NCVS OMB Supporting Statement Part A_final

NCVS OMB Supporting Statement Part A_final.docx

National Crime Victimization Survey

OMB: 1121-0111

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Supporting Statement

A. Justification

  1. Necessity of the Information Collection

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), of the U.S. Department of Justice, requests an extension of a currently approved collection, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) (OMB No. 1121-0111). The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) current approval of the NCVS expires February 28, 2022. This submission is for an extension of the current approval through December 2024 and a nonsubstantive revision to the NCVS to ask all respondents age 16 or older about sexual orientation and gender identity beginning in January 2022.

Title 34, United States Code, Section 10132 authorizes BJS to collect statistics on victimization (Attachment 1). Since 1972, the NCVS has been providing national data on personal and household victimization, both reported and not reported to police. The data collection allows the BJS to fulfill its mission of collecting, analyzing, publishing, and disseminating information on victims of crime. Together with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) statistics on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies, the NCVS provides an understanding of the nature of and changes in the nation’s crime problems.

The NCVS is currently the only source of annual national data on a number of policy-relevant subjects related to criminal victimization, including intimate partner violence, hate crime, workplace violence, injury from victimization, guns and crime, the cost of crime, reporting to police, and crime against vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, juveniles, and persons with disabilities. The NCVS is also a vehicle for the implementation of routine survey supplements that provide detailed information on timely and relevant topics such as identity theft, school crime, and contacts between the police and the public.

The BJS is specifically requesting clearance for the core NCVS from January 2022 through December 2024. The core NCVS includes the administration of the basic screen questionnaire (NCVS-1, Attachment 19) and crime incident report (NCVS-2, Attachment 20) instruments to a nationally representative sample of persons age 12 or older living in households in the United States, including samples of persons representative of the 22 most populous states in the U.S.

The core NCVS survey instrument covers nine general areas: 1) incidence of rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, simple assault, personal larceny, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other theft; 2) characteristics of these victimizations, including location, time, presence of a weapon, injury, and property/monetary loss; 3) characteristics of victims, including sex, age, race, Hispanic origin, disability, and occupation; 4) relationship between victim and offender; 5) emotional impact of victimization; 6) victim self-defense and bystander intervention; 7) offender characteristics including sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin; 8) reporting to police and police response; and 9) bias- or hate-motivated victimizations. NCVS core work also includes the analysis and dissemination of data products and reports stemming from the core collection, as well as technical and methodological analyses and reports based on the sampling for, administration of, and analysis of data from the NCVS basic screen questionnaire and crime incident report.a

  1. Needs and Uses

Since 1972, the NCVS and its predecessor, the National Crime Survey (NCS), have provided national data on the level and change of personal and property crimes both reported and not reported to police. It is one of the two main sources of data on crime in the United States and the only source that provides detailed information on the nature and consequences of crime. By capturing crimes not reported to police, as well as those known to law enforcement, the NCVS serves as the primary, independent source of information on crime in the U.S. Understanding unreported crime also helps to inform the appropriate allocation of criminal justice system and victim service resources and provides a better understanding of victim decision-making, responses to crime, and the resulting consequences.

This section begins with an overview of the use and interest in the NCVS across a range of stakeholders, followed by a description of specific updates for the 2022-2024 collection and dissemination through reports, data, and tools. Finally, this section provides a summary of strategic initiatives that are underway to increase the utility of the NCVS.

    1. Use and Interest in the NCVS

The reports and data generated through the NCVS are of use and interest to a wide range of audiences, including 1) government agencies, 2) the criminal justice community, and 3) the public.

      1. Government Agencies

Because the NCVS is the only ongoing vehicle for producing data related to a broad spectrum of subjects related to crime and crime victimization, legislators and policymakers at all levels of government rely on the NCVS data. For example, Congressional debates on bills concerning victim compensation, gun control, crime and unemployment, and development of crime prevention programs for the elderly have used the NCVS data. Also, Federal executive departments have used the NCVS data to support development of programs related to a broad variety of issues, including violence against women, intimate partner violence, violence against racial and ethnic groups including American Indians, school crime, juvenile justice, and crime against the elderly. Some specific examples of government agencies that make use of the NCVS data include the following:

        1. Department of Justice

Within the Department of Justice, the importance and utility of the NCVS are recognized, and the data are used for various purposes. The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has used the NCVS data to estimate the ratio of victims that receive crime victim fund assistance to the total number of victimizations and to identify vulnerable populations not receiving assistance. OVC has also used NCVS data to discuss improvements and gaps in the provision of victim services for congressional hearings and has links to a number of BJS reports on homicide trends, identity theft, the provision of victim services, and hate crime on their website.

        1. Department of Education

The NCVS is used to measure nonfatal victimizations at school in order to inform the nation on the current nature of crime in schools and the prevalence of students victimized at school. These findings are released in the annual report, Indicators of School Crime and Safety. In addition, the National Center for Education Statistics sponsors the School Crime Supplement to the NCVS, which is fielded every other year.

        1. Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) worked with BJS to develop and fund the Identity Theft Supplement (ITS) to the NCVS. The FTC relies on the ITS for data on the prevalence of identity theft, how personal information is obtained by perpetrators, and the characteristics of victims. These types of data assist the FTC in identifying populations that may be particularly vulnerable and appropriately targeting knowledge and prevention campaigns. BJS recently published a report based on the 2018 ITS. The 2021 survey is currently being administered through December 2021.

In addition, the 2017 Supplemental Fraud Survey (SFS) data on the prevalence of financial fraud and the characteristics of victims can assist agencies like the FTC in identifying populations that may be particularly vulnerable, and appropriately targeting awareness and prevention campaigns. BJS recently published a report based on the 2017 SFS.

        1. Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services relies on NCVS data on nonfatal workplace victimizations to identify occupations and workplaces at high risk for violence and to develop guidelines for dealing with workplace violence. BJS plans to release a report on workplace violence done in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Labor in late 2021.

