30689 Q_IRS Web Br 30689 Q_IRS Web Browse V4_20210611_DOT (1)

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

30689 Q_IRS Web Browse V4_20210611_DOT (1).xlsx

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Welcome and Thank You Text
Model Questions
Custom Questions
CQs (2021-06-11)
CQs (2020-04-21)
CQs (2020-04-08)

Sheet 1: Welcome and Thank You Text

The text you see here will appear at the top and bottom of your survey, examples below.

Default text is included and you may modify this text as needed.

Welcome and Thank You Text

Welcome Text
Welcome Text - Tablet / Phone

Thank you for visiting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You’ve been randomly selected to tell us how we can improve IRS.gov.
Thank you for visiting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You’ve been randomly selected to tell us how we can improve IRS.gov.

Participation is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. We only receive compiled data, which does not allow us to identify you individually. Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in the “comments” sections of this survey.
Participation is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. We only receive compiled data, which does not allow us to identify you individually. Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in the “comments” sections of this survey.

As a reminder, we are NOT able to answer any tax or personal questions submitted through this survey.
As a reminder, we are NOT able to answer any tax or personal questions submitted through this survey.

Required questions are denoted by an *
Required questions are denoted by an *

Thank You Text
Thank You Text - Tablet / Phone

Thank you very much for completing this survey. All answers and comments will be used by the IRS to help better serve you.
Thank you very much for completing this survey. All answers and comments will be used by the IRS to help better serve you.

Example Desktop
Example Mobile

Sheet 2: Model Questions

Model Name
IRS Spanish V4
Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID
Underlined & Italicized: Re-order

Yes - 2MQ
Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

Model Version

Label Element Questions
Label Satisfaction Questions
Label Future Behaviors

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of IRS.gov. 16 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with IRS.gov?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
19 Return How likely are you to return to IRS.gov?
2 Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on IRS.gov. 17 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does IRS.gov meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages on IRS.gov. 18 Satisfaction - Ideal How does IRS.gov compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
20 Recommend How likely are you to recommend IRS.gov to someone else?

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on IRS.gov.

21 Primary Resource How likely are you to use IRS.gov as your primary resource for tax information?
5 Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on IRS.gov.

6 Site Performance - Completeness Please rate how completely the page content loads on IRS.gov.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Navigation - Organized Please rate how well IRS.gov is organized.

8 Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating IRS.gov.

9 Navigation - Layout Please rate how well IRS.gov layout helps you find what you need.

Information Browsing (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Information Browsing - Sort Please rate the ability to sort information by criteria that are important to you on IRS.gov.

11 Information Browsing - Narrow Please rate the ability to narrow choices to find the information you are looking for on IRS.gov.

12 Information Browsing - Features Please rate how well the features on IRS.gov help you find the information you need.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

13 Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of information provided on IRS.gov.

14 Site Information - Understandable Please rate how understandable IRS.gov’s information is.

15 Site Information - Answers Please rate how well IRS.gov’s information provides answers to your questions.

Sheet 3: Custom Questions

Model Name

IRS Main Survey V4

Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID


Underlined & Italicized: Re-order


Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

QID AP Question Tag Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip To AP Answer Tag Required
Type Special Instructions CQ Label
JLB8418Q001 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1_role
I am visiting IRS.gov today as… An individual taxpayer (myself, my household, family member, etc.) 2 an_individual_taxpayer_myself_my_household_family_member_etc Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 1_Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, employee, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, employee, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other 1a other

JLB8418Q002 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1a_other_role 1a Please specify what best describes your role today:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 1A_Other Role
JLB8418Q003 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2_individual_roles 2 Do any of these situations apply to you? (Select all that apply.) Standard 1040 Filer (Wage/salary receiving employee) standard_1040_filer_wage_salary_receiving_employee N Check box, one-up vertical Skip logic group 2_Individual Roles


Have self-employment income (1099)

Foreign National Living in the US

US Taxpayer living abroad

Parent acting on behalf of a child

Active duty military

Acting on behalf of a deceased person and/or estate

Disability recipients

Other 2a other

JLB8418Q004 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2a_other_individual_roles 2a Please describe your tax role/situation:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 2A_Other Individual Roles
JLB8418Q005 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3_reason
What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? Economic impact payment information Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3_Reason

Refund status 4b refund_status_or_refund_information

Tax forms, publications, or instructions 4d tax_forms_publications_or_instructions

Child tax credit payment information

Filing or filing information filing_or_filing_information

Payments, payment plans or balance information 4a payments_or_balance_info_make_a_payment_payment_agreements_check_balance_find_payment_info_etc

Tax records (tax transcript, account transcript, etc.) 4c tax_records_tax_transcript_account_transcript_etc

Other 3a other

JLB8418Q006 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3a_reason_ii 3a What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) tools_for_tax_professionals_eg_e_services Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3A_Reason II

Free File information free_file_information

Tax Identification Number (EIN, PTIN, ITIN, etc.) 4f tax_identification_number_ein_ptin_itin_etc

