Appendix A: Survey introductory language and consent form 1
Appendix B: Round 1 awardee/partner survey 5
Appendix C: Round 1 participant survey 7
Appendix D: Interview consent forms 10
Appendix E: Interview protocols 14
Appendix F: Interview email communications 19
Appendix G: Email communications for awardee/participant survey administration and follow-up 22
Principal Investigator: Kea Anderson
Protocol Title: Evaluation of the Communities for Immunity Project
SRI International (SRI) is inviting awardees and their partners to participate in a survey about their work under the Communities for Immunity (C4I) award project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The C4I project supports the work of museums and libraries to share information regarding COVID-19 vaccines. These surveys are part of a research study led by SRI to evaluate the C4I project.
If you agree to participate, you will receive an online survey, administered via Qualtrics. Survey questions will ask about: engagement within your target population prior to, and resulting from, awarded project activities; perceptions of your target population’s attitudes and behaviors related to the COVID-19 vaccine and the awardee organization; perceived outcomes of awarded project activities; satisfaction with the award project. The survey will take about 10 minutes.
Participation is voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you choose not to. You can decide not to participate or to stop at any time.
SRI will protect your privacy and keep your responses anonymous. We take precautions to protect each participant’s information. All data will be kept in secured files; your name will not be used or shared with anyone outside of the SRI research team. Your answers will appear only in a summary of results without anyone knowing which answers are from you. These data may be shared with ASTC and IMLS for later study, but no one will know which answers belong to you.
Risks and Benefits: Participating in the survey involves minimal risk other than possible discomfort answering questions. You can decide whether to answer each question. You will not benefit personally from the survey but your responses will contribute to a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and how to address it, and help us gain an understanding of how organizations can best engage the public on scientific issues of societal importance.
Questions: If you have any questions or concerns about the study, contact the Principal Investigator, Kea Anderson, at 703-247-8568 or [email protected]. You may also contact the SRI Institutional Review Board at (650) 859-4022 or [email protected].
Consent to Participate: Signing your name means you agree to participate in the activities described above. If you do not agree to participate as described above, click on the “No” button below. If you do agree, click on the “Yes” button.
□ No, I do not give my consent to participate
□ Yes, I give my consent to participate
[If no:]
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
[If yes:]
Museum/Library/Other Organization:
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
Thanks for participating! Please take a couple minutes to share your thoughts in this survey. You must be at least 18 years old to complete this survey.
Principal Investigator: Kea Anderson
Protocol Title: Evaluation of the Communities for Immunity Project
SRI International (SRI) is inviting you to participate in a survey about your recent experience with a museum, library, or community organization. This survey is part of SRI’s study of the Communities for Immunity (C4I) project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The C4I project supports the work of museums and libraries to share information regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
If you agree to participate, you will receive an online survey, administered via Qualtrics. Survey questions will ask about: which C4I activities you participated in; your perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine and intentions regarding vaccination, and your perspective on the usefulness of C4I project activities and resources. The survey does not ask for your name or other identifying information. The survey will take no more than 5 minutes.
Participation is voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you choose not to. You can decide not to participate or to stop at any time.
SRI will protect your privacy and keep your responses anonymous. We take precautions to protect each participant’s information. All data will be kept in secured files. Your answers will appear only in a summary of results without anyone knowing which answers are from you. These data may be shared with ASTC and IMLS for later study, but no one will know which answers belong to you.
Risks and Benefits: Participating in the survey involves minimal risk other than possible discomfort answering questions. You can decide whether to answer each question. You will not benefit personally from the survey, but your responses will contribute to a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and how to address it, and your responses will help us gain an understanding of how organizations can best engage the public on scientific issues of societal importance.
Questions: If you have any questions or concerns about the study, contact the Principal Investigator, Kea Anderson, at 703-247-8568 or [email protected]. You may also contact the SRI Institutional Review Board at (650) 859-4022 or [email protected].
Are you at least 18 years of age?