        1. Other Federal Agencies

The Identity Theft Supplement (ITS) can assist multiple federal agencies such as the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) in identifying the financial as well as emotional effects of identity theft on victims which, in turn, can help the agency identify what services might be best suited to helping victims. The information from the ITS can also help the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in providing statistical information for various materials distributed to the public that provide information about identity theft.

The 2017 Supplemental Fraud Survey (SFS) data on the prevalence of financial fraud and the characteristics of victims can assist agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) in identifying populations that may be particularly vulnerable, and appropriately targeting awareness and prevention campaigns. Policymakers also benefit from data assessing the magnitude of financial fraud in the United States. These data can help inform legislative and other efforts to help protect consumers and the populace.

Similarly, the Police Public Contact Survey (PPCS) has utility across federal agencies. For example, PPCS data collected on traffic stops can assist the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) in building evidence for key agency initiatives.

      1. Educational Institutions

Many researchers use the NCVS data to prepare reports and scholarly publications. NCVS public-use data files housed at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan are downloaded thousands of times each year. The downloaded data are used in conjunction with research projects in a number of academic disciplines, including sociology, criminology, psychology, and political science. Researchers use the NCVS information to advance the study of various issues including why certain persons are victimized more than others are; the reasons why persons do or do not report crime incidents to the police; victimizations against particular subpopulations, domestic violence, rape, gang crime, multiple victimizations, and more. A list of some of the more recent articles follows.

  • Augustyn, M. B., & Willyard, K. C. (2020). The contextual influences of police and social service providers on formal help-seeking after incidents of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

  • Bender, A. K., & Lauritsen, J. L. (2021). Violent victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations in the United States: Findings from the National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2018. American Journal of Public Health. 111(2): 318-326.

  • Berg, M. T. (2019). Trends in the lethality of American violence. Homicide Studies. 23(3): 262-284.

  • Edmonds, A. T., Moe, C. A., Adhia, A., Mooney, S. J., Rivara, F. P., Hill, H. D., & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. (2021). The earned income tax credit and intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

  • Flores, A.R., Langton, L., Meyer, I.H., & Romero, A.P. (2020). Victimization rates and traits of sexual and gender minorities in the United States: Results from the National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017. Science Advances. 6(40): eaba6910.

  • Flores, A. R., Meyer, I. H., Langton, L., & Herman, J. L. (2021). Gender identity disparities in criminal victimization: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2018. American Journal of Public Health. 111(4): 726-729.

  • Glover, A. R., Harper, S. B., & Langton, L. (2020). Anti-Asian hate crime during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the reproduction of inequality. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 45(4): 647-667.

  • Hullenaar, K. L., & Frisco, M. L. (2020). Understanding the barriers of violence victims' health care use. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 61(4): 470-485.

  • Lauritsen, J. L., & Lentz, T. S. (2019). National and local trends in serious violence, firearm victimization, and homicide. Homicide Studies. 23(3): 243-261.

  • McCann, W. S., & Boateng, F. D. (2021). An analysis of hate crime victimization amongst U.S. immigrants. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

  • Muniz, C. N., & Powers, R. A. (2020). Applying the classic rape scenario to robbery: An examination of situational characteristics and reporting victimization to police. Journal of Criminal Justice. 72: 101737.

  • Phillips, J. B. (2021). Postincident interpersonal difficulty among adolescent victims of violent crime. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 36(9-10): 3994-4017.

  • Pinciotti, C. M., & Seligowski, A. V. (2019). The influence of sexual assault resistance on reporting tendencies and law enforcement response: Findings from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

  • Truman, J.L., Morgan, R.E., Gilbert, T., & Vaghela, P. (2019). Measuring sexual orientation and gender identity in the National Crime Victimization Survey. Journal of Official Statistics. 35(4): 835-858.

  • Vargas, E., & Hemenway, D. (2021). Emotional and physical symptoms after gun victimization in the United States, 2009-2019. Preventative Medicine. 143: 106374.

  • Xie, M., & Baumer, E. P. (2019). Neighborhood immigrant concentration and violent crime reporting to the police: A multilevel analysis of data from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Criminology. 57(2): 237–67.

  • Xie, M., Heimer, K., Lynch, J.P., & Planty, M. (2018). Why is the Victimization of Young Latino Adults Higher in New Areas of Settlement? Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 34(3): 657–690.

  • Zaykowski, H., Allain, E., & Campagna, L. M. (2019). Examining the paradox of crime reporting: Are disadvantaged victims more likely to report to the police? Law and Society Review. 53(4): 1305-1340.

      1. Others

Independent groups also use the NCVS for policy analysis, policy recommendations, testimony before Congress, and documentation for use in courts.

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and Financial Fraud Research Center: Researchers from the Financial Fraud Research Center (FFRC), a joint project of the Stanford Center on Longevity and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Investor Education Foundation (FINRA Foundation) collaborated with BJS to develop a standardized fraud classification scheme.b This was then translated into survey questions that were administered on the Supplemental Fraud Survey (SFS) to the NCVS.

National Crime Prevention Council: Uses the NCVS data to develop programs on crime prevention and to train and educate individuals, communities, and organizations throughout the United States on effective crime prevention practices.

Victim Advocacy Groups: Use the data to identify vulnerable populations, such as crime victims who do not receive necessary criminal justice system resources, and to draw attention to the emotional, physical, and economic consequences of victimization.

Community Groups: Use the data to develop neighborhood watch programs.

Law enforcement agencies: Use the NCVS findings to gain a better understanding of the types of crimes that are and are not reported to the police and what percentage of crime goes unreported and to understand the reasons why victims do not report to the police.

Media: The media have become increasingly familiar with the NCVS data and the public regularly sees news articles and press releases containing NCVS data. Findings from the NCVS appear regularly on a host of crime-related topics in a wide variety of contexts.

