1. Were you on active duty on April XX, 2022?
Yes |
No, I have separated or retired |
2. What is your current paygrade?
E-1 |
E-6 |
W-1 |
O-1/O-1E |
E-2 |
E-7 |
W-2 |
O-2/O-2E |
E-3 |
E-8 |
W-3 |
O-3/O-3E |
E-4 |
E-9 |
W-4 |
O-4 |
E-5 |
W-5 |
O-5 |
O-6 or above |
3. What is your marital status?
Married |
Separated |
Divorced |
Widowed |
Never married |
4. [Ask if Q3 = "Divorced" OR Q3 = "Widowed" OR Q3 = "Never married"] Do you have a significant other?
Yes |
No |
In the following section, you will be asked questions about your spouse's employment status in enough detail to ensure comparability with national employment surveys.
5. [Ask if Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated"] Is your spouse currently serving on active duty (not a member of the National Guard or Reserve)?
Yes |
No |
6. [Ask if (Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated") AND Q5 = "No"] Is your spouse currently serving as a member of the National Guard or Reserve in a full-time, active duty program (AGR/FTS/AR)?
Yes |
No |
7. [Ask if (Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated") AND Q5 = "No" AND Q6 = "No"] Is your spouse currently serving as a member of another type of National Guard or Reserve unit (e.g., drilling unit, Individual Mobilization Augmentee [IMA], Individual Ready Reserve [IRR])?
Yes |
No |
8. [Ask if (Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated") AND Q5 = "No" AND Q6 = "No"] Last week, did your spouse do any work for pay or profit? Mark “Yes” even if your spouse worked only 1 hour or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more.
Yes |
No |
9. [Ask if (Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated") AND Q5 = "No" AND Q6 = "No" AND Q8 = "No"] Last week, was your spouse temporarily absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. |
No |
10. [Ask if (Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated") AND Q5 = "No" AND Q6 = "No" AND Q8 = "No" AND Q9 = "No"] Has your spouse been looking for work during the last 4 weeks?
Yes |
No |
11. [Ask if (Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated") AND Q5 = "No" AND Q6 = "No" AND Q8 = "No" AND Q9 = "No" AND Q10 = "Yes"] Last week, could your spouse have started a job if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?
Yes, my spouse could have gone to work |
No, because of his/her temporary illness |
No, because of state occupational licensing barriers |
No, because child care was not available |
No, because of other reasons (in school, etc.) |
12. What is the highest degree or level of school or training that you have completed? Mark the one answer that describes the highest grade, degree, or level of training that you have completed.
12 years or less of school (no diploma) |
High school graduate—traditional diploma |
High school graduate—alternative diploma (home school, GED, etc.) |
Professional license, accreditation, or certificate (e.g., fitness instructor, massage therapist, electrician, welder) |
Some college credit, but less than 1 year |
1 or more years of college, no degree |
Associate's degree (e.g., AA, AS) |
Bachelor's degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS) |
Master's, doctoral, or professional school degree (e.g., MA, MS, MEd, MEng, MBA, MSW, PhD, MD, JD, DVM, EdD) |
For the next questions, the definition of “child, children, or other legal dependents“ includes anyone in your family, except your spouse, who has, or is eligible to have, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (also called a military ID card) or is eligible for military health care benefits, and is enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
13. Do you have a child, children, or other legal dependents based on the definition above?
Yes |
No |
14. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes"] How many children or other legal dependents do you have in the age group specified below? To indicate none, select “0.” To indicate nine or more, select “9.”
5 years and younger
6–13 years old
14–18 years old
19–22 years old
23 years and older
15. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?
No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino |
Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino |
16. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese) |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (e.g., Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro) |
White |
17. Where is your permanent duty station (homeport) located?
In one of the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. territory or possession |
Europe (e.g., Germany, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom) |
Former Soviet Union (e.g., Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) |
East Asia and Pacific (e.g., Australia, Japan, Korea) |
North Africa, Near East, or South Asia (e.g., Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Diego Garcia) |
Sub-Saharan Africa (e.g., Djibouti, Kenya, Liberia, South Africa) |
Western Hemisphere (e.g., Cuba, Honduras, Peru) |
Other or not sure |
18. [Ask if Q17 = "In one of the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. territory or possession"] Please select from the list below your permanent duty station location (homeport) within one of the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. territory or possession.
19. Where do you live at your permanent duty station?
Aboard ship |
Government-owned barracks, dorm, bachelor quarters, or unaccompanied enlisted or officer housing, on base |
Government-owned family housing, on base |
Government-owned or leased family housing, off base |
Privatized housing, on base, that you rent |
Privatized housing, off base, that you rent |
Civilian/community housing, off base, that you own or pay mortgage on |
Civilian/community housing, off base, that you rent |
Other |
[Ask if Q19 = "Other"] Please specify where you live at your permanent duty station. Please do not include any personally identifiable information (e.g., names, addresses).
20. Taking all things into consideration, how satisfied are you, in general, with each of the following aspects of being in the military? Mark one answer for each item.
Very dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very satisfied |
a. Your total compensation (i.e., base pay, allowances, and bonuses) |
b. The type of work you do in your military job |
c. Your opportunities for promotion |
d. The quality of your coworkers |
e. The quality of your supervisor |
21. Overall, how satisfied are you with the military way of life?
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
22. How many years of active duty service have you completed (including enlisted, warrant officer, and commissioned officer time)? To indicate less than 1 year, enter “0”. To indicate 35 years or more, enter “35”.
Years |
23. Suppose that you have to decide whether to stay on active duty. Assuming you could stay, how likely is it that you would choose to do so?
Very likely |
Likely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Unlikely |
Very unlikely |
24. [Ask if Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated" OR Q4 = "Yes"] Does your spouse or significant other think you should stay on or leave active duty?
