OMB CONTROL NO. 9000-0061
FAR sections affected: 52.247-2, 52.247-6, 52.247-48, 52.247-51, 52.247-52, 52.247-53, 52.247-57, 52.247-60, 52.247-63, 52.247-64, 52.247-67, 52.247-68, and the 47.303 clauses for standard delivery terms.
The Department of Defense (DoD), the General Services Administration (GSA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are combining OMB Control Nos. for the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) by FAR part. This consolidation is expected to improve industry’s ability to easily and efficiently identify burdens associated with a given FAR part. The review of the information collections by FAR part allows improved oversight to ensure there is no redundant or unaccounted for burden placed on industry. Lastly, combining information collections in a given FAR part is also expected to reduce the administrative burden associated with processing multiple information collections.
This justification supports the revision of OMB Control No. 9000-0061, and combines it with the previously approved information collections under OMB Control Nos. 9000-0053, 9000-0054, 9000-0055, 9000-0056, and 9000-0057 with the new title “Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 47: Transportation Requirements.” Upon approval of this consolidated information collection, OMB Control Nos. 9000-0053, 9000-0054, 9000-0055, 9000-0056, and 9000-0057 will be discontinued. The burden requirements previously approved under the discontinued numbers will be covered under OMB Control No. 9000-0061.
This clearance covers the information that offerors and contractors must submit to comply with the following FAR part 47 requirements:
FAR 52.247-1, Commercial Bill of Lading Notations
FAR 52.247-29, F.o.b. Origin
FAR 52.247-30, F.o.b. Origin, Contractor's Facility
FAR 52.247-31, F.o.b. Origin, Freight Allowed
FAR 52.247-32, F.o.b. Origin, Freight Prepaid
FAR 52.247-33, F.o.b. Origin, With Differentials
FAR 52.247-34, F.o.b. Destination
FAR 52.247-35, F.o.b. Destination, Within Consignee's Premises
FAR 52.247-36, F.a.s. Vessel, Port of Shipment
FAR 52.247-37, F.o.b. Vessel, Port of Shipment
FAR 52.247-38, F.o.b. Inland Carrier, Point of Exportation
FAR 52.247-41, C. & f. Destination
FAR 52.247-42, C.i.f. Destination
FAR 52.247-43, F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier's Terminal, Point of Exportation
FAR 52.247-44, F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier's Terminal, Point of Importation
FAR 52.247-65, F.o.b. Origin, Prepaid Freight—Small Package Shipments
In general, the Government does not maintain a central repository with information on the use of Government transportation terms and conditions. The majority of the public burden estimates provided in this section are based on consultation with and estimates from Government transportation management experts at DoD, GSA, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). Where available and appropriate for a specific burden estimate, the Government used fiscal year 2018 through 2020 award data in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) or USTRANSCOM’s Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS).
The hourly rates of pay used to determine the cost estimates are from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) 2021 General Schedule (GS) Salary Table for the Rest of the United States, effective January 2021, plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead burden factor mandated by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memorandum M-08-13 for use in public-private competition, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. The OPM 2021 rates are available here: OMB memorandum M-08-013 is available here:
The following is a summary of the total estimated annual public burden associated with these FAR part 47 provisions and clauses:
Responses |
Hours |
Cost |
FAR 52.247-2 |
1,179 |
589.50 |
$23,580.00 |
FAR 52.247-6 |
32 |
16.00 |
$912.00 |
FAR 52.247-48 |
9,250 |
767.75 |
$30,710.00 |
FAR 52.247-51 |
400 |
100.00 |
$5,700.00 |
FAR 52.247-52 |
200 |
50.00 |
$2,850.00 |
FAR 52.247-53 |
9,000 |
1,503.00 |
$85,671.00 |
FAR 52.247-57 |
69,350 |
5,756.05 |
$328,094.85 |
FAR 52.247-60 |
30,056 |
5,019.35 |
$286,103.06 |
FAR 52.247-63 |
300 |
75 |
$3,600.00 |
FAR 52.247-64 |
8,040 |
402.00 |
$22,914.00 |
FAR 52.247-67 |
180 |
450.00 |
$21,600.00 |
FAR 52.247-68 |
8,023 |
1,339.84 |
$53,593.64 |
FAR 47.303 Clauses |
120,198 |
6,009.90 |
$240,396.00 |
256,208 |
22,078.89 |
$1,105,724.55 |
Recordkeepers |
Hours |
Cost |
FAR 52.247-48 |
925 |
767.75 |
$30,710.00 |
FAR 52.247-67 |
15 |
250.50 |
$12,024.00 |
940 |
1,018.25 |
$42,734.00 |
Responses |
Hours |
Cost |
256,208 |
23,096.64 |
$1,148,458.55 |
Estimated respondents/year........................ 131
Responses annually................................ x 9
Total annual responses............................ 1,179
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 0.5
Estimated total burden/hours...................... 589.5
Hourly rate*...................................... x $40
Estimated cost to public.......................... $23,580
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year.......................... 16
Responses annually.................................. x 2
Total annual responses.............................. 32
Estimated hours/response............................ x 0.5
Estimated total burden/hours........................ 16
Hourly rate*........................................ x $57
Estimated cost to public............................ $912
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year........................ 925
Responses annually................................ x 10
Total annual responses............................ 9,250
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 0.083
Estimated total burden/hours...................... 767.75
Hourly rate*...................................... x $40
Estimated cost to public.......................... $30,710
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year......................... 100
Responses annually................................. x 4
Total annual responses............................. 400
Estimated hours/response........................... x .25
Estimated total burden/hours....................... 100
