Data Collection Overview

Attachment A ETAP Data Collection Overview.pdf

National Science Foundation Education and Training Application Pilot

Data Collection Overview

OMB: 3145-0248

Document [pdf]
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Attachment A ● Data collection overview


Data collection overview
The Education and Training Application (ETAP) system will be an online platform designed to
offer NSF a robust and secure data collection system and data enclave for the IRES and REU
programs, and other programs that similarly invest in training opportunities for students. Based on
its predecessor (the REU data system), the system will serve as a centralized location where student
applicants can provide information required to participate in NSF programs, PIs can access
applicant information and submit information about the training opportunity they offer, and NSF
staff can access information about applicants, participants, and opportunities.
1.1. System modules

The data system will be the restricted-access portion of a public website and will include four
functional modules: (1) account creation/log-in, (2) applicant, (3) PI, and (4) administrator
modules—along with a Tableau for interactive reporting of system data (Exhibit 1).
Exhibit 1. The ETAP system at a glance

IPEDS= Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
NSC= National Student Clearinghouse data
USPTO= United States Patent and Trademark Office


An account creation/log-in module, through which users can receive an ID and establish an
email to access the system and reset their password
An applicant module, through which students can enter information necessary to apply to a NSF
opportunity through a common application or register to participate in a program. Both require
applicants to complete a registration form designed to collect basic demographic and contact
information but differ in what happens after the registration is completed.
Registration with common application. Applicants applying to training opportunities using
the common application will be able to apply to multiple opportunities by completing two
application components. Applicants will first complete basic registration information and then
proceed to the additional opportunity requirements, through which they will submit transcripts
and any additional information commonly required by Sites.
Registration. Applicants registering to participate in an NSF opportunity that is not running
competitive applications will only need to register through the system without any additional
A PI module, through which PIs can enter information about their project (opportunity offered),
access application materials, submit admissions decisions and participation information, and access
data reports
An administrator module, through which NSF program officers can access aggregate data reports
and system administrators can access applicant-level data.
The database will store information entered by the users who access the front-end modules and
will integrate that information with data obtained from other external sources. Unless otherwise
noted, beginning fall 2021, the database will include the following:


Award information retrieved from the NSF FastLane system to reduce burden on PIs, such
as the award title and institution address
Opportunity information provided by PIs through the data system, such as expected
program dates, location, and opening and closing date for receiving applications
Student information provided by applicants through the registration (in the future) or
common application
Information on applicants’ background and aptitude provided by reference letter writers
Information on applicants’ home institutions retrieved from the Integrated Postsecondary
Education System (IPEDS) and the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher
Education to facilitate analyses, such as calculating the proportion of participants who come
from a two-year college or an institution classified as having “very high research activity”
Information on participants’ research experiences (activities and mentorship received),
learning gains, and satisfaction—provided by participants at the end of the research
Information on participants’ educational outcomes—to be obtained from the National
Student Clearinghouse (NSC) after participants’ expected graduation dates (to be included in
the 2023)
Information on participants’ employment outcomes—to be obtained from those participants
not enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs according to the NSC data (to be
included in the 2023)


Information on participants’ research productivity outcomes—to be obtained from
administrative data on publications and patents through name-matching (to be included in
the 2023)

1.2. Key system features

The data system is envisioned as a robust and reliable data collection system that accommodates the
needs of different users. When designing the system’s features, NSF prioritizes the goals of
collecting and disseminating useful information, ensuring data quality, reducing burden, and
providing a positive user experience. Next, we describe the key system features.

Features for applicants
Includes an opportunity search tool. The data system provides users with a list of NSF-funded
opportunities that are using the system along with information that PIs provide (such as program
dates and the application deadline). The list includes a search tool that enables users to filter
opportunities by characteristics such as program type (for example, IRES, REU), student type (for
example, undergraduate and graduate), Site/Project location and discipline.

Key system features
For applicants

Includes an search tool for NSF-funded training opportunities
Accepts only applications from eligible students
Allows restrictions to the maximum number of applications (which could be
submitted at different times)


Flexible and customizable
PIs choose whether to run applications competitively or noncompetitively
PIs control when to open and close applications to their award
PIs can add questions and request additional materials*
PIs can authorize system users (e.g., co-PIs)
Electronic reference letters*
Two options to report admissions decisions and participation information
(interactive or bulk upload)
View, print, and download data
Data reports

For PIs


For NSF program officers

Data reports (including a Tableau dashboard)
*Common application

Limits the number of applications students can submit (through the common application).
The system will be programmed to restrict the number of applications a student can submit. The
limit was up to 10 applications per student in the REU data system and can be modified based on
program needs.

