JCEB Survey

Job Corps Evidence Building Portfolio (JCEB)


JCEB Survey

OMB: 1290-0037

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Job Corps Evidence Building Portfolio Project

Demonstration Pilot Survey

The project will field a survey to all of the demonstration pilot grantees to gather information about program implementation, service offerings, and staffing. The survey will be targeted at program directors. The survey will be fielded to all 30 pilot demonstration sites in winter 2021/2022.

Please note the following as you review:

  • This survey was pretested with three sites.

  • Brackets [] are used to indicate where pilot-specific language will be populated during survey admission.

  • There are a limited number of skips in the survey. Some questions are populated from information provided in prior questions. Where indicated, only a subset of pilots will be asked certain questions.

  • The survey will be fielded online via Qualtrics. Comprehensive programming language will be added prior to pretesting.

The OMB control number for this collection is 1290-xxxx and expires on [month/day/year]. 

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no person is required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number.  Collection of this information is authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2016 (P.L. 113-128). The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary.   We estimate it takes about 120 minutes to complete this collection of information, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information.  Please send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information to the U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office, 200 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20210, or email [email protected] and reference OMB control number 1290-xxxx.

Welcome and Introductions



PROGRAM survey


Job Corps Evidence Building Portfolio (JCEB) Project, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), is examining the effectiveness of programs that deliver career and technical training through partnerships with local colleges and universities. The purpose of this evaluation is to support Job Corps’ long-term continuous improvement process by examining alternative models to traditional Job Corps for providing education and training to the Job Corps-eligible population. MDRC, in partnership with Abt Associates, is conducting the evaluation on behalf of DOL.

You are being asked to complete this survey because you work at one of the pilot programs identified by DOL. Your participation in this survey is important. This survey will ask you to provide information about your program’s organization characteristics, staffing, funding and budget; the impact of COVID-19; recruitment, intake, and admissions; education services and academics supports; career and technical training practices; personal and career counseling services; employment counseling services; support services; post-separation services; student life, and any technical support from DOL your program receives. The survey should take up to 2 hours to complete.

Your responses will only be used for research purposes; this is not an audit or compliance review. There is a small risk that your information would be lost or misused, even though we take great care to protect it. Our study team is trained to follow strict rules to protect your privacy. There are no direct benefits to you or your program for completing this survey. The information learned from this survey will be used to help improve programs for Job Corps eligible youth. There are no known risks of participating in this survey, except that you may feel uncomfortable answering some questions in the survey. You can skip any questions you do not want to answer.

If you have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact MDRC. You can reach MDRC by emailing [email protected] or calling (855) 907-6701.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is XXXXXXX and it expires xx/xx/xxxx. 

I have read the introduction and understand that the information I provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law and used only for research purposes. My responses will be combined with the responses of other staff and no individual names will be reported. 

I agree with the above statement and will complete the survey 

I do not agree with the above statement and will not complete the survey [End survey] 

Programming Notes:

  • Add chapters on the side of the page for easier navigation between sections.


This survey has 13 sections:

  1. Operating Organization Characteristics

  2. Staffing

  3. Funding and Budget

  4. The Impact of COVID-19

  5. Recruitment, Intake and Admissions

  6. Education Services and Academic Supports

  7. Career and Technical Training Practices

  8. Personal and Career Counseling Services

  9. Employment Counseling Services

  10. Support Services

  11. Post-separation Services

  12. Student Life

  13. Technical support from DOL

You may only submit one survey for your program. You may exit the survey and complete it at a later date. We expect that completing this survey may require input from several staff on your team. Each staff that contributes will use the same link.


Module A: Operating Organization Characteristics

  1. [Job Scholars/ Idaho Job Corps satellites only] What department at [college name] is your program housed in?


  1. [Job Scholars only] Does your Job Scholars program operate in more than one location (such as satellite campuses)?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If Yes, how many locations?


