1625-0095 Stat/Authority


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1625-0095 Stat/Authority

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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 3

(i) Are or have been used, or are or
have been susceptible for use, by themselves or in connection with other waters, as highways for substantial interstate or foreign commerce, notwithstanding natural or man-made obstructions that require portage, or
(ii) A governmental or non-governmental body, having expertise in waterway improvement, determines to be
capable of improvement at a reasonable cost (a favorable balance between
cost and need) to provide, by themselves or in connection with other waters, as highways for substantial interstate or foreign commerce.
(b) Navigable waters of the United
States and navigable waters, as used in
sections 311 and 312 of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, as
amended, 33 U.S.C. 1321 and 1322, mean:
(1) Navigable waters of the United
States as defined in paragraph (a) of
this section and all waters within the
United States tributary thereto; and
(2) Other waters over which the Federal Government may exercise Constitutional authority.

Subpart C—Availability of
Jurisdictional Decisions
§ 2.40

§ 2.45 Decisions subject to change or
modification and availability of lists
and charts.
The determinations referred to in
§ 2.40 are subject to change or modification. The determinations are made for
Coast Guard use at the request of Coast
Guard officials. Determinations made
or subsequently changed are available
to the public under § 1.10–5(b) of this
chapter. Inquiries concerning whether
a determination has been made for specific waters, for the purposes of Coast
Guard jurisdiction, should be directed
to the District Commander of the district in which the waters are located.

§ 2.38 Waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; waters
over which the United States has

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Maintenance of decisions.

(a) From time to time, the Coast
Guard makes navigability determinations of specific waterways, or portions
thereof, in order to determine its jurisdiction on those waterways. Copies of
these determinations are maintained
by the District Commander in whose
district the waterway is located.
(b) If the district includes portions of
the territorial sea, charts reflecting
Coast Guard decisions as to the location of the territorial sea baseline for
the purposes of Coast Guard jurisdiction are maintained by the District
Commander in whose district the portion of the territorial sea is located.

Waters subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States and waters over which the
United States has jurisdiction mean the
following waters—
(a) Navigable waters of the United
States, as defined in § 2.36(a).
(b) Waters, other than those under
paragraph (a) of this section, that are
located on lands for which the United
States has acquired title or controls
(1) Has accepted jurisdiction according to 40 U.S.C. 255; or
(2) Has retained concurrent or exclusive jurisdiction from the date that the
State in which the lands are located
entered the Union.
(c) Waters made subject to the jurisdiction of the United States by operation of the international agreements
and statutes relating to the former
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
and waters within the territories and
possessions of the United States.

Subpart 3.01—General Provisions

General description.
Assignment of functions.

Subpart 3.04—Coast Guard Areas

Atlantic Area.
Pacific Area.

Subpart 3.05—First Coast Guard District
3.05–1 First district.
3.05–10 Sector Boston Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.


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Pt. 3

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)

3.05–15 Sector Northern New England Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
3.05–20 Sector Southeastern New England
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone.
3.05–30 Sector New York Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.05–35 Sector Long Island Sound Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port

Subpart 3.45—Ninth Coast Guard District
3.45–1 Ninth district.
3.45–10 Sector Buffalo Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.45–15 Sector Lake Michigan Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
3.45–20 Sector Detroit Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.45–45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth.

Subpart 3.25—Fifth Coast Guard District
3.25–1 Fifth district.
3.25–05 Sector Delaware Bay Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.25–10 Sector Hampton Roads Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
3.25–15 Sector Baltimore Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.25–20 Sector North Carolina Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Zone; Marine Safety Unit Wilmington:
Cape Fear River Marine Inspection and
Captain of the Port Zones.

Subpart 3.55—Eleventh Coast Guard
3.55–1 Eleventh district.
3.55–10 Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
3.55–15 Sector San Diego Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.55–20 Sector San Francisco: San Francisco
Bay Marine Inspection Zone and Captain
of the Port Zone.

Subpart 3.35—Seventh Coast Guard District

Subpart 3.65—Thirteenth Coast Guard

3.35–1 Seventh district.
3.35–10 Sector Miami Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.35–15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah.
3.35–20 Sector Jacksonville Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.35–25 Sector San Juan Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.35–35 Sector St. Petersburg Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.35–40 Sector Key West Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.

3.65–1 Thirteenth district.
3.65–10 Sector Seattle: Puget Sound Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
3.65–15 Sector Portland Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.

Subpart 3.70—Fourteenth Coast Guard
3.70–1 Fourteenth district.
3.70–10 Sector Honolulu Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.70–15 Sector Guam Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.70–20 Activities Far East Marine Inspection Zone.

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Subpart 3.40—Eighth Coast Guard District
3.40–1 Eighth district.
3.40–10 Sector Mobile Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.40–15 Sector New Orleans Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone;
Marine Safety Unit Morgan City.
3.40–28 Sector Houston-Galveston Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Zone; Marine Safety Unit Port Arthur.
3.40–35 Sector Corpus Christi Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
3.40–40 Sector Upper Mississippi River Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
3.40–60 Sector Lower Mississippi River Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
3.40–65 Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone;
Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh.

Subpart 3.85—Seventeenth Coast Guard
3.85–1 Seventeenth district.
3.85–10 Sector Juneau: Southeast Alaska
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zones.
3.85–15 Sector Anchorage: Western Alaska
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zones; Marine Safety Unit
Valdez: Prince William Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones.
AUTHORITY: 14 U.S.C. 92; Pub. L. 107–296, 116
Stat. 2135; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1, para. 2(23).


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.01–1
mander is responsible for all Coast
Guard missions within the sector’s
area of responsibility. The Sector Commander’s authorities include Search
and Rescue Mission Coordinator, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator,
Federal On-Scene Coordinator, and, in
most Sectors, Officer in Charge Marine
Inspection (OCMI) and Captain of the
Port (COTP). In his or her capacities as
OCMI and COTP, the Sector Commander is responsible for a Marine Inspection Zone and COTP Zone.
(2) In some Sectors, a Marine Safety
Unit (MSU) retains OCMI and COTP
authority over a designated portion of
the Sector’s area of responsibility. In
such cases, OCMI and COTP authority
is exercised by the MSU Commander,
not the Sector Commander. The appeal
of a COTP order or OCMI matter is
routed from the MSU Commander
through the Sector Commander and
then to the District Commander.
(e) An OCMI is in command of a Marine Inspection Zone and his or her office may be referred to as a Coast
Guard Marine Inspection Office. The
OCMI’s duties are described in § 1.01–20
of this subchapter.
(f) A COTP is in command of a COTP
Zone and his or her office may be referred to as a COTP Office. The COTP’s
duties are described in § 1.01–30 of this
(g) Each COTP Zone and each Marine
Inspection Zone described in this part
also includes the United States territorial seas adjacent to the described
area or zone for the purpose of enforcing or acting pursuant to a statute effective in the United States territorial
seas. Each COTP Zone and each Marine
Inspection Zone described in this part
also includes the contiguous zone adjacent to the area or zone for the purpose
of enforcing or acting pursuant to a
statute effective in the contiguous
zone, as defined in § 2.28 of this subchapter. Each COTP Zone and each Marine Inspection Zone described in this
part also includes the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) adjacent to the area
for the purpose of enforcing or acting
pursuant to a statute effective in the
EEZ, as defined in § 2.30 of this subchapter.
(h) Geographic descriptions used in
this part are based upon boundaries

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Subpart 3.01—General Provisions
§ 3.01–1 General description.
(a) The Coast Guard’s general organization for the performance of its assigned functions and duties consists of
the Commandant, assisted by the Headquarters staff, two Area Offices to act
as intermediate echelons of operational
command, and District and Sector Offices to provide regional direction and
coordination. Area, District, and Sector offices operate within defined geographical areas of the United States,
its territories, and possessions, including portions of the high seas adjacent
thereto. They are established by the
Commandant and their areas of responsibility are described in this part.
(b)(1) The two Coast Guard Areas are
the Atlantic Area and the Pacific Area.
A Coast Guard Area Commander is in
command of a Coast Guard Area. The
Atlantic Area Office is collocated with
the Fifth Coast Guard District Office.
The Pacific Area Office is collocated
with the Eleventh Coast Guard District
Office. Area Commanders are responsible for determining when operational
matters require the coordination of
forces and facilities of more than one
(2) For search and rescue (SAR) mission execution in the Atlantic Area,
Districts may execute SAR missions to
the full extent of the Area’s Search and
Rescue Region (SRR). Under this plan,
Districts in the Atlantic Area will assume SAR Coordinator responsibilities
and will act as SAR Mission Coordinator for any case prosecuted within
their expanded regions. The exact coordinates of Atlantic Area’s SRR can
be found in the United States National
Search and Rescue Supplement to the
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual.
(c) A Coast Guard District Commander is in command of a Coast
Guard District and the District Commander’s office may be referred to as a
Coast Guard District Office. The District Commander’s duties are described
in § 1.01–1 of this subchapter.
(d)(1) A Coast Guard Sector Commander is in command of a Coast
Guard Sector and the Sector Commander’s office is referred to as a Coast
Guard Sector Office. The Sector Com-


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§ 3.01–5

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)
south along 95° W. longitude to the
North American land mass; thence
along the east coast of the North, Central, and South American land mass to
the intersection with 70° W. longitude;
thence due south to the South Pole.
These waters extend east to the Eastern Hemisphere dividing line between
the Atlantic and Pacific Areas which
lies along a line extending from the
North Pole south along 100° E. longitude to the Asian land mass and
along a line extending from the South
Pole north along 17° E. longitude to the
African land mass.

and points located using the WGS 1984
world grid system. When referenced,
the outermost extent of the U.S. EEZ
is the line of demarcation produced by
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) using the NAD
1983 coordinate system and projected to
the WGS 1984 grid system. Both coordinate systems are geocentric and similar such that they are Global Positioning System (GPS) compatible
throughout the area of concern. Resolution is based upon ddmmss readings
to tenths of a second. This corresponds
to a positional precision of about ±2
meters. Decimal degrees to 5 decimal
places correspond to a positional precision of about ±1 meter. State boundaries used to determine points for descriptions of jurisdictional limits were
based upon the National Transportation Atlas Database 2003 produced by
the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. This data set was produced at a
scale of 1:100,000 and theoretically results in a nationwide locational accuracy of about ±50 meters of true position.

[CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 910, Jan. 20, 1971, as
amended by CGD 87–008, 52 FR 13083, Apr. 21,
1987; CGD 96–025, 61 FR 29959, June 13, 1996]

Section 888 of Pub. L. 107–296, 116
Stat. 2135, authorizes the Commandant
of the Coast Guard to exercise certain
functions, powers, and duties vested in
the Secretary of Homeland Security by
law. The general statements of policy
in the rules describing Coast Guard organization are prescribed pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 552 (80 Stat. 383, as amended)
and 14 U.S.C. 633 (63 Stat. 545).

§ 3.04–3 Pacific Area.
(a) The Area Office is in Alameda,
(b) The Pacific Area is comprised of
the land areas and the U.S. navigable
waters of the Eleventh, Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, and Seventeenth Coast
Guard Districts and the ocean areas
lying west of a line extending from the
North Pole south along 95° W. longitude to the North American land
mass; thence along the west coast of
the North, Central, and South American land mass to the intersection with
70° W. longitude; thence due south to
the South Pole. These waters extend
west to the Eastern Hemisphere dividing line between the Atlantic and Pacific Areas which lies along a line extending from the North Pole south
along 100° E. longitude to the Asian
land mass and along a line extending
from the South Pole north along 17° E.
longitude to the African land mass.

[CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 910, Jan. 20, 1971, as
amended by USCG–2003–14505, 68 FR 9534,
Feb. 28, 2003]

[CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 910, Jan. 20, 1971, as
amended by CGD 87–008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. 21,
1987; CGD 96–025, 61 FR 29959, June 13, 1996]

Subpart 3.04—Coast Guard Areas

Subpart 3.05—First Coast Guard

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36318, July 2, 2007, as
amended by USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36277,
June 25, 2010]

§ 3.01–5

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§ 3.04–1

Assignment of functions.

Atlantic Area.

§ 3.05–1 First district.
(a) The District Office is in Boston,
(b) The First Coast Guard District is
comprised of: Maine; New Hampshire;
Vermont; Massachusetts; Rhode Island;
Connecticut; New York except that
part north of latitude 42° N. and west of

(a) The Area Office is in Portsmouth,
(b) The Atlantic Area is comprised of
the land areas and U.S. navigable waters of the First, Fifth, Seventh,
Eighth and Ninth Coast Guard Districts and the ocean areas lying east of
a line extending from the North Pole


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.05–20
extent of the northern Massachusetts
boundary to the point of origin.

longitude 74°39′ W; that part of New
Jersey north of 40°18′ N. latitude, east
of 74°30.5′ W. longitude, and northeast
of a line from 40°18′ N. 74°30.5′ W. northnorthwesterly to the New York, New
Jersey & Pennsylvania boundaries at
Tristate; all U.S. Naval reservations on
shore at Newfoundland; the ocean area
encompassed by the Search and Rescue
boundary between Canada and the
United States easterly to longitude 63°
W.; thence due south to latitude 41° N.;
thence southwesterly along a line bearing 219°T to the point of intersection at
37° N. latitude, 67°13′ W. longitude with
a line bearing 122°T from the New Jersey shoreline at 40°18′ N. latitude (just
south of the Shrewsbury River); thence
northwesterly along this line to the

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.05–15 Sector Northern New England Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Northern New England’s office
is located in Portland, ME. The boundaries of Sector Northern New England’s
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone start at the boundary of
coast at latitude 42°52′20″ N, longitude
70°49′02″ W; thence proceeding east to
the outermost extent of the EEZ at a
point latitude 42°52′18″ N, longitude
67°43′53″ W; thence proceeding north
along the outermost extent of the EEZ
to the United States-Canadian boundary; thence west along the United
States-Canadian boundary and along
the outermost extent of the EEZ to a
point at latitude 44°59′58″ N, longitude
74°39′00″ W; thence south to latitude
43°36′00″ N, longitude 74°39′00″ W; thence
east through Whitehall, NY, to the New
York-Vermont border at latitude
43°33′2.8″ N, longitude 73°15′01″ W;
thence south along the Vermont
boundary to the Massachusetts boundary at latitude 42°44′45″ N, longitude
73°15′54″ W; thence east along the entire
extent of the northern Massachusetts
boundary to the point of origin.

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[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10344, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGD 87–008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. 21,
1987; CGD 96–016, 61 FR 21958, May 13, 1996]

§ 3.05–10 Sector Boston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Sector Boston’s office is located in
Boston, MA. The boundaries of Sector
Boston’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone start at the
boundary of the Massachusetts-New
Hampshire coasts at latitude 42°52′20″
N, long 70°49′02″ W; thence proceeding
east to the outermost extent of the
EEZ at a point latitude 42°52′18″ N, longitude 67°43′53″ W; thence southeast
along the outermost extent of the EEZ
to a point at latitude 42°08′00″ N, longitude 67°08′17″ W; thence west to a
point at latitude 42°08′00″ N, longitude
70°15′00″ W; thence southwest to the
Massachusetts coast near Manomet
Point at latitude 41°55′00″ N, longitude
70°33′00″ W; thence northwest to latitude 42°04′00″ N, longitude 71°06′00″ W;
thence to the Massachusetts-Rhode Island boundary at a point latitude
42°01′08″ N, longitude 71°22′53″ W; thence
west along the southern boundary of
Massachusetts, except the waters of
Congamond Lakes, to the Massachusetts-New York boundary at latitude
42°02′59″ N, longitude 73°29′49″ W; thence
north along the Massachusetts-New
York boundary to the MassachusettsNew York-Vermont boundaries at a
point latitude 42°44′45″ N, longitude
73°15′54″ W; thence east along the entire

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.05–20 Sector
England Marine Inspection Zone
and Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Southeastern New England’s
office is located in Providence, RI. The
boundaries of Sector Southeastern New
England’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone start on the
Massachusetts coast at Manomet Point
at latitude 41°55′00″ N, longitude
70°33′00″ W; thence northeast to latitude 42°08′00″ N, longitude 70°15′00″ W;
thence east to the outermost extent of
the EEZ at latitude 42°08′00″ N, longitude 67°08′17″ W; thence south along
the outermost extent of the EEZ to
latitude 38°24′45″ N, longitude 67°41′26″
W; thence northwest to a point near
Watch Hill Light, RI, at latitude
41°18′14″ N, longitude 71°51′30″ W; thence
northeast to Westerly, RI, at latitude
41°21′00″ N, longitude 71°48′30″ W; thence


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§ 3.05–30

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone start near the south
shore of Long Island at latitude
40°35′24″ N, longitude 73°46′36″ W proceeding northeast to latitude 40°40′00″
N, longitude 73°40′00″ W; thence to latitude 40°52′30″ N, longitude 73°37′12″ W;
thence northwest to a point near the
southern shore of Manursing Island at
latitude 40°58′00″ N, longitude 73°40′00″
W; thence north to the ConnecticutNew York boundary at latitude 41°01′30″
N, longitude 73°40′00″ W; thence north
along the western boundary of Connecticut to the Massachusetts-Connecticut boundary at latitude 42°02′59″
N, longitude 73°29′15″ W; thence east
along the southern boundary of Massachusetts, including the waters of the
Congamond Lakes, to the Rhode Island
boundary at latitude 42°00′29″ N, longitude 71°47′57″ W; thence south along
the Connecticut-Rhode Island boundary, excluding the waters of Beach
Pond, to latitude 41°24′00″ N, longitude
71°48′00″ W; thence south to latitude
41°21′00″ N, longitude 71°48′30″ W near
Westerly, RI; thence southwest to a
point near Watch Hill Light, RI, at
latitude 41°18′14″ N, longitude 71°51′30″
W; thence southeast to the outermost
extent of the EEZ at a point latitude
38°24′45″ N, longitude 67°41′26″ W; thence
southwest along the outermost extent
of the EEZ to a point latitude 37°56′50″
N, longitude 69°18′15″ W; thence northwest to latitude 38°28′00″ N, longitude
70°11′00″ W; thence northwest to the
point of origin.

north to latitude 41°25′00″ N, longitude
71°48′00″ W; thence north along the Connecticut-Rhode Island boundary, including the waters of Beach Pond, to
the Massachusetts boundary; thence
east along the Massachusetts-Rhode Island boundary to the northeastern
most corner of Rhode Island; thence
northeast to latitude 42°04′00″ N, longitude 71°06′00″ W; thence southeast to
the point of origin.
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.05–30 Sector New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector New York’s office is located in
New York City, NY. The boundaries of
Sector New York’s Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone
start near the south shore of Long Island at latitude 40°35′24″ N, longitude
73°46′36″ W proceeding southeast to a
point at latitude 38°28′00″ N, longitude
70°11′00″ W; thence northwest to a point
near the New Jersey coast at latitude
40°18′00″ N, longitude 73°58′40″ W; thence
west along latitude 40°18′00″ N to longitude 74°30′30″ W; thence northwest to
the intersection of the New York-New
Jersey-Pennsylvania boundaries near
Tristate at latitude 41°21′27″ N, longitude 74°41′42″ W; thence northwest
along the east bank of the Delaware
River to latitude 42°00′00″ N, longitude
75°21′28″ W; thence east to longitude
74°39′00″ W; thence north to latitude
43°36′00″ N; thence east through Whitehall, NY, to the New York-Vermont
border at latitude 43°33′03″ N, longitude
73°15′01″ W; thence south along the New
York boundary to latitude 41°01′30″ N,
longitude 73°40′00″ W; thence south to a
point near the southern shore of
Manursing Island at latitude 40°58′00″
N, longitude 73°40′00″ W; thence southeasterly to latitude 40°52′30″ N, longitude 73°37′12″ W; thence south to latitude 40°40′00″ N, longitude 73°40′00″ W;
thence southwest to the point of origin.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007]

Subpart 3.25—Fifth Coast Guard
§ 3.25–1

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007]

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Fifth district.

(a) The District Office is in Portsmouth, Va.
(b) The Fifth Coast Guard District is
comprised of: North Carolina; Virginia;
District of Columbia; Maryland; Delaware; that part of Pennsylvania east of
a line drawn along 78°55′ W. longitude
south to 41°00′ N. latitude, thence west
to 79°00′ W. longitude, and thence south
to the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary; that portion of New Jersey that
lies south and west of a line drawn
from the New Jersey shoreline at 40°18′

§ 3.05–35 Sector Long Island Sound
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Long Island Sound’s office is
located in New Haven, CT. The boundaries of Sector Long Island Sound’s


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.25–10

N. latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury River), thence westward to 40°18′
N. latitude, 74°30.5′ W. longitude,
thence north-northwesterly to the
junction of the New York, New Jersey,
and Pennsylvania boundaries at Tristate; and the ocean area encompassed
by a line bearing 122°T from the coastal
end of the First and Fifth Districts’
land boundary at the intersection of
the New Jersey shoreline and 40°18′ N.
latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury
River) to the southernmost point in
the First Coast Guard District (a point
located at approximately 37° N. latitude, 67°13′ W. longitude); thence along
a line bearing 219°T to the point of
intersection with the ocean boundary
between the Fifth and Seventh Coast
Guard Districts, which is defined as a
line bearing 122°T from the coastal end
of the Fifth and Seventh Districts’ land
boundary at the shoreline at the North
Carolina-South Carolina border, point
located at approximately 30°55′ N. 73°
W.; thence northwesterly along this
line to the coast.

W; thence east to the intersection of
the Maryland-Delaware boundary at
latitude 39°43′22″ N, longitude 75°47′17″
W; thence south along the MarylandDelaware boundary to latitude 38°27′37″
N, longitude 75°41′35″ W and east along
the Maryland-Delaware boundary to
and including Fenwick Island Light at
latitude 38°27′03″ N, longitude 75°02′55″
W. The offshore boundary starts at
Fenwick Island Light and proceeds east
to a point at latitude 38°26′25″ N, longitude 74°26′46″ W; thence southeast to
latitude 37°19′14″ N, longitude 72°13′13″
W; thence east to the outermost extent
of the EEZ at latitude 37°19′14″ N, longitude 71°02′54″ W; thence northeast
along the outermost extent of the EEZ
to latitude 37°56′50″ N, longitude
69°18′15″ W; thence northwest to latitude 38°28′00″ N, longitude 70°11′00″ W;
thence northwest to a point near the
New Jersey coast at latitude 40°18′00″
N, longitude 73°58′40″ W.
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36320, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.25–10 Sector Hampton Roads Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone.
Sector Hampton Roads’ office is located in Portsmouth, VA. The boundaries of Sector Hampton Roads’ Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone start at a point on the Delaware-Maryland boundary at latitude
38°00′18″ N, longitude 75°30′00″ W and
proceeds north to the Delaware-Maryland boundary at latitude 38°27′15″ N,
longitude 75°30′00″ W; thence east along
the Delaware-Maryland boundary to
the intersection of the Maryland-Delaware boundary and the coast at latitude 38°27′03″ N, longitude 75°02′55″ W
thence east to a point at latitude
38°26′25″ N, longitude 74°26′46″ W; thence
southeast to latitude 37°19′14″ N, longitude 72°13′13″ W; thence east to the
outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 37°19′14″ N, longitude 71°02′54″ W;
thence south along the outermost extent of the EEZ to a point latitude
36°33′00″ N, longitude 71°29′34″ W; thence
west along latitude 36°33′00″ N to the
Virginia-North Carolina boundary at
latitude 36°33′00″ N, longitude 75°52′00″
W; thence west along the VirginiaNorth Carolina boundary to the intersection of Virginia-North CarolinaTennessee; thence along the Virginia-

[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10347, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGD 87–008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. 21,
1987; 52 FR 16480, May 5, 1987; CGD 87–008b, 52
FR 25217, July 6, 1987; CGD 96–016, 61 FR
21959, May 13, 1996]

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

§ 3.25–05 Sector Delaware Bay Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Delaware Bay’s office is located in Philadelphia, PA. The boundaries of Sector Delaware Bay’s Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone start near the New Jersey
coast at latitude 40°18′00″ N, longitude
73°58′40″ W, proceeding west to latitude
40°18′00″ N, longitude 74°30′30″ W, thence
north-northwest to the junction of the
New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania boundaries near Tristate at latitude 41°21′27″ N, longitude 74°41′42″ W;
thence northwest along the east bank
of the Delaware River to latitude
42°00′00″ N, longitude 75°21′28″ W; thence
west along the New York-Pennsylvania
boundary to latitude 42°00′00″ N, longitude 78°54′58″ W; thence south to latitude 41°00′00″ N, longitude 78°54′58″ W;
thence west to latitude 41°00′00″ N, longitude 79°00′00″ W; thence south to the
Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary at
latitude 39°43′22″ N, longitude 79°00′00″


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§ 3.25–15

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)
gitude 77°31′52″ W; thence east along
the Prince William County, VA boundary to a point near the western bank of
the Potomac River at latitude 38°30′11″
N, longitude 77°18′01″ W; thence south
and east along the southern bank of
the Potomac River to the MarylandVirginia boundary at a point latitude
37°53′25″ N, longitude 76°14′12″ W; thence
east along the Maryland-Virginia
boundary as it proceeds across the
Pocomoke Sounds, Pocomoke River,
and Delmarva Peninsula to a point on
the Maryland-Virginia boundary near
the Atlantic coast at latitude 38°00′18″
N, longitude 75°30′00″ W; thence north
to the Delaware-Maryland boundary at
the point of origin.

Tennessee boundary to the intersection
thence northeast along the VirginiaKentucky boundary to the intersection
of Virginia-Kentucky-West Virginia;
thence northeast along the VirginiaWest Virginia boundary to the intersection of the Virginia-West VirginiaMaryland boundary; thence southeast
along the Virginia-Maryland and Virginia-District of Columbia boundaries
as those boundaries are formed along
the southern bank of the Potomac
River to the Chesapeake Bay; thence
east along the Virginia-Maryland
boundary as it proceeds across the
Pocomoke Sounds, Pocomoke River,
and Delmarva Peninsula; thence east
along the Virginia-Maryland boundary
to the point of origin.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36320, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.25–20 Sector North Carolina Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit
Wilmington: Cape Fear River Marine Inspection and Captain of the
Port Zones.
Sector North Carolina’s office is located in Fort Macon, NC. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU)
Wilmington, is located in Wilmington,
(a) The boundaries of Sector North
Carolina’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone start at the
sea on the North Carolina-Virginia border at latitude 36°33′00″ N, longitude
75°52′00″ W, proceeding west along the
North Carolina-Virginia boundary to
the Tennessee boundary; thence southwest along the North Carolina-Tennessee boundary to the Georgia boundary; thence east along the North Carolina-Georgia boundary to the South
Carolina boundary; thence east along
the North Carolina-South Carolina
boundary to the sea at latitude 33°51′04″
N, longitude 78°32′28″ W; thence southeast on a bearing of 122°T to a point at
latitude 33°17′55″ N, longitude 77°31′46″
W; thence southeast to the outermost
extent of the EEZ at latitude 31°42′32″
N, longitude 74°29′53.3″ W; thence northeast along the outermost extent of the
EEZ to a point at latitude 36°33′00″ N,
longitude 71°29′34″ W; thence west to
the point of origin; and in addition, all
the area described in paragraph (b) of
this section.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36320, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.25–15 Sector Baltimore Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Baltimore’s office is located
in Baltimore, MD. The boundaries of
Sector Baltimore’s Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone
start at a point latitude 38°27′15″ N, longitude 75°30′00″ W. on the DelawareMaryland boundary, proceeding along
the Delaware-Maryland boundary west
to a point at latitude 38°27′37″ N, longitude 75°41′35″ W and north to the
Pennsylvania boundary at a point latitude 39°43′22″ N, longitude 75°47′17″ W;
thence west along the PennsylvaniaMaryland boundary to the West Virginia boundary at a point latitude
39°43′16″ N, longitude 79°28′36″ W; thence
south and east along the MarylandWest Virginia boundary to the intersection of the Maryland-Virginia-West
Virginia boundaries at a point latitude
39°19′17″ N, longitude 77°43′08″ W; thence
southwest along the Loudoun County,
VA boundary to the intersection with
Fauquier County, VA at a point latitude 39°00′50″ N, longitude 77°57′43″ W;
thence east along the Loudoun County,
VA boundary to the intersection with
the Prince William County, VA boundary at a point latitude 38°56′34″ N, longitude 77°39′18″ W; thence south along
the Prince William County boundary to
the intersection with Stafford County,
VA, at a point latitude 38°33′22″ N, lon-


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erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.35–1

(b) MSU Wilmington is responsible
for the Cape Fear River Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones,
starting at a point at latitude 34°26′26″
N, longitude 77°31′05″ W at the intersection of the Pender County and Onslow
County lines on the Atlantic Coast,
proceeding north along the boundary of
Pender County and Onslow County to
the intersection of the Pender County,
Duplin County, and Onslow County
lines; thence north along the boundary
of Duplin County and Onslow County
to the intersection of the Duplin County, Onslow County, and Jones County
lines; thence northwest along the
boundary of Duplin County and Jones
County to the intersection of the
Duplin County, Jones County, and
Lenoir County lines; thence northwest
along the boundary of Duplin County
and Lenoir County to the intersection
of the Duplin County, Lenoir County,
and Wayne County lines; thence west
along the boundary of Duplin County
and Wayne County to the intersection
of the Duplin County, Wayne County,
and Sampson County lines; thence
north along the boundary of Sampson
County and Wayne County to the intersection of the Sampson County, Wayne
County, and Johnston County lines;
thence west along the boundary of
Sampson County and Johnston County
to the intersection of the Sampson
County, Johnston County, and Harnett
County lines; thence southwest along
the boundary of Sampson County and
Harnett County to the intersection of
the Sampson County, Harnett County,
and Cumberland County lines; thence
west along the boundary of Cumberland County and Harnett County to
the intersection of the Cumberland
County, Harnett County, and Moore
County lines; thence south along the
boundary of Cumberland County and
Moore County to the intersection of
the Cumberland County, Moore County, and Hoke County lines; thence west
along the boundary of Hoke County
and Moore County to the intersection
of the Hoke County, Moore County,
Richmond County, and Scotland County lines; thence southeast along the
boundary of Hoke County and Scotland
County to the intersection of the Hoke
County, Scotland County, and Robeson
County lines; thence southwest along

the boundary of Robeson County and
Scotland County to the intersection of
the Robeson County, Scotland County,
and North Carolina-South Carolina
boundaries; thence southeast along the
North Carolina-South Carolina boundary to a point at latitude 33°51′30″ N,
longitude 78°33′00″ W along the North
thence to the Atlantic Coast at latitude 33°51′04″ N, longitude 78°32′28″ W;
thence southeast to a point on a bearing of 122° T at latitude 33°17′55″ N, longitude 77°31′46″ W; thence north to a
point at latitude 34°26′26″ N, longitude
77°31′05″ W.
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36320, July 2, 2007]

Subpart 3.35—Seventh Coast
Guard District
§ 3.35–1

Seventh district.

(a) The District Office is in Miami,
(b) The Seventh Coast Guard District
is comprised of the states of South
Carolina, Georgia and Florida, except
for that part of Georgia and Florida
west of a line from the intersection of
the Florida coast with Longitude 83°50′
W. (30°00′ N., 83°50′ W.) due north to a
position 30°15′ N., 83°50′W.; thence due
west to a position 30°15′ N., 84°45′ W.;
thence due north to the intersection
with the south shore of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir; thence along the east
bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir
and the east bank of the Flint River up
stream to Montezuma, GA, thence
northwesterly to West Point, GA. Also
included is the Panama Canal Zone, all
the island possessions of the United
States pertaining to Puerto Rico and
the U.S. Virgin Islands; and the U.S.
Naval reservations in the islands of the
West Indies and on the north coast of
South America. The ocean areas are
those portions of the western North Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico
and the Straits of Florida areas encompassed by a line originating at the
state boundary between North Carolina
and South Carolina, and extending
southeasterly through 30°57′ N., 73°06′
W. and 29°00′ N., 69°19′ W. to 12°00′ N.,
43°00′ W.; thence southwesterly to 10°00′
N., 48°00′ W.; thence westerly to 09°20′
N., 57°00′ W.; thence due west to the


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§ 3.35–10

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)
longitude 78°32′28″ W, proceeding west
along the North Carolina-South Carolina boundary to the intersection of
the North Carolina-South CarolinaGeorgia boundaries; thence south along
the South Carolina-Georgia boundary
to the intersection with the Federal
dam at the southern end of Hartwell
Reservoir at latitude 34°21′30″ N, longitude 82°49′15″ W; thence south along
the eastern bank and then east along
the northern bank of the Savannah
River to the sea at latitude 32°02′23″ N,
longitude 80°53′06″ W, near the eastern
tip of Oyster Bed Island; thence east on
a line bearing 084° T to latitude
32°03′00″ N, longitude 80°45′00″ W; thence
southeast on a line bearing 122° T to
latitude 30°50′00″ N, longitude 78°35′00″
W; thence east to the outermost extent
of the EEZ at latitude 30°50′00″ N, longitude 76°09′54″ W; thence northeast
along the outermost extent of the EEZ
to latitude 31°42′32″ N, longitude
74°29′53″ W; thence northwest to the
point of origin; and in addition, all the
area described in paragraph (b) of this
(b) The boundaries of the MSU Savannah Marine Inspection and Captain
of the Port Zones start near the eastern tip of Oyster Bed Island at latitude
32°02′23″ N, longitude 80°53′06″ W, proceeding west along the northern bank
and then north along the eastern bank
of the Savannah River to the intersection of the South Carolina-Georgia
boundary with the Federal dam at the
southern end of Hartwell Reservoir, at
latitude 34°21′30″ N, longitude 82°49′15″
W; thence north along the South Carolina-Georgia boundary to the intersection of the North Carolina-South Carolina-Georgia boundaries; thence west
along the Georgia-North Carolina
boundary and continuing west along
the Georgia-Tennessee boundary to the
intersection of the Georgia-TennesseeAlabama boundaries; thence south
along the Georgia-Alabama boundary
to latitude 32°53′00″ N; thence southeast
to the eastern bank of the Flint River
at latitude 32°20′00″ N; thence south
along the eastern bank of the Flint
River and continuing south along the
eastern shore of Seminole Lake to latitude 30°45′57″ N, longitude 84°45′00″ W;
thence south along longitude 84°45′00″
W to the Florida boundary; thence east

coastline of South America; thence
westerly and northerly along the north
coast of South America, and the eastern coasts of Central America and Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula at 21°25′
N., 87°11′ W.; thence along a line 019° T
to the intersection of longitude 83°50′
W. and the western coastline of Florida
(30°00′ N., 83°50′ W.).
[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10348, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 911, Jan. 20,
1971; USCG–1999–5832, 64 FR 34711, June 29,

§ 3.35–10 Sector Miami Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Sector Miami’s office is located in
Miami, FL. The boundaries of Sector
Miami’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone start at the
outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 28°00′00″ N, longitude 79°23′34″ W,
proceeding west to latitude 28°00′00″ N,
longitude 81°30′00″ W; thence south to
the northern boundary of Collier County, FL, at longitude 81°30′00″ W; thence
following along the boundaries of Collier County east along the northern
boundary to the eastern boundary and
then south along the eastern boundary
to the southern boundary of Collier
County; thence south along the western boundary of Miami-Dade County to
the sea at latitude 25°10′36″ N, longitude 80°51′29″ W; thence east along
the southern boundary of Miami-Dade
County to latitude 25°24′52″ N, longitude 80°19′39″ W; thence southeast to
the outermost extent of the EEZ at
latitude 25°11′34″ N, longitude 79°41′31″
W; thence north along the outermost
extent of the EEZ to the point of origin.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36321, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.35–15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah.
Sector Charleston’s office is located
in Charleston, SC. A subordinate unit,
Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Savannah,
is located in Savannah, GA.
(a) Sector Charleston’s Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Zone start at the intersection of the
North Carolina-South Carolina boundaries and the sea at latitude 33°51′04″ N,


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.35–40
boundaries of Sector St. Petersburg’s
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone start at the Florida
coast at latitude 29°59′14″ N, longitude
83°50′00″ W, proceeding north to latitude 30°15′00″ N, longitude 83°50′00″ W;
thence west to latitude 30°15′00″ N, longitude 84°45′00″ W; thence north to the
Florida-Georgia boundary at longitude
84°45′00″ W; thence east along the Florida-Georgia boundary to longitude
83°00′00″ W; thence southeast to latitude 28°00′00″ N, longitude 81°30′00″ W;
thence south along 81°30′00″ W to the
northern boundary of Collier County,
FL, and then following along the
boundaries of Collier County, east
along the northern boundary to the
eastern boundary and then south along
the eastern boundary to the southern
boundary and then west along the
southern boundary to latitude 25°48′12″
N, longitude 81°20′39″ W; thence southwest to the outermost extent of the
EEZ at latitude 24°18′57″ N, longitude
84°50′48″ W; thence west along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude
24°48′13″ N, longitude 85°50′05″ W; thence
northeast to the point of origin.

along the Florida-Georgia boundary to
longitude 82°15′00″ W; thence north to
latitude 30°50′00″ N, longitude 82°15′00″
W; thence east to the outermost extent
of the EEZ at latitude 30°50′00″ N, longitude 76°09′54″ W; thence northwest to
latitude 32°03′06″ N, longitude 80°45′00″
W; thence southwest to the point of origin. The boundary includes all the waters of the Savannah River including
adjacent waterfront facilities in South
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36321, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.35–20 Sector Jacksonville Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Jacksonville’s office is located in Jacksonville, FL. The boundaries of Sector Jacksonville’s Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone start at the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 30°50′00″ N,
longitude 76°09′54″ W, proceeding west
to latitude 30°50′00″ N, longitude
82°15′00″ W; thence south to the intersection of the Florida-Georgia boundary at longitude 82°15′00″ W; thence
west along the Florida-Georgia boundary to longitude 83°00′00″ W; thence
southeast to latitude 28°00′00″ N,
81°30′00″ W; thence east to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude
28°00′00″ N, longitude 79°23′34″ W; thence
northeast along the outermost extent
of the EEZ to the point of origin.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.35–40 Sector Key West Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Key West’s office is located in
Key West, FL. The boundaries of Sector Key West’s Marine Inspection Zone
and Captain of the Port Zone start at
the outermost extent of the EEZ at
latitude 25°11′34″ N, longitude 79°41′31″
W, proceeding northeast to the MiamiDade County, FL boundary at latitude
25°24′52″ N, longitude 80°19′39″ W; thence
west along the southern boundary of
Miami-Dade County to the western
boundary at latitude 25°10′36″ N, longitude 80°51′29″ W; thence north along
the western boundary of Miami-Dade
County to the southern boundary of
Collier County, FL; thence west along
the southern boundary of Collier County to latitude 25°48′12″ N, longitude
81°20′39″ W; thence southwest to the
outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 24°18′57″ N, longitude 84°50′48″ W;
thence east and then north along the

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.35–25 Sector San Juan Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector San Juan’s office is located in
San Juan, PR. The boundaries of Sector San Juan’s Marine Inspection Zone
and Captain of the Port Zone comprise
both the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico and the Territory of the Virgin Islands, and the waters adjacent to both,
in an area enclosed by the outermost
extents of the EEZ, subject to existing
laws and regulations.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.35–35 Sector St. Petersburg Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector St. Petersburg’s sector office
is located in St. Petersburg, FL. The


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§ 3.40–1

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)

outermost extent of the EEZ to the
point of origin.

to latitude 30°15′00″ N, longitude
83°50′00″ W; thence west to latitude
30°15′00″ N, longitude 84°45′00″ W; thence
north to a point near the southern
bank of the Seminole Lake at latitude
30°45′57″ N, longitude 84°45′00″ W; thence
northeast along the eastern bank of
the Seminole Lake and north along the
eastern bank of the Flint River to latitude 32°20′00″ N, longitude 84°01′51″ W;
thence northwest to the intersection of
the Georgia-Alabama border at latitude 32°53′00″ N; thence north along the
Georgia-Alabama border to the southern boundary of Dekalb County, AL,
thence west along the northern boundaries of Cherokee, Etowah, Blount,
Cullman, Winston, and Marion Counties, AL, to the Mississippi-Alabama
border; thence north along the Mississippi-Alabama border to the southern boundary of Tishomingo County,
MS, at the Mississippi-Tennessee border; thence west along the southern
boundaries of Tishomingo and Prentiss
Counties; thence north along the western boundaries of Prentiss and Alcorn
Counties; thence west along the northern boundaries of Tippah, Benton, and
Marshall Counties, MS; thence south
and west along the eastern and southern boundaries of DeSoto, Tunica,
Coahoma, Bolivar, and Washington
Counties, MS; thence east along the
northern boundary of Humphreys and
Holmes Counties, MS; thence south
along the eastern and southern boundaries of Holmes, Yazoo, Warren, Claiborne, Jefferson, Adams, and Wilkinson
Counties, MS; thence east from the
Wilkinson and Amite Counties, MS, to
the west bank of the Pearl River;
thence south along the west bank of
the Pearl River to longitude 89°31′48″ W
(at the mouth of the river); thence
south along longitude 89°31′48″ W to
latitude 30°10′00″ N; thence east along
latitude 30°10′00″ N to longitude 89°10′00″
W; thence southeast to latitude
29°00′00″ N, longitude 88°00′00″ W; thence
south along longitude 88°00′00″ W to the
outermost extent of the EEZ; thence
east along the outermost extent of the
EEZ to the intersection with a line
bearing 199°T from the intersection of
the Florida coast at longitude 83°50′00″

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007]

Subpart 3.40—Eighth Coast Guard
§ 3.40–1 Eighth district.
(a) The District Office is in New Orleans, La.
(b) The Eighth Coast Guard District
is comprised of North Dakota, South
Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa,
Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky,
West Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama; that
part of Pennsylvania south of 41° N.
latitude and west of 79° W. longitude;
those parts of Ohio and Indiana south
of 41° N. latitude; Illinois, except that
part north of 41° N. latitude and east of
90° W. longitude; that part of Wisconsin
south of 46°20′ N. latitude and west of
90° W. longitude; that part of Minnesota south of 46°20′ N. latitude; those
parts of Florida and Georgia west of a
line starting at the Florida coast at
83°50′ W. longitude; thence northerly to
30°15′ N. latitude, 83°50′ W. longitude;
thence due west to 30°15′ N. latitude,
84°45′ W. longitude; thence due north to
the southern bank of the Jim Woodruff
Reservoir at 84°45′ W. longitude; thence
northeasterly along the eastern bank
of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir and
northerly along the eastern bank of the
Flint River to Montezuma, GA.; thence
northwesterly to West Point, GA.; and
the Gulf of Mexico area west of a line
bearing 199 T. from the intersection of
the Florida coast at 83°50′ W. longitude
(the coastal end of the Seventh and
Eighth Coast Guard District land
boundary.) [DATUM NAD83]

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 67–15, 32 FR 5270, Mar. 29, 1967, as
amended by CGD 77–167, 43 FR 2372, Jan. 16,
1978; CGD 96–025, 61 FR 29959, June 13, 1996]

§ 3.40–10 Sector Mobile Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Sector Mobile’s office is located in
Mobile, AL. The boundaries of Sector
Mobile’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone start near the
Florida coast at latitude 29°59′14″ N,
longitude 83°50′00″ W, proceeding north


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.40–28

W; thence northeast along a line bearing 199° T from the Florida coast at
longitude 83°50′00″ W to the coast.

Martin Parishes, Louisiana; thence
northwest along the northern boundary
of Lafayette and Acadia Parishes, Louisiana; thence south along the west
boundary of Acadia and Vermillion
Parishes, Louisiana to the Louisiana
Coast at longitude 92°37′00″ W, thence
south along longitude 92°37′00″ W to the
outermost extent of the EEZ; thence
east along the outermost extent of the
EEZ to longitude 88°00′00″ W.; thence
north to latitude 28°50′00″ N, longitude
88°00′00″ W.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.40–15 Sector New Orleans Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Morgan City.
Sector New Orleans’ office is located
in New Orleans, LA. A subordinate
unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Morgan City, is located in Morgan City,
(a) Sector New Orleans’ Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Zone starts at latitude 30°10′00″ N, longitude 89°10′00″ W; thence west along
latitude 30°10′00″ N to longitude 89°31′48″
W; thence north along longitude
89°31′48″ W to the west bank of the
Pearl River (at the mouth of the river);
thence north along the west bank of
the Pearl River to latitude 31°00′00″ N;
thence west along latitude 31°00′00″ N
to the east bank of the Mississippi
River; thence south along the east
bank to mile 303.0, thence west to the
west bank at mile 303.0; thence north
to the southern boundary of the Old
River Lock Structure, thence west
along the south bank of the Lower Old
River, to the intersection with the Red
River; thence west along the south
bank of the Red River to Rapides Parish, thence south along the western
boundaries of Avoyelles, Evangeline,
Acadia and Vermillion Parishes to the
intersection of the sea and longitude
92°37′00″ W; thence south along longitude 92°37′00″ W to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence east along the
outermost extent of the EEZ to longitude 88°00′00″ W; thence north along
longitude 88°00′00″ W to latitude
29°00′00″ N; thence northwest to latitude 30°10′00″ N, longitude 89°10′00″ W;
and in addition, all the area described
in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The boundaries of the MSU Morgan City Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at latitude
28°50′00″ N, longitude 88°00′00″ W.;
thence proceeds west to latitude
28°50′00″ N., longitude 89°27′06″ W.;
thence northwest to latitude 29°18′00″
N, longitude 90°00′00″ W; thence northwest along the northern boundaries of
Lafourche, Assumption, Iberia, and St.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.40–28 Sector
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety
Unit Port Arthur.
Sector Houston-Galveston’s office is
located in Galena Park, TX. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU)
Port Arthur, is located in Port Arthur,
(a) Sector Houston-Galveston’s Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone start near the intersection
of the western boundary of Vermillion
Parish, LA, and the sea at latitude
29°34′45″ N, longitude 92°37′00″ W, proceeding north along the eastern and
southern boundaries of Cameron, Jefferson Davis, Allen, and Rapides Parishes, LA, to the southern bank of the
Red River; thence northwest along the
south bank of the Red River to the
northern boundary of Red River Parish, LA; thence west along the northern boundary of Red River Parish and
DeSoto Parish, LA, to the LouisianaTexas border; thence north along the
Louisiana-Texas border to the TexasArkansas border at the northern
boundary of Bowie County, TX; thence
west along the Texas-Arkansas border
to the Texas-Oklahoma border; thence
northwest along the Texas-Oklahoma
border to the southern shore of Lake
Texoma in Grayson County, TX; thence
west along the northern shore of Lake
Texoma to the Texas-Oklahoma border;
thence west along the Texas-Oklahoma
border to the Texas-New Mexico border, including all portions of the Red
River; thence south along the TexasNew Mexico border to the southern
boundary of Andrews County, TX;
thence southeast along the western and


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§ 3.40–35

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)

southern boundaries of Andrews, Midland, Glasscock, Sterling, Tom Green,
Lampasas, Bell, Williamson, Lee,
Washington, and Austin Counties, TX
to the intersection of Colorado County,
Texas; thence along the northern and
eastern boundary of Colorado County
to the east bank of the Colorado River;
thence south along the east bank of the
Colorado River to the sea; thence
southeast along a line bearing 140° T to
the outermost extent of the EEZ at
latitude 25°59′50″ N, longitude 93°32′21″
W; thence east along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude 26°03′27″ N,
longitude 92°37′00″ W; thence north
along longitude 92°37′00″ W to the Louisiana Coast; and in addition, all the
area described in paragraph (b) of this
(b) The boundaries of the MSU Port
Arthur Marine Inspection and Captain
of the Port Zones start at the intersection of the sea and longitude 92°37′00″
W; thence north along the eastern and
southern boundaries of Cameron, Jefferson Davis, Allen, and Rapides Parishes, Louisiana to the southern bank
of the Red River; thence northwest
along the southern bank of the Red
River to the northern boundary of Red
River Parish, Louisiana; thence west
along the northern boundary of Red
River Parish and Desoto Parish, Louisiana to the Louisiana-Texas border;
thence north along the LouisianaTexas border to the Texas-Arkansas
border at the northern boundary of
Bowie County, Texas; thence north
along the Texas-Arkansas border to the
Texas-Oklahoma border; thence west
along the Texas-Oklahoma border to
Fannin County, Texas, including all
portions of the Red River; thence south
along the western and southern boundaries of Fannin, Hunt, Kaufman, Henderson, Anderson, Houston, Trinity,
Polk, Hardin, and Jefferson Counties,
Texas to the sea at longitude 94°25′00″
W; thence southeast to latitude
29°00′00″ N, longitude 93°40′00″ W; thence
southeast to latitude 27°50′00″ N, longitude 93°24′00″ W; thence south along
longitude 93°24′00″ W to the outermost
extent of the EEZ; thence east along
the outermost extent of the EEZ to
longitude 92°37′00″ W; thence north

along longitude 92°37′00″ W to the Louisiana Coast.
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36323, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.40–35 Sector Corpus Christi Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Corpus Christi’s office is located in Corpus Christi, TX. The
boundaries of Sector Corpus Christi’s
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone start at the junction of
the sea and the east bank of the Colorado River at latitude 28°35′44″ N, longitude 95°58′48″ W, proceeding north
along the east bank of the Colorado
River to Colorado County, TX; thence
southwest along the northern boundary
of Wharton County, TX; thence northwest along the eastern and northern
Bastrop, Travis, Burnet, Llano, Mason,
Menard, Schletcher, Irion, Reagan,
Upton, and Ector Counties, TX; thence
west along the northern boundary of
Ector and Winkler Counties, TX, to the
Texas-New Mexico border; thence north
along the New Mexico border to the
New Mexico-Colorado border; thence
west along the New Mexico-Colorado
border to the intersection of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona borders; thence south along the New Mexico-Arizona border to the United
States-Mexican border; thence southeast along the United States-Mexican
border to the outermost extent of the
EEZ at latitude 25°57′22″ N, longitude
97°08′20″ W; thence east along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude
25°59′50″ N, longitude 93°32′21″ W; thence
northwest to the point of origin.
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36323, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.40–40 Sector
River Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Upper Mississippi River’s office is located in St. Louis, MO. The
boundaries of Sector Upper Mississippi
River’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone include all of
Wyoming except for Sweetwater County; all of North Dakota, South Dakota,
Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, and Iowa;
all of Missouri with the exception of
Perry, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, Dunklin, and


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.40–65

Pemiscot Counties; that part of Minnesota south of latitude 46°20′00″ N;
that part of Wisconsin south of latitude 46°20′00″ N, and west of longitude
90°00′00″ W; that part of Illinois west of
longitude 90°00′00″ W and north of latitude 41°00′00″ N; that part of Illinois
south of latitude 41°00′00″ N, except for
Jackson, Williamson, Saline, Gellatin,
Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Alexander, Pulaski, and Massac Counties;
that part of the Upper Mississippi
River above mile 109.9, including both
banks, and that part of the Illinois
River below latitude 41°00′00″ N.

Caldwell, Caddo, Bossier, Webster,
Claiborne, Union, Morehouse, West
Carroll, East Carroll, Madison, Richland, Ouachita, Lincoln, Jackson,
Bienville, Winn, Grant, Franklin,
Tensas, Catahoula, and Concordia Parishes; those parts of Avoyelles,
Natchitoches, Rapides, and Red River
Parishes north of the Red River, and
that part of West Feliciana Parish
north of the Lower Old River; that part
of the Lower Mississippi River below
mile 869.0 and above mile 303; and all of
the Red River below the ArkansasOklahoma border.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36324, July 2, 2007]

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36324, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.40–60 Sector
River Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Lower Mississippi River’s office is located in Memphis, TN. The
boundaries of Sector Lower Mississippi
River’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone include all of
Arkansas and all of Oklahoma with the
exception of the Red River and Lake
Texoma; in Missouri: Dunklin and
Pemiscot Counties. In Tennessee: Dyer,
Lauderdale, Obion, Tipton, and Shelby
Counties, and all portions of Lake
County with the exception of the area
north and west of a line drawn from
Mississippi River at latitude 36°20′00 N
and longitude 89°32′30″ W due east to
Highway 78 thence northeast along
Highway 78 to the Kentucky-Tennessee
state line; in Mississippi: Desoto,
Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington, Humphreys, Holmes, Sharkey,
Yazoo, Issaquena, Warren, Claiborne,
Jefferson, Adams, and Wilkinson Counties; in Louisiana, all the areas north
of a line drawn from the east bank of
the Mississippi River at the LouisianaMississippi border, thence south along
the east bank to mile 303.0, thence west
to the west bank at mile 303.0, thence
north to the southern boundary of the
Old River Lock Structure, thence west
along the southern bank of the Lower
Old River, to the intersection with the
Red River, thence west and northwest
along the southern bank of the Red
River to the northern-most boundary
of Red River Parish, thence west along
the northern boundary of Red River
Parish and DeSoto Parish to the TexasLouisiana Border, including Lasalle,

§ 3.40–65 Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh.
Sector Ohio Valley’s office is located
in Louisville, KY. A subordinate unit,
Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Pittsburgh,
is located in Pittsburgh, PA.
(a) Sector Ohio Valley’s Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Zone comprise all of Kentucky and
West Virginia; in Missouri: Perry, Cape
Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi and New
Madrid Counties; in Tennessee: that
portion of Lake County north and west
of a line drawn from the Mississippi
River at latitude 36°20′00″ N and longitude 89°32′30″ W due east to Highway
78, thence northeast along Highway 78
to the Kentucky-Tennessee state line,
and all other counties in Tennessee except Shelby, Tipton, Lauderdale, Dyer
and Obion Counties; in Alabama:
Colbert, Franklin, Lawrence, Morgan,
Madison, Jackson and DeKalb Counties; in Mississippi: Alcorn, Prentiss
and Tishomingo Counties; that portion
of Pennsylvania south of latitude
41°00′00″ N and west of longitude
79°00′00″ W; those parts of Indiana and
Ohio south of latitude 41°00′00″ N; in Illinois: Jackson, Williamson, Saline,
Gallatin, Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Alexander, Pulaski, and Massac
Counties, and in Randolph County,
that part of the Upper Mississippi
River below mile 109.9, including both
banks; and that part of the Lower Mississippi River above mile 869.0 ; and in
addition, all the area described in paragraph (b) of this section.


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§ 3.45–1

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)
west along the international boundary
to a point at latitude 41°40′36″ N, longitude 82°25′00″ W; thence south to latitude 41°00′00″ N; thence east to longitude 78°54′58″ W; thence north to latitude 42°00′00″ N; thence east to the east
bank of the Delaware River at latitude
42°00′00″ N, longitude 75°21′28″ W; thence
east to longitude 74°39′00″ W; thence
north to the international boundary at
a point at latitude 44°59′58″ N, longitude 74°39′00″ W; thence southeast
along the international boundary to
the starting point.

(b) The boundaries of the MSU Pittsburgh Marine Inspection and Captain
of the Port Zones include that portion
of Pennsylvania south of latitude
41°00′00″ N and west of longitude
79°00′00″ W; in West Virginia: Preston,
Monongalia, Marion, Marshall, Ohio,
Brooke, and Hancock Counties, and
that part of the Ohio River north of a
line drawn from latitude 39°39′18″ N (approximately mile 127.2) on the Ohio
River, just below the Hannibal Lock
and Dam; and in Ohio: Stark,
Columbiana, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson, and Belmont Counties,
and those parts of Summit, Portage,
and Mahoning Counties south of latitude 41°00′00″N.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36324, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.45–15 Sector Lake Michigan Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Lake Michigan’s office is located in Milwaukee, WI. The boundaries of Sector Lake Michigan’s Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone include all navigable waters
of the United States and contiguous
land areas within the boundaries of an
area starting from a point at latitude
44°43′00″ N, longitude 84°30′00″ W, proceeding northwest to a point near the
eastern shore of Lake Michigan at latitude 45°38′00″ N, longitude 85°04′13″ W;
thence northwest to latitude 45°50′00″
N, longitude 85°43′00″ W; thence southwest to latitude 45°41′00″ N, longitude
86°06′00″ W; thence northwest to latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude 87°22′00″ W;
thence west to latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude 90°00′00″ W; thence south to latitude 41°00′00″ N; thence east to the
41°00′00″ N, longitude 84°48′12″ W; thence
north along the Ohio-Indiana border to
the intersection of the Ohio-IndianaMichigan border at latitude 41°41′59″ N,
longitude 84°48′22″ W; thence east along
the Ohio-Michigan border to latitude
41°42′13″ N, longitude 84°30′00″ W; thence
north to the start point.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36324, July 2, 2007]

Subpart 3.45—Ninth Coast Guard
SOURCE: CGD 79–011, 44 FR 33401, June 11,
1979, unless otherwise noted.

§ 3.45–1 Ninth district.
(a) The District Office is in Cleveland
(b) The Ninth Coast Guard District
comprise Michigan, New York north of
latitude 42° N. and west of longitude
74°39′ W.; Pennsylvania north of latitude 41° and west of longitude 78°55′ W.;
that part of Ohio and Indiana north of
latitude 41° N.; that part of Illinois
north of latitude 41° N. and east of longitude 90° W.; Wisconsin, except that
part south of latitude 46°20′ N. and west
of longitude 90° W.; and that part of
Minnesota north of latitude 46°20′ N.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10350, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGFR 71–85, 36 FR 16577, Aug. 24,

§ 3.45–10 Sector Buffalo Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Sector Buffalo’s office is located in
Buffalo, NY. The boundaries of Sector
Buffalo’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone include all
navigable waters of the United States
and contiguous land areas within the
boundaries of an area starting from a
point on the international boundary in
Lake Erie at latitude 42°19′24″ N, longitude 80°31′10″ W, proceeding south-

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36324, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.45–20 Sector Detroit Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Sector Detroit’s office is located in
Detroit, MI. The boundaries of Sector
Detroit’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone include all
navigable waters of the United States
and contiguous land areas within the


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.55–10
boundary and the international boundary at latitude 49°00′02″ N, longitude
97°13′46″ W; thence east along the EEZ
to the starting point; and in addition,
all the area described in paragraph (b)
of this section.
(b) The boundaries of the MSU Duluth Marine Inspection and Captain of
the Port Zones comprise all navigable
waters of the United States and contiguous land areas within an area starting
at a point latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude 88°30′00″ W, proceeding west to
the Minnesota-North Dakota boundary
at latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude
96°36′30″ W; thence north along the Minnesota-North Dakota boundary to the
intersection of the Minnesota-North
Dakota boundary and the international
boundary at latitude 49°00′02″ N, longitude 97°13′46″ W; thence east along
the international boundary to a point
at latitude 47°59′23″ N, longitude
87°35′10″ W; thence south to a point
near Manitou Island Light at latitude
47°25′09″ N, longitude 87°35′10″ W; thence
southwest to a point near the shore of
Lake Superior at latitude 46°51′51″ N,
longitude 87°45′00″ W; thence southwest
to the point of origin.

boundaries of an area starting from a
point at latitude 41°00′00″ N, longitude
84°48′12″ W on the Ohio-Indiana boundary, proceeding east to longitude
82°25′00″ W; thence north to the international boundary in Lake Erie at latitude 41°40′36″ N, longitude 82°25′00″ W;
thence north along the international
boundary to latitude 45°35′00″ N, longitude 83°03′56″ W; thence southwest to
a point near the shore of western Lake
Huron at latitude 45°17′30″ N, longitude
83°25′23″ W; thence southwest to latitude 44°43′00″ N, longitude 84°30′00″ W;
thence south to the Michigan-Ohio
boundary at latitude 41°42′13″ N; thence
west along the Michigan-Ohio boundary to the Ohio-Michigan-Indiana
boundary at latitude 41°41′46″ N, longitude 84°48′22″ W; thence south along
the Ohio-Indiana boundary to the
starting point.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36325, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.45–45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit
Sector Sault Ste. Marie’s office is located in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU)
Duluth, is located in Duluth, MN.
(a) Sector Sault Ste. Marie’s Marine
Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone comprise all navigable waters of the United States and contiguous land areas within an area starting
from a point at latitude 45°35′00″ N, longitude 83°03′56″ W on the international
boundary, proceeding southwest to a
point near the shore of western Lake
Huron at latitude 45°17′30″ N, longitude
83°25′23″ W; thence southwest to latitude 44°43′00″ N, longitude 84°30′00″ W;
thence northwest to a point near the
eastern shore of Lake Michigan at latitude 45°38′00″ N, longitude 85°04′13″ W;
thence northwest to latitude 45°50′00″
N, longitude 85°43′00″ W; thence southwest to latitude 45°41′00″ N, longitude
86°06′00″ W; thence northwest to latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude 87°22′00″ W;
thence west to latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude 88°30′00″ W; thence west to the
Minnesota-North Dakota boundary at
latitude 46°20′00″ N, longitude 96°36′30″
W; thence north along the MinnesotaNorth Dakota boundary to the intersection of the Minnesota-North Dakota

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36325, July 2, 2007]

Subpart 3.55—Eleventh Coast
Guard District
§ 3.55–1 Eleventh district.
(a) The District Office is in Alameda,
(b) The Eleventh Coast Guard District is comprised of: Arizona; Utah;
Nevada; California; and the ocean area
bounded by a line from the CaliforniaOregon state line westerly to 40° N.
latitude, 150° W. longitude; thence
southeasterly to 5° S. latitude, 110° W.
longitude; thence northeasterly to the
border between Guatemala and Mexico
on the Pacific Coast (14°38′ N. latitude,
92°19′ W. longitude).
[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10351, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGD 87–008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. 21,
1987; CGD 96–025, 61 FR 29959, June 13, 1996]

§ 3.55–10 Sector
Beach Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach’s
(LA–LB) office is located in San Pedro,


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§ 3.55–15

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)
Captain of the Port Zones comprise the
land masses and waters of Wyoming
within the boundaries of Sweetwater
County; Utah, except for Washington,
Kane, San Juan, and Garfield Counties;
Nevada, except for Clark County; and
California, north of San Luis Obispo,
Kern, and San Bernardino Counties. It
also includes all ocean waters and islands contained therein of the EEZ
bounded on the north by the northern
boundary of the Eleventh Coast Guard
District, which is described in § 3.55–1;
and on the south by a line bearing 240
°T from the intersection of the Monterey-San Luis Obispo Count lines (approximately 35°47.5′00″ N latitude) and
the California coast to the outermost
extent of the EEZ; and on the west by
the outermost extent of the EEZ.

CA. The boundaries of Sector LA–LB’s
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of
the Port Zone start at a point near the
intersection of Monterey County and
San Luis Obispo County and the California coast at latitude 35°47′43″ N, longitude 121°20′51″ W, proceeding southwest to the outermost extent of the
EEZ at latitude 34°05′05″ N, longitude
124°56′43″ W; thence south along the
outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude 32°01′17″ N, longitude 123°37′22″ W;
thence northeast to the intersection of
Orange County and San Diego County
and the California coast at latitude
33°23′12″ N, longitude 117°35′45″ W;
thence including all of Orange County,
Riverside County, Ventura County, Los
Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Santa Barbara County, Kern County, and San Luis Obispo County in

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007]

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36325, July 2, 2007]

Subpart 3.65—Thirteenth Coast
Guard District

§ 3.55–15 Sector San Diego Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector San Diego’s office is located
in San Diego, CA. The boundaries of
Sector San Diego’s Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone
start at a point near the intersection of
Orange County and San Diego County
and the coast at latitude 33°23′12″ N,
longitude 117°35′45″ W, proceeding
southwest to the outermost extent of
the EEZ at latitude 32°01′17″ N, longitude 123°37′22″ W; thence south along
the outermost extent of the EEZ to the
intersection of the maritime boundary
with Mexico at latitude 30°32′31″ N, longitude 121°51′58″ W; thence east along
the maritime boundary with Mexico to
its intersection with the California
coast at latitude 32°32′03″ N, longitude
117°07′29″ W; thence including Imperial
County and San Diego County in California; all of Arizona; Washington,
Kane, San Juan, and Garfield Counties
in Utah; and Clark County in Nevada.

§ 3.65–1 Thirteenth district.
(a) The District Office is in Seattle,
(b) The Thirteenth Coast Guard District shall comprise Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana; and the
ocean area bounded by a line from California-Oregon state line westerly to
latitude 40° N. longitude, 150° W.,
thence northeasterly to latitude 54°40′
N., longitude 140° W., thence due east
to the Canadian coast.
[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10352, Nov. 3, 1961]

§ 3.65–10 Sector Seattle: Puget Sound
Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
Sector Seattle’s office is located in
Seattle, WA. The boundaries of Sector
Seattle’s Puget Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones
start at latitude 48°29′35″ N, longitude
124°43′45″ W, proceeding along the Canadian border east to the Montana-North
Dakota boundary; thence south along
this boundary to the Wyoming state
line; thence west and south along the
Montana-Wyoming boundary to the
Idaho state line; thence northwest
along the Montana-Idaho boundary to
latitude 46°55′00″ N; thence west along
latitude 46°55′00″ N to longitude
123°18′00″ W; thence north to a point

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36325, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.55–20 Sector San Francisco: San
Francisco Bay Marine Inspection
Zone and Captain of the Port Zone.
The Sector San Francisco office is located in San Francisco, CA. The boundaries of Sector San Francisco’s San
Francisco Bay Marine Inspection and


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 3.70–20
due south to latitude 40° N.; thence due
east to longitude 150° W.; thence southeasterly through latitude 5° S., longitude 110° W.

latitude 47°32′00″ N, longitude 123°18′00″
W; thence west along latitude 47°32′00″
N to the outermost extent of the EEZ;
thence northeast along the outermost
extent of the EEZ to the Canadian border; thence east along the Canadian
border to the point of origin.

[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10352, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 912, Jan. 20,

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.70–10 Sector Honolulu Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.

