Form 1 2022 Proposed Registration-Abstract questions

Conference, Meeting, Workshop, and Poster Session Registration Generic Clearance (OD)

2022 Proposed Registration-Abstract questions_FINAL (1)

2022 Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative Meeting Registration (NINDS)

OMB: 0925-0740

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The BRAIN Initiative® Meeting

NIH BRAIN Initiative Home (link) Contact NINDS Office (link)

OMB#: 0925-0740 Exp. Date: 07/2022

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to vary from 10 minutes to 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send Comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0740). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Registration Type

The 8th Annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting is intended to be a hybrid (in-person with virtual access) meeting. Please indicate below if you plan to attend in-person or as a virtual attendee. NOTE: This decision will be reviewed in March and the website will be updated if a conversion to a 100% virtual meeting is necessary due to public health guidelines.

  • I would like to attend in-person.

  • I would only attendee virtually.

Current HHS public health regulations require any in-person attendees for events larger than 50-persons to provide information about vaccination status. In-person attendees who are fully vaccinated must be able and willing to provide proof of vaccination at request on site. In-person attendees who are not fully vaccinated or decline to provide information about their vaccination status must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test completed no later than the previous 3 days (at request, on site) and comply with masking and physical distancing requirements for individuals who are not fully vaccinated while on site. In-person attendees in areas of high or substantial transmission must wear a mask in public indoor settings regardless of vaccination status. This information will be updated as public health guidelines evolve.

Please indicate your vaccination status as of June 20, 2022: (Required)

  • Fully vaccinated in accordance with CDC guidelines. (please be prepared to show your vaccination card on site, at request). Persons are considered “fully vaccinated” two weeks after completing the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine approved or authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or that has been listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca/Oxford, Johnson & Johnson etc.) or a full vaccine series (not a placebo) in a clinical trial (e.g. Novavax).

  • I will not be fully vaccinated by June 20, 2022 as defined by CDC guidelines. I will provide proof of a negative COVID test (antigen or PCR) taken no earlier than June 18, 2022 and comply with masking and physical distancing requirements when I arrive on site.

  • Exempted from vaccination in accordance with CDC guidelines. I will provide proof of a negative COVID test (antigen or PCR) taken no earlier than June 18, 2022 and comply with masking and physical distancing requirements when I arrive on site.

  • I prefer not to share my vaccination status. I will provide proof of a negative COVID test (antigen or PCR) taken no earlier than June 18, 2022 and comply with masking and physical distancing requirements when I arrive on site.

Personal Information

First Name (Required)

Last Name (Required)

Email Address (Required)

Re-enter Email Address (Required)

Prefix: (Required)

Job Title: (Required)

Company/Organization/Institution: (Required)

Country: Drop down list (If State/Province is not dependent on the country selection, then move this question below Zip/Postal Code.

Work Address: Two lines


State/Province (Can this be a drop down, with the option to type in? Or will the option available be based on the country selected?)

Zip/Postal Code:

Work Phone:

Please indicate your gender: (Required)

  • Female

  • Male

  • Prefer not to answer

  • Other (fill in)

Please indicate your race/ethnicity: (Required)

  • American Indian/Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black/African American

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • White/Caucasian

  • Prefer not to answer

If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate in the virtual meeting (e.g., captioning, sign language), please indicate below. Note that we cannot guarantee accommodations for requests received after XXXX.



What is your main reason(s) for attending the BRAIN Investigators Meeting? (open field) (max XXX characters)

Your Attendance

Please select your attendee type (Required)

Scientist” is defined as: investigators performing research who have completed post-doctoral, residency, or other fellowship training. “Trainee” is defined as: individuals in post-doctoral or residency training or earlier educational stage.

  • Scientist BRAIN funded, or BRAIN affiliated

  • Scientist – Other, not yet affiliated with the U.S. BRAIN Initiative

  • Trainee Any

  • Other (fill in if selected)

    • You have indicated that your Attendee Type is "Other" (e.g. Federal Staff, Media/Press, Patient/Advocacy Group, or Staffer/Member of Congress, etc.). Please describe your involvement. (Required if Other is selected)

How many times have you previously attended the annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting? (Required – can be a drop down or radio buttons)

  • 0

  • 1-2

  • 3-4

  • 5+

Had you worked in the field of Neuroscience prior to participating in the BRAIN Initiative?

