Profile Database Definitions

2020 National 911 Profile Database Data Definitions_v4alt.pdf

National 9-1-1 Profile Database

Profile Database Definitions

OMB: 2127-0679

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National 911
Profile Database

This document provides acronyms and
the complete list of data elements, definitions
and instructions for the collection of 911 data
for the calendar year 2020.

National 911 Program

Table of Contents

2020 Acronym List
Section 1 - Total 911 Calls and Call Type


Section 2 - Number of PSAPs and Equipment Positions


Section 3 - PSAPs with EMD and Operations


Section 4 - Call-Handling QA


Section 5 - Minimum Training Requirements for Telecommunicators


Section 6 - NG911: Planning
Section 7 - NG911: Procurement


Section 8 - NG911: Transition


Section 9 - NG911: Operations


Section 10 - NG911: Maturity Levels


National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


2020 Acronym List

The table below defines acronyms used in the National 911 Profile Database.




Automatic Location Identification
Automatic Number Identification
Alliance for Telecommunicators Industry Solutions
Border Control Function
Computer Aided Dispatch
Centralized Automatic Message Accounting
Call Handling System
Concept of Operations
Call Processing Equipment
Department of Defense
Department of the Interior
Enhanced 911
European Model Multiplexing Level 2
Emergency Call Routing Function
Emergency Medical Dispatch
Emergency Services IP Network
Emergency Services Routing Proxy
Geographic Information Systems
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Enabled Location Delivery
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
Internet Protocol
Legacy Network Gateway
Location-to-Service Translation Protocol
Legacy PSAP Gateway
Legacy Selective Router Gateway
Multi-line Telephone System
Master Street Address Guide
National Emergency Number Association
Next Generation 911
Next Generation Core Services
Originating Service Entity
Originating Service Provider
Private Branch Exchange
Public Safety Answering Point
Quality Assurance
Request for Assistance Interface
Request for Proposal
Real Time Transport Protocol
Real Time Text
Session Initiation Protocol
Short Message Service
Text Control Center
Time-Division Multiplexing
Voice over Internet Protocol

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 1
Total 911 Calls and Call Type

1. Enter the total annual number of 911 calls delivered to primary PSAPs in
your state, even if not answered or no dispatch occurred.
Total number of calls delivered to primary Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) in the calendar year,
aggregated to the state level. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed
directly from the 911 Central Office.”

2. Enter the total annual number of incoming wireline 911 calls delivered to
primary PSAPs in your state, even if not answered or no dispatch occurred.
Number of incoming wireline 911 calls, aggregated to the state level. If you are able to separate the number
of wireless calls from MLTS calls, provide the total wireline calls here and the separated MLTS calls in your
answer for question 5. If you are unable to separate the call types, provide the total wireline calls here and
submit “0” as your answer for question 5. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are
routed directly from the 911 Central Office.”

3. Enter the total annual number of incoming wireless 911 calls delivered to
primary PSAPs in your state, even if not answered or no dispatch occurred.
Number of incoming wireless 911 calls, aggregated to the state level. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A
PSAP to which 911 calls are routed directly from the 911 Central Office.”

4. Enter the total annual number of incoming VoIP 911 calls delivered to
primary PSAPs in your state, even if not answered or no dispatch occurred.
Number of incoming Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 911 calls, aggregated to the state level. NENA
defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed directly from the 911 Central Office.”

5. Enter the total annual number of incoming MLTS 911 calls delivered to
primary PSAPs in your state, even if not answered or no dispatch occurred.
Number of incoming Multi-line Telephone System (MLTS) 911 calls, aggregated to the state level. If you are
able to separate the number of MLTS calls from wireline calls, provide the total MLTS calls here and the
separated wireline calls in your answer for question 2. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which
911 calls are routed directly from the 911 Central Office.”

6. Enter the total annual number of incoming texts-to-911 delivered to
primary PSAPs in your state, even if not answered or no dispatch occurred.
Number of incoming texts-to-911, aggregated to the state level. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP
to which 911 calls are routed directly from the 911 Central Office.”

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 2
Number of PSAPs and Equipment Positions

7. Enter the number of primary PSAPs within your state.
NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed directly from the 911 Central Office.”

