Appendix I: FDP Transition Information for State Agencies

Appendix I FDP Transition Information for State Agencies.pdf

Food Delivery Portal (FDP) Data Collection

Appendix I: FDP Transition Information for State Agencies

OMB: 0584-0401

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Appendix I: FDP Transition Information for State Agencies

WIC Food Delivery Portal:
Transition Information for State Agencies
Last Updated: 08/11/2021
In March 2022, the new Food Delivery Portal (FDP) will officially replace TIP as the system WIC State
agencies use to report vendor management activities to FNS. The new system is designed to improve
program oversight and integrity in all areas of WIC vendor management, streamline the reporting
process, and provide new features to help State agencies meet key regulatory requirements.
This resource was created as a response to questions received from WIC State agencies concerning the
transition from TIP to FDP. Topics include information about the transition, the upload file formats, the
file upload process, and more. Please view the appendix for definitions of commonly used terms.

Additional Resources
We have created an area dedicated to FDP on PartnerWeb to publish important resources, which can be
found under “Vendor Management Resources” on the Program Integrity and Monitoring Branch’s
Vendor Mgmt. and Food Delivery page of the WIC-FMNP-SFMNP Community. This includes:

TIP upload column names to the corresponding FDP upload column names
FDP Required Fields
FDP Data Dictionary

The table below includes information on the transition from TIP to FDP.



When will State agencies be required to report
in FDP instead of TIP?

State agencies will be required to submit their FY
2021 data in FDP. FNS plans to extend the
deadline from the normal Q1/2 reporting
timeline to Q3/4 of FY 2022. FNS will work closely
with State agencies on this transition.

How many people will be able to access FDP in
my State agency?

Licenses are needed to access FDP. FNS will
provide two licenses to most WIC State agencies
in FY 2022 (the first data reporting year). FNS will
work with State agencies to determine whether
additional licenses are necessary for future years.


What web browsers are supported by FDP?

We are already partially through federal fiscal
year 2021.
If we have not yet collected/compiled/recorded
some of the information newly required by FDP;
will the expectation be that we will "look back"
to add this information?

State agencies can access FDP through Apple
Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft
Chromium Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.
State agencies cannot access FDP
through Internet Explorer because Microsoft
discontinued this product.
Although the format of data submissions will
change as we transition to FDP, FNS will require
State agencies to report a minimum amount of
data in FY 2021 and FY 2022. FNS has identified
this to be the minimal amount of data necessary
to ensure effective program oversight and much
of the data is already collected/maintained at the
State agency level to meet WIC requirements.
Additional requirements may be considered for
future fiscal years but are expected to remain in
line with data that State agencies already have.
Many of the fields/columns in FDP are similar to
fields/columns that already exist in TIP, but:
• Some fields will have new labels (e.g.
Vendor ID is now called State WIC ID).
• Other fields will be condensed (e.g. the
multiple reason for sanction fields are
now contained in the Violation field).
• Many of the new fields are optional (e.g.
Latitude and Longitude).

Will FNS provide information to help streamline
FDP reporting in the first year?

FNS has created the TIP Upload Column Names to
the Corresponding FDP Upload Column Names
file (located in the area dedicated to FDP on
PartnerWeb). This provides instructions for how
to convert a TIP upload file into the FDP upload
file format.

Will my FY 2020 TIP data be migrated to FDP to
ensure that reporting the first year goes

Yes. All vendor data currently in TIP will be
migrated so that State agencies can simply add



new information for existing vendors (rather than
reestablishing each vendor file).
State agencies do not have to recreate vendor
files each year. However, if a vendor is not in the
system, State agencies will need to submit the
data in the FDP upload file format or complete
the on screen process to add a vendor.

How can State agencies prepare for the
transition to FDP?

FNS will make the final FDP upload file formats
available on PartnerWeb. We recommend that
State agencies collaborate with their system
contractors to implement any necessary changes
to produce the new upload file formats. We also
recommend that State agencies add the FNS WIC
ID to their MIS system as a field so that FDPready reports can be produced.

Why does FNS collect this information?

FNS collects data from State agencies as a part of
federal administration and oversight of the
FDP data will be used to monitor compliance with
program requirements, respond to stakeholders,
conduct research, and analyze trends.

How are records matched to State agencies?

FDP does not require agency codes. Each account
is tied to a specific State agency. Therefore, when
a State agency creates a record, the data is
automatically linked to the State agency.

What type of store is considered “Other WIC

Each Food Delivery Entity (FDE) represents a
single WIC authorized store or contractor. If a
single business entity owns more than one store,
this field asks the State agency to identify how
many of the total number of stores owned are
also WIC authorized. This field is named “Number
of WIC Authorized Vendors” on the display
screen, but is named “Other WIC Vendor” in the
file upload templates.