Yes /No

Aside from Neuroscience, please indicate the primary (1), secondary (2), and tertiary (3) fields of research with which you identify? (Would like this set up as a single question, where people write in 1, 2, and 3)

  • Biochemistry or Molecular and Cellular Biology

  • Bioinformatics, Statistics, or Applied Mathematics

  • Chemistry

  • Clinical Sciences

  • Computational Biology

  • Computer Science

  • Engineering

  • Ethics, Philosophy, or Law

  • Genetics/Genomics

  • Neuroimaging/Radiology

  • Physiology or Systems Biology

  • Physics

  • Psychology or Behavioral Sciences

  • Other (please specify):

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: My work/research environment is inclusive. (Required)

    • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neither agree nor disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. How familiar are you with the NIH BRAIN Initiative's Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP)? (Required)

  • Not at all familiar

  • Slightly familiar

  • Moderately familiar

  • Very familiar

  • I have written a PEDP

  1. Where have you heard about the PEDP? (Select all that apply)

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: The NIH BRAIN Initiative’s PEDP approach is likely to promote and/or improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in research? (Required)

    • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neither agree nor disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. Please elaborate on your position:

(open field max XXX characters

  1. How clear was the guidance when putting together the PEDP for your grant submission? (Required)

    • Very unclear

  • Unclear

  • Moderately clear

  • Clear

  • Very clear

  1. Please describe why:

(open field) max XXX characters

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Incorporating the NIH BRAIN Initiative’s PEDP enhanced inclusivity in my proposed research. (Required)

    • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neither agree nor disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. Please elaborate on your position:

(open field) max XXX characters

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Incorporating the NIH BRAIN Initiative’s PEDP will enhance the potential scientific impact of my proposed research. (Required)

    • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neither agree nor disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. Please elaborate on your position:

(open field) max XXX characters

Your Project Resources

We are interested in learning more about the resources that you have produced as a result of your BRAIN project(s). Please provide website URLs, a short title/description, and the specific BRAIN project for which the resource was developed by using the form below. These URLs may be added to resources pages on BRAIN Initiative website(s) to facilitate distribution among the research community.

Do you receive federal funding through the BRAIN Initiative?

Yes / No If No is selected, then additional question should appear

Please describe the funding source for your BRAIN-related project

(required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

Please indicate the number of BRAIN projects with which you are affiliated. You will have the opportunity to provide information on each project: (Can also be set up as a drop down)

  • 1 project

  • 2 projects

  • 3 projects

  • 4 projects

  • 5 projects

(For each project selected, the following questions should appear)

Please select your funding source from the drop down:

    • NIH

  • NSF



  • Other

Please provide the project/grant/contract number of your BRAIN project, if applicable:(required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

Provide a short description, with any relevant URLs, for resources stemming from your project [e.g. publicly available data/repositories, software, training materials, reagents/animals…]: (required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

Abstract Submissions

The National Institutes of Health, along with the other federal and non-federal organizations participating in the U.S. BRAIN Initiative, recognizes the benefits of a diverse workforce on scientific discovery, with a particular focus on enhancing the pool of individuals from backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical research. The NIH recognizes that the value of conferences is enhanced when persons from diverse backgrounds and perspectives are included in all aspects of conference/meeting planning and when attendees are assured of a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment free from discrimination, harassment, and other barriers that might prevent or inhibit one’s participation. NIH encourages conference attendees to enhance diversity by increasing the participation of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups, in the planning and implementation, and ultimately, participation in the proposed conference. Per NIH Notice of Interest in Diversity NOT-OD-20-031, we seek to nurture appropriate representation of underrepresented groups include individuals from nationally (US) underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, and women as invited speakers and poster presenters in relation to their participation in the annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting. Successful submissions will be as specific as possible when describing the diversity of their panels.

Please select one of the following choices (check boxes or radio buttons). You will be able to submit more than one option and will be prompted again after completing each set of fields.

  • I am ready to submit a symposium abstract proposal. Submission Deadline: February 18, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST

See what you need to submit – linked pdf here

  • I am ready to submit an abstract for Trainee Highlight Award consideration. Submission Deadline: March 31, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST

See what you need to submit – linked pdf here

  • I am ready to submit a general abstract. Submission Deadline: May 16, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST

See what you need to submit – linked pdf here

  • I plan on submitting at a later date

Add text here explaining how to modify registration/submit later

  • Complete registration - I do not plan on submitting an abstract at this time.

If Symposium abstract proposal is selected, the following text/questions should appear:

Submission Deadline: February 18, 2022 11:59 PM EST

Symposia Criteria – linked pdf explaining the criteria.