8. Enter the number of secondary PSAPs within your state.
NENA defines a secondary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are transferred from a primary PSAP.”
A secondary PSAP does not receive any direct 911 calls. It only received 911 calls as transfers from
another PSAP.

9. Enter the number of primary PSAPs that have 1-2 911 equipment positions.
This element identifies how many primary PSAPs in your state have 1-2 equipment positions, including
call-taking and/or dispatching. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed
directly from the 911 Central Office.” A call-taking equipment position is the customer premise equipment
by which 911 calls are answered and responded to (source: NENA master glossary).

10. Enter the number of primary PSAPs that have 3-5 911 equipment positions.
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state have 3-5 911 equipment positions, including
call-taking and/or dispatching. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed
directly from the 911 Central Office.” A call-taking equipment position is the customer premise equipment
by which 911 calls are answered and responded to (source: NENA master glossary).

11. Enter the number of primary PSAPs that have 6-20 911 equipment positions.
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state have 6-20 911 equipment positions, including
call-taking and/or dispatching. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed
directly from the 911 Central Office.” A call-taking equipment position is the customer premise equipment
by which 911 calls are answered and responded to (source: NENA master glossary).

12. Enter the number of primary PSAPs that have 21-49 911 equipment positions.
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state have 21-49 911 equipment positions, including
call-taking and/or dispatching. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed
directly from the 911 Central Office.” A call-taking equipment position is the customer premise equipment
by which 911 calls are answered and responded to (source: NENA master glossary).

13. Enter the number of primary PSAPs that have 50 or more 911 equipment positions.
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state have 50 or more 911 equipment positions, including
call-taking and/or dispatching. NENA defines a primary PSAP as “A PSAP to which 911 calls are routed
directly from the 911 Central Office.” A call-taking equipment position is the customer premise equipment
by which 911 calls are answered and responded to (source: NENA master glossary).

14. Enter the total number of 911 call-taking equipment positions in your state,
whether hosted or local.
This element identifies the total number of 911 call-taking equipment positions in the state. A call-taking
equipment position is the customer premise equipment by which 911 calls are answered and responded to
(source: NENA master glossary).

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 3
PSAPs with EMD and Operations

15. Enter the number of PSAPs in your state that provide Emergency Medical
Dispatch (EMD) and follow a specific formal protocol.
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state provide EMD and follow a formally state-recognized
protocol, whether it be a commercial or a state-approved locally developed EMD protocol.

16. Enter the number of PSAPs in your state that are operated by the Department of
Defense (DOD).
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state are operated by the DOD (including those on military
installations as well as the National Guard).

17. Enter the number of PSAPs in your state that are operated by the Department of
the Interior (DOI).
This element identifies how many PSAPs in your state are operated by the DOI. The DOI includes the
National Park Service.

Section 4
Call-Handling QA

18. Does your state have QA requirements for compliance with call-handling
protocols for EMD?
This data element identifies whether a state has Quality Assurance (QA) requirements for compliance with
call-handling protocols for EMD dispatch services.

19. Does your state have QA requirements for compliance with call-handling
protocols for Fire?
This data element identifies whether a state has Quality Assurance (QA) requirements for compliance with
call-handling protocols for Fire dispatch services.

20. Does your state have QA requirements for compliance with call-handling
protocols for Police?
This data element identifies whether a state has Quality Assurance (QA) requirements for compliance with
call-handling protocols for Police dispatch services.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 5
Minimum Training Requirements for Telecommunicators

21. Do minimum training requirements for telecommunicators exist statewide?
This element identifies if your state has minimum training requirements.

22. Are mechanisms in place at the state level to ensure minimum training requirements
are carried out? Mechanisms may include regulation, legislation, funding or audits.
This element identifies if minimum training requirements are defined in state statute and can be enforced.
Examples include having a 40-hour training program or a standard that identifies the number of trainee
hours per year per PSAP.

23. Do minimum training requirements exist for EMD?
This element identifies if there are minimum training requirements for EMD in your state.

24. Do minimum training requirements exist for fire dispatch?
This element identifies if there are minimum training requirements for fire dispatch in your state.

