User Manual

0704-0460_User Manual SPOT-ES Contractor Company.pdf

Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker Enterprise Suite (SPOT-ES) System

User Manual

OMB: 0704-0460

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System User Manual (SUM) for:
Synchronized Predeployment & Operational Tracker Enterprise Suite (SPOT-ES): Contractor Company User
Release 8.10

Version 40.1
January 2019
13600 EDS Drive
Herndon, VA 20171

SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


August 2007
November 2007


March 2008
June 2008
January 2009


March 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009


March 2010
September 2010
November 2010
February 2011
August 2011
November 2011
March 2012
April 2012
August 2012
October 2014
November 2014
March 2015
August 2015


September 2015
November 2015
February 2016
May 2016


August 2016


August 2016
September 2016


November 2016


November 2016
March 2017

Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Revision Description
Initial Draft
Revised version per the system’s dot releases and overall
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1 Release
Incorporated Contractor Release and Company Change
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1.11 and
6.1.15 Releases
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1.16 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1.20 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1.21 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1.22 Release
CENTCOM FRAGO 09-1451 MOD 2 Contractor Theater
Entrance Requirements 31 Oct 09 – clarifies requirements
for SPOT use and Letters of Authorizations (LOAs)
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 6.1.23 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.0 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.1 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.1.1 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.2 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.3 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.3.1 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 7.3.2 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.0 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.1 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.2 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.3 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.3.1, 8.3.3,
and 8.3.4 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.3.5 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.4 Release
Incorporated functionality changes for SPOT 8.5 Release
Incorporated changes for SPOT 8.6 Release; removed
Help Desk DSN in text and Contact Us screen print
Added Self-help video link and button to Table 2,
Section 1.4
Removed Help Desk DSN in Login screen print
Incorporated changes for SPOT 8.7.0 Release; added Selfhelp video button to screen prints
Incorporated additional changes for SPOT 8.7.0 Release;
added Steps 2-4 Self-help video buttons to screen prints
Incorporated changes for SPOT 8.7.2 Release
Updated SIPRNet URL

SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


May 2017


November 2017


December 2017
February 2018


April 2018


July 2018


August 2018


September 2018


December 2018


January 2019

Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Revision Description
Updated DoD task order number format help for SPOT Release
Updated for SPOT 8.8 Release, including updated
JAMMS population of ITAD
Updated for PACOM SOFA
Updated to remove +/-14 day limit and add SOFA Step 2
auto refresh
Updated for additional SPOT Release 8.8 changes: TBC
warning message, contract/task order number Help and
DOS format, verification checkbox, company name
approval, CAC expiration date, and SPOT last login.
Updated for SPOT Release 8.9: Help Desk phone
number, blank ITAD email, person status, Operations
Visibility Report, and SOFA page/LOA.
Added “Employee Gender” column to SPOT Operations
Visibility Report and updated LOA remarks note.
Updated company name on title page.
Updated for SPOT Release 8.10 changes for multi-TBC
country support.
Updated for SPOT Release 8.10 changes for SOFA
dependents, DMDC verification, SOFA OVR Report,
and OCSIC Affirmation Report. Updated Help Desk
phone number.
Updated to gray security clearance fields.


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

1  Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 

Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 1 


Background........................................................................................................................ 1 


User Roles.......................................................................................................................... 2 


Icons, Symbols, and Controls in SPOT ............................................................................. 4 


Tabs ................................................................................................................................... 7 


Getting Help with SPOT.................................................................................................... 7 


Managing Connection Timeouts ..................................................................................... 10 

2  Common Features .................................................................................................................. 11 

Searching for a Duty Station ........................................................................................... 11 


Submitting a New Site Request ....................................................................................... 15 


Searching for a Job Title/Entering a Job Title ................................................................. 16 


Searching for a Company ................................................................................................ 18 


Requesting a New Company ........................................................................................... 20 


Searching for a Government Organization ...................................................................... 22 


Viewing and Exploring an Organization Hierarchy ........................................................ 23 


Viewing an Organization Tree ................................................................................ 23 


Viewing a Specific Organization Hierarchy ........................................................... 27 

3  Companies .............................................................................................................................. 30 

Searching for a Company ................................................................................................ 30 


Requesting a New Company ........................................................................................... 31 

4  Contracts and Task Orders ..................................................................................................... 33 

Searching for a Contract .................................................................................................. 33 


Searching for a Task Order .............................................................................................. 37 


Adding a Contract ............................................................................................................ 39 


Adding a Task Order ....................................................................................................... 49 


Updating Contract Details ............................................................................................... 60 


Updating Task Order Details ........................................................................................... 64 


Managing Contractor Companies .................................................................................... 67 

5  Persons ................................................................................................................................... 72 

Searching for a Person ..................................................................................................... 72 

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Adding a Person (U.S. Citizen) ....................................................................................... 76 


Adding a Person (Foreign National) ................................................................................ 82 


Editing a Person’s Profile ................................................................................................ 93 


Releasing a Person from a Company ............................................................................... 99 


Releasing a Person from a Contract/Task Order ........................................................... 101 


Release Only ......................................................................................................... 102 


Release and Reassign ............................................................................................ 103 


Affiliating a Person........................................................................................................ 105 

6  Predeployments .................................................................................................................... 109 

SPOT System-Generated LOA ...................................................................................... 109 


Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs............................................................... 115 


Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs ...................................................... 116 

Start Deployment/LOA Workflow ............................................................. 116 

Step 1 – Deployment Information............................................................... 120 

Step 2 – Personnel Information................................................................... 127 

Step 3 – Confirm ......................................................................................... 140 

Step 4 – Results........................................................................................... 142 


Creating Deployments Only ................................................................................. 142 


Requesting LOAs Only ......................................................................................... 143 


Searching for LOAs ....................................................................................................... 144 


Recalling an LOA .......................................................................................................... 148 


Recalling a Single LOA ........................................................................................ 148 


Bulk Recalling LOAs ............................................................................................ 149 


Resubmitting a Recalled LOA .............................................................................. 150 


LOAs with Revoked Status ........................................................................................... 151 


Updating Eligibility Requirements ................................................................................ 152 


Training Information ............................................................................................. 154 


Health Information ................................................................................................ 156 


Visa Information ................................................................................................... 156 


Personal Equipment/Weapons .............................................................................. 157 


Clearance Information .......................................................................................... 159 


Forms .................................................................................................................... 160 


SOFA .................................................................................................................... 161 

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Adding a Deployment Itinerary ..................................................................................... 162 

7  Person Lists .......................................................................................................................... 164 

Searching for a Person List ............................................................................................ 164 


Creating a Person List.................................................................................................... 167 


Managing a Person List ................................................................................................. 174 


Copying and Reusing a Person List............................................................................... 177 


Managing Bookmarks for Person Lists ......................................................................... 180 

8  Deployment Templates ........................................................................................................ 183 

Searching for a Deployment Template .......................................................................... 183 


Creating a Deployment Template .................................................................................. 187 


Modifying a Deployment Template .............................................................................. 190 


Copying and Reusing an Existing Deployment Template............................................. 192 


Managing Bookmarks for Deployment Templates ....................................................... 195 

9  Deployments......................................................................................................................... 198 

Affirming Deployment Information .............................................................................. 200 


Identifying an Issued Weapon ....................................................................................... 201 


Updating SOFA Requirements ...................................................................................... 203 


Entering a Person’s In-Theater Arrival Date (ITAD) .................................................... 204 


Manually Entering the ITAD ................................................................................ 205 


Automatically Populating the ITAD ..................................................................... 206 


Validating or Changing the Automatically Populated ITAD ............................... 207 


Entering a Person’s Duty Station Check-in Date .......................................................... 210 


Updating Points of Contact............................................................................................ 213 


Updating Deployment Information ............................................................................... 215 


Referencing Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders .................................... 218 


Adding Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders................................... 219 


Updating Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders................................ 220 


Removing Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders .............................. 221 


Cancelling a Deployment .............................................................................................. 222 


Updating a Person’s Status for a Deployed Person .................................................... 224 


Changing a Deployment Duty Station ....................................................................... 226 


Updating Visa Information......................................................................................... 228 


Redeployments .................................................................................................................. 230 

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Planning a Redeployment........................................................................................... 230 


Closing Out a Deployment ......................................................................................... 232 


Deployment History and LOAs ........................................................................................ 240 


Viewing Deployment History .................................................................................... 240 


Viewing Duty Station History .................................................................................... 243 


Viewing JAMMS Movements ................................................................................... 244 


Viewing and Printing LOAs ....................................................................................... 245 


Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 247 


Searching for Equipment ............................................................................................ 247 


Adding Equipment ..................................................................................................... 250 


Reports .............................................................................................................................. 252 


Types of SPOT Reports.............................................................................................. 252 


Accessing SPOT Reports ........................................................................................... 253 


Accessing a Sample Report Generated in SPOT ....................................................... 255 


Accessing the Operations Visibility Report ............................................................... 257 


Accessing the OCSIC Affirmation Report ................................................................. 264 


Accessing the SOFA Operations Visibility Report .................................................... 269 


Account Information ......................................................................................................... 274 


Requesting Additional Roles ...................................................................................... 274 


Viewing User Information ......................................................................................... 280 


Changing a Password ................................................................................................. 281 


Adding a Certificate Credential.................................................................................. 283 

Appendix A: Getting Started in SPOT........................................................................................ 285 
SPOT Registration ................................................................................................................... 285 
Rules of Behavior .................................................................................................................... 291 
SPOT Log in With an Authorized PKI Certificate .................................................................. 291 
SPOT User Name and Password Accounts ............................................................................. 294 
SPOT Log in With a User Name and Password Account ....................................................... 295 
Home Page ............................................................................................................................... 298 
Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................. 300 
Role Context Change ............................................................................................................... 301 
Automated Processes ............................................................................................................... 302 
Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................ 304 
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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Table 1. SPOT User Roles and Descriptions .................................................................................. 2 
Table 2. Icons and Symbols in SPOT ............................................................................................. 4 
Table 3: Deployment Status Icons .............................................................................................. 131 
Table 4: LOA Status and Definitions.......................................................................................... 144 
Table 5: SPOT Deployment States ............................................................................................. 200 
Table 6: SPOT Company Administrator Additional Roles ........................................................ 274 

Figure 1: LOA Workflow ........................................................................................................... 111 
Figure 2: Page 1 of Sample LOA................................................................................................ 113 
Figure 3: Page 2 of Sample LOA................................................................................................ 114 
Figure 4: Contractor Company User Home Page View.............................................................. 299 

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

1 Introduction


This document provides Company Administrators with the information required to enter and
maintain contract and deployment data for contractor personnel, as well as to create reports
pertaining to deployments of company personnel in the Synchronized Predeployment and
Operational Tracker (SPOT) application.


The Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker – Enterprise Suite (SPOT-ES) is the
joint enterprise suite of systems employed for the management, tracking, and visibility of
contracted capabilities and contractors authorized to accompany U.S. forces overseas. SPOT-ES
captures data relating to logistics, operations, planning, and reporting of contractor status, and
makes it available to government agency stakeholders.
SPOT-ES consists of three applications: Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker
(SPOT), Total Operational Picture Support System (TOPSS), and Joint Asset Movement
Management System (JAMMS). JAMMS systems are standalone systems placed in military
installations that are currently non-networked. SPOT and TOPSS are hosted on both Non-secure
Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) and Secure Internet Protocol Route Network
(SIPRNet) environments.

For information about supported browsers, click the Which browsers can I use with
SPOT? link on the SPOT “Login” page.
Contract and task order number formats that display depend on the contracting agency
selected for the contract. Note that some examples in this document for Department of
Defense (DoD) agencies may use 4-character task order numbers, but the 13-character
format is preferred.

SPOT was designated by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) as the system of record,
in accordance with Department of Defense Instructions (DoDI) 3020.41. It is a single, joint
enterprise system employed for the management, tracking, and visibility of contractors
accompanying U.S. armed forces overseas. It has a standardized front-end user interface for use
by defense contractors, government agencies, and the military. SPOT tracks information about
contracts and task orders, persons supporting those contracts and task orders, and deployments of
those persons. SPOT also produces the Letter of Authorization (LOA) for deployed contractor
JAMMS is an information technology application developed to capture movement and location
information about operating forces, government civil servants, and government contractors in
specified operational theaters.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

TOPSS is the reporting and analysis component of SPOT-ES for use by Government employees.
As an ad hoc business intelligence reporting system, TOPSS puts information in the hands of
analysts so they can make immediate and effective decisions.
A key benefit of SPOT is its technology integration. SPOT integrates with existing system-ofrecord applications to provide up-to-date information related to contracts and contractors. For
example, SPOT tracks contractor movements through its interface with JAMMS, and validates
contractor identity (for U.S. citizens) by interfacing with the Defense Manpower Data Center
(DMDC) Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). SPOT also features a
graphical user interface (GUI) with intuitive business flows based on user roles.
The following sections provide basic information about SPOT and how it works.

User Roles

Because SPOT limits access to certain data and functions based on your role, an important part
of obtaining a SPOT account is getting the proper role for the work you have to perform. Table 1
lists all user roles available in SPOT and their key distinctions. An asterisk identifies those roles
available for assignment to contactor company personnel (*).
Note: Many of the roles identified by an asterisk (*) are limited to being assigned to those
support contractor personnel in government offices/agencies.
The focus of this user manual is for the Company Administrator role. Therefore, throughout this
document, screenshots are from the perspective of that role, even though contractor personnel
may have other roles besides Company Administrator assigned to them.
Note: Available data and functions are based on user roles and the user’s affiliated organizations.
Table 1. SPOT User Roles and Descriptions

Role Name
Basic Report User *
Company Administrator *

Company Employee (Self
Tracker) *

Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Role Description
Generates SPOT standard reports for the company or
organization with which the user is registered.
 Manages information (such as personnel and
deployment) for contractor company employees.
 Able to create and maintain deployments for persons
associated with the company and subcontractor
companies through contract or task order relationships.
 Able to request and recall (to a limited extent) LOAs for
persons associated with the company and subcontractor
companies through contract or task order relationships.
 Able to add and edit Private Security Contractor (PSC)
and Contractor-Owned Contractor- Operated (COCO)
Contractor company employee with the privilege to enter
and view the individual’s own basic personal information in


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Role Name
Contracting Administrator *

Contracting Officer (KO)

Contractor Accountability
Equipment Manager
Global Report User
Government Administrator *

Government Administrator
with Global Report User
Government Authority (GA)

Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Role Description
 Government or military employee who creates and
manages contract and task order information in SPOT.
 Able to search, add, and update contracts and task orders
within the Contracting Offices with which this user is
registered or associated.
 Government or military employee who creates and
manages contract and task order information in SPOT.
 Only role that can assign Authorized Government
Services (AGS) and Company billing information to
contracts, task orders, and LOAs.
 Able to search, add, and update all contracts and task
orders related to this user’s Contracting Office.
 Able to search, review, deny, revoke, recall, and approve
 Able to add and update contractor counts
Government or military administrator who monitors and
provides oversight for deployed contractors.
Able to search, view, and update equipment for any
company or contract.
Able to create custom reports within SPOT for the
organization with which the user is registered.
 Government or military employee who manages
deployment and LOA information in SPOT.
 Able to search, add, and update any person by full Social
Security Number (SSN) or Foreign Identification
Number (FIN).
 Able to search, add, and update all contracts and task
orders with which the user is registered or associated.
 Able to create and maintain deployments for any persons
related to the organization(s) with which the user is
registered or associated.
 Able to request LOAs.
Same permissions as Government Administrator, as well as
the ability to create custom reports within SPOT for the
organization with which this user is registered or associated.
 Government or military employee who manages
deployment and LOA information in SPOT.
 Able to search, request, review, deny, recall, and
authorize LOAs.
 Able to search, update, and edit any person by full SSN
or FIN.
 Able to search, update, and edit all contracts and task
orders related to the organization(s) with which the role
is associated.


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Role Name
Government Authority with
Global Report User
JAMMS Administrator *
JAMMS Report User *

Role Description
 Able to create and maintain deployments.
Same permissions as Government Authority, as well as
ability to create custom reports within SPOT for the
organization with which this user is associated.
Responsible for uploading JAMMS files into SPOT.
Accesses JAMMS reports in SPOT only.

 DoD policy requires a Sponsor to approve and validate
the need for users to access the SPOT-ES applications.
 For Contractor Company users, the users should enter
their supervisor or someone from their Human Resources
(HR) department when registering to access SPOT.
 For the Government and Military user community, the
users must enter their Government or Military Supervisor
information when registering to access SPOT.
 For individuals requesting a SPOT User Name and
Password account, the user must have a Government or
Military Sponsor with an active SPOT account to submit
the User Name Password Account form and request a
SPOT proxy account. All User Name and Password
accounts must be approved by the SPOT Program
Management Office (PMO).
 Sponsors for SPOT Secure Internet Protocol Router
(SIPR) and Total Operational Picture Support System
(TOPSS) users must be either U.S. Government or U.S.
Military personnel.
**A Sponsor plays an important role in the SPOT registration process; however, Sponsor is not
an actual role in SPOT.
Sponsor **


Icons, Symbols, and Controls in SPOT

The SPOT GUI uses several standard symbols, icons, buttons, and field types. The following
table lists the icons and symbols in SPOT, as well as a description of what each icon or symbol
Table 2. Icons and Symbols in SPOT



Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Name and Description
Add: Indicates that an “Add” function is
Asterisk (Red): Indicates that a field is
Bookmark: Indicates that the person list or
deployment template is bookmarked.
Calendar: Opens a calendar for selecting a


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Name and Description
Checkbox: Click to select the checkbox; a
check mark appears. Click again to clear the
Collapse: Use to collapse an expanded
Drop-Down List: A pre-set list of data entries.
Click the down arrow on the right side of a
drop-down list field to open the drop-down
Expand: Use to expand a collapsed section.
Go: A button next to a data field that adds
value(s) from the field to the data table or
brings up a page to execute selected functions.
Green Circle: Indicates you can proceed to
the next step of the deployment/LOA process
because the required person(s) and batch
information have been provided.
Green Circle with Tools: Indicates
deployment contract/task order does not match
the contract/task order assigned when the
prime company added the person to SPOT.
Continuing will modify the previous prime
company and contract/task order relationship
when this deployment is created.
Help (?): Opens a pop-up window with
additional information specific to the adjacent
Number Links: At the bottom of a data table,
number links indicate there is more data than
is displayed on the page at one time. Clicking
a number will change the view to that page of
the data.
Organization Hierarchy: Opens a pop-up
window that displays an organization
hierarchy from which you can find and select
the desired data.
Pencil: Opens a search window or a list of
values from which you can find and select the
desired data.
Radio Buttons: Indicates a Yes/No or
Either/Or-type question where you may select
only one of the options.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual



The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Name and Description
Ready for Deployment: The deployment
template, person list, or person is ready for
Ready for Deployment/LOA: The
deployment template, person list, or person is
ready for deployment and LOA.
Ready for LOA: The deployment template,
person list, or person is ready for LOA.
Red Octagon: Indicates you cannot proceed to
the next step of the deployment/LOA process.
Refresh or Reload: Refreshes the data on the
Remove: Indicates a “Remove” function is
Required field for deployment
Required field for LOA request
Search: Indicates a “Search” function is
available. Opens a search window from which
you can find and select the desired data.
Self-help video: Launches a how-to video for
the workflow where the link/button is located.
SPOT-ES Logo: Takes you to the “Home”
Text Field: A data entry field that allows you
to enter data as free text.
Text Field Mask: A set of underlines, dashes,
or other special characters appearing in a text
field. Indicates you must enter data in the field
in a specific format.
Please wait: Indicates the system is busy
processing data and no inputs can be accepted
during this time.
Yellow Triangle: Indicates you need to
complete required information to proceed to
the next step of the deployment/LOA process.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual



Throughout SPOT, tabs appear in workflows that require multiple steps, such as Add Person and
Eligibility Requirements.
In addition, the “Tab” feature lets you open another occurrence of a workflow or task. The “Tab”
feature is available in areas such as Deployment/LOA, Deployment Template, Person List, and
Resource Center.
The “Tab” feature has the following characteristics:


Currently, SPOT is configured so you can open a maximum of five tabs at one time.
If you try to open more than five tabs, a message will appear and no additional tabs will
The tab width is fixed and displays the first 25 characters of the tab title. Tabs are left
justified. If a tab’s title is more than 25 characters, the first 22 characters of the tab title
followed by “...” will be displayed. If you hover over the title, the system will display the
complete tab title.

Getting Help with SPOT

If you need assistance in accessing or using SPOT, there are several resources available. These
resources include:

SPOT-ES Resource Center – The Resource Center option in the menu bar links to
several libraries and information regarding the SPOT application and the SPOT
Enterprise Suite. Each library contains user manuals, quick reference guides, information
sheets, and other reference documentation. You can search for and view documents based
on keyword searches. The search will take into account document title, filename, and
document content.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Each library displays the relevant documents for user reference. For example, to access
documentation related to the SPOT application, hover the mouse over the Resource
Center option in the menu bar and click the SPOT Library link. The “SPOT Library”
page will display, listing documents specific to SPOT. The left navigation menu contains
the same options as the menu bar.

When a library page is open, you can open another library from either the menu bar or the
left navigation menu. For example, click the SPOT-ES Library link to access
documentation related to the SPOT Enterprise Suite.

The “SPOT-ES Library” page will display, listing documents for the SPOT Enterprise

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

When a library page is open, you can search for documents by clicking the Search link
from the Resource Center option in the menu bar or from the left navigation menu. The
“Search Resource Center” page will display.

Enter a keyword in the search field and click Search. The search takes into account
document title, filename, and document content. The search results will display.
Note: The search returns whole word matches and not partial matches.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

From the search results, select a document to view or save to your local machine.
Note: By default, the “Search Resource Center” returns results in pages containing 25
documents. You can use the drop-down list above the search results to change the
maximum number of documents per page to display 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, or 500
documents. The pagination feature at the bottom of the page allows you to scroll forward
and backward between pages.



A Contact Us link is located in the upper-right hand corner and is available on every
screen in the application. When you click the link, the “Contact Us” pop-up window
opens and displays the SPOT-ES Help Desk information. This allows you to easily
describe your issue to the help desk and quickly obtain a solution. To move the “Contact
Us” pop-up window, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to drag the


SPOT-ES Help Desk is staffed 24x7 by technical support specialists:
o Phone: (703) 578-5407
o Email: [email protected]
o Chat:
Managing Connection Timeouts

For security purposes, SPOT is configured to terminate user sessions after 15 minutes of
inactivity. Prior to terminating a session, SPOT displays a warning message indicating your
session is going to expire.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

If you do not click Continue to extend your session, the session will terminate. When this
occurs, the system will require you to log in again. You may also need to reenter your Certificate
PIN to access the system.

2 Common Features
This section describes search features that are common to the entire SPOT system, including
search for duty station, job title, company, and organization. In addition, this section also
includes how to submit a new site request, request a new company, and view and explore an
organization hierarchy.
Note: Search features that belong to a specific module, such as search for LOA, person, or
contract/task order, are described with their specific module.

Searching for a Duty Station

The “Search for Duty Station” capability is available when you need to perform a task such as
creating a deployment, updating a duty station, creating a deployment template, completing a
person’s next of kin information, or entering a person’s duty station check-in date.
1. On any page that displays the “Search for Duty Station” capability, click the Search icon
( ). A “Duty Station” window will display.
The following example displays the “Search for Duty Station” capability on the “Step 1.
Deployment Information” tab of the “Create Deployment s/Request LOAs” page.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. Enter the search criteria. If you know the name of the site, enter the name in the Site
field. If you do not know the name of the site, enter/select Country and then City and



A duty station location in SPOT is the combination of country, state (if USA),
city, and site. A duty station location contains at least a country and a city, and a
specific site if base access is required. For city only deployments, choose a
location where the site is a dash “-“.This applies to contractors who do not need
base access or contractors deployed to a city where there is no nearby base,
station, fort, or airport.
The State field is displayed only when the country selected is the United States.
As you type, the window automatically displays values that match the search
criteria and begins filtering the result set to match the entered data. Click the
desired value from the drop-down list and the subsequent data fields will

Example 1 – Use if you are unsure of the site name or the site is not available.
Begin to type and then select a Country name and a list of available sites within
the county will display.

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Begin to type and then select a City name and a list of available sites within the
city will display.

Begin to type and then select a Site name and a list of sites that match your entry
will display.

Select the site from the populated list. If the site you need is not available, see
Section 2.2, Submitting a New Site.

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Although you can scroll down, sort, or page through the list of available
sites within a county until the desired site is located, it is better to continue
to enter City and Site search criteria until you find the correct location.
By default, the search returns results in pages containing 25 records. You
can use the drop-down list above the search results to change the
maximum number of records per page to display 10, 50, 100, 250, or 500
records. The pagination feature at the bottom of the page allows you to
scroll forward and backward between pages.
The search results are listed in alphabetical order by state (if USA) or by
city. To sort by a different column, click in the column heading. Click
again to toggle between ascending and descending order.

Example 2 – Use to search directly for a site or city.
Enter either the Site name or the City name. For example, the easiest way to
search for Camp Arifjan is to begin typing Arifjan directly in the Site field.
After you type the first three characters, SPOT displays options that match your
entry. As you continue to type, SPOT refines the available options. For example,
Camp Arifjan becomes available as a selection.
If the desired site or city does not populate, verify the correct spelling of the
name. Click Clear to clear your entries or click Cancel or the Close icon (X) to
close the search window; then conduct the search again.

Select the site or city from the populated list. For example, select Camp Arifjan,
which is located in the city of Kuwait City, Kuwait, as the deployment site. SPOT
will populate the Primary Deployed Duty Station field with your selection, such
as Camp Arifjan, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

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3. When the desired duty station location is displayed, click it to select the location. The
window closes and fields for the selected duty station are populated on the original page.


Submitting a New Site Request

If you cannot find the required site through a search, you can request that a new site be added.
Note: Submitting a new site for Afghanistan is no longer available.
1. Click the Add icon ( ) for the “Submit New Site” option. The “Submit New Site”
window will display.

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2. If you previously attempted to search for a duty station, the information will be populated
with the previous selections. If the city was not selected before, enter the city name. A
table will automatically display the list of cities that match the data entered. When the
desired city is displayed, click the city to populate the City field.

3. Enter the name for the new site in the Site field and click Submit.
A pop-up window opens with a message stating the new site will be reviewed and
approved before use.

4. Click OK to return to the “Primary Deployed Duty Station” search window. Until the
newly added site is approved, you will need to select the desired duty station location
with only the city selected.
If the new site is approved, you will need to update the duty station for all deployments
created when requesting the new site because all those deployments are only at the city

Searching for a Job Title/Entering a Job Title

The “Search for Job Title” capability is available when you need to perform tasks such as
creating a deployment, updating deployment information, or creating a person list.
1. On a page that displays the “Search for Job Title” capability, do one of the following:

To enter the job title for a person, click the Search icon ( ) associated with the
To enter the job title for multiple persons in the person list, click one or more
checkboxes to select the person(s) and click the Bulk Job Title link.

A “Job Title” window will display.

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The following example displays the “Search for Job Title” capability on the “Step 2.
Personnel Information” tab of the “Create Deployment s/Request LOAs” page.

2. Enter the name of the job title in the Search field. The table will automatically display
job titles that match the entered data.



SPOT uses Department of Labor standardized job titles, as defined in O*NET
For Private Security Contractors, you must select one of the following three job
o First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives
o Police Patrol Officers
o Security Guards
By default, the search returns results in pages containing 25 records. You can use the
drop-down list above the search results to change the maximum number of records
per page to display 10, 50, 100, 250, or 500 records. The pagination feature at the
bottom of the page allows you to scroll forward and backward between pages.
The search results are listed in alphabetical order by category. To sort by a different
column, click in the column heading. Click again to toggle between ascending and
descending order.

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3. When the desired job title is displayed, click the desired row to select it. The window
closes and the selected job title is populated on the original page.
Note: If you hover over a job title, a tooltip will display the complete text of the job title.



