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OMB Clearance Number 3145-0248
1. Respondent universe and sampling methods
ETAP data system
Universe of ETAP respondents:
o Individual students (mostly undergraduate and graduate students) interested in
applying for opportunities available through ETAP. These individuals will submit
background information described above in Part A as part of their application.
o Principal investigators (PIs) or their designees (such as co-PIs or administrators) and
reference writers. These individuals will be asked to provide useful information. For
example, PIs will be asked to provide information on the opportunities for
prospective applicants and record admissions decisions and participation information
(who actually participated in the program or opportunity).
Sampling methods. There is no sampling in ETAP as PIs need information from every
applicant. Consequently, the system will collect basic information from the universe of
individuals who submit applications. A justification for the estimated numbers of applicants
is provided in section 12 of Part A of this request. Note that collecting this information from
the universe of applicants does not add cost or burden to the government or respondents.
Indeed, it should reduce cost and burden (on both PIs and applicants) by providing an online,
centralized alternative to the applications currently offered by individual awards (see section
3 of Part A of this request for more details).
National student clearinghouse (NSC)
Universe. We will obtain information on educational outcomes (enrollment and graduation)
from the NSC for a former cohort of REU participants who applied through the REU data
system, was admitted, and participated in the 2019 REU program at a pilot Site (N=471).
Most of these students are expected to have graduated by 2023, when NSC data will be
Sampling methods. We will not use sampling given that the information we seek is available
in a centralized location (the NSC) at zero burden for the participants and at low cost ($1 per
student for the first 1,000 students, with marginal cost for additional records decreasing with
volume). We also want to ensure adequate representation of groups that are traditionally
underrepresented in STEM (minorities, students with disabilities, and others).
Employment Survey
Universe. 471 undergraduates in the pilot who participated in the REU program for the 2019
program cycle.
Sampling methods. We will not use sampling because (1) this is a relatively small population
and (2) we seek to obtain an accurate measure of the expect response rate for the future. Note
that the logic of this pilot is to test a system that can be easily implemented by NSF in the
future. The information collected—including a non-response bias analysis comparing survey
data to NSC and registration/common application data—will enable the study team to make a
recommendation to NSF regarding whether and how to sample in future data collection
rounds, if this approach to data collection is adopted.
2. Procedures for the collection of information
a. Statistical methodology for stratification and sample selection
The approach to scaling up the test of the system will be two-prong. First, we will target all
NSF training programs offering research experiences, to enable the Agency to produce
accurate estimates in one area of its education and training portfolio of investments as
quickly as possible. Second, we will consult with NSF program officers to devise a plan for
recruiting other types of training programs to test the system. We will assess programs
against a number of criteria, including whether the program (1) has a data collection system
in place (to prioritize those that do not), (2) is large in terms of the number of training
opportunities funded (to have enough voluntary participation within a program to offer
insights into how the system serves program needs), and (3) are representative of a line of
training funding or o type of training recipient (to offer informative findings that would be
useful for scaling the system to others). Within a program, the pilot will seek volunteers
among PIs with active awards, collaborating with NSF program officers to devise the
recruitment strategy.
b. Data collection
• ETAP data system. This is a web-based system to which users will have access for
different purposes and at different points in time. Applicants will use ETAP to complete
their registrations or applications. They will learn about ETAP through the NSF website, PI
websites (such as those set up for REU Sites), and/or guidance sent to prospective
applicants by PIs. Data collection will begin in the Fall of 2021 to coincide with the earliest
opening of applications for opportunities, as determined by PIs. Applications will be
accepted within the dates specified by PIs.
• NSC. We will prepare and submit to the NSC a request for data on former participants.
• Publications and Patents. We will use NSF’s Apache-Solr enterprise search engine to
match participants to Web of Science, Scopus, and USPTO databases. These databases
have already been ingested into NSF systems and are frequently updated.
• Employment Survey. In alignment with current best practices in data collection, we will
use a multi-mode contact protocol to guide respondents to a web-based employment
survey. We will attempt to reach participants via email, text (if they consent) and, if
needed, postal mail to take them to a survey instrument that will be dynamically optimized
for a range of screen sizes and devices (Dillman 2017; Finamore and Dillman 2013).
3. Methods to maximize response rates and deal with nonresponse
The pilot is designed to determine the unit and item response rates expected using low-cost
outreach strategies.
• ETAP data system. Non-response is not a concern for the common application, as
prospective applicants will be asked by PIs to submit their applications through the system.
