Document Type |
Form No. |
Form Name |
Instrument File |
Available Electronically? |
Can Be Submitted Electronically? |
Electronic Capability |
Form and Instruction |
5900-137 |
Application for Critical Use Exemption of Methyl Bromide for Post Harvest Use in the United States
Yes |
Yes |
Paper Only |
Form and Instruction |
5900-136 |
Application for Critical Use Exemption of Methyl Bromide for Pre-Plant Use in the United States
Yes |
Yes |
Paper Only |
Form and Instruction |
5900-149 |
Class 1 Exporter Annual Report
Copy of Class I Exporter_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-150 |
Class 1 Importer Quarterly Report
Copy of Class I Importer_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-153 |
Class 1 Lab Supplier Quarterly Report
Copy of Class I Lab Supplier_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-151 |
Class 1 Producer Quarterly Report
Copy of Class I Producer_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-199 |
Class 2 Exporter Quarterly Report
Copy of Class II Exporter_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-200 |
Class 2 Importer Quarterly Report
Copy of Class II Importer_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-202 |
Class 2 Producer Quarterly Report
Copy of Class II Producer_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-201 |
Request for Additional Class 2 Consumption Allowances
Copy of Class II RACA_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-205 |
Class 2 Trades Report
Copy of Class II Trades_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-155 |
Distributor of QPS Methyl Bromide Quarterly Report
Copy of MeBr Distributor of QPS_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-140 |
Methyl Bromide Exporter Quarterly Report
Copy of MeBr Exporter_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-144 |
Methyl Bromide Importer Quarterly Report
Copy of MeBr Importer_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-142 |
Methyl Bromide Pre-2005 Stocks Annual Report
Copy of MeBr Pre-2005 Stocks_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-141 |
Methyl Bromide Producer Quarterly Report
Copy of MeBr Producer_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-148 |
Second Party Destruction Annual Report
Copy of Second Party Destruction_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-147 |
Second Party Transformation Annual Report
Copy of Second Party Transformation_v5.0.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-138 |
Sales of Critical Use Methyl Bromide to End Users Annual Report
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-473 |
ODS Imports for Destruction CDX Reporting Form
Imports for Destruction Form_.4.2020pdf.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-152 |
Laboratory Certification Report
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Form |
5900-139 |
Certification of Purchase of Critical Use Methyl Bromide
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-154 |
Certification of Order/Purchase of QPS Methyl Bromide
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-472 |
ODS Petition to Import CDX Reporting Form
Petition to Import Form_.4.2020.VER2.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form and Instruction |
5900-146 |
Notification of Transfers
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable Signable |
Form |
5900-202 |
Class 2 Producer Quarterly Report
NEW_9.29.21_Copy of class_ii_producer_HFC_23 Update.xlsm
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form |
5900-531 |
Manufacturers of Class II Controlled Substances under §82.15(a)(3)
NEW_9.29.21_HFC-23 Emissions One-Time Report.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |