Appendix G. SUA_AAA_Tribal organization Reminder Letters

Process Evaluation of the Aging Network and its Return on Investment

Appendix G. SUA_AAA_Tribal organization Reminder Letters

OMB: 0985-0074

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Chapter #Title ofChapter

Appendix G
SUA/AAA/Tribal organization Reminder Letters

Chapter #Title ofChapter

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Chapter #Title ofChapter

[SUA/AAA/Tribal organization Contact Name]
[Address line 1]
Address line 2
[City, State Zip]
Dear [SUA /AAA/Tribal organization Contact Name]:
We are writing to again to request your participation in an important survey sponsored by the
Administration for Community Living (ACL) called the Aging Network Partnerships and Effectiveness
Survey. ACL has partnered with Mathematica, USAging, and ADvancing States to conduct this survey as
part of a larger study. Through the survey, ACL hopes to learn about how agencies and organizations in
the Aging Network collaborate to improve the lives of older adults, and how it determines the
effectiveness of these efforts. We are reaching out to you with two requests:
Please complete the survey on behalf of your [Stat Unit on Aging (SUA), Area Agency on Aging
(AAA)/Older Americans Act (OAA) Title VI Native American tribal organization] today! The
survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. It asks questions about forming partnerships with other
organizations, how COVID-19 may have impacted those partnerships, and how [SUAs/AAAs/OAA Title
VI Native American tribal organizations] evaluate the costs and benefits of the services they provide.
Please use the login information below to access the survey online. You can complete the survey on a
computer, tablet, cell phone, or mobile device.
Web address: [link]
User name: [user name]
Password: [password]
The input of [SUAs/AAAs/OAA Title VI Native American tribal organizations] is very important to
helping us learn more about how agencies and organizations in the Aging Network work together and
measure how much benefit a program provides. The information you provide will only be accessible to
the evaluation team and ACL. Individual responses will be grouped with others in published evaluation
If you have any questions, please email [STUDY EMAIL ADDRESS] or call Mathematica’s toll-free
number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. We look forward to your participation. Thank you for your help.
Mindy Hu
Survey Director
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displa ys a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is 0985-New. Public reporting
burden for this information collection is estimated to average 1 5 minutes per response. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the Adminis tration
for Community Living/Administration on Aging, Washington, DC 202 01 Attn: Caryn Bruyere, 202-795-7393.

Chapter #Title ofChapter

[SUA/AAA/Tribal organization Contact Name]
[Address line 1]
Address line 2
[City, State Zip]
Dear [SUA /AAA/Tribal organization Contact Name]:
We have been trying to reach you to ask you to take part the Aging Network Partnerships and
Effectiveness Survey sponsored by the Administration for Community Living (ACL). ACL has partnered
with Mathematica, USAging, and ADvancing States to conduct the survey.
What is the survey about?
This important survey will provide information to ACL about how agencies and organizations in the
Aging Network collaborate to improve the lives of older adults, and how they determine the effectiveness
of these efforts. The survey asks questions about forming partnerships with other organizations, how
COVID-19 may have impacted those partnerships, and determining the costs and benefits of services your
organization provides.
What do I need to do?
Please complete the survey on behalf of your [State Unit on Aging/Area Agency on Aging/Older
Americans Act (OAA) Title VI Native American tribal organization] using the log in information below.
You can complete the survey on a computer, tablet, cell phone, or mobile device.
Web address: [link]
User name: [user name]
Password: [password]
How long will the survey take?
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Why should I complete this survey?
Taking part in this survey matters! Findings from this survey will help ACL make informed decisions
about ways to better support the Aging Network.
We thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. If you have any questions about the
survey, please email or call Mathematica at [STUDY EMAIL ADDRESS] or call Mathematica’s toll-free
number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Mindy Hu
Survey Director
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displa ys a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this informat ion collection is 0985-New. Public reporting
burden for this information collection is estimated to average 1 5 minutes per response. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the Adminis tration
for Community Living/Administration on Aging, Washington, DC 202 01 Attn: Caryn Bruyere, 202-795-7393.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-02-22
File Created2022-02-22

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