuition and fees, but up to a certain limit each year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid
Click one of the following questions to view the answer.
1) Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
2) What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
3) What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
4) Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?

Student Counts
1) For which students should I report financial aid information?
2) What students are included in Group 1?
3) What students are included in Group 2?
4) What students are included in Group 2a?
5) What students are included in Group 2b?
6) What students are included in Group 3?
7) What students are included in Group 4?

Financial Aid
1) Should veterans education benefits be reported?
2) How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
4) What types of financial aid should be reported?
5) What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
6) When
do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
7) Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
8) Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
9) Should PLUS loans be reported?
10) What does "aid awarded" mean?
11) If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?
12) Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
13) How do I get information about students' income categories?
14) The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?

Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
All postsecondary institutions that either 1.) participate in federal student financial aid programs that enrolled undergraduate students or 2.) enroll students who
received an educational benefit (e.g., Department of Defense Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs Post-9/11GI Bill) any time during academic year
2020-21 must complete SFA.

What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 data collection, institutions should report data for academic year 2020-21.



IPEDS Data Collection System

For Title IV participating institutions that enroll undergraduate students:
For academic reporters, the academic year is defined as the period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to 2 semesters or
trimesters, 3 quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2020). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these students any time during the
2020-21 academic year.
For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as the institutionally defined academic year falls within the full aid year period
of July 1-June 30.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled any time during the academic year). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these
students any time during the academic year.
For institutions that enroll undergraduate and graduate students who received military or veteran benefits:
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September

What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 collection year, there were no changes.

Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Yes, the 3 most recent COA years can be changed in SFA's "Cost Revision" screen, which carried forward the COA data from Institutional Characteristics (IC)
component. Changes should only be made if errors were made in the IC reporting. Changes cannot be made in the prior year revision system.

Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?
If your institution is participating in the Dual Enrollment experimental site or the Second Chance Pell experimental site program, exclude these students from

Student Counts
For which students should I report financial aid information?
SFA collects information on undergraduate students only.

Academic reporters should report on students who were enrolled as of October 15, or the institution’s official Fall reporting date.

Program reporters should report on students who were enrolled any time during the academic year. For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the
institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

For the purposes of reporting to SFA, students are divided into the following groups:
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public
institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition
rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.

What students are included in Group 1?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 1 includes all undergraduate students. You should report the total number of all new and continuing full-time students, part-time students, degree/certificateseeking students, and non-degree/certificate-seeking students.

What students are included in Group 2?
Group 2 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates.

For academic reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Also include students enrolled in the fall term who
attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high
school). This number should match the data that you reported on the Fall Enrollment component of IPEDS.

For program reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level anytime during the academic year, as defined at your
institution. Also include students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school). This number should closely
match the data you reported on the 12-month Enrollment component of IPEDS.

What students are included in Group 2a?
In Group 2a, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution

What students are included in Group 2b?
In Group 2b, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Group 2b is Group 2a minus those students who were awarded only Federal Work Study or grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution.

What students are included in Group 3?
Group 3 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources:
Federal government
State/local government
For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Do not include students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid, such as

What students are included in Group 4?
Group 4 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded any Title IV aid.

Title IV aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics
Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan



IPEDS Data Collection System

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Financial Aid
Should veterans education benefits be reported?
For the portion of SFA (Parts A through E) that requires Title IV institutions to report on undergraduate students receiving financial aid:
Veterans education benefits should not be reported as financial aid in SFA.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) removed veterans education benefits from “estimated financial assistance,” effective July 1, 2010. A
later technical corrections bill (H.R. 1777) updated the list of programs that meet the definition of "veterans' education benefits" in section 480(c) of the
Higher Education Act (HEA) and moved the effective date of the exclusion to July 1, 2009 (beginning with the 2009-10 award year).
However, the institutional aid from Yellow Ribbon program should be reported under institutional aid. See how to report the Yellow Ribbon aid in FAQ.
For more information about the Department's Guidance on Federal Veterans’ Education Benefits for Purposes of the Title IV Student Assistance Programs,
please visit
For the portion of SFA (Section 2) that requires institutions to report on students who received military or veteran benefits:
Educational benefits from the Department of Defense's Military Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs' Post-9/11 GI Bill should be reported in

How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The Post-9/11 GI Bill program includes a 'Yellow Ribbon' program, which is comprised of matching funds provided by the government and the institution. The
institutional part of this aid should be reported in the SFA component (Section 1) as aid to the undergraduate student. Yellow Ribbon benefits provided from
the VA should NOT be included when reporting to the portion of SFA (Section 1) on Title IV institutions that enroll full-time, first-time degree/certificate
seeking undergraduate students.
However, both Post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon beneficiaries and federal dollar amounts should be reported to the military/veteran question of SFA (Section
2). This portion of SFA requires all institutions that enroll students with Post-9/11 GI Bill and/or Tuition Assistance educational benefits to provide the number of
beneficiaries and total dollar amounts.

The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
According to the 2014 final regulations set for the DOD Voluntary Education Programs - which include TAP - each branch of military service can pay no more than
$250/semester-unit (or equivalent) for tuition. Each service member is eligible for up to $4500 in aggregate for each fiscal year. If your institution’s DOD TAP average
is greater than $4500 per student per award year, then you should:
--Ask your financial aid office or VA certifying official to sort out the military aid and remove any non-DOD TAP aid (e.g., ROTC scholarships, tuition reimbursements
for advanced civil schooling, education-related incentive or bonus); 
--Remove any non-Title 10 aid since TAP is a Title 10 program; and
--Make sure that you are including one disbursement period for that award year. Even though DOD TAP aid are reported for the Oct 1 – Sep 30 timeframe, which
technically covers two fall periods; only include one fall disbursement period per award year. 

What types of financial aid should be reported?
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:

Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV
federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACGs),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were provided by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Also include merit scholarships that were provided by your state and tuition
and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency. Local grants include any local government grants, scholarships or gift-aid
awarded directly to the student.
Institutional grants: Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution (and are limited to
students attending your institution). Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence or major) for which the



IPEDS Data Collection System

institution designates the recipient; athletic scholarships; and the like. This is not intended to include Federal Work Study.
Private grants or scholarships: These may include scholarships or grants to students that are paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all Title IV federal student
loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans. Also include all
institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Please do not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.

Note that different parts of the SFA component ask for different types of financial aid to be reported. Please review the instructions and the survey screens carefully
to ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.

What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
Institutions should report aid that was awarded any time during the academic year.

For academic reporters, the academic year is the period of time generally extending from September to June, usually equated to two semesters or trimesters, three
quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

Note that for the purposes of calculating net price, the cost of attendance (COA) for an academic year reported in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component
should align with the aid amounts reported in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component.

do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
financial aid awarded for the 2020-21 academic year. If a student receives an
award for a cross-over payment period, report the award in the academic year
assigned by the financial aid office, which should be the same as the financial
aid allocation or authorization year. This also applies if a student receives
two Federal
Pell Grant awards in the same academic year (i.e., Year-Round

Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
Yes, tuition and fee waivers should be reported.
Tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency should be reported under state/local government grants.

Tuition and fee waivers granted by your institution (for which your institution is not reimbursed from another source) should be reported as institutional grants.

Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
In general, institutions should report financial aid from tribal offices awarded to full-time, first-time students in the state/local government field (Line 03) in Part C.

Should PLUS loans be reported?
No. PLUS loans are made to the parents of students. Any type of loan that is not made to the student should not be reported.

What does "aid awarded" mean?
Institutions should report on grant or scholarship aid that has been awarded to students. This may be different from aid that was actually disbursed to students. For
example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the institution before the entire amount is
disbursed. In this case, you would report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded, even though the entire amount was not actually disbursed
to the student.
For reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.

If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Yes, students should be included in each category of aid that they are awarded. If a student is awarded both federal and institutional aid, he/she should be counted
under both types of aid.

However, in Part C, count students only once in the major aid category. For example, if a student is awarded both a Pell Grant (Line 02a) and another type of federal
grant (Line 02b), then count that student once for the major category of Federal grants (Line 02).

Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or an institutional financial aid application. If a student
did not complete the FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application with living arrangement information, that student may appear as having an unknown living

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement.

How do I get information about students' income categories?
To assign the income category of the student, use the income that was used by your financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family Contribution
(EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For independent students this will
include the student’s adjusted gross income.

If your institution takes part in campus-based aid programs like the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, and Perkins Loans,
then it might be easiest to tell your financial aid office that students should be put in income categories as they are done on FISAP(Fiscal Operations Report and
Application to Participate). Institutions with campus-based aid programs must report annually to the Department of Education using the FISAP. Part of the FISAP
includes income-related information. Even if your institution does not file FISAP, the instructions from it may be helpful (fields 26-39):
Use the FISAP Total Income (FTI), one of the intermediate computed values on the Student Aid Record (SAR) or ISIR (Institutional Student Information
Record), to determine the proper cell for each student. For dependent students, FTI is the sum of Total Income (TI) and Student’s Total Income (STI). For
independent students, the FTI will equal the TI. Remember, extract this information only from the SARs/ISIRs of students who actually enrolled in your school.
You might need to correct or adjust a student’s income information and recalculate the EFC. If so, you must use that corrected or adjusted information when
determining the proper income cell for a student. In such a case, to determine the income cell for a dependent student, you must use the student’s and
parents’ base year incomes, as reported on the SAR/ISIR.

