CGRC-1130 (01/17) USCG Prospect Questionnaire


CGRC-1130 Prospect Questionnaire Unencrypted.updated

OMB: 1625-0128

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OMB Control # 1625-0128 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021

Prospect Questionnaire Instructions
Privacy Act Statement
AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. §§ 504, 1475-1480; 14 U.S.C. §§ 211, 350, 632; Homeland Security
Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12; Executive Order 9397.
PURPOSE: To identify and process individuals interested in applying for enlistment or commission in
the United States Coast Guard (CG) or CG Reserve.
ROUTINE USES: Authorized CG personnel will use this information to assess an individual’s interest
for enlistment and/or commissioning, to screen qualified applicants, and to initiate pay and benefits for
new members. Any external disclosures of data within this record will be made in accordance with
DHS/USCG-014, Military Pay and Personnel System of Records, 76 Federal Register 66,933, October
28, 2011.
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure is voluntary. However, failure to provide requested information may result
in not being contacted by a recruiter and ultimately, prohibit enlistment or commissioning.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
The Coast Guard estimates that the average burden to complete this form is 30 minutes.
You may submit any comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate or any suggestions for
reducing the burden to: Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Recruiting Command, 2703 Martin Luther
King Jr. Ave SE, Washington, DC 20593-7419 or Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork
Reduction Project (1625-new), Washington DC 20503.

Complete the Prospect Questionnaire and return to a recruiter via mail, fax, or in person (please do
not email this form to your recruiter). Locate your local recruiting office via our Find A
Recruiter link:


Complete the form completely and honestly. The Coast Guard uses a whole-person concept when
evaluating eligibility. While the Coast Guard has some standards that cannot be waived, we can
exercise discretion over others. However, intentionally inaccurate, omitted, or deceptive answers
will likely prevent you from being accepted. You will be eventually subjected to a criminal
background check, character check, and credit check if you continue the application process.


If you have any questions about completing this form, contact your local recruiting office or an
online recruiter. See

Contact Details and Interest
Date Form Completed: Self-explanatory.
Name: Full legal name. If no maiden name, leave blank or write N/A (not applicable).
Current Address: Self-explanatory.
Email Address: Enter primary email address, if applicable.
Phone Number: Enter primary phone number, if applicable.
How did you hear about us? Select one of the follow answers or provide your own:
Billboard; Career Fair; CG Member; Direct Mail; Friend / Relative; Internet Search / Link; Radio Ad;
TV Ad; Magazine / Newspaper Ad; Movie Theater Ad; News Story; Promotional Item; School
Counselor; Other (Specify).
7. Programs of Interest: Select one of the following:
enlisted, officer, both, unsure.
8. Component: Select one of the following:
Part-Time (Reserve); Full-Time (Active-Duty); both; unsure.


CGRC-1130 (01/17)

OOMB Control # 1625-0128 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021
Biographical Details
9. Citizenship Status: Select one of the following:
U.S. Citizen – Native Born; U.S. Citizen – Naturalized; U.S. Citizen – Born abroad to U.S.
Citizen; Lawful Permanent Resident; Non-Immigrant Foreign National; Immigrant Alien.
10. Social Security Number: If no SSN, leave blank or write N/A (not applicable)
11. Alien Registration “Green Card” Number: Include only if lawful permanent resident. If not,
leave blank or write N/A (not applicable).
12. Ethnicity: Select one of the following:
Hispanic or Latino / Latina; Not Hispanic or Latino / Latina
13. Race #1: Select one of the following:
Alaska Native; American Indian; Asian; Black / African American; Multiple;
Native Hawaiian; Other; Pacific Islander; White / Caucasian.
14. Race #2: Same choices as Race #1. Select if applicable.
15. Birth Info: Self-explanatory.
16. Marital Status: Select one of the following:
Married; Never Married; Legally Separated; Divorced, Not Remarried;
Annulled, Not Remarried; Widow / Widower.
17. Number of Dependent Children: Number of children legally dependant on you for support.
18. Height / Weight / Hair Color / Eye Color: Self-explanatory.
19. Education (Highest Attained): Select one of the following:
In high school; in home school; high school graduate; GED or alt. credential; home school graduate;
Some college; professional certificate; Associates Deg.; Bachelors Deg.; Masters Deg. or PH.D.;
Other (Specify).
20. High School (Last Attended): Self-explanatory.
21. School / Community Activity #1 & #2: Clubs, sports, or organizations in which you were involved.
22. College (Current / Last Attended): Self-explanatory.
23. Degree Type: If applicable (earned or in progress), select the highest:
A.A.; A.A.S.; M.A.; M.S.; Ph.D.; M.D.; J.D. / LL.M; Other (Specify).
24. Current GPA (Most recent education): GPA at most recent education level (on a 4.0 scale).
Note: A+ or >97% = 4.33; A or 93-96% = 4.00; A- or 89-92% = 3.67;
B+ or 87-88% = 3.33; B or 83-86% = 3.00; B- or 79-82% = 2.67;
C+ or 77-78% = 2.33; C or 73-76% = 2.00; C- or 69-72% = 1.67;
D+ or 67-68% = 1.33; D or 63-66% = 1.00; D- or 59-62% = 0.67;
25. Major (If applicable): College major; highest attained or in progress.
26. Current Education Status: Select one of the following:
Not in school nor pursuing a degree; In school or pursuing a degree
27. Current Employment Status: Select one of the following:
Employed – Full Time; Employed – Part Time; Not Employed.
28. Number of College Credits: Self-explanatory.
29. Total Year of Education (including High School): Years spent in school.
30. Driver’s License - Number, State, Expiration: Self-explanatory. If no license, leave blank or write N/A.
31. Selective Service Number: For men only. Obtain your number at
Military and ASVAB Information
32. Have you ever talked to a Coast Guard Recruiter: Select either Yes; No.
33. If yes, where and where: If applicable, give approximate date you spoke with a Coast Guard
recruiter and which recruiting office.
34. Have you served or are you currently serving in another military branch: Select either Yes; No.
35. Branch: If you have served or are serving, select one of the following:
Coast Guard; Army; Navy; Air Force; Marines; Nat’l Guard; Foreign Military; N/A.
36. Component: If you have served or are serving, select one of the following:
Active Duty; Reserve; Both; N/A.
37. Remaining Service Obligation: Enter only if currently serving in a military branch.
38. Anticipated Separation Date: Enter only if currently serving in a military branch.
39. Date of Separation Date: Enter only if you have been discharged from service in a military branch.