  1. What type of academic schedule does your program operate on?

    1. Semester

    2. Quarter

  1. [Job Scholars/ Idaho Job Corps satellites only] Has your college participated in any of these initiatives? (Select all that apply)

    1. Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT)

    2. TechHire Partnership Grant

    3. Strengthening Working Families Initiative

    4. Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG)

    5. Community Based Job Training Grants

    6. Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED)

    7. High-Growth Job Training Initiative

    8. Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants

    9. Young Adult Reentry Partnership

    10. Other (please specify) // OPEN ENDED //

  1. [Job Scholars/ Idaho Job Corps satellites only] Prior to [grant date], what types of experience did [college name] have with Job Corps? (Select all that apply) //CANNOT SELECT “A” IF ANY OTHER CHOICE SELECTED//

    1. No prior relationship with Job Corps.

    2. Job Corps referred students to [college name]

    3. [College name] referred students to Job Corps

    4. [College name] provided instructors to Job Corps

    5. Job Corps students attended classes at [college name] while enrolled in Job Corps

    6. Job Corps and [college name] were both partners of local efforts (e.g., local American Job Center, local employer and industry partnerships)

    7. Other //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

  1. [Job Scholars/ Idaho Job Corps satellites only] We want to learn more about your experience working with students similar those who are eligible for Job Corps prior to [grant date]. Job Corps eligible students are young people ages 16-24, who meet low-income criteria, and have barriers to completing their education and job training, such as not having a high school credential, having current or prior foster care involvement, or experiencing homelessness.

Prior to [grant date], what types of experience did [college name] have working with youth similar to those eligible for Job Corps?

    1. College operated specific programs for the Job Corps-eligible population.

      1. Program name //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

    2. College partnered with other programs in the community serving the population, such as partnering to connect students with support services or college navigation supports.

      1. Program name //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

    3. College did not provide any programs specifically for the Job Corps-eligible population.

  1. [Job Scholars/ Idaho Job Corps satellites only] Does your college have any of the following programs? For these programs, we would like to know if the program has operated in the past 5 years and if it is currently operating. [Select all that apply]

Select if you offered the program in the past 5 years

Select if the program is currently offered

TRiO Student Support Services

Services for students with disabilities

Programs that promote enrollment and success of historically underserved groups

Dual enrollment programs with K12 schools

Promise Programs (placed-based scholarship programs)

Cohort/first-year programs for new students

First-generation student services, special events, or clubs

Bridge programs for new students

  1. [Job Scholars only] Does your Job Scholars program coordinate with Job Corps centers? (Select all that apply) //CANNOT SELECT “A” IF ANOTHER CHOICE IS SELECTED//

    1. We do not partner with Job Corps

    2. Partner on recruitment (e.g., Job Corps refers to Job Scholars, Job Scholars refers to Job Corps, partner on recruitment efforts/events)

    3. Job Scholars and Job Corps share staff, faculty

    4. Job Scholars and Job Corps meet to share information about services and practices

    5. Job Scholars and Job Corps host joint activities/events for students

    6. Other coordination with Job Corps centers //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//


Module B: Staffing

  1. Please provide your best estimates of the following as of today.

  • Column A: Indicate the number of FTE’s supporting pilot implementation in each of the following key positions. If you do not have staff for the role, either because of a current vacancy or you do not have a dedicated staff person for the role, enter 0. If you have additional key program roles not listed below, add them in the blank rows.

  • Column B: Indicate the number of unique staff members (full-time and part-time) [Note for Centennial – only complete for Centennial location]

Staff Position

Column A

Column B

# of FTEs

# unique staff members

Project Director

Project Manager

Administrative/Grants management position

Personal and career counselors

Employment counselors

Recruitment and Outreach

Life skills instructor

Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

  1. Over the last year, how many of these positions were vacant for any period of time)?

    1. //Enter number//

  1. How many of these positions are vacant currently?

    1. //Enter number//

  1. For each staff member, please provide their caseload size. [[Use # of unique staff members for Personal and Career Counselors and Employment Counselor positions (Q10) to populate the table below]