The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?
If the foundation’s mission is to benefit the institution, then:  (1) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the institution designates the recipient should
be reported as institutional grants; and (2) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the foundation designates the recipient should be reported as
private grants. All grants funded by foundations with missions other than to benefit the institution should be reported as private grants.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Data Collection System

(877) 225-2568 | [email protected]
OMB NO. 1850-0582 v.27 : Approval Expires 8/31/2022

2021-22 Survey Materials      Package
Student Financial Aid for institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (private program reporters)
IPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview - Program Reporters
Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component. The purpose of the SFA component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups
of undergraduate students and military/veteran educational benefits for all students at your institution.
Data Reporting Reminders:
Report data to accurately reflect the time period corresponding with the IPEDS survey component, even if such reporting is seemingly inconsistent with prioryear reporting. For example, if a summer term began later than usual due to Coronavirus Pandemic postponements, continue to report using the timeframes
as defined in the IPEDS instructions. NCES expects that some data reported during the 2021-22 data collection year will vary from established prior trends
due to the impacts of Coronavirus Pandemic. If an error edit is triggered even when submitting accurate data, please indicate in the corresponding context
box or verbally to the Help Desk that the seemingly inconsistent data are accurate and reflect the effects of Coronavirus Pandemic.
Undergraduate Student Groups

You will be asked to report information for different groups of students.
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students (FTFT)
Group 3: Of Group 2, students enrolled in the institution’s largest program and were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution. For public institutions, include only those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students enrolled in the institution’s largest program and were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions,
include only those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.

COA Revisions

Revisions to Cost of Attendance (COA) used to calculate the net price of attendance can be made in this component. 

Consult the instructions and screens to make sure you are reporting the correct aid amounts for the correct groups of students.
College Affordability and Transparency Center's lists

Net price amounts calculated in SFA will be used to populate the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency lists.
Interactive Edits and Error Messages

SFA contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will require you
to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877) 225-2568 for
Context Boxes

You will find optional text boxes throughout SFA. Context boxes allow you to provide more information about the data you enter. Some of these context boxes
may be made available to the public on College Navigator, so make sure that the entered information can be understood easily by students, parents, and the
general public.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Changes to reporting for 2021-22:
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

To download the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
To access your prior year data submission for this component: Reported Data
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part A
Part A - Establish Your Groups
Reporting Reminders:
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the numbers on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student
Financial Aid component.
In the fields below, report the number of students in each of the following groups.
July 1, 2020


June 30, 2021





Group 1

All undergraduate students



Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources known
to the institution




Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Group 3

Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution’s largest program who were awarded grant or scholarship aid
from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution’s largest program who were awarded any
Title IV federal student aid



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part B
Part B – Enter Information about Group 1
Reporting Reminders:
Group 1 students are ALL undergraduate students (including first-time students) enrolled any time during the academic year 2020-21.
For this part, report:


For These Students

All undergraduate students

The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
other sources known to the institution
Loans to students from:
the federal government

Any time during academic year
2020-21 (the aid year period from
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021)

In the fields below, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.






Information from Part A


Group 1: All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 01)


Aid Type



Number of Group
1 students who
were awarded

Percentage of
Group 1 students
who were
awarded aid

Total amount of
aid awarded to
Group 1

Average amount
of aid awarded to
Group 1 students

Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, the institution, and other sources known to the
institution (Do NOT include federal student loans)
02 Pell Grants
Federal student loans

You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Part C, Page 2
Part C - Enter Information about Group 2
Reporting Reminders:
Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled any time during academic year 2020-21.
For this part, report:

For These Students

Full-time, first-time degree/certificateseeking undergraduate students enrolled
any time during academic year 2020-21


The Following Type(s) of Aid

Awarded in This Period

Grant or scholarship aid from:
federal government
state/local government
the institution
Loans to students from:
the federal government
other sources, including private or other loans
Do not include:
grant or scholarship aid from private or other
PLUS loans or loans made to anyone other than
the student

Any time during academic year
For program reporters, this is the aid
year period from July 1, 2020
through June 30, 2021.

In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid. Enter unduplicated
student counts within a category (e.g., Pell Grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.
Information from Part A


Group 2: Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)
Group 2a (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Federal Work Study
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution


Group 2b (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution


Group 3 (This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded:
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Aid Type

Number of
Group 2
students who
were awarded





Percentage of
Group 2 students
who were
awarded aid

Total amount
of aid awarded
to Group 2

Average amount
of aid awarded
to Group 2

Average amount
of aid awarded
to Group 2

Grants or scholarships from the federal
government, state/local government, or the




Federal grants





Pell Grants



Other federal grants




State/local government grants or

(includes fellowships/tuition




IPEDS Data Collection System


Institutional grants or scholarships

(includes fellowships/tuition


Loans to students



Federal loans



Other loans (including private


You may use the box below to provide additional context for the data you have reported above. Context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website.
Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily
understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Comparison Chart
Comparison Chart
Reporting Reminders:
Based on the information reported on the previous screens for Group 1 (all undergraduates) and Group 2 (full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduates), this comparison chart seeks to help institutions check their reported data. Assuming that the information on Groups 1 and 2 is correct, then
the calculated fields for ‘All Other Undergraduates’ should be the balance (Group 1 minus Group 2). If the balance does not check with your institution’s
calculations, please correct your reported numbers for Groups 1 and 2 before moving forward with the completion of the SFA survey component.
Data for the 'All Other Undergraduates' will appear in the IPEDS Data Center for data users, but not in College Navigator.


Number of students

     Pell grants     

Federal Student Loans

Group 1 (all undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded




Group 2 (Full-time, first-time undergraduates)






Number of students who were awarded aid






Percentage who were awarded aid






Total amount of aid awarded






Average amount of aid awarded









All other undergraduates (Line 01 - Line 06)



Number of students who were awarded aid

(Line 02 - Line 07)




Percentage who were awarded aid

(Line 12 / Line 11)




Total amount of aid awarded

(Line 04 - Line 09)




Average amount of aid awarded

(Line 14 / Line 12)



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 1: Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance
Reporting Reminders:
These numbers are carried forward from Institutional Characteristics and should only be changed if an error was made in the reporting.


Total length of PROGRAM in WEEKS, as completed by a student attending full-time


Total length of ACADEMIC YEAR (as used to calculate your Pell budget) in WEEKS


Published student charges for the entire program




Tuition and required fees for the entire program 

(public program reporters report the lowest of in-district or in-state, if applicable)
Books and supplies for the entire program

The following numbers need to be reported for 4 weeks (1 month).

The correct numbers should be available from your financial aid office. Off-campus numbers should be based on costs for your area, not on national averages.


Room and board for 4 weeks (1 month)


Other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)


Room and board and other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)

Off-campus (not with family):

Room and board for 4 weeks (1 month)


Other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)


Room and board and other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)
Off-campus (with family):


Other expenses for 4 weeks (1 month)



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid, Private Program Reporters
Table of Contents
The SFA component has expanded from gathering data on only undergraduate survey component to all students (undergraduates and graduate students) because
of the new question on military servicemembers and veterans' educational benefits. The survey instructions that follow are divided into two sections. Section 1
discusses the portion of the SFA component that asks questions about your undergraduate students only. Section 2 explains the portion of the SFA component that
ask questions about your military and veteran students. As you complete both sections of SFA, please refer to the "Where to Get Help" and "Where the Data Will
Appear" sections.

Where to Get Help
Where the Data Will Appear
Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students
Purpose of Component
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period
Student Cohort
What to Include
What NOT to Include

Detailed Instructions

A - Establish Your Groups
B - Financial Aid About Group 1
C - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4
F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes
Interactive Edits

Reporting Period

Detailed Instructions

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: (877) 225-2568

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Tutorials
You can consult the IPEDS Website's Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced overview of IPEDS tools,
and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website's Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information centers (e.g.,
academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution and aggregate levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Use the Data portal
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website
At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS Data Explorer
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Section 1. SFA - Undergraduate Students

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduate students
in order to meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended. Item areas include:
Financial aid about all undergraduate students
Financial aid about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.
Financial aid and living arrangement information about all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal
student aid by income. For public institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this
includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded grant aid. For public institutions, this includes only
students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the institution's largest program.
Net Price Calculation for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid by income. For public
institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, this includes only students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Who Must Report
Institutions that had undergraduate students enrolled during the prior academic year must report.

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
The institution’s financial aid system should be the starting point for reporting to this IPEDS component.
Data providers for this component should be familiar with college and university practices associated with student financial aid. In general, there are two types
of financial aid data that will be requested in this component. These types are:
Numbers of students that meet certain conditions
Total aid dollars awarded to these students
To complete this component, data providers will need the following:
1. Financial aid information about the following student groups:
Group 1. All undergraduate students
Group 2. Of the students in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3. Of the students in Group 2, those enrolled in the institution's largest program who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following
sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Group 4. Of the students in Group 2, those enrolled in the institution's largest program who were awarded Title IV federal student aid.

sfa overview
2. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the institution's largest program who
were awarded grant or scholarship aid during the reporting period.



IPEDS Data Collection System

3. Living arrangement information for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the institution's largest program who
were awarded Title IV federal student aid during the reporting period.
4. Income levels for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the institution's largest program who were awarded Title
IV federal student aid during the reporting period.

About the Data
Five different types of data appear in this component. There are data:
That institutions provide from their own financial aid records
That are prior-year data, shown in red, which can be used as a comparison with the current year's data (i.e., the data that is being reported)
That are carried forward from the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics (IC) component and the IPEDS 12-month Enrollment (E12) component that your
institution completed in the most recent collections of those components
That are carried forward from one part of the Student Financial Aid component to another part to ensure that the data are internally consistent
That are calculated from the other data elements
In the latter two cases, the data provider should check that the data that are carried forward and calculated are consistent with the data in the institution's
underlying financial aid records. If the data carried forward or calculated are not consistent with the institution's records, then an error in data entry may have

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written to be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for this component should be for the prior academic year. For the purposes of reporting to SFA, the aid year period runs from July 1 through
June 30.
Program reporters will report students' aid data for an institutionally defined academic year. This is the academic year length, in weeks, used by your institution
to calculate your Pell budget. It must begin within the aid year period specified above and will vary from student to student depending on when he or she

Student Cohort
The student cohort covered by this component includes undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year (the aid year period from July
1 through June 30).