CGRC-1130 (01/17)

OMB Control # 1625-0128 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021
40. Type of Discharge / Character of Service: If you have been discharged from service in a military
branch, select one of the following:
Honorable; General; Other than Honorable; Bad Conduct; Dishonorable.
41. RE Code: If you have been discharged from military service, enter the reenlistment code from
your DD-214.
42. Pay Grade at Separation: If you have been discharged from service in a military branch, enter in
your pay grade at discharge (for example: E-3, W-2, or O-4).
43. Time in Service: Enter in total time in service, if you have served or are serving in the military.
44. Highest Pay Grade Achieved: If you have served or are serving in the military, enter the highest
pay grade at which you served (for example: E-3, W-2, or O-4).
45. Rate / MOS / Job: If you have served or are serving in the military, describe your assignment (for
example: Surface warfare, medic, cook, boatswain’s mate). Use plain language to describe.
46. Have you ever been rejected from joining another military service: Select either Yes; No.
47. If yes, which branch, what was the reason, and where did it happen: Provide the branch that
rejected you for service, the reason they gave for the rejection, and where the recruiting office was.
48. ASVAB Test: If you have taken an ASVAB, enter in the test details.
Additional Background Information
49. Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime: Enter in all arrest, charges, or
convictions. Include the reason, whether you were convicted, and when this occurred.
50. Have you had any traffic tickets in the last 5 years: Enter in all traffic tickets, parking tickets,
traffic violations, or other similar offenses. Enter in any DUI/DWI offenses. Describe the ticket,
whether you were convicted, and when this occurred.
51. Do you have any legal action pending: Enter in any expected, pending, or ongoing legal action,
including lawsuits, other court cases, child support or custody adjudications, etc. Describe which, if
any, are ongoing.
52. Have you ever used, possessed, or experimented with illegal drugs: Include all illegal drug use,
including marijuana. List the substances, how often used, and when last used.
53. Do you have any tattoos, piercings, gages, brandings, or mutilations: List any of these and
describe their appearance, size, and location.
54. Finances: Have you had any of the Following: Self-explanatory.
55. List all debts: Self-explanatory.
56. Do you object to carrying firearms / weapons to perform Coast Guard Duties: Select Yes; No;
57. Do you have any religious or other beliefs that prevent you from being available for duty 24/7:
Select Yes; No; Unsure.
58. Are you afraid of the water: Self-explanatory.
59. Rate your swimming ability: Select: Can’t Swim; Weak; Moderate; Strong.
60. Have you participated in any of the following activities: Select all that apply.
Medical Information
61. Please list any current or past medical conditions: List all conditions (such as orthopedic, mental
health, surgeries, allergies, or asthma) and any prescription medications you have taken. For past
conditions, please provide estimated dates.
Optional Additional Explanations
62. Use this space to complete responses that could not fit in the space given in the main part of the
form. Indicate which questions you are explaining.

