Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
FD-676 (Rev. 04/19/2022)
OMB No. 1110-0011 (exp. TBD)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Critical Incident Response Group
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
Behavioral Analysis Unit 4
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program
Phone: (703) 632-4254 / Toll Free: (800) 634-4097 / Fax: (703) 632-4239
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: FBI Academy, CIRG/BAU-4/ViCAP, Quantico, VA 22135
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: This notice is given under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the Federal Bureau of Investigation inform individuals and other entities of the following when asking for information. The information on this form will assure identity history information is appropriately collected, retained, amended and thus disseminated in a manner that ensures the accuracy of the record in an effort to protect individual privacy as required by 28 CFR 20.1. It will ensure the FBI receives all of the necessary information needed to add and update identity data within the ViCAP Web National Crime Database, streamline the flow of information, and ensure more timely transactions. The FD-676 will promote timely processing by ViCAP staff, minimize delays, reduce rejections to the submitting agency, and provide for efficient updating of identity histories within the ViCAP system.
Privacy Act Statement: Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, we are providing the following information regarding this collection of information. The authority under which this information is being collected is 28 U.S.C. 533. The principal purposes for which the information will be used is to facilitate and coordinate investigative interactions within and between agencies whose jurisdictions have been victimized by the same offender(s). The information collected may be shared with other government agencies for authorized purposes and with certain other persons and entities for other purposes as provided for in the most recently published routine uses for the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes (Justice/ FBI-015). The form requests both mandatory and optional information. If you omit mandatory information, we may not be able to process your request.
ViCAP Case Submission Form
Behavioral Analysis Units
The mission of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Units is to provide behaviorally-based investigative and operational support to federal, state, local, tribal, and foreign law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies.
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP)
Established by the Department of Justice in 1985, ViCAP serves law enforcement agencies across the nation by providing a free repository for behavioral and investigative information related to the following solved and unsolved violent crimes (if questions arise regarding whether a case meets the listed criteria, please contact FBI ViCAP for guidance):
• Homicides (and attempts) that are known or suspected to be part of a series and/or are apparently random, motiveless, or sexually oriented.
• Sexual Assaults that are known or suspected to be part of a series and/or are committed by a stranger.
• Missing Persons where the circumstances indicate a strong possibility of foul play and the victim is still missing.
• Unidentified Human Remains where the manner of death is known or suspected to be homicide.
ViCAP’s services include crime analysis; the creation of maps, timelines, and matrices; information dissemination; the facilitation and coordination of communication between agencies; task force assistance; and the development and maintenance of ViCAP. ViCAP’s services and ViCAP Database access are provided at no cost to law enforcement agencies.
ViCAP National Crime Database: Electronic Submission
ViCAP’s National Crime Database (ViCAP) is a web-based application available to law enforcement agencies nationwide through secure connectivity of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP). ViCAP enables law enforcement agencies to enter and analyze their own violent crime information on a local level, and facilitates the identification of similar cases on a regional, state, and national basis. Cases received in hard copy form will be entered into the database by ViCAP personnel; however, law enforcement agencies are encouraged to enter their cases directly, via LEEP.
For information on how to gain access to ViCAP, contact FBI ViCAP and request the analyst assigned to your state, or visit the ViCAP JusticeConnect page on LEEP.
• Follow directions associated with each question, such as “check all that apply” and “describe below.”
• If in doubt about how to respond to a given item, be guided by your experience and good judgment. For additional assistance, contact FBI ViCAP and request the analyst assigned to your state.
• If your incident has multiple victims, offenders, or vehicles, copy the appropriate sections of this form and provide separate information for each.
• For sexual assault and attempted homicide victims' name(s), personally identifiable information will be masked in the following locations: Q#7, (Name and Alias), Q#13a/b/c/d/e (SSN, FBI Number, State ID Number, City/County ID Number, Driver's License Number), Q#16a (DOB), Q#43 (Offender-Victim Relationships), Q#86B (Victim License Plate and VIN only), Q#86D (Victim’s name within the Victim dropdown list, and the Vehicle Summary box), Q#88 (Similar/Linked Cases – Victim’s Name only), Victim/Offender Summary box, and on all page headers in which the victim name appears. Information is also masked in Custom Columns, Case Summary Report and Full Case Report.
• If your case includes details that you believe are important but have not been covered by the ViCAP Case Submission Form, please include them in the narrative section (Q#9).
• If at any point you are unable to fit information into the form due to space restrictions, be sure to add it in the table for supplemental information located at the end of this form.
• To provide supplemental or revised information for a case previously submitted to FBI ViCAP, contact the analyst assigned to your state directly, via phone or email. You can also update/modify your own cases via ViCAP.
• If you are interested in obtaining interview, investigative, or media strategies, or a behavioral assessment/profile on this
case, please contact the nearest FBI Field Office and ask to speak to the BAU Coordinator. This individual will provide
information and guidance in this area.
Case Administration |
……………………………………………………….................... |
1 |
Victim/Offender Names |
……………………………………………………….................... |
2 |
Narrative |
……………………………………………………….................... |
3 |
Dates & Locations |
……………………………………………………….................... |
4 |
Victim Demographics |
……………………………………………………….................... |
6 |
Victim Background |
……………………………………………………….................... |
8 |
Offender Demographics |
……………………………………………………….................... |
10 |
Offender Background |
……………………………………………………….................... |
12 |
Offender Timeline |
……………………………………………………….................... |
15 |
Approach to Victim |
……………………………………………………….................... |
16 |
Trauma |
……………………………………………………….................... |
18 |
Weapon |
……………………………………………………….................... |
21 |
Sexual Activity |
……………………………………………………….................... |
22 |
Incident Details |
……………………………………………………….................... |
24 |
Victim Release/Recovery |
……………………………………………………….................... |
28 |
Vehicle |
……………………………………………………….................... |
30 |
Forensic/Physical Evidence |
……………………………………………………….................... |
32 |
Similar Cases |
……………………………………………………….................... |
35 |
Addendum |
……………………………………………………….................... |
36 |
Attachments |
……………………………………………………….................... |
37 |
Supplemental Information |
……………………………………………………….................... |
37 |
Date Form Completed _________________________
1. Case Sharing: In addition to your case being viewed by FBI ViCAP, do you authorize your case to be viewed by all other ViCAP users (select one)?
2. Case Status: Investigating Agency’s Case Status (select one):
Open-Active Closed-By Arrest
Open-Inactive/Suspended Closed-By Exceptional Circumstances
Closed-Other (specify) ________________________
Status Date_______________________ Case
Closure Date _____________________________
3. Investigating Agency
A. Primary Investigating Agency
Agency Name _______________________________________________________________________________
District/Region ______________________________________________________________________________
Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ County______________________
State/Province_______________________ Zip Code____________________ Country___________________
Telephone Number ___________________________________________________________________________
ORI Number ________________________________________________________________________________
B. Additional Investigating Agency (additional agencies can be entered in the Supplemental Table at the end of this form)
Agency Name _______________________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________ State/Province_________________ Country___________________
Telephone Number____________________________________________________________________________
Investigator Title/Name________________________________________________________________________
Investigator Telephone Number _________________________________________________________________
Investigator Email Address ____________________________________________________________________
4. Case Numbers
A. Investigating Agency's Case Number(s)____________________________________________________________
B. State Agency's Case Number(s), if applicable _______________________________________________________
5. Investigator (additional investigators from the primary investigating agency can be entered in the Supplemental Table at the end of this form)
Title/Rank and Full Name _________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number__________________________ Email Address________________________________________
6. Person Completing Form
Title/Rank and Full Name _________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number__________________________ Email Address________________________________________
Agency Name___________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City__________________________________ County______________________
State/Province__________________________ Zip Code____________________ Country___________________
NOTE: If your incident has multiple victims and/or offenders, copy the appropriate sections of this form and provide separate information for each victim and/or offender.