□ No
□ Yes
Consent to Participate: Signing your name means you agree to participate in the activities described above. If you do not agree to participate as described above, click on the “No” button below. If you do agree, click on the “Yes” button.
□ No, I do not give my consent to participate
□ Yes, I give my consent to participate
[If no:]
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
[If yes:]
Library/Museum/Other organization Town or City:
Library/Museum/Other organization State:
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
Are you the awardee or a partner in a Communities for Immunity project?
[If awardee, skip to Q3]
[If partner] Organization name: [open]
[All] What did you do with the Communities for Immunity award?
Provided information for people to read, watch, or listen to
Hosted an exhibit
Hosted an event
Held a vaccine clinic
Provided staff or experts who interacted with participants
Staff or experts answered participants’ questions
Other _________
[Awardee; partners skip to Q5] Please provide an estimate of the number of people reached by each type of project activity [Open-ended response option for a table including only activities selected by awardees]
[Awardees and partners] Did members of your target audience play a role in leading or holding Communities for Immunity project activities? [open?]
Yes (Please describe): ___________
[Awardee; partners skip to Q9] Did you gather information on reasons for vaccine hesitancy among your project’s target audience?
[Awardee; If yes to Q6; If no, skip to Q9:] How did you gather that information? [open]
[Awardee] [If yes to Q6:] Based on what you learned, what are the primary reasons for vaccine hesitancy among your project’s target audience? [open]
Audience and Mission
[All] Please indicate your agreement with the following statements (5 pts, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree).
People in my Communities for Immunity project’s target audience see my organization as a place where they can learn about issues important to them.
People in our Communities for Immunity project’s target audience see my organization as a trustworthy source for information about public health, including the COVID-19 vaccine.
Our Communities for Immunity project supported my organization's core mission.
11a. Please describe. [open]
Project components
[All] Please indicate your agreement with the following statements (5 pts, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree).
Resources from the Communities for Immunity website were useful for our project activities.
Resources and information shared by other projects in the community of practice were useful for project activities.
Staffing and capacity
[All] Please rate your agreement with the following statements (5 pts, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree):
My organization had the right skillsets or expertise to implement project activities.
My partners had the right skillsets or expertise to implement project activities.
After participating in this project, how likely are you to (5 pts, Very likely to Not at all likely to Very likely)….
Continue activities to increase vaccine confidence?
Continue collaborating with local Communities for Immunity partners to increase vaccine confidence?
Collaborate with local Communities for Immunity partners on other projects?
Take part in future efforts to engage the same target audience regarding this and other issues important to them?
These questions are about a COVID-19 vaccine event or exhibit you attended, or COVID-19 vaccine information you received, today or recently.
What did you do at this event, exhibit, or information session? Please select all that apply.
Read, watched, or listened to information
Went to an exhibit
Went to an event
Went to a vaccine clinic
Spoke with staff or an expert
Asked questions
Which COVID-19 vaccines did you learn about?
Vaccines for people ages 12 and older
Vaccines for people ages 5-11
Don’t know
Are you or will you be vaccinated against COVID-19?
Yes, I was vaccinated before I attended.
Yes, I got vaccinated at this event.
No, but I plan to get vaccinated.
No. I do not plan to get vaccinated.
I still have not decided.
[If selects c, d, or e to Q3 (not vaccinated) proceed with Q4. If selects a or b to Q3 (vaccinated) AND selects b to Q2 (learned only about under-11 vaccination), skip to Q5.]
After participating, how confident are you that the COVID-19 vaccine for people ages 12 and older…
Less confident than before |
As confident as before (no change) |
More confident than before |
Don’t know |
… is safe? |
… is effective? |
… prevents hospitalization from COVID-19? |
… prevents death from COVID-19? |
… prevents the spread of COVID-19? |
Are you a parent or caregiver of a child or children aged 11 or younger?
[If answers Yes to Q5 (parent of 11 or younger), proceed to Q6. If answers No to Q5 (nonparent of child 11 or younger) skip to Q8.]