Strongly favors staying |
Somewhat favors staying |
Has no opinion one way or the other |
Somewhat favors leaving |
Strongly favors leaving |
25. Does your family think you should stay on or leave active duty?
Strongly favors staying |
Somewhat favors staying |
Has no opinion one way or the other |
Somewhat favors leaving |
Strongly favors leaving |
Responses from this question are used to determine levels of personal, unit, and overall commitment. Please provide your answer for each statement so that these three can be assessed.
26. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. I enjoy serving in the military. |
b. Serving in the military is consistent with my personal goals. |
c. I would feel guilty if I left the military. |
d. Generally, on a day-to-day basis, I am happy with my life in the military. |
e. I would have difficulty finding a job if I left the military. |
f. If I left the military, I would feel like I had let my country down. |
g. I continue to serve in the military because leaving would require considerable sacrifice. |
h. One of the problems with leaving the military would be the lack of available alternatives. |
i. I am committed to making the military my career. |
27. When you leave active duty, how likely is it that you will join a National Guard or Reserve unit?
Does not apply, retiring or otherwise ineligible |
Very likely |
Likely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Unlikely |
Very unlikely |
28. Suppose that you have to decide whether to stay on active duty. Which of the following would be the most important factor in this decision? Select one item from the list below.
29. How much time remains until you separate or retire from the military?
I do not expect to separate or retire from the military in the next 2 years |
Less than 90 days |
3–5 months |
6–12 months |
13–24 months |
30. [Ask if Q29 = "13–24 months" OR Q29 = "6–12 months" OR Q29 = "3–5 months" OR Q29 = "Less than 90 days"] To what extent is each of the following a reason for your leaving the Service? Mark one answer for each item.
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. Involuntarily retired or separated/not accepted for reenlistment |
b. Near maximum age |
c. Near maximum total time in grade |
d. Overall job dissatisfaction |
e. Longer than normal duty days |
f. Too much time away from home (excluding deployments) |
g. Too many deployments |
h. Too few deployments |
i. Continue my education |
j. Time to do something else |
k. The military is not for me |
l. Spouse had difficulty finding job due to frequent PCS moves |
m. Spouse had trouble finding a job that matches her/his skills, education, or work experience |
n. Family burden |
o. Financial security better as a civilian than in the military |
p. Deployment to hostile or dangerous locations |
q. Civilian salary |
r. Other |
31. Have you ever made a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move?
Yes |
No |
32. [Ask if Q31 = "Yes"] How many months has it been since your last PCS move? To indicate less than one month, enter “0”. To indicate more than 99 months, enter “99”.
Months |
33. In the past 12 months, how many days have you had to work longer than your normal duty day (i.e., overtime)? To indicate none, enter “0”.
Days |
34. In the past 12 months, how many nights have you been away from your permanent duty station (homeport) because of your military duties? To indicate none, enter “0”.
Nights |
35. In the past 24 months, have you been deployed longer than 30 consecutive days?
Yes |
No |
36. [Ask if Q35 = "Yes"] Are you currently on a deployment that has lasted longer than 30 consecutive days?
Yes |
No |
37. [Ask if Q35 = "Yes" AND Q36 = "Yes"] Where are you currently deployed?
In one of the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. territory or possession |
Afghanistan |
Iraq |
Other North African, Near Eastern, or South Asian country (e.g., Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Diego Garcia) |
Europe (e.g., Germany, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom) |
Former Soviet Union (e.g., Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) |
East Asia and Pacific (e.g., Australia, Japan, Korea) |
Sub-Saharan Africa (e.g., Djibouti, Kenya, Liberia, South Africa) |
Western Hemisphere (e.g., Cuba, Honduras, Peru) |
Other or not sure |
38. [Ask if Q35 = "Yes" AND Q36 = "Yes" AND Q37 = "In one of the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. territory or possession"] Please select from the list below your deployment location within one of the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. territory or possession.
[Ask if Q35 = "Yes" AND Q36 = "Yes" AND Q37 = "Other or not sure"] Please enter the name of the country or installation where you are currently deployed.
39. In the past 12 months, have you spent more or less time away from your permanent duty station (homeport) than you expected when you first entered the military?
Much more than expected |
More than expected |
Neither more nor less than expected |
Less than expected |
Much less than expected |
40. What impact has time away (or lack thereof) from your permanent duty station (homeport) in the past 12 months had on your military career intentions?
Greatly increased your desire to stay |
Increased your desire to stay |
Neither increased nor decreased your desire to stay |
Decreased your desire to stay |
Greatly decreased your desire to stay |
41. Overall, how well prepared are you to perform your wartime job?
Very well prepared |
Well prepared |
Neither well nor poorly prepared |
Poorly prepared |
Very poorly prepared |
42. Overall, how well prepared is your unit to perform its wartime mission?
Very well prepared |
Well prepared |
Neither well nor poorly prepared |
Poorly prepared |
Very poorly prepared |
43. How well has your training prepared you to perform your wartime job?
Very well |
Well |
Neither well nor poorly |
Poorly |
Very poorly |
44. How well has your training prepared you to perform your wartime job in support of joint operations?
Very well |
Well |
Neither well nor poorly |
Poorly |
Very poorly |
45. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your work life?
Much less than usual |
Less than usual |
About the same as usual |
More than usual |
Much more than usual |
46. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your personal life?
Much less than usual |
Less than usual |
About the same as usual |
More than usual |
Much more than usual |
47. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes"] Do you have any children under the age of 18 who usually live with you?
Yes |
No |
48. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes" AND Q47 = "Yes"] At any time during the 2021–2022 school year, how many children in this household were enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade or grade equivalent? Please select the number of children enrolled in each type of school. To indicate none, select “0.” To indicate more than nine, select “9.”