Staff member

Number of students on caseload

Populate from Q10

  1. Are [Job Corps-specific/Job Scholars-specific] staff required to complete any of these trainings (either for the college or specific to the pilot)? //CANNOT SELECT “G” IF OTHER CHOICES ARE SELECTED//

    1. Case management

    2. Diversity, equity, inclusion or anti-bias

    3. Trauma-informed care

    4. Motivational interviewing

    5. Working with youth

    6. Other //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

    7. No trainings are required

  1. Approximately how frequently do [Job Scholars/Job Corps] staff participate in the following meetings [CHECK ONE BOX PER ROW]




At least once per semester/


No set schedule

We do not have this type of meeting

[Job Scholars/Job Corps]Program Staff Meeting

Meetings of [Job Scholars/Job Corps] staff to discuss student progress

Internal department staff meetings

Inter-departmental meetings

  1. What skills or knowledge have you found have been particularly useful for your staff to have? //OPEN ENDED TEXT FIELD 2000 characters//


Module C. Funding and Budget

  1. Are your [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students co-enrolled in any other support program at your college?

    1. Yes

      1. //Text field to enter name//

    2. No

  1. Other than your Job Corps Grant, what funding sources support your [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program, if any (mark all that apply)?

  1. Other DOL grant

  2. Other college contribution

  3. Federal programs outside DOL

  4. State contribution

  5. Local contribution

  6. Other grants //Text//

  1. What other funding do students access to support their tuition and expenses while your program?

    1. Pell grants

    2. Other //Text//

  1. What do you use your Job Corps grant sources to support? (Select all that apply)

  1. Staffing

  2. Tuition

  3. Meals

  4. Student housing

  5. Books and supplies for students

  6. Transportation assistance

  7. Technology (computers, Wi-Fi)

  8. Payment of fees related to High School Equivalency exams

  9. Payment of fees related to certifications and credentials

  10. Incentives to participants

  11. Other (please specify)

  1. How many [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students do you currently expect to enroll during your grant period?

  1. //Enter number//

  1. Is funding sufficient to meet participant needs?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If 22= no. What need of participants are you not able to meet?

//OPEN ENDED TEXT FIELD 2000 characters//


Module D: Impact of COVID-19

We would like to know how COVID-19 affected your Job Scholars site’s operations between March 2020 and July 2021.

  1. Did your Job Scholars site suspend in-person operations due to COVID-19?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. [Q24= yes] How many months did your Job Scholars site suspend in-person operations?


  1. To what extent did your program have challenges hiring staff during the first year of your grant?

  1. To a great extent

  2. Somewhat

  3. Very little

  4. Not at all

  1. Did you experience any of the following from eligible students who applied to your program during the first year? [Check all that apply]

  1. Eligible applicants decided to enter the workforce instead

  2. Eligible applicants were not interested in remote learning

  3. Eligible applicants’ desired programs were not available or nonoperational

  4. Fewer referrals (e.g., workforce partners, community organizations, high schools)

  1. Other //TEXT//

  1. To what extent did your program loosen eligibility requirements during the first year?

  1. To a great extent

  2. Somewhat

  3. Very little

  4. Not at all

  5. Other: //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

  1. To what extent did COVID-19 affect your ability to meet your enrollment goals during the first year?

    1. To a great extent

    2. Somewhat

    3. Very little

    4. Not at all

  1. How did COVID-19 affect training tracks during the first year? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

  1. Some training track(s) was/were unavailable for some or all of this period

  2. Training track(s) accepted a more limited number of students

  3. Length of training track(s) was shortened

  4. Length of training track(s) was lengthened

  5. Training track(s) offered remote instruction only

  6. Training track(s) offered hybrid instruction

  7. Other: //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

  8. COVID-19 had no effect on training in the first year.

  1. How did COVID-19 affect any support services (e.g., transportation assistance, housing assistance) recipients receive during the first year? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

