Draft Federal Funding Opportunity Notice - Resilience

MIR FFO DRAFT (004.1)_11.12.2021.docx

Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation Military Installation Sustainability Program of Assistance Grant Proposals

Draft Federal Funding Opportunity Notice - Resilience

OMB: 0704-0628

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Billing Code: 5001-06


Office of the Secretary

[Docket ID: DOD-2022-OS-XXXX]

Notice of Availability of Federal Funds

AGENCY: Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

ACTION: Federal Funding Opportunity notice.

SUMMARY: This notice announces an opportunity for eligible entities to request funding from the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (formerly the Office of Economic Adjustment), a Department of Defense component, for community planning assistance to work with their local military installations and address military installation resilience where threats to military installations, ranges, special use air space, military operation areas, or military training routes are likely to impair the continued operational utility of the military installation.

ADDRESSES: Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, ATTN: Military Installation Resilience Federal Funding Opportunity, 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 520, Arlington, VA, 22202-3711

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. David R. Kennedy, (703) 697-2136, [email protected].


a. Federal Awarding Agency: Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

b. Funding Opportunity Title: Community Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation.

c. Announcement Type: Federal Funding Opportunity notice.

d. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number & Title: 12.003: Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation.

e. Key Dates: Proposals will be considered on a continuing basis, subject to the availability of appropriations, commencing on the date of publication of this notice. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will evaluate all proposals, and provide a response to the respondent within thirty (30) business days of its receipt of a final and complete proposal.


The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is a Department of Defense component authorized under 10 U.S.C § 2391 to provide assistance to state, local governments and United States Territories, as well as entities of state and local governments, including regional governmental organizations, to plan and carry out activities in response to threats to military installation resilience if the Secretary determines those threats to military installation resilience, the Director, Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, are likely to impair the continued operational utility of the military installation.


The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation’s Military Installation Resilience Program provides technical and financial assistance to state and local governments to plan and carry out civilian actions necessary to identify and protect civilian infrastructure vital to ensure military installation resilience. The program enables states and communities to assist local installations to optimize their mission.

Assistance may be provided to eligible entities if it is determined that threats to military installation resilience are likely to significantly impair the continued operational utility of a military installation. This notice includes proposal submission requirements and instructions, eligibility, and selection criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals from eligible respondents.

The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is accepting proposals for grant assistance from States, counties, municipalities, other political subdivisions of a state; special purpose units of a state or local government; other instrumentalities of a state or local government; and tribal nations; the District of Columbia; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; American Samoa; Guam; the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or, the Virgin Island even though the facility is not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, if the military facility is subject to significant use for training by the armed forces.

However, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will only accept one proposal on behalf of local and state jurisdictions per a military installation, so it is imperative all civilian jurisdictions work together to prepare and submit one proposal. In instances where military installations are in close proximity to one another, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may consider, on a case-by-case basis, one proposal that encompasses adjacent military installations. All proposals will be coordinated with the local military installation(s) prior to submission to the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

Eligible activities may include:

  • identification of risks to resources outside of and on the installation that are necessary in order to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions, allowing for the development of a responsive strategy for implementation;

  • assessments that analyze key areas and drivers of military installation resilience with respect to a specific military installation or (in the case of a regional approach) installations, and develop proactive strategies and/or action plans to protect and enhance military installation resilience;

  • preliminary engineering planning and design (no greater than 60% design) of valid executable projects;

  • preparation of local jurisdictional ordinances;

  • analysis and dissemination of information;

  • timely consultation and cooperation among Department of Defense, state and local governments, and other stakeholders;

  • coordinated interagency and intergovernmental assistance;

  • technical and financial studies;

  • clearinghouses or websites to exchange information among Federal, state, and local efforts;

  • resolution of regulatory issues impeding the support of resiliency measures;

  • drafting of state legislation;

  • feasibility studies;

  • may be used as part or all of any required non-federal contribution to a Federal grant-in-aid resiliency program;

  • development of follow-on open space/easement opportunities for the Department’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program; and,

  • other innovative approaches.

Military installation resilience projects are expected to identify specific recommendations the local community and stakeholders will take for action, to include establishing, or continuing, a dialogue with the military installation to ensure military installation resilience continues to be monitored and sustained.

The military installation will be the afforded the opportunity to provide comments on draft deliverables including a review for any content that the installation may determine is not publicly releasable.

These potentially eligible activities may be undertaken with respect to current, future, or potential areas or activities that support, protect, or enhance military installation resilience, including: highway transportation, rail transportation, aviation activities, utility service and delivery (including electric and gas), water, stormwater management (including storm surge and floodwater management), sewer, and communications to include broadband, cyber, telephonic.