25. Do minimum training requirements exist for police dispatch?
This element identifies if there are minimum training requirements for police dispatch in your state.

Section 6
NG911: Planning

26. Has your state developed and adopted a statewide NG911 Plan to include
governance, funding, system components and operations, at any point?
This element identifies whether or not your state has, at any point, developed and adopted a statewide
NG911 Plan, which includes governance, funding, system components (IP network, ESInet, NG911 software
services, security architecture, user identity management, database architecture, and PSAP configuration),
and operations. Locally administered and funded organizations can still develop and adopt a coordinated
statewide NG911 plan.
NENA defines NG911 as, “an Internet Protocol (IP)-based system comprised of managed Emergency
Services IP networks (ESInet), functional elements (applications), and databases that replicate traditional
Enhanced 911 (E911) features and functions and provides additional capabilities. NG911 is designed to
provide access to emergency services from all connected communications sources and provide multimedia
data capabilities for PSAPs and other emergency service organizations.”

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


27. Enter the number of sub-state or regional NG911 plans that exist within your
state and are independent of a statewide NG911 plan.
Indicate the number of regional or local 911 authorities within your state who have developed and adopted
NG911 plans for their area and currently have such a plan in place, regardless of when the plan was
developed or adopted.

28. Has your state established a statewide concept of operations document or its
equivalent, including operations for NG911 and related architecture, at any point?
A concept of operations (CONOPS) is a user-oriented document that describes the desired characteristics
for a proposed system from a user's perspective and how its implementation will enhance the user’s current
The CONOPS would include, for example:
• User-oriented operational description for NG911 and related architecture
• Operational needs and use cases
• System overview and desired outcomes of users deploying the system
• Clear statement of responsibilities and authorities delegated

29. Enter the number of regional or local 911 authorities within your state who have
developed an NG911 concept of operations or its equivalent for their area.
Indicate the number of regional or local 911 authorities within the state who have developed a concept of
operations or its equivalent for their area.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 7
NG911: Procurement

Identify if your state has met any of the following milestones for NG911
procurement at the state level, this year or at any point in the past.
Select the milestone showing the farthest progress made for each NG911 part, function and component this
year or at any point in the past.
• Database (GIS Services) – Databases that support the routing of 911 calls and dispatch of first
responders that may include tabular and geographic information designed for 911. This may include
supplemental and supportive location information for NG911.
• NG Core Services – The Next Generation Core Services (NGCS) required to deliver NG911 that
include the Emergency Services Routing Proxy (ESRP), Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF), and
Border Control Function (BCF). Other elements of the ESInet are not considered NGCS (Legacy
Network Gateway (LNG), Legacy PSAP Gateway (LPG), or Legacy Selective Router Gateway (LSRG)).
• CAD – Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) is the software that is used by dispatchers to handle calls and
information about the caller and to document the calls to 911 for a particular PSAP.
• CPE (Hosted or Standalone) – Call Processing Equipment (CPE) is the call termination device that
provides the call control for a PSAP. The CPE is primarily an Automatic Number
Identification/Automatic Location Identification (ANI/ALI) controller and Private Branch Exchange
(PBX) that collects and distributes all calls at a PSAP.
• Recording – The recording of 911 calls is a requirement at all PSAPs. An NG-capable recorder is
designed to record Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and IP traffic instead of legacy analog calls.

NG911 Parts, Functions and Components


30. Database (GIS Services)

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


31. NG Core Services

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


32. CAD

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


33. CPE (Hosted or Standalone)

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


34. Recording

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


35. Enter the number of regional or local 911 authorities within your state that have
utilized an RFP for any NG911 component this year or at any point in the past.
Identifies the number of regional or local 911 authorities within your state who have released a Request for
Proposal (RFP) for NG911 components for their area, regardless of the date the RFP was released. If a
sub-state 911 authority has released at least one RFP for only one component of NG911 at any point in the
past, include them in your total.