Should State agencies store their data in their
MIS or in FDP?

State agencies may choose where to maintain
their data, as long as they meet all federal and
State recordkeeping requirements. Most State
agencies have indicated that they will develop
MIS reports using the FDP upload file formats to
report to FDP. Some State agencies may choose
to store their data in FDP for convenience,
particularly if data was previously stored outside
of the MIS (e.g., in Excel workbooks).

What store registers should we include in the

State agencies may use their own definition of
register, where applicable. If a State agency does
not have a measure of registers, then the State
may identify and count all registers used to
transact any food sales within a store location.

Upload File Formats
The table below includes information on the upload file formats used to report information in FDP. The
template is the example file that contains all 6 formats of upload files.

How many upload file formats are State
agencies required to submit and how long will
FDP take to process them?

Upload files are processed overnight.
There are 6 upload file formats, 3 are required for
all records and 3 are designed to be used as
We recommend that State agencies perform their
initial data submission at least a week before any
deadline to allow time to correct any errors that
may be identified.

Are the upload file formats pre-populated with
the FNS WIC ID and State WIC ID?

No, the State agency will have to fill in these
values before upload. FDP can provide the FNS
WIC ID, State WIC ID, and Name fields so that
State agencies can set up their upload file


What fields are mandatory, conditionally
required, or optional?

To provide some flexibility during the transition,
certain fields will be optional for FY 2021 and FY
2022. Additional fields will be required in FY
FNS has created the FDP Required Fields file
which identifies which fields are required for FY
2022-2023 (FY 2021 and 2022 data) submissions
and will help State agencies plan for the full field
list required for FY 2023 data submissions.

If FDP supports XML and CSV, can the MIS
system generate data using both file types
during an upload?

In FDP, files are processed individually, so State
agencies can use more than one file type during
the file upload process.

What date format should the State agency MIS
system use when preparing files?

FDP will support both 'mm-dd-yyyy' and
'mm/dd/yyyy' date formats, in both XML and CSV
If the State agency exports data from their MIS
with the incorrect date format, they can adjust it
using spreadsheet software tools.

Do we have to match all upload file formats to
an FNS WIC ID or State WIC ID?

Yes. The FNS WIC ID, State WIC ID, and some key
date fields (when applicable), are used to identify
the exact record the State agency wants to
update. Without these fields, the system will not
be able to process the request, or it may create
duplicate records.

What file formats, in addition to XML and CSV,
will be available in the future (e.g., JSON)?

FDP does not support other file extension types
like JSON at this time. FNS will work with State
agencies to determine what additional file
extension types are necessary for future years.

Do we add a space in fields when no data is

No. FDP uses CSV and XML file extension types so
there is no need to add extra spaces to fields (i.e.,
no text padding required).

When do we use the FDE upload file formats?

The FDE upload file formats create or update FDE



New FDEs should be created for any business
authorized by the WIC State agency that is not
already in the system. After uploading the file
format, the system will create a new record
overnight, and the FNS WIC ID will be available in
reports the next day.
The FDE upload file format should also be used
when updating business name, address, status,
and any other details that do not typically change
on an annual basis.

For the redemptions upload file format, do we
include only vendors with redemptions?

Yes. If an FDE has no redemptions, then the State
agency would not need to include that FDE in the
Redemptions upload file format.

Can Policy Settings (required for initial upload)
be uploaded to the system via an upload file

No. Policy Settings must be set up using the
display screens in FDP. This is a one-time process.
Upload file formats cannot be processed without
these values; they will be used when the State
agency submits data via the FDE, Annual and
Training Data, Investigations and Collections,
Violations, and Sanctions upload file formats. The
Policy Settings also provide custom pick list
options (on the display screens) that match the
State agency's sanction schedule and peer

Upload Process
The table below in includes information on the FDP file upload process.



How often should we upload data?

State agencies must report data at least annually,
by fiscal year. FDP allows more frequent
reporting at State agency option.

If I use the file upload process to update an
existing record, will the old record be deleted?

The existing record will be updated. FDP will
overwrite (i.e., replace) the existing field value
when an upload includes a value in that cell in


the spreadsheet. Fields the State agency does not
want to change may be left blank in the upload
The system tracks change history on some key
fields, but other fields will not retain a record.

How will I know if my upload is successful?

The FDP system will process the files overnight.
After processing, the system will send an email to
the State agency advising them of the status of
their upload.
If the upload includes errors or warnings, the
State agency will be able to download a
spreadsheet that contains all errors and warnings
on the file upload page in FDP.

If an upload file has errors/warnings, is there a
way to reject the whole file instead of
committing partial updates from the file?

There is no way to reject the whole file, however,
the State agency can make updates to the
original file and re-submit for processing.

Is it possible to use the file upload process to
update data from prior fiscal years?

Yes, the State agency may use the file upload
process to update data in the current or prior
fiscal years. The State agency will need to make
sure that any fields that identify the record being
updated use the correct values (e.g., FNS WIC ID,
State WIC ID, Investigation Start Date). The State
agency may run the file upload process for a
single record.

Data Management
The table below includes information on how FDP can help State agencies manage their data.

Can the FDP system pull from STARS data?

Yes. FDP can pull key data from STARS. This data
includes information needed for WIC vendor
authorization and A50 vendor assessments.



This will allow State agencies to streamline
vendor authorization work previously done in
STARS and A50 vendor assessments.

Will we be able to change vendor names in FDP?
As background, TIP reverted store names to
what was previously housed in the system.

The State agency may change vendor names
using the FDP display screens, or through the file
upload process.
On the FDP display screens, the State agency will
have the option to import Store Name from

Can we use special characters and symbols?

Yes, most fields will allow the use of special
characters and symbols in the display screens.
Please see the Data Dictionary for specific
characters that may be used in the FDP upload
file formats.

How can we assign a vendor to a new peer

State agencies will create a list of custom values
for their peer groups in the Policy Settings section
of the system. To assign a vendor, the State
agency may edit the Peer Group field through the
file upload process or the display screens.

How do I correct data validation errors or
warnings that FDP identifies?

There are two ways to update data. The State
agency may use the FDP display screens, or the
file upload process.
To use the file upload process (best for situations
where there is a lot of data), the State agency can
start with creating a copy of the originally
submitted file, removing the records that did not
have errors, and correcting the applicable fields.
If the State agency only needs to correct a few
warnings or errors, it may be easier to use FDP’s
display screens to make quick changes. Another
benefit of using the display screens is that they
do not require additional processing time.




If a vendor is authorized with a CMP, do we
have to manually change the status after the
disqualification period has passed?

Yes. The record can be updated through the file
upload process or manually to reflect the current

Do we have to assess every store for participant
access on a yearly basis?

State agencies should assess participant access
according to their approved policies. If a store
was identified as necessary for participant access
within that fiscal year, please check the box or
upload a “Yes” value for that FDE record.

Monitoring and Investigation Data
The table below includes information on processes related to monitoring and investigations.

How are investigations tracked in FDP?

Investigation data is linked to a single FDE record.
State agencies will be able to edit and upload
new information when necessary.
The Investigation End Date and Status are used to
track completed investigations that will count
towards federal investigation requirements.

Can State agencies report investigations
conducted by outside entities in FDP?

Yes, however, State agencies should only include
investigations that count as investigations for the
WIC program. Please note that FDP does not
track who conducted each investigation.

What is the difference between Administrative
and Judicial review?

Administrative reviews are provided when a
vendor appeals an adverse action. If the review
decision upholds the adverse action against the
vendor, the vendor may pursue judicial review.

What types of violations should we include in

Using the Policy Settings, the State agency can
enter the violations and sanctions that are
applicable for their State agency. This creates a
custom pick list field in the State agency Violation
field that provides State specific violations. There
is a separate field for federal violations.


How many violation types can we select per

The State agency has the option to add all
violations identified in the investigation.
The State agency will be able to choose from all
violation types listed in federal regulations, as
well as all State agency violation types that have
been entered into the Policy Settings section. To
document the same violation multiple times in
the investigation, enter the total times it was
observed in the Number of Violations field.

Do we have to tie a vendor disqualification to a
specific sanction or investigation?

Yes. FDP ties vendor sanctions to an

Do we have to create clear distinctions between
State agency and federal sanctions?

The Policy Settings are used to document State
agency sanctions, and the system will use these
values to create custom pick lists in the display
screens. Since federal sanctions are already
outlined in the system, these will be
automatically categorized.

Claims Data
The table below includes information on the claim collection records.

When are State agencies required to report
claims information?

Claims information is required when the State
agency has completed an investigation,
documented a claim, and received payment.
State agencies will not be required to report
claims information in FDP until FY 2023.

How many claims can we report? What if a claim
is collected across fiscal years?

FDP can support an unlimited amount of
collection records. Claim dates are collected and
are able to cross fiscal years.


Redemption Data
The table below includes information on redemption data.

How does FDP collect redemption data?

FDP captures Redemption Amounts by month,
rather than by year, and identifies the CVB and
non-CVB redemptions separately.
State agencies will need to provide redemption
records for each authorized FDE, who had a nonzero redemption amount for a month.
Please see the FDP Required Fields, file for more

FDE Authorization Data
The table below includes information on how to document the authorization of a Food Delivery Entity



If we do not authorize a vendor, do we have to
gather and include their data in FDP?