States and local communities are encouraged to reach out to the contact identified in Section G. of this notice with expressions of interest (self-nominations) early in the process. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation Director will assess assigning a Project Manager to provide assistance in developing a project in preparation for an invitation to submit an application. Because grants for Community Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation are not competitive, the assigned Project Manager can provide guidance, feedback, best practices and important insights during this early step. The assigned Project Manager is also required to obtain programmatic and legal review approvals before inviting a nominee or interested community / area to submit an application.

A state or community should submit a self-nomination to the contact for this notice that may include the following details:

  • Point of Contact

  • Description of actual/potential compatibility or resilience issue

  • A description of the proposed project

  • A description of the anticipated role of the installation(s) in the plan and concurrence with the proposal

Any final awards will be determined by the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation based upon a due diligent review of a final grant application for its reasonableness, allowability, and allocability, and will be subject to the availability of appropriated funds.


Awards resulting from this Federal Funding Opportunity notice are based on eligibility and the responsiveness of proposals to military and local community interests and needs, and well as conformance with 2 CFR Part 200, “The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.”

1. Eligible Respondents

State and local governments are eligible if:

  1. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation determines there is a current, future, or potential threat to military installation resilience that involves, or may be significantly impacted by, resources or activities outside of the military installation; and

  1. That this threat to military installation resilience is likely to impair the military installation’s ability to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions.

  1. Military installation” includes a military facility owned and operated by any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Virgin Islands, even though the facility is not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, if the Secretary of Defense determines that the military facility is subject to significant use for training by the armed forces. It includes ranges, special use air space, military operation areas, and military training routes.

  1. Military installation resilience” means the capability of a military installation to avoid, prepare for, minimize the effect of, adapt to, and recover from extreme weather events, or from anticipated or unanticipated impacts due to natural or man-made resiliency threats that do, or have potential to, adversely affect the military installation – inclusive of functions or operations outside of the military installation that are necessary in order to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions. Adaptation to utility disruptions, including the ability to withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from utility disruptions while ensuring sustainment of mission critical operations is a core resiliency concern.

Respondents are strongly advised to review the Program Information provided under Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance listing 12.003, (Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation).

2. Cost Sharing or Matching

Cost sharing is required. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the project’s total proposed funding is to be comprised of non-Federal sources.


1. Agency Disclosure Notice

The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0704-XXXX, is estimated to average 40 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at [email protected]. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB Control Number expires XX/XX/XXXX.

2. Submission of a Proposal

Funding will be awarded to only one governmental entity on behalf of a region per installation. Therefore, proposals on the behalf of a multi-jurisdictional region should demonstrate a significant level of cooperation in their proposal. Additionally, the local military installation must agree with the applicant’s determinations regarding the existence of the current, future, or potential threat to local military installation resilience and to work with and support the local effort.

There exists possible overlap with the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation’s Compatible Use Program. Respondents are encouraged to review the Program Information provided under Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance listing 12.610 (Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Compatible Use and Joint Land Use Studies). Applicants should submit a single response to either the Installation Resilience or Compatible Use Federal Funding Opportunity notice (Federal Register Vol. 84, No. 150, 5 Aug. 19), depending on whichever program area responds to the predominant concerns. Based on the submission content, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may redirect the respondent to submit their proposal under an alternative Federal Funding Opportunity notice.

Proposals may be submitted electronically via email to: [email protected] with a courtesy copy to the contact listed in Section G. of this notice. Include “Community Economic Adjustment and Diversification Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation” on the subject line of the message and request delivery/read confirmation to ensure receipt.

Proposals may also be mailed or hand-delivered to:


Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation

2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 520

Arlington, VA 22202-3711

Proposals will be accepted as received on a continuing basis commencing on the date of this publication in the Federal Register and processed when deemed to be a final, complete proposal.

3. Content and Form of Proposal Submission

Each proposal submitted must only contain unclassified information and may not describe or detail specific military missions. Information provided regarding the military installation will be public open source information and must be approved by the military installation for inclusion.