Searching for a Company

The “Search for Company” capability is available when you need to perform tasks such as
adding a task order or managing contractor companies.
Note: You can also search for a company from the SPOT menu bar (see Section 3.1).
1. On any page that displays the “Search for Company” capability, depending on the page,
click the Search icon ( ) or the Add icon ( ) for the “Add Contractor Company”
option. The “Search for Company” window will display.
The following example displays the “Search for Company” capability with the Add icon
( ) on the “Add Task Order Details” page.
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2. Enter search criteria for at least one field. For the Company Name field, enter at least
three characters in order to search. Click Search. The search results display companies
that match the entered search criteria.
o By default, the search returns results in pages containing 10 records. You can use
the drop-down list above the search results to change the maximum number of
records per page to display 10, 50, 100, 250, or 500 records. The pagination
feature at the bottom of the page allows you to scroll forward and backward
between pages.
o The search results are listed in alphabetical order by company name. To sort by a
different column, click in the column heading. Click again to toggle between
ascending and descending order.

3. Click Select next to the company you wish to select. The window closes and the selected
company is populated on the original page.
Note: The search results section displays both the Company Name and Company
Acronym fields, regardless of whether you enter search criteria in one or both fields.

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Requesting a New Company

If the required company is not found through a search during a task, you have the ability to
request that a new company be added to SPOT’s list of selectable companies.
Note: The ability to request a new company is not available when company contractor personnel
try to register for SPOT. If persons trying to register cannot find their company name in SPOT,
they must contact the SPOT-ES Help Desk at [email protected] or (703) 578-5407.
1. Click the Can’t find your Company? link. The “Request New Company” window will

2. Enter the company information and click Submit.

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A pop-up window will display a message to indicate the company name has been
submitted for approval.
3. Click OK to return to the “Search for Company” window.

4. Click Cancel to close the “Search for Company” window and return to the original page.

You will receive an email to notify you if the requested company name is approved,
approved with comments, approved with changes and comments, or denied with
5. If the company name is approved (or approved with comments/changes), perform the
search again for the newly created company. The company will display in the search
results. If necessary, click the page number button at the bottom of the window until you
locate the new company name.

6. Click Select next to the company you wish to select. The window closes and the selected
company is populated on the original page.

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Searching for a Government Organization

The “Search for Government Organization” capability is available when you need to perform
tasks such as creating a deployment, requesting an LOA, or creating a deployment template. The
search provides an option for you to select an organization by viewing the organizational
hierarchy first. This will allow you to browse and drill down through organizations in the
application to ensure you select the appropriate organization.
1. On any page that displays the “Search for Organization” capability, click the Search icon
( ). The “Supporting Government Organization” window will display.
The following example displays the “Search for Organization” capability on the “Step 1.
Deployment Information” tab of the “Create Deployments/Request LOAs” page.

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2. Enter the name of the organization in the Search field. When the desired organization is
displayed, click the appropriate row to select the organization. The window closes and
the selected organization is populated on the original page.


If you enter three or more characters, the matching search results will be displayed
If you enter two or fewer characters, click Search to display the search results.

Viewing and Exploring an Organization Hierarchy

At any time during the organization search, click an Organization Hierarchy icon to view the
organization hierarchy. The “Organization Tree View” provides a high-level view or you can
drill down to view a specific organization’s hierarchy. Within a specific organization’s hierarchy,
you can select subordinate organizations.
Note: Organizations that have a blue and green colored hierarchy icon ( ) are selectable as
supporting organizations. Organizations that have a white colored hierarchy icon ( ) are not
selectable as supporting organizations
2.7.1 Viewing an Organization Tree
To view an organization tree:
1. Click the Organization Hierarchy icon in the upper right hand corner. The
“Organization Tree View” window will display. This is a high-level view, showing the
tier 1 organizations. None of these tier 1 organizations can be selected as a supporting

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2. To view the children of an organization, click the triangle icon associated with the

The selected organization will display its children.

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3. To view more information, hover over an organization and a small pop-up window
displays details, including the long name, acronym, whether the organization is also a
contracting office in SPOT.

4. To hide the children of an expanded organization, click the highlighted triangle.

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5. To exit the view, click Cancel or the Close icon (X).

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2.7.2 Viewing a Specific Organization Hierarchy
To view an organization hierarchy:
1. Click the Organization Hierarchy icon associated with an organization in the search

From this view, you can perform different actions. See the following steps for options.

2. To view more information, hover over an organization and a small pop-up window will
display details.

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3. To view other high-level organizations, use the scroll bar on the right.

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4. To select an organization at a specific level, click an active, selectable Organization
Hierarchy icon; the icon must be green and blue, not white. For organizations with white
icons, drill down to a selectable subordinate organization.

You will return to the original page where you launched the organization search. The
selected organization will be populated in the Supporting Government Organization

5. To exit the view without selecting an organization, click Cancel or the Close icon (X).

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3 Companies
The “Company Administration” feature is available to the Company Contractor and Government
user communities. This section provides instructions on searching for a company and requesting
a new company.

Searching for a Company

Before attempting a task that requires you to select a company, search to see if the company is in
SPOT’s list of selectable companies.
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Company”, click the Search link.

The “Search Company” tab will display on the “Company Administration” page.

2. Enter search criteria for at least one field. To clear entries and search again, click Clear.
o For the Search Company Name field, enter at least three characters.
o For the Search Company Acronym field, enter at least two characters.
As you enter the minimum required search criteria, search results display companies that
match your entries.

The search results displays both the Company Name and Company Acronym fields
regardless of whether you enter search criteria in one or both fields.


By default, the search returns results in pages containing 25 records. The pagination
feature at the bottom of the page allows you to scroll forward and backward between


The search results are listed in alphabetical order by company name. To sort by a
different column, click in the column heading. Click again to toggle between
ascending and descending order.

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Requesting a New Company

If the required company is not found through a search, you have the ability to request that a new
company be added to SPOT’s list of selectable companies.
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Company”, click the Request link.

The “Request Company” tab will display on the “Company Administration” page.

2. Enter the company information. Company Name and Company Acronym are required.
Click Submit.

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A pop-up window will display a message to indicate the company name has been
submitted for approval.
o If the request is urgent, contact the SPOT-ES Help Desk to expedite the approval
o If the requested company already exists or you have already submitted a request
for this company, the message indicates this in the pop-up window.

3. Click OK to return to the “Request Company” tab.

You will receive an email to notify you if the requested company name is approved,
approved with comments, approved with changes and comments, or denied with

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After the company name is approved (or approved with comments/changes), you can
perform a task that requires you to select this company.

4 Contracts and Task Orders
The “Manage Contracts and Task Orders” feature is available to the Company Contractor and
Government user communities. SPOT allows these users to enter basic contract data and
information about related task orders. Users will also establish the relationship between a
contractor company serving as the prime contractor and those serving as subcontractors for the
contract and task order.
This section provides instructions on searching for a contract or task order, adding a new contract
or task order, and managing the details of a contract or task order.
Note: These functions are normally performed by government personnel or contractor personnel,
although SPOT currently permits Company Administrators to enter pertinent contract

Searching for a Contract

Before attempting to add a new contract into the SPOT system, perform a search to ensure that
the contract does not exist in the system. This will maintain data integrity in the system. You
should also perform a search for a contract if you need to update an existing contract.
1. Use one of two ways to search for a contract:

From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Contracts”, click the Search link.


From the “Start Here” section of the “Home” page, click the Search for Contract

The “Search for Contract” page will display.
Note: The drop down menu displayed under the SPOT menu will be determined by the
role in which you are currently using. As previously mentioned, the screenshots apply to
the role of Company Administrator. If you are using other roles such as Contracting
Administrator, you will not see the Add a Person or Search for Person options on the
“Home” page and the menu bar drop-down menu.

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2. Enter the search criteria and click Search for Contracts. The “Search for Contract” page
will display a list of contracts that match the search criteria. The search disregards nonalphanumeric characters and embedded spaces, and is not case-sensitive. This means you
do not need to know the exact format of the contract number in order to search for it.


Your role and company will determine which contracts are available to view. Your
company must be the prime on the contract/task order in order for you to see it as a
Company Administrator.
If you click Search for Contracts without entering search criteria, all accessible
contracts will display.
The search results include all contract numbers containing the characters in the
Contract Number field, whether the alphanumeric characters appear at the
beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the contract number. For example, if you
enter abc in the Contract Number field, one of the results can be poh12abcre.
When you enter at least three alphanumeric characters in the Contract Number field,
a drop-down list automatically lists the top five matching contract numbers that begin
with the alphanumeric characters entered in the field. If you click to select a contract
in the drop-down list, the contract number populates in the Contract Number field.

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3. In the Contract Number column of the search results, click the desired contract to view
contract details. The “Manage Contracts” page will display.

4. To return to the “Search for Contract” page, click Return to Search. The “Search for
Contract” page will display; however, the contract search fields will not display the
previously entered search criteria or generated search results.

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Searching for a Task Order

From the “Manage Contracts” page, you can select and view the details of a task order associated
with a contract.
Not all contracts have task orders. The “Manage Contracts” page displays a drop-down list
allowing you to select a task order if one is associated with the contract. When there are no
associated task orders, the Select Task Order drop-down list is not displayed and the “No
associated Task Order(s)” message indicates that there are no associated task orders.

To search for a task order, complete the following steps:
1. Search for and select a contract. The “Manage Contracts” page will display.
2. On the “Manage Contracts” page, select the desired task order from the Select Task
Order drop-down list and click Go ( ). The “Manage Task Order” page will display.

3. To perform an action on a task order, select a task order action from the Select Task
Order Action drop-down list. Click Go ( ).
4. To return to the “Manage Contracts” page, click Return to Manage Contracts.

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Adding a Contract
1. Use one of two ways to add a contract:

From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Contracts”, click the Add link.


From the “Search for Contract” page, click the Add a Contract link.



The “Add/Update Contract Details” page will display.

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9 (TBC)






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2. In the “Manage Contractor Companies” section, select subcontractor companies, if
applicable. The prime contractor company is automatically populated for the Company
Administrator and can only be changed by a Contracting Officer.

Only one prime contractor company is assigned to a contract.
The prime contractor company defaults to the company associated with your account
that is registered in SPOT.
If you select Yes in step 13 for adding a new task order, adding subcontractor
companies is not allowed at the contract level.
If you select No in step 13, adding subcontractor companies is allowed at the contract
level; however, if one or more task orders are added later, functionalities (such as
deployments and LOAs) must be performed at the task order level. Therefore,
subcontractor companies should be entered at the contract level only if the contract
has no associated task orders.

To add a subcontractor company at the contract level, complete the following steps:
a. In the “Manage Contractor Companies” section, click the Add Contractor Company
link. The “Search for Company” window will display.

b. Perform a search and select the company. For instructions on searching for a
company or requesting that a new company name be added to SPOT, see Sections
2.4, 2.5, and/or Section 3, Companies. The selected company will be added to the list
of subcontractor companies.
c. To add multiple subcontractor companies, repeat step 2a and 2b.
d. To remove a subcontractor company, click the Remove icon ( ). The company will
be removed from the list.

3. In the “Contract Information” section, select the appropriate contracting agency from the
Contracting Agency drop-down list.
Note: The contracting agency is the agency that provides the ultimate warranting
authority to the contracting office. In most cases, it will be the service, such as Dept. of
the Army, Dept. of the Air Force, or Dept. of the Navy. Only if the Contracting Officer
works for a contracting office that reports directly under the DoD, should Dept. of
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Defense be selected as the contracting agency. For a grant or agreement, select Dept. of
Defense (Grants and Agreements) as the contracting agency.

4. Enter the Contract Number.
Notes: The selected Contracting Agency determines the Contract Number format and
field length. After you select the Contracting Agency, a Help button ( ) will appear
next to the Contract Number label. For information about the contract number format,
click the Help button ( ). A “Help” pop-up window displays. The “Help” window will
be specific to the agency selected. Click Close when you are finished.

For DoD agency contracts, a text field input mask will display on the Contract
Number field to indicate the proper input format. For information on the format of
DoD agency contract numbers, click the Help button ( ).

Dept. of Defense Example


For DoD (Grants and Agreements) contracts, no input mask will display on the
Contract Number field to indicate the input format. For information on the format of
DoD (Grants and Agreements) contract numbers, click the Help button ( ).

Dept. of Defense (Grants and Agreements) Example


For Dept. of State (DoS) contracts, the Contract Number field will be prepopulated
with a contract number beginning with the digits 19. The Contract Number field
will require you to input a proper contract or grant/agreement number. For
information on the format of DoS contract numbers, click the Help button ( ).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Dept. of State Example


For Dept. of State (Grants and Agreements) contracts, the Contract Number field
will be prepopulated with a contract number beginning with the letter S. The
Contract Number field will require you to input a proper contract or
grant/agreement number. For information on the format of DoS (Grants and
Agreements) contract numbers, click the Help button ( ).

Dept. of State (Grants and Agreements) Example


For contracts for agencies other than DoD, DoD (Grants and Agreements), DoS, and
DoS (Grants and Agreements), no text field input mask will display on the Contract
Number field to indicate the input format. For information on the format of these
contract numbers, click the Help button ( ).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Other Agencies Example

5. Select at least one contract category (selection of multiple categories allowed) from the
Contract Category drop-down list. To add a contract category, click Go ( ) or click the
Add Category link. The contract category is the North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) code.


Contract categories are required for DoD contracting and are used for reporting
purposes. If the contract has task orders, the task order categories should be selected
at this time as well. Only categories selected for the contract will be available for
selection on related task orders. Later, if a task order with new categories needs to be
added, the contract must be updated with the new categories before the task order is
Every added Contract Category is appended to the Category Name list. If you add a
Contract Category in error, click the Remove link and the Category Name list will
be updated accordingly.
If the contractor will be performing any private security requirements, the
contracting officer must also enter the NAICS code of either 561621, 561612, or
922120, regardless of whether it is the primary NAICS code for the contract, or not.

6. Enter the Start and End dates for the contract-funded period of performance (PoP). Enter
the dates using MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward slashes, or select the dates
using the calendar controls.
Note: Enter only the dates for the currently funded and approved contract PoP. Do not
enter dates covering possible contract extensions or option years until they are funded. If
the contract’s PoP is greater than one year in the future, a warning message will appear
when you save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and reflect only
the funded PoP. Click OK to continue adding the contract.

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7. If desired, enter a description of the contract in the Contract Description field.
Note: SPOT provides a count of the maximum characters available.

8. Places of Performance should reflect all countries that contractor personnel will be
performing work, as stipulated in the contract. If it is a worldwide contract, select from
the entire list, as applicable. From Select Countries from List to Add, select each
country where contractors deployed in support of this contract will perform work,
including the primary duty station country.


Single country – To select a single country, click the country’s name and click the
down arrow button ( ) to move your selection to the Selected Countries list. To
undo a selection, click the country in the Selected Countries list and click the up
arrow button ( ).
Multiple countries – Use the Shift (consecutive choices) or CTRL (non-consecutive
choices) keys to select multiple countries and click the down arrow button ( ) to
move them to the Selected Countries list. To undo multiple selections, use the Shift
(consecutive choices) or CTRL (non-consecutive choices) keys to select multiple
countries and click the up arrow button ( ) to move the countries back to the Select
Countries from List to Add list.

For more information, click the Help button ( ) at the right of the Places of
Performance field label. A pop-up window will display and provide information on how
to populate the Places of Performance field, as well as how to avoid possible errors. To
move this window on the screen, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to
drag the window. Click Close when finished.

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9. If any Theater Business Clearance (TBC) countries are selected for Places of
Performance, a table displays a row for each TBC country (currently only Afghanistan).
For each TBC country, click Yes or No to indicate whether a TBC is required and enter
the TBC Number or Reason for TBC Exemption.

If you need help, click the Is TBC Required Help button (

). Click Close when


If you select Yes, you must enter the TBC Number for this contract.

If you do not know the TBC number, click the TBC Number Help button (
additional guidance. Click Close when finished.


) for

If you select No, you must enter a Reason for TBC Exemption. If you select No,
and a TBC is normally required for the country(ies) selected for Places of
Performance, a warning message will appear when you click the Save Contract
Information button. Click OK to acknowledge the message and continue.

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If you have questions about TBC exemptions, click the Reason for TBC Exemption
Help button ( ). Click Close when finished.


TBC information can also be received from the Joint Contracting and Expeditionary
Services (JCXS) via Web Service. As JCXS information is provided to SPOT, an
automated process updates or adds the TBC information for contracts and task orders,
as required.

10. Click Yes or No to indicate whether the contract was awarded competitively, as reflected
in the Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation (FPDS-NG).

11. Select the Contracting Office from the drop-down list. The Contracting Office selection
determines the list of Contracting Officers that display in the Contracting Officer dropdown list.

12. Select the assigned Contracting Officer from the Contracting Officer drop-down list.
The contact information for the Contracting Officer is populated once you select the
Contracting Officer.
Note: When you initially enter contract information, the Contracting Officer field is not
required. However, to issue an LOA against the contract, the Contracting Officer must be
specified so that SPOT can send the LOA request to the correct Contracting Officer for
approval and a digital signature. If multiple Contracting Officers are set up in SPOT for
the same office, any of them can approve LOAs under contracts that are associated with
that Contracting Office.

13. Click Yes or No to indicate whether to add a new task order at this time. You may add
task orders at a later time.
Note: You cannot add a task order to a contract with subcontractor companies. Either
remove any subcontractor companies from the contract (see step 2d) or select No for the
Will you be adding a NEW Task Order? field.

14. Enter one or more Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs).

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a. In the “Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)” section, click the Add a COR

The “Contracting Officer’s Representative” window will display.
b. Enter data in the COR fields and click Add.

The window closes and the COR is added to the COR list.

Note: Sort the COR list by clicking the active links in the column header. Click once
to sort the data in ascending order; click a second time to sort the data in descending
order. By default, the list is sorted by the Last Name column.
c. If necessary, repeat steps 13a and 13b to add another COR.
d. To edit the details of a COR, select the COR’s Last Name link. The “Contracting
Officer’s Representative” detail window will display.
e. Make any necessary updates and click Update. The window closes and the COR list
will update accordingly.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

15. Click Save Contract Information.

The next page displayed depends on your answer to “Will you be adding a NEW task
order?” (see step 13). If Yes was selected, the “Add/Update Task Order Details” page
displays. For more information, see Section 4.4, Adding a Task Order. If No was selected,
the “Manage Contracts” page will display.

Adding a Task Order

To add a task order for an existing contract:
1. On the “Manage Contracts” page, select Add Task Order from the Select Contract
Action drop-down list and click Go ( ).

A task order can also be added during the process of adding a contract.
A Contract Category must be assigned to this contract to add a task order.
A Prime Contractor Company must be selected on the contract to add a task order.


The “Add Task Order Details” page will display. The basic contract information appears
at the top of the page.

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7 (TBC)






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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. Enter the Task Order Number. Each task order for the same contract must have a
unique task order number.
Notes: The agency selected for the associated contract determines the Task Order
Number format and field length. A Help button ( ) will appear next to the Task Order
Number label. For information about the task order number format, click the Help
button ( ). A “Help” pop-up window displays. The “Help” window will be specific to
the agency associated with the contract. Click Close when you are finished.
o For DoD agency contracts, no text field input mask will display on the Task
Order Number field to indicate the input format. For information on the format
of DoD agency task order numbers, click the Help button ( ). The 13-character
task order numbers are preferred. Note that some examples in this document may
use 4-character task order numbers.
Dept. of Defense Example


For DoD (Grants and Agreements) contracts, no text field input mask will display
on the Task Order Number field. For information on the format of DoD (Grants
and Agreements) task order numbers, click the Help button ( ).Dept. of
Defense (Grants and Agreements) Example

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

o For Dept. of State (DoS) contracts, the Task Order Number field will be
prepopulated with a task order number beginning with the l digits 19. The Task
Order Number field will require you to input a proper task order number. For
information on the format of DoS task order numbers, click the Help button ( ).
Dept. of State Example

o For Dept. of State (Grants and Agreements) contracts, the Task Order Number
field will be prepopulated with a task order number beginning with the letter S.
The Task Order Number field will require you to input a proper task order
number. For information on the format of DoS (Grants and Agreements) task
order numbers, click the Help button ( ).
Dept. of State (Grants and Agreements) Example

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


For contracts for agencies other than DoD, DoD (Grants and Agreements), DoS,
and DoS (Grants and Agreements), no text field input mask will display on the
Task Order Number field. For information on the format of these task order
numbers, click the Help button ( ).

Other Agencies Example

3. Select at least one Task Order Category from the drop-down list. This list is restricted
to those categories established at the contract level. Click Go ( ) or the Add Category
To select additional categories, click the drop-down list, select a category, and click Go (
) or the Add Category link.

4. Enter the Start and End dates for the task order’s period of performance (PoP). Enter the
dates (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward slashes), or select the dates using the
calendar controls.


SPOT requires that the task order start date fall within the contract’s POP, which is
identified at the top of the “Add/Update Task Order Details” page. However, the task
order end date can extend up to one year beyond the end date of the contract. If the
task order end date is beyond the contract end date, a warning message will appear
when you save. Click OK to continue adding the task order.
If the task order’s PoP is greater than one year in the future, a warning message will
appear when you save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and
reflect only the funded PoP. Click OK to continue adding the task order.

5. Optionally, enter a Task Order Description.
Note: SPOT provides a count of the maximum characters available.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

6. Places of Performance should reflect all countries that contractor personnel will be
performing work to satisfy the task order, as stipulated in the contract. From Select
Countries from List to Add, select each country where contractors deployed in support
of this task order will perform work, including the primary duty station country.



Single country – To select a single country, click the country’s name and click the
down arrow ( ) to move your selection to the Selected Countries list. To undo a
selection, click the country in the Selected Countries list, and click the up arrow (
Multiple countries – Use the SHIFT (consecutive choices) or CTRL (nonconsecutive choices) keys to select multiple countries and click the down arrow ( )
to move them to the Selected Countries list. To undo multiple selections, use the
SHIFT (consecutive choices) or CTRL (non-consecutive choices) keys to select
multiple countries and click the up arrow ( ) to move the countries back to the
Select Countries from List to Add list.
For contracts that have worldwide execution, select all the countries in the list.

For more information, click the Help button ( ) at the right of the Places of
Performance field label. A pop-up window displays and provides information on how to
populate the Places of Performance field, as well as how to avoid possible errors. To
move the window on the screen, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to
drag the window. Click Close when finished.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

7. If any Theater Business Clearance (TBC) countries are selected for Places of
Performance, a table displays a row for each TBC country (currently only Afghanistan).
For each TBC country, click Yes or No to indicate whether a TBC is required and enter
the TBC Number or Reason for TBC Exemption.

If you need help, click the Is TBC Required Help button (

). Click Close when


If you select Yes, you must enter the TBC Number for this task order.

If you do not know the TBC number, click the TBC Number Help button (
additional guidance. Click Close when finished.


) for

If you select No, you must enter a Reason for TBC Exemption. If you select No and
a TBC is normally required for the country(ies) selected for Places of Performance,
a warning message will appear when you click the Save Task Order Information
button. Click OK to acknowledge the message and continue.

If you have questions about TBC exemptions, click the Reason for TBC Exemption
Help button ( ). Click Close when finished.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


TBC information can also be received from the Joint Contracting and Expeditionary
Services (JCXS) via Web Service. As JCXS information is provided to SPOT, an
automated process updates or adds the TBC information for contracts and task orders,
as required.

8. Click Yes or No to indicate whether the task order was awarded competitively, as
reflected in FPDS-NG.

9. Select the Contracting Office from the Contracting Office drop-down list. The
Contracting Office selection determines the list of Contracting Officers that display in the
Contracting Officer drop-down list.

10. Select the assigned Contracting Officer from the Contracting Officer drop-down list.
The contact information for the Contracting Officer is populated once you select the
Contracting Officer.
Note: When you initially enter task order information, the Contracting Officer field is
not required. However, to issue an LOA against the task order, the Contracting Officer
must be specified so that SPOT can send the LOA request to the correct Contracting
Officer for approval and a digital signature. If multiple Contracting Officers are set up in
SPOT for the same office, any of them can approve LOAs under contracts and task orders
that are associated with that Contracting Office.

11. Enter one or more Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs).
a. In the “Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)” section, click the Add a COR

The “Contracting Officer’s Representative” detail window will display.
b. Enter data in the COR fields and click Add.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

The window closes and the COR is added to the COR list.

Note: Sort the COR list by clicking the active links in the column headings. Click
once to sort the data in ascending order; click a second time to sort the data in
descending order. By default, the list is sorted by the Last Name column.
c. If necessary, repeat steps 11a and 11b to add another COR.
d. To edit the details of a COR, click the COR’s Last Name link. The “Contracting
Officer’s Representative” detail window will display.
e. Make any necessary updates and click Update. The window closes and the COR list
will update accordingly.

12. In the “Manage Contractor Companies” section, select subcontractor companies. The
prime contractor company information is populated for the task order because task orders
inherit prime contractor company information from their associated contract.
Note: Only one prime contractor company is associated with each contract and task order
and is indicated by a green check mark ( ) in the Prime column. The prime contractor
company cannot be changed at the task order level. However, you can add subcontractor

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

companies for a task order. Only the Contracting Officer can change the prime contractor
company at the contract level.
To add a subcontractor company, complete the following steps:
a. In the “Manage Contractor Companies” section, click the Add Contractor Company
link. The “Search for Company” window will display.

b. Perform a search and select the subcontractor company. For instructions on searching
for company or requesting that a new company name be added to SPOT, see Sections
2.4, 2.5 and Section 3, Companies. The selected company will be added to the list of
subcontractor companies.
c. To add multiple subcontractor companies, repeat steps 12a and 12b.

13. Click Save Task Order Information.
The “Manage Task Order” page will display with the confirmation message “The Task
Order has been created successfully”.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Updating Contract Details

From the “Manage Contracts” page, you can update the contract information, including PoP and
other contract details. Only the Contracting Officer appointed to manage a contract can enter and
manage Authorized Government Services (AGS) for persons deploying against the contract. In
addition, the Contract Category field must have a value in it before you can save the contract
details. (Some contracts were created in SPOT before this field became required).
1. Search for and select a contract. The “Manage Contracts” page will display.
2. On the “Manage Contracts” page, from the Select Contract Action drop-down list, select
Update Contract Details and click Go ( ).

The “Add/Update Contract Details” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

3. Update the contract details as required.

You cannot update the Contract Number or the Contracting Agency after the
contract is initially saved. If you need to change either of these fields, contact the
SPOT-ES Help Desk.
Updating the contract’s PoP does not automatically update the task order’s PoP. For
instructions on updating task order details, including the task order’s PoP, see Section
4.6, Updating Task Order Details.
All required fields, which are indicated by a red asterisk (*), must be completed
before you can save the contract information.
If the contract’s PoP is greater than one year in the future, a warning message will
appear when you save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and
reflect only the funded PoP. Click OK to continue updating the contract.
If any Theater Business Clearance (TBC) countries are selected for Places of
Performance, a table displays a row for each TBC country (currently only
Afghanistan). In the Status column, a green check mark ( ) displays if required
TBC fields are complete and a red “X” ( ) displays for legacy data if required TBC
fields are incomplete. Hover over the status icons and a tooltip message displays. To
update TBC information, click Yes or No to indicate whether a TBC is required and
enter the TBC Number or Reason for TBC Exemption.

3. Once the updates are complete, click Save Contract Information. If you selected No for
Is TBC Required, and a TBC is normally required for the country(ies) selected for
Places of Performance, a warning message will appear. Click OK to acknowledge the
message and continue.
The “Manage Contracts” page will display with a message that the contract has been
updated successfully.

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Updating Task Order Details

From the “Task Order Details” page, you can update information about the task order and the list
of associated subcontractors.
1. Search for and select a contract. The “Manage Contracts” page will display.
2. On the “Manage Contracts” page, select the desired task order from the Select Task
Order drop-down list and click Go ( ). The “Manage Task Order” page displays.

3. On the “Manage Task Order” page, select Update Task Order from the Select Task
Order Action drop-down list and click Go ( ).

The “Add Task Order Details” page displays.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. Update the task order details, as required.


You cannot change the Task Order Number or Contracting Agency for the task
order after the contract and task order are initially saved.
Updating the task order’s PoP does not automatically update the contract’s PoP.
SPOT requires that the task order start date fall within the contract’s PoP, but the task
order end date can exceed the contract’s PoP end date by 365 days (1 year). If the task
order end date is beyond the contract end date, a warning message will appear when
you save. Click OK to continue updating the task order.
If the task order’s PoP is greater than one year in the future, a warning message will
appear when you save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and
reflect only the funded PoP. Click OK to continue updating the task order.
If any Theater Business Clearance (TBC) countries are selected for Places of
Performance, a table displays a row for each TBC country (currently only
Afghanistan). In the Status column, a green check mark ( ) displays if required
TBC fields are complete and a red “X” ( ) displays for legacy data if required TBC
fields are incomplete. Hover over the status icons and a tooltip message displays. To
update TBC information, click Yes or No to indicate whether a TBC is required and
enter the TBC Number or Reason for TBC Exemption.