    1. Updates to the NCVS core and supplements 2022-2024

      1. NCVS core instrument

In an effort to modernized the NCVS instrument, BJS felt that important near-term changes could be made to improve the relevance and utility of the NCVS without affecting the measurement of the victimization rates. One area most in need of modernization to better address policy-relevant questions is the socio-demographic information collected about respondents.

As a result, new socio-demographic measures were added to the NCVS beginning July 1, 2016: veteran status, citizenship, sexual orientation, and gender identity. In addition, disability status was asked of all respondents and the household income response categories were expanded. These measures have been identified in other research as subgroups of interest to key stakeholders and correlates of victimization. For example, sexual orientation and gender identity are recognized in the 2013 reauthorized Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (Public Law 103–322). Additionally, the inclusion of these items allows researchers to better understand the relationships between these variables and experiences with criminal victimization. These new socio-demographic measures were approved by OMB through a non-substantive modification to the NCVS under the existing clearance (OMB No. 1121-0111).

Upon implementation in July of 2016, questions pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity were initially administered to all respondents age 16 or older at their first, third, fifth, and seventh interviews, or if they had not been asked the questions before. In April 2018, BJS submitted a proposal to OMB to raise the minimum age at which questions pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity were asked, from 16 to 18, out of concern over the potential sensitivity of these items. When comments on the proposed revision were solicited as part of the overall review and approval process through a 30-day notice in the Federal Register, BJS received numerous comments in response to this proposal. In weighing these comments along with BJS’s goals to preserve the utility of the survey data, BJS leadership amended the proposal.

As a result, BJS determined that the sexual orientation and gender identity questions would be administered to victims age 16 or older. With these revisions to the questionnaire, BJS would only be able to produce victimization estimates (counts and percentages of victims) by sexual orientation and gender identity status for persons age 16 or older. These changes were implemented in July 2019 and administered only to victims age 16 or older. In addition, these questions are only asked once of all victims during the time they remain in sample, rather than asking at their first, third, fifth, and seventh interviews. This change was approved by OMB in February 2019 under the existing clearance (OMB No. 1121-0111).

Since these changes to the sexual orientation and gender identity questions were implemented in July 2019, BJS has monitored the NCVS performance in general and the performance of these items, including unit and item nonresponse. From 2017 (the first full year of SOGI data collection) to 2019, data quality measures continue to indicate no performance issues in the collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data. Overall NCVS household and person response rates have continued to decline over time. In 2017, the household response rate was 76% compared to 71% in 2019; the person response rate was 84% in 2017 compared to 83% in 2019.

The decline in overall response was consistent for both adults and youth, though youth nonresponse increased at a higher rate than adults. From 2017 to 2019, the response rate declined from 86% to 85% for persons age 18 and older and from 58% to 54% for persons ages 16 and 17. Item nonresponse on the sexual orientation and gender identity measures remained similar over time. For sexual orientation, the percentage of persons who refused to answer ranged from 2% to 2.5% from 2017 to 2019. For the gender identity items (sex at birth and current gender identity), the percentage who refused to answer was under 1% during the same time period.

The breakoffs, or percentage of persons who stopped answering the survey questions, remained very low as well. In July-December 2017, 0.002% of respondents who received the sexual orientation question broke off at this question, compared to 0.08% in July-December 2019. Breakoffs at the sexual orientation question accounted for 0.03% of all breakoffs in July-December 2017 and 0.02% in July-December 2019. In July-December 2017, 0.003% of persons who received the sex at birth question broke off at this question. Breakoffs at the sex at birth question accounted for 0.04% of all breakoffs in July-December 2017. There were no breakoffs for persons receiving the sex at birth question in July-December 2019.

There were no breakoffs for persons receiving the current gender identity question in July-December 2017 or in July-December 2019. As a result of these findings, BJS has determined that the sexual orientation and gender identity items will be reinstated and administered to the original universe of all persons age 16 or older beginning in January 2022. In addition, these items will be asked at the first, third, fifth, and seventh interviews to measure changes in these demographic characteristics over time.

      1. Supplements to the NCVS

In 2022, the NCVS will have two supplements (each with unique OMB numbers), which will remain in the field for six months. These supplements allow for the collection of detailed data on topics that are not included in the core NCVS. BJS also produces reports from each of the supplements and archives the data at ICPSR ( Each supplement is conducted under a separate OMB review, and the tentative schedule for the administration of these routine supplements is as follows:

January – June, 2022 School Crime Supplement (SCS) (OMB No. 1121-0139)

July – December, 2022 Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS) (OMB No. 1121-0260)

BJS does not plan to administer supplements in 2023-2024. During this period, BJS plans to test and introduce a new instrument (see section 2.4.1 below) and anticipates an increase in resources required to retain continuity of the series.

    1. Dissemination of data

From 2022 through 2024, BJS statisticians will use NCVS data to produce a number of timely and relevant reports and products. These reports are relevant to the priorities of the Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Programs, expressed needs and interests of other government agencies and the criminal justice community, current events, and methods for improving the usability and reliability of the NCVS, including research related to redesign projects.

They are widely disseminated through the BJS website, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, the BJS JUSTSTATS listserv, which has about 23,000 membersc, and press releases circulated to the Associated Press and other major news sources. They also demonstrate the breadth of information collected through the NCVS, covering topics that stem from the design of the instrument and relate to each of the major sections of the survey instrument. Examples of recent and planned topical reports and products by each section of the NCVS include:

  1. Enumeration of crime rates

  • Criminal Victimization Annual reports that present estimates of rates and levels of violent and property crime victimization in the U.S. 2020 report planned for late 2021.

  • NCVS Victimization Analysis Tool (NVAT) Online dynamic analysis tool, updated annually, that allows users to examine NCVS data and generate tables on violent and property victimization by select victim, household, and incident characteristics. Data are available for 1993 through 2019. Updated annually.

