

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program (Renewal)


OMB: 2060-0725

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I-RIN Generators
II-Obligated Parties
III-RIN Owners
IV -Exporters
V - QAP Providers
VI -Petitions for Agg Complianc
VII - Third Parties
Labor Costs

Sheet 1: Summary

Type of Respondent Total Responses per Year Total Hours per Year Total Cost per Year (Labor and Non-Labor)
RIN Generators 1,449,381 240,811 $29,155,481
Obligated Parties 1,771,352 216,997 $22,641,748
RIN Owners 2,157,356 341,699 $35,027,914
Exporters 377,265 60,300 $6,171,944
QAP Providers 6,096 963 $144,918
Petition for Agg. Compl. 1 200 $18,400
Third Parties 100 0 $0
GRAND TOTAL 5,761,551 860,971 $93,160,406

TOTAL NUMBER of Respondents:


Non-Labor Costs* Only:


*Non-Labor Costs include capital, O&M, and purchased services.

These costs are reflected in the "OMB Inventory."

(The spreadsheet provides the total of non-labor and labor costs for transparency and better understanding of the program.)

Sheet 2: I-RIN Generators

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party

Table RIN Generators*

Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes

Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year (Labor and Non-Labor) Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (ALL PURCHASED SERVICES)


§80.1451 Reporting: Submission of Quarterly RFS Activity Report (reporting of RIN holding threshold compliance, corporate and contractual affiliates) 0.5 0 0 46 667 4 2668 1334 122728 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1435 Reporting: Calculations related to quarterly RFS Activity Report 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 667 4 2,668 10,672 981,824 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Upfront requirement to read and understand revised quarterly RFS Activity Report 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 667 1 667 667 61,364 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF; w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RIN trade price, transaction type 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 667 260 173,420 1,734 159,546 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (RIN holding threshold compliance) 0.00 0.00 4.00 920 667 1 667 2,668 613,640 ATT01XX 613,640
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates to accommodate RIN holdings data 40.00 0.00 0.00 3680 10 1 10 400 36,800 CBP (new parties only - assumes 10 new parties) - existing parties will have already programmed 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of daily aggregated RIN holdings 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 667 260 173,420 8,671 797,732 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of compliance with primary RIN holdings threshold 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 667 260 173,420 1,734 159,546 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: General and daily retention of all records supporting reports (RIN holdings, trade price substantiation, type of transaction, contact information for unregistered affiliates, documentation supporting an exemption) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 667 260 173,420 8,671 797,732 CBP 0

NEW FORMS FOR WHICH APPROVAL IS SOUGHT (these are for specific pathways)

§80.1451(b) RIN generating advanced fuel producers and importers using grain sorghum as a feedstock 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 1 4 4 8 736 RFS1000/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Invasive species reporting 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 1 4 4 8 736 RFS1200/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Producers of renewable fuel using crop residue as a feedstock. 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 1 4 4 8 736 RFS1300/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Cellulosic Converted Fraction (D3, D&) (up to 4x/year) 0.25 0.00 0.00 276 70 4 280 70 77,280 RFS1700: CELLULOSIC CONVERTED FRACTION/URF 0