  1. No support services offered for some or all of this period

  2. Support services only offered remotely during this period

  3. Support services only offered to a limited number of students

  1. No effect

  1. Other: //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

  1. How did COVID- 19 affect how students connected with their personal and career counselors during the first year?

  1. Only virtual meetings offered.

  2. Virtual and in-person meetings offered.

  3. Only in-person meetings offered

  4. No meetings offered

  5. No effect

  1. During the first year, were any peer supports (e.g., peer mentorship, peer tutoring, peer support groups) offered?

  1. Yes, in person

  2. Yes, remotely

  3. Not offered

  1. How did COVID- 19 affect how students connected with their employment counselors during the first year?

    1. Yes, only virtual meetings offered.

    2. Yes, virtual and in-person meetings offered.

    3. Only on-person meetings offered

    4. No meetings offered

    5. No effect

  1. Were any of these other services not offered or suspended during the first year? (Check all that apply)

  1. Enrollment services

  2. In-person secondary education classes

  3. Residential services

  4. On-the-job training

  5. Apprenticeships

  6. Placement services

  7. Other: //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

  1. During the first year, how were students integrated into campus student life?

Available in-person

Available virtually

Not offered

Participation in student clubs

Participation in campus athletics

Access to campus fitness facilities

Job Scholars-only social opportunities

Designated lounge/gathering place for Job Scholars students on campus

  1. During this period, did your program or college receive any COVID-19 specific funding?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. [If Q37= yes] From what funding sources did you receive COVID-19 specific funding?

  1. College contribution

  2. Federal programs outside DOL

  3. State contribution

  4. Local contribution

  5. Other grants //Text//

Now for the remainder of the survey, please describe the Job Scholars program that is in place now.

Module E. Recruitment, Intake and Admissions

  1. We’d like to understand how many students you have served in the [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program. Please enter numbers for the following://MUST BE GREATER THAN 0/


Students enrolled to date since grant inception

Students currently enrolled in training

Students who left program without completing training.

Students currently in their follow up period

  1. Please indicate to what extent your [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program now incorporates the following recruitment practices: //ONE BOX PER ROW//

Recruitment Strategy

To a Great Extent


Very Little

Not at all

Referral partnerships with the workforce system

Media outreach campaign (radio, print, TV ads)

Referrals from community or faith-based organizations

Referrals from high schools / school districts

Distribution of fliers, posters

Social media outreach

Word of mouth/ referrals from current/former participants

Tabling at community events, career fairs

Other (please specify): //Text//

  1. What are currently your top 3 referral or recruitment sources for eligible applicants? //Text//

  1. To what extent does your program face the following challenges related to recruitment? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] //ONE BOX PER ROW//

To a great extent


Very little

Not at all

Interested applicants are not eligible

Applicants start but do not complete application process

Insufficient resources to devote to outreach and recruitment

Applicants not able to participate due to conflict between work and school hours

Negative perceptions of or lack of interest in occupations by potential participants

Limited referrals from workforce partners

Limited referrals from community organizations

Limited referrals from high schools

Other (please specify)

  1. What are common reasons why applicants are deemed ineligible?

    1. Already enrolled in college

    2. Does not meet Job Corps eligibility requirements.

    3. Does not meet your [Job Scholars/ Job Corps] program’s eligibility criteria (e.g., no HSD or GED)

    4. Other [text field]

  1. To what extent is it currently a challenge to meet your enrollment goals?

    1. To a great extent

    2. Somewhat

    3. Very little

    4. Not at all

  1. Do you currently require applicants to complete any of the following? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] //ONE BOX PER ROW//

Screening Tool

Used for all Students

Case by case basis

Never Used

Career interest survey

Basic skills test (TABE, CASAS)


Personal statement


Drug testing

Trial period

Other (specify)

  1. Do you have any of the following eligibility requirements?

    1. Must have high school diploma or equivalent

      1. YES/NO

    2. Minimum score on basic skills test

      1. YES/NO

      2. Math Test name and minimum score //TEXT//

      3. Reading test name and minimum score //TEXT//

    3. Other eligibility requirements [text]

  2. Do enrollees in your program currently participate in any activities within cohorts, meaning that a group of students start the activity as a group? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] //ONE BOX PER ROW//