Number enrolled in a public school
Number enrolled in a private school
Number enrolled in a Department of Defense-run school (DoDEA Americas, DoDEA Europe, or DoDEA Pacific)
Number homeschooled, that is not enrolled in public or private school
49. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes" AND Q47 = "Yes" AND (Q48 a > "0" OR Q48 b > "0" OR Q48 c > "0" OR Q48 d > "0")] During the 2021–2022 school year, how did the children in this household receive their education? Mark all that apply.
Children received live instruction from a teacher in person at their school |
Children received live instruction from a teacher on-line/virtually |
Children learned on their own using on-line materials provided by their school |
Children learned on their own using paper materials provided by their school |
Children learned on their own using materials that were NOT provided by their school |
Children did not participate in any learning activities because their school was closed |
Children were sick and could not participate in education |
Other |
50. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes" AND Q47 = "Yes"] In the past 12 months, were any children in the household unable to attend daycare or another child care arrangement because of the coronavirus pandemic? Please include before school care, after school care, and all other forms of child care that were unavailable.
Yes |
No |
Does not apply |
51. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes" AND Q47 = "Yes" AND Q50 = "Yes"] Which, if any, of the following occurred as a result of child care being closed or unavailable? Mark all that apply.
You (or another adult) took unpaid leave to care for your children |
You (or another adult) used vacation or sick days in order to care for your children |
You (or another adult) cut your hours in order to care for your children |
You (or another adult) left a job in order to care for your children |
You (or another adult) lost a job because of time away to care for your children |
You (or another adult) did not look for a job in order to care for your children |
You (or another adult) supervised one or more children while working |
None of the above |
52. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes" AND Q47 = "Yes"] To what extent do you feel that child care issues will impact whether you stay in the military?
Very large extent |
Large extent |
Moderate extent |
Small extent |
Not at all |
Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) officially began 15 Jun 2014 and includes military intervention against extremists in Iraq and Syria.
Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OFS), a follow-on mission to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), officially began 1 Jan 2015 and includes missions to train Afghan soldiers and conduct counterterrorism operations against extremists in Afghanistan.
53. In the past 5 years, for which of the following operations/contingencies have you been deployed to support (either directly or indirectly)? Mark all that apply.
I have not deployed in the past 5 years |
Operation Inherent Resolve |
Operation Freedom's Sentinel |
Peacekeeping operation |
Humanitarian operation |
Military exercise or training |
COVID-19 Response |
Other |
[Ask if Q53 h = "Marked"] Please specify the other operation/contingency for which you have been deployed to support (either directly or indirectly) in the past 5 years. Please do not include any personally identifiable information (e.g., names, addresses).
54. [Ask if Q53 b = "Marked" OR Q53 c = "Marked" OR Q53 d = "Marked" OR Q53 e = "Marked" OR Q53 f = "Marked" OR Q53 g = "Marked" OR Q53 h = "Marked"] In the past 5 years, how many times have you been deployed?
Times |
55. [Ask if Q53 b = "Marked" OR Q53 c = "Marked" OR Q53 d = "Marked" OR Q53 e = "Marked" OR Q53 f = "Marked" OR Q53 g = "Marked" OR Q53 h = "Marked"] In the past 5 years, have you been deployed to a combat zone or an area where you drew imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay?
Yes |
No |
56. [Ask if (Q53 b = "Marked" OR Q53 c = "Marked" OR Q53 d = "Marked" OR Q53 e = "Marked" OR Q53 f = "Marked" OR Q53 g = "Marked" OR Q53 h = "Marked") AND Q55 = "Yes"] For your most recent deployment, how many months have you been or were you deployed to an area where you drew imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay? Include partial months. For example, if you were deployed to a combat zone for 2 days, and those days were in different months, enter “2”.
Months |
57. [Ask if Q53 b = "Marked" OR Q53 c = "Marked" OR Q53 d = "Marked" OR Q53 e = "Marked" OR Q53 f = "Marked" OR Q53 g = "Marked" OR Q53 h = "Marked"] Were you involved in combat operations?
Yes |
No |
58. [Ask if (Q35 = "Yes" AND Q36 = "Yes") AND (Q53 b = "Marked" OR Q53 c = "Marked" OR Q53 d = "Marked" OR Q53 e = "Marked" OR Q53 f = "Marked" OR Q53 g = "Marked" OR Q53 h = "Marked") AND Q55 = "Yes"] Are you currently deployed to a combat zone or an area where you are drawing imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay?
Yes |
No |
59. [Ask if Q53 b = "Marked" OR Q53 c = "Marked" OR Q53 d = "Marked" OR Q53 e = "Marked" OR Q53 f = "Marked" OR Q53 g = "Marked" OR Q53 h = "Marked"] Were any of your deployments in the past 5 years longer than you expected?
Yes |
No |
The following are statements that people have made about their food situation.
60. How often were each of the following statements true for you and your household in the past 12 months—that is, since last [name of current month]? Mark one answer for each item.
Don't know |
Often true |
Sometimes true |
Never true |
a. The food that I/we bought just didn't last, and I/we didn't have money to get more. |
b. I/We couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. |
61. In the past 12 months, since last [name of current month], did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
62. [Ask if Q61 = "Yes"] In the past 12 months, how often did you or other adults in your household cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?
Almost every month |
Some months but not every month |
Only 1 or 2 months |
Don't know |
63. In the past 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there was not enough money for food?
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
64. In the past 12 months, were you ever hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money for food?
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
65. Choose the best statement that represents your home/barracks/dorm/ship TODAY (where you are living now): Mark all that apply.