After participating, how confident are you that the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 11 and under…
Less confident than before |
As confident as before (no change) |
More confident than before |
Don’t know |
… is safe? |
… is effective? |
… prevents hospitalization from COVID-19? |
… prevents death from COVID-19? |
… prevents the spread of COVID-19? |
[For parents/caregivers, continues from Q6]. After participating, do you plan to have your child or children ages 11 and under vaccinated?
They are already vaccinated.
I plan to have them vaccinated.
No, I do not plan to have them vaccinated.
I still have not decided.
[Q8-9] Please indicate your agreement with the following statements (5 pts, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree).
The organization that held the exhibit or event, or provided information, is a place where I can learn about issues important to me.
This organization is a trustworthy source for information about public health, including the COVID-19 vaccine.
With what ethnicity do you identify?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Prefer not to answer
With what race do you identify? (Please select all that apply.)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Another race not listed above
Prefer not to answer
Principal Investigator: Kea Anderson
Protocol Title: Evaluation of the Communities for Immunity Project
SRI International (SRI) is inviting awardees and their partners to participate in an interview about their work under the Communities for Immunity (C4I) award project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The C4I project supports the work of museums and libraries to share information regarding COVID-19 vaccines. These interviews are part of a research study led by SRI to evaluate the C4I project.
If you agree to participate, SRI will schedule a 45-minute interview with you using Zoom (or a similar software). Interview topics include: awarded project activities, satisfaction with the award project and how it addresses your target population’s needs, perceived outcomes of the awarded project activities, and perceptions of your organization’s role as a source for public health information. With your permission, SRI will audio-record the interview for later review by SRI researchers.
Participation is voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you choose not to. You can decide not to participate or to stop at any time.
SRI will protect your privacy and keep your responses anonymous. We take precautions to protect each participant’s information. All data will be kept in secured files; your name will not be used or shared with anyone outside of the SRI research team. Your answers will appear only in a summary of all interviews without anyone knowing which answers are from you. These data may be shared with ASTC and IMLS for later study, but no one will know which answers belong to you.
Risks and Benefits: Participating in an interview involves minimal risk other than possible discomfort answering questions. You can decide whether to answer each question. You will not benefit personally from the interview but your responses will contribute to a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and how to address it, and help us gain an understanding of how organizations can best engage the public on scientific issues of societal importance.
Questions: If you have any questions or concerns about the study, contact the Principal Investigator, Kea Anderson, at 703-247-8568 or [email protected]. You may also contact the SRI Institutional Review Board at (650) 859-4022 or [email protected].
Consent to Participate: Signing your name means you agree to participate in the activities described above. If you do not agree to participate as described above, click on the “No” button below. If you do agree, click on the “Yes” button.
□ No, I do not give my consent to participate
□ Yes, I give my consent to participate
[If no:]
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
[If yes:]
Museum/Library/Other Organization:
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
Principal Investigator: Kea Anderson
Protocol Title: Evaluation of the Communities for Immunity Project
SRI International (SRI) is inviting you to participate in an interview about your recent experience with a museum, library, or community-based organization. This interview is part of SRI’s study of the Communities for Immunity (C4I) project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The C4I project supports the work of museums and libraries to share information regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
If you agree to participate, SRI will interview you using Zoom or a similar software. The interview will last no more than 30 minutes. Interview topics include: awarded project activities in your community, your perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine and intentions regarding vaccination, and your perspective on the usefulness of C4I project activities and resources. With your permission, SRI will audio-record the interview for later review by SRI researchers.
Participation is voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you choose not to. You can decide not to participate or to stop at any time.
SRI will protect your privacy and keep your responses anonymous. Your name will not be collected or shared with anyone outside of the SRI research team. Your answers will appear only in a summary of all interviews without anyone knowing which answers are from you.
Risks and Benefits: There is a slight risk that you will experience discomfort in disclosing your views about immunization. You can decide whether to answer each question, and you may choose to end the interview at any time. If you do experience discomfort, we encourage you to seek help. One resource is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's national resource page. You will not benefit personally from the interview but your responses will contribute to a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and how to address it, and help us gain an understanding of how organizations can best engage the public on scientific issues of societal importance.