I have read the Symposia Criteria (required checkbox)

  1. If there is an additional Symposium Organizer, please enter their name, email, and affiliation. Note that Symposium Organizers are not required to be moderators/speakers. (one field)

  2. Please provide the title of the symposium session: (required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

  3. Please provide the overall objective(s) and format of the symposium session, including (required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

  • Number of speakers. (Limit of six (6), including the moderator/facilitator.)

  • Anticipated duration and topic of individual presentations.

  • How will a panel/the panelists be used in the session?

  • What approach to dialogue and/or facilitated Q/A will be employed?

  • Intended audience and anticipated impact

  • Other details

  1. Please justify the timeliness and over-arching theme or “big picture” of this symposium session (max XXX characters) (required)

  2. Please provide a BRIEF description for use in the meeting program (max XXX characters) (required)

  3. Please select up to 6 keywords that most closely reflect the subject matter of your proposed Symposia. (dropdown)


Cell engineering

Cell Type

Cell-cell interaction

Circuit Diagrams


Computational model


Dissemination and Open Science

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



Graph theory

Human Neuroscience

Implantable Devices (probes, etc.)


Integrated Approaches

Interventional Tools


Molecular/cellular neuroscience

Monitor Neural Activity

Neural networks (topology, etc.)

Neural Recording and Modulation


Neuroimaging (invasive, noninvasive-imaging)


Software (analysis, etc.)

Synaptic Plasticity

Theory & Data Analysis Tools

  1. We have identified a speaker to address areas and/or topics relating to the ethical implications of BRAIN-supported emerging concepts, neurotechnologies, and advancements and their applications. (required)

Yes / No answer (required)

If No: 7a. Do you require assistance with the integration of information on the ethical implications of your symposium topic(s), as appropriate?

Yes / No answer (required)

  1. Diversity Statement Acknowledgement

Resources and Strategies to Increase Diversity and Inclusion:

8a. In my speaker list, have I included representation of women, minorities, those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and/or persons with disabilities?

Yes / No answer (required)

8b. In my speaker list, have I included institutional/geographic and/or career stage diversity?

Yes / No answer (required)

Please explain your responses to questions 8a and 8b. (open field) (required) (max XXX characters)

  1. Please provide the name(s), affiliations, and emails of at least ONE, but no more than 6, suggested speakers/moderators for this session. (open field) (max XXX characters) (required)

  • Moderators/speakers do NOT need to be affiliated with or receive federal or non-government BRAIN Initiative funding to participate.

  • Confirm proposed moderator/speakers are available to pre-record symposium presentation content, if requested (in April/early May 2022), and participate between TIME ET on June 21st or 22nd (in-person and/or virtual, pending public health guidelines).

    • Should a hybrid meeting be confirmed, we welcome symposium moderator/speaker participation in-person but are able to accommodate all-virtual involvement if required by a given moderator/speaker.

  • Note: The Program Committee may provide alternate speaker suggestions as a condition of acceptance, in an effort to balance the overall meeting program.

Thank you for submitting your symposium abstract proposal. Would you like to make another submission?

Yes – should bring up the abstract drop down selection again.

No – registration and submission are complete

If Trainee Highlight Award abstract proposal is selected, the following text/questions should appear:

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST

Trainee Highlight Award Criteria– linked pdf explaining the criteria.

I have read the Trainee Highlight Award Criteria (required checkbox)

NOTE: Trainee Highlight Award abstracts are ONLY for the isolated work of the specific trainee. Trainees in the same lab may submit separate abstracts describing their individual work in that lab.

      1. Please provide the title for this THA poster/abstract. The title should be formatted in sentence case: (open field) (max XXX characters) (required)

      2. Please enter your abstract’s author block. Enter each Author’s name in the order they should appear, using their first initial and last name. Each Affiliation should be numbered in the order they appear. Affiliations should not be listed more than once. (open field) (max XXX characters) (required) PLEASE NOTE: Affiliations should be spelled out.


A. LastName1, E. LastName2, A. LastName1

1Affiliation One

2Affiliation Two

  1. Please indicate the funding source for the BRAIN Initiative project your work supports: (required)

  • NIH

  • NSF



  • Other/Not federally funded

  1. Please provide the title of the overall BRAIN Initiative project your work supports: (required)

  2. Please provide the Grant/Contract Number, if known:

  3. Please provide a brief abstract of the work you intend to present in your poster. Please consider including examples of strategies utilized to advance the scientific and technical merit of the proposed project through expanded diversity, equity, and inclusion. Abstracts should be a written description of less than 2200 characters and should only include plain text with no additional information (ex. symbols, graphs, charts, pictures, etc.). (required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

  4. Please select the most appropriate abstract scientific topic area (drop down or radio buttons) (required)

    • Cell Types

    • Circuit Diagrams

    • Monitor Neural Activity

    • Interventional Tools

    • Theory & Data Analysis Tools

    • Human Neuroscience

    • Integrated Approaches

    • Neuroethics

  1. Please select up to 6 keywords that most closely reflect the subject matter of your proposed abstract. (dropdown)


Cell engineering

Cell Type

Cell-cell interaction

Circuit Diagrams


Computational model


Dissemination and Open Science

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



Graph theory

Human Neuroscience

Implantable Devices (probes, etc.)