Kitchen with major appliances (e.g., refrigerator, stove, microwave) and food prep/cooking supplies. |
Shared kitchen in building with major appliances and food prep/cooking supplies. |
Shared kitchen in building with major appliances, without any food prep/cooking supplies. |
No kitchen in building, but have mini-refrigerator and microwave in room. |
Room/Rack without any food prep/cooking capability. |
66. In a typical week, how many meals do you get at the dining facility (DFAC)/galley?
Meals |
67. When you don't eat at the dining facility (DFAC)/galley, what are the reasons? Mark all that apply.
Not applicable (I always go to the DFAC/galley) |
No DFAC/galley available or closed |
No transportation to get there |
Lines are too long to wait |
Not enough time |
Don’t like the food at the DFAC/galley |
Eat at home or bring food from home |
Prefer to eat at fast food or other local restaurant |
Other |
68. Are you currently receiving support from any of the following nutrition assistance resources? Mark all that apply.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/ Food Stamps) |
Women Infant and Children program (WIC) |
National School Lunch Program (children receive free or reduced meals at school) |
Some other assistance resource |
No, I am not using any nutrition assistant resource |
69. Which of the following best describes your (and/or your spouse's) financial condition?
Very comfortable and secure |
Able to make ends meet without much difficulty |
Occasionally have some difficulty making ends meet |
Tough to make ends meet but keeping your head above water |
In over your head |
70. Compared to 12 months ago, is your financial situation better, worse, or has it stayed the same?
Much better |
Somewhat better |
Stayed the same |
Somewhat worse |
Much worse |
71. [Ask if Q70 = "Much better" OR Q70 = "Somewhat better"] Which of the following are reasons why your financial situation is better than it was 12 months ago? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Change related to your employment (e.g., new job, promotion) |
b. Change related to your spouse's employment (e.g., new job, promotion) |
c. Change in your family situation (e.g., got married or divorced, fewer children living at home) |
d. Reduction in debt (e.g., paid off credit card debt, student loan debt, other loans) |
e. Better financial management (e.g., received financial education, increased savings, followed budget) |
72. [Ask if Q70 = "Much worse" OR Q70 = "Somewhat worse"] Which of the following are reasons why your financial situation is worse than it was 12 months ago? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Change related to your employment (e.g., lost job, between jobs, could not find job) |
b. Change related to your spouse's employment (e.g., lost job, between jobs, could not find job) |
c. Change in your family situation (e.g., got married or divorced, had a baby, provided financial support for family) |
d. Increased debt (e.g., unplanned expenses, student loan deferment ended) |
e. Financial management problems (e.g., used savings, no budget) |
73. Which of the following activities do you do routinely in order to manage your finances? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Make short-term financial plans (e.g., renting a house, purchasing a vehicle, saving for vacation, medical/dental/vision expenses) |
b. Make and/or monitor long-term financial plans (e.g., home ownership, retirement, insurance, children's college education) |
c. Follow a monthly budget or spending plan |
d. Contribute to a savings account for emergency savings or other savings goal |
e. Review your LES |
f. Contribute to a retirement account (e.g., the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), IRA, 401(k)) |
g. Monitor your credit score/rating |
74. From which of the following resources have you received information, training, or counseling on any financial topic? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Military financial training, class, or seminar (online or classroom) |
b. Military financial counseling (in-person, by telephone, or virtually) |
c. Unit leadership or financial specialist within your unit (e.g., Command Financial Specialist, Corporal for Financial Fitness, Command Financial NCO) |
d. Military aid society (e.g., Army Emergency Relief, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, Air Force Aid Society, Coast Guard Mutual Assistance) |
e. On-base financial institution (e.g., bank or credit union) |
f. Online military resource(s) (e.g., Office of Financial Readiness, Sen$e app, Military OneSource, Service or installation financial readiness program) |
g. Off-base financial institution (e.g., bank or credit union) |
h. Professional/certified financial counselor, planner, or advisor outside of the military |
i. Family/friends/peers |
j. Online non-military resources (e.g., online search, blogs, articles) |
75. Which of the following statements best describes your (and your spouse's, if applicable) saving or investment habits?
Unable to save or invest—usually spend more than income |
Unable to save or invest—usually spend about as much as income |
Save or invest whatever is left over at the end of the month—no regular plan |
Save or invest regularly by putting money aside each month |
76. Please indicate whether the following are financial goals for you (and your spouse, if applicable). If a goal does not apply to you, please select “No, this is not a goal for me/us.” Mark one answer for each item.
I/we have met this goal |
No, this is not a goal for me/us |
Yes, this is a goal for me/us |
a. Saving for retirement |
b. Saving for child(ren)'s education |
c. Saving for a safety net/emergency fund |
d. Paying off your education-related loans (e.g., federal or private student loans) |
e. Being free of debt, except for mortgage |
f. Buying a home |
g. Saving for a major purchase (e.g., vehicle, vacation, household items) |
77. Which of the following options best describes how you routinely pay credit card debt?
Pay credit card balance in full each month |
Pay more than minimum payment but not full balance |
Pay only minimum payment |
I do not use credit cards |
78. How much do you (and your spouse, if applicable) have in an emergency savings fund, in terms of your average monthly expenses?