7. Case Type/Victim Name: This is victim #__________of__________total victim(s) in this incident.
Case Type (select one):
Homicide - Victim Identified: Known or suspected to be part of a series and/or apparently random, motiveless, or sexually oriented.
Attempted Homicide: Known or suspected to be part of a series and/or apparently random, motiveless, or sexually oriented.
Sexual Assault: Known or suspected to be part of a series and/or committed by a stranger.
Missing Person: Circumstances indicate a strong possibility of foul play and the victim is still missing.
Unidentified Human Remains: Manner of death is known or suspected to be homicide.
Victim Name NOTE: For cases with unidentified victims, please use Jane Doe, John Doe, or Unknown Doe as the victim's name. For sexual assault and attempted homicide cases, please enter the victim's actual name(s). See ‘Instructions’ for a list of all the places personally identifiable information is masked in ViCAP.
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
Victim Alias Name(s)
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
8. Offender Status/Offender Name: This is offender #__________of__________total offender(s) in this incident.
The following information pertains to the Offender or Suspect (select one):
Offender: Individual determined to be responsible for this crime, whether identified and in custody or not.
Suspect: Individual considered possibly responsible for this crime.
NOTE: From this point forward, this individual will be referred to as offender regardless of whether he/she is an offender or a suspect.
Offender Current Status (select one): Date Current Status Began ____________________________
Unknown - Not Seen
Unknown - Seen
Identified, Not in Custody
Identified, Status Unknown
In Custody - For This Offense
In Custody - For Another Offense (specify)_________________________________________________________
Discharged/Paroled from Custody - For This Offense
Offender Name NOTE: Offender Name is required if Offender Current Status is not "Unknown - Not Seen" or "Unknown - Seen."
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
Offender Alias Name(s)
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
First_______________________ Middle__________________ Last______________________ Suffix______
9. Narrative: Provide a short, concise, comprehensive summary of this case. Include details important for case comparison purposes, especially those pertaining to M.O. or unique aspects of the crime. Do not enter an entire, lengthy police report into the Narrative; the report can be uploaded in ViCAP as an attachment.
10. Dates & Locations: Enter as much information as possible regarding the dates, times, and locations of this incident. At a minimum, each entry must include the Date, City or County, State, Event Site and at least one of the following types of locations (based on case type):
• Homicide/Attempted Homicide/Sexual Assault: Murder/Assault or Release/Recovery
• Missing Person: Victim's Last Known
• Unidentified Human Remains: Release/Recovery
• Other: At least one location of any type
Victim’s Last Known Location |
Initial Contact Location |
Murder/Assault Location |
Release/Recovery Location |
Date (or range) MM/DD/YYYY |
Military Time (or range) HH:MM |
Location Name (e.g., Pat’s Pub) |
Street Address |
City |
County |
State/Province |
Zip Code |
Country |
District/Division/Beat |
Latitude/Longitude |
Event Site(s) See next page for selections |
Is there any indication that the offender was familiar with any of the above locations?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
Select one or more event sites that describe each applicable location type (e.g., Victim’s Last Known) and enter the selected number(s) into the table on the previous page. Additionally, enter a description if “Other” event sites are selected. If the event site is not known, enter the word “Unknown” in the table.
Living Quarters
1. Victim's Residence 4. Multi-Family Dwelling (apt.) 7. Transient/Temporary Quarters
2. Offender's Residence 5. Rest/Nursing Home 8. Other Living Quarters (specify)
3. Dormitory 6. Single-Family Dwelling
9. Victim's Workplace 15. Daycare Facility 21. Motel/Hotel
10. Offender's Workplace 16. Fast Food Restaurant 22. Pawn Shop
11. Bank/ATM 17. Gas Station 23. Restaurant
12. Bar/Tavern/Nightclub 18. Grocery Store/Market 24. Shopping Mall/Center/Retail Store
13. Casino 19. Hair/Nail/Tan Salon 25. Video Store
14. Convenience Store 20. Liquor Store 26. Other Business (specify)
27. Victim's Vehicle 31. Bus/Bus Stop/Bus Station 34. Train/Railroad Property 28. Offender's Vehicle 32. Subway/Subway Station 35. Truck/Truck Stop
29. Aircraft/Airport 33. Taxi 36. Other Transportation (specify)
30. Boat/Ship
Public Areas/Buildings
37. Athletic Field/Arena 41. Hospital/Medical Facility 45. School/College Campus
38. Church 42. Military Installation 46. Shed/Outbuilding/Barn
39. Circus/Fair/Carnival 43. Office Building 47. Vacant Building/House
40. Government Building 44. Public Restroom 48. Other Public Area/Building (specify)
Outdoor/Water Locations
49. Alley 62. Dump/Landfill 75. Road-Highway/Interstate
50. Beach/Shoreline/Riverbank 63. Embankment 76. Road-Paved/Public
51. Bridge/Overpass/Underpass 64. Field/Orchard/Farm 77. Sidewalk
52. Camping Area 65. Lake/Pond 78. Storm Drain/Sewer System
53. Canal/Inland Waterway 66. Marsh/Swamp/Bayou 79. Stream/Creek
54. Cave/Mine/Quarry 67. Mountains/Hills 80. Swimming Pool
55. Cemetery 68. Ocean/Bay 81. Trail/Jogging Path
56. Commercial Area 69. Parking Lot/Garage 82. Vacant Lot
57. Construction Area 70. Playground/Park 83. Vice Area
58. Desert 71. Residential Area 84. Wooded Area/Forest
59. Ditch/Culvert 72. Rest Stop/Area 85. Other Outdoor Location (specify) 60. Dock/Boat Ramp 73. River 86. Other Water Location (specify)
61. Driveway/Yard 74. Road-Gravel/Dirt
11. Victim’s Residence
Street Address___________________________________________________________________________________
City___________________________________ County______________________
State/Province___________________________ Zip Code ____________________ Country ___________________
District/Division/Beat______________________________ Latitude/Longitude ______________________________
12. NCIC & NamUs Numbers
A. NCIC Number_____________________________ B. NamUs Number ________________________________
13. Identification Numbers
A. Social Security Number(s) ______________________________________________________________________
B. FBI Number _________________________________________________________________________________
C. State ID Number(s) ____________________________________________________________________________
D. City/County ID Number(s) ______________________________________________________________________
E. Driver’s License State(s)/Number(s) ______________________________________________________________
14. Sex (select one):
Other (specify)________________________________________________________________________________
15. Race/Appearance (check all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (describe)_________________________________
Hispanic or Latino Unknown
16. Age, Height, Weight
A. Date(s) of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) ___________________________________________________________________
B. Age (or best estimate) at time of incident_________________________ to_______________________________
C. Apparent Physical Age (if different from 16B)_____________________ to_______________________________
D. Height (or best estimate ______________________________________ to_______________________________
E. Weight (or best estimate ______________________________________ to_______________________________
17. Hair
A. Hair Color (check all that apply):
Black Gray Purple Other (describe)_______________________
Blonde Green Red Unknown
Blue Orange Sandy
Brown Pink White
B. Hair Length (check all that apply):
Bald/Shaved Shoulder Length
Balding/Receding Longer than Shoulder Length
Shorter than Collar Length Other (describe)__________________________ Collar Length Unknown
18. Eye Color (check all that apply):
Black Green
Blue Hazel
Brown Other (describe) _____________________________ Gray Unknown
19. Facial Hair (check all that apply):
None Unshaven/Stubble
Beard Other (describe) _____________________________
Goatee Unknown
20. Characteristics of Teeth (check all that apply and indicate tooth number and additional information, if known): Dental Records/X-Rays Available Gaps ______________________________________
No Dental Work Gold/Silver _________________________________
Braces_______________________________________ Missing (some or all) _________________________
Bridge_______________________________________ Overbite/Protrusion___________________________
Broken/Chipped______________________________ _ Restorations (fillings, caps, etc.) ________________
Buck Teeth___________________________________ Stained ____________________________________
Crooked _____________________________________ Underbite __________________________________
Decayed _____________________________________ Other (describe) _____________________________
Dentures/Partial Plate___________________________ Unknown___________________________________
21. Scars/Marks/Tattoos/Piercings: Does the victim have any noticeable scars, marks (e.g., pockmarks), tattoos, or body piercings?