  1. Incident characteristics

  • Indicators of Workplace Violence – Produced jointly with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), presents estimates on the extent of violence in the workplace. Planned for late 2021 or early 2022.

  • Firearm Violence – Examines patterns and trends in nonfatal and fatal violent victimizations that involved a firearm. Planned for late 2021 or early 2022.

  1. Victim characteristics

  • Crime Against Persons with Disabilities – Annual Congressionally mandated report presents estimates of nonfatal violent victimizations against person 12 years old or older with disabilities. Planned for late 2021 or early 2022.

  • Indicators of School Crime and Safety – Annual report, produced jointly with the Department of Education, presents estimates of crime occurring at school or on the way to and from school against persons age 12 to 18.. Last published 2021.

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the NCVS – Will present victimization and population estimates by sexual orientation and gender identity status. Planned for late 2021 or early 2022.

  1. Victim-offender relationship and offender characteristics

  • Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime Offenders and Arrestees - Compares the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program data on incidents of nonfatal violent crime to data from BJS's National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to determine if arrest differences by race and ethnicity can be attributed to differences in criminal involvement. Published 2021.

  • Violent Victimization by Race or Ethnicity - Addresses trends in the number and rate of violent victimization by victim race or ethnicity. Published 2020.

  1. Bias-motivated victimizations

  • Hate CrimePresents patterns and trends in victimizations motivated by racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or disability bias. Last published 2017. Planned for late 2021 or early 2022.

  1. Technical/Methodological Research in the last 2 years

In addition to reports, BJS provides access to the NCVS data through several channels. The National Victimization Analysis Tool (NVAT) is an on-line data analysis tool that allows users to examine NCVS data and generate tables on violent and property victimization by select victim, household, and incident characteristics. The NVAT data is updated annually and BJS will continue to improve upon the performance and capabilities of the tool and expand on the available variables. BJS is currently working on additional functionality that will allow users to visually explore the NCVS data.

BJS offers access to NCVS data through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. Researchers can download public-use files of the NCVS data and codebooks to conduct their own analyses. The public-use files are produced by the Census Bureau and ICPSR. Additionally, BJS and the Census Bureau provide access to NCVS data files through the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDCs). The FSRDCs currently house data from the NCVS core survey from 2006 to 2016. This allows researchers who submit a justifiable proposal to access the geo-identified, restricted-use NCVS data files. BJS is currently working on making more recent data available in the near future.

    1. Continuous Improvement Approach for the NCVS

In order to fulfill its mission of generating and disseminating data on victims of crime, BJS employs a continuous improvement approach to improve the utility of the data and the efficiency and effectiveness of the survey methodology. This work is conducted across four pillars of the NCVS research program: 1) Modernization of the survey instrument; 2) Research to improve measurement and increase utility; 3) Continued development of the NCVS subnational program; and 4) Expansion of other sources of data related to the NCVS.

      1. Modernization of the survey instrument

In early 2014, BJS initiated the NCVS Instrument Redesign and Testing Project through a competitive award to Westat, Inc. The NCVS Instrument Redesign and Testing Project is a major multi-year effort to overhaul the existing survey instrument. The overarching objective of the project is to provide scientific and technical support for the redesign and testing of the NCVS roster control card, crime screener (NCVS-1), and crime incident (NCVS-2) instruments in support of BJS’s efforts related to increasing the efficiency, reliability, and utility of the NCVS.

Through the project, BJS aims to evaluate and modernize the organization and content of the NCVS; improve the efficiency of the instruments and the current core-supplement design; and develop a procedure for introducing routine improvements to the survey in order to capture emerging crime types and time-relevant topics. BJS and Westat are currently analyzing the results from the national field test. Several reports will be published on the findings from this study.

Several areas of the instrument underwent significant development, including:

1. Addition of non-crime questions on perceptions of police and community safety;

2. Enhanced measures of victim help-seeking;

3. Improved measurement of sensitive crimes like rape and sexual assault;

4. Improved measurement of hate crimes; and

5. Increased understanding of juvenile respondents and proxy reporting. Each of these is discussed below.

        1. Non-crime questions

One key component of the redesigned instrument will be a series of questions pertaining to residents’ perception of safety, disorder, police legitimacy and satisfaction with police, known as ‘non-crime’ questions. This meets a need for data on residents’ perceptions of police and for understanding the relationship between experiencing victimization, reporting crime to police, and perceived police legitimacy.

Questions on satisfaction with police, police legitimacy, fear, perceptions of community disorder, and feelings of safety will be asked of all NCVS respondents, not just those who experienced a victimization. These items are intended to increase the relevance of the survey for the majority of respondents who never experience a victimization. Additionally, because the items are answered by all respondents, the estimates are expected to have stronger precision at the subnational level compared to national-level victimization rates.

The data from these ‘non-crime’ questions will have utility for members of the law enforcement community as well as researchers and policy makers. The ‘non-crime’ questions could be used to assess the relationship between demographic characteristics of residents and their perceptions of neighborhood safety and satisfaction with police.

        1. Victim help-seeking

The redesigned instrument will also better address stakeholder needs with a more extensive series of questions on formal and informal help-seeking behavior. Despite the fact that the federal government allocates billions of dollars a year to provide services and compensation to crime victims, very little data currently exists about who receives this money and where there are gaps in the services and compensation provided. The current NCVS instrument asks only two questions related to whether the victim received victim services.

The Office for Victims of Crime laid out the need for more comprehensive data in their Vision 21 report and BJS’s redesigned instrument will enhance the capacity of the survey to measure both formal and informal victim help-seeking behaviors. The redesigned instrument will include expanded questions about why victims do or do not receive formal services, and among those that do, the type of assistance they received and their levels of satisfaction with the assistance received. The redesign effort will also add questions about informal help-seeking behaviors, such as speaking to a family member, friend, or religious leader and improve current NCVS questions about the consequences of victimization including injuries, receipt of medical and mental health care, and emotional reactions following a victimization.