Penalties 4e penalties

Credits and deduction information credits_and_deduction_information

Amended tax return status or information amended_tax_return_status_or_amend_my_previously_filed_return

Identity theft, fraud, or scams identity_theft_fraud_or_scams

General tax information general_tax_information

Other 3b other

JLB8418Q007 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3b_other_reason 3b Please specify other reason for visiting:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 3B_Other Reason
JLB8418Q008 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4a_payments 4a Please indicate which specific payment tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Make an online payment
make_an_online_payment Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4A_Payments

Seek information about payment options

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment agreement

Check my account balance

View my payment history

Other 4aa other

JLB8418Q009 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4aa_other_payments 4aa Please specify your other payment task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4AA_Other Payments
JLB8418Q010 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4b_refund 4b Please indicate which specific refund tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Check status of refund
check_status_of_refund Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4B_Refund

General information about tax refunds

Review refund FAQs

Other 4ba other

JLB8418Q011 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ba_other_refund 4ba Please specify you other refund task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4BA_Other Refund
JLB8418Q012 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4c_transcript 4c Please indicate which specific tax records tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download a copy of a transcript
download_a_copy_of_a_transcript Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4C_Transcript

Order a transcript in the mail

Find info about transcripts

Obtain my adjusted gross income (AGI) from a previous year

Obtain my filing status from a previous year

View my current or prior year return

View my balance and payment history

Other 4ca other

JLB8418Q013 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ca_other_transcript 4ca Please specify your other tax records task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4CA_Other Transcript
JLB8418Q014 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4d_forms 4d Please indicate which specific forms, publications or instructions tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download current year tax forms
download_current_year_tax_forms Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4D_Forms

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other 4da other

JLB8418Q015 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4da_other_forms 4da Please specify your other forms, publications or instructions task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4DA_Other Forms
JLB8418Q016 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4e_penalties 4e Please indicate which specific penalties tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers
learn_about_penalties_for_individual_taxpayers Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4E_Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations

Learn how to avoid a penalty

Learn how to compute a penalty

Learn about penalty relief criteria

Learn how to request penalty relief

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due

Make a payment

Other 4ea other

JLB8418Q017 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ea_other_penalties 4ea Please specify your other penalties task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4EA_Other Penalties
JLB8418Q018 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4f_id_number 4f What type of identification number did you want to request or find more information about? Employer Identification Number (EIN)
employer_identification_number_ein Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4F_ID Number

Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

FATCA Identification Number (FIN) or FATCA Entity ID

Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)

Other 4fa other

Not sure/don't know not_sure_dont_know

JLB8418Q019 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4fa_other_id_number 4fa Please specify what identification number information were looking for:

N Text area, <100 characters Skip logic group 4FA_Other ID Number
JLB8418Q020 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_5_contact Prior to this visit, what contact have you had with the IRS about your main reason for visiting? (Select all that apply) Have not been in contact with the IRS for this reason
have_not_been_in_contact_with_the_irs_for_this_reason N Checkbox, one-up vertical

Received a notice or letter from the IRS received_a_notice_or_letter_from_the_irs

Called the IRS and spoke to a customer service representative called_the_irs_and_spoke_to_a_customer_service_representative

Called the IRS and used the automated phone system to get information called_the_irs_and_used_the_automated_phone_system_to_get_information

Visited an IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center) visited_an_irs_office_taxpayer_assistance_center

Visited IRS.gov visited_irsgov

JLB8418Q021 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6_quality Please rate your agreement with the following statements about your visit to IRS.gov today: My need was addressed. Strongly Disagree 6a strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 6_Quality

Disagree 6a disagree



Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q022 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6a_oe_need 6a Why was your need not addressed? Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in your response.

N Text area, <255 character limit Skip logic group 6A_OE Need

JLB8418Q023 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_7_ease
It was easy to complete what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q024 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_8_efficiency
It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q025 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_9_confidence
This interaction increased my confidence in the IRS. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q026 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10_login Were you able to log in to (or create an account for) any IRS online tool today? I did not have to log in or create an account i_did_not_have_to_log_in_or_create_an_account N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10_Login

I successfully logged in or created an account 10b i_successfully_logged_in_or_created_an_account

I was unable to log in or create an account 10a i_was_unable_to_log_in_or_create_an_account

JLB8418Q027 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10a_oe_login 10a What prevented you from logging into an IRS online tool today? (Please don't provide any personal information in your response)

N Text area, no character limit Skip logic group 10A_OE Login
JLB8418Q028 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10b_online_tool 10b Which IRS online tool(s) did you use today? (Select all that apply) Your account
your_account N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10B_Online Tool

Direct Pay

Where's My Refund

Get Transcript

Other 10c other

JLB8418Q029 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10c_oe_online_tool 10c Please specify which online tools you used today:

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 10C_OE Online Tool
JLB8418Q030 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11_information How did you look for information today? (Select all that apply) Search engine (such as Google or Bing) brought me to IRS website
search_engine_such_as_google_or_bing_brought_me_to_irs_website N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11_Information

Used IRS website search 11a used_irs_website_search

Navigated through IRS website menu and/or links 11c navigated_through_irs_website_menu_and_or_links

Typed link directly into the browser or bookmarked link


JLB8418Q031 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11a_search 11a How was your search experience today? I found what I was looking for in the Top Recommendations i_found_what_i_was_looking_for_in_the_top_recommendations N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11A_Search

Search delivered a helpful set of results search_delivered_a_helpful_set_of_results

I was able to find what I searched for, but it wasn’t easy 11b i_was_able_to_find_what_i_searched_for_but_it_wasn’t_easy

Search did not deliver a helpful set of results 11b search_did_not_deliver_a_helpful_set_of_results

JLB8418Q032 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11b_oe_search_term 11b What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on IRS.gov?

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 11B_OE Search Term
JLB8418Q033 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11c_navigation 11c How was your navigation experience today? (Select all that apply) I did not encounter any difficulties with site navigation
i_did_not_encounter_any_difficulties_with_site_navigation N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group

Navigation got more confusing as I got deeper into the site navigation_got_more_confusing_as_i_got_deeper_into_the_site


Expected links were not present on pages expected_links_were_not_present_on_pages

Links did not take me where I expected links_did_not_take_me_where_i_expected

I was unsure where I should be clicking within the site i_was_unsure_where_i_should_be_clicking_within_the_site

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.) encountered_technical_difficulties_links_didnt_work_received_error_messages_etc

JLB8418Q034 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_12_frequency
In the past year, about how often did you visit IRS.gov? This is my first time
this_is_my_first_time N Radio button, one-up vertical

About once a week or more about_once_a_week_or_more

About once a month about_once_a_month

Every 6 months or less every_6_months_or_less

About once a year about_once_a_year

Less than once a year less_than_once_a_year

JLB8418Q035 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_13_oe_improvement
If you could change one thing about this website what would it be? Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in your response.

N Text area,  no character limit
13_OE Improvement

Sheet 4: CQs (2021-06-11)

Model Name

IRS Main Survey V4

Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID


Underlined & Italicized: Re-order


Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

QID AP Question Tag Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip To AP Answer Tag Required
Type Special Instructions CQ Label
JLB8418Q001 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1_role
I am visiting IRS.gov today as… An individual taxpayer (myself, my household, family member, etc.) 2 an_individual_taxpayer_myself_my_household_family_member_etc Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 1_Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, employee, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, employee, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other 1a other

JLB8418Q002 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1a_other_role 1a Please specify what best describes your role today:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 1A_Other Role
JLB8418Q003 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2_individual_roles 2 Do any of these situations apply to you? (Select all that apply.) Standard 1040 Filer (Wage/salary receiving employee) standard_1040_filer_wage_salary_receiving_employee N Check box, one-up vertical Skip logic group 2_Individual Roles


Have self-employment income (1099)

Foreign National Living in the US

US Taxpayer living abroad

Parent acting on behalf of a child

Active duty military

Acting on behalf of a deceased person and/or estate

Disability recipients

Other 2a other

JLB8418Q004 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2a_other_individual_roles 2a Please describe your tax role/situation:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 2A_Other Individual Roles
JLB8418Q005 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3_reason
What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? Economic impact payment information Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3_Reason

Refund status 4b refund_status_or_refund_information

Tax forms, publications, or instructions 4d tax_forms_publications_or_instructions

Child tax credit payment information

Filing or filing information filing_or_filing_information

Payments, payment plans or balance information 4a payments_or_balance_info_make_a_payment_payment_agreements_check_balance_find_payment_info_etc

Tax records (tax transcript, account transcript, etc.) 4c tax_records_tax_transcript_account_transcript_etc

Other 3a other

JLB8418Q006 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3a_reason_ii 3a What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) tools_for_tax_professionals_eg_e_services Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3A_Reason II

Free File information free_file_information

Tax Identification Number (EIN, PTIN, ITIN, etc.) 4f tax_identification_number_ein_ptin_itin_etc

Penalties 4e penalties

Credits and deduction information credits_and_deduction_information

Amended tax return status or information amended_tax_return_status_or_amend_my_previously_filed_return

Identity theft, fraud, or scams identity_theft_fraud_or_scams

General tax information general_tax_information

Other 3b other

JLB8418Q007 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3b_other_reason 3b Please specify other reason for visiting:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 3B_Other Reason
JLB8418Q008 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4a_payments 4a Please indicate which specific payment tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Make an online payment
make_an_online_payment Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4A_Payments

Seek information about payment options

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment agreement

Check my account balance

View my payment history

Other 4aa other

JLB8418Q009 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4aa_other_payments 4aa Please specify your other payment task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4AA_Other Payments
JLB8418Q010 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4b_refund 4b Please indicate which specific refund tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Check status of refund
check_status_of_refund Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4B_Refund