Yes (describe in the table below) No Unknown
Location on Body *see below for selections |
Left/Center/Right |
Type: S/M/T/P |
Description |
Location on Body
Abdomen, Ankle, Anus, Arm(s), Back, Breast(s), Buttock(s), Chest, Ear(s), Eye(s), Face, Finger(s), Foot/Feet, Genitalia, Groin, Hand(s), Head, Leg(s), Lip(s), Neck/Throat, Nipple(s), Nose, Shoulder(s), Thigh(s), Tongue, Other, Unknown.
22. Outstanding Feature(s): Does the victim have any outstanding features not reported above (e.g., physical deformity, medical condition and/or implant, speech impediment, accent, odor)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
23. Clothing, Jewelry, and Possessions: Description of clothing, jewelry, glasses, and other items worn by or in possession of the victim (include size, color and brand of clothing for missing person and unidentified human remains cases):
24. Victim Occupation(s): Victim's legal/illegal occupation(s) at time of incident (check all that apply):
Agriculture (farmer, rancher…) Hotel/Motel
Animal Care (pet groomer, veterinarian...) Insurance
Athletics (athlete, coach…) Jeweler/Coin Dealer
Automotive (sales, mechanic, detailer...) Landlord/Property Manager
Aviation (pilot, flight attendant, airline industry…) Landscaper (groundskeeper, gardener…)
Banking/Finance (accountant, bank teller…) Law Enforcement
Bar/Nightclub (bartender, bouncer…) Legal Profession (lawyer, judge, paralegal…)
Business Administration (executive, manager…) Liquor Sales
Child Care Maintenance - Mechanical (appliance repair…)
Clergy (priest, minister, nun…) Manufacturing (assembly plant worker…)
Computer/Information Technician Migrant Worker
Construction/Laborer (painter, welder, roofer…) Military
Consultant News Media (anchor person, journalist, editor…)
Convenience Store Office Worker (secretary, receptionist, admin asst.…)
Criminal (hit man, thief…) Oil Field/Miner
Custodial Worker (janitor, bldg maintenance, maid…) Pawn Shop
Driver - Bus (school, transit…) Pimp
Driver - Delivery (food/merchandise delivery…) Prostitution
Driver - Taxi Protective Services (security, body guard…)
Driver - Truck Public Utility (electric/water/gas/cable/telephone…)
Driver - Other (chauffeur…) Radio/TV (on-air personality, producer…)
Drug Sales (illegal) Railroad Worker
Educator (teacher, administrator, professor, tutor…) Real Estate
Electronics (maintenance, repair…) Restaurant/Food Service
Entertainment (actor, musician, clown…) Retired
Escort Service Sales - Retail (merchandise sales, cashier…)
Exotic Dancer/Stripper Sales - Traveling (door-to-door salesman…)
Fair/Carnival Sales - Other
Fast Food Salon/Spa Worker (hairstylist, masseuse…)
Fisherman Self-employed
Gambling (legal or illegal) Service Industry (florist, dry cleaner, travel agent…)
Gas Station Social Science (social worker, counselor…)
Government Employee (non-military) Student
Grocery Store Unemployed
Gun Dealer Other (describe) ______________________________
Health Services (pharmacist, nurse, doctor, dentist…) Unknown
25. Lifestyle Characteristics: Victim's general lifestyle characteristics (check all that apply):
Alcohol Abuser Mentally Ill (describe) ________________________
Bisexual Physically Disabled (describe)__________________
Child (17 years or younger) Pimp
Child Molester/Pedophile Promiscuous
Criminal Activity (describe) _____________________ Prostitute
Drug User/Seller Recluse/Loner
Elderly Registered Sex Offender
Gambler Retired
Habitual Offender Runaway
Heterosexual Student
Hitchhiker Transgender
Homeless/Street Person Transient/Drifter
Homosexual Transvestite/Crossdresser
Illegal Alien Other (describe)______________________________
Mentally Disabled (describe)_____________________ Unknown
26. Group Affiliation: Was the victim a member of, or associated with, any group or organization?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
27. Marital Status: Victim's marital status (select one):
Other (specify)________________________________________________________________________________
28. Living Arrangements: Victim was living with (check all that apply):
Other (specify)________________________________________________________________________________
29. Offender’s Residence
Street Address___________________________________________________________________________________
City__________________________________ County______________________
State/Province _________________________ Zip Code ____________________ Country___________________
District/Division/Beat______________________________ Latitude/Longitude______________________________
30. Identification Numbers
A. Social Security Number(s) ______________________________________________________________________
B. FBI Number _________________________________________________________________________________
C. State ID Number(s) ____________________________________________________________________________
D. City/County ID Number(s) ______________________________________________________________________
E. Dept. of Corrections /Number(s) __________________________________________________________________
F. Driver’s License State(s)/Number(s) _______________________________________________________________
31. Sex (select one):
Other (specify)________________________________________________________________________________
32. Race/Appearance (check all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (describe)_________________________________
Hispanic or Latino Unknown
33. Age, Height, Weight
A. Date(s) of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) ___________________________________________________________________
B. Age (or best estimate) at time of incident_________________________ to_______________________________
C. Apparent Physical Age (if different from 33b) _____________________ to_______________________________
D. Height (or best estimate)______________________________________ to_______________________________
E. Weight (or best estimate ______________________________________ to_______________________________
34. Hair
A. Hair Color (check all that apply):
Black Gray Purple Other (describe)_______________________
Blonde Green Red Unknown
Blue Orange Sandy
Brown Pink White
B. Hair Length (check all that apply):
Bald/Shaved Shoulder Length
Balding/Receding Longer than Shoulder Length
Shorter than Collar Length Other (describe)__________________________ Collar Length Unknown
35. Eye Color (check all that apply):
Black Green
Blue Hazel
Brown Other (describe) _____________________________ Gray Unknown
36. Facial Hair (check all that apply):
None Unshaven/Stubble
Beard Other (describe) _____________________________
Goatee Unknown
37. Scars/Marks/Tattoos/Piercings: Does the offender have any noticeable scars, marks (e.g., pockmarks), tattoos, or body piercings?
Yes (describe in the table below) No Unknown
Location on Body *see below for selections |
Left/Center/Right |
Type: S/M/T/P |
Description |
Location on Body
Abdomen, Ankle, Anus, Arm(s), Back, Breast(s), Buttock(s), Chest, Ear(s), Eye(s), Face, Finger(s), Foot/Feet, Genitalia, Groin, Hand(s), Head, Leg(s), Lip(s), Neck/Throat, Nipple(s), Nose, Shoulder(s), Thigh(s), Tongue, Other, Unknown.
38. Outstanding Feature(s): Does the offender have any outstanding features not reported above (e.g., physical deformity, speech impediment, accent, odor)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
39. Clothing, Jewelry, and Possessions: Description of clothing, jewelry, glasses, and other items worn by or in possession of the offender:
40. Offender Occupation(s): Offender's legal/illegal occupation(s) (check all that apply):
Agriculture (farmer, rancher…) Hotel/Motel
Animal Care (pet groomer, veterinarian...) Insurance
Athletics (athlete, coach…) Jeweler/Coin Dealer
Automotive (sales, mechanic, detailer...) Landlord/Property Manager
Aviation (pilot, flight attendant, airline industry…) Landscaper (groundskeeper, gardener…)
Banking/Finance (accountant, bank teller…) Law Enforcement
Bar/Nightclub (bartender, bouncer…) Legal Profession (lawyer, judge, paralegal…)
Business Administration (executive, manager…) Liquor Sales
Child Care Maintenance - Mechanical (appliance repair…)
Clergy (priest, minister, nun…) Manufacturing (assembly plant worker…)
Computer/Information Technician Migrant Worker
Construction/Laborer (painter, welder, roofer…) Military
Consultant News Media (anchor person, journalist, editor…)
Convenience Store Office Worker (secretary, receptionist, admin asst.…)
Criminal (hit man, thief…) Oil Field/Miner
Custodial Worker (janitor, bldg maintenance, maid…) Pawn Shop
Driver - Bus (school, transit…) Pimp
Driver - Delivery (food/merchandise delivery…) Prostitution
Driver - Taxi Protective Services (security, body guard…)
Driver - Truck Public Utility (electric/water/gas/cable/telephone…)
Driver - Other (chauffeur…) Radio/TV (on-air personality, producer…)
Drug Sales (illegal) Railroad Worker
Educator (teacher, administrator, professor, tutor…) Real Estate
Electronics (maintenance, repair…) Restaurant/Food Service
Entertainment (actor, musician, clown…) Retired
Escort Service Sales - Retail (merchandise sales, cashier…)
Exotic Dancer/Stripper Sales - Traveling (door-to-door salesman…)
Fair/Carnival Sales - Other
Fast Food Salon/Spa Worker (hairstylist, masseuse…)
Fisherman Self-employed
Gambling (legal or illegal) Service Industry (florist, dry cleaner, travel agent…)
Gas Station Social Science (social worker, counselor…)
Government Employee (non-military) Student
Grocery Store Unemployed
Gun Dealer Other (describe) ______________________________
Health Services (pharmacist, nurse, doctor, dentist…) Unknown
41. Lifestyle Characteristics: Offender’s general lifestyle characteristics (check all that apply):
Alcohol Abuser Mentally Ill (describe) ________________________
Bisexual Physically Disabled (describe) _________________
Child (17 years or younger) Pimp
Child Molester/Pedophile Promiscuous
Criminal Activity (describe) _____________________ Prostitute
Drug User/Seller Recluse/Loner
Elderly Registered Sex Offender
Gambler Retired
Habitual Offender Runaway
Heterosexual Student
Hitchhiker Transgender
Homeless/Street Person Transient/Drifter
Homosexual Transvestite/Crossdresser
Illegal Alien Other (describe)______________________________
Mentally Disabled (describe)_____________________ Unknown
42. Group Affiliation: Was the offender a member of, or associated with, any group or organization?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
43.Offender-Victim Relationships: Indicate and specify the offender’s relationship to each victim:
Victim |
Relationship *see below for selections |
Specify |
Victim #_____________ |
Victim #_____________ |
Victim #_____________ |
Victim #_____________ |
Acquaintance, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Business Partner, Care Provider/Babysitter, Child, Classmate, Clergyman, Co-Worker, Customer/Client, Date, Employee, Employer, Ex-Boyfriend/Ex-Girlfriend, Ex-Spouse, Friend, Landlord, Medical Provider, Neighbor, Parent/Guardian, Relative, Roommate, Spouse, Stranger, Student, Teacher/Educator, Tenant, Other (specify), Unknown.
44. Additional Offenses: Have any statements been made by the offender or have any items been identified that indicate the offender may have been involved in additional ViCAP-criteria offenses not documented in Question #88 - Similar Cases (e.g., identification or photographs of unidentified victims, articles of clothing, jewelry, newspaper clippings, etc.)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
45. Sex-related Paraphernalia/Devices: Did the offender possess sex-related paraphernalia/devices?
Yes (check all that apply and describe): No Unknown
Belts/Leathers_____________________________________________________________________________ Condoms/Contraceptive Devices______________________________________________________________
Lubricants/Lotions _________________________________________________________________________
Masks/Costumes/Clothing ___________________________________________________________________
Rape Kit/Crime Kit_________________________________________________________________________
Sexual Bondage Items_______________________________________________________________________
Sexual Devices/Toys________________________________________________________________________
Torture Devices____________________________________________________________________________
Other (specify)_____________________________________________________________________________
46. Sex-related Collections: Is the offender known to possess sex-related collections (e.g., erotica, pornography)?
Yes (fill in the table) No Unknown
Medium |
Description |
Age |
Sex |
Type |
Source |
Audio Image Text Video Other Unknown |
Adult Child Unknown |
Male Female Both Unknown |
Sexual Non-Violent Sexual Violent Non-Sexual Unknown |
Commercial Homemade Unknown |
Audio Image Text Video Other Unknown |
Adult Child Unknown |
Male Female Both Unknown |
Sexual Non-Violent Sexual Violent Non-Sexual Unknown |
Commercial Homemade Unknown |
Audio Image Text Video Other Unknown |
Adult Child Unknown |
Male Female Both Unknown |
Sexual Non-Violent Sexual Violent Non-Sexual Unknown |
Commercial Homemade Unknown |
47. Sexual Practices & Preferences: Indicate the offender's known sexual practices and preferences (check all that apply):
Bestiality Necrophilia
Bondage Practitioner Sadism
Exhibitionist Voyeurism
Group Sex Practitioner Other (describe) _____________________________
Incest Unknown
NOTE: If a timeline has been created for this offender in a separate document, a copy (electronic or printed) should be provided with this form.
48. Offender Timeline: If the offender is identified, please enter information on his/her known whereabouts into the table below. Photocopy and attach additional pages if necessary. This information is valuable when associating/eliminating this offender in connection with other crimes.
Date From (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Date To (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Street Address, City, County, State/Province, Zip Code, Country
Location Description |
Purpose |
Employed Resided Visited In Custody In Military (Branch _________) Unknown |
Employed Resided Visited In Custody In Military (Branch _________) Unknown |
Employed Resided Visited In Custody In Military (Branch _________) Unknown |
Employed Resided Visited In Custody In Military (Branch _________) Unknown |
Employed Resided Visited In Custody In Military (Branch _________) Unknown |
49. Offender's Initial Approach: What was the offender's initial approach to the victim (check all that apply)?
By Deception or Con
Administered Drug (specify) _________________________________________________________________
Alleged Drug Transaction
Asked For/Offered Assistance
Asked Victim to Model/Pose for Photos
Befriended Victim
Caused/Staged Traffic Accident
Engaged Victim in Conversation
Feigned an Injury
Implied Family Emergency or Illness
Internet Communication
Offered Job, Money, Treats, or Toys
Offered Ride/Transportation
Placed or Responded to Advertising
Posed as Authority Figure/Police Officer
Posed as Business Person/Customer
Solicited for Sex
Telephone Contact
Third Person Used to Lure Victim
Wanted to Show Something
Other Deception/Con (describe) ______________________________________________________________
By Surprise
Awakened Victim
Forceful Sudden Entry
Lay in Wait - In Building
Lay in Wait - In Vehicle
Lay in Wait - Out of Doors
Threatened with Weapon
Other Surprise (describe)____________________________________________________________________
By Blitz (Direct and Immediate Physical Assault)
Choked Victim
Hit Victim with Hand, Fist, Clubbing Weapon
Physically Overpowered Victim
Shot Victim
Stabbed/Cut Victim
Other Blitz/Assault (describe)________________________________________________________________
Other Approach (describe)______________________________________________________________________
50. Victim's Activity: If relevant to the crime, describe the victim’s activity at the time of the initial contact between the victim and the offender, or when the victim was last seen alive prior to the incident (check all that apply):
Buying/Selling/Using Alcohol/Drugs
In Transit Between Two Destinations (describe)_____________________________________________________ Making a Delivery
On a Date
On Vacation
Outdoor Exercising (jogging, biking, etc.)
Playing Outside
Selling Home, Vehicle, etc.
Other (describe)_______________________________________________________________________________
51. Event/Activity in Area: Prior to, or at the time of this incident, was there an event in the area (e.g., carnival, convention, construction project)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
52. Victim Targeted: Has the victim had an experience that would suggest he/she was a targeted victim?
Yes (check all that apply): No Unknown
Calls, Notes, or Internet Communication
Feeling That Victim Was Watched or Followed
Prowlers or Peeping Incidents
Residential or Vehicle Break-Ins
Theft of Personal Items (clothing, etc.)
Other (describe) ___________________________________________________________________________
53. How Offender Gained Entry: If any of the crime scenes were inside a building, indicate how the offender gained entry (check all that apply):
Forced Entry
Let In by Victim
Lived There/Let Self In
No Sign of Forced Entry
Public Access
Through Unsecured Door/Window
Other (describe)_______________________________________________________________________________
54. Types of Trauma
A. Indicate the types of trauma inflicted on the victim, including attempted injury (check all that apply). Where appropriate, indicate the number of wounds.
Airway Occlusion (choking)
Compressive (crushing)
Smoke Inhalation
Strangulation - Ligature
Strangulation - Manual
Strangulation - Undetermined
Blunt Force Injury(s) -__________wounds
Burns (fire)
Crushing Injury
Cutting or Incised Wound(s) -__________wounds
Drug Injection/Overdose
Explosive Trauma
Gunshot Wound(s) -__________wounds
Stab Wound(s) -__________ wounds
Other (specify)___________________________________-__________ wounds
B. For deceased victims only, indicate the medical examiner's/coroner's officially listed primary cause of death, if known:______________________________________________________________________________________
55. Trauma Locations (check all that apply):
None Breast(s)/Nipple(s) Genitalia/Groin Leg(s)
Anus/Buttock(s) Chest/Abdomen Hand(s) Neck/Throat
Arm(s) Face Head Unknown
Back Foot/Feet
56. Human Bite Marks: Was the victim bitten by the offender?
Undetermined: Choose 'Undetermined' if the victim has bite marks that have not been definitively determined to be (a) human or (b) caused by the offender.
Check all that apply:
Anus/Buttock(s) Ear(s) Hand(s) Neck/Throat
Arm(s) Face Head Nose
Back Foot/Feet Leg(s) Tongue
Breast(s)/Nipple(s) Genitalia/Groin Lips(s) Unknown
57. Body Parts Removed: Did the offender remove or attempt to remove any of the victim's body parts? If so, describe in the table below.
Undetermined: Choose 'Undetermined' if the cause of dismemberment cannot be definitively attributed to the offender (e.g., animal activity, environmental conditions).
Body Part Removed *see below for selections |
Body Part Removed Description |
Recovery Location |
Not Recovered Recovered at Scene Recovered Elsewhere__________________________ Unknown |
Not Recovered Recovered at Scene Recovered Elsewhere__________________________ Unknown |
Body Part Removed
Anus, Arm(s), Breast(s), Buttock(s), Ear(s), Eye(s), Face, Finger(s), Foot/Feet, Genitalia/Groin, Hand(s), Head, Internal Organ(s), Leg(s), Lip(s), Nipple(s), Nose, Toe(s), Tongue, Torso, Other (describe), Unknown.
58. Dismemberment Method (check all that apply):
Bitten Cut/Sawed
Disarticulated Other (describe) _____________________________
Hacked/Chopped Unknown
59. Unusual Assault/Trauma/Torture: Was unusual assault/trauma/torture inflicted upon the victim?
Yes (check all that apply and describe): No Unknown
Beat Sexual Areas
With Hands/Fists _______________________________________________________________________
With Object ___________________________________________________________________________
Body Cavities or Genitalia Mutilated___________________________________________________________
Body Cavities or Wounds Explored/ Probed ____________________________________________________
Body Set on Fire___________________________________________________________________________
Burns (cigarette, iron, branding, etc.) __________________________________________________________
Cannibalism ______________________________________________________________________________
Carving on Victim _________________________________________________________________________
Douche/Enema Given to Victim ______________________________________________________________
Evisceration ______________________________________________________________________________
Hair Cut/Shaved
Pubic ________________________________________________________________________________
Other (specify) _________________________________________________________________________
Hair Pulled _______________________________________________________________________________
Offender Defecated/Urinated
At Scene______________________________________________________________________________
On Victim ____________________________________________________________________________
Patterned Injury ___________________________________________________________________________
Pierced Body Parts_________________________________________________________________________
With Device___________________________________________________________________________
With Hands ___________________________________________________________________________
Postmortem Assault
Sexual _______________________________________________________________________________
Other (specify)_________________________________________________________________________
Pulled Body Parts__________________________________________________________________________
Puncture/Torture Wounds ___________________________________________________________________
Electrical _____________________________________________________________________________
Stun Gun/Taser ________________________________________________________________________
Slapped/Spanked (with hands)________________________________________________________________
Vampirism _______________________________________________________________________________
Vehicular Assault
Dragged By Vehicle ____________________________________________________________________
Pushed/Shoved/Thrown From Vehicle ______________________________________________________
Run Over By Vehicle ___________________________________________________________________
Whipped/Paddled (with object) _______________________________________________________________
Other (specify) ____________________________________________________________________________
60. Weapon: Was a weapon used, displayed, or threatened during the commission of this crime?
Yes-Instruments Used (describe in the table below) Yes-Hands/Feet No Unknown
Weapon Category *see below for selections |
Weapon Type *see below for selections |
Weapon Description |
Weapon Selection |
Weapon Recovery |
Brought to Scene Found at Scene Unknown |
Not Recovered Recovered at Scene Recovered Elsewhere__________ Unknown |
Brought to Scene Found at Scene Unknown |
Not Recovered Recovered at Scene Recovered Elsewhere__________ Unknown |
Brought to Scene Found at Scene Unknown |
Not Recovered Recovered at Scene Recovered Elsewhere__________ Unknown |
Weapon Category |
Weapon Type |
Asphyxial Device |
Clothing, Linens, Pillow, Plastic Bag, Tape, Unspecified Asphyxial Device, Other Asphyxial Device (specify) |
Bludgeon/Club |
Baseball Bat, Bottle, Concrete Block/Brick, Fireplace Tool, Hammer, Pipe, Rock, Shovel, Tire Iron, Unspecified Bludgeon/Club, Other Bludgeon/Club (specify) |
Drug |
Cocaine, Tranquilizers, Valium, Unspecified Drug, Other Drug (specify) |
Explosive Device |
Fire/Accelerant |
Fire, Alcohol, Gasoline/Fuel, Lighter Fluid, Unspecified Fire/Accelerant, Other Fire/Accelerant (specify) |
Firearm |
Ligature |
Clothing, Electrical/Phone Cord, Linens, Rope/Cordage, Wire/Coathanger, Unspecified Ligature, Other Ligature (specify) |
Pepper Spray |
Poison |
Arsenic, Cyanide, Strychnine, Thallium, Unspecified Poison, Other Poison (specify) |
Stabbing/Cutting |
Axe/Hatchet, Box Cutter, Ice Pick, Knife-Hunting/Outdoor, Knife-Kitchen/Butcher, Knife-Pocket, Knife-Tactical/Fighting, Knife-Other, Machete/Sword, Scissors, Screwdriver, Unspecified Stabbing/Cutting, Other Stabbing/Cutting (specify) |
Stun Gun (e.g., Taser) |
Vehicle (see Vehicle, Page 30) |
Other Weapon (specify) |
Unknown |
61. Firearm Type: Firearm/Projectile Characteristics:
Firearm Type |
Firearm Make |
Cartridge/Caliber or Gauge |
Pellet Size |
# Lands/Grooves |
Direction of Twist |
Handgun Shotgun Rifle Other Unknown |
Handgun Shotgun Rifle Other Unknown |
62. Sexual Activity
A. Is there an indication of sexual activity or attempted sexual activity with the victim?
Yes (check all that apply): No Unknown Undetermined
Anal Penetration Offender Performed Oral Sex on Victim
Penile Anus
Digital Penis
Hand/Fist Vagina
Vaginal Penetration Victim Performed Oral Sex on Offender
Penile Anus
Digital Penis
Hand/Fist Vagina
Masturbation Other Sexual Acts
Offender Masturbated Victim Inserted a Foreign Object (other than a body part)
Offender Masturbated Self Fondled/Groped/Hugged
Victim Masturbated Offender Forced Victim to Swallow Semen
Victim Masturbated Self Kissed
Rubbed Genitalia Against Victim
Simulated Intercourse
Sucked Breasts
Other (describe)______________________________
B. If there was an indication of foreign object insertion, identify the body orifice, the foreign object, and whether or not the object was left in the victim's body.
Body Orifice/Description |
Foreign Object |
Left in Body |
Anus ___________________________________________ Mouth __________________________________________ Vagina__________________________________________ Other (specify)____________________________________ |
Yes No Unknown |
Anus ___________________________________________ Mouth __________________________________________ Vagina__________________________________________ Other (specify)____________________________________ |
Yes No Unknown |
63. Semen/Ejaculation Location(s) (check all that apply):
In Victim's Anus
In Victim's Mouth
In Victim's Vagina
On Victim's Body (describe)_____________________________________________________________________
On Victim's Clothing (describe) __________________________________________________________________
Elsewhere at Scene (describe)____________________________________________________________________
Other (describe)_______________________________________________________________________________
64. Fetishes: Did the offender display any obvious fetishes (sexual interests in artificial objects or non-sexual parts of the body)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
65. Special Props: Did the offender use special props during the offense (e.g., red negligee, costume)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
66. Disrobing: Who disrobed whom (check all that apply)?
Victim Already Nude
Victim Disrobed by Offender
Victim Disrobed Self
Victim's Clothing Moved Up/Down/Aside
Victim's Clothing Not Removed
Offender Already Nude
Offender Disrobed by Victim
Offender Disrobed Self
Offender's Clothing Moved Up/Down/Aside
Offender's Clothing Not Removed
Other (describe)_______________________________________________________________________________
67. Clothing Intentionally Ripped/Cut: Was the victim's clothing intentionally ripped/torn and/or cut by the offender?
Yes - Ripped/Torn (describe) ____________________________________________________________________
Yes - Cut (describe) ___________________________________________________________________________
68. Victim Bound: At any time, was the victim bound?
Yes (describe in the table below) No Unknown
Binding Article Category *see below for selections |
Binding Article Type *see below for selections |
Binding Article Description |
Body Part Bound |
Bindings Selection |
Bindings Recovery |
Hands, Wrists, or Arms Feet, Ankles, or Legs Hands Bound to Feet Arms Bound to Torso Other (specify)_______ Unknown |
Brought to Scene Found at Scene Unknown |
Left at Scene (not on victim) Left on Victim Taken from Scene Unknown |
Hands, Wrists, or Arms Feet, Ankles, or Legs Hands Bound to Feet Arms Bound to Torso Other (specify)_______ Unknown |
Brought to Scene Found at Scene Unknown |
Left at Scene (not on victim) Left on Victim Taken from Scene Unknown |
Hands, Wrists, or Arms Feet, Ankles, or Legs Hands Bound to Feet Arms Bound to Torso Other (specify)_______ Unknown |
Brought to Scene Found at Scene Unknown |
Left at Scene (not on victim) Left on Victim Taken from Scene Unknown |
Binding Article Category |
Binding Article Type |
Chain |
Clothing |
Belt, Bra, Dress/Skirt, Necktie, Nightclothes, Panties/Underwear, Pants/Shorts, Pantyhose/Nylons, Purse Strap, Scarf/Bandana, Shirt/Undershirt, Shoe or Boot Lace, Sock, Unspecified Clothing , Other Clothing (specify) |
Coathanger/Wire (non-electrical) |
Electrical Cord/Phone Cord |
Flexcuffs/Plastic Ties |
Handcuffs |
Linens |
Bedsheet, Blanket, Pillowcase, Rag/Cloth, Towel/Washcloth, Unspecified Linens, Other Linens (specify) |
Rope/Cordage |
Rope, Bungee Cord, Clothesline, Dog Leash, Twine/String, Window Blinds Cord, Unspecified Rope/Cordage, Other Rope/Cordage (specify) |
Tape |
Duct, Electrical, Masking, Medical, Packaging, Unspecified Tape, Other Tape (specify) |
Other Binding Article (specify) |
Unknown |
69. Victim Bound to Object: At any time, was the victim bound to an object?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
70. Gag: At any time, was a gag placed in/on the victim's mouth?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
71. Blindfold/Hood: At any time, was a blindfold/hood placed on/over the victim's eyes?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
72. Investigative/Forensic Countermeasures: Did the offender employ any investigative/forensic countermeasures to avoid identification or apprehension?
Yes (check all that apply and describe): No Unknown
Administered Drugs to Victim________________________________________________________________
Altered Lighting___________________________________________________________________________
Burned Scene/Victim's Body_________________________________________________________________
Cleaned Scene ____________________________________________________________________________
Cleaned Self______________________________________________________________________________
Cleaned Victim ___________________________________________________________________________
Covered Victim's Eyes/Face/Head_____________________________________________________________
Destroyed/Removed Evidence _______________________________________________________________
Disabled Phone/Security Device(s) ____________________________________________________________
Disabled Victim's Vehicle ___________________________________________________________________
Forced Victim to Bathe or Douche_____________________________________________________________
Increased or Decreased Temperature Setting_____________________________________________________
Moved Victim from Murder/Assault Area to Release/Recovery Area _________________________________
Planted Evidence __________________________________________________________________________
Prepared Escape Route Prior to the Assault______________________________________________________
Provided False Information (e.g., name, occupation) to Victim (specify)_______________________________
Ransacked Scene __________________________________________________________________________
Staged Scene______________________________________________________________________________
Told Victim Not to Look at Offender___________________________________________________________
Told Victim Not to Report Incident to Police ____________________________________________________
Used a Condom ___________________________________________________________________________
Used a Lookout ___________________________________________________________________________
Used a Police Scanner Radio _________________________________________________________________
Vandalized Scene __________________________________________________________________________
Wore a Disguise/Mask ______________________________________________________________________
Wore Gloves _____________________________________________________________________________
Other (specify) ____________________________________________________________________________
73. Offender’s Reaction to Resistance: If applicable, indicate the offender's reaction to the types of resistance used by this victim.
Victim Resistance |
Offender Reaction |
Offender # |
Passive Physical Verbal |
Ceased the Demand Compromised or Negotiated Escalated Force Fled Ignored Used Force Used Threat Other (describe)_________________________________________ Unknown |
Offender #_____________
Passive Physical Verbal |
Ceased the Demand Compromised or Negotiated Escalated Force Fled Ignored Used Force Used Threat Other (describe)_________________________________________ Unknown |
Offender #_____________
74. Verbal Activity: Was there offender verbal activity?
Yes (check all that apply): No Unknown
Apologetic (e.g., "I'm sorry this had to happen.")
Commanding (e.g., "Take off your clothes, now!")
Complimentary (e.g., "You are very pretty.")
Concern (e.g., "Are you comfortable?")
Derogatory (e.g., "You are so stupid.")
Ego-satisfying (e.g., "Tell me I'm better than your boyfriend.")
Inquisitive (e.g., "How old are you?")
Knowledgeable (e.g., "I know your husband is not home.")
Negotiating (e.g., "If you stop struggling, I'll loosen the bindings.")
Personal (e.g., "I just moved here from Ohio.")
Profane (e.g., "You're a ******* whore.")
Reassuring (e.g., "I'm not going to hurt you, just do as I say.")
Self-demeaning (e.g., "You'd never go out with someone like me.")
Threatening (e.g., "I'll kill you if you don't do as I say.")
Other (describe) ___________________________________________________________________________
75. Offender Dialogue: Indicate what the offender said to the victim, in chronological order. Use the offender's exact words/phrases where possible and include anything the offender directed the victim to say or do.
76. Recorded Events: Did the offender record events during the crime (e.g., audio/video/photography)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
77. Writing or Drawing: Was there writing or drawing at any of the crime scenes or on the victim's body?
Yes (describe in the table below) No Unknown
Location at Scene |
Body Location *see below for selections |
Writing/Drawing Description |
Writing Tool and Description *see below for selections |
Body Location
Abdomen, Ankle, Anus, Arm(s), Back, Breast(s), Buttock(s), Chest, Ear(s), Eye(s), Face, Finger(s), Foot/Feet, Genitalia, Groin, Hand(s), Head, Leg(s), Lip(s), Neck/Throat, Nipple(s), Nose, Shoulder(s), Thigh(s), Tongue, Other, Unknown.
Writing Tool
Blood, Computer, Crayon, knife/Sharp Instrument, Lipstick, Marker, Paint/Spray Paint, Pen/Pencil, Typewriter, Other, Unknown.
78. Other Deliberate, Unique, or Symbolic Act(s): Is there any indication that a deliberate, unique, or symbolic act was performed at any of the crime scenes not captured elsewhere in this form (e.g., unique objects placed at scene, foreign substance on body)?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
79. Items Taken: Did the offender take items from the victim and/or any of the crime scenes?
Yes (check all that apply and describe): No Unknown
Backpack/Fannypack/Briefcase _______________________________________________________________
Camera/Camcorder ________________________________________________________________________
Cellphone/Pager/PDA ______________________________________________________________________
Cigarettes/Case/Lighter _____________________________________________________________________
Clothing _________________________________________________________________________________
Computer/Laptop __________________________________________________________________________
Credit/Debit/ATM Card_____________________________________________________________________
Driver's License/ID ________________________________________________________________________
Drugs - Legal/Illegal _______________________________________________________________________
Electronic Equipment (stereo, TV, etc.)_________________________________________________________
Electronic Media (CD, DVD, etc.)_____________________________________________________________
Jewelry __________________________________________________________________________________
Keys/Keychain ____________________________________________________________________________
Money __________________________________________________________________________________
Personal Papers/Journal/Datebook_____________________________________________________________
Photograph _______________________________________________________________________________
Purse/Wallet ______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone/Answering Machine _______________________________________________________________
Vehicle (see question 86) ____________________________________________________________________
Weapon _________________________________________________________________________________
Other (specify) ____________________________________________________________________________
80. End of Contact: How did the victim/offender contact end (check all that apply)?
Escape (offender lost control of victim)
Inadvertent Intervention by Third Party
Offender Left Scene
Release (offender intentionally gave up control of victim)
Victim's Death
Other (describe) ______________________________________________________________________________
81. Victim Positioned: Was the victim intentionally posed or displayed in an unusual or unnatural manner?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
82. Victim Release and Recovery (check all that apply and describe):
As Skeletal Remains __________________________________________________________________________
Buried _____________________________________________________________________________________
Concealed, Hidden, or Placed to Prevent or Delay Discovery _________________________________________
Partially ________________________________________________________________________________
Face Only_______________________________________________________________________________
In Water
Weighted Down__________________________________________________________________________
Not Weighted Down ______________________________________________________________________
In a Bag ___________________________________________________________________________________
In a Bathtub/Shower __________________________________________________________________________
In a Container/Box/Dumpster ___________________________________________________________________
In a Remote Area_____________________________________________________________________________
In a Vehicle _________________________________________________________________________________
Openly Placed to Ensure Discovery ______________________________________________________________
Outdoors ___________________________________________________________________________________
Wrapped ___________________________________________________________________________________
83. Victim Clothing: Clothing on Victim-post-assault (select one):
Fully Dressed
Partially Dressed (describe) _____________________________________________________________________
Completely Nude
84. Victim Redressed: Is there evidence to suggest the victim was redressed by the offender?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
85. Offender Returned to Site: Is there any indication that the offender returned to the victim release/recovery site after the offense?
Yes (describe)________________________________________________________________________________
NOTE: If your incident has multiple vehicles, photocopy the vehicle section of this form and provide separate information for each vehicle.
86. Vehicle Information
A. Vehicle Used: Was a vehicle known or suspected to have been used in this incident, and/or was the offender known to have access to other vehicles?