        1. Measurement of rape and sexual assault

BJS is also improving the responsiveness of the NCVS to measurement issues that arise in the collection of data on sensitive topics like intimate partner violence and rape and sexual assault. To this end, BJS has initiated several projects to identify, develop, and test the optimal methods for collecting self-report data on rape and sexual assault. The findings from these projects will be incorporated into the instrument redesign work.

In September 2011, BJS also made a competitive award to Westat, Inc., to develop and test two different survey designs for collecting self-report data on rape and sexual assault. One design was to be an optimal design identified in collaboration with a panel from the National Research Council’s Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) which was charged by BJS in 2011 to examine the conceptual and methodological issues surrounding survey statistics on rape and sexual assault and to recommend to BJS the best methods for obtaining such statistics on an ongoing basis. The other was similar to designs used in the public health field that collect data on rape and sexual assault (e.g., National Women’s Study and the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Surveillance System).

BJS compared estimates from these two alternative designs with estimates from the current NCVS. Field testing of these alternative designs was completed and findings were released in 2021. The findings of this project were published in the BJS report, Methodological Research to Support the National Crime Victimization Survey: Self-Report Data on Rape and Sexual Assault – Pilot Test, in January 2021. The findings from this report will be incorporated into the instrument redesign work.

        1. Measurement of hate crimes

The current NCVS hate crime series asks about seven different types of potential evidence of a hate crime, and BJS uses one of three of these types (offender used hate language, offender left hate-related signs or symbols at the scene, or police investigators confirmed the incident was a hate crime) to qualify as sufficient evidence to classify the offense as a hate crime. BJS is currently conducting research to understand the limitations of the current measure and examine ways to improve the measurement of hate crime in the NCVS. Findings from this research are expected to be released in late 2021 or early 2022.

        1. Juvenile respondents and proxy interviews

As part of the NCVS Redesign Research and Development Program, BIS is engaged in several research projects to further understand and improve the measurement of victimization among youth age 12-17. These efforts include cognitive testing with youth and parents. Youth interviews focus on testing comprehension of survey items and youth-specific adjustments to improve comprehension. Parent interviews focus on understanding parents’ decisions to let their children participate in a survey like NCVS. An additional project examines survey responses between parent-child pairs, to measure consistency in responses when the parent serves as a proxy respondent for the child. Findings from this research are expected to be released in late 2021 or early 2022.

      1. Inform and improve methodology

BJS is working on a number of projects to improve the precision and reliability of victimization estimates. Additionally, in order to improve the NCVS methodology, BJS has also invested in a support center for the NCVS called the National Victimization Survey Support Program (NVSSP). The researchers in the NVSSP, on contract from RTI International, have substantial expertise in survey methodology and data analysis.

        1. Weighting Adjustments

NCVS data are weighted to produce annual estimates of victimization for persons age 12 or older living in U.S. households. Because the NCVS relies on a sample rather than a census of the entire U.S. population, weights are designed to adjust to known population totals and to compensate for survey non-response and other aspects of the complex sample design. In 2020, BJS conducted research on outlier weights and their impact on NCVS estimates. BJS explored several methods to moderate the contribution of outlier weights on NCVS estimates and applied a new adjustment factor beginning with the 2020 annual data file. Results of this research are planned to be released in late 2021 or early 2022.

        1. Improving ability to report out on race/ethnicity categories

BJS uses the race and ethnicity categories for NCVS data collection as specified by the Office of Management and Budget’s Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. The standards have five categories for data on race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. There are two categories for data on ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino. Given that NCVS data are derived from surveyed respondents, the relatively small sizes of certain population groups compared to the overall U.S. population can pose measurement challenges. BJS is currently exploring statistical methods to increase the reliability of estimates for these categories.

        1. Methods of variance estimates

For surveys with complex sample designs, such as the NCVS, several methods can be used to estimate the magnitude of sampling error associated with an estimate. BJS has an active research program on direct variance and generalized variance function (GVF) estimation methods that seeks to improve the quality and accuracy of NCVS estimates and make technical information available to data users to support research.

        1. Urbanicity

To improve location of residence classification, BJS conducted research on methods to classify an area as urban, suburban, or rural. Through this research, BJS considered several measures of population density. The new NCVS definition uses weighted housing-unit density because that measure provides the best indication of the degree of urban density. This new definition, which is available on the NCVS public-use file beginning in 2020, allows users to examine victimization rates for urban, suburban, and rural areas.

      1. Subnational estimates

The NCVS was originally designed to provide national-level estimates of criminal victimization. Since its inception in 1973, BJS has recognized an increasing need for victimization data at the state and/or local levels. The three major reviews of the NCVS program (Penick and Owens, 1976; Biderman, et al., 1986d; Groves and Cork, 2008e) point to the demand from local criminal justice administrators who want empirical information and data on crime that they can use to inform policy and practice.

Interest in subnational victimization data is met with practical limitations in producing these data. The NCVS is a complex household survey, which involves about 240,000 interviews on criminal victimization, involving 160,000 unique persons in about 95,000 households each year. Administration of the NCVS to produce reliable national-level estimates is costly and can potentially involve risk of disclosing sensitive information. These challenges are amplified when producing estimates for lower levels of geography. Thus, options for producing subnational victimization data through the NCVS require careful consideration.

Accordingly, BJS crafted plans for producing subnational crime data by developing multiple strategies and responses, and supported researchf ultimately demonstrating that the NCVS can be enhanced to produce several types of subnational estimates. Since 2012, BJS has worked with its grantees to develop various approaches for producing subnational victimization estimates, including

(1) Boosting the NCVS sample size in large states to obtain direct state-level estimates,

(2) Using reweighting methodologies and existing NCVS data collected under the national design to obtain direct estimates in subnational areas,

(3) Modeling state-level estimates using existing NCVS sample and external sources of data,

(4) Creating generic areas with geocoded identifiers, and

(5) Generating a lower-cost alternative survey based on the NCVS for direct administration within subnational areas.