General information about tax refunds

Review refund FAQs

Other 4ba other

JLB8418Q011 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ba_other_refund 4ba Please specify you other refund task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4BA_Other Refund
JLB8418Q012 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4c_transcript 4c Please indicate which specific tax records tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download a copy of a transcript
download_a_copy_of_a_transcript Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4C_Transcript

Order a transcript in the mail

Find info about transcripts

Obtain my adjusted gross income (AGI) from a previous year

Obtain my filing status from a previous year

View my current or prior year return

View my balance and payment history

Other 4ca other

JLB8418Q013 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ca_other_transcript 4ca Please specify your other tax records task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4CA_Other Transcript
JLB8418Q014 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4d_forms 4d Please indicate which specific forms, publications or instructions tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download current year tax forms
download_current_year_tax_forms Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4D_Forms

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other 4da other

JLB8418Q015 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4da_other_forms 4da Please specify your other forms, publications or instructions task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4DA_Other Forms
JLB8418Q016 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4e_penalties 4e Please indicate which specific penalties tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers
learn_about_penalties_for_individual_taxpayers Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4E_Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations

Learn how to avoid a penalty

Learn how to compute a penalty

Learn about penalty relief criteria

Learn how to request penalty relief

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due

Make a payment

Other 4ea other

JLB8418Q017 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ea_other_penalties 4ea Please specify your other penalties task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4EA_Other Penalties
JLB8418Q018 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4f_id_number 4f What type of identification number did you want to request or find more information about? Employer Identification Number (EIN)
employer_identification_number_ein Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4F_ID Number

Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

FATCA Identification Number (FIN) or FATCA Entity ID

Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)

Other 4fa other

Not sure/don't know not_sure_dont_know

JLB8418Q019 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4fa_other_id_number 4fa Please specify what identification number information were looking for:

N Text area, <100 characters Skip logic group 4FA_Other ID Number
JLB8418Q020 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_5_contact Prior to this visit, what contact have you had with the IRS about your main reason for visiting? (Select all that apply) Have not been in contact with the IRS for this reason
have_not_been_in_contact_with_the_irs_for_this_reason N Checkbox, one-up vertical

Received a notice or letter from the IRS received_a_notice_or_letter_from_the_irs

Called the IRS and spoke to a customer service representative called_the_irs_and_spoke_to_a_customer_service_representative

Called the IRS and used the automated phone system to get information called_the_irs_and_used_the_automated_phone_system_to_get_information

Visited an IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center) visited_an_irs_office_taxpayer_assistance_center

Visited IRS.gov visited_irsgov

JLB8418Q021 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6_quality Please rate your agreement with the following statements about your visit to IRS.gov today: My need was addressed. Strongly Disagree 6a strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 6_Quality

Disagree 6a disagree



Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q022 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6a_oe_need 6a Why was your need not addressed? Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in your response.

N Text area, <255 character limit Skip logic group 6A_OE Need

JLB8418Q023 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_7_ease
It was easy to complete what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q024 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_8_efficiency
It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q025 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_9_confidence
This interaction increased my confidence in the IRS. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q026 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10_login Were you able to log in to (or create an account for) any IRS online tool today? I did not have to log in or create an account i_did_not_have_to_log_in_or_create_an_account N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10_Login

I successfully logged in or created an account 10b i_successfully_logged_in_or_created_an_account

I was unable to log in or create an account 10a i_was_unable_to_log_in_or_create_an_account

JLB8418Q027 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10a_oe_login 10a What prevented you from logging into an IRS online tool today? (Please don't provide any personal information in your response)

N Text area, no character limit Skip logic group 10A_OE Login
JLB8418Q028 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10b_online_tool 10b Which IRS online tool(s) did you use today? (Select all that apply) Your account
your_account N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10B_Online Tool

Direct Pay

Where's My Refund

Get Transcript

Other 10c other

JLB8418Q029 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10c_oe_online_tool 10c Please specify which online tools you used today:

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 10C_OE Online Tool
JLB8418Q030 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11_information How did you look for information today? (Select all that apply) Search engine (such as Google or Bing) brought me to IRS website
search_engine_such_as_google_or_bing_brought_me_to_irs_website N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11_Information

Used IRS website search 11a used_irs_website_search

Navigated through IRS website menu and/or links 11c navigated_through_irs_website_menu_and_or_links

Typed link directly into the browser or bookmarked link


JLB8418Q031 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11a_search 11a How was your search experience today? I found what I was looking for in the Top Recommendations i_found_what_i_was_looking_for_in_the_top_recommendations N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11A_Search

Search delivered a helpful set of results search_delivered_a_helpful_set_of_results

I was able to find what I searched for, but it wasn’t easy 11b i_was_able_to_find_what_i_searched_for_but_it_wasn’t_easy

Search did not deliver a helpful set of results 11b search_did_not_deliver_a_helpful_set_of_results

JLB8418Q032 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11b_oe_search_term 11b What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on IRS.gov?