Has built-in features to enhance data quality, such as required fields, validation checks, and
programmed skip logics. Nearly all fields in the system require responses, but for items with
voluntary responses, such as those that ask about demographic information, applicants may indicate
that they do not wish to provide the information requested. In addition, responses are subject to edit
checks to ensure applicants enter all the required information, and the information is valid. For
example, test scores must be submitted within a valid range. Email addresses and dates must follow
a particular format. Validation checks also prevent applicants from submitting applications with
missing responses or invalid values and prompt them to fix any issues. Lastly, conditionally required
responses are integrated into the flow of questions, such as prompting for more information if an
applicant selects “other” in response to certain questions.
Implements predictive search for college names and uses standardized college majors. The
system incorporates the 2017 list of colleges from IPEDS, which activates by way of predictive
search once users start typing the name of the institution of current enrollment. The system also
collects information on fields of study consistent with the National Survey of College Graduates.
Presents progress status and review panel page. The applicant module includes a reporting page
that provides at-a-glance status reports of completion progress by indicating the sections of the
application that are still in progress. Before submitting the application, users can review it for
accuracy in print mode.
Provides capabilities to upload and download PDFs. The system enables applicants to upload
PDF files with their transcripts, curriculum vitae, and other documentation, all of which are
accessible to PIs of the opportunities to which they have applied. In addition, students can view
(and download) PDF documents that PIs may have loaded in the system to describe additional
program requirements.

Features for PIs
Offers flexibility and customization for PIs to manage their applications. For example:

PIs decide how to run applications to their award. PIs determine whether to run
applications by prospective participants competitively and non-competitively.
PIs control the application period (common application). PIs determine the dates on
which they wish to start and stop receiving applications. PIs can modify the dates at any
PIs can add questions and request additional materials (common application). PIs
can upload a PDF and add up to three questions to the application. The added requirements
are administered to students who attempt to apply to that PI’s Site/Project.
PIs can authorize users to manage their Site/Project in the system. PIs can designate
co-PIs and staff members with similar access rights who can manage the Site/Project

Offers two options to report admissions decisions and participation information (interactive
or bulk upload). PIs can report admissions decisions and acceptances interactively in the website
for each applicant by using drop-down menus, or they can upload a CSV file with the information.
Supports electronic reference letters (common application). Applicants are required to provide
contact information for two people who will provide a letter of reference. The system then submits

an email inviting those people to complete an online form about the applicant. PIs can access all
applicant information, including submitted reference letters, electronically in one system.
Supports view, print, and download data functionalities. PIs can view and print an applicant’s
completed information in a review screen. PIs can also download applicant data for their own
applicants, along with admissions and participation decisions, in a CSV format. Filtering tools are
available to users who wish to limit the scope of downloaded data based on a variety of factors, such
as applicant demographic characteristics or the type of institution attended by applicants. Note that
the database is configured to allow PIs access to data on applicants and participants based on their
data access privileges. (PIs can only access applicant-level data for those who have applied to their
Pre-loads data from FastLane to enhance data quality and reduce burden. Award information
available in FastLane (which includes the PI contact information and the award number, discipline,
title, and abstract) are loaded into the system. Once PIs submit their grant award number in the PI
module, the system populates information based on the grant award ID. This feature reduces the
burden on PIs—who do not have to submit information that has already been provided to NSF—
and enhances data quality, because PIs can review the information and request revisions as needed.
Presents progress status. The PI module also has a summary page that provides at-a-glance status
reports of their application cycle, including a list of authorized users, number of applications
received, and progress on making admissions decisions.
Provides reports on aggregate descriptive statistics. PIs and their authorized users have access
to aggregate descriptive statistics (in the form of HTML, PDF, and CSV tables) for their own award,
their own discipline, and the program as a whole.

Features for administrators
Provides reporting and data analytics. NSF program officers and other administration users will
have access to a Tableau dashboard with which they can generate descriptive statistics for different
samples of the data (for a given award, a given discipline, or the program as a whole).
Allows data download. This functionality has been built and, at present, is restricted to authorized
system administrators. In consultation with NSF’s office of general counsel and other key NSF staff,
NSF will determine, and develop procedures to support, data access and use.