Less than 1 month |
Between 1 and 3 months |
Between 4 and 6 months |
More than 6 months |
I do not have an emergency savings fund |
79. In the past 12 months, did any of the following happen to you (and/or your spouse)? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Failed to make a monthly/minimum payment on your credit card, including the Military Star Card |
b. Failed to make a rent or mortgage payment |
c. Had one or more debts referred to a collection agency |
d. Had telephone, cable, or Internet shut off |
e. Had water, heat, or electricity shut off |
f. Failed to make a car payment |
g. Had a car repossessed |
h. Filed for personal bankruptcy |
i. Had to pay overdraft fees to your bank or credit union two or more times |
j. Borrowed money from family and/or friends to pay bills |
k. Took money out of a retirement fund or investment to pay living expenses |
l. Had personal relationship problems with your partner due to finances |
m. Had your security clearance affected due to your financial condition |
n. Used a charitable organization's food pantry or food bank |
o. Had adverse personnel action due to financial condition |
p. Provided unplanned financial support to a family member who did not live with you |
80. In the past 12 months, have you (and your spouse, if applicable) used any of the following financial products or services to cover routine expenses? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Overdraft loan or line of credit |
b. Overdraft protection from savings, credit card, or another account |
c. Direct deposit advance loan |
d. Payday loan |
e. Vehicle title loan (a loan where you obtain money by providing a vehicle title as collateral) |
f. Cash advance on a credit card |
g. Pawn loan |
h. Loan or grant from a military aid society (e.g., Army Emergency Relief, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, Air Force Aid Society, Coast Guard Mutual Assistance) |
i. Other loan obtained online |
81. Thinking about your experiences over the last year, which of the following did you or your household members use to meet your spending needs? Mark all that apply.
Withdrawal from savings account |
Withdrawal from retirement account |
Selling assets (i.e., stocks) |
Unemployment insurance (UI) benefit payments |
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) |
Economic stimulus payment |
Deferred or forgiven payments (i.e., student loans, mortgage, or rent) |
None of the above |
82. How well does each statement describe you or your situation? Mark one answer for each item.
Completely |
Very well |
Somewhat |
Very little |
Not at all |
a. Because of my money situation, I feel like I will never have the things I want in life. |
b. I am just getting by financially. |
c. I am concerned that the money I have, or will save, won't last. |
83. How often does each of the following statements apply to you? Mark one answer for each item.
Always |
Often |
Sometimes |
Rarely |
Never |
a. I have money left over at the end of the month. |
b. My finances control my life. |
84. In 2021, what was your total household income before taxes?
Less than $25,000 |
$25,000–$34,999 |
$35,000–$49,999 |
$50,000–$74,999 |
$75,000–$99,999 |
$100,000–$149,999 |
$150,000–$199,999 |
$200,000 and above |
85. How much does your income contribute toward your total household income?
Less than 50% |
50% |
More than 50% |
86. [Ask if Q3 = "Married" OR Q3 = "Separated" OR Q4 = "Yes"] How much does your spouse/significant other's income contribute toward your total household income?
Less than 50% |
50% |
More than 50% |
87. The Department of Defense is interested in assessing the overall financial literacy and preparedness of military members. By completing the next set of items, you will help the Department determine how well military members understand a variety of financial-related topics. For each question or statement, please select the BEST response. If you are not sure about an answer, please select “Don't know.”
88. Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2% per year. After five years, how much do you think you would have in the account if you left the money to grow?
More than $102 |
Exactly $102 |
Less than $102 |
Don't know |
89. Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year and inflation was 2% per year. After 1 year, how much would you be able to buy with the money in this account?
More than today |
Exactly the same |
Less than today |
Don't know |
90. Is the following statement true or false?
A 15-year mortgage typically requires higher monthly payments than a 30-year mortgage, but the total interest paid over the life of the loan will be less.
True |
False |
Don't know |
91. Is the following statement true or false?
Buying a single company's stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund.
True |
False |
Don't know |
92. Is the following statement true or false?
An insurance deductible is an amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance company will pay on your insurance claim.
True |
False |
Don't know |
93. The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) is a monthly annuity paid following death to the beneficiaries of...
A retiree who signs up to participate and pays a monthly premium from their retired pay |
An active duty Service member who dies in the line of duty |
Both |
Don't know |
94. Which of the following does not impact your credit score?
Paying bills on time |
Checking your own credit score |
The percentage of available credit used |
Applying for new credit |
Don't know |
95. Under the Blended Retirement System (BRS), the government will contribute 1% of your base pay to your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account and match up to an additional ___ percent based on your TSP contribution after you are vested in TSP.
4% for a total of 5% |
5% for a total of 6% |
There is no government match |
Don't know |
96. Is the following statement true or false?
In making a decision whether or not to receive a lump sum payment from the Blended Retirement System (BRS) or another qualified retirement plan, one important factor to consider would be the potential taxes one may have to pay on the lump sum payment received.
True |
False |
Don't know |
97. In managing your personal budget, what is discretionary income?
Special pays, allowances, and bonuses outside of military base pay |
The money used to make your rent or mortgage payment or other such fixed expenses |
The money remaining after taxes and fixed expenses (such as rent/mortgage, utilities, insurance) are paid |
Don't know |
98. The next several questions ask about a time period in your life when you may have faced some challenges. We understand these are sensitive issues, but the Department wants to know more about members' experiences so they can help others who face similar challenges. Responses to these items are completely voluntary and confidential. Your responses will only be reported in aggregate form. Your individual data will not be reported.