What to Include
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:
Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title
IV federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.

Do not include veterans education benefits, as defined in section 480(c) of the HEA, as they are no longer treated as Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA)
for the Office of Federal Student Aid's purposes. For more information, visit
Federal loans to students: Monies from the federal government that must be repaid for which the student is the designated borrower. This type of aid
includes all Title IV federal student loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL
Stafford Loans. Do not include PLUS loans and other federal loans not made directly to the student.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were awarded by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Include merit-based grants or scholarships that were provided by your
state or local government. Also include tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state or local government agency.
Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/waivers): Grants, scholarships, and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or
individual departments within the institution and are limited to students attending your institution. Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals
(e.g., based on state of residence, major, or participation in athletic activities) for which the institution designates the recipient. Also include institutional
tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was not reimbursed by a state or local government agency. This is not intended to include Federal Work
Private grants or scholarships: Grants or scholarships to students that are awarded and paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Private loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all
institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Do not include loans that are not made directly to the student.
NOTE: In this component, "aid awarded" refers to grant or scholarship aid that was awarded to students or to loans awarded to and accepted by students. For
reporting grant or scholarship aid, institutions should report on aid that was awarded to students. This amount may be different from the amount that was
actually disbursed to students. For example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the
institution before the entire amount is disbursed. In this case, institutions should report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded. For
reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.
Note also that different types of financial aid should be reported for different groups of students. Please review the instructions and the screens carefully to
ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.
Institutions need to report aid in this component such that the net price calculations shown on College Navigator and used for the College Affordability and
Transparency lists are a reflection of what students actually pay.



IPEDS Data Collection System

In cases where a student is awarded aid for multiple institutionally defined academic years within one aid year period, institutions should report only aid
awarded for the student's first institutionally defined academic year.
For total aid amounts, report to the nearest whole dollar and omit cents. For student counts, an unduplicated count should be given within a given aid category
(e.g., Pell grants). However, a student can appear in more than one aid category.

What NOT to Include
Do not report student counts or aid amounts for the following:
Students who were only graduate students at the institution during the reporting period
Students who were enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a certificate/degree
Students who were enrolled exclusively in Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Students who were exclusively auditing classes
Students in Experimental Pell programs
Do not report:
Federal Work Study amounts into any total aid amounts
ROTC aid, which are excluded from EFA calculations, in any total aid amounts
Loans that are made to someone other than the student
Military/veterans aid in Section 1 because such aid is ONLY reported in Section 2
Experimental Pell grant amounts

Detailed Instructions
This section provides line-by-line instructions for each part of the Student Financial Aid component.

Part A - Establish Your Groups
Part A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the data you report on this screen will be carried forward to other parts of the Student Financial Aid

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act are to be counted as federal aid, but not Title IV aid. As such, students who only receive emergency grants funded through the
CARES Act should not be included in Group 4.
In the fields provided, report the number of students in each of the following groups:




Group 1
All undergraduate students

Report the number of all undergraduate students who were enrolled any time during the
prior academic year. Include all new and continuing undergraduate students (full-time
students, part-time students, degree/certificate-seeking students, non-degree/certificateseeking students, and all others). This number will be preloaded from your institution's
IPEDS 12-month Enrollment component, but it may be modified if necessary. If you have
questions about the value that has been preloaded in this field, please contact your
institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.

Group 2

Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

Report the number of students who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study;
loans to students; or grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources
known to the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study;
Government and/or private loans to students;
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution; or
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution, such as
aid from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Note that the students reported in Line 02a are not defined as a particular group
because no additional financial aid information will be collected about these



IPEDS Data Collection System


Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or
grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution

Report the number of students who were awarded any of the following:
Government and/or private loans to students; or
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Note that the students reported in Line 02b are not defined as a particular group
because no additional financial aid information will be collected about these

Group 3
Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution's largest program who
were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district
tuition rate. Report students who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following


sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. Do not include
students who were awarded aid only from other sources.

Group 4

Of those in Group 2, those enrolled in your institution's largest program who
were awarded any Title IV federal student aid

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district
tuition rate. Report students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., report

students who were awarded federal grant aid or who were awarded federal work study or
federal student loans).

Title IV federal student aid includes:

Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG),
Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to
Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for
College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized
Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan

Part B - Financial Aid About Group 1
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 1 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. Group
1 students are all undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 1 in Part B under “Grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution”.
For this part, report:

For These Students
· All undergraduate

The Following Type(s) of
· Grant or scholarship aid
from the federal
· Grant or scholarship aid
from state/local
· Grant or scholarship aid
from the institution
· Grant or scholarship aid
from other sources
known to the institution
· Loans to students from the
federal government

Awarded in This Period
· Any time during the prior
academic year (the aid
year period from July 1
through June 30)

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:

Information from Part A:
Group 1
All undergraduate students

(This number is carried forward from Part
A, Line 01)

Prior Academic Year
Carried forward from Part A

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to these students for each type of aid.





IPEDS Data Collection System
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the
institution, and other sources known to the institution
Column 1. Report the number of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to
the institution.
Column 2. The percentage of students in Group 1 who were awarded grant or scholarship aid is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution awarded to Group
1 students.


Column 4. The average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 1 students is
calculated for you.
Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded Pell grants is calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students. Do not include
any other type of federal grant aid (e.g., Academic Competitiveness Grants).
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 1 students is calculated for you.


Federal student loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 1 students who were awarded federal loans to students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 2. The percentage of Group 1 students who were awarded federal student loans is
calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of federal student loans awarded to Group 1 students. Do
not include any other type of federal loans (e.g., PLUS loans, which are made to the parent of a
Column 4. The average amount of federal student loans awarded to students in Group 1 is
calculated for you.



Part C - Enter Financial Aid About Group 2
This part is intended to collect information about the number of Group 2 students and the total amounts of aid they were awarded by different aid types. For
academic reporters, Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in the prior fall. For program
reporters, Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled any time during the prior academic year.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should be included for Group 2 in Part C under “Other federal grants”.
For this part, report:
For These Students

· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students
enrolled in the prior fall
(academic reporters) or
any time during the prior
academic year (program

The Following Type(s) of Aid

· Grant or scholarship aid from
the federal government

academic year.

· Grant or scholarship aid from

· For program reporters, this is

state/local government

· Grant or scholarship aid from
the institution

Awarded in This Period

· Any time during the prior
aid year period from July 1
through June 30.

· Loans to students from the
federal government and
from other sources,
including private loans
· Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from private
or other sources
· Do not include PLUS loans or
loans made to anyone other
than the student

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:

Prior Academic Year



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 2a
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded
any Federal Work Study, loans to students, or
grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, the
institution, or other sources known to the

(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line
Group 2b
Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded
any loans to students or grant or scholarship aid
from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line
Group 03
Of those in Group 2, those (in the largest
program for program reporters) who were
awarded grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or
the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line

Carried forward from Part A

Carried forward from Part A

Carried forward from Part A

Note: Two aid categories in this section are further disaggregated into subcategories. Because students may be awarded more than one type of aid, the sum of
the values you enter in the subcategories will not necessarily equal the value you enter in the aid category. However, the total number of students reported for
the aid category cannot exceed the sum of subcategories. (For example, the number of students who were awarded federal grants cannot exceed the sum of
the number of students who were awarded Pell grants and the number who were awarded other federal grants). In addition, the total number of students
reported for an aid category must be at least as large as the largest of those reported in a subcategory.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid they were awarded for each type of aid.



Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government,
and the institution
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants
or scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. If a
student appears in more than one type of aid category in Lines 02 through 04, that student
should only be counted once for Line 01. Do not include students who were
awarded only grants or scholarships from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants or
scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution will be
calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 01 will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [(Line 02, Column 3) + (Line 03, Column 3) + (Line
04, Column 3)].


Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for

Federal grants

This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: Pell grants and
other federal grants.

Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants
from the federal government. This includes Pell grants and other federal grants. If a student
appears in more than one type of aid category in Lines 02a or 02b, that student should only
be counted once for Line 02. Note that this number should be at least as large as the
largest number reported in Line 02a, Column 1 or Line 02b, Column 1. In addition,
this number cannot exceed the sum of [(Line 02a, Column 1) + (Line 02b, Column
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more grants
from the federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 02 will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [(Line 02a, Column 3) + (Line 02b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of grants from the federal government awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Pell grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded a Pell grant will
be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all Pell grants awarded to Group 2
Column 4. The average amount of Pell grants awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.


Other federal grants
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded other federal
grants. Other federal grants include Title IV grant aid other than a Pell grant.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded other federal
grants will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all other federal grants awarded to
Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of other federal grants awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


State/local government grants or scholarships (grants/scholarships/waivers)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship
aid from a state/local government. This includes grants, scholarships, or waivers funded by
a state or local government. Do not include any other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships
from a state/local government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from a state/local
government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from a state/local government
awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.


Institutional grants or scholarships (scholarships/fellowships)
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded grant or scholarship
aid from the institution. This includes grants, scholarships, or fellowships funded by the
institution. Do not include any other types of grants.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded grants or scholarships
from the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all grants or scholarships from the institution
awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of grants or scholarships from the awarded to Group 2
students will be calculated for you.


Loans to students
This aid category is disaggregated into the following two subcategories: federal loans and
other loans.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to
students. This includes loans from the federal government and from other sources
(including private lenders). If a student appears in more than one type of loan category in
Lines 05a or 05b, that student should only be counted once for Line 05. Note that this
number should be at least as large as the largest number reported in Line 05a,
Column 1 or Line 05b, Column 1. In addition, this number cannot exceed the sum
of [(Line 05a, Column 1) + (Line 05b, Column 1)].
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more loans to
students will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total dollar amount for Line 05 will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [(Line 05a, Column 3) + (Line 05b, Column 3)].
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students awarded to Group 2 students will be
calculated for you.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Federal loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from the federal government. Do not include loans to others (e.g.,
PLUS loans to parents) and do not include any other type of grant or loan aid.
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from the federal government will be calculated for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from the federal
government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from the federal government
awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.