Integrated Approaches

Interventional Tools


Molecular/cellular neuroscience

Monitor Neural Activity

Neural networks (topology, etc.)

Neural Recording and Modulation


Neuroimaging (invasive, noninvasive-imaging)


Software (analysis, etc.)

Synaptic Plasticity

Theory & Data Analysis Tools

  1. Should a hybrid meeting be confirmed, and this abstract is selected for a THA, are you able and willing to present in-person? This answer is purely for planning purposes and will not impact your eligibility.

Options - Yes, No, I don’t know

Thank you for submitting your Trainee Highlight Award abstract proposal. Would you like to submit another type of abstract?

Yes – should bring up the abstract drop down selection again.

No – registration and submission are complete

If General abstract proposal is selected, the following text/questions should appear:

Submission Deadline: May 16, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST

General Abstract Criteria – linked pdf explaining the criteria.

I have read the General Abstract Criteria (required checkbox)

You, as the submitting author, will receive all future communication related to this submission, including a confirmation email and details on submitting your poster. Please check your spam folder if you are not receiving the emails.

  1. Please provide the title for this poster/abstract. The title should be formatted in sentence case: (required) (max XXX characters) (open field).

  2. Please enter your abstract’s author block. Enter each Author’s name in the order they should appear, using their first initial and last name. Each Affiliation should be numbered in the order they appear. Affiliations should not be listed more than once. (open field) (max XXX characters) (required) PLEASE NOTE: Affiliations should be spelled out.


A. LastName1, E. LastName2, A. LastName1

1Affiliation One

2Affiliation Two

  1. Who will present the poster? The presenter must be one of the authors. In the event of a hybrid meeting, the presenter should be able/willing to present in-person. (required) (open field)

  2. Please indicate the funding source for your BRAIN Initiative project: (required)

  • NIH

  • NSF



  • Other/Not federally funded

  1. Please provide the title of the overall BRAIN Initiative project: (required) (open field)

  2. Please provide the Grant/Contract Number, if known: (open field)

  3. Please provide a brief abstract of the work you intend to present in your poster. Scientific abstracts may also include examples of strategies utilized to advance the scientific and technical merit of the proposed project through expanded diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Abstracts should be a written description of less than 2200 characters and should only include plain text with no additional information (ex. symbols, graphs, charts, pictures, etc.). (required) (max XXX characters) (open field)

  4. Please select the most appropriate abstract topic area: (required)

  • Cell Types

  • Circuit Diagrams

  • Monitor Neural Activity

  • Interventional Tools

  • Theory & Data Analysis Tools

  • Human Neuroscience

  • Integrated Approaches

  • Neuroethics

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: highlight successful DEI programming and/or strategies implemented in your lab, institution, and/or organization. These posters will display DEI accomplishments, evidence-based challenges, and potential solutions – including needs and lessons learned. Examples of relevant content might include:

    • Strategies to enhance workforce diversity and inclusion

    • Developing or enhancing partnerships and collaborations among investigators from research-intensive institutions, institutions with limited research resources, or that have not historically competed for BRAIN funding

    • Effective outreach and recruitment opportunities to advance early education exposure (i.e., summer research, K-12 programs, etc.)

    • Furthering practices that promote diverse trainee engagement and inclusive research teams

  1. Please select up to 6 keywords that most closely reflect the subject matter of your proposed abstract. (dropdown)


Cell engineering

Cell Type

Cell-cell interaction

Circuit Diagrams


Computational model


Dissemination and Open Science

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



Graph theory

Human Neuroscience

Implantable Devices (probes, etc.)


Integrated Approaches

Interventional Tools


Molecular/cellular neuroscience

Monitor Neural Activity

Neural networks (topology, etc.)

Neural Recording and Modulation


Neuroimaging (invasive, noninvasive-imaging)


Software (analysis, etc.)

Synaptic Plasticity

Theory & Data Analysis Tools

Thank you for submitting your General abstract proposal. Would you like to submit another type of abstract?

Yes – should bring up the abstract drop down selection again.

No – registration and submission are complete

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKathleen Berry
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-02-01

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