Used for all enrollees

Used for some enrollees

Never Used

Orientation sessions

First Year Experience Class

Study skills class

HSD or GED classes

Career readiness class

Life Skills Training

Other [text field]


Module F. Education Services and Academic Supports

  1. What types of supports do you currently provide to students enrolled in [Job Scholars/Job Corps] to help students who do not have a high school credential? (Select all that apply)

    1. Classes towards a high school diploma or equivalent (GED/HiSET/TASC) offered through [grantee]

      1. YES/NO High school diploma

      2. YES/NO Equivalency

    2. If yes, what format are these classes?

      1. Scheduled group classes

      2. Drop-in classes or study halls

      3. Self-paced online classes

      4. Other [text]

    3. One-on-one tutoring support for independent study towards high school equivalency exams

    4. Referral to online resources to prepare for or obtain high school credential

    5. Referrals to programs outside [grantee] to work towards high school credential

    6. Partnerships with local school districts/schools to provide classes / credentials

    7. Students are not eligible for our program if they do not have a high school credential

  1. Please select what types of academic supports you offer [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students and how you provide that support now. [select all that apply]

Offered as referral to community partner

Offered in person on-campus

Offered online

Not Offered

One-on-one tutoring

Short-term math or English booster courses for students needing more academic preparation

Developmental education courses

Study skills classes/training

Study hall

Supports for English Language Learners

Preparation for standardized achievement tests

Academic improvement plan

Other [specify: text]

  1. For the supports offered above, select if participation is mandatory or voluntary (populated with options selected in Q49)


Mandatory for all students

Mandatory for some students

Populated from items selected in Q49

  1. For the supports offered, select if the support is for [Job Scholars/Job Corps] or broader college population

Available only to [Job Scholars/Job Corps]

Available to students not in [Job Scholars/Job Corps]

Populated from items selected in Q49


Module G. Career and Technical Training Practices

  1. How many training tracks do you now offer to [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students?

    1. Number of credit-bearing training tracks:

    2. Number of non-credit bearing training tracks:

  1. In which industries do you offer training tracks to [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

  1. Manufacturing

  2. Automotive and Machine Repair

  3. Construction

  4. Homeland Security

  5. Hospitality

  6. Finance and Business

  7. Transportation

  8. Renewable Resources and Energy

  9. Healthcare and social assistance

  10. Information technology

  11. Professional, scientific and technical services

  12. Other //Text//

  1. What is the shortest training track you offer?

  1. Populate with answers from Q53

  1. How many weeks is the [INSERT NAME] track?

    1. Number of weeks // NUMBERS 1-52//

  1. What is the longest training track you offer?

  1. Populate with answers from Q53

  1. How many weeks is [INSERT NAME] track?

    1. Number of weeks //NUMBERS 1-52//

  1. How did you identify training tracks to include in [Job Scholars/Job Corps]? Select all that apply.

  1. During our planning period, selected all qualified tracks (those that can be completed in 12 months) from existing courses at college.

  2. During our planning period, selected some qualified tracks (those that can be completed in 12 months) from existing courses at college.

      1. If selected, text box to input how courses were selected

  1. Developed new training tracks for [Job Corps/ Job Scholars] students after the start of the program

    1. If c selected, text box: Please provide a brief explanation of new training track and why they were developed.

  2. Other [text box]

  1. This question asks about the classes [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students take. Pick the answer that best fits each statement at your college now. //ONE BOX PER ROW//

All training tracks

Some training tracks

Does not apply to any training tracks

Don’t know

Participants can take classes for their training that are only for [Job Scholars/Job Corps]

[Job Scholars/Job Corps] students have priority registration for classes

[Job Scholars/Job Corps] students take classes with non-[Job Scholars/Job Corps] students

[Job Scholars/Job Corps] students can switch training tracks after they have started

Training tracks are Pell-eligible

  1. The mode you offer training may have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’d like to learn the extent to which students are attending training classes in-person only, on-line, or hybrid. For each semester/quarter, select the box that best applies to your college.