5. Once the updates are complete, click Save Task Order Information. If you selected No
for Is TBC Required, and a TBC is normally required for the country(ies) selected for
Places of Performance, a warning message will appear. Click OK to acknowledge the
message and continue.
The “Manage Task Order” page will display with a message that the task order has been
updated successfully.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Managing Contractor Companies

You can manage Contractor Companies for your contracts and task orders from the “Manage
Contractor Companies” page. For contracts with one or more task orders, you must perform
functions such as deployments and LOAs at the task order level. As a result, subcontractor
companies added at the contract level will not be used for these cases. Therefore, you should

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

enter contractor companies at the contract level only when the contract has no associated task
The following limitations apply to managing contractor companies:

Only a Contracting Officer can change the prime contractor company, but only if there
are no open or active deployments associated with a contract.


If there are open or active deployments for contracts/task orders, all roles (Company
Administrator, Government Authority/Administrator and Contracting
Officer/Administrator) can add additional subcontractor companies, but not remove
subcontractor companies.


If a contract is associated with open or active deployments, Letters of Authorization
(LOAs), deployment templates, subcontractor persons, or equipment, and the Contracting
Officer needs to change the prime contractor company, contact the SPOT-ES Help Desk
to request changes.

To manage contractor companies:
1. Search for a contract. For instructions, see Section 4.1, Searching for a Contract. The
“Manage Contracts” page will display
2. Depending on whether you are managing companies for contracts or task orders,
complete one of the following steps:
o To manage contractor companies for a contract with no task orders, select
Manage Contractor Companies from the Select Contract Action drop-down
list. Click Go ( ).The “Manage Contractor Companies” page will display.

o To manage contractor companies for a task order, select the task order from the
Select Task Order drop-down list. Click Go ( ).The “Manage Task Order”
page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

On the “Manage Task Order” page, select Manage Contractor Companies from the
Select Task Order Action drop-down list. Click Go ( ).The “Manage Contractor
Companies” page will display.

From the “Manage Contractor Companies” page, you can add subcontractor companies.
If the contract/task order is not associated with open or active deployments, a Remove
icon ( ) appears and you can remove subcontractor companies. For add and remove
instructions, see steps 3 and 4.
Note: Only Contracting Officers can change the prime contractor company at the contract

3. To add a subcontractor company to the selected contract or task order, complete the
following steps:
a. Click the Add Contractor Company link. The “Search for Company” window will

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

b. Search for and select the company. For instructions on searching for a company or
requesting that a new company name be added to SPOT, see Sections 2.4, 2.5, and
Section 3, Companies. The selected company will be added to the “Manage
Contractor Companies” page.

c. To add another subcontractor company, repeat steps 3a and 3b.
4. To remove a current subcontractor from the list, complete the following steps :
a. Click the Remove icon ( ) associated with the selected subcontractor. A
confirmation message window will display.
Note: You can remove a subcontractor company only if the contract or task order has
no associated open or active deployments.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

b. Click OK to confirm the removal. The “Manage Contractor Companies” page will
display and the selected subcontractor will be removed from the list.

5. Click Save and Exit when finished. The page from which you started (in step 1) will

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

5 Persons
Currently, SPOT identifies a person as being either a U.S. Citizen or Foreign National.
Identification of a Third Country National (TCN) or Local National (LN) can be derived by
leveraging the Foreign National, duty station, and citizenship values.

U.S. Citizens – A U.S. Citizen is identified as a person born in the United States,
naturalized, or a person who has been issued a Certificate of U.S. Citizenship.
Foreign Nationals – Within SPOT, a Foreign National is anyone who is not a U.S.
Citizen. Green Card holders are also identified as Foreign Nationals. A Foreign National
is categorized as either a TCN or an LN, based on the person's citizenship and duty
station location.
o Third Country Nationals (TCNs) – TCNs are Foreign Nationals who are not
citizens of the country where their duty station is located. For example, a German
citizen deployed to a duty station in Korea is a TCN.
o Local Nationals (LNs) – LNs are Foreign Nationals who are citizens of the country
where their duty station is located. For example, a German citizen with a duty station
located in Germany is an LN.

The “Manage Persons” functionality in SPOT is restricted to Contractor Company and
Government Organization user roles. This section provides instructions on how to search for a
person, add a person, edit a person’s profile, release a person, and change a person’s company
affiliation via the SPOT GUI interface.

Searching for a Person

To search for a person:
1. From the “Start Here” section of the “Home” page, enter the search criteria in one or
more fields. Click Find Person. The “Person Search Results” page will display. The
person(s) found must match all the search criteria entered.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


To search for a person added by your company, use the fields under the “Filter by
Person Details” heading. This could be a person who works for your company or
who works for a subcontractor company and was added by your Company
o To search for a specific person, enter the full Social Security Number
(SSN), Foreign Identification Number (FIN), or 10-digit Department of
Defense Identification Number (DoD ID) associated with the person’s
Common Access Card (CAC), either alone or in conjunction with the
person’s name. The DoD ID was formerly referred to as the Electronic
Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI).
o If you do not enter any search criteria and click Find Person, a message
displays that indicates the search will return all persons. If you click OK,
the search results will list records for all employees who are currently
employed by the company that the Company Administrator is associated
with in SPOT or who are employed by a subcontractor company and were
added to SPOT by the Company Administrator’s company.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


To search for a person with a deployment associated with your company, use the
Contract # and/or Task Order # fields under the “Filter by Deployed Contract
and Task Order” heading. The search results will display all contractor and
subcontractor persons with an open or active deployment against the selected
contract/task order, regardless of who added the persons to the SPOT system.
o Only search by Contract # and/or Task Order # if the persons you wish
to find are associated with a deployment/LOA request.
o “(Prime)” is displayed next to the number in the Contract # and Task
Order # drop-down list if the Company Administrator’s company is the
prime on a contract/task order.
o If a selected Contract # does not have an associated task order, the Task
Order #, drop-down list displays “No associated Task Order” and is not
o If you do not select Contract # and/or Task Order # as search criteria,
the search results display only those persons who work for the Company
Administrator’s company or work for a subcontractor company and were
added to SPOT by the Company Administrator’s company.


To search for a person added by your company that is also associated with a
deployment, the person must match all the search criteria that you enter. If you
add a subcontractor employee but have not requested a deployment/LOA for that
person, you will not find that person if your search criteria includes a Contract #
and/or Task Order #.

2. Click a link in the Name column to select the person. The “View Person” page will
o The Company/Organization column indicates the person’s employer. This could
be your own company or a subcontractor company if your company added the
subcontractor personnel to SPOT.
o By default, the person search returns results in pages containing 50 records. You
can use the drop-down list above the search results to change the maximum
number of records per page to display 50, 100, 250, or 500 records. The

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pagination feature at the bottom of the page allows you to scroll forward and
backward between pages.
o You can sort the search results by clicking the active links in the column
headings. Click once to sort the data in ascending order; click a second time to
sort the data in descending order. By default, the list is sorted by the Last Name

The “View Person” page displays information for the selected person. The information
displayed and the options available depend on whether the person has a current
deployment, the deployment status, and the LOA status (if requested).
Note: In the “Person Data” section, the “Person Status” field indicates the person’s latest
status, such as Active, R & R, Injured, or Deceased. When a new person is added to
SPOT, the “Person Status” is Active.
“View Person” Page – No Deployment Example

No Previous
No Current

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

“View Person” Page – Current Deployment Example (KO Approved with Weapon and
SOFA Requirements in SPOT)



Only if KO
and Weapon

Only if SOFA
Required in


Adding a Person (U.S. Citizen)

To add a person as a U.S. citizen in SPOT:
1. Use one of the following ways to navigate to the “Add Person” page:

From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop down menu
will display. Under “Person”, select the Add link.
From the Start Here” section of the “Home” page, click the Add a Person link.

The “Step 1” tab of the “Add Person” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. On the “Step 1” tab, keep the U.S. Citizen selection and click Save and Continue. The
“Step 2” tab of the “Add Person” workflow will display.

3. Enter the requested personal information. Click Validate and Continue. The “Step 3”
tab of the “Add Person” workflow will display.

Initial Verification
o For U.S. citizens, SPOT validates contractor identity by interfacing with the
Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Defense Enrollment Eligibility
Reporting System (DEERS). SPOT sends the following data elements to DEERS
(the authoritative source) for verification: Last Name, SSN, and Date of Birth.
o If a match is found in DMDC DEERS, validation occurs and the person’s data is
synchronized with DEERS. On successful verification, the following data
elements are updated in SPOT if they do not match DEERS based on the person’s
SSN: First Name, Middle Name, Gender, DoD ID (EDIPI), and Common Access
Card (CAC) Expiration Date. A message indicates what fields were updated in
SPOT to match DEERs. You can continue to add the person.
o Upon successful validation, validated data fields are locked and are not editable in
SPOT. If changes are needed, the contractor or government/military personnel
must contact DMDC to make the changes in DEERs.
o If a match is not found in DMDC DEERS, the person’s record is unverified and a
message will display. If a partial data match with conflicting information is found
in DMDC DEERS during the validation process, a message will display. The

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

following table summarizes no match and conflicting information conditions.
Ensure that all the data entries are accurate. If that does not resolve the problem,
contact the nearest RAPIDS/DEERS office.
Verification Conditions




Continue to
Add Person?

No match in DEERS.

Message indicates person could not be
verified. Continue to add the person.



Match in DEERS but
Gender in DEERS is
unknown or other than
Male or Female.

Message indicates record was verified
and no updates were made. SPOT
maintains the Gender that was entered in
SPOT. Continue to add the person.



Match in DEERS but no
valid Date of Birth or
Last Name in DEERS.
Mismatch between
SPOT and DEERS (such
as Last Name, SSN, and
Date of Birth).

Message indicates data that could not be
verified. Continue to add the person.



Message indicates there is a discrepancy
and what fields to correct. Cannot
continue to add the person in SPOT until
the corrected data is entered in SPOT and
verified with DMDC DEERS.



o Only U.S. citizens are validated against DMDC DEERS. Foreign Nationals are
not validated.
Verification After Unsuccessful Initial Verification
o SPOT continues to run a nightly job to try to verify unverified records or records
with expired CACs for up to 45 days from the date the record was added.
o After 45 days have elapsed without a successful match, the person record remains
in SPOT as unverified. This has no impact on deployments. If you update the
person’s record (see Section 5.4), the verification date changes and the 45-day
period continues from the update date.
 Re-verification
o Once a person’s record had been verified (see the previous Initial Verification
item), SPOT prevents updates of the verified data. Data changes to these fields
must be made through DMDC. In previous releases, First Name and Middle
Name could be changed after verification, but this is no longer possible.
o To retrieve changes made in DMDC DEERS and update this information in
SPOT, a Re-verify button is available in SPOT for those with verified records.
o When you click the Re-verify button, the DoD ID is sent to DMDC DEERS and
synchronizes the following data elements with SPOT: First Name, Middle Name,
Last Name, SSN, Date of Birth, Gender (if Male or Female and if different from
the SPOT data record), and Common Access Card (CAC) Expiration Date. A
message indicates if fields were updated in SPOT to match DEERs.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. Enter the requested personal information. Click Save and Continue. The “Step 4” tab of
the “Add Person” workflow will display.
Note: Although the Place of Birth and Home Phone fields are not required on this page
to add the person record, they are required to request an LOA. Complete these fields now
if this information is available. Otherwise, you will have to edit the person’s record (see
Section 5.4) so you can request the LOA.

5. If the person works for your company, select your company’s radio button and continue
to step 10. If the person works for a subcontractor company, continue to step 6.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

In step 4 of the Add Person workflow, the relationship between a contractor and a
company is established. Depending on your role, the system will prompt you to select the
contractor’s company to be the same as your company or a valid subcontractor company.

6. To add a person who works for a subcontractor company, select the Subcontractor
Company radio button.

7. Select the contract from the Select a Contract drop-down list.
o To add a person who works for a subcontractor company, the Company
Administrator for the prime contractor company must affiliate the subcontractor
person with the contract/task order to which the subcontractor company is
associated. To release a subcontractor employee from a contract/task order, see
Section 5.6, Releasing a Person from a Contract/Task Order.
o If the prime Company Administrator adds a person who works for a subcontractor
company, the prime Company Administrator can only deploy the person for the
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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

contract/task order specified when the person is added. This restriction does not
apply when Company Administrators add and deploy persons who work for their
own company.

8. If applicable, select the associated task order from the Select a Task Order drop-down
Note: A subcontractor person can be added to a contract instead of a task order if
subcontractor companies exist on the contract level and there are no task orders.
9. Select the company that the subcontractor works for from the Select a Subcontractor
drop-down list.

10. Select whether the person is a supervisor or a non-supervisor. Click Save and Add
Person. A message will display, stating that the person has been added successfully.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

11. Select the next action you would like to perform. Click Continue.
o If you select Complete this person’s profile?, the “Edit -Personal Information”
page will display where you can update and add more information for the person,
such as Passport, and Next of Kin.
o If you select Add another person?, the “Add Person” page will display where
you can add another person.
o If you select Exit to profile summary?, the “View Person” page will display
where you can view a summary of the person’s details.


Adding a Person (Foreign National)

To add a person as a Foreign National in SPOT:
1. Use one of the following ways to navigate to the “Add Person” page:

From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop down menu
will display. Under “Person”, click the Add link.
From the “Start Here” section of the “Home” page, click the Add a Person link.

The “Step 1” tab of the “Add Person” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. On the “Step 1” tab, select Foreign National. Click Save and Continue. The “Step 2”
tab of the “Add Person” workflow will display.
Note: You must add a contractor in SPOT as a Foreign National if the person is not a
citizen of the U.S. Green Card Holders, even with those with Social Security Numbers,
are only residents of the U.S. and are not considered citizens.

3. Enter the requested personal information. Click Validate and Continue. The “Step 3”
tab of the “Add Person” workflow will display.

Once data is saved by clicking Validate and Continue, the Personnel Category
field is read only. The other fields are editable if they have not been validated by the
DMDC verification process.
Foreign Nationals are not DMDC validated. Therefore, for Foreign Nationals, the
value of the DMDC Validated field on the “View Person” page will always be No.
When the letters in the name of an individual do not exist in the English alphabet, use
what the translated letter to English would be, or use the closest English letter.
If the Foreign National has only one name, enter the one name in both the First
Name and Last Name fields, on the condition the Foreign National has a unique
Foreign Identification Number (FIN) and/or birthdate.
When adding a Foreign National, if the person has a DMDC DEERS issued FIN,
enter this FIN in the FIN field. Otherwise, follow these guidelines:

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

o For privacy reasons, if a Foreign National has an SSN, do not enter this
number in the FIN field, because unlike SSN, a FIN is not masked when it is
o If the Foreign National will be getting a CAC, the FIN will be issued by
DMDC. A Foreign National can obtain a DMDC FIN by visiting a DMDC
Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) location.
The nearest RAPIDS location may be found at
or contacting the Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office (DSO) at 1800-538-9552. At least two (2) original proof of identity documents that
include document/identity numbers, issue/expiration dates and
country/state/province/county/city of issuance are required. In addition, the
Foreign National will need to provide the sponsoring Service Branch/Agency,
home/mailing address, work address, email address, phone numbers, gender,
marital status, date of birth, organ donor status, and blood type. The Foreign
National’s photo and fingerprint will be captured during the DMDC FIN
issuance process.
o If a DMDC FIN is not available:
 Use the FN’s National Issued ID Card number preceded by the threedigit ISO country code (e.g., AFG1234 for a foreign national from
 If a National ID Card is not available, use the Passport Number
preceded by the three digit ISO country code.
 If none of the above is available, create a FIN that is up to 18
characters long. (Record the FIN for future deployment management
and informational purposes.):
 Enter the first five letters of the last name. If the last name is
less than five letters, enter the entire last name. If the last name
is not known, enter the first name.
 Enter the eight-character date of birth (MMDDYYYY). If the
date of birth is unknown, use today’s date.
 If SPOT says that the FIN is already in use, contact the SPOTES Help Desk to determine if the contractor has already been
added to SPOT and ensure that the contractor is not added to
SPOT multiple times. If the FIN that you are creating is already
associated with a different person, append the above with up to
five random alphanumeric characters until a unique FIN is

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add Foreign National (FN) – No FIN Entered

Add Foreign National (FN) – FIN Entered

4. Enter personal information. Select the person’s country from the Citizenship field.
Note: If the person’s citizenship is unknown or should not be disclosed for security
reasons, select Unknown. This should be done only on very rare occasions, as it will
result in those individuals being identified as TCNs regardless of the country to which
they are deployed.
5. Click Save and Continue. The “Step 4” tab of the “Add Person” workflow will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

6. If the person works for your company, select your company’s radio button and continue
to step 11. If the person works for a subcontractor company, continue to step 7.
In the “Step 4” tab of the Add Person workflow, the relationship between a contractor
and a company is established. Depending on your role, the system will prompt you to
select the contractor’s company to be the same as your company or an applicable
subcontractor company.
Add FN Company Employee and No FIN Entered; Passport Fields Required

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add FN Company Employee and FIN Entered; No Passport Fields

7. To add a person who works for a subcontractor company, select the Subcontractor
Company radio button.
o To add a person who works for a subcontractor company, the Company
Administrator for the prime contractor company must affiliate the subcontractor
person with the contract/task order to which the subcontractor company is
associated. To release a subcontractor employee from a contract/task order, see
Section 5.6, Releasing a Person from a Contract/Task Order.
o If the prime Company Administrator adds a person who works for a subcontractor
company, the prime Company Administrator can only deploy the person for the
contract/task order specified when the person is added. This restriction does not
apply when Company Administrators add and deploy persons who work for their
own company.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add FN Subcontractor and No FIN Entered; Passport Fields Required

Add FN Subcontractor and FIN Entered; No Passport Fields

8. Select the contract from the Select a Contract drop-down list.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add FN Subcontractor and No FIN Entered; Passport Fields Required

Add FN Subcontractor and FIN Entered; No Passport Fields

9. If applicable, select the associated task order from the Select a Task Order drop-down
Note: A subcontractor person can be added to a contract instead of a task order if
subcontractor companies exist on the contract level and there are no task orders.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add FN Subcontractor and No FIN Entered; Passport Fields Required

Add FN Subcontractor and FIN Entered; No Passport Fields

10. Select the company that the subcontractor works for from the Select a Subcontractor
drop-down list.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add FN Subcontractor and No FIN Entered; Passport Fields Required

Add FN Subcontractor and FIN Entered; No Passport Fields

11. Select whether the person is a supervisor or a non-supervisor.
12. Note: If the FIN was not documented on the “Step 2” tab of the “Add Person” workflow,
complete the passport information to complete “Step 4”.
13. Click Save and Add Person. An on-screen notification will display, stating that the
person has been added successfully.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Add FN Subcontractor and No FIN Entered; Passport Fields Required

Add FN Subcontractor and FIN Entered; No Passport Fields

14. Select the next action you would like to perform. Click Continue.
o If you select Complete this person’s profile?, the “Edit -Personal Information”
page will display where you can update and add more information for the person,
such as Passport, and Next of Kin.
o If you select Add another person?, the “Add Person” page will display where
you can add another person.
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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

o If you select Exit to profile summary?, the “View Person” page will display
where you can view the summary of the person details.


Editing a Person’s Profile

In the “Edit Person” workflow, you can add or edit personal information about a person who
already exists in SPOT. SPOT will present groupings of related personal information across four
tabs. You can select one of the following actions on each tab:

Re-verify – Retrieves person data from DMDC DEERS and updates this information in
SPOT. This button is available only for a verified person’s record.
Cancel – Discards all changes and takes you to the “View Person” page.
Skip to Next Step – Allows you to bypass entering information in fields that are marked
as required. You can view the information and skip to the next tab.
Save – Saves the data and refreshes the current page.
Save and Continue – Saves the data and takes you to the next step in the “Edit Person”

To edit a person’s profile:
1. From the “Start Here” section of the “Home” page, enter search criteria in one or more
fields. Click Find Person. The “Person Search Results” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. Click a link in the Name column to select the person. The “View Person” page will

3. Click Edit Person. The “1. Personal Info” tab of the “Edit-Personal Information” page
will display.
Note: SPOT will allow you to edit data if the person has a current LOA, regardless of the
LOA status. However, the modified data will not appear on the LOA. A message will
display on the “View Person” page indicating that modified data will not appear on the

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. On the “1. Personal Info” tab, update or change personal information, if needed.




Once data is saved, the Personnel Category field is read only. The other fields
are editable if they have not been validated by the DMDC verification process.
Foreign nationals are not validated, so all other fields are editable for foreign
DMDC DEERS is the authoritative source of identity for U.S. citizen contractor
personnel. SPOT sends the following data elements to DEERS (the authoritative
source) for initial verification: Last Name, SSN, and Date of Birth. On successful
verification, the following data elements are updated in SPOT if they do not
match DEERS based on the person’s SSN: First Name, Middle Name, Gender,
DoD ID (EDIPI), and Common Access Card (CAC) Expiration Date. A message
indicates what fields were updated in SPOT to match DEERs.
Upon successful validation, validated data fields are locked and are not editable in
SPOT. If changes are needed, the contractor or government/military personnel
must contact DMDC to make the changes in DEERs.
A Re-verify button is available for those with verified records. If changes are
made in DMDC DEERS, when you click the Re-verify button, the DoD ID is sent
to DMDC DEERS and synchronizes the following data elements with SPOT:
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, SSN, Date of Birth, Gender (if Male or
Female and if different from the SPOT data record), and Common Access Card
(CAC) Expiration Date. A message indicates if fields were updated in SPOT to
match DEERs.
If the person’s nationality is unknown, or should not be disclosed for security
reasons, the value Unknown is an option on the Citizenship drop-down list.
If a FIN was entered when the foreign national was added, the FIN field is
required instead of the SSN and Re-enter SSN fields. However, if a FIN was not
entered (passport information was entered instead), then the FIN field is optional.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Unverified Person Record – Data fields can still be edited

Verified Person Record – Some data fields are locked

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

5. If the person’s status is not correct or has changed, select the Person Status from the
drop-down list.
o When the page displays, the person’s latest status appears in the Person Status
field. When you add a person to SPOT, the Person Status is Active.
o If you change the status, this will be the status used for the person’s next
deployment. This change does not alter the Person Status on previous
o See the SPOT Business Rules if you have questions about the terms in the Person
Status drop-down list.

Note: If the person is deceased, the Person Status field is read only and cannot be

6. If the Effective Date is blank or you update the Person Status, enter the date of the
status change in the Effective Date field. The date must be the current date or a prior
date.Type the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward slashes) or use the
calendar control to select the date.
o When you add a person to SPOT, the Effective Date is blank. If there is no status
change, enter the current date.
o If you create a deployment and this date field is blank, the date the deployment
was created will be populated as the Effective Date.

7. Click Save and Continue. If you do not update or edit data, click Skip to Next Step. The
“2. Passport” tab will display.
8. Update passport information, if needed. Click Save and Continue. If you do not update
or edit data, click Skip to Next Step. The “3. Next of Kin” tab will display.
Note: If a FIN was entered for a foreign national, passport information is not required.
However, if passport information was entered instead of a FIN when the foreign national
was added, then passport information is prepopulated on this screen and these fields are

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

9. Update next-of-kin information, if needed. Click Save and Continue. If you do not
update or edit data, click Skip to Next Step. The “4. Clearance” tab will display.

10. Security clearance information is no longer required in SPOT, so the fields on this tab are
gray and disabled. Click Skip to View Person or Save and Exit. The “View Person”
page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Releasing a Person from a Company

Contractor company personnel in SPOT work for exactly one employer company. A person can
be added to SPOT in one of two ways (see Sections 5.2 and 5.3):

The employer adds a person, or
The prime company adds a person who works for a subcontractor company and assigns
the person to a contract/task order

Either the employer or prime Company Administrator can then view and manage person
information. If a subcontractor employee is added by the prime company, the “View Person”
page displays information for the employer and the prime company and assigned contract/task
When a person no longer works for the employer company, either the employer or prime
Company Administrator must release the person so a Company Administrator from a new
employer can assign the person to a new company.
This section provides instructions on how to release a person from a company. A person can only
be released from a company if that person does not have a current open or active deployment. If
there is an open or active deployment, that deployment must be cancelled or closed before the
person can be released (see Sections 9.9 and 10.2). To release a subcontractor employee from a
contract/task order, see Section 5.6, Releasing a Person from a Contract/Task Order.
To release a person from a company:
1. From the “Home” page, search for the person. From the search results, click on the
contractor’s name. The “View Person” page displays. Click Release Person. The
“Release Confirmation” page will display.
Note: The Release Person button is only available if no open or active deployment
View Person Page (Not a Subcontractor)


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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

View Person Page (Subcontractor Employee Added by Prime)


and Assigned
Task Order

2. Leave the Company radio button selected.
3. Enter the person’s release date.
4. Click Confirm.
Release from Company (Not a Subcontractor)

Release from Company (Subcontractor Employee Added by Prime)

The “View Person” page appears and displays “Released” instead of the employer
company (or any prime company information if applicable). After leaving the “View
Person” page, Company Administrator(s) will no longer be able to search for and view
information about the released employee.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

View Person Page After Release (Not a Subcontractor)

View Person Page After Release (Subcontractor Employee Added by Prime)


Releasing a Person from a Contract/Task Order

When the prime company’s Company Administrator adds subcontractor company personnel in
SPOT, these persons are assigned to a contract/task order. When a person no longer works on the
assigned contract/task order, either the employer or the prime Company Administrator can
release the person from the assigned contract/task order and the prime company.

Release Only – Release the person from the assigned contract/task order and the prime
company. The person is still assigned to the employer. The employer can then deploy the
person on another contract/task order that is not associated with the prime company.
Release and Reassign – Release the person from the assigned contract/task order and
reassign the person to another contract/task order that is associated with the prime
company or the employer subcontractor company. Release and reassign maintains the
person’s realtionship as a subcontractor company employee.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

This section provides instructions on how to release a person from a contract/task order. A
person can only be released from a company if that person does not have a current open or active
deployment. If there is an open or active deployment, that deployment must be cancelled or
closed before the person can be released. To release a subcontractor employee from a company,
see Section 5.5, Releasing a Person from a Company.
5.6.1 Release Only
To release a person from a contract/task order:
1. From the “Home” page, search for the person. From the search results, click on the
contractor’s name. The “View Person” page displays. Click Release Person. The
“Release Confirmation” page will display.
Note: The Release Person button is only available if no open or active deployment
View Person Page (Subcontractor Employee Added by Prime)


and Assigned
Task Order

2. Click to select the Contract/Task Order radio button.
3. Enter the person’s release date.
4. For the question Would you like to be assigned to a new Contract/Task Order?, leave
the No radio button selected to release from a contract/task order without reassigning to
another contract/task order.
5. Click Confirm.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

The “View Person” page displays. Only the employer company information now displays
on the “View Person” page. No prime company information displays. After leaving the
“View Person” page, the prime Company Administrator will no longer be able to search
for and view information about the released employee.
Notes: Once released from the contract/task order, the prime Company Administrator
will not see the previous deployments listed in the Select a Previous Deployment dropdown list because the prime/subcontractor relationship no longer exists with the person
whose record is being viewed.
View Person Page After Release of Subcontractor Employee Added by Prime


5.6.2 Release and Reassign
To release a person from a contract/task order and reassign to another contract/task order:
1. From the “Home” page, search for the person. From the search results, click on the
contractor’s name. The “View Person” page displays. Click Release Person. The
“Release Confirmation” page will display.
Note: The Release Person button is only available if no open or active deployment

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

View Person Page (Subcontractor Employee Added by Prime)


and Assigned
Task Order

2. Click to select the Contract/Task Order radio button.
3. Enter the person’s release date.
4. For the question Would you like to be assigned to a new Contract/Task Order?, click
the Yes radio button to release from a contract/task order and reassign to another
contract/task order that is associated with the prime company or the employer
subcontractor company. The Contract and Task Order fields will display.