0 0 0

§80.1430 Recordkeeping: Retain Export Affidavits related to QAP 0.25 0.00 0.00 23 110 12 1,320 330 30,360 CBP 0
§80.1450(b), 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 10 1 10 8 690 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(b), 80.1452(a) and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants; association with auditor 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 1 10 10 920 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(b)(1)(i)-(xv) Registration: Information to specific products or processes including provisions of certain plans (e.g. MSW separation plan) or processes (e.g. affidavits) - new producers 5.00 0.00 0.00 460 10 1 10 50 4,600 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(b) Registration: Engineering Review for Initial Registrants - new producers 0.00 0.00 48.00 11040 10 1 10 480 110,400 ENGINEERING REVIEW GUIDANCE 110,400
§80.1450(d) and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes); association with auditor 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 10 1 10 8 690 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(d) Registration: Updates to existing engineering reviews (every three years) - 1/3 of existing 548 RF producers each year 0.00 0.00 20.00 4600 183 1 183 3,660 841,800 ENGINEERING REVIEW GUIDANCE 841,800
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 667 4 2,668 1,334 122,728 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF; adjusted downward from 1.0 to 0.5 based upon industry consultation 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly RFS Renewable Fuel Producer Supplemental Report (4x/year, as needed); some producers only 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 67 4 268 134 12,328 RFS0601: RFS RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCER SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly Co-Products Report (4x/year) - by producers 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 548 4 2,192 1,096 100,832 RFS0701: RFS RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCER CO-PRODCUTS REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly Renewable Biomass Report (4x/year) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 55 4 220 110 10,120 RFS0801: RFS RENEWABLE BIOMASS REPORT/URF 0
§80.1449 Reporting: Annual Production Outlook Report - by producers 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 548 1 548 548 50,416 RFS0901: RFS PRODUCTION OUTLOOK REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly reporting for fuels under 80.1451(b)(i)(ii)(T) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 4 40 40 3,680 RFS1400: REPORTING FUELS UNDER 80.1451(B)(1)(ii)(T)/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly reporting for fuels under 80.1451(b)(i)(ii)(T) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 4 40 40 3,680 RFS1500: REPORTING FUELS UNDER 80.1451(B)(1)(ii)(T) - FINISHED BIOFUEL BLENDING/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly reporting for fuels under 80.1451(b)(i)(ii)(T) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 4 40 40 3,680 RFS1600: REPORTING FUELS UNDER 80.1451(B)(1)(ii)(T) - BLENDER CONTRACT/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: EPP Reporting (4x/year) - producers only, assumes 10% of total number 3.00 0.00 0.00 276 55 4 220 660 60,720 RFS2500: RFS EFFICIENT PRODUCER QUESTIONNAIRE/URF 0
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Cellulosic Biofuels (D3, D7) annual reporting (1x/year) 3.00 0.00 0.00 276 70 1 70 210 19,320 RFS2700: RFS CELLULOSIC BIOFUEL PRODUCER QUESTIONNAIRE/ URF 0
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Assignment/Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 667 365 243,455 121,728 11,198,930 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 667 4 2,668 1,334 122,728 download and sign w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: EMTS RFS RIN Generation Report (4x/year) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 667 4 2,668 1,334 122,728 download and sign w/in EMTS 0
§80.1416 Reporting: Petitions for evaluation of new renewable fuels pathways, including overhead information, description and technical information, and other relevant information. 16.00 0.00 0.00 1472 4 1 4 64 5,888 CBP; EPA provides an optional pathways screening tool to assist applicants in submitting the right CBP materials 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 32.00 7360 667 1 667 21,344 4,909,120 ATT01XX 4,909,120
§80.1466 Reporting: Submission of information regarding independent third paty, credentials, etc. for approval - new RIN-generating foreign producers and importers 0.00 0.00 8.50 1955 67 1 67 570 130,985 CBP 130,985
§80.1466 Reporting: Independent third party reports to accompany PTDs - for RIN-generating foreign producers and importers 0.00 0.00 1.00 230 67 12 804 804 184,920 CBP 184,920
§80.1469(c) Recordkeeping: Quarterly auditor paperwork review (related to QAP) - producers 0.00 0.00 40.00 9200 112 4 448 17,920 4,121,600 CBP 4,121,600
§80.1472 Recordkeeping: Auditor site visits for QAP 0.00 0.00 10.00 2300 112 2 224 2,240 515,200 CBP 515,200
80.1474 Reporting: Remedial actions related to QAP and invalid RINs 8.00 0.00 0.00 736 40 1 40 320 29,440 w/in EMTS and/or update to other underlying form affected by remedial action. 0
80.1474 Reporting: Potentially invalid RIN demonstration 0.00 0.00 1.00 230 10 1 10 10 2,300 CBP 2,300
§80.1466 Recordkeeping: Designation, PTD, and load port requirements for RIN-generating foreign producers and importers 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 67 12 804 3,216 295,872 CBP 0
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: PTD Requirements when party transfers ownership of neat/blended renewable fuels 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 667 365 243,455 12,173 1,119,893 CBP 0
§80.1454(b), 1464 Recordkeeping: Retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports, records related to RIN generation, etc.) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 667 365 243,455 12,173 1,119,893 CBP 0