Non-response could be a concern, however, among noncompetitive Sites/Projects who will
be asking prospective participants (undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs) to register in the system even though they have already been “accepted” (this would
be the case for PIs who do not run a competition for admissions but rather invite
individuals to participate, as is often the case for REU supplements). To encourage timely
reporting, we will have in place the following mechanisms: 1) PIs cannot “certify” that the
list of participants is complete if the student has not completed the registration, 2) PIs will
receive automatic reminders through ETAP to provide missing participation information,
and 3) NSF program officers will have the ability to check status of participant reporting.
The pilot will test the success of this approach and elicit feedback to consider
• NSC. Non-response is not a concern, but non-matches is. The pilot will expand testing of
the feasibility of obtaining educational outcomes information on NSF participants through
the NSC.
• Employment Survey. Non-response is a concern for this survey, particularly because it
will be administered several years after participation. As described earlier, this pilot will
including testing of alternative low-cost strategies that show promise in the survey
4. Tests of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken
• ETAP data system. For new system development, we will conduct two types of pretests—alpha testing to ensure the system is working properly, and beta- or usability-testing
to ensure the content works as intended, that is, items are eliciting the responses we seek.
Alpha-testing. The study team will conduct testing of the web-based system to ensure that
1) the site functions properly, 2) the user interface is friendly and clear, and 3) the business
logic aligns with specifications. Site functionality testing will involve testing the flow of
the site between pages, verifying the ability to enter and retrieve appropriate information
based on user role, and ensuring that the data collection capabilities of the site work
properly and securely with website’s attached database. Site user interface testing ensures
that the site’s buttons, tabs, scroll bars, text boxes and other inputs are laid out in an
intuitive way and function properly. Business logic verification ensures that all text content
and status reports are aligned with the business needs for the instrument and the
specifications which document those business needs. The goal of these tests is to ensure
that the application works properly before we move to the stage of beta-testing.
Beta- or usability-testing. We will pre-test aspects of the application that have not
previously been tested with the precursor system (such as a significantly revised order of
items and user flow of the applicant module, and enhancements to the PI module to access
data from prior years). Changes are modeled after the NSF GRFP common application
(OMB control number 3145-0023) and industry leading applications such as the
Commonapp for college, and based on feedback gathered through the help desk and other
interactions with stakeholders (such as presentation at PI conferences and during system
demonstrations webinars).
• NSC, Web of Science, Scopus, and USPTO. Not applicable as, for many years, these
providers have been collecting and providing the data needed.
• Employment survey. Pretesting the web-based employment survey is vital to the integrity
of the data collection. Alpha testing will help ensure that the survey behaves as intended.
Beta-testing will enable us to assess understanding of the terms and questions presented in
the survey, accuracy and relevance of the questions, whether important questions are
missing or existing ones should be revised, and the length of time the survey takes to
5. Individuals consulted on statistical aspects of the design
Andrew Weiss, vice president and director of Mathematica’s Survey Operations Center, is an
expert in data collection systems, research operations, and survey methodology.
Dr. Michael Sinclair, a statistician who was formerly with the U.S. Department of Justice and
Census Bureau and has extensive expertise in areas such as sampling methodology, survey
weighting and imputation, and data linkage, oversaw the original design for the REU data
system pilot that is the foundation for the ETAP pilot.
Dr. John Deke, a senior fellow and methodological advisor at Mathematica, oversaw the
experimental design to evaluate alternative strategies to increase response rates in online
surveys, and conducted quality assurance of the approach.
Dillman, D. “The Promise and Challenge of Pushing Respondents to the Web in MixedMode Surveys.” Survey Methodology, vol. 43, no. 1, 2017, pp. 3–30.
Finamore, J., and D.A. Dillman. “How Mode Sequence Affects Responses by Internet, Mail,
and Telephone in the National Survey of College Graduates.” Presentation to the European
Survey Research Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 18, 2013.
Galesic, M., and M. Bosnjak. “Effects of Questionnaire Length on Participation and
Indicators of Response Quality in a Web Survey.” Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2,
2009, pp. 349–360.
Lopatto, David. Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First Findings. Cell
Biology Education, Vol. 3, 270–277, Winter 2004
Lopatto, David. Undergraduate Research Experiences Support Science Career Decisions and
Active Learning. CBE—Life Sciences Education, Vol. 6, 297–306, Winter 2007
Mathematica. “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Data System Pilot
Analyses: REU Participant Exit Survey.” Findings submitted to NSF. Washington, DC:
Mathematica, January 2020.
Zuckerman, B., J. Doyle, A. Mudd, T. Jones, and G. Davis. “Assessment of the Feasibility of
Tracking Participants from the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for
Undergraduates (REU) Sites Program.” Final report. Washington, DC: STPI, 2016.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | SUMMARY |
Author | bowman-marietta |
File Modified | 2021-07-06 |
File Created | 2021-07-06 |