5. Select the Contract and Task Order (if applicable).
Note: The Contract and Task Order drop-down lists display only contracts and task
orders that are valid for the logged in Company Administrator. Prime Company
Administrators are limited to contracts/task orders where their company is prime and the
person’s employer is the subcontractor. Subcontractor Company Administrators are able
to select from contracts/task orders where the person’s employer is the subcontractor, no
matter which company is the prime.
6. Click Confirm.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

The “View Person” page displays. The person’s realtionship as a subcontractor company
employee is maintained and the new contract/task order numbers appear in the “SubContractor Details” section.
View Person Page After Release and Reassign of Subcontractor Employee Added by


Task Order


Affiliating a Person

Contractor company personnel in SPOT work for exactly one employer company. A person can
be added to SPOT in one of two ways (see Sections 5.2 and 5.3):

The employer adds a person, or
The prime company adds a person who works for a subcontractor company and assigns
the person to a contract/task order

When a person no longer works for the employer company, either the employer or prime
Company Administrator must release the person so a Company Administrator from a new
employer can affiliate the person with a new company. If a person is not released from a
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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

previous employer, the Company Administrator of a new company can still affiliate them with
the new company, as long as the person does not have an open or active deployment. If the
person has an open or active deployment, the new Company Administrator must contact the
SPOT-ES Help Desk.
This section provides instructions on how to affiliate a person who does not have an open or
active deployment, regardless of whether the person has been released from the previous
Note: Once a person is affiliated with a new company, the old company will no longer be able to
find the person when doing a person search (see Section 5.1).
1. To affiliate a person, the first step is to add the person. Use one of the following ways to
navigate to the “Add Person” page:

From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu
will display. Under “Person”, click the Add link.
From the “Start Here” section of the “Home” page, click the Add a Person link.

The “Step 1” tab of the “Add Person “page will display.

2. On the “Step 1” tab, select the person’s citizenship. Click Save and Continue. The “Step
2” tab of the “Add Person” workflow will display.

3. Enter the required personal information. Click Validate and Continue. The “Step 3” tab
of the “Add Person” workflow will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. A message displays to indicate the person’s status. Select the person’s current employer
and role (Supervisor/Non-Supervisor). Click Save and Add Person. A message will
display stating the person has been added.


If the person has been released from the previous employer, the message states
that the person has been released by the former company.

If the person has not been released from the previous employer, the message states that
the person already exists in SPOT and is affiliated with a different company. The
message is the same whether or not the person has an active or open deployment.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: To affiliate the person to a subcontractor company, select the Subcontractor
Company radio button. Identify the contract and task order, if applicable, to which the
person will be assigned and the person’s current employer.

5. Select the next action you would like to perform. Click Continue.

If you select Complete this person’s profile?, the “Edit -Personal Information”
page will display where you can update and add more information for the person
such as Passport, and Next of Kin.
If you select Add another person?, the “Add Person” page will display where
you can add another person.
If you select Exit to profile summary?, the “View Person” page will display
where you can view a summary of the person’s details.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: If a person has an active or pending deployment, a message appears and the only
action available is to add another person. The person you attempted to add was not added
to your company because that person has an open or active deployment with another
company. The open or active deployment must be cancelled or closed and any associated
LOAs must be revoked or cancelled before the person can be reassigned.

6 Predeployments
This section provides instructions on how to create deployments, request LOAs, document
deployment eligibility requirements, and identify a deployment itinerary. Before a person
deploys, you must enter in SPOT information about the deployment and evidence of completion
of all predeployment criteria. The deployment creation workflow is a multi-step process in which
you provide contract and logistical information. Tasks on the predeployment checklist include
request an LOA, provide evidence of eligibility requirements, and identify the deployment
itinerary. As a final step, you confirm the accuracy of essential information.

SPOT System-Generated LOA

You can request a SPOT system-generated LOA as an integral step in the create deployment
process. It is also an optional action that you can complete separately at any time during the
predeployment phase of the deployment workflow.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

The built-in SPOT workflow enables authorized users to select and process one or more LOA
requests at a time. The actions that you can perform on LOAs depend on your role and the
current state of the LOAs. Generation of an LOA through SPOT follows this workflow:
1. An authorized SPOT user submits an LOA request. Typically, a Company Administrator
will perform this task, but other roles such as a Government Administrator or a
Government Authority can also submit an LOA request.
2. A Government Authority user reviews and authorizes the LOA request.
3. A Contracting Officer user reviews and approves the LOA.
4. A Contracting Officer user digitally signs the approved LOA through SPOT.
After the LOA is approved and signed by the Contracting Officer, you can view, save, and print
the LOA as a read-only portable document format (PDF).
Note: Throughout the LOA workflow, SPOT sends automated emails to associated users to
inform them of LOA statuses and/or ask them to take actions.

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Government Authority

Company Administrator

SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Has the option to

Generate LOA Request
(LOA Status = Request

Recall LOA
(LOA Status =

Has the option to
recall pending LOA

Authorize LOA?

Has the option to
recall pending LOA


Has the option to

Authorize LOA
(LOA Status =

Has the option to
recall authorized LOA

Recall LOA
(LOA Status =

Deny LOA
(LOA Status = Denied)

Contracting Officer

Approve LOA?



Approve/Sign LOA
(LOA Status = Pending
Signed Document)

(LOA Status = KO


Has the option to
recall authorized LOA

Revoke LOA
(LOA Status =

Has the option to
revoke approved LOA

Receive LOA
(LOA Status = KO

Is KO Approved
LOA Expired?


(LOA Status = Expired)


Figure 1: LOA Workflow

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

The two-page, read-only PDF version of the LOA is embedded in the deployment record of the
deployable person in SPOT. The PDF remains active and accessible in SPOT (unless revoked)
until the deployment is closed or cancelled.


On page 1 of the LOA, the ASSIGNED KO section displays information about the
person who is listed on the contract as the Contracting Officer.
On page 2 of the LOA, the Contracting Officer section displays the information about
the actual Contracting Officer who signed the LOA.
The assigned Contracting Officer and the actual Contracting Officer can be the same
person or different, as long as they belong to the same organization.
The actual LOAs have watermarks based on the identified Supporting Government
Organization for the deployment (such as Department of Defense, Department of State,
or U.S. Agency for International Development).
At the bottom of both pages of the LOA, a QR code appears on the right and an LOA
barcode appears on the left. These codes contain information about the LOA and can be
scanned and read by an imaging device.
For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, the SOFA questions and
responses will be printed at the top of the “LOA REMARKS” section on the second page
of the LOA. If remarks are also added by the Government Authority (during
authorization) and the Contracting Officer (during approval) so that the total of all SOFA
questions/responses and remarks exceed the maximum field length (currently 2,000
characters), the remarks printed in the “LOA REMARKS” section of the LOA will be
The number of qualified dependents prints on the LOA, not the dependent information
that was entered in SPOT. To see SOFA information and dependent details:
o Display the SPOT “View Person” page for the contractor employee. In the
“Deployment” section, click the SOFA link (see Section 9.3) or click the
Eligibility Requirements link and continue to the “7. SOFA” tab (see Section
o Run the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report (see Section 13.6).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Figure 2: Page 1 of Sample LOA

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Figure 3: Page 2 of Sample LOA

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs

The following table indicates whether a field is required, optional, or not applicable (N/A) for
each situation. Fields marked as N/A do not appear on the screen for that situation.
Contract Number
Task Order Number
Defense Base Act (DBA)
Does Not Apply
DBA Insurance
Company Name
DBA Insurance Policy
DBA Insurance Phone
Additionally Supported
Deployment Start Date
Deployment End Date
Countries to be Visited
Primary Deployed Duty
System Supported
Purpose of Deployment
Supporting Government
Government Authority
24/7 Company Point of
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Office Phone
Mobile Phone
Government Point of Contact
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Office Phone
Mobile Phone
In-Theater Point of Contact
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone


Deployment /LOA
Optional – Select if
contract has task order(s)

LOA Only































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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Office Phone
Mobile Phone


Deployment /LOA

LOA Only


Required unless Does Not Apply is selected for DBA Insurance
Must enter Point of Contact information if will need to request an LOA for this deployment in the future
3 Required field on this screen, but system will use Point of Contact information previously entered when the deployment was

6.2.1 Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs
This section explains how to create deployments and request LOAs for contractors. Start Deployment/LOA Workflow

1. Use one of the following four ways to start the workflow for creating a deployment and
requesting an LOA:

Search for a person and select the person from the search results. For instructions, see
Section 5.1. Searching for a Person. From the “View Person” page, click Create New


From the left navigation menu on a “Deployment Template” page, click the Create
Depls/Request LOAs link. For more information, see Section 8, Deployment

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


From the left navigation menu on a “Person List” page, click the Create
Depls/Request LOAs link. For more information, see Section 7, Person Lists.


From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Deployments/LOAs”, click the Create Depls/Request LOAs link.

After you start the deployment and LOA workflow, the “Create Deployments/Request LOAs”
page will display, with the first tab, “Step 1. Deployment Information” displayed.
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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


To collapse an expanded section, click the Collapse button (
section header bar.


To expand a collapsed section, click on the Expand button ( ) or click anywhere in the
section header bar.

) or click anywhere in the

2. From the Current Task drop-down list, select the task you wish to perform.
o For “Create Deployments and Request LOAs” tasks, make sure the selected Current
Task is Create Deployments and Request LOAs.
o Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) country deployments must have LOAs.
o If you want to select a different task, see Sections 6.2.2 through 6.2.3 for details.


The Current Task information displays on every page in the workflow. However,
you can change the Current Task only on the “Step 1. Deployment Information” tab.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


If you launched the process by searching for and selecting a person and then clicking
Create New Deployment on the “View Person” page, the selected Current Task is
Create Deployments. If you want to create a deployment and LOA, make sure you
select Create Deployments and Request LOAs.


If you launched the process by clicking Create Depls/Request LOA from the left
navigation menu on a “Deployment Template” page, the selected Current Task is
Create Deployments and Request LOAs.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual Step 1 – Deployment Information

Complete the steps in this section to enter personnel on the “Step 1. Deployment Information”
tab. For help, click the Self-help video link or button ( ).










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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

1. To use a previously created deployment template, click Search for Template.
The “Search for Template” feature allows you to populate deployment information from
an existing deployment template. For more information, see Section 8, Deployment
Note: This section assumes you do not have an existing deployment template, so that you
must complete all steps to enter data for the deployment.
2. Click in the Contract Number field and enter the contract number. If the contract has
task orders, select a task order from the Task Order Number drop down menu.



After you enter at least three characters in the Contract Number field, SPOT
displays contract numbers that match your entry and are available to select. As
you continue to type, SPOT narrows down the options displayed. Scroll through
the results as necessary to find the correct contract number. Click to select the
contract number.
You may create deployments for only active or pending contracts and tasks
orders. Contracts and task orders that have passed their period of performance
(PoP) are not available for selection. However, expired contracts with active task
orders will still be available. This pertains to the selection of the deployment
contract and task order, not additionally supported contracts or task orders.
If you select a template associated with an expired contract/task order, an error
message appears when you click Continue.
When you select a contract and a task order, if applicable, SPOT populates the
applicable names in the Primary Company, Contract KO, and Task Order KO

3. Enter the Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance information in the appropriate fields, if
applicable. Deployments for contractors overseas require DBA insurance information.
o DBA insurance information displays on the “LOA Details” page and prints on the
LOA. This allows contingency contracting authorities to contact a specific
contractor’s insurance policy holder to clarify insurance coverage information or
submit a claim while the contractor is in-theater. Each deployment entered for a
contractor requires re-entry of DBA insurance information.
o If the contractor does not have DBA insurance, select the Does Not Apply

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. To reference additional contracts or task orders contracts or task orders that the contractor
is supporting in-theater, click the Add icon ( ) in the “Additional Supported Contracts”

The “Additionally Supported Contracts” window will display.

a. Enter the information in the “Additionally Supported Contracts” window. Click Add.
o The Start Date and End Date fields are not required. However, if you enter a
date in one field, both fields are required and have a red asterisk (*).
o The Start Date and End Date field entries must fall within the additionally
supported contract/task order period of performance. If it does not or if one of the
dates is not entered, error messages appear.

After you click Add, the window closes and additional contract information populates
in the “Additionally Supported Contracts” section.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

b. To remove an entry from the list in the “Additionally Supported Contract and Task
Order” section, click the Remove icon ( ). The list will be updated.
5. In the “Deployment Details” section, enter the Deployment Start Date and the
Deployment End Date. Enter the dates (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward
slashes), or select the dates using the calendar controls.
o For convenience, SPOT displays the period of performance details for the
contract, and if applicable, the task order.
o Deployment start dates must fall within the referenced contract or task order’s
period of performance. Deployment end dates may extend up to 30 days beyond
the contract or task order’s end date to allow for close out.
o The deployment start date cannot be earlier than the current date. If a deployment
start date is in the past, an error message will appear and you cannot proceed until
you enter a valid date. You cannot enter an estimated deployment date in the past.
If a person is staying in theater on back-to-back deployments and remains in
theater when a contract is extended or an option period is exercised, you must
create a new deployment with an estimated start date that must be the day after
the previous deployment is closed out.
o For deployments that do not require SOFA information in SPOT, if the
deployment period is greater than one year, a warning message will appear when
you click Continue. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules
and reflect only the funded portion of the contract/task order PoP. Click OK to
continue creating the deployment.
o For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, if the deployment
period is greater than one year, an error message will appear when you click
Continue. You cannot proceed until the deployment period is one year or less.

6. For Countries to be Visited, select one or more countries from the list and click the
Down Arrow button ( ) to move the selection(s) to the Selected Countries list.
Note: If you need to remove a country from the Selected Countries list, select one or
more countries and click the Up Arrow button ( ).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: If you select a country to be visited that requires SOFA information in SPOT, a
warning message about additional SOFA requirements will appear when you click
Continue. Click OK to continue creating the deployment.
7. To select the Primary Deployed Duty Station, click the Search icon ( ). A “Duty
Station” window will display. For more instructions, see Section 2.1, Searching for a
Duty Station.

When you select the duty station, the “Duty Station” window closes and the selected
primary deployed duty station will display on the original page.

Note: If you select a duty station in a country that requires SOFA information in SPOT, a
warning message about additional SOFA requirements will appear when you click
Continue. Click OK to continue creating the deployment.
8. Select the Operation from the drop-down list.
Note: Only unexpired operations are available for selection.

9. Select the System Supported from the drop-down list, if applicable.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

10. Enter the Purpose of Deployment.
Note: As you type, SPOT provides a count of the remaining characters available. The
maximum available is 400 characters.

11. To select the Supporting Government Organization, click either the Search icon ( )
or the Browse icon ( ). A “Supporting Government Organization” window will display.
For more instructions, see Section 2.6, Searching for a Government Organization for
more details.
Note: This is the organization that has the contract requirement and where the
Government Authority who will authorize an LOA is assigned.

When you select the organization, the “Supporting Government Organization” window
closes and the selected organization will display on the original page.

12. Select the Government Authority from the drop-down list.
Note: The list of Government Authority persons available for selection depends on the
selected Supporting Government Organization. If the Current Task does not include
requesting an LOA, the option to select a Government Authority is not available.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

13. In the “Points of Contact” section, enter the enter the 24/7 Company and In-Theater
points of contact if requesting LOAs for contractors.
Note: If requesting LOAs for contractors, the 24/7 company and in-theater points of
contact are required, but you can leave the government point of contact fields blank. The
assigned Government Authority will populate on the “LOA Details” page and print on
the LOA. If you are creating deployments only, you have the option to enter
Government Point of Contact information.



14. Optional: Click Save as Template to save the entered data as a template for later use.
The “Save Deployment Template” window will display.
Enter a Name and Description. You can overwrite an existing template. If desired, select
the Bookmark checkbox. Click Save.

Deployment start dates must fall within the referenced contract or task order’s
period of performance. Deployment end dates may extend up to 30 days beyond
the contract or task order’s end date to allow for close out.
The deployment start date cannot be earlier than the current date. If a deployment
start date is in the past, an error message will appear when you try to save the
template and you cannot proceed until you enter a valid date. You cannot enter an
estimated deployment date in the past. If a person is staying in theater on back-to-

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


back deployments and remains in theater when a contract is extended or an option
period is exercised, you must create a new deployment with an estimated start
date that must be the day after the previous deployment is closed out.
If the deployment period is greater than one year, a warning message will appear
when you save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and
reflect only the funded portion of the contract/task order PoP. Click OK to
continue saving the template.

When you click Save, the deployment and LOA information will be saved as a template.
If the Bookmark checkbox is checked, the template will also display a check mark in the
Bookmark column. For more information on bookmarks, see Section 8.5, Managing
Bookmarks for Deployment Templates.
15. Click Continue. The “Step 2. Personnel Information” tab will display. Step 2 – Personnel Information

Complete the steps in this section to enter deployment information on the “Step 2. Personnel
Information” tab. If necessary, search for a person or a previously created person list to add to
the batch. Company Administrators can see only persons who work for their company or are
subcontractors for contracts to which their company is the prime. SPOT allows you to deploy a
maximum of 500 persons for a batch. For help, click the Self-help video link or button ( ). For
additional help for deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, click the SOFA Selfhelp video link or button ( ).


If you started the deployment and LOA workflow by searching for and selecting a person
and then clicking Create New Deployment on the person’s “View Person” page, that
person is included in the batch when the “Step 2” tab appears. Otherwise, no persons are
in the batch when the tab appears and the batch status is a Red Octagon ( ).
From the “Step 2. Personnel Information” tab through the end of the workflow, the
Current Task information displays as read-only. If you need to change the Current
Task, click the Back button until you return to the “Step 1” tab.
Company Administrators can create a person list from the SPOT menu bar (see Section
7) or by clicking either the Save as Person List button or the Save Selected as Person
List button on the “Step 2” tab (see Section, step 21).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, a SOFA column will display
to indicate the status of SOFA requirements.



SOFA Country SPOT Requirements Example



1. To search for a person to add to the batch, click Search for Person. The “Search for
Person” window will display.

2. Enter search criteria and click Search. The search results, if any, will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual




3. Click one or more checkboxes to select the person(s) to include in the batch.
4. Click Add Selected. When done with adding persons, click Add Selected & Exit to add
the persons and exit the search page.
The selected person(s) are populated in the batch. The batch status updates based on the
person(s) added (see step 11 for details). In the following example, the batch status
changes to a Yellow Triangle ( ).




5. To remove a single person from the batch, select the Remove icon ( ) for the selected
6. To remove multiple persons from the batch, click one or more checkboxes to select the
person(s) to remove and click Remove Person(s).
7. To add more persons, click Search for Person and repeat the steps.
8. To search for a person list to add to the batch, click Search for Person List. The “Search
for Person List” window will display.
Note: If you previously created a person list (see Section 7 or step 21), you can this list
instead of searching for an individual person.

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9. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The search results will display.
10. Click a person list name to select the person list to include in the batch.
The selected person list is populated in the batch. The batch status updates based on the
person(s) added (see step 11 for details). In the following example, the batch status
changes to a Red Octagon ( ).





11. Verify the status for each person in the batch, as well as the overall batch status.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

o To see the reason(s) why a person has a certain status, hover over the status icon
and the tooltip displays the reason(s). See Table 3 for tooltip examples and status
icon descriptions.
o The overall batch status is determined by the least complete individual status in
the batch. For example, the batch status is a Red Octagon ( ) if at least one
person in the batch has the Red Octagon ( ) status. A Green Circle ( ) or
Green Circle with Tools ( ) batch status indicates you can proceed with the
o For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, if SOFA requirements
are complete for a person, a green check mark ( ) appears in the SOFA column.
If SOFA requirements are not complete for a person, a red “X” ( ) appears in the
SOFA column and the person’s status is a Yellow Triangle ( ) (see Table 3) to
indicate missing information. Hover over the red “X” ( ) and the tooltip displays
the message “Incomplete SOFA”. To enter or update SOFA requirements, see
step 19.

Incomplete SOFA 

Table 3: Deployment Status Icons

Status Icon
Red Octagon (

Description/Tooltip Example

Cannot proceed due to one or more reasons such as the following:

Deployment Only or Deployment/LOA – Open or active
deployment exists or this new deployment overlaps with a
previously closed deployment.
To request a new deployment, all previous deployments must be
closed out, and the actual end date of all previously closed
deployments must be prior to the estimated start date of this
new deployment. You cannot enter an estimated deployment
date in the past. If a person is staying in theater on back-to-back
deployments and remains in theater when a contract is extended
or an option period is exercised, you must create a new
deployment with an estimated start date that must be the day
after the previous deployment is closed out. This change was
implemented to prevent overlapping deployments. Example:

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Status Icon

Description/Tooltip Example

Open or Active Deployment exists; Or create
overlapping deployment dates 


Deployment Only or Deployment/LOA – Person is currently in
a non-deployable person status such as Deceased. Example:

Person is currently in a non deployable person
status. Please contact the Help Desk.


Yellow Triangle (


LOA Only – No open or active deployment exists or
deployment’s contract/task order does not have a Contracting
Officer selected.

Cannot proceed because required information is missing. This can
include a missing Job Title or In-Theater Email or missing
information on the person record that is required for an LOA such
as place of birth and home phone number. Examples:

In Theater email empty (or fails format validation) and
Job Title empty. 

In Theater email empty (or fails format validation). 

Job Title empty. 

Person information is insufficient or person is
incompatible with the selected Contract/Task Order or
KO is Inactive/Not Available or no current deployment

Yellow Triangle ( )
for SOFA Information
Required in SPOT

Cannot proceed because required information is missing. This can
include missing or incomplete required SOFA information or a
missing Job Title or In-Theater Email. Examples:

Required SOFA information is missing or incomplete. 

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Status Icon

Description/Tooltip Example

Required SOFA information is missing or incomplete;
in Theater email empty (or fails format validation) and
Job Title empty. 

Required SOFA information is missing or incomplete;
in Theater email empty (or fails format validation). 

Required SOFA information is missing or incomplete;
Job Title empty. 

Green Circle (


Person information is complete/valid and person is ready to deploy.

Person is fully ready. 

Green Circle with
Tools ( )

Deployment contract/task order does not match the contract/task
order assigned when the prime company added the person to SPOT.
Continuing will modify the previous prime company and
contract/task order relationship when this deployment is created.

Person is associated as a subcontractor with a
Contract/Task Order other than the one listed for this
deployment. Continuing will modify previous Prime
and Contract/Task Order relationship upon creation of
this deployment.

Person (


Person is currently not in Active person status. This would occur if
a person has a status other than Active or Deceased/non-deployable.
Continuing will change the person status to Active when the
deployment is created. Example:

Person is currently not in active person status. Clicking
continue will change this person's person status to

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

12. To get information about the status icons, click the Help button ( ) in the blue bar. A
“Create Deployments/Request LOAs: Help” pop-up window displays. When you are
finished, click the Close button ( ) in the top right corner of the pop-up window.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

13. Enter or update the Job Title for each person in the batch.
o To enter or update the Job Title for a person, click the Search icon ( )
associated with that person.
o To enter or update the Job Title multiple persons in the batch, click one or more
checkboxes to select the person(s) and click the Bulk Job Title link.
For more information, see Section 2.3, Searching for a Job Title.
Note: For Private Security Contractors, you must select one of the following three job
o First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives
o Police Patrol Officers
o Security Guards
14. Enter or update the In-Theater Email for each person.


15. After adding job titles and in-theater email addresses for all persons in the batch, click the
Refresh button ( ) to refresh the data on the page.
Note: If a person still has a Yellow Triangle (
information that is required for an LOA.

) status, that person is missing

16. To update or enter missing required person information, click the person’s name in the
Name column. The “Verify/Edit Person” page will display.
Note: Security clearance information is no longer required in SPOT, so these fields are
gray and disabled.

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17. Enter updates. A ++ symbol indicates information required for an LOA.
18. Click Save and Exit. The information for this person will be updated and you return to
the “Step 2. Personnel Information” tab.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

19. To enter or update SOFA requirements for a SOFA deployment, click the green check
mark ( ) or the red “X” ( ) in the SOFA column.


The “SOFA Page” will display. Answer all questions on the “SOFA Page”.


If necessary, select the SOFA Country from the drop-down list.
Question 1 – Select one response for fulfilling the mission requirements.
Question 2 – Indicates if deployed person does not have a residency permit or
visa. Radio buttons are gray and disabled. Defaults to Yes if Question 1 is 1.1
through 1.5. Defaults to No if Question 1 is 1.6 No SOFA Status.
Question 3 – Indicate if qualified dependents will accompany the deployed
person. If you select Yes, you must select the number of qualifying dependents
and enter required information for those dependents in the table that appears on
the screen. If you select No, the Number of qualifying dependents field is gray
and disabled. When adding dependents:
o The table displays a row for each of the number of qualified dependents.
o In the “Status” column, a red “X” ( ) appears until the row is complete
and the data is saved. A green check mark ( ) appears after the row is
complete and saved.
o Click the trash can ( ) to remove a dependent’s row from the table and
update the number of qualified dependents.
o You must enter dependent information for each qualified dependent
quantity indicated.
Question 4 – Enter or select the SOFA expiration date. If Question 1 is 1.6 No
SOFA Status, then this date field is gray and disabled and you cannot enter a

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


date. If you enter a date outside the contract/task order PoP, a warning message
will appear when you click the Save and Exit button. Click OK to continue or
Cancel to remain on the “SOFA Page”. Ensure dates are in compliance with
SOFA requirements, normally not to exceed one year.
Questions 5 – Indicate if the SOFA-specific AGS apply. Defaults to No and is
gray and disabled if Question 1 is 1.6 No SOFA Status.
If all required fields are not complete when you click Save and Exit, an error
message appears and you remain on the “SOFA Page”.

Click Save and Exit to save your entries and exit.

Click Yes in the pop-up window to close the tab and return to the “Step 2. Personnel
Information” tab.
When SOFA requirements are complete, the SOFA column refreshes automatically and
the red “X” ( ) changes to a green check mark ( ). If all required information for the
deployment and LOA are entered, the person status also refreshes automatically to a
Green Circle (

), Green Circle with Tools (

20. Click the Refresh button (

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), or Person (


) to display recent updates.


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

When all required information for a person’s deployment and LOA is entered, the
person’s status changes to a Green Circle ( ), Green Circle with Tools ( ), or Person





21. Make necessary updates until the batch’s status changes to a Green Circle ( ) or Green
Circle with Tools ( ).This might include any of the following options:
o Update information for any person with a Yellow Triangle ( ) status and click
the Refresh button ( ) (see steps 13 through 20).
o Click Save as Person List to save all persons in the batch to a person list for
reuse later.
o Click the checkbox next to a name to select a person who does not have a Green
Circle ( ), Green Circle with Tools ( ), or Person ( ) status (or click the
Select Not Ready link). Then click Save Selected as Person List to save the
selected persons to a person list for reuse later.
o Remove any person with a Red Octagon ( ) status from the batch (see steps 5
and 6).
Note: To continue with the workflow, the batch’s status must be a Green Circle ( ) or
Green Circle with Tools ( ), and that requires that every person in the batch have the
Green Circle (

), Green Circle with Tools (

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), or Person (

) status.


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual



22. If necessary, click Back to go back to the “Step 1. Deployment Information” tab to
review and edit or change the Current Task.
23. When the batch’s status is a Green Circle ( ) or Green Circle with Tools ( ) and all the
necessary actions are done, click Continue. The “Step 3. Confirm” tab will display. Step 3 – Confirm

When the “Step 3. Confirm” tab appears, review all information to ensure it is correct. For help,
click the Self-help video link or button ( ).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual



1. If necessary, click Back to go back to a previous tab to review and edit or change the
Current Task
2. After verifying all information, click Submit. The “Step 4. Results” tab will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual Step 4 – Results

The “Step 4. Results” tab will display a message to indicate the deployments and LOA requests
were successful created.
SPOT sends an email to notify the assigned Government Authority that there are pending LOA



1. If necessary, click Back to Step 2. Personnel Information to go back to the “Step 2.
Personnel Information” tab and add more persons for deployments and LOAs. For help,
click the Self-help video link or button ( ).
o If a submission is unsuccessful for any reason, you see a list of the persons who
were not successfully submitted. You have the option to go back to the “Step 2”
tab to reprocess these persons or save them to a person list.
o If you click Back to Step 2. Personnel Information, the “Step 2. Personnel
Information” tab will display. For example, in the first batch you might process
employees for the prime company, and then go back to “Step 2” to process
employees for a subcontractor company. Click Search for Person List or Search
for Person to add more persons for deployments and LOAs and then process
these persons.
o For successful submissions, SPOT sends an automated email to the Government
Authority selected on the “Step 1” tab.
2. Click Close to end the workflow and return to the “Home” page.
6.2.2 Creating Deployments Only
Some deployed personnel do not require SPOT-generated LOAs. This is because the contractor
does not require Authorized Government Services or is based on the DFARS and COCOM
requirements. SPOT lets you create a deployment without an LOA. The steps are similar to those
in Section 6.2.1, Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs. However, in this case, only
deployments are created. Later, if LOAs are needed for these persons, you can request LOAs for
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The Current Task will display Create Deployments.
SOFA country deployments must have LOAs. If the country to be visited or deployment
duty station is a country that requires SOFA information in SPOT and the Current Task
is Create Deployments, when you click Continue at the bottom of the page, an error
message will appear and you cannot proceed until you select Create Deployments and
Request LOAs for Contractors as the Current Task.