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 11B_OE Search Term
JLB8418Q033 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11c_navigation 11c How was your navigation experience today? (Select all that apply) I did not encounter any difficulties with site navigation
i_did_not_encounter_any_difficulties_with_site_navigation N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group

Navigation got more confusing as I got deeper into the site navigation_got_more_confusing_as_i_got_deeper_into_the_site


Expected links were not present on pages expected_links_were_not_present_on_pages

Links did not take me where I expected links_did_not_take_me_where_i_expected

I was unsure where I should be clicking within the site i_was_unsure_where_i_should_be_clicking_within_the_site

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.) encountered_technical_difficulties_links_didnt_work_received_error_messages_etc

JLB8418Q034 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_12_frequency
In the past year, about how often did you visit IRS.gov? This is my first time
this_is_my_first_time N Radio button, one-up vertical

About once a week or more about_once_a_week_or_more

About once a month about_once_a_month

Every 6 months or less every_6_months_or_less

About once a year about_once_a_year

Less than once a year less_than_once_a_year

JLB8418Q035 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_13_oe_improvement
If you could change one thing about this website what would it be? Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in your response.

N Text area,  no character limit
13_OE Improvement

Sheet 5: CQs (2020-04-21)

Model Name

IRS Main Survey V4

Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID


Underlined & Italicized: Re-order


Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

QID AP Question Tag Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip To AP Answer Tag Required
Type Special Instructions CQ Label
JLB8418Q001 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1_role
I am visiting IRS.gov today as… An individual taxpayer (myself, my household, family member, etc.) 2 an_individual_taxpayer_myself_my_household_family_member_etc Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 1_Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, employee, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, employee, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other 1a other

JLB8418Q002 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1a_other_role 1a Please specify what best describes your role today:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 1A_Other Role
JLB8418Q003 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2_individual_roles 2 Do any of these situations apply to you? (Select all that apply.) Standard 1040 Filer (Wage/salary receiving employee) standard_1040_filer_wage_salary_receiving_employee N Check box, one-up vertical Skip logic group 2_Individual Roles


Have self-employment income (1099)

Foreign National Living in the US

US Taxpayer living abroad

Parent acting on behalf of a child

Active duty military

Acting on behalf of a deceased person and/or estate

Disability recipients

Other 2a other

JLB8418Q004 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2a_other_individual_roles 2a Please describe your tax role/situation:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 2A_Other Individual Roles
JLB8418Q005 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3_reason
What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? COVID-19 tax relief or Economic Impact Payments Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3_Reason

Tax forms, publications, or instructions 4d tax_forms_publications_or_instructions

Refund status or refund information 4b refund_status_or_refund_information

Filing or filing information filing_or_filing_information

Payments or balance info (make a payment, payment agreements, check balance, find payment info, etc.) 4a payments_or_balance_info_make_a_payment_payment_agreements_check_balance_find_payment_info_etc

Tax records (tax transcript, account transcript, etc.) 4c tax_records_tax_transcript_account_transcript_etc

Other 3a other

JLB8418Q006 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3a_reason_ii 3a What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) tools_for_tax_professionals_eg_e_services Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3A_Reason II

Free File information free_file_information

Tax Identification Number (EIN, PTIN, ITIN, etc.) 4f tax_identification_number_ein_ptin_itin_etc

Penalties 4e penalties

Credits and deduction information credits_and_deduction_information

Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return amended_tax_return_status_or_amend_my_previously_filed_return

Identity theft, fraud, or scams identity_theft_fraud_or_scams

General tax information general_tax_information

Other 3b other

JLB8418Q007 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3b_other_reason 3b Please specify other reason for visiting:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 3B_Other Reason
JLB8418Q008 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4a_payments 4a Please indicate which specific payment tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Make an online payment
make_an_online_payment Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4A_Payments

Seek information about payment options

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment agreement

Check my account balance

View my payment history

Other 4aa other

JLB8418Q009 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4aa_other_payments 4aa Please specify your other payment task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4AA_Other Payments
JLB8418Q010 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4b_refund 4b Please indicate which specific refund tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Check status of refund
check_status_of_refund Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4B_Refund

General information about tax refunds

Review refund FAQs

Other 4ba other

JLB8418Q011 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ba_other_refund 4ba Please specify you other refund task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4BA_Other Refund
JLB8418Q012 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4c_transcript 4c Please indicate which specific tax records tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download a copy of a transcript
download_a_copy_of_a_transcript Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4C_Transcript

Order a transcript in the mail

Find info about transcripts

Obtain my adjusted gross income (AGI) from a previous year

Obtain my filing status from a previous year

View my current or prior year return

View my balance and payment history

Other 4ca other

JLB8418Q013 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ca_other_transcript 4ca Please specify your other tax records task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4CA_Other Transcript
JLB8418Q014 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4d_forms 4d Please indicate which specific forms, publications or instructions tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download current year tax forms
download_current_year_tax_forms Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4D_Forms