Payments: To thank you for your time, you will receive a $50 gift card.
Questions: If you have any questions about the study, contact the Principal Investigator, Kea Anderson, at 703-247-8568 or [email protected]. You may also contact the SRI Institutional Review Board at (650) 859-4022 or [email protected].
Consent to Participate: Signing your name means you agree to participate in the activities described above. If you do not agree to participate as described above, click on the “No” button below. If you do agree, click on the “Yes” button.
□ No, I do not give my consent to participate
□ Yes, I give my consent to participate
[If no:]
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next” to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
[If yes:]
Museum/Library/Other Organization:
Please print this page for your records and then click “Next“ to submit your response.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please click “Submit” to complete your response.
Interviewer: Prepare for the interview by prefilling relevant information. At the start of the interview, read the script below. Ask questions relevant to the project and the interviewee’s role. Follow suggested probes and/or probe on salient points as they arise.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the awardee /partner interview after the Communities for Immunity event or activity! Before this call, you were asked to complete a consent form. As a reminder, this is what the consent form covered:
The interview topics will include awarded project activities, satisfaction with the award project and how it addresses your target population’s needs, perceived outcomes of the awarded project activities, and perceptions of your organization’s role as a source for public health information.
The interview will last approximately 45 minutes.
Your responses are anonymous. Your name is not collected or shared with anyone outside of our research team.
Your responses will only appear in aggregate, or in a summary, of all the other interviews, so no one will know which answers are from you.
You will not benefit personally from the interview but your responses will contribute to a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and how to address it.
With your permission, we would like to audio-record the interview for later review by SRI researcher.
Is it okay if we record this interview?
Do you have any questions before we begin?
What did you do with your Communities for Immunity award? (Pull from award application - confirm what was implemented. Probe on engagement activities, timeframe)
Briefly describe any partner organizations you worked with and the role of each. Which of these partnerships, if any, were new?
What community concerns or barriers to vaccination were you hoping to address with your C4I project?
How did you select what engagement strategies to use?
How did you publicize C4I activities within your target audience? Did your project receive other media attention or publicity that increased visibility?
Was turnout as you had hoped? How so or how not?
Please tell us more about your project’s target audience. Who were you (and your partners) seeking to reach with C4I activities? Did you succeed? If not, why not?
[If not answered already] How would you characterize your organization’s prior relationship with people in the target audience? How, if at all, is this audience different from your organization’s typical visitors or participants?
[If relevant] Please describe your organization’s prior efforts to engage this target audience? (Probe for: engagement related to issues important to target audience, related to improving community well-being)
How have C4I activities been received by the target population? How do you know?
Do you view your C4I project as aligning with your organization's core mission? How so or how not?
In what ways, if at all, did the skills and expertise of the staff involved in your C4I project support your project's success? What skills and expertise, if any, would have helped your project do better?
Do you think your C4I project led to any other changes at your organization, such as changes in plans or in visitor or participation patterns?
Are there any strategies or practices used by your C4I partners that you think can be useful for your organization?
if at all, do you anticipate collaborating with C4I partners on
future efforts? With other partners in efforts similar to your C4I
Did you participate in the C4I online community of practice? [NOTE: we should already have some engagement info] In what ways? (Probe on leadership, professional learning, sharing, downloads)
Have you found the community of practice to be helpful? Why or why not? Please provide an example if you can.
Have you used any of the resources provided by the C4I project? Which ones did you use, and how did you use them? (Probe on social media tools, flyers, communication strategies, other. Probe also for adaptations made and why.)
Did you develop any resources of your own? If yes, did you share these within the CoP or post them to the vaccine resources page?
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your C4I project?
Is there anything else you would like to ask me?
Thank you for your time! If you think of anything after we hang up today, please don’t hesitate to email our team at [email protected]. Thanks again. We really appreciate learning about your experience with the project.