6.2.3 Requesting LOAs Only
To request only LOAs, the deployments for the persons must already exist. The steps are similar
to those in Section 6.2.1, Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs.
Note: The Current Task field will display Request LOAs (for existing deployments).

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Searching for LOAs

You may search for LOAs in the Company Administrator’s “LOA Inbox” using several different
criteria, which are displayed in the following “LOA Inbox” example. The LOA status search
criteria are described in the following table. If no criteria are entered in the “LOA Search”
section, then all LOA records (not the LOA PDFs) that the Company Administrator has access to
see will be returned.
Note: Only LOAs with a “KO Approved” status are available to view in their final PDF form.
Table 4: LOA Status and Definitions

KO Approved

Pending Signed

Request Pending

LOAs that have been cancelled.
LOAs that were denied by the Government Authority or the
Contracting Officer.
LOAs that have a deployment end date that precedes the current
LOAs that have been authorized by the Government Authority
and are waiting for the Contracting Officer to review and submit
LOAs that have been approved by the Contracting Officer.
Requests with a “KO Approved” status remain in the “LOA
Inbox” while they are considered active, that is, until the actual
departure date from the Area of Responsibility (AOR) is entered.
LOAs that have been signed by the Contracting Officer and are
waiting for Adobe Acrobat to generate the final approved LOA.
LOAs that have been recalled after submission in one of the
following instances:
 A requested LOA has been recalled by a Company
Administrator or authorized government user prior to
Government Authority authorization.
 An authorized LOA has been recalled by a Government
Authority or a Contracting Officer prior to approval by a
Contracting Officer.
LOAs that are in the Government Authority “LOA Inbox” but
have not been processed.
LOAs that were approved and later revoked.

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To search for LOAs:
1. From the “LOA Inbox” section of the “Home” page, enter search criteria in one or more
of the data fields. You can also search by LOA status using the Status drop-down list.



2. Click Search. The “LOA Search Results” page will display.
KO Approved Status Search Results Example:


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Request Pending Status Search Results Example:


3. If you searched for an LOA with a “KO Approved” status, click View LOA to view the
LOA. Open the read-only PDF document. Optionally, print or save the LOA. When
finished, close Adobe® Reader™ to return to the “LOA Search Results” page.
Note: The View LOA button is available for only LOAs with a “KO Approved” status.
4. To view LOA details for a person, click the person’s name in the Name column. The
“LOA Details” page will display.
Note: The status of the LOA determines the buttons that are displayed on the “LOA
Details” page. For more information, see Section 6.4, Recalling an LOA.

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KO Approved LOA Example:


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5. If you searched for an LOA with a “KO Approved” status, click View LOA to view the
LOA. Open the read-only PDF document. Optionally, print or save the LOA. When
finished, close Adobe® Reader™ to return to the “LOA Details” page.
Note: The View LOA button is available for only LOAs with a “KO Approved” status.
6. To go to the “View Person” page, click View Person Summary.
7. Click Back to return to the “LOA Search Results” page, or select Home in the navigation
breadcrumbs (under the menu bar) to return to the “Home” page.
Note: To view and print an LOA, you can also search for and select a person (see Section 5.1).
On the “View Person” page, click the View/Print LOA button.


Recalling an LOA

An authorized user can recall LOAs. The workflow is as follows:


After an LOA is requested and its status is “Request Pending”, a Company Administrator
or authorized Government user can recall the LOA before it is authorized by a
Government Authority. The LOA status changes to “Recalled”. A Company
Administrator can then update the recalled LOA and resubmit it. Once a Government
Authority authorizes an LOA, the Company Administrator can no longer recall the LOA.
After a Government Authority authorizes an LOA and its status is “Government
Authorized”, a Government Authority or a Contracting Officer can recall the LOA prior
to approval by a Contracting Officer. The LOA status changes to “Recalled”. A Company
Administrator cannot update a recalled LOA. Once the Contracting Officer approves an
LOA, the LOA can no longer be recalled.

6.4.1 Recalling a Single LOA
To recall a single LOA:
1. Search for an LOA (see Section 6.3) with a status of “Request Pending”.
2. In the search results, click the person’s name. The “LOA Details” page will display.



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3. Enter a reason for recalling the LOA in the Reason/Comments field. A comment is
required when recalling an LOA.
4. Click Recall LOA.
6.4.2 Bulk Recalling LOAs
To recall multiple LOAs:
1. From the “LOA Inbox” section of the “Home” page, click the Bulk LOA Recall link.

The “Bulk LOA Recall” page will display.



2. Enter search criteria in one or more of the data fields. Contract Number is required.
3. Click Search. The “Search Requests to Recall” page will display with the LOAs that
meet the specified criteria.



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4. Click the checkbox next to each name to select the individuals whose LOAs will be
recalled, or click the All checkbox to select all names on the page.
5. Enter the reason for the recall in the Reasons/Comments field.
6. Click Recall LOA. A confirmation message will display.


7. Click OK to return to the “Home” page.
6.4.3 Resubmitting a Recalled LOA
To resubmit a recalled LOA:
1. Search for an LOA (see Section 6.3) with a status of “Recalled”.
2. In the search results, click the person’s name. The “LOA Details” page will display.
3. On the “LOA Details” page, edit the available fields as necessary. For more information,
see Section 6.2.1, Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs.
o Deployment start dates must fall within the referenced contract or task order’s
period of performance. Deployment end dates may extend up to 30 days beyond
the contract or task order’s end date to allow for close out.
o The deployment start date cannot be earlier than the current date. If a deployment
start date is in the past, an error message will appear and you cannot proceed until
you enter a valid date. You cannot enter an estimated deployment date in the past.
If a person is staying in theater on back-to-back deployments and remains in
theater when a contract is extended or an option period is exercised, you must
create a new deployment with an estimated start date that must be the day after
the previous deployment is closed out.
o If a new deployment overlaps with a previously closed deployment, an error
message appears and you cannot proceed until you enter a valid date. The
estimated start date of a new deployment must be after the actual end date of all
previously closed deployments. This change was implemented to prevent
overlapping deployments.

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4. Click Submit. The “LOA Search Results” will display.” The resubmitted LOA is
removed from the list of LOAs with a “Recalled” status.

LOAs with Revoked Status

SPOT system-generated LOAs may be revoked, and declared null and void, after they have been
approved by a Contracting Officer. Only a Contracting Officer can revoke an LOA. An LOA
may be revoked for different reasons. The following are examples of reasons for revoking an

The deployable contractor’s employer changes
The deployable contractor’s name changes
The deployable contractor’s deployment has been terminated involuntarily (removed for

When an LOA is revoked, email notifications are automatically sent to the following individuals:

The user who initiated the LOA request
The assigned Government Authority (regardless of the person who actually authorized
the LOA)

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Once an LOA is flagged as “Revoked”, the PDF version is no longer valid and can no longer be
viewed or retrieved from SPOT by the Company Administrator. It will be stored in the archive
records of the system, along with other historical documents for deployable persons.

Updating Eligibility Requirements

The Company Administrator (or other authorized user) must document deployment eligibility
information as a prerequisite to the person’s departure for the AOR. To enter eligibility
information in SPOT, use the “Eligibility Requirements” workflow. The “Eligibility
Requirements” workflow consists of the following six steps: Training, Health, Visa, Personal
Equipment, Clearance, and Forms. If a contractor’s country to be visited or deployment duty
station country requires SOFA information in SPOT, a seventh tab is include in the eligibility
requirements so you can update the SOFA requirements entered when the deployment was
Once the eligibility information has been entered and submitted, the “View Person” page will be
updated and the “Pre-Deployment” section of the page will indicate that the Eligibility
Requirements have a status of “Complete”.
To update eligibility requirements:
1. Search for and select a person (see Section 5.1). The “View Person” page will display.
Note: The information displayed and the options available on the “View Person” page
depend on the deployment status and the LOA status (if requested). In the “Deployment”
section of the table:

An Identify Issued Weapon link appears only if the Contracting Officer has
authorized a weapon and approved the contractor’s LOA in SPOT.
A SOFA link appears only if the contractor’s country to be visited or deployment
duty station country requires SOFA information in SPOT. The SOFA task has a
green check mark ( ) and the status “Complete” if SOFA requirements were
completed when the deployment and LOA were requested. If SOFA requirements
are not complete, the SOFA task has a red “X” ( ) and the status “Incomplete”.

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“View Person” Page – KO Approved Example with Weapon


“View Person” Page – Request Pending Example with SOFA Requirements in SPOT


2. From the “Pre-Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the Eligibility
Requirements link. The “1. Training” tab will display.
Note: If the contractor’s country to be visited or deployment duty station country requires
SOFA information in SPOT, the Skip to Next Tab button is active on tabs 1 through 6.
For non-SOFA country deployments, this button is gray and disabled on tabs 1 through 5.

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6.6.1 Training Information
On the “1. Training” tab:
1. Click the appropriate radio button to answer question 1.

If you do not need to add training, select Yes for question 1 and go to step 8.
If you need to add training, keep the default answer No for question 1 and click Add
Training to enter information about the required training received.

Note: If you answer Yes to question 1, you cannot click Add Training.


The “Training Details” page will display. Complete steps 2 through 7 to enter all the
required training information for question 1 before going to step 8 to answer question 2.


2. Select the type of training from the Training Type drop-down list. The following are
examples of types of training:

CRC – Conus Replacement Center
FDC – Federal Deployment Center
NDC – National Deployment Center
SRP – Soldier Readiness Processing

3. Enter the training date. Enter the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward
slashes) or select the date using the calendar control.
4. Click the Search icon ( ) to search for and select the training location. The training
location search is similar to the duty station search. For more information, see Section
2.1, Searching for a Duty Station.

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The selected training location will display.



5. Click Add to add the training.
Note: If you click Close, your training information entries are not saved.
The “1. Training” tab displays the success message and the training that you just entered.


6. If necessary, click the magnifying glass icon ( ) to edit or the Delete icon ( ) to delete
the training.
7. To add more training, click Add Training and repeat the steps to document the person’s



8. Click the appropriate radio button to answer question 2.

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9. If you select Yes for question 2, enter the date the training was completed.
10. Click Save and Continue. The “2. Health” tab will display.
6.6.2 Health Information
On the “2. Health” tab:
1. Select the person’s blood type from the drop-down list.
Note: Blood type is required. However, if you do not have this information, select Not
Provided. Then return to this screen later and enter the correct blood type.


2. Click the appropriate radio button to answer questions 2 and 3.
Note: A panograph is a type of dental x-ray that provides a complete view of the mouth.
3. Click Save and Continue. The “3. Visa” tab will display.
6.6.3 Visa Information
On the “3. Visa” tab:
1. Click the Edit icon ( ) to edit the visa information.
Note: SPOT creates a set of visa information rows for each of the countries listed as
countries to be visited in the deployment.


The “Visa Details” page will display.

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2. Enter the visa number, expiration date, and any optional visa remarks.
3. Click Update to save your entries.
Note: If you click Close without first clicking Update, your entries are not saved.
A confirmation message appears indicating your entries were saved successfully.


4. Click Close. The “3. Visa” tab will display with the visa information that you just


5. To add or update visa information for any other countries, click the Edit icon and repeat
the steps to document visa information.
6. Click Continue. The “4. Personal Equipment” tab will display.
6.6.4 Personal Equipment/Weapons
On the “4. Personal Equipment” tab:
1. Click the appropriate radio button to answer questions 1 and 2. If question 3 is disabled,
go to step 3.

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Note: Question 3 becomes unlocked if the Contracting Officer has authorized a weapon
and approved the contractor’s LOA in SPOT.



2. If the contractor is not issued a weapon, click No. If the contractor is issued a weapon, go
to step 3.
Note: When the “WEAPON” checkbox is selected in the “AUTHORIZED
GOVERNMENT SERVICES” section of a Contracting Officer approved LOA, this only
indicates the employee is contractually able to carry a weapon. Other training and
certification requirements imposed by the contract or COCOM also need to be satisfied
prior to the contractor being issued a weapon. It is possible that a contractor is authorized
to carry weapons, but the contractor is never actually issued a weapon.
3. Click Save and Continue to display the “5. Clearance” tab (see Section 6.6.5).
4. If the contractor is issued a weapon, select Yes for question 3. Question 4 will display.


5. For question 4, select the Weapon Type from the drop-down list. Click Go (
Add Weapon link. Question 5 will display.

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) or the


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6. Enter the Serial Number in the text field. A serial number is required. This field cannot
be empty/blank or contain invalid characters, all spaces, or the value Unknown (in
uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Valid characters are letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers
(0-9), and a dash (-).
7. Select the source of the weapon from the Source drop-down list.
8. Repeat the steps to add all weapons associated with this person, up to a maximum of ten.


9. Click Save and Continue. The “5. Clearance” tab will display.
Note: You can add or update issued weapon information during the deployment phase by
clicking the Identify Issued Weapon link in the “Deployment” section of the“View
Person” page (see Section 9.2). This link is available after an LOA with Weapon selected
as an Authorized Government Service is approved by a Contracting Officer.
6.6.5 Clearance Information
On the “5. Clearance” tab:
1. Click the appropriate radio button to answer questions 1 and 2.


If you answer Yes, date fields will display.

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2. Enter the dates the clearances were received.
3. Click Save and Continue. The “6. Forms” tab will display.
6.6.6 Forms
On the “6. Forms” tab:
1. Click the appropriate radio button to answer questions 1 through 5.



2. Click Save and Exit when complete. For non-SOFA country deployments, the “View
Person” page will display. For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, see
Section 6.6.7.
On the “View Person” page, the “Pre-Deployment” section is updated. The Eligibility
Requirements task will have a green check mark and the status “Complete”.
Note: If weapon information was entered, the Identify Issued Weapon task in the
“Deployment” section will also have a green check mark and the status “Complete”.

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6.6.7 SOFA
If a contractor’s country to be visited or deployment duty station country requires SOFA
information in SPOT, a “7. SOFA” tab is included in the eligibility requirements. From this tab
you can update the SOFA requirements entered when the deployment and LOA was requested.
To update a contractor’s SOFA requirements:
1. From the “6. Forms” tab, click Save and Continue, or from any eligibility requirements
tab, click Skip to Next Tab as many times as necessary to skip to the seventh tab without
saving. The “7. SOFA” tab will display.” It is prepopulated with the SOFA requirements
that were previously entered for this deployment.
2. Update the selections on the “7. SOFA” tab.


If necessary, select the SOFA Country from the drop-down list.
Question 1 – Select one response for fulfilling the mission requirements.
Question 2 – Indicates if deployed person does not have a residency permit or
visa. Radio buttons are gray and disabled. Defaults to Yes if Question 1 is 1.1
through 1.5. Defaults to No if Question 1 is 1.6 No SOFA Status.
Question 3 – Indicate if qualified dependents will accompany the deployed
person. If you select Yes, you must select the number of qualifying dependents
and enter required information for those dependents in the table that appears on
the screen. If you select No, the Number of qualifying dependents field is gray
and disabled. When adding dependents:
o The table displays a row for each of the number of qualified dependents.
o In the “Status” column, a red “X” ( ) appears until the row is complete
and the data is saved. A green check mark ( ) appears after the row is
complete and saved.
o Click the trash can ( ) to remove a dependent’s row from the table and
update the number of qualified dependents.
o You must enter dependent information for each qualified dependent
quantity indicated.
Question 4 – Enter or select the SOFA expiration date. If Question 1 is 1.6 No
SOFA Status, then this date field is gray and disabled and you cannot enter a
date. If you enter a date outside the contract/task order PoP, a warning message

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will appear when you click the Save and Exit button. Click OK to continue or
Cancel to remain on the “SOFA Page”. Ensure dates are in compliance with
SOFA requirements, normally not to exceed one year.
Questions 5 – Indicate if the SOFA-specific AGS apply. Defaults to No and is
gray and disabled if Question 1 is 1.6 No SOFA Status.
If all required fields are not complete when you click Save and Exit, an error
message appears and you remain on the “SOFA Page”.

3. Click Save and Exit to save your changes and return to the “View Person” page.

Adding a Deployment Itinerary

To add a deployment itinerary:
1. Search for and select a person (see Section 5.1). The “View Person” page will display.

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2. From the “Pre-Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the Deployment
Itinerary link. The “Deployment Itinerary” page will display.



3. Enter the requested information in the itinerary fields.
o If you select an option other than Commercial Air, the Carrier and Flight
Number fields are disabled.
o If the contractor was in theater on a previous deployment, select Remain in
Theater from the Mode of Transportation drop-down list.
4. Click the Search icon ( ) to search for and select the Port of Arrival. For more
information, see Section 2.1, Searching for a Duty Station.

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5. Click Save and Continue. The “View Person” page will display.
On the “View Person” page, the “Pre-Deployment” section is updated. The Deployment
Itinerary task will have a green check mark and the status “Complete”.

7 Person Lists
A person list consists of persons that are intended to be deployed to the same contract, and if
applicable, task order.
SPOT streamlines the task of creating deployments and LOAs (see Section 6.2, Creating
Deployments and Requesting LOAs) by providing one consolidated deployment/LOA workflow,
regardless of whether the deployment/LOA task is for one or several persons deploying to the
same location at the same time. You can use one or more person lists while performing the
deployment/LOA task.

Searching for a Person List

To search for a person list:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
appear. Under “Person List”, click the Manage link. The “Search for Person List” page
will display.

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2. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The search results will display the person lists
that match your search criteria.


The Person List Status field lets you search by the person list status, which is
essentially an aggregated value derived from all the statuses of the individual persons
in the person list.

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The Person List Status drop-down list contains the following values:
o Ready for Depl (D) – All persons in the list have values in the fields required
for creating a new deployment.
o Ready for Depl/LOA (DL) – All contractors in the list have values in the
fields required for creating a new deployment with an associated LOA
o Ready for LOA (L) – All contractors in the list have values in the fields
required for creating a LOA Request for an existing deployment.
o All – All person lists, including those that do not have one of the previous
three statuses.
For a person list to have a “Ready for LOA (L)” status, all persons on the person list
must be “Ready for LOA” and the contract or contract/task order combination
selection must have an Assigned Contracting Officer.
If a person list is not ready for deployments or LOAs, it might be due to one of the
following reasons:
o Not all persons in the list have the required fields populated.
o The persons are assigned to different task orders/contracts.

3. Click on a person list name to view its details. The “Manage Person List” page will

4. On the “Manage Person List” page, perform any necessary actions. You have the option
to click one of the following buttons:

Use Person List for Depl/LOA – The “Deployment/LOA” page will display and
you can create deployments and request LOAs.
Copy – The person list will be copied.
Cancel – Cancel the action and the person list will not be updated and you will be
returned to the “Search for Person List” page.

5. To view or edit a person’s data, click on the name in the Name column. The “Verify/Edit
Person” page will display. On the “Verify/Edit Person” page, perform any necessary
actions. You have the option to click one of the following buttons:
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Save and Exit – The changes will be saved and you will be returned to the
“Manage Person List” page.
Save – The changes will be saved and you will remain on the “Verify/Edit
Person” page.
Cancel – Cancel the action and the person’s data will not be updated and you will
be returned to the “Manage Person List” page.

Creating a Person List

To create a person list:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Person List”, click the Create link. The “Create Person List” page will

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2. Enter the List Name and an optional List Description. A List Name must be unique for
the user’s company.
3. If desired, select the Bookmark checkbox to bookmark the person list.
4. Click Save & Continue to add persons to the person list (see the following steps) or click
Save & Exit to create a person list and return to the “Home” page.

5. If you clicked Save & Continue to add persons to the list, the “Manage Person List”
page will display. Click Add Person(s). The “Search for Person” page will display.

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6. On the “Search for Person” page, enter the search criteria. Click Search. The search
results, if any, will display.


When searching for a person to add to a new or existing person list, the Person
Status field on the “Search for Person” page lets you search for persons by status.


The person status applies to a specific person. This status is based on the person’s
information that has been entered and stored in SPOT. A person’s information is
divided into the following three categories:
1. Personal Information – Includes personal identifiable information data, such
as the person’s name, SSN for US citizens, FIN for foreign nationals (if
available), 10-digit DoD ID associated with the person’s CAC, and date of
birth. To be ready for deployments, passport information is required for both
US citizens and foreign nationals who do not have a FIN.
2. Security Information – Includes clearance information, address, passport,
place of birth, phone numbers, and next of kin.
3. Deployment Information – Includes contract, task order, and LOA.

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The following table lists the person status values and the corresponding definitions:

Ready for
Depl (D)


Ready for


Ready for




Person does not have a current deployment, and
All person data required for creating a deployment (+) is
Person does not have a current deployment, and
All person data required for creating a deployment (+) and
requesting an LOA (++) is populated
Person has a current deployment in which contract and task order
(when applicable) have an assigned Contracting Officer, and
Person does not have a current LOA, and
All person data required for requesting an LOA (++) is populated
Person is not ready for either a deployment or LOA, or
Person has one of the previous three statuses

7. Select the desired names by clicking the checkbox to the left of each person’s name.
Click Add Selected & Exit. The selected persons will populate in the “Manage Person
List” page.

8. If you need to remove persons from the person list, click one or more checkboxes to
select the person(s) and click the Remove Person(s) link.

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The selected persons are removed from the person list. To add more persons, select Add
Person(s) and repeat steps 6 and 7.

9. Enter a Job Title for each person on the person list. Although Job Title is not required for
a person list, it is required for requesting an LOA.

To enter a Job Title for a person, click the Search icon ( ) associated with the

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To enter a Job Title for multiple persons in the person list, click one or more
checkboxes to select the person(s) and click the Bulk Job Title link.

For more information, see Section 2.3, Searching for a Job Title.

The selected job titles will populate on the person list.

10. Enter the In-Theater Email for each person on the person list. Although In-Theater
Email is not required for a person list, it is required for requesting an LOA.

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11. Click one of the following buttons:

Save – Saves the person list and you remain on the current page.
Save & Exit – Saves the person list and the “Home” page will display, or if
multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.
Use Person List for Depl/LOA – Displays the “Create Deployments/Request
LOAs” page. For more information, see Section 6.2, Creating Deployments and
Requesting LOAs.
Copy – Copies the person list.
Delete – Deletes the person list.
Cancel – Does not save the person list and the “Home” page will display, or if
multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.

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Managing a Person List

To manage a person list:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Person List”, click the Manage link. The “Search for Person List” page
will display.

2. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The search results will display the person lists
that match your search criteria.
3. Click on a person list name to view its details. The “Manage Person List” page will

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4. On the “Manage Person List” page, update the Name and Description if necessary.

5. To add more persons into the person list, click Add Person(s). The “Search for Person”
window will display. Perform a search and select and add one or more persons from the
search results. For more information, see Section 7.2, Creating a Person List. The list will
be updated with the selected person(s).

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6. To update the information for a person, click the person’s name.

7. If necessary, update the person’s Job Title or In-Theater Email. Although Job Title and
In-Theater Email are not required to create a person list, they are required for requesting
an LOA.

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An icon indicates each person’s status for deployment and LOA.
8. Click one of the following buttons:

Save – The person list will be saved.
Save & Exit – The list will be saved and the “Home page” will display, or if
multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.
Use Person List for Depl/LOA – The “Create Deployments/Request LOAs”
page will display and to let you create deployments and request LOAs. For more
information, see Section 6.2, Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs.
Copy – The person list will be copied.
Delete – The person list will be deleted.
Cancel – The person list will not be saved and the “Home” page will display, or if
multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.

Copying and Reusing a Person List

To copy and reuse a person list:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Person List”, click the Manage link. The “Search for Person List” page
will display.

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2. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The search results will display the person lists
that match your search criteria.
3. Click on a person list name to view its details. The “Manage Person List” page will

4. Click Copy. The “Copy Person List” window will display.

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5. Enter the requested information and click Save. The pop-up window will display a
success message.

6. Click OK. The “Manage Person List” page will display.

7. If necessary, click the Search for Person List tab to verify the list was copied.

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8. If necessary, search for the person list that was copied. The person list displays in the
search results.


Managing Bookmarks for Person Lists

To manage bookmarks for person lists:
1. Search for person lists. The search results will display the person lists that match the
entered search criteria.

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2. Click one or more checkboxes next to each person list. Click the Bookmark link. The
selected person lists will be bookmarked.

A Yellow Star (

) displays next to each bookmarked person list.

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3. To remove bookmarks from person lists, check one or more checkboxes next to each
bookmarked person list and click the Remove Bookmark link. The bookmarks will be
removed from the selected person lists.

The Yellow Star ( ) is removed for each of the selected person lists and the person lists
are no longer bookmarked.

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8 Deployment Templates
A deployment template contains the data that is common among all contractors being deployed
against the same contract/task order.
Deployment templates collect deployment-specific data to streamline the process of creating
deployments and LOAs (see Section 6.2, Creating Deployments and Requesting LOAs) for
multiple personnel being deployed to the same area. However, if personnel have different
deployment sites or contract/task order combinations, you will need to create a different
deployment template for each deployment site.
Note: If a template’s country to be visited or deployment duty station country requires SOFA
information in SPOT, additional SOFA requirements must be completed if the template is
selected to request a deployment and LOA (see Section 6.2.1).

Searching for a Deployment Template

To search for a deployment template:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Deployment Template”, click the Manage link. The “Search
Deployment Template” page will display.

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2. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The results will display a list of deployment

o The Deployment Template Status field lets you search for a template by status.

o The following template status values are based on the deployment template
information that has been entered and stored in SPOT:
o Ready for Depl (D) – All fields necessary for creating deployments are
o Ready for Depl/LOA (DL) – All fields necessary for creating
deployments and LOA requests are populated.
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o Ready for LOA (L) – All fields necessary for creating LOA requests for
existing deployments are populated.
o All – All deployment templates, including those that do not have one of
the three statuses above.
o If a deployment template is not ready for deployments or LOAs, it might be
because the fields necessary for creating deployments and/or LOA requests have
not been populated.
3. Click on a deployment template to view its details. The “Manage Deployment Template”
page will display.

4. On the “Manage Deployment Template” page, perform any necessary actions. Click one
of the following buttons:

Save – The deployment template will be saved and you remain on the current page.
Save & Exit – The template will be saved and the “Home page” will display, or if
multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.
Use Template for Depl/LOA – The “Create Deployment/Request LOAs” page will
display and you can create deployments and request LOAs.
Copy – The deployment template will be copied.
Delete – The deployment template will be deleted.
Cancel – The deployment template will not be saved and the “Home” page will
display, or if multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.

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Creating a Deployment Template

To create a deployment template:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Under “Deployment Template”, and click Create.

2. Enter the Template Name and optional Template Description.
3. If desired, select the Bookmark checkbox to bookmark the template.
4. Click Save & Continue to go to the “Manage Deployment Template” page (see the
following steps), or click Save & Exit to create the template and display the “Home”
page, or if multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.

5. If you clicked Save & Continue, the “Manage Deployment Template” page will display.
Populate the deployment fields on the deployment template. Click Save & Exit. The
template is saved and the “Home” page will display, or if multiple tabs are open, the
adjacent tab will display.

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To manage additional supported contracts or task orders, select the Add icon ( )
next to the Additionally Supported Contracts field.
You may create deployments for only active or pending contracts and tasks
orders. Contracts and task orders that have passed their period of performance
(PoP) are not available for selection when you create a template. However,
expired contracts with active task orders are still available. This pertains to the
selection of the deployment contract and task order, not additionally supported
contracts or task orders.
Deployment start dates must fall within the referenced contract or task order’s
period of performance. Deployment end dates may extend up to 30 days beyond
the contract or task order’s end date to allow for close out.
The deployment start date cannot be earlier than the current date. If a deployment
start date is in the past, an error message will appear and you cannot proceed until
you enter a valid date. You cannot enter an estimated deployment date in the past.
If a person is staying in theater on back-to-back deployments and remains in
theater when a contract is extended or an option period is exercised, you must
create a new deployment with an estimated start date that must be the day after
the previous deployment is closed out.
If the deployment period is greater than one year, a warning message will appear
when you save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and
reflect only the funded portion of the contract/task order PoP. Click OK to
continue creating the deployment template.
Only operations that are not expired are available for selection.
The following buttons are also available to select:
o Save – The deployment template will be saved and you remain on the
current page.
o Save & Exit – The template will be saved and the “Home page” will
display, or if multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.
o Use Template for Depl/LOA – The “Create Deployment/Request LOAs”
page will display and you can create deployments and request LOAs.
o Copy – The deployment template will be copied.
o Delete – The deployment template will be deleted.