        1. Direct Sample Boost

Beginning in 2016, BJS increased the size of the NCVS core sample in the 22 most populous states, based on preliminary findings from a boost pilot test. Concurrent with the sample boost, BJS also adjusted the allocation of the sample as needed within these 22 states to enhance the representativeness of the NCVS sample relative to the population within each of these states. Together, these changes were designed to enable production of state-level estimates of violent victimization for the 22 states and specific metropolitan areas within those states with three years of aggregated data.

BJS decided to focus on the 22 most populous states based on the estimated sample size that would be needed to produce representative estimates with sufficient precision, while balancing the increased costs associated with a larger and more geographically diverse sample. The 22 states selected for the sample boost accounted for 79% of the total U.S. population and approximately 80% of violent crime reported in the FBI's Part 1 Uniform Crime Reports.

BJS is working to carefully examine and validate the initial three-year direct NCVS estimates and plans to produce a report on these data.

        1. Direct Estimation with Reweighted Data

To address the needs of data users and stakeholders for more localized victimization data and to allow for the evaluation of trends in victimization over time within subnational areas prior to the sample redesign in 2016, BJS has explored the feasibility of producing subnational estimates for years prior to 2016 using reweighting methods. Doing so involves aggregating data from the national sample over multiple years and recalibrating the distribution of NCVS respondents within a particular subnational area (i.e., state or Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)) for as many known demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as possible. Using this method, victimization estimates have been generated for the 11 largest states and MSAs from 2008-2015.

Additional information about the reweighting methodology and victimization estimates for MSAs and states are available in the BJS third-party report, Estimating Crime Victimization in Large States and MSAs Through Reweighting: Evaluation and Methodology.

        1. Model-Based Estimates

When direct estimation techniques are not feasible to employ due to insufficient sample sizes, the indirect, or model-based, estimation approach can be used to generate victimization estimates for subnational areas. The model-based approach leverages auxiliary data or data from different time periods to effectively increase the sample size by linking related small areas. Auxiliary data from the American Community Survey, the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, and the decennial census have been used to augment the NCVS sample to generate model-based estimates of criminal victimization for all 50 states, DC, large metropolitan areas, and counties.

Recent reports using or describing the application of the model-based, or small area, estimation, methodology for NCVS data follow below:

        1. Generic Area Estimates

As part of the subnational program, BJS has also evaluated the use of generic area typologies based on various geographic, social, economic, or demographic characteristics as a way to provide more localized information about criminal victimization. These generic areas are intended to represent all places that are similar to each other based on a particular set of characteristics (e.g., urban areas in the northeast with a population size of 1 million or more persons). The use of generic areas allows data users to identify the typology which best aligns with their primary area of interest and make relative comparisons against similar and different types of places from that perspective.

A report that uses the application of the generic area approach for NCVS data follow is BJS’ Assessing the Coverage and Reliability of Subnational Geographic Identifiers in the NCVS Public-Use File.

        1. Local Area Crime Survey Estimates

Another avenue for producing subnational estimates of victimization explored by BJS as part of the subnational estimation program is through the administration of the Local Area Crime Survey (LACS). Using mail data collection procedures and a truncated instrument based on the NCVS, the LACS was constructed to be relatively inexpensive so that they could be administered by states, MSAs, cities, or police jurisdictions. Victimization estimates produced from them are designed to correlate with those from the core NCVS and to support estimates of change over time within an area as well as comparisons across areas. A field test evaluating the feasibility of the LACS was administered in the 40 largest core-based statistical areas (CBSAs) in 2015 and 2016.

The LACS survey kit includes survey questionnaires, a template for a request for proposals from survey vendors, and sample supporting materials from the Field Test. This document offers general guidance on how to use those materials to conduct the survey and analyze the results.

Reports related to the LACS instrument and methodology include:

      1. Expand and enhance other sources of data related to the NCVS

To supplement the NCVS data and further improve the responsiveness of the BJS Victimization Statistics Unit to priority victimization issues, BJS has also been working to develop new data collections or improve existing data collections related to victims that are separate from the NCVS but can be used in conjunction with NCVS data. To this end, BJS developed a new data collection on Victim Service Providers.

This program works to address gaps in understanding of how victim services are provided, including (1) the organizations and agencies that make up the victim services field; (2) how victim service providers (VSPs) are staffed, funded, and organized; (3) the number of crime victims who VSPs serve each year; and (4) the range of services offered and provider perceptions of gaps across the field. BJS recently published findings from the National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP) and will publish findings from the National Survey of Victim Service Providers (NSVSP) in late 2021 or early 2022. In FY2022, BJS will begin planning for the second cycle of the NCVSP.

These projects and data collections will enhance the information generated by the Victimization Statistics Unit and when used in conjunction with NCVS data, particularly at the subnational level, will provide a more comprehensive picture of victimization and the response to victimization in the U.S.

  1. Use of Information Technology

Respondents to the NCVS are individuals living in households. The Census Bureau collects the data using in-person and telephone interviews. The NCVS continues to use computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) to reduce cost, improve data quality, and streamline data processing.

  1. Efforts to Identify Duplication

The NCVS does not duplicate any other effort in the field. There is no other omnibus survey that can be used to generate annual national statistics on a range of crimes and victim responses to crimes regardless of whether the victimization was reported to the police.

The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) data covers a similar range of crimes as the NCVS, but is limited to only those crimes known to the police. The UCR data is also limited by a lack of information on the characteristics of victims and incidents.