Each proposal shall consist of no more than ten (10) single-sided pages exclusive of cover sheet, transmittal letter, and/or addendum, typed in a minimum 11-point common typeface, with no less than 1” margins, exclusive of appendices, attachments, and cover sheet and/or transmittal letter, and must include the following information:

A. Point of Contact: Name, title, phone number, e-mail address, and organization address of the respondent’s primary point of contact;

B. Actual/Potential Impediment to Military Installation Resilience: A description of potential resiliency concerns within the area of Department of Defense’s test, training and military operations;

C. Project Description: A description of the proposed project, specifically:

  • how the project can support, protect, or enhance military installation resilience, including how the project could enhance the military installation’s ability to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions associated with Department of Defense’s test, training, and military operations;

  • how the project scope, including the key localized systems impacting the mission assurance and mission-essential functions of the subject installation’s test, training, and military operations, are defined;

  • how the project will capitalize on existing strengths (e.g., infrastructure, institutions, capital, etc.) within the localized area and community; and,

  • how the project would be integrated with any existing/ongoing efforts that may impact the project.

D. Project Participants: A description of the partner jurisdictions, agencies, organizations, key stakeholders, and their roles and responsibilities to carry out the proposed project. Letters of support may be included as attachments and will not count against the ten (10) page limit; a letter of support from each affected military installation commander should be included;

E. Local military involvement and support: A description of the anticipated role of the installation(s) in the project; and evidence of local installation support for the proposal;

F. Grant Funds and Other Sources of Funds: A summary of local needs, including need for Federal funding; an overview of all State and local funding sources, including the funds requested under this notice; financial commitments for other Federal and non-Federal funds needed to undertake the project to include acknowledgment to provide not less than ten percent (10%) of the funding from non-Federal sources; a description of any other Federal funding for which the respondent has applied, or intends to apply to support this effort; and, a statement detailing how the proposal is not duplicative of other available Federal funding;

G. Project Schedule: A sufficiently detailed project schedule, including milestones;

H. Performance Metrics: A description of metrics to be tracked and evaluated over the course of the project to gauge performance of the project;

I. Grants Management: Evidence of the intended recipient’s ability and authority to manage grant funds; and,

J. Submission Authorization: Documentation that the Submitting Official is authorized by the respondent jurisdiction(s) and the respondent jurisdiction is an eligible entity to submit a proposal and subsequently apply for assistance.

K. If there are multiple jurisdictions involved, an addendum can include letters of support.

To the extent practicable, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation encourages respondents to provide data and evidence of all project merits in a form that is publicly available and verifiable. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation reserves the right to ask any respondent to supplement the information in its proposal, but expects the proposal to be complete upon submission.

4. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management

Each respondent is required to: (a) provide a valid Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number; (b) be registered in System for Award Management (SAM) before submitting its application; and (c) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by a Federal awarding agency. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may not make a Federal award to a respondent until the respondent has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements and, if a respondent has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is ready to issue a Federal award, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may determine that the respondent is not qualified to receive a Federal award.

5. Submission Dates and Times

Proposals will be considered on a continuing basis, subject to available appropriations, commencing on the date of publication of this notice. The end date for this program has not yet been determined. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will evaluate all proposals and provide a response to each respondent via email within thirty (30) business days of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation’s receipt of a final, complete grant proposal.

6. Funding Restrictions

The following are unallowable activities under this grant program:

  • Construction;

  • Demolition;

  • Land Acquisition;

  • Substitute for or otherwise undertake any activity that would otherwise be undertaken by the Military Departments with Military Construction or Defense-wide appropriated funding;

  • Proposed activities for grants under this program should not duplicate nor replicate activities otherwise eligible for or funded through other Federal programs;

  • International travel; and

  • Lobbying on behalf of, or at the direction of, any Department of Defense component or organizational entity.

The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation reserves the right to decline to fund pre-Federal award costs. Final awards may include pre-Federal award costs at the discretion of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation; however, this must be specifically requested in the respondent’s final application.

7. Other Submission Requirements

Electronically submitted materials should be sent in Microsoft or Adobe PDF format.


1. Selection Criteria

All submitted proposals will be validated for:

  1. the eligibility of the submitting entities;

  2. the viability and eligibility of the approaches proposed to address threats to military installation resilience impairing the mission assurance and mission-essential functions of the subject installation, including test, training, and associated military airspace;

  3. the viability and eligibility of approaches to enhance the military installation’s ability to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions; and,

  4. Military Department agreement to work with the proposed project, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will consider each of the following equally-balanced factors as a basis to invite formal grant applications.