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Modifying a Deployment Template

To modify a deployment template:
1. Search for a template. For instructions, see Section 8.1, Searching for a Deployment
2. From the search results, click in the Name column to select a template to modify. The
“Manage Deployment Template” page will display.

Note: SPOT allows you to search for, view, and use all deployment templates that are
created by a member of your company. You can only modify or delete deployment
templates that you have created.
3. Edit the necessary data. Click Save & Exit. The “Search Deployment Template” page
will display.
Note: For notes on entering deployment data, see Section 8.2, Creating a Deployment
Template. The following buttons are also available to select:

Save – The deployment template will be saved and you remain on the current
Save & Exit – The template will be saved and the “Home page” will display, or if
multiple tabs are open, the adjacent tab will display.
Use Template for Depl/LOA – The “Create Deployment/Request LOAs” page
will display and you can use the template to create deployments and request
Copy – The deployment template will be copied.
Delete – The deployment template will be deleted.

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Cancel – Cancel the action and the template will not be updated.

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Copying and Reusing an Existing Deployment Template

To copy and reuse a deployment template:
1. Search for a template. For instructions, see Section 8.1, Searching for a Deployment
2. From the search results, click in the Name column to select a template to copy. The
“Manage Deployment Template” page will display.

3. Edit the necessary data. Select Copy. The “Copy Deployment Template” will display.
Note: For notes on entering deployment data, see Section 8.2, Creating a Deployment

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4. Enter the information in the Copy Deployment Template As and Description fields.
Click Save. A pop-up window will display a success message.

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5. Click OK. The “Manage Deployment Template” page will display.

6. To view the copied template, click the Search Deployment Template tab. Enter the
template name and click Search. The new deployment template will display in the search

7. Click the link in the Name column. The template will display.

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Managing Bookmarks for Deployment Templates

To manage bookmarks for deployment templates:
1. Search for deployment templates. For instructions, see Section 8.1, Searching for a
Deployment Template.
In the search results, a Yellow Star (

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) next to a template indicates the template is


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. To bookmark templates, click one or more checkboxes next to each template and click
the Bookmark link. The selected templates will be bookmarked.

A Yellow Star (

) will display next to each bookmarked template.

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3. To remove bookmarks, click one or more checkboxes next to the bookmarked templates
and click the Remove Bookmark link. The bookmarks will be removed from the
selected templates.

The Yellow Star ( ) is removed for each of the selected templates and the templates are
no longer bookmarked.

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9 Deployments
This section provides instructions on how to manage a deployment by performing tasks such as
entering issued weapon information, updating deployment information, entering a person’s intheater arrival date (ITAD), entering a duty station check-in date, updating points of contact,
updating duty station information, and if an LOA does not exist, cancelling a deployment.
Cancelling a person’s deployment removes the deployment data and cancels the LOA request.
After you have successfully created a person’s deployment, you have the ability to update the
person’s deployment information. Deployment updates should be made any time the information
relating to the deployment undergoes a change, such as the estimated start date, estimated end
date, countries being visited, deployment purpose, person’s status, person’s job title, and the
person’s in-theater email during the deployment.
Note: If the person data is edited, the person’s current LOA will not reflect the changes. In order
to update the person data on the LOA, the current LOA must be revoked and a new LOA must be

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“View Person” Page – Current Deployment Example (KO Approved with Weapon and
SOFA Requirements in SPOT)

Only if KO
and Weapon
Only if SOFA
Required in
Affirm Current
Information is
Accurate for

If you request a SPOT system-generated LOA or the person deploys (i.e., an ITAD has been
entered in SPOT), you are no longer able to update deployment information; the update
deployment information option is removed from the Deployment Action drop-down list.
Note: After you enter deployment information, the Deployment Actions drop-down list lets you
go directly to a page to update deployment data instead of going through multiple pages in a
workflow. The options available in the Deployment Action drop-down list depend on whether
an LOA has been requested or an ITAD is populated.

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Example: LOA Requested/ITAD Entered

Example: LOA Revoked/No ITAD Entered

If a person’s point of contact changes at any time, you have the ability to update the person’s
company, government, and in-theater points of contact. You can also update a person’s
deployment duty station information if it changes before or after the person deploys.
Entering a person’s ITAD will set the person’s deployment status to “Currently Deployed” in
SPOT. This date is entered after the person has arrived in-theater and cannot be a future date.
Until an ITAD has been entered in SPOT, the person will be listed as “Not Deployed”. You
should diligently enter the ITAD as soon as you find out the person is “boots-on-the-ground” and
has arrived in-theater. In some cases, the ITAD can be automatically populated (see Section
9.4.2). Once the person arrives at his or her duty station, you should also enter the person’s duty
station check-in date.
The following table summarizes the deployment states, which are defined by two dates: ITAD
and actual departure date from AOR.
Table 5: SPOT Deployment States

Deployment State



Not Populated


Actual Departure
Date from AOR
Not Populated
Not Populated

Deployment Status
Not Deployed
Not Deployed
Not Deployed

Affirming Deployment Information

For deployments where the deployment duty station country is Afghanistan, every 30 days, click
the checkbox at the bottom of the “Deployment Information” section on the “View Person” page
to affirm that the current deployment information is accurate, especially Primary Duty Station
Site, City, and Country, Person Status, Duty Station Arrival Date, In Theater Arrival Date, 24/7
Company Point of Contact (POC), Government POC, and In-Theater POC. Update information
as required prior to clicking the checkbox.

For prior verifications, the latest date verified is saved and displayed. The checkbox is reset to
blank for the next verification.

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Identifying an Issued Weapon

If a contractor is authorized to carry weapons, you can identify issued weapons during the
predeployment phase by updating the eligibility requirements. However, in some cases, you may
not have the information during the predeployment phase because the contractor may not
actually be issued weapons until the person is in-theater. For these cases, add or update issued
weapons during the deployment phase by clicking the Identify Issued Weapon link in the
“Deployment” section of the“View Person” page. This link is available after an LOA with
Weapon selected as an Authorized Government Service is approved by a Contracting Officer.
To identify weapons issued to a contractor:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the Identify Issued
Weapon link. The “The “4. Personal Equipment” tab will display.”


3. If the contractor is not issued a weapon, click No. If the contractor is issued a weapon, go
to step 5.
Note: A selected “WEAPON” checkbox in the “AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT
SERVICES” section of a Contracting Officer approved LOA indicates only that the
employee is contractually able to carry a weapon. Other training and certification
requirements imposed by the contract or COCOM also need to be satisfied prior to the
contractor being issued a weapon. It is possible for a contractor to be authorized to carry
weapons, but the contractor is never actually issued a weapon.
4. Click Save and Continue to display the “5. Clearance” tab (see Section 6.6.5).
5. If the contractor is issued a weapon, select Yes for question 3. Question 4 will display.

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6. For question 4, select the Weapon Type from the drop-down list. Click Go (
Add Weapon link. Question 5 will display.

) or the


7. Enter the Serial Number in the text field. A serial number is required. This field cannot
be empty/blank or contain invalid characters, all spaces, or the value Unknown (in
uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Valid characters are letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers
(0-9), and a dash (-).
8. Select the source of the weapon from the Source drop-down list.
9. Repeat the steps to add all weapons associated with this person, up to a maximum of ten.


10. Click Save and Continue. The “5. Clearance” tab will display (see Section 6.6.5). Click
Cancel to return to the “View Person” page.
On the “View Person” page, the “Deployment” section is updated. The Eligibility
Requirements task will have a green check mark and the status “Complete”.

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Updating SOFA Requirements

If a contractor’s country to be visited or deployment duty station country requires SOFA
information in SPOT, a SOFA link appears in the “Deployment” section of the“View Person”
page. Use this SOFA link if you have to update the SOFA requirements entered when the
deployment was requested.
To update a contractor’s SOFA requirements:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the SOFA link. The
“The “7. SOFA” tab will display. It is prepopulated with the SOFA requirements that
were previously entered for this deployment.


3. Update the selections on the “7. SOFA” tab.

If necessary, select the SOFA Country from the drop-down list.
Question 1 – Select one response for fulfilling the mission requirements.
Question 2 – Indicates if deployed person does not have a residency permit or
visa. Radio buttons are gray and disabled. Defaults to Yes if Question 1 is 1.1
through 1.5. Defaults to No if Question 1 is 1.6 No SOFA Status.
Question 3 – Indicate if qualified dependents will accompany the deployed
person. If you select Yes, you must select the number of qualifying dependents

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and enter required information for those dependents in the table that appears on
the screen. If you select No, the Number of qualifying dependents field is gray
and disabled. When adding dependents:
o The table displays a row for each of the number of qualified dependents.
o In the “Status” column, a red “X” ( ) appears until the row is complete
and the data is saved. A green check mark ( ) appears after the row is
complete and saved.
o Click the trash can ( ) to remove a dependent’s row from the table and
update the number of qualified dependents.
o You must enter dependent information for each qualified dependent
quantity indicated.
Question 4 – Enter or select the SOFA expiration date. If Question 1 is 1.6 No
SOFA Status, then this date field is gray and disabled and you cannot enter a
date. If you enter a date outside the contract/task order PoP, a warning message
will appear when you click the Save and Exit button. Click OK to continue or
Cancel to remain on the “SOFA Page”. Ensure dates are in compliance with
SOFA requirements, normally not to exceed one year.
Questions 5 – Indicate if the SOFA-specific AGS apply. Defaults to No and is
gray and disabled if Question 1 is 1.6 No SOFA Status.
If all required fields are not complete when you click Save and Exit, an error
message appears and you remain on the “SOFA Page”.

4. Click Save and Exit to save your changes and return to the “View Person” page.

Entering a Person’s In-Theater Arrival Date (ITAD)

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There are three ways that a person’s ITAD can be entered into the system. You can manually
enter the date, or there are two situations when SPOT automatically populates this field. For the
system-populated date, company personnel (or other authorized users) are required to validate,
and if necessary, manually change the date.
Note: An email is sent to the contract assigned SPOT Contracting Officer, Government
Authority, and Company Administrator if the ITAD is not entered in SPOT within 15 days after
the estimated deployment start date.
Entering the ITAD (through the manual or automatic process), changes the person’s status to
“Deployed” and the deployment status changes from “Open” to “Active”.
9.4.1 Manually Entering the ITAD
To enter the ITAD manually:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the In-Theater
Arrival link.


The “In-Theater Arrival” page will display.


3. Enter the date the person arrived in-theater. Enter the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format,
including forward slashes) or select the date using the calendar control.
o You cannot enter future dates (dates later than the current date); you must enter
the date that truly reflects the person’s in-theater arrival.
o The ITAD may or may not be the same as the duty station check-in date, but it
cannot be after the duty station check-in date.

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o The ITAD cannot be more than 30 days (including the 30th day) before the
estimated deployment start date. For example, if the estimated deployment start
date is November 30, the ITAD can be from November 1 to November 30.
o The ITAD cannot be outside the period of performance of the current
contract/task order.
o The ITAD cannot overlap with a previously closed deployment. The ITAD must
be after the actual end date of all previously closed deployments. The ITAD
cannot be “back-dated” to reflect the original ITAD date of a contractor who has
remained in theater and is issued back-to-back LOAs when a contract is extended
or an option periond is exercised. This change was implemented to prevent
overlapping deployments.
4. Click Save and Continue.
The updated “View Person” page will display. The In-Theater Arrival task will have a
green check mark and the status “Complete”, and the person’s deployment status changes
to “Deployed”.
Note: In the “Current Deployment” section, the Arrived field will display “Has arrived”
and the Actual Arrival Date field will display the date entered for the ITAD.

9.4.2 Automatically Populating the ITAD
There are two ways that SPOT will automatically populate the ITAD:
1. If the ITAD is not recorded in SPOT and you enter the duty station check-in date, SPOT
will automatically populate the ITAD with the arrival date at the duty station. While the

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ITAD can be automatically populated, the duty station check-in date cannot. Therefore,
you need to enter the duty station check-in date.
2. If the ITAD is not recorded in SPOT and the person scans a Common Access Card
(CAC) or LOA at a JAMMS location in-theater (i.e., OCONUS), once the scans have
been uploaded via the JAMMS upload process, SPOT compares the date of the scan to
the deployment start date. If the scan date is on or after the estimated deployment start
date but not after the estimated deployment end date, SPOT automatically populates the
ITAD with the date of the scan, as long as the deployment has not been cancelled or
closed. In this case, the “View Person” page will display the text “Populated by
Movement Scan Date” next to the In-Theater Arrival task and the Actual Arrival Date
field. A JAMMS scan before the SPOT estimated deployment start date or after the
estimated deployment end date does not populate the ITAD.
o For a CAC scan to populate the ITAD, the person record in SPOT must be
DMDC verified in order for the scan to associate with the person record via the
o Automated population of the ITAD changes the person’s status to “Deployed”. It
also sets the Arrived field to “Has arrived” and sets the Actual Arrival Date
field to the date entered for the in-theater arrival.
o In the past, the JAMMS upload process may have caused an overlapping
deployment of up to 14 days if the automatically populated ITAD was before the
actual end date of all previously closed deployments. This exception will appear
on reports that contain deployment and JAMMS scan information. You can
correct an overlapping deployment when you validate the ITAD (see Section

Populated by Movement Scan Date 

Populated by Movement Scan Date 

9.4.3 Validating or Changing the Automatically Populated ITAD
When SPOT automatically populates the ITAD, the Company Administrator (or other authorized
users) must validate, and if necessary, change the date to make sure it reflects the actual date that
the person arrived in-theater.
To validate or change the ITAD:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
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2. From the “Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the In-Theater
Arrival link.
The “In-Theater Arrival” page will display.


3. Verify the ITAD or change it to reflect the correct date.
o You cannot enter future dates (dates later than the current date); you must enter
the date that truly reflects the person’s in-theater arrival.
o The ITAD may or may not be the same as the duty station check-in date, but it
cannot be after the duty station check-in date.
o The ITAD cannot be more than 30 days (including the 30th day) before the
estimated deployment start date. For example, if the estimated deployment start
date is November 30, the ITAD can be from November 1 to November 30.
o The ITAD cannot be outside the period of performance of the current
contract/task order.
o The ITAD cannot overlap with a previously closed deployment. The ITAD must
be after the actual end date of all previously closed deployments. You cannot
“back-date” the ITAD to reflect the original ITAD date of a contractor who has
remained in theater and is issued back-to-back LOAs when a contract is extended
or an option period is exercised. This change was implemented to prevent
overlapping deployments.
4. Click Save and Continue.
The “View Person” page will display. In the “Deployment” section, the In-Theater
Arrival task will have a green check mark and the status “Complete”.

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Entering a Person’s Duty Station Check-in Date

To enter the duty station check-in date:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the Duty Station
Check In link.


The “Update Deployment Duty Station” page will display.



3. Enter the duty station check-in date in the Date Arrived field. Enter the date (in
MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward slashes) or select the date using the calendar
o You cannot enter future dates (dates later than the current date); you must enter
the date that truly reflects the person’s duty station check-in.
 The duty station check-in date can be the same as or later than the ITAD. You
cannot enter a date that is earlier than the ITAD.
 If the duty station/ITAD overlaps with a previously closed deployment, an error
message appears and you cannot proceed until you enter a valid date. The duty
station check-in date and ITAD must be after the actual end date of all previously

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closed deployments. You cannot “back-date” the duty station check-in date to
reflect the original duty station check-in date of a contractor who has remained in
theater and is issued back-to-back LOAs when a contract is extended or an option
period is exercised. This change was implemented to prevent overlapping
If you change the duty station country to a country that requires SOFA
information in SPOT and no LOA was requested for the deployment, when you
click Save and Exit, an error message will display that indicates an LOA is
required. The message instructs you to cancel or close the current deployment and
create a new deployment and LOA. Click Cancel to exit the page without saving.
If you change the duty station country to a country that requires SOFA
information in SPOT and an LOA was requested for the deployment, when you
click Save and Exit, a pop-up window will display to inform you about additional
SOFA requirements.
o If you click OK in the pop-up window, the “SOFA Page” will display.
 Complete the SOFA requirements on the “SOFA Page” (see the
Notes in Section 9.3), ensuring the expiration date is in compliance
with SOFA requirements and the deployment period is not greater
than one year. Click Save and Exit to return to the “Deployment
Duty Station” page. Click Save and Exit to save your duty station
location changes and return to the “View Person” page.
 If you enter an expiration date on the “SOFA Page” for a current
deployment period that is greater than one year, a pop-up warning
message will display when you click Save and Exit. Because
SOFA deployments are limited to one year, you should cancel or
close the current deployment and request a new deployment of one
year or less. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and click
Cancel on the “SOFA Page”.
 If you do not complete the SOFA requirements on the “SOFA
Page “and click Cancel, you return to the “Deployment Duty
Station” page and a pop-up window indicates that the SOFA
country is removed from the Duty Station Location field. Click
OK to close the pop-up window. The Duty Station Location is
not changed to a SOFA country until SOFA requirements are
complete. Click Cancel to exit the “Deployment Duty Station”
page without saving and return to the “View Person” page.
o If you click Cancel in the pop-up window, the pop-up window closes, you
remain on the “Deployment Duty Station” page, and the Duty Station
Location is not changed to a SOFA country. Click Cancel to exit the
“Deployment Duty Station” page without saving and return to the “View
Person” page.

4. If necessary, update the other fields.

Operations that are expired are not available for selection from the Operation
drop-down list.

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If the previously selected Operation is expired, a message will display and you
need to select an Operation from the drop-down list. In the following example,
the previously selected Operation value “CBRNE” is expired.

5. Click Save and Exit.
The “View Person” page will display. In the “Deployment” section, the Duty Station
Check In task will have a green check mark and the status “Complete”.
o In the “Current Duty Station” section, the Actual Arrival Date field will display
the duty station check-in date.
o If the ITAD is not recorded in SPOT for the current deployment before the duty
station check-in date is populated, SPOT will automatically populate the ITAD
with the arrival date at the duty station. As a result, the In-Theater Arrival task
is also marked as “Complete” and the person’s deployment status is changed to
“Deployed”. In addition, the Arrived field will display “Has arrived” and the
Actual Arrival Date field will display the date entered for the ITAD.

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Updating Points of Contact

Points of Contact (POC) information can be updated at any time, whether the person is actively
deployed or not. The updated information will be visible on the person’s “LOA Details” page in
SPOT. However, the LOA will not reflect those updates if the PDF file has already been
produced. For the LOA in its PDF form to reflect those updates, it needs to be revoked and
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Update
POCs from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click Go ( ).


The “Update Point of Contact” page will display.

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3. Add or update any of the POC information, as needed.
Note: The 24/7 company and in-theater points of contact are required. The government
contact is optional. If not entered, this contact will be populated on the LOA with
information for the assigned Government Authority.
4. Click Save for each POC that you add or update. A message confirming the successful
updates will display.

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5. Click any one of the three Close buttons. The “View Person” page will display.
Note: The Save button only saves updates to the section that contains the button.
However, any one of the three Close buttons will close the entire “Update Point of
Contact” page.

Updating Deployment Information

To update the deployment dates, countries to visited, purpose of deployment, job title, or intheater email address:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Update
Deployment Information from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click Go ( ).
Note: The Update Deployment Information option is not available if the ITAD is
populated or an LOA has been requested. To update deployment information when an
LOA has been requested, an authorized user may recall or revoke an LOA. For more
information about recalling LOAs, see Section 6.4, Recalling an LOA. To have an LOA
revoked, contact the Contracting Officer.


The “Update Deployment” page will display.

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3. Edit the Estimated Start Date and the Estimated End Date, if necessary. Enter the
dates (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward slashes) or select the dates using the
calendar controls.




Deployment start dates must fall within the referenced contract or task order’s
period of performance. Deployment end dates may extend up to 30 days beyond
the contract or task order’s end date to allow for close out.
The deployment start date cannot be earlier than the current date. If a deployment
start date is in the past, an error message will appear and you cannot proceed until
you enter a valid date. You cannot enter an estimated deployment date in the past.
If a person is staying in theater on back-to-back deployments and remains in
theater when a contract is extended or an option period is exercised, you must
create a new deployment with an estimated start date that must be the day after
the previous deployment is closed out.
If a new deployment overlaps with a previously closed deployment, an error
message appears and you cannot proceed until you enter a valid date. The
estimated start date of a new deployment must be after the actual end date of all
previously closed deployments. This change was implemented to prevent
overlapping deployments.
For deployments that do not require SOFA information in SPOT, if the
deployment period is greater than one year, a warning message will appear when
you click Save. Ensure dates are in compliance with SPOT business rules and
reflect only the funded portion of the contract/task order PoP. Click OK to
continue updating the deployment.
For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, if the deployment
period is greater than one year, an error message will appear when you click Save.

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To update deployment dates, you might have to cancel the current deployment
and request a new deployment of one year or less.
4. Edit Countries to be Visited, if necessary. To add Countries to be Visited, select one or
more countries from the list and click the Down Arrow button to move the selection(s) to
the box of Selected Countries.


If you need to remove countries from the Selected Countries list, select one or
more countries and click the Up Arrow button.
After you select the correct countries, you can update visa information as needed
for the selected countries. For more information, see Sections 9.12, Updating Visa
If you attempt to add a country to the Selected Countries list that requires SOFA
information in SPOT and no LOA was requested for the deployment, when you
click the Down Arrow button, a pop-up window will display that instructs you to
cancel or close the current deployment and create a new deployment and LOA.
If you attempt to add a country to the Selected Countries list that requires SOFA
information in SPOT and the LOA for the deployment was recalled, denied,
revoked, or in a pending signed state, when you click the Down Arrow button, a
pop-up window will display to inform you about additional SOFA requirements.
o If you click OK in the pop-up window, the “SOFA Page” will display.
 Complete the SOFA requirements on the “SOFA Page” (see the
Notes in Section 9.3), ensuring the expiration date is in compliance
with SOFA requirements. Click Save and Exit to return to the
“Update Deployment” page. The SOFA country is added to the
Selected Countries list.
 If you do not complete the SOFA requirements on the “SOFA
Page “and click Cancel, you return to the “Update Deployment”
page and a pop-up window indicates that the SOFA country is
removed from the Selected Countries list. Click OK to close the
pop-up window. A SOFA country is not added to the Selected
Countries list until SOFA requirements are complete.
o If you click Cancel in the pop-up window, the pop-up window closes, you
remain on the “Update Deployment” page, and the SOFA country is not
added to the Selected Countries list.

5. Edit the purpose of this deployment, job title, and in-theater email address, if necessary.
6. Click Save. A pop-up window will display to confirm the successful updates.


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7. Click OK. The “Update Deployment” page displays a success message. Then the “View
Person” page will display.


Referencing Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders

SPOT allows Company Administrators to reference additional contracts or task orders that a
person is supporting in-theater. Note that additional contracts or task orders are listed for
reference purposes only, as the LOA will only reflect the primary contract/ task order identified
when the LOA request was approved.
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Manage
Additionally Supported Contracts from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click
Go ( ).


The “Manage Additionally Supported Contracts” page will display.
3. Add, update, or remove additionally supported contracts or task orders that the contractor
is supporting. For instructions, see Sections 9.8.1 through 9.8.3.
4. When done with all the updates, click Save & Exit to return to the “View Person” page.

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9.8.1 Adding Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders
To add an additionally supported contract or task order:
1. Select the Add icon (

) next to “Additionally Supported Contracts”.


The “Add Additionally Supported Contracts” window will display.




2. Select a contract from the Contract Number drop-down list. SPOT will display
information in the Contract KO, Contract POP, and Task Order fields for the selected
3. If the selected contract has task orders, select a task order from the Task Order dropdown list. After you select a task order, SPOT will display information in the Task
Order KO and Task Order PoP fields for the selected task order.
4. Enter or update the dates that the contractor will be supporting the additional Contract or
Task Order, if necessary.

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5. Click Add.
The “Manage Additionally Supported Contracts” page will display. The “Additionally
Supported Contracts” table displays the newly added contract/task order that the person


6. When done with all the updates, click Save & Exit to return to the “View Person” page.
9.8.2 Updating Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders
To update an additionally supported contract or task order:
1. Click the desired link in the Contract/Task Order column.


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The “Edit Additionally Supported Contracts” window will display.



2. Enter or update the dates that the contractor will be supporting the additional
contract/task order, if necessary.
Note: Other fields cannot be changed.
3. Click Update.
The “Manage Additionally Supported Contracts” page will display with the updated dates
in the “Additionally Supported Contracts” table.


4. When done with all the updates, click Save & Exit to return to the “View Person” page.
9.8.3 Removing Additionally Supported Contracts or Task Orders
To remove an additionally supported contract or task order:
1. Click the Remove icon ( ) associated with the contract/task order to be removed.

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The “Additionally Supported Contracts” table will update accordingly.


2. When done with all the updates, click Save & Exit to return to the “View Person” page.

Cancelling a Deployment

Both the deployment status and the status of an associated LOA determine if the Cancel
Deployment option is available in the Deployment Actions drop-down list on the “View
Person” page.

If there is an associated LOA, you can cancel a deployment if the LOA status is one of
the following, as long as the ITAD has not been populated:
LOA Status When Cancel Deployment
is Available
LOA Not Requested (no associated LOA)
Request Pending

LOA Status After Deployment is

The Cancel Deployment option is not available if the LOA status is “Government
Authorized”, “Pending Signed Document”, or “KO Approved”.
By cancelling a deployment, the LOA status is automatically changed (see table above).
In the LOA Inbox, you can search for an LOA by status and view LOA details. However,
you can only view the LOA PDF file for an LOA with a “KO Approved” status.

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You can cancel an open deployment, but not an active deployment. After an ITAD is
entered, the deployment is active and the Cancel Deployment option is not available.

To cancel a deployment:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Cancel
Deployment from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click Go ( ).


The “Cancel Deployment” page will display.



3. Enter the reason the deployment is being cancelled.
4. Click Continue.
The confirmation page with the Cancel Deployment button will appear.

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Note: Records of cancelled deployments are not accessible to users. If the cancelled
deployment has an LOA associated with it, a warning message of “The cancellation of
this Deployment will result in automatic cancellation of the associated LOA.” will
display at the top of the page because the LOA will also be cancelled and users can no
longer view or print it.
5. Click Cancel Deployment.
The “View Person” page will display. The “Deployment Information” section indicates
the person has no current deployment. The Create New Deployment button is available.

9.10 Updating a Person’s Status for a Deployed Person
When you request a deployment, the person’s status is Active. You can change a person’s status
without closing out the deployment or the LOA. For example, if a person goes on R&R, change
the status to R&R. Then when the person returns, repeat these steps to change the status back to
To update a person’s status:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Update
Person Status from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click Go ( ).

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The “Update Person Status” page will display.


3. Select the Person Status from the drop-down list.
Note: See the SPOT Business Rules if you have questions about the terms in the Person
Status drop-down list.

4. Enter the Effective Date of the person status change. The date must be the current date or
a prior date. Type the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including forward slashes) or use
the calendar control to select the date.


5. Click Update Person Status.

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The “View Person” page will display. In the “Person Data” section, the Person Status
field will display the selected status.

9.11 Changing a Deployment Duty Station
To change a deployment duty station:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Change
Deployment Duty Station from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click Go (


The “Update Deployment Duty Station” page will display.

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3. Update the duty station information, as needed.