(populate by type of schedule selected in Q4)

Semester scale

Fall 2020

Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Fall 2021

Spring 2022

Quarter scale

Fall 2020

Winter 2021

Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Fall 2021

Winter 2022

College offered online classes only

College offered in-person classes only

College offered mix of on-line only classes and in-person only classes

College offered classes that met on-line for some sessions or students or in-person for some sessions or students (hybrid)

  1. Do any of these strategies apply to training tracks in your program? //ONE BOX PER ROW//


Not offered

Offered in some training tracks

Offered in all training tracks

Don’t know

Stackable or latticed credentials (short-term certificates or credentials within longer-term pathways)

Credit for prior work experience

Industry-recognized credentials (credentials developed, offered or endorsed by industry groups)

Self-paced or asynchronous learning

Contextualized learning (instruction that embeds traditional academic content into technical classes)

Competency-based (students advance based on demonstrating knowledge of skills)


Block scheduling (classes are offered back-to-back at predictable meeting times.)

Cohort approaches (a group of students start a training program together and take the same classes)

Transfer and articulation agreements – students can receive credit for technical training coursework when transferring to another institution or to an academic degree program.

  1. We would like to learn more about how your college and [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program coordinate with local employers or industry associations and/or aims to be responsive to local employer demand. Select the box that best applies.

Applies to [Job Scholars/Job Corps]

Applies to college

Local demand occupation list used to develop programs

Employers/industry participate in advisory/steering committee

Partnerships with unions to provide instructors, support for curriculum or placement opportunities

Partnerships with employers to provide internships/work-based learning/job shadowing/apprenticeship opportunities to students

Commitments from local employers to hire program graduates

Employers/industry provide input on curriculum development

Retired or current employees from industry or employers provide instruction at college

Employers provide use of facilities/equipment

Solicit feedback from employers on extent program is meeting labor needs

Solicit feedback from Workforce Investment Boards

Solicit feedback from American Job Centers

Other (Specify: text)

63. Please describe up to three challenges you face in providing training opportunities to participants. //TEXT BOX UP TO 1000 CHARACTERS////NEW SCREEN//

Module H: Personal and Career Counseling Services

  1. How does your program use assessments to assist in service planning? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

  1. Measure career aptitude and interest

  2. Assist in choosing a training program

  3. Identify barriers or social-emotional needs

  4. Identify academic support needs

  5. We do not use any assessments

  6. Other [text box]

  1. For each type of personal/career counseling support available in your program, please indicate how often students are required to receive the service.

Service Type




Every Semester

As needed

Not required

Not available

Strengths and barriers assessments

Creation of individual development plans / personalized intervention strategies

Reviewing academic progress and/or grades

Coordinating delivery of support services to students

Career Counseling/Advising on training program selection

  1. How often do students connect with their personal / career counselor?

Service Type




Once per semester /quarter

As needed/Ad hoc

Do not use this type of contact

Scheduled in person one-on-one meetings

Scheduled virtual or online one-on-one meetings

Scheduled in person group meetings

Scheduled virtual or online group meetings

Text messages


Social media

Other (describe)

  1. Does your program include any kind of peer supports now? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] //CANNOT SELECT “G” IF ANOTHER CHOICE IS SELECTED//

  1. Peer mentors

  2. Peer tutoring

  3. Peer mediation

  4. Peer support groups

  5. Student participation in orientation/onboarding for newer students

  6. Other support (please specify) //OPEN ENDED 500 CHARACTERS//

  7. No peer supports


Module I. Employment Counseling Services

  1. We would like to learn more about the employment counseling services your college and [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program provide to students now. For each service listed below, please select who the primary provider is.