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other 4da other

JLB8418Q015 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4da_other_forms 4da Please specify your other forms, publications or instructions task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4DA_Other Forms
JLB8418Q016 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4e_penalties 4e Please indicate which specific penalties tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers
learn_about_penalties_for_individual_taxpayers Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4E_Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations

Learn how to avoid a penalty

Learn how to compute a penalty

Learn about penalty relief criteria

Learn how to request penalty relief

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due

Make a payment

Other 4ea other

JLB8418Q017 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ea_other_penalties 4ea Please specify your other penalties task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4EA_Other Penalties
JLB8418Q018 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4f_id_number 4f What type of identification number did you want to request or find more information about? Employer Identification Number (EIN)
employer_identification_number_ein Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4F_ID Number

Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

FATCA Identification Number (FIN) or FATCA Entity ID

Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)

Other 4fa other

Not sure/don't know not_sure_dont_know

JLB8418Q019 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4fa_other_id_number 4fa Please specify what identification number information were looking for:

N Text area, <100 characters Skip logic group 4FA_Other ID Number
JLB8418Q020 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_5_contact Prior to this visit, what contact have you had with the IRS about your main reason for visiting? (Select all that apply) Have not been in contact with the IRS for this reason
have_not_been_in_contact_with_the_irs_for_this_reason N Checkbox, one-up vertical

Received a notice or letter from the IRS received_a_notice_or_letter_from_the_irs

Called the IRS and spoke to a customer service representative called_the_irs_and_spoke_to_a_customer_service_representative

Called the IRS and used the automated phone system to get information called_the_irs_and_used_the_automated_phone_system_to_get_information

Visited an IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center) visited_an_irs_office_taxpayer_assistance_center

Visited IRS.gov visited_irsgov

JLB8418Q021 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6_quality Please rate your agreement with the following statements about your visit to IRS.gov today: My need was addressed. Strongly Disagree 6a strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 6_Quality

Disagree 6a disagree



Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q022 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6a_oe_need 6a Why was your need not addressed? Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in your response.

N Text area, <255 character limit Skip logic group 6A_OE Need

JLB8418Q023 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_7_ease
It was easy to complete what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q024 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_8_efficiency
It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q025 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_9_confidence
This interaction increased my confidence in the IRS. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q026 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10_login Were you able to log in to (or create an account for) any IRS online tool today? I did not have to log in or create an account i_did_not_have_to_log_in_or_create_an_account N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10_Login

I successfully logged in or created an account 10b i_successfully_logged_in_or_created_an_account

I was unable to log in or create an account 10a i_was_unable_to_log_in_or_create_an_account

JLB8418Q027 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10a_oe_login 10a What prevented you from logging into an IRS online tool today? (Please don't provide any personal information in your response)

N Text area, no character limit Skip logic group 10A_OE Login
JLB8418Q028 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10b_online_tool 10b Which IRS online tool(s) did you use today? (Select all that apply) Your account
your_account N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10B_Online Tool

Direct Pay

Where's My Refund

Get Transcript

Other 10c other

JLB8418Q029 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10c_oe_online_tool 10c Please specify which online tools you used today:

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 10C_OE Online Tool
JLB8418Q030 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11_information How did you look for information today? (Select all that apply) Search engine (such as Google or Bing) brought me to IRS website
search_engine_such_as_google_or_bing_brought_me_to_irs_website N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11_Information

Used IRS website search 11a used_irs_website_search

Navigated through IRS website menu and/or links 11c navigated_through_irs_website_menu_and_or_links

Typed link directly into the browser or bookmarked link


JLB8418Q031 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11a_search 11a How was your search experience today? I found what I was looking for in the Top Recommendations i_found_what_i_was_looking_for_in_the_top_recommendations N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11A_Search

Search delivered a helpful set of results search_delivered_a_helpful_set_of_results

I was able to find what I searched for, but it wasn’t easy 11b i_was_able_to_find_what_i_searched_for_but_it_wasn’t_easy

Search did not deliver a helpful set of results 11b search_did_not_deliver_a_helpful_set_of_results

JLB8418Q032 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11b_oe_search_term 11b What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on IRS.gov?

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 11B_OE Search Term
JLB8418Q033 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11c_navigation 11c How was your navigation experience today? (Select all that apply) I did not encounter any difficulties with site navigation
i_did_not_encounter_any_difficulties_with_site_navigation N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group

Navigation got more confusing as I got deeper into the site navigation_got_more_confusing_as_i_got_deeper_into_the_site


Expected links were not present on pages expected_links_were_not_present_on_pages

Links did not take me where I expected links_did_not_take_me_where_i_expected

I was unsure where I should be clicking within the site i_was_unsure_where_i_should_be_clicking_within_the_site

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.) encountered_technical_difficulties_links_didnt_work_received_error_messages_etc

JLB8418Q034 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_12_frequency
In the past year, about how often did you visit IRS.gov? This is my first time
this_is_my_first_time N Radio button, one-up vertical

About once a week or more about_once_a_week_or_more

About once a month about_once_a_month

Every 6 months or less every_6_months_or_less

About once a year about_once_a_year

Less than once a year less_than_once_a_year

JLB8418Q035 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_13_oe_improvement
If you could change one thing about this website what would it be? Please do NOT provide any personal information (name, Social Security number, etc.) in your response.

