Published 60 Day Federal Register Notice, FRN (Generic Clearance)

1660-0130 Published 60-Day FRN - 2021 03 19.pdf

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Published 60 Day Federal Register Notice, FRN (Generic Clearance)

OMB: 1660-0130

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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 52 / Friday, March 19, 2021 / Notices

Due to COVID–19-related restrictions,
CBP has temporarily suspended its
ability to receive public comments by


Requests for additional PRA information
should be directed to Seth Renkema,
Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Office of Trade, Regulations
and Rulings, 90 K Street NE, 10th Floor,
Washington, DC 20229–1177,
Telephone number 202–325–0056 or via
email [email protected]. Please
note that the contact information
provided here is solely for questions
regarding this notice. Individuals
seeking information about other CBP
programs should contact the CBP
National Customer Service Center at
877–227–5511, (TTY) 1–800–877–8339,
or CBP website at
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to comment on the
proposed and/or continuing information
collections pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.). This process is conducted in
accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8. Written
comments and suggestions from the
public and affected agencies should
address one or more of the following
four points: (1) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
suggestions to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) suggestions to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses. The
comments that are submitted will be
summarized and included in the request
for approval. All comments will become
a matter of public record.
Overview of This Information
Title: Application to Use Automated
Commercial Environment (ACE).
OMB Number: 1651–0105.
Current Actions: Extension.
Type of Review: Extension (without

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Affected Public: Businesses.
Abstract: The Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) is a trade data
processing system that is replacing the
Automated Commercial System (ACS),
the current import system for U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
operations. ACE is authorized by
Executive Order 13659 which mandates
implementation of a Single Window
through which businesses will transmit
data required by participating agencies
for the importation or exportation of
cargo. See 79 FR 10655 (February 25,
2014). ACE supports government
agencies and the trade community with
border-related missions with respect to
moving goods across the border
efficiently and securely. Once ACE is
fully implemented, all related CBP trade
functions and the trade community will
be supported from a single common
user interface.
To establish an ACE Portal account,
participants submit information such as
their name, their employer
identification number (EIN) or social
security number (SSN), and if
applicable, a statement certifying their
capability to connect to the internet.
This information is submitted through
the ACE Secure Data Portal which is
accessible at:
Please Note: a CBP-assigned number
may be provided in lieu of your SSN. If
you have an EIN, that number will
automatically be used and no CBP
number will be assigned. A CBPassigned number is for CBP use only.
There is a standalone capability for
electronically filing protests in ACE.
This capability is available for
participants who have not established
ACE Portal Accounts for other trade
activities, but desire to file protests
electronically. A protest is a procedure
whereby a private party may
administratively challenge a CBP
decision regarding imported
merchandise and certain other CBP
decisions. Trade members can establish
a protest filer account in ACE through
a separate application and the
submission of specific data elements
includes, but is not limited to, their
name; their employer identification
number (EIN) or social security number
(SSN); and contact information. See 81
FR 57928 (August 24, 2016).
Type of Information Collection:
Application to ACE (Import)
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Annual
Responses per Respondent: 1
Estimated Number of Total Annual
Responses: 21,100

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Estimated Time per Response: .33
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 6,963
Type of Information Collection:
Application to ACE (Export)
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Annual
Responses per Respondent: 1
Estimated Number of Total Annual
Responses: 9,000
Estimated Time per Response: .066
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 594
Type of Information Collection:
Application to ACE (Protest)
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Annual
Responses per Respondent: 1
Estimated Number of Total Annual
Responses: 3,750
Estimated Time per Response: .066
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 248
Dated: March 15, 2021.
Robert F. Altneu,
Director, Regulations and Disclosure Law
Division, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
[FR Doc. 2021–05684 Filed 3–18–21; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID: FEMA–2021–0005; OMB No.