Interviewer: Prepare for the interview by prefilling relevant information. At the start of the interview, read the script below. Ask questions relevant to the person’s experience and only ask questions not already answered. Follow suggested probes and/or probe on salient points as they arise.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this call about your participation in [describe event/activity]! Before this call, you were asked to complete a consent form. As a reminder, this is what the consent form covered:
I’ll ask you questions about your experience participating in [event/activity], what you think of COVID-19 vaccines, and what you think of the organizations that offered the [event/activity].
The call will last about 30 minutes.
Your responses are anonymous. We won’t share your name or any identifying comments with anyone outside of our research team.
We will share findings from the interviews all summarized together and will not attribute any quotes to individuals.
We will send you a $50 gift card to thank you for your time today. [Confirm email address for sending link.] You will not benefit personally from this conversation but your input helps us understand how organizations like [hosting organizations] can plan other community engagement efforts.
For some people, vaccines are a sensitive topic. Please remember, your participation is voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer. You can decide not to participate or to stop at any time. If you are uncomfortable with anything about our conversation, we encourage you to seek help. One resource is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's national resource page. (drop link in chat)
With your permission, we would like to audio-record the conversation so we can check and complete our notes later—do I have your permission to record?
Do you have any questions before we begin?
Please describe [the C4I event/activity] that you attended/visited.
Where was the activity/event held?
(If not mentioned) Which organization(s) hosted or offered [this C4I event/activity]?
How did you find out about the C4I activity/event?
Were you given any information at the event/activity you could take home, either to access online or a paper flyer or anything to take with you? If so, please describe.
[as relevant] Which of these resources, if any, did you find helpful and why? Which of these resources, if any, did you find less helpful or confusing and why?
[If not already answered] What did you enjoy about the C4I activity/event? What, if anything, did you think needed improvement?
The next few questions are about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Did you learn anything new about COVID-19 vaccines at the [event/activity]? [If so] What did you learn?
[If not already answered] How, if at all, did your thinking about the COVID-19 vaccine change after attending the event/activity? What prompted that change? Please provide an example if you can. [Tailor as needed to ask about vaccines for different age groups. Probe for: confidence vaccine is safe; effective; prevents transmission, hospitalization, death.]
Do you plan to get vaccinated if you were not already? [As relevant] Do you plan to have your children vaccinated if they weren’t already? Why or why not?
if at all, have you shared what you learned at the event/activity
with others (e.g., through personal conversations, through social
[If activity/event was held at an awardee/partner org or if respondent is aware of hosting organizations] What do you think of [hosting organizations]? Were you already aware of it before participating in this recent [event/activity]? If so, please share what you knew about it.
[As relevant] How often did you visit?
activity/event was held at an awardee/partner org or if respondent
is aware of hosting organizations and if not already answered]
What do you think of [organization(s)] after attending the C4I
[If activity/event was held at an awardee/partner org or if respondent is aware of hosting organizations and if not already answered] Do you think that [hosting organizations] do things that are useful for you personally? Useful for your community? Please describe how so or how not. What could they do better?
Is there anything else you’d like to share with me about participating in [this activity/event] or about your views on COVID-19 vaccines?
Do you have any other questions for me?
Thank you so much for your time. Your comments are really useful for your study. Please look out for the email with the gift card. We will send it within 24 hours.
If you have any questions or other thoughts later, please feel free to email my team at [put address in chat] [email protected]. Have a great rest of your day and thanks again!
Hello [name],
I’m writing to invite you to participate in an interview about [insert organization and project name]. This interview is part of SRI’s study of the Communities for Immunity project. SRI International is an independent, non-profit research organization studying the project on behalf of the Institute for Museum and Library Services. As part of the study, SRI is interviewing [Communities for Immunity project leaders/participants] from [add organization or project name] to learn more about their experiences. The purpose is NOT to evaluate individuals or awardees. [For participants, add: You do not have to participate, and you may stop the interview at any time.]