99. Have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself during the following periods? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Ever in your life |
b. Before joining the military |
c. Since joining the military |
d. Within the past 12 months |
e. Within 6 months before leaving for a deployment or another mission |
f. During a deployment or another mission |
g. Within 6 months after returning from a deployment or another mission |
100. [Ask if Q99 a = "Yes" OR Q99 b = "Yes" OR Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 e = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes"] Have you thought about how you might kill yourself during the following periods? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Ever in your life |
b. Before joining the military |
c. Since joining the military |
d. Within the past 12 months |
e. Within 6 months before leaving for a deployment or another mission |
f. During a deployment or another mission |
g. Within 6 months after returning from a deployment or another mission |
101. [Ask if Q99 a = "Yes" OR Q99 b = "Yes" OR Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 e = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes"] Have you had these thoughts and had some intention of acting on them during the following periods? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Ever in your life |
b. Before joining the military |
c. Since joining the military |
d. Within the past 12 months |
e. Within 6 months before leaving for a deployment or another mission |
f. During a deployment or another mission |
g. Within 6 months after returning from a deployment or another mission |
102. [Ask if Q99 a = "Yes" OR Q99 b = "Yes" OR Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 e = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes"] Have you worked out a plan of how to kill yourself during the following periods? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Ever in your life |
b. Before joining the military |
c. Since joining the military |
d. Within the past 12 months |
e. Within 6 months before leaving for a deployment or another mission |
f. During a deployment or another mission |
g. Within 6 months after returning from a deployment or another mission |
103. Did you make a suicide attempt during the following periods? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Ever in your life |
b. Before joining the military |
c. Since joining the military |
d. Within the past 12 months |
e. Within 6 months before leaving for a deployment or another mission |
f. During a deployment or another mission |
g. Within 6 months after returning from a deployment or another mission |
104. [Ask if Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes" OR Q103 c = "Yes" OR Q103 d = "Yes" OR Q103 f = "Yes" OR Q103 g = "Yes"] Since joining the military, have you ever talked to anyone about your thoughts or attempts to kill yourself?
Yes |
No, but I considered talking to someone |
No, and I never considered talking to anyone |
105. [Ask if (Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes" OR Q103 c = "Yes" OR Q103 d = "Yes" OR Q103 f = "Yes" OR Q103 g = "Yes") AND Q104 = "Yes"] Who did you talk to about these thoughts or actions? Mark all that apply.
Spouse or significant other |
Parent or parental figure, sibling, or other family member |
Friend who is not in the military |
Military friend not in my chain of command |
Someone in my chain of command |
Mental health professional at a military facility (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, other mental health counselor) |
Civilian mental health professional at a civilian medical facility (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, other mental health counselor) |
General medical doctor at a military facility |
General medical doctor at a civilian facility |
Chaplain, pastor, rabbi, or other spiritual counselor |
Someone at a suicide helpline (e.g., Veterans Crisis Line/Military Crisis Line, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) |
Some other individual/resource not listed above |
106. [Ask if (Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes" OR Q103 c = "Yes" OR Q103 d = "Yes" OR Q103 f = "Yes" OR Q103 g = "Yes") AND Q104 = "No, but I considered talking to someone"] If you were to talk with someone about these thoughts or actions, who would you talk to? Mark all that apply.
Spouse or significant other |
Parent or parental figure, sibling, or other family member |
Friend who is not in the military |
Military friend not in my chain of command |
Someone in my chain of command |
Mental health professional at a military facility (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, other mental health counselor) |
Civilian mental health professional at a civilian medical facility (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, other mental health counselor) |
General medical doctor at a military facility |
General medical doctor at a civilian facility |
Chaplain, pastor, rabbi, or other spiritual counselor |
Someone at a suicide helpline (e.g., Veterans Crisis Line/Military Crisis Line, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) |
Some other individual/resource not listed above |
107. [Ask if (Q99 c = "Yes" OR Q99 d = "Yes" OR Q99 f = "Yes" OR Q99 g = "Yes" OR Q103 c = "Yes" OR Q103 d = "Yes" OR Q103 f = "Yes" OR Q103 g = "Yes") AND Q104 = "No, and I never considered talking to anyone"] You indicated that you did not talk to someone about your thoughts or attempts to kill yourself. Why did you choose not to talk to anyone? Mark all that apply.
I did not know where to get help. |
I did not trust mental health professionals. |
It was difficult to arrange the time to talk to someone (e.g., child care issues, could not get time off from work). |
I was concerned it would cost too much money. |
I was embarrassed. |
I was concerned it might impact my security clearance (now or in the future). |
I thought my coworkers and/or superiors would have less confidence in me if they found out. |
I was concerned it would negatively affect my career. |
I thought my friends and family would have less respect for me if they found out. |
I did not think my treatment would be kept confidential. |
I was concerned that any prescribed medications would have too many side effects. |
I would think less of myself if I could not handle it on my own. |
I received treatment or therapy previously and did not think it was effective. |
I did not want anyone to interfere. |
108. What assurances do you think Service members need in order to seek help for their thoughts or attempts to kill themselves? Mark all that apply.
Confidentiality |
Support from their peers |
Support from their chain of command |
Reassurance of no impact or limited potential impact on member's career |
Helping services with flexible or off-duty hours |
Other |
109. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Individuals who need help with personal problems (e.g., relationship, financial) would not seek help because of… Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. A negative impact to their career. |
b. Loss of privacy/confidentiality. |
c. Fear of being perceived as “broken” by chain of command or peers. |
d. A situation that cannot be helped with the resources available. |
e. Not knowing who to turn to. |
f. Other |
110. Suppose you felt trapped or stuck in a stressful situation. How likely or unlikely is it that you would use each of the following ways to deal with or cope with the situation? Mark one answer for each item.
Very unlikely |
Unlikely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Likely |
Very likely |
a. Ignore the situation |
b. Avoid the situation |
c. Deal with the situation on your own to try and fix it |
d. Ask someone to help you try and fix the situation |
e. Seek out self-help resources via the Internet or books |
f. Use alcohol or another harmful substance to cope with the situation |
111. How often do you receive suicide prevention training?
More than once a year |
Once a year |
Once every 2 years |
Only at a professional military school |
I do not receive suicide prevention training |
112. [Ask if Q111 = "More than once a year" OR Q111 = "Once a year" OR Q111 = "Once every 2 years" OR Q111 = "Only at a professional military school"] How helpful was the suicide prevention training you received most recently in helping you recognize the following? Mark one answer for each item.