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Generic Clearance
for the Collection of Qualitative
Feedback on Agency Service Delivery
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
ACTION: 60-Day notice and request for

The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), as part of
its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public to take this
opportunity to comment on an
extension, without change, of a
currently approved information
collection. In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice seeks comments concerning the
Generic Clearance for the Collection of
Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service




Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 52 / Friday, March 19, 2021 / Notices
Comments must be submitted on
or before May 18, 2021.
ADDRESSES: To avoid duplicate
submissions to the docket, please use
the following means to submit
comments: Online. Submit comments at under Docket ID
FEMA–2021–0005. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
All submissions received must
include the agency name and Docket ID.
Regardless of the method used for
submitting comments or material, all
submissions will be posted, without
change, to the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at,
and will include any personal
information you provide. Therefore,
submitting this information makes it
public. You may wish to read the
Privacy and Security Notice that is
available via a link on the homepage of
Millicent Brown, Sr. Manager, FEMA
Office of the Chief Administrative
Officer, Information Management
Division, at (202) 304–2291 for further
information. You may contact the
Information Management Division for
copies of the proposed collection of
information at email address: FEMAInformation-Collections-Management@
Order 12862 directs Federal agencies to
provide service to the public that
matches or exceeds the best service
available in the private sector. In order
to work continuously to ensure that our
programs are effective and meet our
customers’ needs, Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) (hereafter
‘‘the Agency’’) seeks to obtain OMB
approval of a generic clearance to
collect qualitative feedback on our
service delivery. By qualitative
feedback, we mean information that
provides useful insights on perceptions
and opinions but not statistical surveys
that yield quantitative results that can
be generalized to the population of



Collection of Information
Title: Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery.
Type of Information Collection:
Extension, without change, of a
currently approved information
OMB Number: 1660–0130.
FEMA Forms: None.
Abstract: The information collection
activity will garner qualitative customer
and stakeholder feedback in an efficient,
timely manner, in accordance with the

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Administration’s commitment to
improving service delivery. This
feedback will provide insights into
customer or stakeholder perceptions,
experiences, and expectations; provide
an early warning of issues with service;
or focus attention on areas where
communication, training, or changes in
operations might improve delivery of
products or services. These collections
will allow for ongoing, collaborative,
and actionable communications
between the Agency and its customers
and stakeholders. It will also allow
feedback to contribute directly to the
improvement of program management.
Feedback collected under this generic
clearance will provide useful
information, but it will not yield data
that can be generalized to the overall
population. This type of generic
clearance for qualitative information
will not be used for quantitative
information collections that are
designed to yield reliably actionable
results, such as monitoring trends over
time or documenting program
performance. Such data uses require
more rigorous designs that address: The
target population to which
generalizations will be made, the
sampling frame, the sample design
(including stratification and clustering),
the precision requirements or power
calculations that justify the proposed
sample size, the expected response rate,
methods for assessing potential nonresponse bias, the protocols for data
collection, and any testing procedures
that were or will be undertaken prior to
fielding the study. Depending on the
degree of influence the results are likely
to have, such collections may still be
eligible for submission for other generic
mechanisms that are designed to yield
quantitative results.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 268,783.
Estimated Total Annual Respondent
Cost: $10,092,802.
Estimated Respondents’ Operation
and Maintenance Costs: None.
Estimated Respondents’ Capital and
Start-Up Costs: None.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to the
Federal Government: $2,180,168.
Comments may be submitted as
indicated in the ADDRESSES caption
above. Comments are solicited to (a)
evaluate whether the proposed data
collection is necessary for the proper

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performance of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) minimize the burden
of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Millicent Brown,
Sr. Manager, Records Management Branch,
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer,
Mission Support, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2021–05649 Filed 3–18–21; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–3553–
EM; Docket ID FEMA–2021–0001]

District of Columbia; Amendment No. 2
to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Notice.

This notice amends the notice
of an emergency declaration for the
District of Columbia (FEMA–3553–EM),
dated January 11, 2021, and related


This amendment was issued
February 1, 2021.
Dean Webster, Office of Response and
Recovery, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, 500 C Street SW,
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833.
of an emergency declaration for the
District of Columbia is hereby amended
to include reimbursement for eligible
emergency protective measures among
the area determined to have been
adversely affected by the event declared
an emergency by the President in his
declaration of January 11, 2021.

The District of Columbia for
reimbursement for emergency protective
measures (Category B) including direct
Federal assistance, at 100 percent Federal



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File Modified2021-03-19
File Created2021-03-19

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