Other loans
Column 1. Report the number of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from sources other than the federal government. This includes
private loans to students. Do not include loans to others (e.g., loans to parents).
Column 2. The percentage of Group 2 students who were awarded one or more
loans to students from sources other than the federal government will be calculated
for you.
Column 3. Report the total dollar amount of all loans to students from sources other
than the federal government awarded to Group 2 students.
Column 4. The average amount of loans to students from sources other than the
federal government awarded to Group 2 students will be calculated for you.

Cost of Attendance Revision
If you made errors in the prior year reporting of cost of attendance in the IC component, you can make changes in the SFA component. However, there are no
prior year revisions for the SFA component. Please refer to the instructions on reporting cost of attendance in the IC component.
Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance report used by the financial aid
office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get these numbers to ensure that you are reporting correctly.

Part D - Enter Financial Aid About Group 3
This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students in Part F.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during
the prior academic year who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
Students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid should not be
included in this group.

Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 3 in Part D under “Report the total amount of grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students,” as inclusion of these
grants would skew net price calculations.
For this part, report:

For These Students

The Following Type(s) of

Awarded in this Period



IPEDS Data Collection System

·         Full-time, first-time,
degree/certificateseeking undergraduate
students enrolled in your
institution's largest
program who were
awarded grant or
scholarship aid from the
following sources: the
federal government,
state/local government,
or the institution
·         Do not include students
who were awarded only
grant or scholarship aid
from private or other
sources, or students who
were awarded only nongrant aid.

·         Grant or scholarship aid
from the federal
·         Grant or scholarship aid
from state/local
·         Grant or scholarship aid
from the institution
·         Do not include grant or
scholarship aid from
private or other sources.

·         Any time during the
prior academic year (the
aid year period from July
1 through June 30)

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:

Information from Part A:

Group 3
Full-time, first-time degree/certificateseeking undergraduate students enrolled in
your institution's largest program who were
awarded grant or scholarship aid from the
following sources: the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part A,
Line 03)










forward from
Part A

Note: In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 3 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component
are the same categories used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangements. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his
FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled, she or he decided to live on
campus. Although the student may not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in
its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In
this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If
a student in this group did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution
knows the living arrangement for the student, then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government, state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students.




Report the number of Group 3 students with the following living arrangements.
01a. On-campus. Report the number of Group 3 students who lived on-campus.
01b. Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived offcampus with their parents or guardians.
01c. Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 3 students who lived
off-campus not with their parents or guardians.
01d. Unknown (calculated).  This value is calculated using the following formula: [A03
– (D01a + D01b + D01c)], where A03 is the number of Group 3 students that you
entered in Part A, Line 03. Note that this number should be a small percentage of
the total number of students in a given year because institutions should have this
information available for all students that completed the FAFSA as well as other
information they have in their financial aid data systems.
Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students
Report the total dollar amount of grants and scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students. Exclude grant or
scholarship aid from private sources (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship) and exclude all loan aid.
Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students
The average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution awarded to Group 3 students will be calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: [D02/A03]. This amount will be used in Part F to
calculate net price.

Part E - Enter Financial Aid About Group 4



IPEDS Data Collection System

This part is intended to collect information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students in Part G.
Group 4 students are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during the prior academic year who were
awarded any Title IV federal student aid (i.e., students who were awarded federal grant aid or who were awarded federal work study or federal student loans). For public institutions,
Group 4 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
Title IV federal student aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain
Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan
Emergency grants funded through the CARES Act should NOT be included for Group 4 in Part E under “grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution,” as inclusion of these grants would skew net price calculations.
For this part, report:
For These Students
· Full-time, first-time,
undergraduate students enrolled
in your institution's largest
program who were awarded any
Title IV federal student aid
· For public institutions, include only
those students who paid the instate or in-district tuition rate.

The Following Type(s) of Aid
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
federal government
· Grant or scholarship aid from
state/local government
· Grant or scholarship aid from the
· Do not include grant or scholarship
aid from private or other sources.
· Do not include loan amounts.
· Do not include Federal Work Study

Awarded in this Period
· Any time during the prior academic
year (the aid year period from
July 1 through June 30)

Data carried forward from Part A include the following:
Information from Part A:
Group 4
Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your
institution's largest program who were awarded
any Title IV federal student aid. For public
institutions, include only students paying the instate or in-district tuition rate. 
(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line











Carried forward
from Part A

Notes: In this part, you will be asked to report living arrangement information for Group 4 students. The living arrangement categories used in this component are the same categories
used to describe living arrangements for Federal Student Aid purposes. Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangements. For example, a student may have indicated on her or his FAFSA or an
institutional financial aid application that she or he planned to live at home with family. But when the student enrolled she or he decided to live on campus. Although the student may
not have modified the FAFSA to reflect the updated living arrangement, the institution may have more recent information in its financial aid system indicating that the student lived on
campus according to the most recent aid package for that student during the financial aid year. In this case, the institution should classify this student as an on-campus student.
A student should be counted in only one category—the one that the institution used most recently to develop or modify that student’s financial aid package. If a student in this group
did not complete the FAFSA, that student may appear as having an unknown living arrangement in Line 01d. However, if the institution knows the living arrangement for the student,
then the student should be reported in the appropriate category.
In this part, you will also be asked to report the number of students in Group 4 and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid they were awarded by income level. To determine the
income level of the student, use the income that was used by the institution’s financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). For dependent
students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For independent students this will include the student’s adjusted gross income.
In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement.


Report the number of Group 4 students with the following living arrangements.
On-campus. Report the number of Group 4 students who lived on-campus.
Off-campus (with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived off-campus with their parents
or guardians.
Off-campus (not with family). Report the number of Group 4 students who lived off-campus not with their
parents or guardians.
Unknown (calculated). This value is calculated using the following formula: [A04 – (E01a + E01b + E01c)],
where A04 is the number of Group 4 students that you entered in Part A, Line 04. Note that this number
should be a small percentage of the total number of students in a given year because institutions should
have this information available for all students that completed the FAFSA as well as other information they
have in their financial aid data systems.

In the fields provided, report the number of Group 4 students who were awarded any Title IV aid (column 1); the number of Group 4 students who were awarded any grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution (column 2); and the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,
state/local government, or the institution awarded to these students by income level (column 3).




IPEDS Data Collection System









$110,001 and


Total all income

Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any Title IV aid.
Column 2. Report the number of Group 4 students in this income level who were
awarded any grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution.
Column 3. Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4
students in this income level from the following sources: federal government,
state/local government, or the institution.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students in this income level from the federal government, state/local government,
or the institution will be calculated for you.
Column 1. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any Title IV aid
will be calculated for you.
Column 2. The total number of Group 4 students who were awarded any grant or
scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the
institution will be calculated for you.
Column 3. The total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students
from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution will be
calculated for you.
Column 4. The average dollar amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group
4 students from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution
will be calculated for you.

Part F - Net Price Calculation for Group 3
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 3 students.
Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during the prior academic year
who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public institutions, Group 3 includes only
those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator. In addition, the average net price calculated for this group
will be used in the U.S. Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance for the institution's largest program and the average grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 3 students. The total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living
arrangement for room and board and other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional
Characteristics component of IPEDS. If you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public
institutions) are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution
reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried
forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional
Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Number of Group 3 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part D, Lines 01a through 01d.


Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room
and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses
(Lines 03a through 03c) weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in
the unknown category). This value is calculated using the following formula:
Line 05 = [(Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))] + [Line 03b*(Line
04b/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))] + [Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line


Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 3 students

This value is carried forward from Part D, Line 04.


Average institutional net price for Group 3 students 

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during
the prior academic year who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal
government, state/local government, or the institution is calculated for you. This value is
calculated using the following formula: Line 06 – Line 07. The average net price for
Group 3 students will be posted on College Navigator and used in the U.S. Department
of Education's College Affordability and Transparency lists.

Part G - Net Price Calculation for Group 4
This part is intended to summarize the information used to estimate the average net price for Group 4 students.
Group 4 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during the prior academic year
who were awarded Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, Group 4 includes only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate.
As required by the HEA, as amended (2008), the average net price for Group 4 students will be posted on College Navigator.
The components used to estimate the average net price include the average total cost of attendance for the institution's largest program and the average grant or scholarship aid
awarded to Group 4 students. The total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (Line 01), books and supplies (Line 02) and the weighted average by living
arrangement for room and board and other expenses (Line 05). Information about cost of attendance is carried forward from data that your institution reported in the Institutional
Characteristics component of IPEDS. If you did not enter this information and have questions about the values entered here, contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.
The source or calculation for each line is described here.





IPEDS Data Collection System
Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public

The published tuition and required fees (lower of in-state or in-district at public
institutions) are carried forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS
Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Books and supplies

The cost for books and supplies are carried forward from data that your institution
reported on the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics component, Part D - Student
Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Room and board and other expenses by living arrangement

The cost for room and board and other expenses by living arrangement are carried
forward from data that your institution reported on the IPEDS Institutional
Characteristics component, Part D - Student Charges, Cost of Attendance.


Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement

These numbers are carried forward from Part E, Lines 01a through 01d.


Weighted average by living arrangement (excluding unknown values) for room
and board and other expenses

This value is generated by determining the average room and board and other expenses
(Lines 03a through 03c) weighted by student living arrangement (excluding students in
the unknown category). This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 05 =
[Line 03a*(Line 04a/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03b*(Line 04b/(Line
04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]+[Line 03c*(Line 04c/(Line 04a+Line 04b+Line 04c))]


Total cost of attendance

This value is calculated using the following formula: Line 01 + Line 02 + Line 05.


Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local
government, or the institution awarded to Group 4 students

These values are carried forward from Part E, Line 04, Column 4 for each income level.


Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

The average institutional net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students enrolled in your institution's largest program any time during
the prior academic year who were awarded Title IV federal student aid is calculated for
you. These values are calculated for each income level using the following formula: Line
06 – Line 07. The average net price for Group 4 students by income level will be posted
on College Navigator.

Section 2. Military Servicemembers and Veteran Students with Benefits

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about the financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduates in order to
meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Starting in the 2014-15 data collection year, SFA has expanded to collect information on the
federal dollars supporting military servicemember and veteran undergraduate and graduate students.
As presented in the Technical Review Panel Report #36 (March 2012), the increase in beneficiaries and federal dollars has led to an increased demand for
information to help prospective students decide where to use their educational benefits, researchers to study the impact of the programs on college outcomes, and
policymakers to assess the effectiveness of benefits programs and return on investment.

Who Must Report
All registered IPEDS institutions that educate military servicemembers, veterans, or eligible dependents receiving any Tuition Assistance Program or Post-9/11 GI
Bill benefits.

Report only those that RECEIVED the benefit(s).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
If you are unfamiliar with these educational benefits, a general synopsis of each program is found below. 
1. Post-9/11 GI Bill
Effective August 1, 2009, benefit provides payment of tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and books and supplies stipend.
Tuition and fees are paid directly to the institution on behalf the students; thus, institutions should know which students have Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
and the amount of benefits received at the institution.
Educational benefits can be transferred to a dependent.
Program expanded in 2011 to cover non-degree-granting programs, apprenticeships/on-the-job training programs, flight training programs, and training
The Yellow Ribbon program through the Post-9/11 GI Bill is an institutional aid matching program only for tuition and fees for students attending
participating institutions.
For more information, visit the Department of Veteran Affairs, Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits website
2. Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program (DOD TAP)
For active duty servicemembers, reservists called to active duty, and their spouses.
Educational payments cover only tuition and fees and are made directly to the institution.
GI Bill benefits can be used to supplement costs not covered by this program.
For more information, visit the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program website and see 38 USC § 36 (2020).
Consult and verify the data with your institutional representative who certifies these benefits. This individual or office may not be in the student financial aid

About the Data
The Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs may only highlight two of many educational benefits provided to military servicemembers and veterans.
However, from a national perspective, Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs are more likely to be found across over 7,500 IPEDS institutions.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included
in the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written so they can be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30. For example, for the 2021-22 data
collection year, the data reported will be July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September 30.
For example, for the 2021-22 data collection year, the data reported will be October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021.

Detailed Instruction
This section provides line-by-line instructions for the Military Servicemember and Veteran Benefits questions.
For the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the July 1-June 30 reporting period (see
coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting period.
For the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the
October 1-September 30 reporting period (see coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting



IPEDS Data Collection System

If your institution did not have any student beneficiaries for one of the benefit programs, enter a zero (0) in the cell. In other words, do NOT leave the cell blank
for a program that did not have any beneficiaries.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included in
the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

date: 06/29/2021


Cohort year

The year that a cohort of students begins attending college.

Cost of attendance

The amount of tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses that a full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking student can expect to pay to go to college for an academic year. Costs reported by the institutions
are those amounts used by the financial aid office to determine a student's financial need.

Federal grants
assistance funds)

Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV Pell Grants and Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG). Also includes need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training
vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or federally sponsored educational benefits programs. (Used for reporting
on the Student Financial Aid component)

Financial aid

Federal Work Study, grants, loans to students (government and/or private), assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, tuition
waivers, tuition discounts, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than from relatives/friends) provided to
students to meet expenses. This excludes loans to parents.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled
in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced
standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more clock hours a
week each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved
in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as
defined by the institution.

Institutional grants

Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution, (i.e.,
instruction, research, public service) that may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs . Includes
scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence, major field of study, athletic team participation)
for which the institution designates the recipient.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual
institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report
data using a web-based data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional
Characteristics (IC); 12-month Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human
Resources (HR) composed of Employees by Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates
(GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and Academic Libraries (AL).

Loans to students

Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV
subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally and privately sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans
made directly to parents.

Military Tuition Assistance
Program (TAP)

A program that funds up to 100% of an eligible servicemember's college tuition and course-specific fees. Available only to
eligible servicemembers who are currently in active service as long as criteria limits are not exceeded and students are enrolled
off-duty in an U.S. Department of Education accredited post-secondary institution. This military benefit is paid directly to the
postsecondary institution by the individual's Armed service.

Net price

The Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), defines institutional net price as "the average yearly price actually charged to
first-time, full-time undergraduate students receiving student aid at an institution of higher education after deducting such aid."
In IPEDS, average institutional net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or
institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition
and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state for public institutions), books and supplies, and the weighted average for room
and board and other expenses. Cost of attendance data are collected in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component of
IPEDS, and financial aid data are collected in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component of IPEDS.

Off-campus (not with family)

A living arrangement in which a student does not live with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is
not owned or controlled by the educational institution.

Off-campus (with family)

A living arrangement in which a student lives with the student's parents or legal guardians in any housing facility that is not
owned or controlled by the educational institution.

On-campus housing

Any residence hall or housing facility owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic
area and used by the institution in direct support of or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Post 9/11 GI Bill

A federal education benefit program for veterans, who served on active duty after September 10, 2001. This Department of
Veteran Affairs benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits at an approved institution for the following college costs:
tuition and fees, books and supplies, and housing. The tuition and fees payment, which is the cost for an in-state student
attending a public institution, is made directly to the postsecondary institution whereas payments for books and supplies and
housing are sent directly to the student.


Grants-in-aid, trainee stipends, tuition and required fee waivers, prizes or other monetary awards given to undergraduate

State and local grants

Grant monies provided by the state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIG's); merit
scholarships provided by the state; and tuition and fee waivers for which the institution was reimbursed by a state agency.
Local government grants include scholarships or gift-aid awarded directly to the student. (Used for reporting Finance data for
private for-profit institutions )

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the
Title IV federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early
Intervention Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer of Entitlement Option

A program through which any unused Post 9/11 GI Bill may be transferred to a spouse or dependent(s) as long as
servicemembers or veterans meet the additional Department of Veterans Affairs criteria. Only Department of Defense (DoD) can
approve transfer of benefits requests.

Yellow Ribbon Program

A voluntary program through which participating public and private institutions can provide veterans and eligible beneficiaries
additional institutional aid to cover the costs of tuition and fees at their institutions. The Yellow Ribbon Program is a
supplementary program to the Post 9/11 GI Bill coverage of in-state tuition and fees. The Department of Veterans Affairs
matches the institutional aid provided beyond the in-state tuition and fees, but up to a certain limit each year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid
Click one of the following questions to view the answer.
1) Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
2) What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
3) What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
4) Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?

Student Counts
1) For which students should I report financial aid information?
2) What students are included in Group 1?
3) What students are included in Group 2?
4) What students are included in Group 2a?
5) What students are included in Group 2b?
6) What students are included in Group 3?
7) What students are included in Group 4?

Financial Aid
1) Should veterans education benefits be reported?
2) How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
4) What types of financial aid should be reported?
5) What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
6) When
do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
7) Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
8) Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
9) Should PLUS loans be reported?
10) What does "aid awarded" mean?
11) If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?
12) Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
13) How do I get information about students' income categories?
14) The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?

Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
All postsecondary institutions that either 1.) participate in federal student financial aid programs that enrolled undergraduate students or 2.) enroll students who
received an educational benefit (e.g., Department of Defense Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs Post-9/11GI Bill) any time during academic year
2020-21 must complete SFA.

What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 data collection, institutions should report data for academic year 2020-21.



IPEDS Data Collection System

For Title IV participating institutions that enroll undergraduate students:
For academic reporters, the academic year is defined as the period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to 2 semesters or
trimesters, 3 quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2020). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these students any time during the
2020-21 academic year.
For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as the institutionally defined academic year falls within the full aid year period
of July 1-June 30.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled any time during the academic year). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these
students any time during the academic year.
For institutions that enroll undergraduate and graduate students who received military or veteran benefits:
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September

What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 collection year, there were no changes.

Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Yes, the 3 most recent COA years can be changed in SFA's "Cost Revision" screen, which carried forward the COA data from Institutional Characteristics (IC)
component. Changes should only be made if errors were made in the IC reporting. Changes cannot be made in the prior year revision system.

Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?
If your institution is participating in the Dual Enrollment experimental site or the Second Chance Pell experimental site program, exclude these students from

Student Counts
For which students should I report financial aid information?
SFA collects information on undergraduate students only.

Academic reporters should report on students who were enrolled as of October 15, or the institution’s official Fall reporting date.

Program reporters should report on students who were enrolled any time during the academic year. For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the
institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

For the purposes of reporting to SFA, students are divided into the following groups:
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public
institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition
rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.

What students are included in Group 1?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 1 includes all undergraduate students. You should report the total number of all new and continuing full-time students, part-time students, degree/certificateseeking students, and non-degree/certificate-seeking students.

What students are included in Group 2?
Group 2 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates.

For academic reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Also include students enrolled in the fall term who
attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high
school). This number should match the data that you reported on the Fall Enrollment component of IPEDS.

For program reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level anytime during the academic year, as defined at your
institution. Also include students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school). This number should closely
match the data you reported on the 12-month Enrollment component of IPEDS.

What students are included in Group 2a?
In Group 2a, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution

What students are included in Group 2b?
In Group 2b, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Group 2b is Group 2a minus those students who were awarded only Federal Work Study or grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution.

What students are included in Group 3?
Group 3 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources:
Federal government
State/local government
For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Do not include students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid, such as

What students are included in Group 4?
Group 4 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded any Title IV aid.