Operations that are expired are not available for selection from the Operation
drop-down list.
 If the previously selected Operation is expired, select a valid Operation from the
drop-down list to proceed.
o You cannot enter future dates (dates later than the current date); you must enter
the date that truly reflects the person’s duty station check-in.
 The duty station check-in date can be the same as or later than the ITAD. You
cannot enter a date that is earlier than the ITAD.
 If the duty station/ITAD overlaps with a previously closed deployment, an error
message appears and you cannot proceed until you enter a valid date. You cannot
“back-date” the duty station check-in date to reflect the original duty station
check-in date of a contractor who has remained in theater and is issued back-toback LOAs when a contract is extended or an option period is exercised. This
change was implemented to prevent overlapping deployments.
 If you change the duty station country to a country that requires SOFA
information in SPOT and no LOA was requested for the deployment, when you
click Save and Exit, an error message will display that indicates an LOA is
required. The message instructs you to cancel or close the current deployment and
create a new deployment and LOA. Click Cancel to exit the page without saving.
 If you change the duty station country to a country that requires SOFA
information in SPOT and an LOA was requested for the deployment, when you
click Save and Exit, a pop-up window will display to inform you about additional
SOFA requirements.
o If you click OK in the pop-up window, the “SOFA Page” will display.
 Complete the SOFA requirements on the “SOFA Page” (see the
Notes in Section 9.3), ensuring the expiration date is in compliance
with SOFA requirements and the deployment period is not greater
than one year. Click Save and Exit to return to the “Deployment
Duty Station” page. Click Save and Exit to save your duty station
location changes and return to the “View Person” page.

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If you enter an expiration date on the “SOFA Page” for a current
deployment period that is greater than one year, a pop-up warning
message will display when you click Save and Exit. Because
SOFA deployments are limited to one year, you should cancel or
close the current deployment and request a new deployment of one
year or less. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and click
Cancel on the “SOFA Page”.
 If you do not complete the SOFA requirements on the “SOFA
Page “and click Cancel, you return to the “Deployment Duty
Station” page and a pop-up window indicates that the SOFA
country is removed from the Duty Station Location field. Click
OK to close the pop-up window. The Duty Station Location is
not changed to a SOFA country until SOFA requirements are
complete. Click Cancel to exit the “Deployment Duty Station”
page without saving and return to the “View Person” page.
o If you click Cancel in the pop-up window, the pop-up window closes, you
remain on the “Deployment Duty Station” page, and the Duty Station
Location is not changed to a SOFA country. Click Cancel to exit the
“Deployment Duty Station” page without saving and return to the “View
Person” page.
4. Click Save and Exit. The “View Person” page will display.
9.12 Updating Visa Information
To update visa information:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, select Update
Visa from the Deployment Actions drop-down list. Click Go ( ).


The “Update Visa” page will display.

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3. Click the Edit icon ( ) to update the visa information.
The “Update Visa” page will display with fields for updating the selected visa.



4. Update the visa number, expiration date, and any optional visa remarks.
5. Click Update. A confirmation message will display.


6. Click Close to return to the “Update Visa” page.
The “Update Visa” page displays the updated visa information.

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7. Click Exit to return to the “View Person” page.

10 Redeployments
This section provides instructions on how to plan a redeployment, close out a deployment, and
view a person’s deployment history after their previous deployment has been closed out.
SPOT uses the term redeployment in the military context. In SPOT, the term redeployment is
defined as “returning from deployment”. The term does not refer to deploying again or returning
to deployment.
Redeployment occurs when a person’s deployment ends and the individual returns home and/or
to the demobilization station (point of origin). The following two workflows are associated with
managing a person’s redeployment:
1. Planning redeployment (i.e., planning to return home and/or to the demobilization
station), and
2. Closing out the deployment.
Completing the two workflows helps organizations prepare and plan for the utilization of their
The “Redeployment” section of the “View Person” page provides links to the redeployment and
close out deployment workflows. Planning a person’s redeployment involves completing the
redeployment itinerary. The anticipated departure date from AOR is the target date for the person
to depart from the AOR. The actual departure date is entered only after the person has departed.
To close out a person’s deployment, enter the departure date in the Actual Departure Date
from AOR field. Once the actual departure date is entered and saved, the deployment record
becomes part of the permanent historical record set for the person. All of the data fields are
locked; you can no longer add or update information. However, you can view the deployment
details by selecting the PoP from the Previous Deployments drop-down list. The Previous
Deployments drop-down list allows you to view the details that relate to a person’s previous
deployment(s) affiliated with your company.
10.1 Planning a Redeployment
To plan a redeployment:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.

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2. From the “Re-Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the Plan ReDeployment link. The “Plan Redeployment” page will display.


3. Select the Method of Transportation from the drop-down list.

4. Enter the Actual Departure Date from AOR (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including
forward slashes), or use the calendar control to select the date.
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5. Click Save & Continue. The “View Person” page will display.
On the “View Person” page, the Plan Re-Deployment task will have a green check mark
and the status “Complete”.

10.2 Closing Out a Deployment
A deployment must be closed out in SPOT after the person has left the Area of Responsibility
(AOR). No further edits can be made to the deployment once the Actual Departure Date from
AOR has been entered and the deployment has been closed out. You can only close out a
deployment if the ITAD has been entered.
To ensure data quality in SPOT, automated processes are run daily on a scheduled basis. These
processes will close or cancel appropriate deployments and correspondingly set the status of
associated LOAs. For more information, see the Automated Processes section in Appendix A:
Getting Started in SPOT.
To close out a deployment:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.

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2. From the “Re-Deployment” section of the “View Person” page, click the Closeout
Deployment link. The “Closeout Deployment” page will display.
o The ITAD must be entered before closing a deployment. For information on
entering the date, see Section 9.4.
o If an LOA is associated with the deployment, SPOT will display a warning
message: “The closeout of this Deployment will result in automatic expiration of
the associated LOA.”

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Message displayed if deployment has an
associated LOA and Plan Re-Deployment is
not entered



Question only available for
subcontractor employee who
was added by prime company


3. Click the appropriate Yes or No radio button to answer the question Have the terms of
deployment been fulfilled?

If you select Yes, skip steps 4 and 5 and go to step 6 to complete the rest of the


If you select No, an additional question will appear asking the reason for the
person’s departure without fulfilling the terms of the deployment. Continue with
step 3.

4. Click the appropriate radio button to answer the question Reason for leaving mission?
o If you select Voluntary (early), skip step 5 and go to step 6.

o If you select Involuntary (removed for cause), the Identify Reason drop-down
list will display.

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5. From the Identify Reason drop-down list, select the reason for the involuntary departure.
Note: See the SPOT Business Rules if you have questions about the terms in the Identify
Reason drop-down list.

Note: If you select Other from the Identify Reason drop-down list, a text field will
display for you to enter a reason. This field is required.

6. Select the Person Status from the drop-down list.
o See the SPOT Business Rules if you have questions about the terms in the Person
Status drop-down list.
o If the person is remaining active, select Active from the Person Status dropdown list.

7. Enter the date of the status change in the Person Status Effective Date field. The date
must be the current date or a prior date. Type the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format,
including forward slashes) or use the calendar control to select the date.

8. If necessary, select the Method of Transportation from the drop-down list.
Note: If the person is remaining in theater, select Remain in Theater.

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9. Enter the Actual Departure Date from AOR. Type the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format,
including forward slashes) or use the calendar control to select the date.
Note: You should not enter a future departure date (date later than the current date).

10. Click the appropriate Yes or No radio button to answer the next two questions regarding
Organization Clothing Individual Equipment (OCIE) and medical screening.

11. Click the appropriate Yes or No radio button to release the person from his/her company.
Note: Releasing a person from a company allows the person to become available in
SPOT for a new employer.

If you select No, go to step 12.

o If you select Yes, an additional question will appear asking the date of the release
from company. Enter the release date (in MM/DD/YYYY format, including
forward slashes), or use the calendar control. Then go to step 13.

12. If available, click the appropriate Yes or No radio button to release a subcontractor from
the prime company and previously assigned contract/task order.
Note: This question is available only if the person whose deployment is being closed is a
subcontractor employee who was added to SPOT by the prime company. Releasing a
person from a contract/task order releases the person from an assigned contract/task order
and the prime company. The person is still assigned to the employer. This allows the
person to work on another contract/task order for the employer.

If you select No, go to step 13.

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o If you select Yes, an additional question will appear asking the date of the release
from contract/task order. Enter the release date (in MM/DD/YYYY format,
including forward slashes), or use the calendar control. Then go to step 13.

13. Click Save & Continue.

SPOT displays a warning message: “The Actual Departure Date has been entered.
Continuing will close out this deployment. To make changes, click Cancel. Otherwise,
click Closeout to commit the below information and close the deployment.”


14. Click Closeout Deployment to close out the deployment.
Note: If the ITAD has not been entered, you cannot close out the deployment and an
error message appears. Enter the ITAD (see Section 9.1) and then close out the
After you click Closeout Deployment, the deployment is closed out and the “View
Person” page will display. The person’s status changes to “Not Deployed” and the “View
Person” page indicates there are no current deployments. The Create New Deployment
button is available to create another deployment, unless the person was released from
his/her company. Previous deployments are listed in the Select a Previous Deployment
drop-down list.

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o The Company field displays “Released” if the person was released from the
company, or the employer name if the person was released from the contract/task
o The view is different if you are the Company Administrator for the prime
company and you release the person from a contract and/or task order. In this
scenario, the prime Company Administrator will not see the previous
deployments listed in the Select a Previous Deployment drop-down list because
the prime/subcontractor relationship no longer exists with the person whose
record is being viewed.
o After leaving the “View Person” page, you will no longer be able to search for
and view information about the released person if your company’s relationship
with this person no longer exists
View Person Page After Close (No Release)

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

View Person Page After Close (Release from Company)

View Person Page After Close (Release from Contract/Task Order by Prime and
Viewed by Prime Company Administrator)

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

View Person Page After Close (Release from Contract/Task Order by
Subcontractor and Viewed by Subcontractor Company Administrator)

11 Deployment History and LOAs
11.1 Viewing Deployment History
The Select a Previous Deployment drop-down list appears after a person’s deployment is closed
out. The list allows you to view the details that relate to the person’s previous deployment(s)
affiliated with your company. The list is organized by previous deployment date range.
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, click the Select
a Previous Deployment drop-down list and select the PoP for the desired deployment
record. Click Go ( ). The “Deployment History” page for the selected deployment will

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

The “Deployment History” page is read-only because you cannot make edits to
deployments that are closed out.
3. Click Back to return to the “View Person” page.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

11.2 Viewing Duty Station History
To view duty station history for a deployment:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, click the View
Duty Station History link. The “Duty Station History” page will display.

3. Click Exit to return to the “View Person” page.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

11.3 Viewing JAMMS Movements
To view the most recent and Joint Asset Movement Management System (JAMMS) movements
for a deployment:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, click the View
Most Recent (5) Movements link.

The five most recent JAMMS scans that have been uploaded into SPOT will display.

Note: If JAMMS movements are not uploaded into SPOT via the JAMMS upload
process, the “View Person” page will display a message to indicate that no movements
are available for this person for the current deployment dates.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

11.4 Viewing and Printing LOAs
After an LOA is approved and signed by the Contracting Officer, you can view and print the
LOA as a read-only portable document format (PDF). You can access an LOA from the “LOA
Inbox” section of the “Home” page (see Section 6.3) or from the “View Person” page.
Note: LOA PDFs are only available for LOAs with a “KO Approved” status.
To view and print an LOA from the “View Person” page:
1. Search for and select a person. The “View Person” page will display.
2. From the “Deployment Information” section of the “View Person” page, click the View /
Print LOA button. The LOA will display.
Note: The View / Print LOA button only appears for an LOA with a “KO Approved”

3. Click Open to display the read-only PDF document.
Note: Optionally, you can click Save or Cancel instead of opening the PDF document.
The LOA displays as a PDF document. The actual LOA will have a watermark, based on
the identified Supporting Government Organization for the deployment (such as
Department of Defense, Department of State, or U.S. Agency for International

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


For deployments that require SOFA information in SPOT, the SOFA questions and
responses are printed at the top of the “LOA REMARKS” section on the second page
of the LOA.
The number of qualified dependents prints on the LOA, not the dependent
information that was entered in SPOT. To see SOFA information and dependent
o Display the SPOT “View Person” page for the contractor employee. In the
“Deployment” section, click the SOFA link (see Section 9.3) or click the
Eligibility Requirements link and continue to the “7. SOFA” tab (see Section
o Run the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report (see Section 13.6).

4. To print the LOA, click the Print icon (

). Select print options and click Print.

5. Close Adobe® Reader™ to return to the “View Person” page.

12 Equipment
The “Equipment” option allows companies to track the following types of equipment:

Equipment operated by Private Security Contractor (PSC) personnel to be compliant with
the DoD Instruction DODI 3020.50
Contractor-Owned Contractor-Operated Equipment (COCO) equipment

Company Administrators and Equipment Managers can add, search, and update equipment
information for a company. Contracting Officer, Contracting Administrator, and Contract
Accountability users can only view equipment information. This section is limited to the
functions available to the Company Administrators.
12.1 Searching for Equipment
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Click the Search link and the “Search Equipment” page will display.
2. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The search results display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

3. In the SPOT Equipment Number column, click an equipment number. The “Update
Equipment” page will display.

4. View the equipment details. Click Save and Exit or Cancel to exit. The “Search
Equipment” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

12.2 Adding Equipment
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over SPOT and a drop-down menu will
display. Click the Add link the “Add Equipment” page will display.

2. Enter equipment information in the required and optional fields.
Note: The following screens are examples. The actual fields visible/available/required
will vary/change based on selections made while entering data!

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

3. Select one of the following options:

Click Save and Add Another Record to save the changes and add another
record. The “Add Equipment” page displays for you to add another record.
Click Save and Exit to save the changes but do not add another record. The
“Home” page displays with the updates.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

13 Reports
SPOT reports provide insight and information about personnel and personnel deployment
activity. Contractor Company SPOT users can access five report categories from the Reports
option: Personnel, Pre-Deployment Eligibility, Deployment, Contract, and LOA. SPOT provides
standard (predefined) reports and allows users to customize (define) reports to meet specific
reporting needs. The Operations Visibility Report is automatically exported to a Microsoft
Excel™ formatted file. All other reports are generated in SPOT and can be downloaded and
saved in various formats such as PDF and Microsoft Excel.
13.1 Types of SPOT Reports
The following types of standard and customized (ad hoc) reports are available in SPOT for the
Company Administrator role. With the addition of the Operations Visibility Report, some older
reports were removed from SPOT.

Report Name
Personnel Detail

Ad Hoc

DMDC Reverify Failed



Predeployment Detail

Ad Hoc


OCSIC Affirmation

Ad Hoc

Operations Visibility

Ad Hoc

Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA)

Ad Hoc

Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Report Description
By name listing based on selected user criteria (personnel
category, deployment status, citizenship, and organization/
Summary of all unverified person records from DMDC
verification. Reasons explain the data mismatch during
DMDC verification.
Returns the status and/or information on eligibility
requirements (health, visa, equipment, theater/country
clearance, forms, LOA, and training) for persons who have
not yet been updated as deployed in SPOT.
Displays details for company contractor personnel
supporting all government organizations in SPOT (except
Department of State and USAID orgs) having open and
active deployments in Afghanistan. The report displays
deployment details such as duty station site, city and
country, person status, duty station arrival date, in-theatre
arrival date, 24/7 company POC, government POC and intheatre POC. It also provides the POC information for the
person who last affirmed the data was correct and the date
affirmed. Deployments having LOAs that have not been
requested will show blank in the LOA Number and LOA
Status columns in this report.
Displays all company contractor personnel in SPOT having
open, active and future deployments. The report displays
deployment details such as contract, task order, contracting
office (office responsible for deployment), duty station
city/country, LOA information (if applicable), and last
scanned information.
Displays data based on your SPOT user based permissions
and report filter selections for all company contractor
personnel in SPOT having open, active, and future
deployments with either a current primary deployed duty
station country or a country to be visited that requires
SOFA information in SPOT. The report displays SOFA
data entered in SPOT for the contract/task order selected.
The report displays deployment details such as contract,


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual


Report Name



Company Equipment
by Contract/Task Order
LOA Status


Weapons Summary




Report Description
task order, current duty station site/city/country, LOA
information (if applicable), and SOFA data.
Listing of company managed equipment by contract and
task order.
Summary report that presents aggregated counts of all
active and historical LOAs based on LOA status. This
report links to an “LOA Detail” report that provides
detailed information (such as person name, contract/task
order information, relevant LOA dates, and KO/GA names)
regarding the LOAs based on the user selected status from
the “LOA Status” report.
Summary report that presents aggregated counts of
personnel authorized and issued weapons by company and
country. This report links to a detailed report providing
specific information (such as person name, contract/task
order, citizenship category, job title, and supporting org)
about personnel authorized to carry a weapon and the
specific weapon they are issued.


Ad hoc reports tend to have a slower response time than standard reports.
The Operations Visibility Report, OCSIC Affirmation Report, and Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA) Report are automatically exported to Excel. These reports provide
information about contractor personnel with open, active, and future deployments.
o An open deployment is a deployment record that does not have an ITAD
o An active deployment is a deployment record that has an ITAD populated and the
estimated deployment end date is still in the future.
o A future deployment is an open deployment that has an estimated start date that is
greater than today's date.

13.2 Accessing SPOT Reports
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover the cursor over Reports and a drop-down menu will
display. Click the SPOT link to go to the “Reports Main” page, or click any report
category link below SPOT to go directly to that specific report page. The report
categories listed depend on your role.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. If you clicked SPOT, the SPOT “Reports Main” page will display. Click the “Report
Category” name for the type of report you want to generate. The menu options for the
report category will display.
Note: If the available report options in a report category do not allow you to generate the
kind of report needed, you can request a customized report through the SPOT-ES Help

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

13.3 Accessing a Sample Report Generated in SPOT
Complete the following steps to generate a sample personnel report:
1. From the “Reports Main” page, click the Personnel report category. The “Personnel
Reports” page will display.

2. Click the radio button to select A Personnel detail report showing actual names. Click
Continue. The “Reports – Personnel Detail” page will display.

3. Click the checkboxes to select the data and filter criteria to include in the report. Click
Continue. The “Personnel Detail Report” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. From this page, perform the following actions for the report:

To print the report, click the Print icon.
To save the report, click the Save icon and select the desired format.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Personnel Report:

13.4 Accessing the Operations Visibility Report
Complete the following steps to generate the Operations Visibility Report.
1. From the “Reports Main” page, click the Deployment report category. The “Deployment
Reports” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

2. Click the radio button to select Deployment Operations Visibility Report (OVR). Click
Continue. The “Reports – Operations Visibility” page will display.

3. Select the desired parameter values to filter the report.
o The Contract field lists contracts associated with your company.
o Task Order field lists task orders associated with the selected contract(s). If there
are no task orders associated with the selected contract(s), the Task Order field
displays “No Task Order”.
o For Contract, Task Order, COCOM, and Operation/Exercise, you can select a
single value, multiple values, or All to select all values in the list. To select
multiple values, hold the SHIFT key (for consecutive choices) or the CTRL key
(for non-consecutive choices) and click.
o By default, the As of Date parameter value is set to the current date. This
parameter is configured to allow you to select only the current or a prior date.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

4. Click Continue. SPOT will automatically export the report to a Microsoft Excel format
Note: The duration to generate a report is dependent upon a number of conditions,
including the number of filters applied and the size of the result set.
5. If prompted, click Open to open the “Operations Visibility Report”.
6. Use the features available in Excel to view, print, or save the data in the report.
Note: If the combination of selected parameters does not return any data, a “No data
found for the selected criteria” message will display in the report. Return to the “Reports
– Operations Visibility” page so you can select different parameters and run the report

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Operations Visibility Report:

Operations Visibility Report
Generated On:
Task Order:
As Of Date:



2018-12-06 07:12:50
Hewlett Packard
Operation Enduring Freedom
This report displays all Company Contractor Personnel in SPOT having open, active and future deployments.
The report displays deployment details such as contract, task order, contracting office (office responsible for deployment),
duty station city/country, LOA information (if applicable), and last scanned information.





DOD [Dept.
of Defense]





DOD [Dept.
of Defense]


Hunt, Anne


Lou Mann,
[email protected],

Gary Gregg,
[email protected],

Sam Ellis,
[email protected],




DOD [Dept.
of Defense]


Hunt, Anne


Lou Mann,
[email protected],

Gary Gregg,
[email protected],

Sam Ellis,
[email protected],




DOD [Dept.
of Defense]


Hunt, Anne


Lou Mann,
[email protected],

Gary Gregg,
[email protected],

Sam Ellis,
[email protected],




DOD [Dept.
of Defense]


Hunt, Anne


Lou Mann,
[email protected],

Gary Gregg,
[email protected],

Sam Ellis,
[email protected],

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


Task Order

Current 24/7
Company POC

Current Government

Current InTheater POC

Hunt, Anne


Lou Mann,
[email protected],

Gary Gregg,
[email protected],

Sam Ellis,
[email protected],


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Operations Visibility Report (continued):











States (USA)




















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Job Title


Actual InTheater

nt Start

nt End









States (USA)








States (USA)















SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Operations Visibility Report (continued):































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Duty Station
Country Visa








SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Operations Visibility Report (continued):
Duty Station
Country Visa
Expires on

Visa obtained



Last Scan















Last Scan

Last Scan

Last Scan

Last Verified

Date Last




Peters, Paul




Peters, Paul




Peters, Paul





Peters, Paul



In the “Contracting Office (Office responsible for deployment)” column, if the contract has task orders, the responsible office
is the Task Order Contracting Office. If the contract does not have task orders, the responsible office is the Contract
Contracting Office.
“Duty Station Country Visa” columns display visa information entered in SPOT for the deployment country to be visited. If no
visa information has been entered or the current duty station country is not a country to be visited, these columns are blank.
The “Last Verified By” and “Date Last Verified” columns indicate who/when last clicked the checkbox at the bottom of the
“Deployment Information” section on the “View Person” page to affirm that the current deployment information is accurate,
especially Primary Duty Station Site, City, and Country, Person Status, Duty Station Arrival Date, In Theater Arrival Date,
24/7 Company Point of Contact (POC), Government POC, and In-Theater POC. This is required every 30 days for
deployments where the deployment duty station country is Afghanistan.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

13.5 Accessing the OCSIC Affirmation Report
Complete the following steps to generate the OCSIC Affirmation Report. This report provides
the date and point of contact information for the person who last clicked the checkbox at the
bottom of the “Deployment Information” section on the “View Person” page to affirm (see
Section 9.1) that the current deployment information is accurate. This action is required every 30
days for deployments where the deployment duty station country is Afghanistan.
1. From the “Reports Main” page, click the Deployment report category. The “Deployment
Reports” page will display.

2. Click the radio button to select OCSIC Affirmation Report. Click Continue. The
“Reports – OCSIC Affirmation Report” page will display.

3. Select the desired parameter values to filter the report.
o If there are no task orders associated with the selected contract(s), the Task
Order field displays “No Task Order”.
o For Contract and Task Order you can select a single value, multiple values, or
All to select all values in the list. To select multiple values, hold the SHIFT key

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

(for consecutive choices) or the CTRL key (for non-consecutive choices) and
o COCOM defaults to CENTCOM and Duty Station Country defaults to

4. Click Continue. SPOT will automatically export the report to a Microsoft Excel format
Note: The duration to generate a report is dependent upon a number of conditions,
including the number of filters applied and the size of the result set.
5. If prompted, click Open to open the “OCSIC Affirmation Report”.
6. Use the features available in Excel to view, print, or save the data in the report.
Note: If the combination of selected parameters does not return any data, a “No data
found for the selected criteria” message will display in the report. Return to the “Reports
– OCSIC Affirmation Report” page so you can select different parameters and run the
report again.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample OCSIC Affirmation Report:

OCSIC Affirmation Report
Generated On:
Task Order:
Duty Station Country:

2018-12-12 10:12:02
HP Enterprise Services
This report displays all verified person details for Company Contractor Personnel supporting all Supporting
Government Orgs (except Department of State and USAID orgs) in SPOT having open and active deployments
in Afghanistan. The report displays deployment details such as duty station site, city and country, person
status, duty station arrival date, in-theatre arrival date, 24/7 company POC, government POC and in-theatre
POC. It also provides the POC information of who affirmed the data was correct last and on what date.
Deployments having LOAs that have not been requested will show blank in the LOA Number and LOA Status
columns in this report.









DOD [Dept.
of Defense]





DOD [Dept.
of Defense]





DOD [Dept.
of Defense]





DOD [Dept.
of Defense]


Document Version 40.1, January 2019

Officer POC
Anne Hunt,
Anne Hunt,
Anne Hunt,
Anne Hunt,

Current 24/7
Company POC
(Name, Email,
Bea Ware,
Bea Ware,
Bea Ware,
Bea Ware,

(Name, Email,
Gary Gregg,
Gary Gregg,
Gary Gregg,
Gary Gregg,

Current In
Theater POC
Arthur Major,
amajor@, 609555-2468
Arthur Major,
amajor@, 609555-2468
Arthur Major,
amajor@, 609555-2468
Arthur Major,
amajor@, 609555-2468

SPOT Person
Number ID


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample OCSIC Affirmation Report (continued):
Last Name

First Name













States (USA)




States (USA)









Start Date

End Date


Actual InTheater








States (USA)





States (USA)





Sample OCSIC Affirmation Report (continued):
Supporting Government
Organization Hierarchy



LOA Status

Duty Station
Arrival Date

DOD > DA > Army_Cmds



KO Approved


DOD > DA > Army_Cmds



KO Approved


DOD > DA > Army_Cmds



KO Approved

DOD > DA > Army_Cmds



KO Approved

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Duty Station

Duty Station

Duty Station











Ab Bala




SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample OCSIC Affirmation Report (continued):
Last Scan



Last Scan


Last Scan

Last Scan





Document Version 40.1, January 2019

POC Info for
Last Person
Peters, Paul

Date Last


Peters, Paul


Peters, Paul


Peters, Paul



SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

13.6 Accessing the SOFA Operations Visibility Report
Complete the following steps to generate the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report.
1. From the “Reports Main” page, click the Deployment report category. The “Deployment
Reports” page will display.

2. Click the radio button to select Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report. Click
Continue. The “Reports – Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)” page will display.

3. Select the desired parameter values to filter the report.
o SOFA Country currently defaults to Japan.
o The Contract field lists contracts associated with a SOFA country to be visited or
duty station country (currently Japan).
o Task Order field lists task orders for the selected contract(s) that are associated
with a SOFA country to be visited or duty station country (currently Japan). If
there are no associated task orders, the Task Order field displays “No Task
o For Contract, Task Order, Duty Station (country), and SOFA Status, you can
select a single value, multiple values, or All to select all values in the list. To

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

select multiple values, hold the SHIFT key (for consecutive choices) or the
CTRL key (for non-consecutive choices) and click.

4. Click Continue. SPOT will automatically export the report to a Microsoft Excel format
Note: The duration to generate a report is dependent upon a number of conditions,
including the number of filters applied and the size of the result set.
5. If prompted, click Open to open the “Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report”.
6. Use the features available in Excel to view, print, or save the data in the report.
Note: If the combination of selected parameters does not return any data, a “No data
found for the selected criteria” message will display in the report. Return to the “Reports
– Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)” page so you can select different parameters and
run the report again.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report:

Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report
Generated On:
SOFA Country:
Task Order:
Deployment Status:
Duty Station Country:
SOFA Status:

Last Name

2018-12-12 11:12:33
HP Enterprise Services
This report displays data based on your SPOT User Based Permissions and report filter selections for all
Company Contractor Personnel in SPOT having open, active, and future deployments with either a current
Primary Deployed Duty Station Country (SOFA Country) or a SOFA country listed as a Country to be Visited for
the deployment. The report displays any SOFA data entered into SPOT for the contract/task order selected. The
report displays deployment details such as contract, task order, current duty station city/country, LOA
information (if applicable), and SOFA data.