Interviews will take place by phone or Zoom. The interview should last no longer than [time period]. [Add for participants: You will receive a $50 cash gift card for your participation.] Your interview response is anonymous. SRI will summarize what people say across all interviews; we will not share your identity or your individual responses with anyone outside our research team.
We hope to schedule interviews between [insert timeframe].
Please use [this Calendly link] to select a date and time that works for you.
If you are not available at these times, please let us know some other dates and times more convenient for you.
If you have any questions about the study or the interview, please contact the study lead, Kea Anderson, at [email protected] or 703-247-8568.
[Insert signature]
Hello [name],
I’m following up on my previous email to schedule a [time period] Zoom or phone call for SRI’s study of the Communities for Immunity project. Hearing more about your experience will help us understand [project leaders: project successes and challenges; participants: what you liked and did not like about the [activity] at [organization or event name]. Interview responses are anonymous.
Please use [this Calendly] link to select a date and time that works for you. If you are not available at these times, please let us know some other dates and times you are available.
[For participants: You will receive a $50 cash gift card for your participation.]
If you have any questions about the study or the interview, please contact the Principal Investigator, Kea Anderson, at [email protected] or 703-247-8568.
[Insert signature]
Thank you for your support of the study! I sent you a calendar invitation for an interview on [DATE] from [WINDOW OF TIME – LOCAL TIME]. You may join by [insert call/login info].
Please review and sign [this consent form] in advance of our call. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.
We look forward to meeting with you!
Take care,
[Scheduler name]
Hello [name],
We are looking forward to speaking with you tomorrow at [time]. If you have not already done so, please review and sign [this consent form] in advance of our call.
You can join by [insert call/login info].
Please let me know if you have any questions or if this time no longer works for you!
[Scheduler name]
Dear [name],
Thank you for your support of the C4I study!
We’re eager to learn more about your experience. The purpose of the call is not to evaluate individuals or awardees. We will summarize the comments of all participants in the study and will not share any personally identifiable information outside of the research team.
Please review and sign [this consent form] in advance of our call.
We will answer any questions you have at the beginning of the call and will also request your permission to audio record.
[For participants: As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a $50 gift card after completing your interview.]
Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
[Scheduler name]
Dear [name],
Thank you for taking part in a call for the Evaluation of the Communities for Immunity (C4I) project! Your input is a valuable part of our study and helps us to better understand the project and its outcomes.
We are sending you a $50 gift card to thank you for your participation. Please redeem your gift card at this link.
Claim code number: [Giftcard code]
Survey invitation email
You are invited to participate in a survey for SRI’s study of the Communities for Immunity (C4I) project. SRI International is an independent, non-profit research organization studying the C4I project on behalf of the Institute for Museum and Library Services. As part of its study, SRI is surveying awardees and their partners to understand more about project implementation and outcomes. The purpose is NOT to evaluate individual awardees, and your responses will not affect future funding decisions. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. Your survey response is anonymous. SRI will summarize results across all surveys; we will not share your identity or individual responses with anyone outside of the research team.
You can access your survey here: [insert individual link]
Thank you! We appreciate your time! If you have any questions about the study or the survey, please contact the study lead, Kea Anderson, at [email protected] or 703-247-8568.
[Insert signature]
Hello [name],
I’m following up to ask you to please take a 10-minute survey for SRI’s study of the Communities for Immunity project. Your perspective will help SRI understand project implementation and outcomes. More broadly, your perspective will provide valuable insights for addressing vaccine hesitancy in communities. Survey responses are anonymous. We appreciate your time!
You can access your survey here: [insert unique URL]
If you have any questions about the study or the survey, please contact the Principal Investigator, Kea Anderson, at [email protected] or 703-247-8568.
[Insert signature]
Thank you for completing this survey for SRI’s evaluation of the Communities for Immunity project! We really appreciate your taking the time to share your perspective.
Hello Communities for Immunity project leads!
Thank you for your help administering surveys for participants in your C4I projects on behalf of the national evaluation! Please review guidance below on how to do that and contact the SRI team at [email protected] with any questions!