Not at all helpful |
Slightly helpful |
Somewhat helpful |
Very helpful |
Extremely helpful |
a. Suicidal behavior in yourself |
b. Suicidal behavior in others |
113. The suicide prevention training that would be most effective in preparing me to handle a possible suicide prevention situation is…
Listening to a respected leader talk about an experience seeking help for suicidal thoughts or behavior |
Listening to a fellow Service member talk about an experience seeking help for suicidal thoughts or behavior |
Skills training on coping or problem-solving |
A lecture on suicide awareness (e.g., warning signs) |
PowerPoint presentation on suicide prevention |
Online webinar on suicide prevention |
Small group discussion |
114. What is your level of knowledge of each of the following support services? Mark one answer for each item.
I have never heard of this service. |
I have heard of this service, but I do not really know what it is. |
I have heard of this service, but I only superficially understand it. |
I know a lot about this service. |
a. Military Crisis Line (MCL)/Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) |
b. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline |
c. Military OneSource |
d. DSTRESS Line |
e. Military & Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program |
f. Coast Guard SUPRT Program |
g. VA Mobile Vet Center |
115. Suppose you found yourself in a situation where you thought you needed help with personal problems (e.g., relationship, financial). How likely or unlikely is it that you would use each of the following support services? Mark one answer for each item.
Very unlikely |
Unlikely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Likely |
Very likely |
a. Military Crisis Line (MCL)/Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) |
b. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline |
c. Military OneSource |
d. DSTRESS Line |
e. Military & Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program |
f. Coast Guard SUPRT Program |
g. VA Mobile Vet Center |
116. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. Suicide is impulsive. |
b. Suicidal behavior is not hereditary. |
c. The majority of Service members who died by suicide did not have a mental illness. |
d. Talking about suicide with someone you are concerned about will not lead to or encourage his/her suicide. |
e. Anyone can help individuals who are at risk for suicide, not only mental health professionals. |
f. The military suicide rate is comparable to the US general population, after accounting for differences in sex and age between the two populations. |
g. Deployment does not increase suicide risk for Service members. |
h. If you remove access to one lethal method of suicide, someone at risk for suicide will not replace it with another. |
i. Most military firearm deaths are a result of suicide as compared to combat, accident, or homicide. |
j. Storing a loaded firearm at home increases risk for dying by suicide four to six times. |
117. In the past 12 months, did you know someone who has died by suicide?
Yes |
No |
118. [Ask if Q117 = "Yes"] Did you receive suicide postvention support or counseling to help you with this loss from any of the following sources? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Unit Commander or Leader |
b. Chaplain |
c. Casualty Assistance Officer |
d. Long-Term Casualty Support Coordinator |
e. First Responder |
f. Military Investigator |
g. Non-Clinical Provider (e.g., Military OneSource Counselor, MFLC) |
h. Suicide Prevention Program Manager |
119. [Ask if Q117 = "Yes" AND Q118 a = "Yes"] How useful was the support or counseling you received from the... Mark one answer for each item.
Not useful |
Somewhat useful |
Useful |
Very useful |
a. Unit Commander or Leader? |
b. Chaplain? |
c. Casualty Assistance Officer? |
d. Long-Term Casualty Support Coordinator? |
e. First Responder? |
f. Military Investigator? |
g. Non-Clinical Provider (e.g., Military OneSource Counselor, MFLC)? |
h. Suicide Prevention Program Manager? |
120. Have you ever intentionally hurt yourself (e.g., cut or hit yourself) to relieve stress, feel better, get sympathy, or get something else to happen without any intention of killing yourself?
Yes |
No |
121. Over the last last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Mark one answer for each item.
Nearly every day |
More than half the days |
Several days |
Not at all |
a. Little interest or pleasure in doing things |
b. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless |
c. Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge |
d. Not being able to stop or control worrying |
122. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, how would you rate the current level of stress in your work life?
Much less than usual |
Less than usual |
About the same as usual |
More than usual |
Much more than usual |
123. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, how would you rate the current level of stress in your personal life?
Much less than usual |
Less than usual |
About the same as usual |
More than usual |
Much more than usual |
A “military survey” is defined as a survey regarding military topics (e.g., readiness, programs/services, tempo, benefits).
124. Excluding this survey, how many military surveys have you been asked to complete in the past 12 months? To indicate none, select “0.” To indicate 10 or more, select “10.”
125. Thank you for participating in the survey. There are no more questions on this survey. If you have comments or concerns that you were not able to express in answering this survey, please enter them in the space provided. Your comments will be viewed and considered as policy deliberations take place. Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) in your comments. If OPA or its data collection contractor perceives comments as a direct threat to yourself or others, out of concern for your welfare, OPA may contact an office in your area for appropriate action. Your feedback is useful and appreciated.
126. [Ask if Q1 = "No, I have separated or retired"] Based on your answer to the previous question, you are ineligible to take this survey. If you feel you have encountered this message in error, click the Previous button and check your answer(s). To submit your answers, click the Submit button. For further help, please call our Survey Processing Center toll-free at 1-800-881-5307 or e-mail [email protected].
Item Source Information
11. Response #4 - No, because child care was not available - added by MC&FP in Jun 2015.
12. SOFA1602 -- "or training" in item and "Professional license, accreditation, or certificate (e.g., fitness instructor, massage therapist, electrician, welder)" subitem added by MC&FP to match new wording in spouse education item. Increased emphasis on licenses/credentials across DoD.
13. SOFA1201
14a. SOFA1101
Format changed in SOFA1601.
14b. Format changed in SOFA1601.
14c. Format changed in SOFA1601.
14d. Format changed in SOFA1601.
14e. Format changed in SOFA1601.