Identify if regional or local 911 authorities in your state have met any of the
following milestones for NG911 procurement at the sub-state level, this year or at
any point in the past.
Select the milestone showing the farthest progress made at the regional or local level for each NG911 part,
function and component this year or at any point in the past.
• Database (GIS Services) – Databases that support the routing of 911 calls and dispatch of first
responders that may include tabular and geographic information designed for 911. This may include
supplemental and supportive location information for NG911.
• NG Core Services – The Next Generation Core Services required to deliver NG911 that include the
ESRP, ECRF, and BCF. Other elements of the ESInet are not considered NGCS (LNG, LPG, LSRG).
• CAD – Computer Aided Dispatch is the software that is used by dispatchers to handle calls and
information about the caller and to document the calls to 911 for a particular PSAP.
• CPE (Hosted or Standalone) – Call Processing Equipment is the call termination device that provides
the call control for a PSAP. The CPE is primarily an ANI/ALI controller and Private Branch Exchange
(PBX) that collects and distributes all calls at a PSAP.
• Recording – The recording of 911 calls is a requirement at all PSAPs. An NG-capable recorder is
designed to record SIP and IP traffic instead of legacy analog calls.

NG911 Parts, Functions and Components


36. Database (GIS Services)

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


37. NG Core Services

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


38. CAD

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


39. CPE (Hosted or Standalone)

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


40. Recording

None, Released an RFP, Completed
Procurement, Awarded Contract(s) or


National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 8
NG911: Transition

41. Enter the number of primary PSAPs in your state that are currently connected
to an ESInet and are using the ESInet to perform location-based routing and
call processing.
Identifies the number of primary PSAPs in your state that process NG911 emergency calls for all service
types (wireline, wireless, VoIP) using NG911 infrastructure that conforms to nationally accepted standards.
Specifically, this is the number of primary PSAPs in your state that have implemented NG911 systems for all
service types.

42. Enter the percentage of population served by NG911 capable PSAPs within
your state.
Identifies the percentage of the population for a reporting state served by NG911-capable 911 services
meeting industry-accepted definitions for NG911. Note, using NENA’s i3 standard alone is not the same as
an NG911 system. The i3 standard only describes the network, components, and interfaces required to
establish NG911 service. To deploy a “full function” NG911 system, states will need equipment and
software vendors, access network providers, and originating service providers, all elements not included in
the i3 standard. Enter whole numbers, ex. 25% instead of 0.25.

43. Enter the percentage of geographical area served by NG911 capable PSAPs
within your state.
Identifies the percentage of geographic area served (as opposed to population) by NG911 services. NG911
capable services indicates that the infrastructure is in place to potentially allow a full-range of NG911
services. Data from this will help differentiate progress for those jurisdictions that have dense urban
populations and reflect IP-capable 911 services meeting industry-accepted definitions for NG911. They
may be serving a large percentage of the population but may be serving a very small geographic portion of
the state. This metric could indirectly help gauge progress for rural areas. Enter whole numbers, ex. 25%
instead of 0.25.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 9
NG911: Operations

44. Enter the total number of operational ESInets deployed within your state.
The number of ESInets deployed and operational within the state that are supporting emergency
communications. NENA defines an ESInet as a managed IP network that is used for emergency services
communications, and which can be shared by all public safety agencies. It provides the IP transport
infrastructure upon which independent application platforms and core functional processes can be
deployed, including, but not restricted to, those necessary for providing NG911 services. ESInets may be
constructed from a mix of dedicated and shared facilities. ESInets may be interconnected at local, regional,
state, federal, national and international levels to form an IP-based inter-network (network of networks).

45. Enter the number of primary PSAPs that have CPE processing IP calls from an
ESInet in your state.
This element tracks how many primary PSAPs are processing IP emergency requests (calls) into their
CPE directly (without conversion back to analog) from an ESInet.

46. Enter the number of ESInet connected PSAPs in your state.
This element tracks the progress of ESInet deployments and PSAP connectivity to ESInets for call delivery.
This includes PSAPs that are receiving IP calls from an ESInet but have a Legacy PSAP Gateway (LPG)
converting the calls back into analog to be processed by the CPE.