Yes (complete the questions below) No Unknown
B. Vehicle Description
License Plate Number_________________________________________________________________________
License State/Province ____________________________ License Country ____________________________
Vehicle Year (or estimated range) ___________________ to ________________________________________
Vehicle Make _______________________________________________________________________________
Vehicle Model_______________________________________________________________________________
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)_____________________________________________________________
Body Style (select one):
Bike/Moped Station Wagon
Motorcycle Tractor-Trailer
Passenger Car Van
Pick-Up Truck Other (specify) ___________________________
RV/Motor Home Unknown
Sport Utility
Vehicle Color (select one):
Black __________________________________ Maroon _________________________________
Blue ___________________________________ Multicolored _____________________________
Bronze _________________________________ Orange__________________________________
Brown _________________________________ Pink ___________________________________
Burgundy_______________________________ Purple __________________________________
Camouflage _____________________________ Red ____________________________________
Chrome, Stainless Steel____________________ Silver___________________________________
Copper ________________________________ Tan or Beige ____________________________
Cream, Ivory ____________________________ Taupe __________________________________
Dark___________________________________ Teal____________________________________
Gold___________________________________ White___________________________________
Gray___________________________________ Yellow__________________________________
Green _________________________________ Other (describe )__________________________
C. Distinctive Features: Distinctive features of vehicle, if any:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
D. Vehicle Status (check all that apply):
Owned by Offender (specify offender #/name) ___________________________________________________
Owned by Victim (specify victim #/name) _______________________________________________________
Ownership Unknown
Borrowed from (specify name/relationship) _____________________________________________________
Rented from (specify company) _______________________________________________________________
Stolen - Not Recovered
Stolen Date ____________________________
Owner Name __________________________
Stolen from Address ____________________
City __________________________________
County _______________________________
State/Province _________________________
Zip Code _____________________________
Country ______________________________
Stolen - Recovered
Stolen Date ____________________________ Recovered Date ________________________________
Owner Name __________________________ Recovered at Address____________________________
Stolen from Address ____________________ City__________________________________________
City __________________________________ County _______________________________________
County _______________________________ State/Province _________________________________
State/Province _________________________ Zip Code______________________________________
Zip Code _____________________________ Country_______________________________________
Country ______________________________
Stolen - Recovery Status Unknown
Stolen Date ____________________________
Owner Name __________________________
Stolen from Address ____________________
City __________________________________
County _______________________________
State/Province _________________________
Zip Code _____________________________
Country ______________________________
E. Vehicle Involvement: How was the vehicle involved (check all that apply)?
Transported offender(s) during this incident
Transported victim(s) during this incident
As a crime scene
Not involved in this incident but offender(s) has access to it
NOTE: If your incident has multiple offenders/victims, photocopy the Suspect/Known Offender/Victim Forensic Evidence section of this form, and provide separate information for each offender/victim.
87. Forensic/Physical Evidence: Indicate all forensic/physical evidence items pertaining to this case that may be suitable for comparison:
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene Evidence
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene DNA Collected Yes No Unknown
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene DNA Status CODIS ID # __________ LDIS (Local) SDIS (State) NDIS (National) Pending Available (Not In CODIS) Sample # __________ Unknown
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene DNA Profile Complete STR Partial STR Y-STR mtDNA Pending Unknown
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene DNA Processed Local Lab (Name) State Lab (Name) FBI Lab Other/Private Lab (Name) Unknown |
Familial State DNA DB Search Conducted Yes No Not Permitted by State Law Most Recent Date Searched: |
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) Submitted Yes. Status (describe) No Date of Submission: __________
Forensic Unknown/Crime Scene Fingerprints None NGI Local/State Other (describe) Insufficient quality for processing Unknown
Suspect/Known Offender Forensic Evidence
Suspect/Known Offender DNA Collected Yes No Unknown |
Suspect/Known Offender DNA Status CODIS ID # __________ LDIS (Local) SDIS (State) NDIS (National) Pending Available (Not In CODIS) Sample # __________ Unknown |
Suspect/Known Offender DNA Profile Complete STR Partial STR Y-STR mtDNA Pending Unknown |
Suspect/Known Offender Fingerprints None NGI Local/State Other (describe) Insufficient quality for processing Unknown |
Victim Forensic Evidence
Victim DNA Collected Yes No Unknown |
Victim DNA Status CODIS ID # __________ LDIS (Local) SDIS (State) NDIS (National) Pending Available (Not In CODIS) Sample # __________ Unknown |
Victim DNA Profile Complete STR Partial STR Y-STR mtDNA Pending Unknown
Victim Fingerprints None NGI Local/State Other (describe) Insufficient quality for processing Unknown |
Note: Completion of the Family Reference DNA section is required for missing person cases ONLY.
Family Reference Sample Yes No Unknown |
Family Reference DNA Status CODIS ID # __________ LDIS (Local) SDIS (State) NDIS (National) Pending Available (Not In CODIS) Sample # __________ Unknown
Family Reference DNA Profile Complete STR Partial STR Y-STR mtDNA Pending Unknown |
Victim Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) Submitted Yes. Status (describe) __________ No Date of Submission: __________ |
Other Forensic Evidence
None Available Submitted to NIBIN Status Unknown |
Other Evidence (e.g., hairs, fibers, tire tracks, shoeprints, etc.):
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
NOTES: 1) An agency name or ViCAP number is required for each similar/linked case. 2) Photocopy and attach additional sheets if necessary.
88. Similar/Linked Cases
ViCAP Number _____________________________ Agency Name__________________________________
State/Province _______________________________ Country_______________________________________
Case Number ________________________________________________________________________________ Investigator Name____________________________ Telephone Number______________________________
Victim’s Full Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Case Type (select one):
Homicide - Victim Identified Missing Person
Attempted Homicide Unidentified Human Remains
Sexual Assault Other Case Type (specify)______________________
Has this case been linked to the instant case through physical evidence, corroborated confession or conviction?
(provide details in the Narrative, Q#9)
Physical Evidence
Corroborated Confession
ViCAP Number _____________________________ Agency Name__________________________________
State/Province _______________________________ Country_______________________________________
Case Number ________________________________________________________________________________ Investigator Name____________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________
Victim’s Full Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Case Type (select one):
Homicide - Victim Identified Missing Person
Attempted Homicide Unidentified Human Remains
Sexual Assault Other Case Type (specify) _____________________
Has this case been linked to the instant case through physical evidence, corroborated confession or conviction?
(provide details in the Narrative, Q#9)
Physical Evidence
Corroborated Confession
NOTE: Photocopy and attach additional pages for each individual/category selected below.
Please enter information on any other individual(s) relevant to this crime or to your investigation. This section is optional and is intended to assist agency case management.
The following information relates to:
Victim #___________________
Offender # _________________
Crime Scene ______________________________________
Other (specify)_____________________________________
Category (select one):
Acquaintance Person of Interest
Associate Roommate
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relative (specify)___________________________________
Coroner/Medical Examiner Specialist (e.g., odontologist) (specify) __________________ Co-Worker Spouse
Employee Tips Caller
Employer Witness
Informant Other (specify) _____________________________________
Business/Agency Name_______________________________________________________________________________
Title-First/Middle/Last Name-Suffix ____________________________________________________________________
Alias/Nickname ____________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number __________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address _____________________________________________________________________________________
City___________________________________ County______________________ State/Province _________________
Zip Code_______________________________ Country______________________
Social Security Number(s) ____________________________________________________________________________
Date(s) of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) _________________________________________________________________________
FBI Number________________________________________________________________________________________
The ViCAP application supports the upload of text documents, electronic images, and other files (e.g., Microsoft Office files, small video clips). Each attachment cannot exceed 100 MB in size, and only files with these extensions can be accepted: .AVI, .BMP, .DOC, .DOCX, .GIF, .HTM, .HTML, .JPEG, .JPG, .MOV, .MP3, .MPEG, .MPG, .ODP, .ODS, .ODT, .PDF, .PNG, .PPT, .PPTX, .RTF, .TXT, .WAV, .WMV, .WPD, .XLS, .XLSX.
Attachments should be submitted in electronic format, if possible. If only hard copies are available, attach them to this form and indicate that you would like them scanned and uploaded for you.
Examples of appropriate attachments include items such as suspect/offender photos, timelines, crime scene photos, autopsy reports and photos, composites, facial reconstructions, bulletins, and vehicle photos.
If at any point during the completion of this form, you were unable to include all pertinent information, please include that information in the table below. Indicate the question number and the question topic, then enter the information as free text. This information will be added to the appropriate question when the case is entered into ViCAP.
Question # |
Topic |
Supplemental Information |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | ldmarcolini |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-08-12 |