Provided by [Job Scholars/Job Corps] Staff

Provided by other college staff

Provided by community partner

Not available

Support preparing and updating resumes

Interview skills training/ mock interview practice

Support writing cover letters

Job search assistance

Preparation for succeeding during first weeks on a job

Assistance with assembling documents needed to obtain employment (e.g., experience writing cover letter, outdated resume, interpersonal skills)

Assistance with developing a strategy to secure resources for placement (e.g., housing, transportation to work, funding for education)

  1. What method(s) do you use to help program participants find jobs? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

  1. Relationships with community employment assistance (e.g., American Job Centers)

  2. Bridging work-based learning activities to full-time employment

  3. Relying on instructors to connect students to job opportunities

  4. Working with [college name] career services center

  5. Visiting different employers to gauge student “fit”

  6. Other //TEXT//

  1. When do participants first begin to receive career readiness services?

  1. Upon Enrollment

  2. Upon starting training program

  3. Last semester/ last quarter of training program

  4. After finishing training program

  1. How often do students connect with their employment counselor?

Service Type


Bi-weekly Monthly


Once per semester/


As needed/

Ad hoc

Do not use this type of contact

Scheduled in person one-on-one meetings

Scheduled one-on-one virtual or online meetings

Scheduled in person group meetings

Scheduled virtual or online group meetings

Text messages


Social media

Other (describe)

  1. We’d like to learn about how counselors coordinate work with students within your programs. Select the answer that best applies to your program

    1. Personal and Career Counselors meet routinely with Employment Counselors to discuss student progress and needed supports.

    2. Personal and Career Counselors meet as needed with Employment Counselors to discuss student progress and needed supports.

    3. Personal and Career Counselors and Employment Counselors do not coordinate their work with students.

    4. Other //TEXT//

  1. Describe the top three challenges students face in obtaining and retaining jobs or educational or training placements after completing your program. //TEXT 1000 CHARACTERS//


Module J. Support Services

  1. [Job Scholars/Idaho Job Corps satellite] Does your program now provide any support services to participants pre-separation?

    Support Services

    Offered on-site through college

    Offered on-site through partner

    Offered as referral off-site

    Not offered

    Mental health counseling

    Substance use disorder treatment and prevention

    Health supports (e.g., reproductive health education, primary care, dental care)

    Pregnancy and parenting supports (e.g., prenatal care supports, parenting education, nutritional counseling/benefits))

    Child care (e.g., day care referrals/supports, on-site day care)

    Housing assistance (assistance finding off-campus housing, connection to outside supports for securing/paying for housing)

    Transportation assistance (e.g., bus tickets, gas cards)

    Assistance with books, supplies, fees

    Legal services

    Food assistance

    Emergency financial assistance

  2. Of the services you offer either directly or through referral, select the top 3 services that are most utilized by students? [Select 3 from populated list from 74]

  1. Please list up to three services that participants need that you have difficulty providing, either because the service is not available or participants are not able to utilize the service. //TEXT BOX UP TO 1000 CHARACTERS///

  1. [Job Scholars only] Does your program provide on-campus housing Job Corps students?

    1. Yes, for all students

    2. Yes, for some students (Please describe eligibility) [text box]

    3. No (skip next question)

  1. [If Q77 = a or b] How is housing paid for? (check all that apply)

  1. Covered by Job Scholars grant

  2. Covered by Pell Grant

  3. Covered by some other funding source [text box]

  4. Paid for by students

  1. We would like to learn more about the life skills (soft skills, social development, and healthy and independent living) training your program offers. Does your program provide any life skills training students?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. [If Q79=yes] What content does your program cover in these trainings? (Select all that apply)

  1. Workplace relationships and ethics

  2. Financial literacy

  3. Study Skills

  4. Communication Skills

  5. Multicultural Awareness

  6. Technology literacy

  7. Health and well-being

  8. Other

  1. If yes, describe how your program provides this training (select all that apply)


Participation is mandatory

Life skills classes on a set schedule

One on one supports for life skills through meetings with staff

Ad hoc life skills classes or workshops

  1. [If life skills classes or workshops are selected] What is the frequency?