47. What percentage of your GIS data has been converted from the legacy data
model to the NG911 data model? (Please consult your GIS specialist if available to
aid in determining the appropriate percentage estimate).
The percentage of all the civic addresses in the state that have been geocoded into geospatial points. This
occurs by synchronizing the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) civic addresses to a Geographic
Information System (GIS) geospatial database of road centerlines, site / structure locations, and related
spatial databases. Converting civic addresses into GIS information enables NG911 systems to geospatially
route calls and is necessary for other NG911 services. While ALI database normalization is a part of the GIS
process; this question only pertains to the MSAG synchronization and not ALI. Enter whole numbers,
ex. 25% instead of 0.25.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


Section 10
NG911: Maturity Levels

48. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of governance?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the governance category.
Governance addresses the structured oversight of the 911 authorities and identifies whether there is a
governing body with documented and tracked planning and implementation efforts.
• Legacy – No governance structure is in place to support NG911.
• Foundational – Governance support only exists for the initial stages of NG911 coordination. Limited
state governance with many regional or local arrangements may exist with limited coordination and
strategy to connect the individual PSAPs via an NG911 network. Many PSAPs operate under their
own authority.
• Transitional – Governance and coordination exist for state and regional or local PSAP authorities to
mandate or organize NG911 within a strategic plan. Many PSAPs are working within the governance
structure to ensure long term success.
• Intermediate – NG911 governance is coordinated from a single entity responsible for administering
and governing the NG911 strategy for the entire state. Most of the PSAPs follow the NG911
governance introduced by that single entity.
• Jurisdictional End State – NG911 governance flows from the designated entity for all NG911
activities for the state. All PSAPs operate under that single entity for governance.

49. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of routing and location?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the routing and location category.
Routing and location define how a system interprets 911 call location information to route the call and
accompanying information to a given PSAP. This speaks to the ability to use geospatial capabilities to relay
a caller’s location to a PSAP.
• Legacy – No change to the existing routing and location of 911 calls.
• Foundational – Some transition to NG911 call routing and location has begun, but the call routing and
location information for all 911 calls within a jurisdiction has not been fully implemented. This
includes the initial database and GIS work to support NG911. PSAPs are not receiving calls via IP.
• Transitional - Transition to NG911 call routing and location has been implemented for some PSAPs
or for some specific call types. PSAPs are receiving IP from the ESInet, but the call traffic is still using
legacy location and data.
• Intermediate – PSAPS are utilizing NG911 geospatial routing and data for all 911 calls but are still
reliant upon ALI information to verify call location.
• Jurisdictional End State – PSAPs are using a complete i3 call routing system and have fully
implemented a system to meet or exceed the NG911 standard.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


50. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of GIS data?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the GIS data category.
GIS data is a fundamental element of NG911 but is not utilized for legacy 911 call routing. The below
options define the steps necessary to plan, process, and improve the existing data in order to begin utilizing
GIS data for NG911.
• Legacy – No change or progress to GIS data at the present time.
• Foundational – GIS data transformation has begun, and the initial standardization (normalization and
synchronization) of the GIS information has begun but is not completed.
• Transitional - GIS data transformation is in the late stage of development. Testing has begun and pilot
projects are in progress to demonstrate readiness of the GIS data for NG911 use.
• Intermediate – GIS data and geospatial call routing has been implemented without location
validation. All other functional components have been deployed including the final dataset, ECRF and
• Jurisdictional End State – PSAPs are using a complete i3 GIS data set and have fully implemented a
system to meet or exceed the NG911 standard.

51. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of NG911 core service
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the NG911 core service elements
The central NG911 core services functions provide the logical processing interactions between the delivery
of calls and data from the OSP to PSAPs, and manages NG911 call delivery under normal and abnormal
• Legacy – No change or progress to NG911 at the present time.
• Foundational – NG911 core services implementation progress is fragmented or limited to select
• Transitional - NG911 core services implementation progress has been made throughout the 911
authority’s jurisdictional boundary and includes the deployment of core services to the state or
individual PSAPs.
• Intermediate – NG911 core services have been implemented and are utilized for most PSAPs within
the jurisdiction boundary.
• Jurisdictional End State – All PSAPs are operating with the NG911 core services.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


52. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of network?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the network category.
Network area capabilities represent the various technology mechanisms for connecting external entities to
PSAPs via either a legacy selective router or an ESInet to process 911 calls.
• Legacy – No change or progress to NG911 at the present time. No change to the call ingress
or egress.
• Foundational – NG911 progress has begun through procurement of NG911 components, but call
ingress and egress remains unchanged.
• Transitional – An ESInet has been implemented and call ingress modification has begun to interface
the OSP traffic via IP; the call egress to the PSAP has been transformed to all IP.
• Intermediate – Call ingress is in the late stages of being transformed to IP. Call egress to the PSAPs
is all IP and traffic is being delivered across the ESInet to all jurisdictions connected to the ESInet.
• Jurisdictional End State – All PSAPs are using the ESInet and all traffic has been transformed to IP.

53. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of PSAP call handling
system and applications?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the PSAP call handling system and
applications category.
Legacy call handling systems are defined by their use of CAMA trunk interfaces and legacy ALI interfaces.
The first step toward NG911 is upgrading call handling equipment to be IP compatible. This step may
optionally include replacing the legacy CAMA TDM circuits with the ATIS-defined IP technology-based
transitional RFAI protocol.
• Legacy – No change or progress to NG911 at the present time, and no change to the call
handling system.
• Foundational – NG911 progress has begun by procuring CPE systems that can handle NG911 calls
but the features are not in use.
• Transitional – An ESInet is delivering IP traffic to many PSAPs’ CPEs, and some have begun to
deploy text, but there is not integration across the entire state.
• Intermediate – PSAPs are using the ESInet for all traffic, and all call handling is IP-based.
Multimedia is supported for calls, text and logging across the entire state.
• Jurisdictional End State – All PSAPs are transitioned to the NG911 system and all traffic is being
delivered consistent with the NG911 standard.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


54. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of security?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the security category.
Security includes capabilities, operations and best practices expected at the ESInet level, all levels of the
NENA i3 functional elements, the PSAP level, and all external facing interfaces.
• Legacy – Security posture/policy has not yet been developed.
• Foundational – PSAPs have begun to assess and prioritize the security risks of NG911/IP and have
introduced initial security policies to minimize risks and threats to the PSAP.
• Transitional - PSAPs have conducted a full assessment of the vulnerabilities associated with security,
and have begun to implement, administer, and coordinate security polices to manage security threats
to their NG911 system.
• Intermediate – PSAPs have implemented security polices and a process to periodically audit and
mitigate security vulnerabilities.
• Jurisdictional End State – All PSAPs are utilizing a common security framework baseline.

55. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of operations?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the operations category.
Operations planning addresses aspects of execution, oversight, plan management and efforts necessary to
support the transition from legacy systems to the NG911 processing model and services.
• Legacy – No plan or coordination has been introduced.
• Foundational – Initial planning for operation of an NG911 system has begun and the long-term
strategy for administration is in progress. Plans have been introduced but are not yet approved.
• Transitional – Operations plans for the NG911 system have been approved but have not begun to be
• Intermediate – Operations plans are fully approved and are in the late stage of implementation.
• Jurisdictional End State – All operations plans are fully implemented.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


56. What level of maturity is your state in for the category of optional interfaces?
Select the level of maturity that best fits your state’s NG911 progress in the optional interfaces category.
Optional Interfaces include those which are supplemental and supportive of 911 services but are not a basic
necessity for receiving or responding to a call. Optional interfaces may include: CAD, Broadband, RapidSOS
and location supporting tools, hosted logging systems, hosted recording solutions and cybersecurity taps.
Any and all optional interfaces must comply with all applicable industry interface standards and must not
interfere with or impact the function or security of the NG911 systems.
• Legacy – No optional interfaces have been documented.
• Foundational – Optional interfaces, which may be useful for NG911, have been documented, but
they have not been assessed or reviewed.
• Transitional – Optional interfaces, which can be beneficial within the NG911 system, have been
documented and assessed, and integration with those systems has begun.
• Intermediate – All potential optional interfaces have been documented and assessed and integration
with those systems is complete.
• Jurisdictional End State – All optional interfaces have been implemented and jurisdictional support
has begun.

National 911 Profile Database: Data Definitions


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2020 National 911 Profile Database Data Definitions_v4alt
File Modified2021-02-23
File Created2021-02-19

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