Title IV aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics
Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan



IPEDS Data Collection System

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Financial Aid
Should veterans education benefits be reported?
For the portion of SFA (Parts A through E) that requires Title IV institutions to report on undergraduate students receiving financial aid:
Veterans education benefits should not be reported as financial aid in SFA.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) removed veterans education benefits from “estimated financial assistance,” effective July 1, 2010. A
later technical corrections bill (H.R. 1777) updated the list of programs that meet the definition of "veterans' education benefits" in section 480(c) of the
Higher Education Act (HEA) and moved the effective date of the exclusion to July 1, 2009 (beginning with the 2009-10 award year).
However, the institutional aid from Yellow Ribbon program should be reported under institutional aid. See how to report the Yellow Ribbon aid in FAQ.
For more information about the Department's Guidance on Federal Veterans’ Education Benefits for Purposes of the Title IV Student Assistance Programs,
please visit
For the portion of SFA (Section 2) that requires institutions to report on students who received military or veteran benefits:
Educational benefits from the Department of Defense's Military Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs' Post-9/11 GI Bill should be reported in

How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The Post-9/11 GI Bill program includes a 'Yellow Ribbon' program, which is comprised of matching funds provided by the government and the institution. The
institutional part of this aid should be reported in the SFA component (Section 1) as aid to the undergraduate student. Yellow Ribbon benefits provided from
the VA should NOT be included when reporting to the portion of SFA (Section 1) on Title IV institutions that enroll full-time, first-time degree/certificate
seeking undergraduate students.
However, both Post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon beneficiaries and federal dollar amounts should be reported to the military/veteran question of SFA (Section
2). This portion of SFA requires all institutions that enroll students with Post-9/11 GI Bill and/or Tuition Assistance educational benefits to provide the number of
beneficiaries and total dollar amounts.

The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
According to the 2014 final regulations set for the DOD Voluntary Education Programs - which include TAP - each branch of military service can pay no more than
$250/semester-unit (or equivalent) for tuition. Each service member is eligible for up to $4500 in aggregate for each fiscal year. If your institution’s DOD TAP average
is greater than $4500 per student per award year, then you should:
--Ask your financial aid office or VA certifying official to sort out the military aid and remove any non-DOD TAP aid (e.g., ROTC scholarships, tuition reimbursements
for advanced civil schooling, education-related incentive or bonus); 
--Remove any non-Title 10 aid since TAP is a Title 10 program; and
--Make sure that you are including one disbursement period for that award year. Even though DOD TAP aid are reported for the Oct 1 – Sep 30 timeframe, which
technically covers two fall periods; only include one fall disbursement period per award year. 

What types of financial aid should be reported?
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:

Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV
federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACGs),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were provided by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Also include merit scholarships that were provided by your state and tuition
and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency. Local grants include any local government grants, scholarships or gift-aid
awarded directly to the student.
Institutional grants: Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution (and are limited to
students attending your institution). Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence or major) for which the



IPEDS Data Collection System

institution designates the recipient; athletic scholarships; and the like. This is not intended to include Federal Work Study.
Private grants or scholarships: These may include scholarships or grants to students that are paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all Title IV federal student
loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans. Also include all
institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Please do not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.

Note that different parts of the SFA component ask for different types of financial aid to be reported. Please review the instructions and the survey screens carefully
to ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.

What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
Institutions should report aid that was awarded any time during the academic year.

For academic reporters, the academic year is the period of time generally extending from September to June, usually equated to two semesters or trimesters, three
quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

Note that for the purposes of calculating net price, the cost of attendance (COA) for an academic year reported in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component
should align with the aid amounts reported in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component.

do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
financial aid awarded for the 2020-21 academic year. If a student receives an
award for a cross-over payment period, report the award in the academic year
assigned by the financial aid office, which should be the same as the financial
aid allocation or authorization year. This also applies if a student receives
two Federal
Pell Grant awards in the same academic year (i.e., Year-Round

Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
Yes, tuition and fee waivers should be reported.
Tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency should be reported under state/local government grants.

Tuition and fee waivers granted by your institution (for which your institution is not reimbursed from another source) should be reported as institutional grants.

Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
In general, institutions should report financial aid from tribal offices awarded to full-time, first-time students in the state/local government field (Line 03) in Part C.

Should PLUS loans be reported?
No. PLUS loans are made to the parents of students. Any type of loan that is not made to the student should not be reported.

What does "aid awarded" mean?
Institutions should report on grant or scholarship aid that has been awarded to students. This may be different from aid that was actually disbursed to students. For
example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the institution before the entire amount is
disbursed. In this case, you would report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded, even though the entire amount was not actually disbursed
to the student.
For reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.

If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Yes, students should be included in each category of aid that they are awarded. If a student is awarded both federal and institutional aid, he/she should be counted
under both types of aid.

However, in Part C, count students only once in the major aid category. For example, if a student is awarded both a Pell Grant (Line 02a) and another type of federal
grant (Line 02b), then count that student once for the major category of Federal grants (Line 02).

Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or an institutional financial aid application. If a student
did not complete the FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application with living arrangement information, that student may appear as having an unknown living

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement.

How do I get information about students' income categories?
To assign the income category of the student, use the income that was used by your financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family Contribution
(EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For independent students this will
include the student’s adjusted gross income.

If your institution takes part in campus-based aid programs like the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, and Perkins Loans,
then it might be easiest to tell your financial aid office that students should be put in income categories as they are done on FISAP(Fiscal Operations Report and
Application to Participate). Institutions with campus-based aid programs must report annually to the Department of Education using the FISAP. Part of the FISAP
includes income-related information. Even if your institution does not file FISAP, the instructions from it may be helpful (fields 26-39):
Use the FISAP Total Income (FTI), one of the intermediate computed values on the Student Aid Record (SAR) or ISIR (Institutional Student Information
Record), to determine the proper cell for each student. For dependent students, FTI is the sum of Total Income (TI) and Student’s Total Income (STI). For
independent students, the FTI will equal the TI. Remember, extract this information only from the SARs/ISIRs of students who actually enrolled in your school.
You might need to correct or adjust a student’s income information and recalculate the EFC. If so, you must use that corrected or adjusted information when
determining the proper income cell for a student. In such a case, to determine the income cell for a dependent student, you must use the student’s and
parents’ base year incomes, as reported on the SAR/ISIR.

The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?
If the foundation’s mission is to benefit the institution, then:  (1) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the institution designates the recipient should
be reported as institutional grants; and (2) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the foundation designates the recipient should be reported as
private grants. All grants funded by foundations with missions other than to benefit the institution should be reported as private grants.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Data Collection System

(877) 225-2568 | [email protected]
OMB NO. 1850-0582 v.27 : Approval Expires 8/31/2022

2021-22 Survey Materials      Package
Student Financial Aid for institutions with graduate students only
IPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview - Academic Reporters
Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component. As a graduate school, the purpose of the SFA component is to collect information about your students who
have received military/veteran educational benefits.
Data Reporting Reminders:
Report data to accurately reflect the time period corresponding with the IPEDS survey component, even if such reporting is seemingly inconsistent with prioryear reporting. For example, if a summer term began later than usual due to Coronavirus Pandemic postponements, continue to report using the timeframes
as defined in the IPEDS instructions. NCES expects that some data reported during the 2021-22 data collection year will vary from established prior trends
due to the impacts of Coronavirus Pandemic. If an error edit is triggered even when submitting accurate data, please indicate in the corresponding context
box or verbally to the Help Desk that the seemingly inconsistent data are accurate and reflect the effects of Coronavirus Pandemic.
Total number and amount will be asked for both undergraduate and graduate students. Please work with your institutional representative who certifies such
benefits. They may not be associated with the student financial aid office.
Data Reporting Tips

If there are no students in a benefit category, please enter zero (0). Do NOT leave the cell blank.
Interactive Edits and Error Messages

SFA contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will require you
to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877) 225-2568 for
Changes to reporting for 2021-22:
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

To download the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
To access your prior year data submission for this component: Reported Data
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 2: Screening Question
1. Did your institution disburse military tuition assistance and/or veteran’s benefits?




The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the College Navigator website. 

Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do not wish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explain your
institution’s data, then choose "Other" and write your own context notes. Therefore, you should write all context notes using proper grammar (e.g., complete
sentences with punctuation) and common language that can be easily understood by students and parents (e.g., spell out acronyms).



IPEDS Data Collection System

Section 2: Military Servicemembers and Veteran's Benefits - Graduate Only
Section 2: Military Servicemembers and Veteran's Benefits
Important Note:
Report for Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021.
Report for Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021
Program reporters should be reporting the information on this screen for ALL programs (not just the largest program).
Reporting Reminders:
Report the total number of student recipients and the total dollar amounts for each program.
Student recipients can also include eligible dependents.
Consult with your campus certifying official, who may not be in the student financial aid office.
For Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits, do not include the matching institutional aid provided through the Yellow Ribbon Program if your institution participated.
Information reported to IPEDS is only what is known to the institution.
Enter zero (0) if your institution did not have beneficiaries for a program. Please do not leave a cell blank.

Type of benefit/assistance

Number of students


Total dollar amount of


through the institution

Average dollar amount of


through the institution

Average dollar amount of


through the institution

Graduate students
Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits


Department of Defense Tuition Assistance



IPEDS Data Collection System

Prepared by
Prepared by
Reporting Reminders:
The name of the preparer is being collected so that we can follow up with the appropriate person in the event that there are questions concerning the data.
The Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence to other preparers.
The time it took to prepare this component is being collected so that we can continue to improve our estimate of the reporting burden associated with IPEDS.
Please include in your estimate the time it took for you to review instructions, query and search data sources, complete and review the component, and
submit the data through the Data Collection System.
Thank you for your assistance.
This survey component was prepared by:


SFA Contact

HR Contact



Finance Contact

Academic Library Contact









How many staff from your institution only were involved in the data collection and
reporting process of this survey component?