Features for all users
Sends automated email notifications. The system will send automatic emails through the website
domain in support of communications, to include: (1) a welcome email that confirms users have
successfully created an account; (2) emails allowing users to reset their password; (3) emails to
people chosen to write letters of reference, with a secure link for them to upload their letters
(common application only); (4) emails inviting users to create an account when the PI authorizes
them to manage their account in the system; (5) an email confirming successful submission of the
application form; and (6) an email administering the participant exit survey.


1.3. Data elements

The system will provide a common data collection infrastructure that serves NSF needs of
consistency and standardization across programs, while allowing flexibility for PIs to request
additional information needed for their operations. The data system will allow users to collect basic
information needed to monitor the characteristics of participants (such as gender, ethnicity,
education level, discipline, and country of experience) and learn about their experiences participating
in the programs. Through this system, critical data will also be gathered to facilitate future efforts to
obtain information on participants’ educational outcomes through the National Student
Clearinghouse (at low cost and no burden to participants), administer surveys to gather employment
outcomes, and evaluate the program.
Applicant data. Exhibit 2 shows the data elements planned to be collected from applicants through
the system (the data collection instrument is available in Attachment B).
Exhibit 2: Data elements that will be collected from applicants through ETAP
(*) Section required from all applicants.


Data elements

Create an

Personal information
• Name
• Preferred name
• Preferred pronouns
• Date of birth
• Email address

Data sharing preferences
• Preference for data sharing with other NSF
opportunities for which they have not applied


Contact information
• Cell phone number
• Alternative email address
• Mailing and permanent address
• Social media account information

Current enrollment
• Name of college or university
• Enrollment status
• Degree pursued
• Primary field of study
• Expected completion date
• Class standing
• College GPA
• College financing



Demographic information
• Race
• Ethnicity
• Sex at birth
• Gender identity
• Veteran status
• Disability status
• Education and occupation of
applicant’s parents or guardians
• High school
• Prior postsecondary degrees
• College entrance test scores

Prior experience
• Prior research experience (NSF or not NSF-funded)
• Prior international research experience
Work experience (if applicant is a teacher)
• School name
• Teaching grade and subject
• Years of teaching experience
• Teaching certification
Program awareness
• Awareness of the program
Opportunity applying for


Other application materials
• Personal statement
• Transcript
• CV or resume
• References’ contact information
• Additional materials requested by PIs


Certify &
Submit (*)

Data elements
Certify and submit

Participant data. In addition to baseline (application) data, the system collects detailed information
from participants. For example, the participant exit survey (as designed for the REU and IRES
programs) is administered through the system and includes questions to gauge participant
satisfaction with the research experience, support received in preparation for and during the
experience (such as scientific preparation and more practical training to foster a successful
adaptation in the foreign research environment), mentoring received (and by whom), collaborations
formed, skills gained, and so on. The exit survey includes 15 questions common for participants in
either program with 2 additional questions for participants with an international program experience
(Attachment B includes the survey instrument).
1.4. Data reports

The data reporting capabilities of the system differ by type of user, as shown in Exhibit 3.
Administrators. NSF program officers have access to data tables that show aggregate statistics of
the data collected. These tables will be refreshed every morning at 4 a.m. EST to provide updated
(“live”) data. Once program officers log in, they can:
Click on the table name to view the table in HTML
Click on a PDF icon to print or save the table as a PDF
Click on a CSV icon to download the table as a CSV file
In addition, NSF will access to a Tableau dashboard that shows aggregate statistics of the data
collected in an accessible and visually appealing way. Program officers using the dashboard can
interactively choose the data displayed based on samples (for example, all awards in the program
combined, or a particular award).
Lastly, NSF program officers can request access to the applicant-level data for monitoring,
research, and evaluation. The data come in one CSV file with one record per applicant.
PI (and their designated users) will have access to data tables showing the same data elements as
those in the administrator module but for different samples of the data. Data tables for PIs show
aggregate reports on their own award, their own discipline (if applicable), and on all awards in the
program combined. In addition, PIs will have unrestricted access to applicant data of applicants to
their own opportunity. Due to software licensing restrictions, PIs will not have access to the Tableau


Exhibit 3. Summary of the system’s data reporting capabilities
Data tables

Tableau dashboard

Applicant-level data

NSF program officers
Aggregate reports on:
• Each discipline (if
• The program as a whole

PIs and designated

Aggregate reports on:
• Their own award
• Their own discipline (if
• The program as a whole

Aggregate reports on:
• Each award
• Each discipline (if
• The program as a whole

Disaggregated data for
program as a whole in CSV
file (upon request)

Disaggregated data for their
own Site in CSV file
(available through the


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-07-06
File Created2021-07-06

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