Service Type


Bi-weekly Monthly


Once per semester/quarter

Some other schedule

Life skills classes


  1. Please indicate the kinds of technological supports your program provides to Job Corps students at no cost to them. //ONE BOX PER ROW//

All students

Some Students

No students

Personal Laptops

Wi-Fi Hotspots




Module K. Post-separation Services

  1. What services are available to students after they complete their training track? (select all that apply)

    1. Job Placement

    2. Apprenticeship placement

    3. Assistance with enrollment in postsecondary education

    4. Supports to maintain employment (counseling to navigate barriers to persisting in jobs, coaching on resolving workplace challenges)

    5. Referrals to support services (housing, transportation, childcare, counseling etc.)

    6. Supports for completing credentials / licensing

    7. Personal counseling

    8. Career advancement counseling

    9. Academic advising

    10. Alumni network

    11. Other //TEXT//

  1. Are there eligibility requirements for receiving post-separation services?

    1. YES //TEXT to describe

    2. NO

  1. What are the most commons reasons why students leave the program before completing?


  1. Does your program actively follow up with all students who leave the program without completing to try to get them to return?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Case by case basis

    1. If selected – Describe how you determine who to follow up with. //TEXT BOX //

Other /TEXT//

  1. What are the top 3 most common reasons participants leave the program without completing their training? //TEXT 500 CHARACTERS//

  1. What methods does your program use to keep in touch with students who complete your program?





Phone calls


Text messages

Social media

Events for alumni

Home/work/community visits

Office hours

Scheduled in person meetings



Module L. Student Life

  1. Does your program currently use any of the following strategies to promote attendance and persistence? Select all that apply //ONE BOX PER ROW//

For all students

For some students

Not offered

Financial incentives for milestone completion

Non-financial incentives for milestone completion (party, gifts)

Leadership roles (peer mentors, class activity leader, program support)

Attendance monitoring

Family/parental engagement

Meetings among staff to strategize how to address reasons for lack of engagement

Meetings between staff and students to strategize how to address reasons for lack of engagement

  1. Do [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students have access to any of the following on your campus? //ONE BOX PER ROW//


Not offered

Participate in student clubs

Participate in campus athletics

Access to campus fitness facilities

[Job Scholars/Job Corps]-only social opportunities

Designated lounge/gathering place for [Job Scholars/Job Corps] on campus

  1. Does your program have a disciplinary policy separate from the college’s disciplinary policy?

    1. YES

    2. NO

  2. [Q92= No] Does your program follow the college’s disciplinary policy?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  3. [If Q92=Yes] How does your program’s disciplinary policy differ from the college’s disciplinary policy?

    1. //TEXT//

  4. Have disciplinary issues with [Job Scholars/Job Corps] students been a challenge for your program (Select the answer that best applies).

    1. Discipline issues come up monthly in our [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program.

    2. Discipline issues come up every semester/quarter in our [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program.

    3. There are rarely discipline issues in our [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program.

    4. Discipline issues have not been a problem in our [Job Scholars/Job Corps] program.

  1. In the past year, how many students have been subject to the following disciplinary actions

    1. Expelled from school

    2. Expelled from a class or training program

    3. Suspended from college or training program

    4. Expelled from on-campus housing

    5. Other disciplinary action /Text//


Module M. Technical support from DOL

  1. What kind of technical support has your program received from DOL? (Select all that apply) //CANNOT SELECT “A” IF ANY OTHER CHOICE IS SELECTED//

  1. No supports received from DOL

  2. Support meeting performance goals

  3. Support related to budget or administrative issues

  4. Support related to data and reporting

  5. Support for implementation (e.g., recruiting, selecting training tracks)

  6. Other /Text//

  1. How helpful have you found the webinars provided by DOL? //ONE BOX PER ROW//


Not at all helpful

Somewhat helpful

Very helpful

Did not attend

Grantee Orientation Webinar

Background check webinar

Effective recruitment and outreach strategies webinar

Net. America’s Healthcare and IT Apprenticeship Intermediary webinar

Other webinar (add name)

Thank you for your time and assistance. If you have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact MDRC. You can reach MDRC by emailing [email protected] or calling (855) 907-6701.

When you are ready to finalize your answers, please click the right arrow below to submit this survey.

//New Page//

Thank you for your time.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAffiong Ibok
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-02-12

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