15. SOFA1201
16a. SOFA1201
16b. SOFA1201
16c. SOFA1201
16d. SOFA1201
16e. SOFA1201
17. SOFA1201
18pp1. SOFA1201
18pp2. SOFA1201
18pp3. SOFA1201
19. SOFA1202.
Response #2 revised in SOFA1601 by AT&L.
19spo. SOFA1202
20a. SOFA1201
20b. SOFA1201
20c. SOFA1201
20d. SOFA1201
20e. SOFA1201
21. SOFA1201
22. SOFA1201
23. SOFA1201
24. SOFA1201
25. SOFA1201
26a. SOFA1201
Item requested by MC&FP.
26b. SOFA1201
26c. SOFA1201
26d. SOFA1201
26e. SOFA1201
26f. SOFA1201
26g. SOFA1201
26h. SOFA1201
27. SOFA1201
28pp1. SOFA1201
28pp2. SOFA1201
29. SOFA1101
SOFA1701 -- last included in SOFA1201/Q141. Response options revised slightly to match Transition Assistance item.
30a. SOFA1101
30b. SOFA1101
30c. SOFA1101
30d. SOFA1101
30e. SOFA1101
30f. SOFA1101
30g. SOFA1101
30h. SOFA1101
30i. SOFA1101
30j. SOFA1101
30k. SOFA1101
30l. SOFA1101
30m. SOFA1101
30n. SOFA1101
30o. SOFA1101
30p. SOFA1101
30q. SOFA1101
31. SOFA1201
32. SOFA1201
33. SOFA1201
34. SOFA1201
35. SOFA1201
36. SOFA1201
37. SOFA1201
38pp1. SOFA1201
38pp2. SOFA1201
38pp3. SOFA1201
39. SOFA1201
40. SOFA1201
41. SOFA1201
42. SOFA1201
43. SOFA1201
44. SOFA1201
45. SOFA1201
46. SOFA1201
53a. SOFA1202
Timeframe changed by MC&FP to past 5 years in Jun 2015. MPP concurred. MPP approved addition of Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Freedom's Sentinel.
53d. SOFA1701 -- new subitem based on write-ins on previous SOFAs.
53e. SOFA1701 -- new subitem based on write-ins on previous SOFAs.
53f. SOFA1701 -- new subitem based on write-ins on previous SOFAs.
54. SOFA1201
Timeframe changed by MC&FP to past 5 years in Jun 2015. MPP concurred.
55. SOFA1201
Timeframe changed by MC&FP to past 5 years in Jun 2015. MPP concurred.
56. SOFA1201
57. SOFA1201
58. SOFA1201
59. SOFA1201
Timeframe changed by MC&FP to past 5 years in Jun 2015. MPP concurred.
60a. SOFA1801 -- added by OSD Compensation & USDA.
60b. SOFA1801 -- added by OSD Compensation & USDA.
61. SOFA1801 -- added by OSD Compensation & USDA.
62. SOFA1801 -- added by OSD Compensation & USDA.
63. SOFA1801 -- added by OSD Compensation & USDA.
64. SOFA1801 -- added by OSD Compensation & USDA.
69. SOFR1601 -- Wording revised to match SOFA version of this recurring item.
70. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
71a. SOFR1701 -- new item added by P&R.
72a. SOFR1701 -- new item added by P&R.
73a. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
73b. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
73c. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
73d. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
73e. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
73f. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
73g. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
74a. SOFR1701 -- new item
74b. SOFR1701 -- new item
74c. SOFR1701 -- new item
74d. SOFR1701 -- new item
74e. SOFR1701 -- new item
74f. SOFR1701 -- new item
74g. SOFR1701 -- new item .
74h. SOFR1701 -- new item
74i. SOFR1701 -- new item
74j. SOFR1701 -- new item
75. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76a. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76b. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76c. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76d. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76e. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76f. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
76g. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
77. SOFR1701 -- new item addded by P&R.
78. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
SOFR1701 -- revised by P&R.
79g. SOFR1601 -- FEWG survey subcommittee recommended making this a separate subitem since this often signals more significant financial problems vs repossession of an appliance/furniture.
79j. SOFR1601 -- new subitem for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
79k. SOFR1601 -- new subitem for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
79l. SOFR1601 -- new subitem for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
79m. SOFR1601 -- new subitem for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
79n. SOFR1601 -- new subitem for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate. Added by MPP (Ms. Mulcahy).
79p. SOFR1701 -- new subitem added by P&R.
80a. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80b. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80c. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80d. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80e. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80f. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80g. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80h. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
80i. SOFR1601 -- new item for NDAA FY16 financial literacy survey mandate.
82a. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R.
82b. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R.
82c. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R.
83a. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R.
83b. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R.
88. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
89. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
90. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
91. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
92. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
93. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
94. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
95. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
96. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
97. SOFR1701 - new item added by P&R. Item from FINRA survey. Need to credit FINRA Investor Education Foundation in Congressional report if these items are used.
99a. SOFA1801 -- subitem added by Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO).
100a. SOFA1801 -- item added by Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO) to match Columbia scale.
101a. SOFA1801 -- item added by Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO) to match Columbia scale.
102a. SOFA1801 -- item added by Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO) to match Columbia scale.
103e. SOFA1601 -- added by Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO).
104. SOFA1601 -- added by Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO).
108a. SOFA1801 -- added by DSPO
109a. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
109b. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
109c. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
109d. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
109e. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
109f. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
110a. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
110c. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
110f. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
111. SOFA1801 -- new item added by DSPO.
112a. SOFA1801 -- new item added by DSPO.
113. SOFA1701 -- new item added by DSPO.
124. New item in SOFA1401 requested by HRSAP.
125. NA
126. NA
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Tab Order |
Author | Spar, Christopher A CTR OPA |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-03-18 |