The UCR program is transitioning from summary reporting of crimes to detailed data collection on individual incidents. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) includes similar crimes as the NCVS (as well as a number of additional offense types) and collects basic demographic data on the age, sex, and race of victims and offenders. NIBRS, like the summary system long used by the FBI, includes only crimes known to police. It is also limited by a lack of information on the victim’s response to criminal incidents. To date, about a third of all law enforcement agencies report NIBRS data to the FBI.g These reporting agencies cover only a portion of the population of the United States, meaning that the data are not nationally representative.

  1. Efforts to Minimize Burden

N/A. The NCVS is a household-based sample and does not impact small businesses or small entities.

  1. Consequences of Less Frequent Collection

There are several reasons why it is necessary to conduct an ongoing collection of the NCVS data. First, to produce annual estimates and track year-to-year change in crime, data must be collected on an ongoing basis. Second, because of the relative rarity of crime and declining crime rates, rolling averages often must be used to increase the precision of national estimates that are based on small sample sizes, such as estimates for populations like the elderly and victims of sexual assault.

Rolling averages are also necessary for generating precise state-level estimates of victimization. To produce rolling averages and generate victimization estimates for subpopulations, specific crime characteristics, and at the state and local levels, annual data are necessary. Third, if the data were collected at a single point in time biannually or annually rather than on a continuous basis, the survey would be costlier due to start-up and interviewer training costs.

If the NCVS program were discontinued or conducted on a less frequent basis, executive and legislative branch policymakers would no longer have detailed crime and victimization data, including the demographic, victim response, and incident characteristic information not collected through the FBI, available when making decisions or formulating legislation. Additionally, there would be no reliable measure of change in the rate of serious crime for the United States that includes crimes not known to the police.

  1. Special Circumstances

N/A. Collection is consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.9.

  1. Adherence to 5 CFR 1320.8(d) and Outside Consultations

The research under this clearance is consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.6 and 5 CFR 1320.8(d). Comments on the overall NCVS data collection effort were solicited in the Federal Register, Vol. 86, No. 121, pages 34046-34047 on June 28, 2021. Following the publication of the 60-day notice, the following comments and requests were received:

  • 2 comments in support of the continued administration of the NCVS - 1 each from Min Xie at the University of Maryland and Ellen Cohn at Florida International University.

  • 1 comment in support of the continued administration of the NCVS and a suggestion to implement online data collection for the NCVS from Tara Martin at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. BJS is already researching methods to improve estimation of subpopulations with the NCVS.

  • 1 request for the draft of the supporting statement and NCVS instrument from Andrew Reamer from the American Economic Association. A copy of the instrument and a copy of the supporting statement from the last approved OMB clearance package for the NCVS were sent in response.

  • 1 request for the instrument from Denise Dougherty from Adolescents and Children Together for Health. A copy of the instrument was sent in response.

The 30-day notice for public commentary was published in the Federal Register Vol. 86, No. 179, page 52207 on September 20, 2021 simultaneously with the submission of this OMB package.

Outside Consultations:

In the process of developing the subnational program, increasing the efficiency and productivity of the survey methodology, and redesigning and modernizing the survey instrument, BJS consults with a variety of data users, as well as the federal government and outside experts with knowledge and experience in criminal justice research and survey methodology.

  1. Paying Respondents

N/A. Payment or gifts to respondents are not provided in return for participation in the survey.

  1. Assurance of Confidentiality

All NCVS information about individuals or households is confidential by law under Title 34, United States Code, Sections 10231 and 10134 and Title 13, United States Code, Section 9. By law, the Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release survey responses in a way that could identify survey respondents or their households. Census Bureau employees who may see the survey responses are sworn to preserve this confidentiality. Even BJS, as the sponsor of the survey, is not authorized to see or handle the data in its raw form. All unique and identifying information is scrambled or suppressed before it is provided to BJS to analyze. Data are maintained in secure environments and in restricted access locations within the Census Bureau. All data provided to BJS must meet the confidentiality requirements set forth by the Disclosure Review Board at the Census Bureau.

In a letter from the Director of the Census Bureau (NCVS-572(L) Attachment 16), sent to all households in the survey, respondents are informed of these laws and assured that it requires the Census Bureau to keep all information provided by the respondent confidential. The letter also informs respondents that this is a voluntary survey. Furthermore, in addition to the legal authority and voluntary nature of the survey, the letter informs respondents of the public reporting burden for this collection of information, the principal purposes for collecting the information, and the various uses for the data after it is collected which satisfies the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974.

  1. Justification for Sensitive Questions

The NCVS asks about experiences such as rape and other types of victimization that may be sensitive for some respondents. Given the objective of the NCVS--to estimate the amount of nonfatal victimization in the Nation--this is inevitable as BJS would not be able to provide a complete picture of nonfatal violent victimization without asking about such experiences. NCVS interviewers receive training and guidance on how to ask sensitive questions. The importance of estimating crime levels, as well as the potential value of detailed information about victimization for designing crime prevention strategies, is explained to any respondent who seems hesitant to answer. All respondents have the option of refusing to answer any question.

In 2015, the Office of Justice Programs Institutional Review Board (IRB) declared the NCVS exempt from review and approval by an Institutional Review Board. Pursuant to the OJP Instruction for Protection of Human Subjects and Privacy Certification Requirements, the NCVS was declared exempt from further IRB review because the research is covered by provisions of the confidentiality statute at 34 USC 10231 and the respondents’ confidentiality is protected under Title 13 USC 9. The only involvement of human subjects consists of the administration of an interview questionnaire and the only predictable potential harm is release of the information with identifiers.

  1. Estimate of Respondent Burden

Table 1 shows the estimated respondent reporting burden for both interviewed and noninterviewed respondents. The estimates are based on anticipated 2022 interview/noninterview counts, including the 22-state sample boost that has been in place since January of 2016. The current annual inventory is based on the actual hours required to collect the data from the NCVS and accounts for a full 12-month cycle of data collection.

