National 9-1-1 Profile Database

OMB 2127-0679

OMB 2127-0679

The goal of the data collection process is to support a national 911 profile that will be used to help accurately measure and depict the current status and planned capabilities of 911 systems across the United States. The State agencies voluntarily submit data. The frequency of the data is collected annually. It is the only known collection of 911 data at the national level and used by local, state, and federal agencies. It is also shared internationally and used by both the public and private sectors, to identify ways to support the provision of optimal 911 service. The national 911 Profile Database can be used to follow the progress of 911 authorities in enhancing their existing systems and implementing next-generation networks for more advanced systems. The information is also used to identify ways in which the National 911 Program can support State and local 911 authorities in the transition process. This submission proposes a revision. This revision to this information collection is recommended, because as the implementation of NG911 progresses and nearly all 911 agencies have reached a common level of deployment, it makes sense to revise the data elements to better reflect the current status of NG911 implementation.

The latest form for National 9-1-1 Profile Database expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.

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