Number of Staff (including yourself)


How many hours did you and others from your institution only spend on each of the steps below when responding to this survey component?

Exclude the hours spent collecting data for state and other reporting purposes.
Collecting Data Needed

Revising Data to Match

IPEDS Requirements


Staff member

Entering Data


Your office







Other offices





Revising and Locking Data




IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid, Institutions with Graduate Students Only
Purpose of Component
Who Must Report
Changes in Reporting
General Instructions
What You Will Need
About the Data
Context Boxes

Reporting Period

Where to Get Help
Where the Data Will Appear
Detailed Instructions
Military Servicemembers and Veterans Benefits Question

Purpose of Component
The purpose of the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information about the financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduates in order to
meet requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Starting in the 2014-15 data collection year, SFA has expanded to collect information on the
federal dollars supporting military servicemember and veteran undergraduate and graduate students.
As presented in the Technical Review Panel Report #36 (March 2012), the increase in beneficiaries and federal dollars has led to an increased demand for
information to help prospective students decide where to use their educational benefits, researchers to study the impact of the programs on college outcomes, and
policymakers to assess the effectiveness of benefits programs and return on investment.

Who Must Report
All registered IPEDS institutions that educate military servicemembers, veterans, or eligible dependents receiving any Tuition Assistance Program or Post-9/11 GI
Bill benefits.

Report only those that RECEIVED the benefit(s).

Changes in reporting
There is a new FAQ about reporting financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer.

General Instructions
What You Will Need
If you are unfamiliar with these educational benefits, a general synopsis of each program is found below. 
1. Post-9/11 GI Bill
Effective August 1, 2009, benefit provides payment of tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and books and supplies stipend.
Tuition and fees are paid directly to the institution on behalf the students; thus, institutions should know which students have Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
and the amount of benefits received at the institution.
Educational benefits can be transferred to a dependent.
Program expanded in 2011 to cover non-degree-granting programs, apprenticeships/on-the-job training programs, flight training programs, and training
The Yellow Ribbon program through the Post-9/11 GI Bill is an institutional aid matching program only for tuition and fees for students attending
participating institutions.
For more information, visit the Department of Veteran Affairs, Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits website
2. Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program (DOD TAP)
For active duty servicemembers, reservists called to active duty, and their spouses.
Educational payments cover only tuition and fees and are made directly to the institution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

GI Bill benefits can be used to supplement costs not covered by this program.
For more information, visit the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program website and see 38 USC § 36 (2020).
Consult and verify the data with your institutional representative who certifies these benefits. This individual or office may not be in the student financial aid

About the Data
The Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs may only highlight two of many educational benefits provided to military servicemembers and veterans.
However, from a national perspective, Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance programs are more likely to be found across over 7,500 IPEDS institutions.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included
in the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.

Context Boxes
Optional context boxes throughout the component allow institutions to provide more information regarding reported data. Note that the information in these
context boxes may be posted on the U.S. Department of Education’s College Navigator website. NCES will review entries in these context boxes for applicability
and appropriateness before posting them on College Navigator. However, institutions should ensure that entries in these context boxes are free from
grammatical and spelling errors and are written so they can be understood by students and parents.

Interactive Edits
This component contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some error messages will
require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at (877)
225-2568 or [email protected] for resolution.

Reporting Period
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30. For example, for the 2021-22 data
collection year, the data reported will be July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September 30.
For example, for the 2021-22 data collection year, the data reported will be October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021.

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: (877) 225-2568

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Tutorials
You can consult the IPEDS Website's Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced overview of IPEDS tools,
and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website's Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information centers (e.g.,
academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution and aggregate levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Use the Data portal
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website
At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS Data Explorer
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Detailed Instructions
This section provides line-by-line instructions for the Military Servicemember and Veteran Benefits questions.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Screening Question. For graduate schools only, a screening question will ask if your school certified any military tuition assistance or veteran benefits in the prior
academic year. If the answer is ‘Yes,' you will be directed to the next question. If ‘No,' you have completed this portion of SFA. A context box is also provided for
further explanation of your response. Please see in the earlier  part of these instructions on the use of Context Boxes.
Benefits Question. For the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the July 1-June 30
reporting period (see coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting period.
For the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program benefit, please provide in the first column the number of students receiving the benefit during the
October 1-September 30 reporting period (see coverage above). In the second column, provide the total dollar amount for each benefit during the same reporting
If your institution did not have any student beneficiaries for one of the benefit programs, enter a zero (0) in the cell. In other words, do NOT leave the cell blank
for a program that did not have any beneficiaries.
For Yellow Ribbon participating institutions, the institutional aid provided through the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon matching program should NOT be included in
the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s Total dollar amount of benefits/assistance awarded through the institution.



IPEDS Data Collection System

date: 06/29/2021


Cohort year

The year that a cohort of students begins attending college.

Cost of attendance

The amount of tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses that a full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking student can expect to pay to go to college for an academic year. Costs reported by the institutions
are those amounts used by the financial aid office to determine a student's financial need.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual
institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report
data using a web-based data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional
Characteristics (IC); 12-month Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human
Resources (HR) composed of Employees by Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates
(GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and Academic Libraries (AL).

Military Tuition Assistance
Program (TAP)

A program that funds up to 100% of an eligible servicemember's college tuition and course-specific fees. Available only to
eligible servicemembers who are currently in active service as long as criteria limits are not exceeded and students are enrolled
off-duty in an U.S. Department of Education accredited post-secondary institution. This military benefit is paid directly to the
postsecondary institution by the individual's Armed service.

Post 9/11 GI Bill

A federal education benefit program for veterans, who served on active duty after September 10, 2001. This Department of
Veteran Affairs benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits at an approved institution for the following college costs:
tuition and fees, books and supplies, and housing. The tuition and fees payment, which is the cost for an in-state student
attending a public institution, is made directly to the postsecondary institution whereas payments for books and supplies and
housing are sent directly to the student.

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the
Title IV federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early
Intervention Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer of Entitlement Option

A program through which any unused Post 9/11 GI Bill may be transferred to a spouse or dependent(s) as long as
servicemembers or veterans meet the additional Department of Veterans Affairs criteria. Only Department of Defense (DoD) can
approve transfer of benefits requests.

Yellow Ribbon Program

A voluntary program through which participating public and private institutions can provide veterans and eligible beneficiaries
additional institutional aid to cover the costs of tuition and fees at their institutions. The Yellow Ribbon Program is a
supplementary program to the Post 9/11 GI Bill coverage of in-state tuition and fees. The Department of Veterans Affairs
matches the institutional aid provided beyond the in-state tuition and fees, but up to a certain limit each year.



IPEDS Data Collection System

Student Financial Aid
Click one of the following questions to view the answer.
1) Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
2) What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
3) What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
4) Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?

Student Counts
1) For which students should I report financial aid information?
2) What students are included in Group 1?
3) What students are included in Group 2?
4) What students are included in Group 2a?
5) What students are included in Group 2b?
6) What students are included in Group 3?
7) What students are included in Group 4?

Financial Aid
1) Should veterans education benefits be reported?
2) How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
4) What types of financial aid should be reported?
5) What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
6) When
do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
7) Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
8) Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
9) Should PLUS loans be reported?
10) What does "aid awarded" mean?
11) If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?
12) Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
13) How do I get information about students' income categories?
14) The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?

Which institutions are required to complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component?
All postsecondary institutions that either 1.) participate in federal student financial aid programs that enrolled undergraduate students or 2.) enroll students who
received an educational benefit (e.g., Department of Defense Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs Post-9/11GI Bill) any time during academic year
2020-21 must complete SFA.

What is the reporting period covered by SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 data collection, institutions should report data for academic year 2020-21.



IPEDS Data Collection System

For Title IV participating institutions that enroll undergraduate students:
For academic reporters, the academic year is defined as the period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to 2 semesters or
trimesters, 3 quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2020). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these students any time during the
2020-21 academic year.
For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as the institutionally defined academic year falls within the full aid year period
of July 1-June 30.

To determine the financial aid amounts to report for a given group of students, first identify the students in that group (e.g., for Group 2, full-time, first-time
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates enrolled any time during the academic year). Second, determine the financial aid that was awarded to these
students any time during the academic year.
For institutions that enroll undergraduate and graduate students who received military or veteran benefits:
The data reported for the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit questions should be for the prior academic year, from July 1 to June 30.
The data reported for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program questions should be for the prior academic year, from October 1 to September

What changes occurred for SFA for the 2021-22 collection year?
For the 2021-22 collection year, there were no changes.

Can I revise my institutions cost of attendance (COA) data in SFA?
Yes, the 3 most recent COA years can be changed in SFA's "Cost Revision" screen, which carried forward the COA data from Institutional Characteristics (IC)
component. Changes should only be made if errors were made in the IC reporting. Changes cannot be made in the prior year revision system.

Should my institution, which is participating as an experimental site, report high school students or incarcerated students who have received a Pell Grant while
taking college coursework?
If your institution is participating in the Dual Enrollment experimental site or the Second Chance Pell experimental site program, exclude these students from

Student Counts
For which students should I report financial aid information?
SFA collects information on undergraduate students only.

Academic reporters should report on students who were enrolled as of October 15, or the institution’s official Fall reporting date.

Program reporters should report on students who were enrolled any time during the academic year. For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the
institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

For the purposes of reporting to SFA, students are divided into the following groups:
Group 1: All undergraduate students
Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students
Group 3: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. For public
institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.
Group 4: Of Group 2, students who were awarded any Title IV federal student aid. For public institutions, include only those paying in-state/in-district tuition
rates. For program reporters, include only those enrolled in the institution’s largest program.

What students are included in Group 1?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Group 1 includes all undergraduate students. You should report the total number of all new and continuing full-time students, part-time students, degree/certificateseeking students, and non-degree/certificate-seeking students.