Hourly rate*....................................... x $57
Estimated cost to public........................... $5,700
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year......................... 50
Responses annually................................. x 4
Total annual responses............................. 200
Estimated hours/response........................... x .25
Estimated total burden/hours....................... 50
Hourly rate*....................................... x $57
Estimated cost to public........................... $2,850
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year........................ 3,000
Responses annually................................ x 3
Total annual responses............................ 9,000
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 0.167
Estimated total burden/hours...................... 1,503
Hourly rate*...................................... x $57
Estimated cost to public.......................... $85,671
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year.................... 1,387
Responses annually............................ x 50
Total annual responses........................ 69,350
Estimated hours/response...................... x 0.083
Estimated total burden/hours.................. 5,756.05
Hourly rate*.................................. x $57
Estimated cost to public...................... $328,094.85
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year.................... 2,312
Responses annually............................ x 13
Total annual responses........................ 30,056
Estimated hours/response...................... x 0.167
Estimated total burden/hours.................. 5,019.35
Hourly rate*.................................. x $57
Estimated cost to public...................... $286,103.06
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year......................... 150
Responses annually................................. x 2
Total annual responses............................. 300
Estimated hours/response........................... x .25
Estimated total burden/hours....................... 75
Hourly rate*....................................... x $48
Estimated cost to public........................... $3,600
* Based on a GS-11/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($35.11 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year........................ 120
Responses annually................................ x 67
Total annual responses............................ 8,040
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 0.05 Estimated total burden/hours...................... 402
Hourly rate*...................................... x $57
Estimated cost to public.......................... $22,914
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year........................ 15
Responses annually................................ x 12
Total annual responses............................ 180
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 2.5
Estimated total burden/hours...................... 450
Hourly rate*...................................... x $48
Estimated cost to public.......................... $21,600
* Based on a GS-11/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($35.11 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year..................... 113
Responses annually............................. x 71
Total annual responses......................... 8,023
Estimated hours/response....................... x 0.167
Estimated total burden/hours................... 1,339.84
Hourly rate*................................... x $40
Estimated cost to public....................... $53,593.64
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated respondents/year....................... 9,246
Responses annually............................... x 13
Total annual responses........................... 120,198
Estimated hours/response......................... x 0.05
Estimated total burden/hours..................... 6,009.90
Hourly rate*..................................... x $40
Estimated cost to public......................... $240,396
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated recordkeepers........................... 925
Estimated records per recordkeeper................ x 10
Total annual records.............................. 9,250
Estimated hours/record............................ x 0.083
Total recordkeeping burden hours.................. 767.75
Hourly rate*...................................... x $40
Estimated cost to public.......................... $30,710
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Estimated recordkeepers........................... 15
Estimated records per recordkeeper................ x 100
Total annual records.............................. 1,500
Estimated hours/record............................ x 0.167
Total recordkeeping burden hours.................. 250.50
Hourly rate*...................................... x $48
Estimated cost to public.......................... $12,024
* Based on an hourly rate equivalent to a GS-11/step 5 salary ($35.11/hour) plus the 36.25 percent burden factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
The Government cost estimates provided in this section are based on consultation with and estimates from Government transportation management experts at DoD, GSA, DOT, and USTRANSCOM. The hourly rates of pay used to determine the cost estimates are from the OPM 2021 GS Salary Table for the Rest of the United States, effective January 2021, plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead burden factor mandated by OMB memorandum M-08-13 for use in public-private competition, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
The following is a summary of the total estimated annual Government burden associated with these FAR part 47 provisions and clauses:
Requirement |
Responses |
Hours |
Cost |
FAR 52.247-2 |
1,179 |
589.50 |
$23,580.00 |
FAR 52.247-6 |
32 |
32.00 |
$1,824.00 |
FAR 52.247-48 |
9,250 |
1,544.75 |
$61,790.00 |
FAR 52.247-51 |
400 |
200.00 |
$11,400.00 |
FAR 52.247-52 |
200 |
50.00 |
$2,850.00 |
FAR 52.247-53 |
9,000 |
4,500.00 |
$256,500.00 |
FAR 52.247-57 |
69,350 |
5,756.05 |
$328,094.85 |
FAR 52.247-60 |
30,056 |
5,019.35 |
$286,103.06 |
FAR 52.247-63 |
300 |
24.90 |
$1,195.20 |
FAR 52.247-64 |
8,040 |
667.32 |
$38,037.24 |