FDP is programmed to support the entire vendor
agreement cycle, including the application

What is the difference between Application
Pending, Application Denied, and Never

Processing steps for vendor agreements vary
across State agencies. FDP has many different
status values to support the entire vendor
agreement life cycle. The specific status values
for this question are:
Application Pending: The application has been
received, but no final decision has been executed
(e.g., executing a vendor agreement, sending a
denial letter).
Application Denied: The application was denied
(i.e., the vendor was not authorized).
Never Authorized: This status should only be
used when the State agency needs to report


investigation data for a store that has not been
authorized during the fiscal year of the

What is the Initial Authorization Date?

The Initial Authorization Date is the first date a
vendor was authorized by the State agency, or
the first date the vendor was authorized after a
break in authorization. Each State agency may
use dates in line with their policies.

If two State agencies authorize the same
vendor, how will FDP distinguish them?

Each State agency will have a separate record for
the FDE in FDP. Data submitted by each State
agency will be tracked separately in FDP.

What situations would be reflected in “failure to
continue to meet terms of vendor agreement”?

This means the store has failed to meet a term of
the vendor agreement, resulting in termination of
the agreement for cause, without a
corresponding disqualification.

Annual and Training Data
The table below includes information on reporting annual and training data.

When do we report High Risk indicators?

If the State evaluates a vendor during a fiscal
year, and that vendor is deemed high risk, then
the High Risk Indicator should be reported for
that fiscal year.
If a vendor is not deemed high risk, then the High
Risk Indicator should be left blank.

Is the training date a required field?

Yes, in order to log a training record, the State
agency has to document the Training Date and
Training Format (Interactive or Not Interactive).

How many trainings can the FDP system track
per year?

FDP can track an unlimited amount of trainings
for each FDE. State agencies should conduct
trainings in line with Program rules and


To upload more trainings, add 3 columns to the
Annual Data record (Training Date, Training Type,
and Training Format). This ‘group of three
columns’ can be repeated as many times as

Is there an option to report when a training did
not occur for legitimate reasons?

No. The State agency can provide this
information to their Regional Office when they
receive their annual compliance checks.

The table below includes information on the FNS WIC ID field.



What is the FDP Salesforce ID, or FNS WIC ID?

The FDP Salesforce ID (also known as the FNS WIC
ID) is a vendor-specific ID that will be assigned by
FDP. This ID is required for future uploads.

Should State agency MIS track the FNS WIC ID?

Yes, FNS recommends that State agencies add the
FNS WIC ID to their MIS.
In the interim, it is possible to quickly add the FNS
WIC ID to the upload file manually. FNS will work
with State agencies throughout the transition, as

Where can I find the FNS WIC ID for my

These numbers will be generated after all FY 2020
data is finalized in TIP. We expect to be able to
provide a spreadsheet mapping State WIC IDs and
store names to a FNS WIC ID by Fall 2021.
In the future, State agencies will be able to pull a
system report with this information.


What is the State WIC ID?

The State WIC ID is the new label for State
Vendor ID. State agencies will continue to control
the creation, issuing, and retiring of State WIC
The name was adjusted to capture other business
models authorized by WIC but not covered under
the definition of ‘vendor’ (e.g. home delivery
contractors, direct distributors, etc.)

What happens if the FNS SNAP ID on the WIC file Data in FDP will be matched to data in STARS
does not match the FNS SNAP ID in STARS?
based on the FNS Number (SNAP) field. The
systems will pull an exact match based on the
number provided. Once the State agency reviews
the information, they can authorize the system to
use it.
If the number provided does not match the
intended store, the system will be unable to
provide SNAP data.
FDP will not automatically use SNAP data or
overwrite fields without the State agency’s

Below is a list of definitions for commonly used terms in this document:


Food Delivery
Entities (FDEs)


Businesses that provide authorized supplemental foods to WIC participants. This
can be a vendor authorized under a retail food delivery system, or a business
entity that contracts with a State agency to provide authorized supplemental
foods via direct distribution or home food delivery.


A vendor-specific ID that will be assigned by FDP. IT is also known as the FDP
Salesforce ID.

Pick List

Pick Lists are a Salesforce equivalent for drop down lists. A Custom Pick List is a
Salesforce equivalent for drop down lists created by the State agency.




State WIC ID

The new label for State Vendor ID, but reflects other business models authorized
by WIC but are not vendors (e.g. home delivery contractors, direct distributors,


The “Template” is the example upload file that illustrates all 6 upload file formats.
There are 6 upload file formats, 3 are required for all records and 3 are designed
to be used as needed.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFDP Transition Information for State Agencies
SubjectWIC FDP Transition from TIP to FDP
File Modified2021-09-30
File Created2021-08-11

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