This packet includes a printable flyer with a QR code, social media image posts, social media messaging, and text messaging to help you collect participant survey data. These materials are unique to your award. Please use them only for collecting data for your own C4I project and not for other purposes. You can review a [copy of the participant survey here.]
There is no pre-survey in this data collection so you can welcome participants without troubling them with a survey at first. The survey is designed for use close to the end or just following people’s participation in C4I project activities and asks them to reflect back on whether and how participation influenced their thinking about COVID-19 vaccines.
That depends on the nature of your project activities! If you have in-person activities but also have the ability to contact participants later, please read both sections.
Please prepare a survey station so you can engage people as they leave an activity. We recommend you prominently display the attached QR-code flyer and station a staff person to invite people to take the survey by encouraging them to point their phone cameras at the QR code. Once people open the survey link, they can select the language at the top of the screen.
To inclusively engage people who may feel less comfortable with technology, may not feel comfortable reading on a screen or may have lower literacy in English, or may not have a smartphone, please consider offering to complete the survey verbally using a tablet or phone belonging to you or your organization.
As you have likely seen yourselves, people may not be eager to pause and complete a survey, especially if they are in a group or with children. It is helpful to have a brief activity at your survey table so those accompanying the survey taker have something to do. Maybe this is where you give out any take-home items, have people enter a contest, sign up for memberships, or make balloon animals. Get creative! If people have another reason to pause, they are more likely to take the survey.
If people will exit all at once (for example, from an event), you will need multiple staff members to try and capture people in a brief timeframe. If people exit over time (for example, from a festival or exhibit), designate times to have a staff member collect survey data. Either way, the procedure is the same.
Please approach people at regular intervals to the best of your ability (every 3-4 people if people exit more slowly, or every 10th person if people exit more quickly). This helps randomize whom you approach. Do not select people based on other factors, with one exception: the person has to be 18 or older since SRI does not have approval to collect data from minors.
As some of you have seen first-hand already, COVID-19 vaccine status and attitudes about vaccines can be sensitive topics. Please invite people to take the survey by saying something like we suggest below. If they decline, smile, thank them, and approach the next person!
Many of you have done similar data collections before—we defer to your expertise! Here is a suggestion in case it’s helpful.
Hi! We’re trying to learn what people thought of our [event, activity] today so we can do better next time. Can you please use this QR code to tell us about your experience? It will take less than five minutes.
We hope we can receive an average of 24 survey responses per project. If your project has a very large target audience, please keep in mind that you will need no more than 100 survey responses to estimate project-level confidence intervals of 10 percentage points. If you have a smaller audience, it may be difficult to capture 24 responses.
If you do not interact in person with participants, please consider other ways you might be able to gather participant survey data. Below are some ideas, with suggested text for each. We recommend you reach out as soon after your activity as possible, ideally later the same day, to maximize the chance people will take the survey.
Thank you for joining us today! We’re eager to know what you thought so we can do better next time. Please complete our survey here [add link]. It takes less than 5 minutes! Thank you!
If you have contact information for participants, you may be able to email or text them. Please use only contact information provided directly to your organization, NOT personal information provided by participants in a vaccine clinic for purposes of accessing a vaccine.
Hello [name]!
Thank you for [registering for/attending] the [event/activity] today! [Organization and partner names] are eager to know what you thought of it! Please tell us about your experience by completing our 5-minute survey! [add link] We appreciate your help!
Some audiences are more likely to complete a survey when the link is sent via text. Please consider texting if you already have participant’s cell phone numbers and your organization already sends information by text: Hi, it’s [name] from [organization]! If you attended our [event/activity name] today, please tell us about your experience! Take our 5-minute survey here: [link] And thanks for your help!
If you have no other way to contact participants or if you are comfortable sharing the survey link through multiple channels, please consider posting the survey link on social media:
What a great turnout at [event name] today! If you attended, please let us know what you thought by taking our 5-minute survey! [link] We’re eager to learn from your experience! [project hashtag]
Flyer with QR code:
Social Media Posts:
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Allison Milby |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-10-25 |