N Text area,  no character limit
13_OE Improvement

Sheet 6: CQs (2020-04-08)

Model Name

IRS Main Survey V4

Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID


Underlined & Italicized: Re-order


Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

QID AP Question Tag Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip To AP Answer Tag Required
Type Special Instructions CQ Label
JLB8418Q001 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1_role
I am visiting IRS.gov today as… An individual taxpayer (myself, my household, family member, etc.) 2 an_individual_taxpayer_myself_my_household_family_member_etc Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 1_Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, employee, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, employee, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other 1a other

JLB8418Q002 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_1a_other_role 1a Please specify what best describes your role today:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 1A_Other Role
JLB8418Q003 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2_individual_roles 2 Do any of these situations apply to you? (Select all that apply.) Standard 1040 Filer (Wage/salary receiving employee) standard_1040_filer_wage_salary_receiving_employee N Check box, one-up vertical Skip logic group 2_Individual Roles


Have self-employment income (1099)

Foreign National Living in the US

US Taxpayer living abroad

Parent acting on behalf of a child

Active duty military

Acting on behalf of a deceased person and/or estate

Disability recipients

Other 2a other

JLB8418Q004 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_2a_other_individual_roles 2a Please describe your tax role/situation:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 2A_Other Individual Roles
JLB8418Q005 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3_reason
What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? COVID-19 tax relief or Economic Impact Payments Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3_Reason

Tax forms, publications, or instructions 4d tax_forms_publications_or_instructions

Refund status or refund information 4b refund_status_or_refund_information

Filing or filing information filing_or_filing_information

Payments or balance info (make a payment, payment agreements, check balance, find payment info, etc.) 4a payments_or_balance_info_make_a_payment_payment_agreements_check_balance_find_payment_info_etc

Tax records (tax transcript, account transcript, etc.) 4c tax_records_tax_transcript_account_transcript_etc

Other 3a other

JLB8418Q006 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3a_reason_ii 3a What was your main reason for visiting IRS.gov today? Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) tools_for_tax_professionals_eg_e_services Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 3A_Reason II

Free File information free_file_information

Tax Identification Number (EIN, PTIN, ITIN, etc.) 4f tax_identification_number_ein_ptin_itin_etc

Penalties 4e penalties

Credits and deduction information credits_and_deduction_information

Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return amended_tax_return_status_or_amend_my_previously_filed_return

Identity theft, fraud, or scams identity_theft_fraud_or_scams

General tax information general_tax_information

Other 3b other

JLB8418Q007 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_3b_other_reason 3b Please specify other reason for visiting:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 3B_Other Reason
JLB8418Q008 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4a_payments 4a Please indicate which specific payment tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Make an online payment
make_an_online_payment Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4A_Payments

Seek information about payment options

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment agreement

Check my account balance

View my payment history

Other 4aa other

JLB8418Q009 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4aa_other_payments 4aa Please specify your other payment task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4AA_Other Payments
JLB8418Q010 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4b_refund 4b Please indicate which specific refund tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Check status of refund
check_status_of_refund Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4B_Refund

General information about tax refunds

Review refund FAQs

Other 4ba other

JLB8418Q011 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ba_other_refund 4ba Please specify you other refund task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4BA_Other Refund
JLB8418Q012 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4c_transcript 4c Please indicate which specific tax records tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download a copy of a transcript
download_a_copy_of_a_transcript Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4C_Transcript

Order a transcript in the mail

Find info about transcripts

Obtain my adjusted gross income (AGI) from a previous year

Obtain my filing status from a previous year

View my current or prior year return

View my balance and payment history

Other 4ca other

JLB8418Q013 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ca_other_transcript 4ca Please specify your other tax records task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4CA_Other Transcript
JLB8418Q014 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4d_forms 4d Please indicate which specific forms, publications or instructions tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Download current year tax forms
download_current_year_tax_forms Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4D_Forms

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other 4da other

JLB8418Q015 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4da_other_forms 4da Please specify your other forms, publications or instructions task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4DA_Other Forms
JLB8418Q016 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4e_penalties 4e Please indicate which specific penalties tasks describe your visit today. (Select all that apply) Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers
learn_about_penalties_for_individual_taxpayers Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4E_Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations

Learn how to avoid a penalty

Learn how to compute a penalty

Learn about penalty relief criteria

Learn how to request penalty relief

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due

Make a payment

Other 4ea other

JLB8418Q017 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4ea_other_penalties 4ea Please specify your other penalties task:

N Text field, <100 char Skip logic group 4EA_Other Penalties
JLB8418Q018 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4f_id_number 4f What type of identification number did you want to request or find more information about? Employer Identification Number (EIN)
employer_identification_number_ein Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 4F_ID Number

Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

FATCA Identification Number (FIN) or FATCA Entity ID

Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)

Other 4fa other

Not sure/don't know not_sure_dont_know

JLB8418Q019 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_4fa_other_id_number 4fa Please specify what identification number information were looking for:

N Text area, <100 characters Skip logic group 4FA_Other ID Number
JLB8418Q020 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_5_contact Prior to this visit, what contact have you had with the IRS about your main reason for visiting? (Select all that apply) Have not been in contact with the IRS for this reason
have_not_been_in_contact_with_the_irs_for_this_reason N Checkbox, one-up vertical

Received a notice or letter from the IRS received_a_notice_or_letter_from_the_irs

Called the IRS and spoke to a customer service representative called_the_irs_and_spoke_to_a_customer_service_representative

Called the IRS and used the automated phone system to get information called_the_irs_and_used_the_automated_phone_system_to_get_information

Visited an IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center) visited_an_irs_office_taxpayer_assistance_center

Visited IRS.gov visited_irsgov

JLB8418Q021 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6_quality Please rate your agreement with the following statements about your visit to IRS.gov today: My need was addressed. Strongly Disagree 6a strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 6_Quality

Disagree 6a disagree



Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q022 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_6a_oe_need 6a Why was your need not addressed?

N Text area, <255 character limit Skip logic group 6A_OE Need

JLB8418Q023 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_7_ease
It was easy to complete what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q024 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_8_efficiency
It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q025 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_9_confidence
This interaction increased my confidence in the IRS. Strongly Disagree
strongly_disagree Y Radio button, one-up vertical




Strongly Agree

JLB8418Q026 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10_login Were you able to log in to (or create an account for) any IRS online tool today? I did not have to log in or create an account i_did_not_have_to_log_in_or_create_an_account N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10_Login

I successfully logged in or created an account 10b i_successfully_logged_in_or_created_an_account

I was unable to log in or create an account 10a i_was_unable_to_log_in_or_create_an_account

JLB8418Q027 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10a_oe_login 10a What prevented you from logging into an IRS online tool today? (Please don't provide any personal information in your response)

N Text area, no character limit Skip logic group 10A_OE Login
JLB8418Q028 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10b_online_tool 10b Which IRS online tool(s) did you use today? (Select all that apply) Your account
your_account N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 10B_Online Tool

Direct Pay

Where's My Refund

Get Transcript

Other 10c other

JLB8418Q029 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_10c_oe_online_tool 10c Please specify which online tools you used today:

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 10C_OE Online Tool
JLB8418Q030 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11_information How did you look for information today? (Select all that apply) Search engine (such as Google or Bing) brought me to IRS website
search_engine_such_as_google_or_bing_brought_me_to_irs_website N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11_Information

Used IRS website search 11a used_irs_website_search

Navigated through IRS website menu and/or links 11c navigated_through_irs_website_menu_and_or_links

Typed link directly into the browser or bookmarked link


JLB8418Q031 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11a_search 11a How was your search experience today? I found what I was looking for in the Top Recommendations i_found_what_i_was_looking_for_in_the_top_recommendations N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic group 11A_Search

Search delivered a helpful set of results search_delivered_a_helpful_set_of_results

I was able to find what I searched for, but it wasn’t easy 11b i_was_able_to_find_what_i_searched_for_but_it_wasn’t_easy

Search did not deliver a helpful set of results 11b search_did_not_deliver_a_helpful_set_of_results

JLB8418Q032 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11b_oe_search_term 11b What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on IRS.gov?

N Text area, <100 character limit Skip logic group 11B_OE Search Term
JLB8418Q033 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_11c_navigation 11c How was your navigation experience today? (Select all that apply) I did not encounter any difficulties with site navigation
i_did_not_encounter_any_difficulties_with_site_navigation N Checkbox, one-up vertical Skip logic group

Navigation got more confusing as I got deeper into the site navigation_got_more_confusing_as_i_got_deeper_into_the_site


Expected links were not present on pages expected_links_were_not_present_on_pages

Links did not take me where I expected links_did_not_take_me_where_i_expected

I was unsure where I should be clicking within the site i_was_unsure_where_i_should_be_clicking_within_the_site

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.) encountered_technical_difficulties_links_didnt_work_received_error_messages_etc

JLB8418Q034 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_12_frequency
In the past year, about how often did you visit IRS.gov? This is my first time
this_is_my_first_time N Radio button, one-up vertical

About once a week or more about_once_a_week_or_more

About once a month about_once_a_month

Every 6 months or less every_6_months_or_less

About once a year about_once_a_year

Less than once a year less_than_once_a_year

JLB8418Q035 us_department_of_treasury_irs_q_irs_web_browse_v4_13_oe_improvement
If you could change one thing about this website what would it be?

N Text area,  no character limit
13_OE Improvement
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