FAR 52.247-67 |
180 |
180.00 |
$8,640.00 |
FAR 52.247-68 |
8,023 |
1,339.84 |
$48,234.28 |
FAR 47.303 Clauses |
120,198 |
14,063.17 |
$562,526.64 |
256,208 |
33,966.88 |
$1,630,775.27 |
Total annual responses............................ 1,179
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 0.5
Estimated total burden/hours...................... 589.5
Hourly rate....................................... x $40
Estimated cost to Government...................... $23,580
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses............................. 32
Estimated hours/response........................... x 1
Estimated total burden/hours....................... 32
Hourly rate........................................ x $57
Estimated cost to Government....................... $1,824
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses........................... 9,250
Estimated hours/response......................... x 0.167
Estimated total burden/hours..................... 1,544.75
Hourly rate*..................................... x $40
Estimated cost to Government..................... $61,790
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses............................ 400
Estimated hours/response.......................... x 0.5
Estimated total burden/hours...................... 200
Hourly rate*...................................... x $57
Estimated cost to Government...................... $11,400
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses............................. 200
Estimated hours/response........................... x 0.25
Estimated total burden/hours....................... 50
Hourly rate*....................................... x $57
Estimated cost to Government....................... $2,850
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses........................... 9,000
Estimated hours/response........................ x 0.5
Estimated total burden/hours..................... 4,500
Hourly rate*..................................... x $57
Estimated cost to Government..................... $256,500
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses........................ 69,350
Estimated hours/response...................... x 0.083
Estimated total burden/hours.................. 5,756.05
Hourly rate*.................................. x $57
Estimated cost to Government.................. $328,094.85
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses........................ 30,056
Estimated hours/response...................... x 0.167
Estimated total burden/hours.................. 5,019.35
Hourly rate*.................................. x $57
Estimated cost to Government.................. $286,103.06
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses.......................... 300
Estimated hours/response........................ x 0.083
Estimated total burden/hours.................... 24.90
Hourly rate*.................................... x $48
Estimated cost to Government.................... $1,195.20
* Based on a GS-11/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($35.11 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses......................... 8,040
Estimated hours/response....................... x 0.083
Estimated total burden/hours................... 667.32
Hourly rate*................................... x $57
Estimated cost to Government................... $38,037.24
* Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($42.08 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses............................. 180
Estimated hours/response........................... x 1
Estimated total burden/hours....................... 180
Hourly rate*....................................... x $48
Estimated cost to Government....................... $8,640
* Based on a GS-11/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($35.11 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses......................... 8,023
Estimated hours/response....................... x 0.167
Estimated total burden/hours................... 1,339.84
Hourly rate*................................... x $36
Estimated cost to Government................... $48,234.28
* Based on a GS-8/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($26.27 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Total annual responses........................ 120,198
Estimated hours/response...................... x 0.117
Estimated total burden/hours.................. 14,063.17
Hourly rate*.................................. x $40
Estimated cost to Government.................. $562,526.64
* Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary for the rest of the United States ($29.02 per hour) plus a 36.25 percent fringe and overhead factor, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
This supporting statement now covers 28 solicitation provisions and contract clauses in FAR part 47, based on the consolidation of OMB control Nos. 9000-0053, 9000-0054, 9000-0055, 9000-0056, and 9000-0057 under OMB control number 9000-0061 and the inclusion of estimates for the clauses at FAR 52.247-60 and 52.247-67.
An estimate of the recordkeeping burden associated with FAR clause 52.247-48 and 52.247-67 are provided separate from the reporting requirements, since both clauses require the contractor to maintain records of certain transportation documents for potential Government audit/review.
The reporting burden estimates for the clauses at FAR 52.247-6, 52.247-48, 52.247-52, 52.247-57, and 52.247-64 have been estimated separately from the burden associated with the standard delivery terms for fixed-price supply contracts prescribed in FAR 47.303.
FAR clauses 52.247-39 and 52.247-40 are removed from the list of standard delivery terms under FAR 47.303. Neither of these clauses impose an information collection requirement on contractors.
The estimated cost per hour is based on use of the current (calendar year 2021) OPM GS wage rates for the rest of the United States.
Where FPDS award data was available, the estimate was based on an average of the data over the three most recent and complete fiscal years (FY18 through FY20).
Statistical methods are not used in this information collection.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | JenniferLHawes |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-09-08 |