NASA Science Mission Directorate Workplace Climate Survey

NASA Science Mission Directorate Workplace Climate Survey

SMD Climate Survey Text

NASA Science Mission Directorate Workplace Climate Survey

OMB: 2700-0188

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NASA SMD Climate Survey

Inclusion is a core value for NASA, and the Agency is committed to creating a culture of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA). SMD is examining our current diversity and inclusion landscape and alignment with our stated values. To that end, we are inviting SMD staff to share perspectives of the current SMD cultural environment through this survey. We will use the results to baseline SMD’s current cultural climate and inform the IDEA Working Group’s ongoing work.

This survey is entirely voluntary and anonymous.  We will not collect any individually identifiable information from your responses. We estimate this survey will take 15 minutes to complete. Key findings from the surveys will be made available via the SMD internal IDEA Central SharePoint site.

Please share your honest feedback to the survey questions and thank you in advance for taking the time to share your perspective. We are eager to listen, learn, and develop based on the insight provided.

Thomas H. Zurbuchen, PhD

Associate Administrator, NASA Science Mission Directorate 

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement:
This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and Budget control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is
XXXX-XXXX and it expires on XX/XX/XXXX. We estimate that it will take about 15 minutes to read the instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions. You may send comments on our time estimate above to [email protected]. Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this address.

For the following statements, please rate your level of agreement with each sentence using the scale: Strongly Disagree/Disagree/Neither Disagree or Agree/Agree/Strongly Agree

  • SMD provides an environment for free and open expression of ideas, opinions and beliefs.

  • I am comfortable talking about my background and cultural experiences with my coworkers.

  • SMD has fully adopted NASA’s core value of inclusion.

  • SMD implements its programs in a manner that reflects its IDEA goals.

  • People with different ideas and different ways of doing work are valued at SMD.

  • There are leaders here that I can relate to and are openly available to me for questions.

  • My manager demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion. (If you are a contractor, this question pertains to the individual who provides direction to you within SMD.)

  • I consistently learn new things in my current role.

  • SMD provides relevant inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility learning experiences.

  • If I make a mistake at work, it is not held against me.

  • Transparency and communications have improved in SMD during the past year.

  • I can grow in my career within SMD.

  • Senior management is genuinely interested in employee opinions and ideas.

  • During team meetings, all members are encouraged to speak up and share their thoughts and ideas.

  • We have healthy disagreements and debate at SMD.

  • I can bring my whole self to work without being excluded or penalized.

  • I can disagree with my supervisor without risk of reprisal.

  • If I saw something wrong at work, I would feel comfortable reporting it.

  • I feel comfortable taking risks and trying new ways and processes in my work.

  • I can voice an opposing opinion without risk of negative consequences.

  • On my team, we can have discussions on difficult/uncomfortable topics.

  • I feel comfortable speaking up about problems/issues in the workplace.

Please answer the following questions.

These questions are optional.

  • What is one word you would use to describe the environment for IDEA in SMD?

  • Do you believe that inclusion, diversity, accessibility and belonging is improving within SMD? How so?

For the following questions, please select the most appropriate response.

As a reminder, we are not collecting any personally identifiable information about you. The following demographic questions will provide additional context for evaluating the survey responses, specifically, determining if different groups hold differing opinions about SMD. Please note that the gender, race and ethnicity questions below conform to the standard OMB guidance for asking these questions. OMB is currently reviewing this guidance. SMD will update these questions in future surveys when new guidance is issued. If the available responses are unrepresentative of yourself, you may select “decline to answer” or omit a response to the question. Responding to these questions is voluntary.

  1. Sex:

  • Female

  • Male

  • Decline to answer

  1. Age Group:

  • 20 to 39

  • 40 to 49

  • 50 to 59

  • 60 +

  • Decline to answer

  1. Race. You may select more than one response.

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native 

  • Asian

  • Black or African American 

  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 

  • White

  • Decline to answer

  1. Ethnicity:

  • Hispanic or Latino

  • Not Hispanic or Latino

  • Decline to answer

  1. SMD Role:

  • Scientist

  • Engineer

  • Professional Administrative Staff (personnel, policy, legal, IT, resources, program analysis, facilities, and other support)

  • Other

  1. What is your grade level?

  • GS-8 to GS-13

  • GS-14 to GS-15

  • Executive

  • Other

  1. Are you a supervisor or manager?

  • Yes

  • No

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSingleton, Jade (HQ-LE000)[LOGISTICS MGMT INSTITUTE]
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-04-25

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