§ 3.65–15 Sector Portland Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the
Port Zone.
Sector Portland’s office is located in
Portland, OR. The boundaries of Sector
Portland’s Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at the
Washington coast at latitude 47°32′00″
N, longitude 124°21′15″ W, proceeding
along this latitude east to latitude
47°32′00″ N, longitude 123°18′00″ W;
thence south to latitude 46°55′00″ N,
longitude 123°18′00″ W; thence east
along this latitude to the eastern Idaho
state line; thence southeast along the
Idaho state line to the intersection of
the Idaho-Wyoming boundary; thence
south along the Idaho-Wyoming boundary to the intersection of the IdahoUtah-Wyoming boundaries; thence west
along the southern border of Idaho to
Oregon and then west along the southern border of Oregon to the coast at
latitude 41°59′54″ N, longitude 124°12′42″
W; thence west along the southern
boundary of the Thirteenth Coast
Guard District, which is described in
§ 3.65–10, to the outermost extent of the
EEZ at latitude 41°38′35″ N, 128°51′26″ W;
thence north along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude 47°32′00″ N;
thence east to the point of origin.

Sector Honolulu’s office is located in
Honolulu, HI. The boundaries of Sector
Honolulu’s Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zone comprise the
State of Hawaii, including all the islands and atolls of the Hawaiian chain
and the adjacent waters of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ); and the following islands and their adjacent waters of the EEZ: American Samoa,
Johnston Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, Kingman Reef, Wake Island, Jarvis Island,
Howland and Baker Islands, and Midway Island. Sector Honolulu’s Marine
Inspection Zone also includes the Independent State of Samoa.
[USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36277, June 25, 2010]

§ 3.70–15 Sector Guam Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port
Sector Guam’s office is located in
Santa Rita, Guam. The boundaries of
Sector Guam’s Marine Inspection Zone
and Captain of the Port Zone comprise
the Territory of Guam and the adjacent waters of the EEZ, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the adjacent waters of the
EEZ. Sector Guam’s Marine Inspection
Zone also includes the Republic of
Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia.

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007]

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

Subpart 3.70—Fourteenth Coast
Guard District

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007, as
amended by USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36277,
June 25, 2010]

§ 3.70–1 Fourteenth district.
(a) The District Office is in Honolulu,
(b) The Fourteenth Coast Guard District shall comprise the State of Hawaii; and the Pacific Islands belonging
to the United States south of latitude
40° N., and west of a line running from
40° N., 150° W. through latitude 5° S.,
110° W.; the ocean area west and south
of a line running from position 51° N.,
158° E. to position 43° N., 165° E.; thence

§ 3.70–20 Activities Far East Marine Inspection Zone.
(a) Activities Far East’s office is located in Yokota, Japan. The boundaries of Activities Far East’s Marine
Inspection Zone coincide with the
boundaries of the Fourteenth Coast
Guard District, which are described in
§ 3.70–1, excluding those areas within


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§ 3.85–1

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)

the Honolulu and Guam Marine Inspection Zones, as described in this part.
(b) Only for this part, the boundary
between Activities Far East and Activities Europe Marine Inspection
Zones is demarked by a southerly line
bisecting the border of the Republic of
India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

tude 56°14′50″ N, longitude 142°00′00″ W;
thence north to the point of origin.
[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007]

§ 3.85–15 Sector Anchorage: Western
Alaska Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zones; Marine
Safety Unit Valdez: Prince William
Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones.
Sector Anchorage’s office is located
in Anchorage, AK. A subordinate unit,
Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Valdez, is
located in Valdez, AK.
(a) Sector Anchorage’s Western Alaska Marine Inspection and Captain of
the Port Zones start near the Canadian
border on the EEZ at latitude
60°18′24″ N, longitude 141°00′00″ W, proceeding southwest to latitude 60°01′18″
N, longitude 142°00′00″ W; thence south
to the outermost extent of the EEZ at
latitude 56°14′50″ N, longitude 142°00′00″
W; thence southwest along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude
51°22′15″ N, longitude 167°38′28″ E; thence
northeast along the outermost extent
of the EEZ to latitude 65°30′00″ N, longitude 168°58′37″ W; thence north along
the outermost extent of the EEZ to
latitude 72°46′29″ N, longitude 168°58′37″
W; thence northeast along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude
74°42′35″ N, longitude 156°28′30″ W;
thence southeast along the outermost
extent of the EEZ to latitude 72°56′49″
N, longitude 137°34′08″ W; thence south
along the outermost extent of the EEZ
to the coast near the Canadian border
at latitude 69°38′48.88″ N, longitude
140°59′52.7″ W; thence south along the
United States-Canadian boundary to
the point of origin; and in addition, all
the area described in paragraph (b) of
this section.
(b) The boundaries of MSU Valdez’s
Prince William Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones
start at Cape Puget at latitude 59°56′04″
N, longitude 148°26′00″ W, proceeding
north to latitude 61°30′00″ N, longitude
148°26′00″ W; thence east to the United
States-Canadian boundary at latitude
61°30′00″ N, longitude 141°00′00″ W;
thence south along the United StatesCanadian boundary to latitude 60°18′24″
N, longitude 141°00′00″ W; thence southwest to the sea at latitude 60°01′18″ N,
longitude 142°00′00″ W; thence south to

[USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36277, June 25, 2010]

Subpart 3.85—Seventeenth Coast
Guard District
§ 3.85–1 Seventeenth district.
(a) The District Office is in Juneau,
(b) The Seventeenth Coast Guard District shall comprise the State of Alaska; the ocean area bounded by a line
from the Canadian Coast at latitude
54°40′ N. due west to longitude 140° W.;
thence southwesterly to position 40° N.,
150° W.; thence due west to position 40°
N., 165° E.; thence due north to latitude
43° N.; thence northwesterly to 51° N.,
158° E.; thence north and east along the
coastline of the continent of Asia to
East Cape; thence north to the Arctic

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10353, Nov. 3, 1961, as
amended by CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 912, Jan. 20,

§ 3.85–10 Sector Juneau: Southeast
Alaska Marine Inspection Zone and
Captain of the Port Zones.
Sector Juneau’s office is located in
Juneau, AK. The boundaries of Sector
Juneau’s Southeast Alaska Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones
start at latitude 60°01′18″ N, longitude
142°00′00″ W, proceeding northeast to
the EEZ near the Canadian border at
latitude 60°18′24″ N, longitude 141°00′00″
W; thence south and east along the
EEZ on the United States-Canadian
shore side boundary to the intersection
of the Canadian coast and the Coast
Guard District Seventeen southern border at latitude 54°40′00″ N, longitude
131°15′06″ W; thence west along the
southern border of Coast Guard District Seventeen to the intersection
with the outermost extent of the EEZ
at latitude 54°38′11″ N, longitude
140°01′26″ W; thence north along the
outermost extent of the EEZ to lati-


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 4.02

the outermost extent of the EEZ at
latitude 56°14′50″ N, longitude 142°00′00″
W; thence along the outermost boundary of the EEZ to latitude 54°49′26″ N,
longitude 148°26′00″ W; thence north to
the point of origin.

33 CFR part or section where
identified and described
Part 138 .............................................
Section 140.15 ...................................
Section 140.103 .................................
Section 141.35 ...................................
Part 143 .............................................
Part 144 .............................................
Part 145 .............................................
Part 146 .............................................

[USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007, as
amended by USCG–2008–0073, 73 FR 15080,
Mar. 21, 2008]

4.01 Purpose.
4.02 Display.
AUTHORITY: 44 U.S.C. 3507; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

§ 4.01 Purpose.
This part collects and displays the
control numbers assigned to information collection requirements of the
Coast Guard by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, (Pub. L.
96–511, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Coast
Guard intends that this subpart comply with the requirements of section
3507(f) of the Paperwork Reduction Act,
which requires that agencies display a
current control number assigned by the
Director of the Office of Management
and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) for each agency
information collection requirement.

erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR

Part 6 .................................................
Part 67 ...............................................
Part 96 ...............................................
Part 100 .............................................
Part 101 .............................................
Section 101.115 .................................
Part 103 .............................................
Part 104 .............................................
Section 104.297 .................................
Part 105 .............................................
Part 106 .............................................
Part 115 .............................................
Part 116 .............................................
Part 120 .............................................
Section 126.15(c) ..............................
Section 126.17 ...................................
Part 127 .............................................
Section 127.617 .................................
Section 127.1603 ...............................
Part 128 .............................................
Part 130 .............................................

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Section 155.710 .................................
Section 155.715 .................................
Section 155.720 .................................
Section 155.740 .................................
Section 155.750 .................................
Section 155.820 .................................
Section 155.820(d) ............................
Section 156.107 .................................
Section 156.110 .................................
Section 156.120 .................................
Section 156.150 .................................
Part 156, Subpart B ...........................
Section 156.200 .................................
Part 157 .............................................


33 CFR part or section where
identified and described

Section 165.100 .................................
Section 165.803(i) .............................
Section 165.1709 ...............................

Section 155.130 .................................

[CGD 84–050, 49 FR 26584, June 28, 1984]

§ 4.02


Section 146.130 .................................
Section 146.140 .................................
Section 146.210 .................................
Part 151 .............................................
Section 151.19 ...................................
Section 151.21 ...................................
Section 151.43 ...................................
Section 151.55 ...................................
Section 151.57 ...................................
Section 151.2040 ...............................
Section 153.203 .................................
Section 154.107 .................................
Section 154.108 .................................
Section 154.110 .................................
Section 154.300 through 154.325 .....
Section 154.710 .................................
Section 154.740 .................................
Section 154.804 .................................
Section 154.806 .................................
Section 154.1220 ...............................
Section 154.1225 ...............................
Section 155.120 .................................


Section 157.37 ...................................
Section 157.415 .................................
Section 157.420 .................................
Section 157.430 .................................
Section 157.435 .................................
Section 157.450 .................................
Section 157.455 .................................
Part 158 .............................................
Section 158.140 .................................
Section 158.150 .................................
Section 158.165 .................................
Section 158.190 .................................
Part 159 .............................................

OMB control No.

OMB control No.

Part 160 .............................................
Part 161 .............................................
Part 164 .............................................
Part 165 .............................................


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