CGRC-1130 (01/17)

OMB Control # 1625-0128 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021

United States Coast Guard Prospect Questionnaire
Please fill out this form and return to your local recruiting office via mail or fax (please do not email this
form to your recruiter).
Locate your local recruiting office via our Find A Recruiter link: (do not email this form to your recruiter).
You may also deliver this form in person to your local recruiting office, but please call ahead to make sure a
recruiter will be available.

Date form completed:
Contact Details and Interest
Name: First:
Street Address (No PO Box):
Current Country:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
How did you first hear about us?
Programs of Interest:


Biographical Details
Social Security Number:
Citizenship Status:
Alien Registration “Green Card” Number (Lawful Permanent Resident only):
Race #1:
Race #2:
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Marital Status (select one):
Number of Dependent Children:
Weight (in lbs):
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Education (Highest Attained):
High School (Last Attended):
School / Community Activity #1:
Degree Type:
College (current / last attended):
Current GPA (for most recent education):
Major (if applicable):
Current Education Status:
Current Employment Status:
Number of College Credits:
Total Years of Education (including high school):
Expiration Date:
Driver’s License
Selective Service Number (males ages 18-26. To obtain a number, go to

Military and ASVAB Information
Have you ever talked to a Coast Guard Recruiter?
If yes, when and where?
Have you served or are you currently serving in
another military branch?
If Currently Serving:
If Discharged:
Remaining Service Obligation:
Date of Separation: Type of Discharge/Character of Service:
Anticipated Separation Date:
RE Code:
Pay Grade at Separation:
Time in Service (prior or current service members)
Highest Pay Grade Achieved:
Rate/MOS/Job (in layman’s terms):
Have you ever been rejected from joining another military service?
If Yes, which branch (including Coast Guard), what was the reason, and where did it happen?

Have you ever taken the ASVAB?
Location (name of School/MET Site/MEPS):

CGRC-1130 (01/17)


Branch for or N/A:

OMB Control # 1625-0128 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021
Additional Background Information
Have you ever been arrested, charged, or
convicted of a crime (whether as a juvenile or
an adult), including cases which are expunged
or pending?
Have you had any tickets in the last 5 years,
including parking, traffic violations, sticker/
registration violations, DUI/DWI, etc?

If yes, please briefly explain. Include appx dates:

If yes, please list violations by type. Including appx dates:

How Many:
Do you have any legal action pending, including If yes, please explain:
court cases, lawsuits, child support or custody
adjudications, etc?
How many
Appx Date
Have you ever used, possessed, If yes, please list which substances:
Last Used?
or experimented with illegal
Do you have any Tattoos,
If yes, please describe (include size, content, and location):
Piercings, Gages, Brandings
or Mutilations?
Overdue/late payments or
Do you pay child support or alimony?
Finances. Have
payments in collection (ex: phone, Bankruptcy?
you had any of
medical, etc):
How Much (per month):
the following:
List by company. Include what the debt is for, total owed, & monthly payment
List all debts.
Include credit cards,
car payment,
mortgage, student
loans, cell phone, etc. 5:
Do you object to carrying firearms/weapons to perform Coast Guard duties?
Do you have any religious or other beliefs prevent you from being available for duty 24/7?
Are you afraid of the water?
Rate your swimming confidence:
Have you participated in any of the following activities (select all that apply)?
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Sea Scouts
Police Explorers
Civil Air Patrol
Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Coast Guard Auxiliary

Sea Explorers


Medical Information

Please list any current or past* chronic medical conditions (such as orthopedic, mental health, surgeries, allergies,
or asthma) and any prescription medications you have taken. *For past conditions, please provide estimated dates.

Recruiter Section
Recruiter Assigned:
Screening/Interview Date (and who if different from Assigned Recruiter):
Comments /
AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. §§ 504, 1475-1480; 14 U.S.C. §§ 211, 350, 632; Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12.
PURPOSE: To identify and process individuals interested in applying for enlistment or commission in the United States Coast Guard (CG) or CG
ROUTINE USES: Authorized CG personnel will use this information to assess an individual’s interest for enlistment and/or commissioning, to
screen qualified applicants, and to initiate pay and benefits for new members. Any external disclosures of data within this record will be made in
accordance with DHS/USCG-014, Military Pay and Personnel System of Records, 76 Federal Register 66,933, October 28, 2011.
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure is voluntary. However, failure to provide requested information may result in not being contacted by a recruiter and
ultimately, prohibit enlistment or commissioning.

CGRC-1130 (01/17)


OMB Control # 1625-0128 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021
Optional Additional Explanations
You may use this space to explain any of the above answers more fully, if necessary.

CGRC-1130 (01/17)


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-08-27
File Created2016-12-16

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