First Name


Employee Company



Job Title

Countries to be Visited




Hewlett Packard (HP)

United States


Training and

Japan (JPN )




Hewlett Packard (HP)

United States



Japan (JPN )




Hewlett Packard (HP)

United States



Japan (JPN )




Hewlett Packard (HP)

United States


Storage and

Japan (JPN )

Note: The “Countries to be Visited” column includes the duty station country if the duty station is not in the countries to be visited that was
selected in SPOT.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report (continued):
Duty Station


Duty Station



Japan (JPN)

Camp Zama


Japan (JPN)

Marine Corps
Air Station


Japan (JPN)

Marine Corps
Air Station


Japan (JPN)

Document Version 40.1, January 2019

SOFA Status/

1.1 Acquiring the skill and
knowledge through a
process of higher education
or specialized training and
1.3 Possessing a license or
certification issued by a U.S.
Federal Department or
Agency, U.S. State, U.S.
Territory, or the District of
Columbia to perform his or
her duties; or
1.2 Possessing a security
clearance recognized by the
United States to perform his
or her duties; or

1.5 Specifically authorized
by the Joint Committee (to
include Article XIV
contractors); or

Affirm NO
for (Japan)


# of












Dependent Information

Harry Hendricks; 05/07/2016;
Child; US123456789; United
States (USA)
Annie Hendricks; 07/08/1960;
Parent; CAN569874125;
Canada (CAN)
Hailey Hendricks; 12/31/1981;
Spouse; US456987123; United
States (USA)
Riley Rabbitt; 03/02/2019;
Child; US852963741; United
States (USA)
Rose Rabbitt; 12/03/1980;
Spouse; US456987123; United
States (USA)


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Sample Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report (continued):

Japan Specific
Service (AGS)








Hewlett Packard











Agency Name

Order Contracting

Contract/Task Order Contracting
Officer Name, Phone, Email

DOD (Dept. of

OSD Staff [Office of
the Secretary of
Defense Staff]

John Kay, 850-555-1234,
[email protected]

Hewlett Packard

DOD (Dept. of

OSD Staff [Office of
the Secretary of
Defense Staff]

John Kay, 850-555-1234,
[email protected]


Hewlett Packard

DOD (Dept. of

OSD Staff [Office of
the Secretary of
Defense Staff]

John Kay, 850-555-1234,
[email protected]


Hewlett Packard

DOD (Dept. of

OSD Staff [Office of
the Secretary of
Defense Staff]

John Kay, 850-555-1234,
[email protected]

Sample Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Report (continued):
In Theater Point of
Contact Name,
Phone, Email



Start Date

End Date

Arthur Major, 609-5552468, [email protected]




Arthur Major, 609-5552468, [email protected]



Arthur Major, 609-5552468, [email protected]


Arthur Major, 609-5552468, [email protected]


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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

14 Account Information
This section provides instructions on actions you can take based on your account. Specifically,
you can do the following:

Request additional roles to accomplish your job tasks.
View your account information, including your name, personnel category, email address,
and the role(s) and the respective company and organization(s) associated with your

If you request additional roles, SPOT will generate automatic emails to send to authorized users
to notify them of the request status and/or ask them to take actions accordingly.
Notes: Effective June 1, 2012, a SPOT authorized Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate
credential is required for SPOT login. This results in several changes effective June 1, 2012:

AKO accounts are no longer supported.
Functionalities such as adding an AKO credential are no longer available.

For more information regarding the PKI certificate login requirement for SPOT-ES, review the
FAQs links on the “Login” page, or once you log in, view related documents available under the
Resource Center menu.


If you are a registered SPOT user and your first name, last name, or middle name/initial
changes on your CAC, you should still be able to access SPOT if your new DoD-issued
CAC certificate matches the DoD ID stored in the system for your account. Upon
successful verification, SPOT will automatically update your login. For other changes to
your SPOT user profile information (such as email address or company), contact the
SPOT-ES Help Desk.
If you do not log into SPOT for a system-specified number of days, you receive a
warning email that your account will be deactivated due to inactivity. To keep your
account active, log into SPOT on a regular basis.

14.1 Requesting Additional Roles
After initially registering and logging into SPOT, you can request one or more additional roles.
Company Administrator users are eligible for only a specific set of additional roles. Table 5 lists
the additional SPOT user roles that you may request.
Table 6: SPOT Company Administrator Additional Roles

Role Name
Basic Report User

Role Description
Generates SPOT standard reports for the company or
organization with which the user is registered.
Contractor company employee who manages contract and
task order information in SPOT for the government
organization the user supports.
Government or military employee who manages deployment
and LOA information for a government organization. A

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Role Name
JAMMS Administrator

Role Description
contractor company employee may be assigned to fulfill this
role for a government organization.
Responsible for uploading JAMMS files into SPOT
Accesses JAMMS reports in SPOT only.


The additional roles available to you are based on your role and the “Personnel Category”
assigned to your user account during initial registration. To request an additional role, you must
select the role then supply the following information:

Company – This applies if the role requested is a company-type role, such as a Basic
Report User for the company associated with your existing role. The company name will
prepopulate and cannot be edited.
Government Organization(s) – This applies if the role requested is a government-type
role, such as a Contracting Administrator for the supporting government organization or
Government Organization Administrator. If a desired government organization is not
available, or the organization hierarchy is not as expected, please contact the SPOT-ES
Help Desk.

Once you complete and submit your request for an additional role, SPOT will automatically
generate an email to you with instructions. You need to ask your sponsor to send an approval
email to the SPOT Registration Team as detailed in the email with the instructions. Your original
Sponsoring POC may not be able to sponsor your new request if the role you are requesting is for
a different organization.
If you are requesting a company-type additional role, your original Sponsoring POC must reply
to the SPOT Registration Team and indicate approval or denial of the request.
If you are requesting a role for a new organization (such as for a government-type additional
role), you must identify a new organizational sponsor for each new organization added. This
sponsor will need to email the SPOT Registration Team at [email protected]. The
email should include the following information:

The organization that the sponsor represents
Your name
The name(s) of the role(s) for which the sponsor approves access


The Sponsoring POC for an additional, company-type role of Basic Report User is your
company supervisor or Human Resources (HR) representative who can validate your
need for the additional role.
The Sponsoring POC for a government-type additional role of Government Administrator
JAMMS Administrator, JAMMS User, or Contracting Administrator is your government
supervisor who can validate your need for the additional role.
After the Sponsoring POC(s) and SPOT Registration approve the request for an
additional role, you will receive an email confirming that the additional role has been
added. Once a role is added to your user account, that role will no longer appear in the list
of roles available for you to submit an additional role request.

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To request an additional role:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover over the cursor over Setup and a drop-down menu will
display. Click the Request Additional Role link and the “Request Additional Role” page
will display.

2. Select the appropriate radio button next to the role description that best describes your
additional role.

3. If you choose one of the last two selections (company-type roles), skip steps 4 through 6
and go to step 7.
If you choose the second or third selections (government-type roles), you need to enter
the organization information.

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4. To search for the sponsoring government organization, click on the Search icon ( ) next
to the Organization field. For more information, see Section 2.6, Searching for a
Government Organization. The selected government organization will display in the
Organization field. Continue with steps 4 through 6 and skip step 7.

5. Click Add to List. The government organization name will display in the list of
Organizations to Add or Keep. The government organization(s) listed here will be
associated with the additional role.

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6. Click Save. The “Role Request Confirmation” page will display.

Note: If you need to remove the organization’s name, select the organization in the
Organizations to Add or Keep list and click Remove selected organization.

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7. If you choose one of the last two selections (company-type roles), click Save. The “Role
Request Confirmation” page will display.
Note: The additional role will be associated with the company with which you are

8. Notification confirmation message displays, stating that your request for an additional
role is pending. Click OK. The “Account Information” page will display.

Every time you log into SPOT, the system will recognize the “default” role and
organization you selected during initial registration. After the additional role(s)

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are approved and added to your account, you will be able to switch your view of
SPOT from your default role to any other role associated with your account. For
more information, see the Role Context section in Appendix A: Getting Started in
Changing your role context will update your view of SPOT according to the role
you selected. Your view of data in SPOT, including contract search results,
person search results, and report data (for applicable reports) will also update to
reflect the organization(s) affiliated with the selected role. The data you can view
encompasses information from all the organizations associated with each of your
respective user roles.

14.2 Viewing User Information
You can view basic information about your SPOT user account including your name, personnel
category, email address, role(s) and the respective company and organization(s) associated with
your role(s).
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover over Setup and a drop-down menu will display. Select
the User Information link. The “User Information” page will display.

2. Click Back to go to the “Account Information” page.

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14.3 Changing a Password
Effective 1 June, 2012, most company users of SPOT are required to have an authorized Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate to login to SPOT. There are still a small number of company
users that are authorized user name and passwords, however, as such, a user with a SPOT user
name and password account is required to change the password at regular intervals. You must
change your password every 120 days, but no more than once every seven (7) days. If you
attempt to log into SPOT and your password has expired, the system displays the “Change
Password” page with an error message at the top, and fields for you to create a new password. If
your user name and password account has been deactivated or locked, contact the SPOT-ES
Help Desk for assistance.
SPOT generates a temporary password when you register or if you request a password reset.
The following is a list of the password creation guidelines:


Passwords must be between eight (8) and fourteen (14) characters.
Passwords must contain a case-sensitive mixture of the following:
o Letters – At least one (1) uppercase and one (1) lowercase,
o Digits – At least one (1) number, and
o Special characters – At least one (1) special character, such as a punctuation
Temporary passwords expire after five (5) days.
A new password cannot be the same as any of your last ten (10) passwords.

To change your password:
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover over Setup and a drop-down menu will display. Click
Change Password. The “Change Password” page will display.

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2. Enter the current password, new password, and new password confirmation. Click
Continue. The “Password Change Confirmation” page will display.

3. Click OK. The “Home” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

14.4 Adding a Certificate Credential
You can add a SPOT Authorized PKI credential to your user name and password account. After
you add a PKI credential to your user name and password account, you can log in only using the
credential because the user name and password login will no longer be available.
Note: After you add a certificate credential to your account, the Add Certificate Credential
option will no longer appear in the list of credentials that you can add.
1. From the SPOT menu bar, hover over Setup and a drop-down menu will display. Click
the Add Cert Credential link. A pop-up window displays, prompting you to select your

2. Select the certificate credential. Click OK. The certificate will be added to your account
and the Add Certificate Credential link will no longer be available. You will be asked
to log out and log back in with the new certificate.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Appendix A: Getting Started in SPOT
Access to SPOT is restricted to authorized and registered users. Effective June 1, 2012, access to
SPOT will only be granted by PKI certificate or User Name/Password login. This means users
can only log into SPOT using SPOT Authorized Digital Certificates or User Name/Password.
A government issued Common Access Card (CAC) is one of SPOT Authorized PKI Certificates.
It is the most widely used PKI certificate within DoD when there is a requirement to control and
restrict access to buildings, computer networks, and other infrastructure. DoD policy dictates that
an authorizing official sponsors contractor personnel and approves issuance of the CAC.
Approval is verified through the Contractor Verification System (CVS). A smart card reader and
middleware are required accessories for any computer used to access restricted computer
networks using a CAC PKI certificate. Eligible contractors must provide their Trusted Agent
(TA) with information required by the CVS prior to visiting a DEERS/RAPIDS office.
SPOT Registration
Access to the SPOT application requires a submitted and approved registration with a SPOT
Authorized PKI Certificate. You can register for SPOT online from the SPOT “Login” page. To
complete and submit the online registration, you are required to enter your company name and
information about the sponsor who is authorizing your access to the SPOT system.
This section provides instructions on how to register for SPOT access with a SPOT Authorized
PKI Certificate.
1. Launch a web browser and enter the SPOT website URL into the browser address
window. The SPOT “DoD Disclaimer” page will display.

For Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet):


For Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet):

2. Review the “DoD Disclaimer” page and click I Consent. The SPOT “Login” page will
Note: If you select I Do Not Consent, the “Non-Consent” page will display and your
access to the SPOT system will be blocked. To release the block, you must close the web
browser and launch a new browser session by entering the SPOT URL.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

3. On the SPOT “Login” page, click the Register link. The online user registration process
will begin. For help, click the Registration Self-help video link or button ( ).

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: For information about supported browsers, click the Which browsers can I use
with SPOT? link. The “Browser Compatibility with SPOT” page will display. Click the
Back link to return to the SPOT “Login” page.
4. Select the Company Contractor Personnel radio button. Click Continue. The role
description page will display.
o The affiliation should indicate your employer. If you are a contractor who
supports a government organization, select Company Contractor Personnel.
o For each affiliation, there will be different roles available for selection.

5. Click the radio button next to the description which best describes your need for SPOT
access. Click Continue. The “Privacy Act Statement” will display.
o Contractors requesting government roles require SPOT Program Management
Office (PMO) approval and are approved on a case-by-case basis.
o If you are not sure which statement best describes your role, contact the SPOT-ES
Help Desk for guidance.

6. Read the “Privacy Act Statement”. Click to select the checkbox stating “I have read and
understood the privacy policy.” You cannot proceed until you select this checkbox. Click
Continue. You will be prompted to select the appropriate SPOT Authorized PKI
Certificate Credential.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

7. Select your identity (not email) digital certificate (appears as “DOD-ID CA-XX” or
“DoD CA-XX”) and click OK.
Note: Ensure your Common Access Card (CAC) is inserted in the card reader or your
third-party PKI certificate is properly loaded onto your workstation. If a pop-up window
does not display, it is possible that SPOT does not recognize your certificate. For
assistance, contact the SPOT-ES Helpdesk at [email protected] or (703) 578-5407. If you select the wrong certificate in the pop-up
window, close your browser and try again or click Tools > Internet options > Content >
Clear SSL state to clear your SSL cache.
8. If the selected certificate requires a Personal Identification Number (PIN), enter your PIN
at the prompt and click OK. The “User Registration - Profile Information” page will
9. Enter your profile information (telephone number and primary and alternate email
addresses). The email addresses must be NIPRNet or unclassified email accounts. If a
contractor is supporting a government organization and requires a SPOT governmental
role, the primary email address must be a government or “.mil” email account. Click
Continue. The “User Registration - Organization Affiliation” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

10. To enter the company name, click the Search icon (
search window will display.

) next to the Company field. A

11. Search for a company. For instructions, see Section 2.4. The selected company will be
displayed in the Company field.
Note: The ability to request a new company is not available when company contractor
personnel try to register for SPOT. If you cannot find your company, contact the SPOTES Help Desk at [email protected] or (703) 5785407.
12. Enter contact information in the Sponsoring Point of Contact fields. The Sponsoring
Point of Contact should be a supervisor within your organization or company who can
validate your need to access SPOT. Click Register. The “User Registration – Complete”
page will display.
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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

o A sponsor does not need to be a registered SPOT user.
o To ensure your sponsor receives the SPOT registration request for approval,
verify the sponsor’s email address is correct.
o For a Company Administrator role in SPOT, your sponsor should be a supervisor
within your company who can validate your need to access SPOT.
o If a contractor is supporting a government organization and requires a SPOT
governmental role, the sponsor must be a government official and not a company
supervisor. The government sponsor must submit the following requirements to
the Program Management Office (PMO) for the contractor requesting a
governmental role:
o Government or “.mil” email address
o Completed and digitally signed (by both sponsor and person registering)
System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) – DD Form 2875
The DD Form 2875 must indicate the date the following required training was
o Information Assurance (IA) training or equivalent
o Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Form
o Self-sponsoring is not authorized.

An on-screen notification will display stating that your registration request has been
successfully submitted.

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Note: Immediately after submitting your registration, SPOT automatically sends an email
notification to the Sponsoring Point of Contact. The email notification instructs your Sponsor
to respond to approve or deny your registration. Your SPOT registration cannot be processed
without your Sponsor’s response.
If you do not get an email notification regarding your registration status within three business
days, contact the SPOT-ES Help Desk’s registration team at [email protected] or (703) 578-5407.
Rules of Behavior
When you initially log into SPOT after registering, a page will appear requiring you to consent to
the rules of behavior listed on the page. Click I Consent.
Note: You need to consent to this page only once, which is the first time after registration. If
something changes with the rules of behavior, you will be required to consent to the updated

SPOT Log in With an Authorized PKI Certificate
Once registration has been approved, you can log into the SPOT application. To log into SPOT
using your SPOT Authorized PKI Certificate:
1. Click the URL included in the SPOT system-generated e-mail notification or go to: The “DoD Disclaimer” page will display.

2. Review the “DoD Disclaimer” page and click I Consent. The SPOT “Login” page will
display. This is the same page that displayed when you registered for SPOT.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: If you select I Do Not Consent, the “Non-Consent” page will display and your
access to the SPOT system will be blocked. To release the block, you must close the web
browser associated with the “Non-Consent” page and launch a new browser session by
entering the SPOT URL.

3. Click Login to SPOT using my SPOT Authorized PKI Certificate. You will be
prompted to select the appropriate SPOT PKI Certificate Credential.
Note: Ensure your Common Access Card (CAC) is inserted in the card reader or your
third-party PKI certificate is properly loaded onto your workstation. A pop-up window
will display for certificate selection. If a pop-up window does not display, it is possible
that your certificate is not recognized by SPOT. For assistance, contact the SPOT-ES
Helpdesk at [email protected] or (703) 578-5407. If
you select the wrong certificate in the pop-up window, close your browser and try again.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: For information about supported browsers, click the Which browsers can I use
with SPOT? link. The “Browser Compatibility with SPOT” page will display. Click the
Back link to return to the SPOT “Login” page.
4. Select your identity (not email) digital certificate (appears as “DOD-ID CA-XX” or
“DoD CA-XX”) and click OK.
5. If the selected certificate requires a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access the
system, enter your PIN at the prompt and click OK. The SPOT “Home” page will
Note: If your login was not successful, an error message appears indicating that you
might have selected an incorrect certificate or might not have an active registration.


If you selected an incorrect certificate:
o Close and then reopen your browser and log in again, or
o Click the link to return to the “Login” page. For Internet Explorer,
select Tools > Internet options from the browser’s menu bar. In the
“Internet Options” window, click on the Content tab and click the
Clear SSL state button. Click OK to acknowledge the pop-up
window and OK to close the “Internet Options” window. Log in again.
If you are not a registered SPOT user, click the link to register.
If your account is no longer active, contact the SPOT Help Desk. Accounts
deactivate automatically after 90 days of inactivity. To keep your account
active, log into SPOT on a regular basis.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

SPOT User Name and Password Accounts
A company user who requires access to SPOT, and is not able to obtain a SPOT Authorized PKI
Certificate account, can apply for a SPOT user name and password account.
Note: Effective 1 June 2012, all SPOT-ES users who are citizens of one of the 5i partner nations
(United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) must use a PKI
certificate to access SPOT. Only individuals who are not citizens of the 5i partner nations are
permitted to obtain a SPOT User Name and Password account.
Users are required to submit a request in writing (e-mail, letter, fax, etc.) to the supporting
Government Authority/Administrator or Contracting Officer/Administrator with the following

First name
Last name
Office phone
Primary e-mail
Alternate e-mail
Government Organization
Sponsoring POC first name
Sponsoring POC last name
Sponsoring POC office phone
Sponsoring POC primary e-mail

The Sponsoring POC for a person requesting a SPOT account as a Company
  Administrator is the user’s company supervisor or Human Resources (HR)
representative who can validate the user’s need to access SPOT.
The Sponsoring POC for a person requesting a SPOT account as a Government or
  Contract Administrator is the user’s Government supervisor who has a SPOT account
and can validate the user’s need to access SPOT.
Using the information received, the Government Authority/Administrator or Contracting
Officer/Administrator will complete the registration process for the company user. SPOT will
automatically generate an e-mail informing the company user that a user name and password

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account has been requested. When the account is validated by the SPOT Registration, a user
name and password is forwarded to the company user.
The system-generated user name cannot be changed. The assigned password, however, is
temporary and must be changed when the user first logs into the system. SPOT allows user name
and password account holders to change their passwords as needed and requires a password
update every 120 days. The system will display a password expiration date reminder on the
“Home” page view starting 30 days prior to the password’s expiration date.
SPOT Log in With a User Name and Password Account
If you are logging in with a SPOT user name and password account, login authentication requires
you to enter the assigned user name and associated password. The SPOT system-generated email notifying you of the newly assigned SPOT user name and password account will contain the
assigned user name and a temporary password. The first time you log in, you will be asked to
change the password. Your user-created password must adhere to the Individual Identification
and Authentication Password Policy.
To log into SPOT for the first time with a user name and password account:
1. Click the URL included in the SPOT system-generated e-mail notification or go to: The “DoD Disclaimer” page will display.

2. Review the “DoD Disclaimer” page and click I Consent. The SPOT “Login” page will
display. This is the same page that displayed when you registered for SPOT.
Note: If you select I Do Not Consent, the “Non-Consent” page will display and your
access to the SPOT system will be blocked. To release the block, you must close the web
browser associated with the “Non-Consent” page and launch a new browser session by
entering the SPOT URL.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

3. Click Login to SPOT using my user name and password. The “User name & Password
Login” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Note: For information about supported browsers, click the Which browsers can I use
with SPOT? link. The “Browser Compatibility with SPOT” page will display. Click the
Back link to return to the SPOT “Login” page.
4. Enter your user name and temporary password. Click Login. The “Change Password”
page will display.

5. Enter your temporary password then enter and confirm a new password. Select a secret
question and answer. Click Continue. The “Password Change Confirmation” page will

6. Click OK. The “Home” page will display.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Home Page
The SPOT “Home” page is accessible from anywhere within the application. To go to the SPOT
“Home” page, click any of the following:

SPOT Title and Logo
Home link found within the breadcrumbs

Header and footer information is located at the top and bottom of every page within SPOT to
provide classification markings and links to useful information.

SPOT NIPRNet classification markings appear within a green banner and will read:
SPOT SIPRNet classification markings appear within a red banner and will read:

In the upper-right corner of every page, SPOT displays a Welcome link and the last date and
time you logged in, displayed as the webserver local date and time.

SPOT Title

Classification Markings


The “Home” page consists of the following six sections:

Welcome Link and Last
Login Date and Time

Change Role (only displayed if you have multiple roles)
System Alerts (displays any system alerts)
Start Here
LOA Inbox
Deployment Preparation

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Menu Bar


Figure 4: Contractor Company User Home Page View

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

From any place within the SPOT application, you can select the Home link in the upper left
corner of the page to navigate to the SPOT “Home” page.
The following functionality is available from the “Home” page:

News, System Alert, and Deployment Preparation.
From the “Start Here” section, the “Search for Contract”, “Add Person”, and “Search for
Person” functions are available.
From the “LOA Inbox” section, the “LOA Search” and “Bulk LOA Recall” functions are

Menu Bar
The SPOT menu bar is located in the upper left area of every Web page and features four
options: SPOT, Reports, Resource Center, and Setup. By hovering over these options, you can
view links to different sections of the system you are authorized to use.

The following menu options are available.
SPOT – The SPOT option may include the following based on your user role:

Person – Under the “Person” category, the Add option links to the “Add Person” page
where you can add, edit, and view personnel data.
Contracts – Under the “Contracts” category, the following links are available:
o The Add option links to the “Add/Update Contract Details” where you can add a
o The Search option links to the main “Search for Contract” page where you can
search for, add, and manage basic contract data.

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Company – Under the “Company” category, the following links are available:
o The Request option links to the “Request Company” where you can add SPOT’s
list of selectable companies.
o The Search option links to the main “Search Company” page where you can
search for company to see if it has been added to SPOT.
Deployments/LOAs – Under the “Deployments/LOAs” category, links are available to
the Deployments/LOAs pages where you can manage deployments/LOA processing.
Equipment – Under the “Equipment” category, add and search links are available to
pages where you can add, update, and view equipment records.

Reports – The Reports option links to the “Reports Main” page where you can view and
generate reports. You can also click one of the links below SPOT to go directly to that report
Resource Center – The Resource Center option links to SPOT-ES libraries and Training. You
will be able to search for and return documents based on keyword searches. The search will take
into account document title and content.
Setup – The Setup option has the following options:

Predeployment Documents – The Predeployment Documents option links to a page
that provides you with pertinent information and policy documents that are needed in
order to maintain compliance.
Manage My Profile – The Manage My Profile option links to the “Account
Information” page, which provides features such as requesting additional roles and
viewing user information. You can also click one of the links below Manage My Profile
to go directly to that account information page.

Role Context Change
The role context change functionality is only available if you have several roles assigned to your
account. In this case, every time you log into SPOT, the system will recognize the “default” role
and organization you selected during initial registration. You will be able to switch your view of
SPOT from your default role to any other role associated with your account. Changing your view
of SPOT by switching from one role to another is referred to as “changing your role context.”
Note: Changing your role context will update your view of SPOT according to the role you
selected. Your view of data in SPOT, including contract search results, person search results, and
report data (for applicable reports), will also update to reflect the organization(s) affiliated with
the selected role. The data you can view encompasses information from all the organizations
associated with each of your respective user roles.
To change your role context, from the SPOT “Home” page, click the Change Role drop-down
list and select the role you would like to use. The appropriate view of the “Home” page will
display. This view is based on the role context selected.

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SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Automated Processes
To ensure data quality in SPOT, automated processes are run daily on a scheduled basis. These
processes will close or cancel appropriate deployments and correspondingly set the status of
associated LOAs.

If the ITAD is not recorded in SPOT and the person scans a Common Access Card
(CAC) or LOA at a JAMMS location in-theater (i.e., OCONUS), once the scans have
been uploaded via the JAMMS upload process, SPOT compares the date of the scan to
the deployment start date. If the scan date is on or after the estimated deployment start
date but not after the estimated deployment end date, SPOT automatically populates the
ITAD with the date of the scan, as long as the deployment has not been cancelled or
closed. In this case, the “View Person” page will display the text “Populated by
Movement Scan Date” next to the In-Theater Arrival task and the Actual Arrival Date
field. A JAMMS scan before the SPOT estimated deployment start date or after the
estimated deployment end date does not populate the ITAD.
o For a CAC scan to populate the ITAD, the person record in SPOT must be
DMDC verified in order for the scan to associate with the person record via the
o Automated population of the ITAD changes the person’s status to “Deployed”
and the deployment status from “Open” to “Active”. It also sets the Arrived field
with “Has arrived” and sets the Actual Arrival Date field to the date entered for
the in-theater arrival.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

o In the past, the JAMMS upload process may have caused an overlapping
deployment of up to 14 days if the automatically populated ITAD was before the
actual end date of all previously closed deployments. This exception will appear
on reports that contain deployment and JAMMS scan information. You can
correct an overlapping deployment when you validate the ITAD (see Section
Warning: If a JAMMS scan does not occur on or after the SPOT estimated deployment
start date through the SPOT estimated deployment end date, SPOT does not
automatically populate the ITAD. This means a person could be in-theater without being
marked as “Deployed” in SPOT. Therefore, it is very important that the Company
Administrator (or other authorized user) validate and enter or update the ITAD if it is not




If an open deployment’s estimated deployment end date has passed and an ITAD was not
populated, SPOT will automatically cancel the deployment and cancel any associated
LOA. An open deployment is recognized in SPOT as a deployment record that does not
have an ITAD.
If an active deployment’s estimated deployment end date has passed, SPOT will close the
deployment and set the LOA’s status to “Expired” for any associated LOAs that are not
already “Revoked” or “Denied”. An active deployment is recognized in SPOT as a
deployment record that has an ITAD and estimated deployment end date is still in the
If a deployment is manually closed in SPOT, the system will automatically make the
associated LOA “Expired”, provided the LOA has not been “Revoked” or “Denied”.
If an LOA is manually “Revoked” in SPOT, the system will wait 72 hours for a new
LOA to be requested for the associated deployment. If no such LOA is requested, SPOT
will close the deployment if it is active or cancel the deployment if it is open. The LOA
will remain in a “Revoked” status.
If an LOA is denied, SPOT will cancel the deployment. The LOA will remain in a
“Denied” status.

Apart from confirming that deployments and LOAs have correct states/statuses, these processes
ensure that you work with current and correct data. Authorized users will receive relevant emails
that notify them when these processes are executed.

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual

Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations
The following is a list of acronyms used within this document.



24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Army Knowledge Online
Area of Responsibility
Common Access Card
United States Central Command
United States Central Command Fragmentary Order
Combatant Command
Contiguous or Continental United States
Contracting Office Representative
CAC Pin Reset
Contractor Verification System
Defense Base Act
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
Defense Manpower Data Center
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Identification Number (formerly referred to as EDIPI)
Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier
Frequently Asked Questions
Foreign Identification Number
Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation
Government Authority
Authorized Government Services
Graphical User Interface
Human Resources
Joint Asset Movement Management System
Contracting Officer
Letter of Authorization
Local Registration Authority
North American Industry Classification System
National Defense Authorization Act
Outside Contiguous or Continental United States
Portable Document Format
Public Key Infrastructure
Program Management Office
Point of Contact
Period of Performance
Secure Internet Protocol Router
Status of Forces Agreement
Synchronized Predeployment & Operational Tracker
Synchronized Predeployment & Operational Tracker - Enterprise Suite
Social Security Number

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


SPOT-ES 8.10: Contractor Company User Manual




Theater Business Clearance
Third Country National
Total Operational Picture Support System
Uniform Resource Locator

Document Version 40.1, January 2019


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - SPOT_Contractor_Company_User_Manual.docx
File Modified2019-01-28
File Created2019-01-28

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