What students are included in Group 2?
Group 2 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates.

For academic reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Also include students enrolled in the fall term who
attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high
school). This number should match the data that you reported on the Fall Enrollment component of IPEDS.

For program reporters, include students attending your institution for the first time at the undergraduate level anytime during the academic year, as defined at your
institution. Also include students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school). This number should closely
match the data you reported on the 12-month Enrollment component of IPEDS.

What students are included in Group 2a?
In Group 2a, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal Work Study
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution

What students are included in Group 2b?
In Group 2b, you should report the number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who were awarded any of the following:
Federal or private loans to students
Grant or scholarship aid from the federal government
Grant or scholarship aid from state/local government
Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
Group 2b is Group 2a minus those students who were awarded only Federal Work Study or grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to the institution.

What students are included in Group 3?
Group 3 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the following sources:
Federal government
State/local government
For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Do not include students who were awarded only grant or scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students who were awarded only non-grant aid, such as

What students are included in Group 4?
Group 4 students include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who were awarded any Title IV aid.

Title IV aid includes the following:
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics
Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loan



IPEDS Data Collection System

For public institutions, include only those students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. For program reporters, include only those students enrolled in the
institution's largest program.

Financial Aid
Should veterans education benefits be reported?
For the portion of SFA (Parts A through E) that requires Title IV institutions to report on undergraduate students receiving financial aid:
Veterans education benefits should not be reported as financial aid in SFA.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) removed veterans education benefits from “estimated financial assistance,” effective July 1, 2010. A
later technical corrections bill (H.R. 1777) updated the list of programs that meet the definition of "veterans' education benefits" in section 480(c) of the
Higher Education Act (HEA) and moved the effective date of the exclusion to July 1, 2009 (beginning with the 2009-10 award year).
However, the institutional aid from Yellow Ribbon program should be reported under institutional aid. See how to report the Yellow Ribbon aid in FAQ.
For more information about the Department's Guidance on Federal Veterans’ Education Benefits for Purposes of the Title IV Student Assistance Programs,
please visit
For the portion of SFA (Section 2) that requires institutions to report on students who received military or veteran benefits:
Educational benefits from the Department of Defense's Military Tuition Assistance or Department of Veteran Affairs' Post-9/11 GI Bill should be reported in

How should I report post-9/11 "Yellow Ribbon" benefits?
The Post-9/11 GI Bill program includes a 'Yellow Ribbon' program, which is comprised of matching funds provided by the government and the institution. The
institutional part of this aid should be reported in the SFA component (Section 1) as aid to the undergraduate student. Yellow Ribbon benefits provided from
the VA should NOT be included when reporting to the portion of SFA (Section 1) on Title IV institutions that enroll full-time, first-time degree/certificate
seeking undergraduate students.
However, both Post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon beneficiaries and federal dollar amounts should be reported to the military/veteran question of SFA (Section
2). This portion of SFA requires all institutions that enroll students with Post-9/11 GI Bill and/or Tuition Assistance educational benefits to provide the number of
beneficiaries and total dollar amounts.

The SFA survey indicates that the maximum amount of DOD TAP awarded per fiscal year per student is $4500. What do I do if my DOD TAP average is greater than
$4500 per student?
According to the 2014 final regulations set for the DOD Voluntary Education Programs - which include TAP - each branch of military service can pay no more than
$250/semester-unit (or equivalent) for tuition. Each service member is eligible for up to $4500 in aggregate for each fiscal year. If your institution’s DOD TAP average
is greater than $4500 per student per award year, then you should:
--Ask your financial aid office or VA certifying official to sort out the military aid and remove any non-DOD TAP aid (e.g., ROTC scholarships, tuition reimbursements
for advanced civil schooling, education-related incentive or bonus); 
--Remove any non-Title 10 aid since TAP is a Title 10 program; and
--Make sure that you are including one disbursement period for that award year. Even though DOD TAP aid are reported for the Oct 1 – Sep 30 timeframe, which
technically covers two fall periods; only include one fall disbursement period per award year. 

What types of financial aid should be reported?
The following types of financial aid should be reported in this component:

Federal grants (grants/educational assistance funds): Grants provided by federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, including Title IV
federal student aid grants such as Pell grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACGs),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grants. Also include need-based and merit-based educational assistance funds and training vouchers provided from other federal agencies and/or
federally-sponsored educational benefits programs.
State/local government grants (grants/scholarships/waivers): Grants that were provided by your state such as Leveraging Educational Assistance
Partnerships (LEAP) (formerly SSIGs) and Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships. Also include merit scholarships that were provided by your state and tuition
and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency. Local grants include any local government grants, scholarships or gift-aid
awarded directly to the student.
Institutional grants: Scholarships and fellowships granted and funded by the institution and/or individual departments within the institution (and are limited to
students attending your institution). Also include scholarships targeted to certain individuals (e.g., based on state of residence or major) for which the



IPEDS Data Collection System

institution designates the recipient; athletic scholarships; and the like. This is not intended to include Federal Work Study.
Private grants or scholarships: These may include scholarships or grants to students that are paid by an outside organization but are directed through the
institution's financial aid office (e.g., Rotary Club Scholarship).
Loans to students: Monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Include all Title IV federal student
loan aid such as Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct or FFEL Stafford Loans. Also include all
institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Please do not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.

Note that different parts of the SFA component ask for different types of financial aid to be reported. Please review the instructions and the survey screens carefully
to ensure that you are reporting the correct types of financial aid in the appropriate parts.

What is the time period for which I should report financial aid amounts?
Institutions should report aid that was awarded any time during the academic year.

For academic reporters, the academic year is the period of time generally extending from September to June, usually equated to two semesters or trimesters, three
quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 calendar system.

For program reporters, the academic year is defined by the institution, so long as it falls between July 1 and June 30.

Note that for the purposes of calculating net price, the cost of attendance (COA) for an academic year reported in the Institutional Characteristics (IC) component
should align with the aid amounts reported in the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component.

do I report financial aid awards for students who attend in the summer?
financial aid awarded for the 2020-21 academic year. If a student receives an
award for a cross-over payment period, report the award in the academic year
assigned by the financial aid office, which should be the same as the financial
aid allocation or authorization year. This also applies if a student receives
two Federal
Pell Grant awards in the same academic year (i.e., Year-Round

Should tuition and fee waivers be reported?
Yes, tuition and fee waivers should be reported.
Tuition and fee waivers for which your institution was reimbursed by a state agency should be reported under state/local government grants.

Tuition and fee waivers granted by your institution (for which your institution is not reimbursed from another source) should be reported as institutional grants.

Where in Part C should I report tribal aid?
In general, institutions should report financial aid from tribal offices awarded to full-time, first-time students in the state/local government field (Line 03) in Part C.

Should PLUS loans be reported?
No. PLUS loans are made to the parents of students. Any type of loan that is not made to the student should not be reported.

What does "aid awarded" mean?
Institutions should report on grant or scholarship aid that has been awarded to students. This may be different from aid that was actually disbursed to students. For
example, a student may be awarded grant or scholarship aid at the beginning of the academic year but then leave the institution before the entire amount is
disbursed. In this case, you would report the original amount of grant or scholarship aid that was awarded, even though the entire amount was not actually disbursed
to the student.
For reporting loans to students, institutions should continue to report on loans that were awarded to and accepted by the student.

If a student is awarded more than one type of aid, do I count him/her twice?



IPEDS Data Collection System

Yes, students should be included in each category of aid that they are awarded. If a student is awarded both federal and institutional aid, he/she should be counted
under both types of aid.

However, in Part C, count students only once in the major aid category. For example, if a student is awarded both a Pell Grant (Line 02a) and another type of federal
grant (Line 02b), then count that student once for the major category of Federal grants (Line 02).

Where can I get living arrangement information for students?
Students indicate their intended living arrangement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or an institutional financial aid application. If a student
did not complete the FAFSA or an institutional financial aid application with living arrangement information, that student may appear as having an unknown living

Institutions should use the most recently available information regarding student living arrangement.

How do I get information about students' income categories?
To assign the income category of the student, use the income that was used by your financial aid office to determine the student’s Expected Family Contribution
(EFC). For dependent students this will include the parents’ adjusted gross income and the student’s adjusted gross income. For independent students this will
include the student’s adjusted gross income.

If your institution takes part in campus-based aid programs like the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, and Perkins Loans,
then it might be easiest to tell your financial aid office that students should be put in income categories as they are done on FISAP(Fiscal Operations Report and
Application to Participate). Institutions with campus-based aid programs must report annually to the Department of Education using the FISAP. Part of the FISAP
includes income-related information. Even if your institution does not file FISAP, the instructions from it may be helpful (fields 26-39):
Use the FISAP Total Income (FTI), one of the intermediate computed values on the Student Aid Record (SAR) or ISIR (Institutional Student Information
Record), to determine the proper cell for each student. For dependent students, FTI is the sum of Total Income (TI) and Student’s Total Income (STI). For
independent students, the FTI will equal the TI. Remember, extract this information only from the SARs/ISIRs of students who actually enrolled in your school.
You might need to correct or adjust a student’s income information and recalculate the EFC. If so, you must use that corrected or adjusted information when
determining the proper income cell for a student. In such a case, to determine the income cell for a dependent student, you must use the student’s and
parents’ base year incomes, as reported on the SAR/ISIR.

The institution awards grants funded by an affiliated foundation. How should these grants be reported?
If the foundation’s mission is to benefit the institution, then:  (1) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the institution designates the recipient should
be reported as institutional grants; and (2) those portions of the foundation-funded grants where the foundation designates the recipient should be reported as
private grants. All grants funded by foundations with missions other than to benefit the institution should be reported as private grants.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLawley, Tara
File Modified2021-06-29
File Created2021-06-29

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