2. Review and Selection Process

All proposals will be reviewed on their individual merit by a panel of Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation staff. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may coordinate with the appropriate Military Department, and other appropriate Department of Defense organizational entities, as appropriate in the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation’s discretion, to corroborate the need and support for the proposal. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will notify the respondent within approximately thirty (30) days after receipt of a proposal, whether their proposal will be invited for a formal grant application. The successful respondent will then be instructed to submit an application through the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation’s grants management system. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will assign a Project Manager to advise and assist successful respondents in the preparation of the application. Grant applications will be reviewed for their completeness and accuracy and a grant award notification will be issued, to the extent feasible, within seven (7) business days from receipt of a complete application.

Unsuccessful respondents will be notified that their proposal was not selected for further action and funding, and may request a debriefing on their submitted proposal. When applicable, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may include information about other applicable federal grant programs in this communication. Requests for debriefing must be submitted in writing within three (3) calendar days of notification of an unsuccessful proposal.

The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is committed to conducting a transparent financial assistance award process and publicizing information about funding decisions. Respondents are advised that their respective applications and information related to their review and evaluation may be shared publicly. Any proprietary information must be identified as such in the proposal and application. In the event of a grant award, information about project progress and related results may also be made publicly available.


1. Federal Award Notices

In the event a grant is awarded, the successful respondent (Grantee) will receive a notice of award in the form of a Grant Agreement, signed by the Director, Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (Grantor), on behalf of Department of Defense. The Grant Agreement will be transmitted electronically or, if necessary, by the United States Mail.

2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

Any grant awarded under this program will be governed by the provisions of the Office of Management and Budget circulars and regulations applicable to financial assistance and Department of Defense’s implementing regulations in place at the time of the award. A Grantee receiving funds under this opportunity and any consultant or pass-thru entity operating under the terms of a grant shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws applicable to its activities. Federal regulations that will apply to an Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation grant include administrative requirements and provisions governing allowable costs as stated in:

  • 2 C.F.R. Part 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards”;

  • 2 C.F.R. Part 1103, “Interim Grants and Cooperative Agreements Implementation of Guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, And Audit Requirements for Federal Awards”;

  • 2 C.F.R. Part 25, “Universal Identifier and System for Award Management”;

  • 2 C.F.R. Part 170, “Reporting Sub award and Executive Compensation Information”;

  • 2 C.F.R. Part 180, Office of Management and Budget Guidelines to Agencies on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement), as implemented by Department of Defense in 2 CFR part 1125, Department of Defense Non-procurement Debarment and Suspension; and

  • 32 C.F.R. Part 28, "New Restrictions on Lobbying"

3. Reporting

The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation requires periodic performance reports, an interim financial report for each twelve (12) months a grant is active, one (1) final financial report, and one (1) final performance report for any grant. The performance reports will contain information on the following:

  1. a comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives established for the period;

  2. reasons for slippage if established objectives were not met;

  3. additional pertinent information when appropriate;

  4. a comparison of actual and projected quarterly expenditures in the grant; and,

  5. the amount of Federal cash on hand at the beginning and end of the reporting period

The final performance report must contain a summary of activities for the entire grant period. All required deliverables should be submitted with the final performance report.

The final Standard Form 425, “Federal Financial Report,” must be submitted to the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation within ninety (90) days after the end of the grant.

Any grant funds actually advanced and not needed for grant purposes shall be returned immediately to the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. Upon award, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation will provide include a schedule for reporting periods and report due dates in the Grant Agreement.


For further information, to answer questions, or for help with problems, contact: David R. Kennedy, Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 520, Arlington, VA 22202-3711. Office: (703) 697-2136. Email: [email protected]

The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation homepage address is: http://www.oldcc.gov.


1. Grant Award Information

Selection of an organization under this Federal Funding Opportunity notice does not constitute approval of a grant for the proposed project as submitted. Before any funds are awarded, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation may enter into negotiations about such items as program components, staffing and funding levels, and administrative systems in place to support implementation of the award. The amount of available funding may require the final award amount to be less than that originally proposed by the respondent. If the negotiations do not result in a mutually acceptable submission, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and decline to fund a resulting application. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation further reserves the right not to fund any proposal received under this Federal Funding Opportunity notice.

In the event the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation approves an amount that is less than the amount proposed, the respondent will be required to modify its grant application to conform to the reduced amount before execution of the grant agreement. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation reserves the right to reduce or withdraw the award if acceptable modifications are not submitted by the respondent within fifteen (15) working days from the date the request for modification is made. Any modifications must be within the scope of the original application and approved by both the respondent and the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation reserves the right to cancel any award for non-performance.

2. No Obligation for Future Funding

Amendment or renewal of an award to increase funding or to extend the period of performance is at the discretion of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.


Aaron T. Siegel,

Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer,

Department of Defense.

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