Table 1. Burden Hour Calculation








Reinterview (Interviews)



Number of respondents






Number of responses






Estimated number of hours per response






Estimated total hours for respondenta








Hours for year 1b



Hours for year 2b



Hours for year 3b



TOTAL hours





aEqual to number of respondents * number of responses * estimated number of hours per response.

bEqual to sum of the total hours for all respondents (interviewed, noninterivewed, and reinterviewed).

  1. Estimate of Respondent’s Cost Burden

There are no costs to respondents other than that of their time to respond.

  1. Costs to Federal Government

There are no capital or start-up costs associated with the data collection.

Table 2 shows a breakdown of the estimated annual cost to the Federal Government for activities associated with the national NCVS data collection. The Census Bureau will act as the data collection agent for the NCVS at an estimated cost of about $47 million for the 2022 cycle. Census will develop, test, and finalize the NCVS instrument, develop all data collection support and training materials, train interviewers and support staff, and collect, process, and disseminate the NCVS data. BJS staff time costs about $1.3 million. BJS of the U.S. Department of Justice bears all costs of the survey. The estimated annual cost to the Federal Government for the NCVS is $48.3 million in FY 2022. The requested revision will have a negligible impact on survey costs.

Table 2. Estimated costs for NCVS

Estimated U.S. Census Bureau costs


Estimated Cost

DSMD (Sample Design and Estimation)


POP (Population Estimate Support)


ADSD (Instrument Development)


DSD (Data Processing)


FLD (Data Collection)


LCC (Telephone Centers)


NPC (Data Collection Support)


ADDP (Survey Operations and Project Management)


Subtotal: estimated costs for Census Bureau


Estimated BJS Costs

Staff salaries

Base salary


Salary estimates

GS15 Supervisory Statistician (1 @ 100%)




GS14 Lead Technical Editor, BJS (1 @ 25%)




GS14 – Statistician, BJS (3 @ 100%)




GS13 – Statistician, BJS (1 @ 100%)




GS11 – Statistician, BJS (2 @ 100%)




Subtotal: Salary and fringe (28%)


Other administrative costs of salary & fringe (15%)


Subtotal: estimated BJS costs


Subtotal: Annual estimated BJS and U.S. Census Bureau costs


Total: Estimated costs @ 3 years


  1. Reasons for Change in Burden

The estimated total annual hours for 2022 through 2024 (117,535) is slightly lower than the 120,810 requested in 2018.

The only revision being made to the survey is that the sexual orientation and gender identity questions will be administered to all respondents age 16 or older during the first, third, fifth and seventh interviews. While this addition may appear to increase burden, the fact that these questions will not be asked at each interview during the survey will cause this change to have a negligible impact on respondent burden.

  1. Project Schedule and Publication Plans

For collection years 2022, 2023, and 2024, the NCVS is in the field from January 1 through December 31. Interviewing begins on the first of each month. The CAPI interviewing is conducted over the entire interview month. Data processing is conducted on both a monthly and quarterly basis. Because the survey uses a 6-month recall period, crime incidence data for a given calendar year are not fully collected until June of the following year. However, annual estimates are produced and published based on data collected during a calendar year (collection year) rather than on crimes occurring during a calendar year (data year) starting with the 1996 data. Annual collection year estimates for the nation are provided to BJS approximately in April of each year.

BJS releases information collected in the NCVS in a variety of formats. Each year BJS releases a bulletin, Criminal Victimization, which provides annual national estimates from the preceding year of survey data collection, including rates and counts of violent and property crime, characteristics of crimes and victims, year-to-year change estimates, and trend estimates. Simultaneous with the release of the annual Criminal Victimization bulletin, the online National Victimization Analysis Tool (NVAT) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Restful API are updated with the most recent year of data.

Once the data are released by BJS through Criminal Victimization, the NVAT and the NCVS API, the data are archived at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. Researchers can download public-use files of the NCVS data and codebooks to conduct their own analyses. The public-use files are produced by the Census Bureau and ICPSR. All information that might identify individual respondents is removed from the files prior to being sent to the ICPSR.

To further enhance the utility of the data, in addition to the public-use files housed at ICPSR, the geographically identified NCVS files are also available in the Census Bureau’s secure federal statistical research data centers (FSRDC). The FSRDC files can be accessed by researchers who submit a proposal for the research they plan to conduct using the data and agree to all confidentiality and protected use constraints. Data are available through ICPSR and the FSRDCs by the fall of the year following collection.

As noted above, during the course of each year, BJS also releases several in-depth analytical reports and other papers that provide information on some of the broad range of topics covered in the survey. These reports reflect findings from redesign work regarding topics of interest to the public, as well as methodological reports on improving the usability and reliability of victimization estimates without increasing survey costs.

Topics include series or repeat victimization; patterns and trends in victim and offender race; harm caused by violent crime; intimate partner violence; age patterns in violent victimization; Hispanic victims of crime; victimization of persons with disabilities; long-term trends in victimization; workplace violence; hate crime; rape and sexual assault; criminal victimization by place; help-seeking patterns among victims; and police response and follow-up activities. See the specific list of planned topical reports under section 2. Needs and Uses.

  1. Display of Expiration Date

The OMB control number is displayed on the CAPI laptop or read during the interview describing the nature of the survey and authority to collect the information. A screenshot is included in the attachments.

  1. Exception to the Certificate Statement

N/A. There are no exceptions to Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions. Collection is consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.9.

a In this document, the NCVS core instrument refers to the NCVS control card (NCVS-500), NCVS-1 (Basic Screen Questionnaire), and NCVS-2 (Crime Incident Report). In general, the NCVS core project or the NCVS core work refers to all efforts related to the NCVS core instrument as well as to the broader, overall NCVS operation.

c As of August 2021.

g Details on NIBRS reporting are available through the FBI’s website:

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AuthorMorgan, Rachel (OJP)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-10-04

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