§80.1426; 80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - this anticipates six (6) new registrants due to changes in Table 1 of 80.1426; includes an additional five (5) already registered parties who are registered but may have to update information. This is a one time burden. 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 11 1 11 8 759 OTAQREG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1426; 80.1450, 80.1452 Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - six (6) new registrants each year estimated due to changes in Table 1 of 80.1426. This is a one time burden. 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 6 1 6 6 552 OTAQReg USER GUIDE 0
§80.1426; 80.1450, 80.1452 Registration: Initial engineering reviews for six (6) new registrants estimated due to changes in Table 1 of 80.1426 (pathways). This is a one time burden during the three years covered by this ICR. 0.00 0.00 54.00 12420 6 1 6 324 74,520 OTAQReg USER GUIDE 74,520
§80.1426; 80.1450, 80.1452 Registration: Information to specific products or processes - for six (6) new registrants estimated due to changes in Table 1 of 80.1426 0.00 0.00 1.00 230 6 1 6 6 1,380 OTAQReg USER GUIDE 1380
§80.1449 Reporting: Production Outlook Report - to reflect up to six (6) new reporting parties who are expected to need to file this report. 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 6 1 6 6 552 RFS0901: RFS PRODUCTION OUTLOOK REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/year) - to reflect six (6) new reporting parties 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 6 4 24 24 2,208 RFS01XX/URF 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions - to reflect six (6) new reporting parties. This assumes RIN Transactions are recorded on all business days, to exclude weekends and Federal holidays. 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 6 260 1,560 780 71,760 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: EMTS RFS RIN Generation Report - 4x/year - to reflect six (6) new reporting parites 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 6 4 24 12 1,104 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: General PTD Requirements for six (6) new parties This is the actual daily usage of the PTD, which differs from line 14, which is the retention of the PTDs. This assumes that PTDs are used on all business days, to exclude weekends and Federal holidays. 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 6 260 1,560 78 7,176 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Specific requirements for retention of records - for six (6) new parties This is the retention of PTDs, above, which refers to their actual use. Assumes PTDs are stored by producers on all business days, to exclude weekends and Federal holidays. 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 6 260 1,560 78 7,176 CBP 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest engagements - to reflect six (6) new reporting parties 0.00 0.00 32.00 7360 6 1 6 192 44,160 ATT01XX 44,160

1,449,381 240,811 29,155,481

Notes to the Table:

* Assumes 548 Renewable Fuel Producers and 119 Importers of Renewable Fuels, for a total of 667. Number registered as of October 2021.


Individual forms and templates, and guidance documents, listed in the Tables and in the supporting statement have been docketed. For some forms, there are prior year version(s) that may be needed for resubmissions, such as for remedial actions.

For any form number ending in X in this spreadsheet, all versions of that form have been individually docketed - e.g., RFS0104 (2019) RFS0105 (2020-2021) (for resubmissions) and RFS0106 (new submissions) for which approval is sought

URF in this spread sheet refers to unified reporting form - all our forms use a common format; this format has also been docketed.

Sheet 3: II-Obligated Parties

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party

Table 2 - Obligated Parties*

Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes

Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (All Purchased Services )


§80.1451 Reporting: Submission of Quarterly RFS Activity Report (reporting of RIN holding threshold compliance, corporate and contractual affiliates) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 572 4 2,288 1,144 105,248 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1435 Reporting: Calculations related to quarterly RFS Activity Report 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 572 4 2,288 9,152 841,984 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Upfront requirement to read and understand revised quarterly RFS Activity Report 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 572 1 572 572 52,624 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF; w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RIN trade price, transaction type 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 572 260 148,720 1,487 136,822 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (RIN holding calculations, affiliated parties) 0.00 0.00 4.00 920 572 1 572 2,288 526,240 ATT01XX 526,240
§80.1451 Reporting: Internal systems updates to accommodate calculations related to new reporting requirements - new registrants only, existing will have already done this 40.00 0.00 0.00 3,680 10 1 10 400 36,800 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of daily aggregated RIN holdings 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 572 365 208,780 10,439 960,388 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of compliance with primary RIN holdings threshold 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 572 365 208,780 2,088 192,078 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of compliance with secondary RIN holdings threshold 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 15 365 5,475 55 5,037 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retention of records supporting reports (RIN holdings, trade price substantiation, type of transaction, contact information for unregistered affiliates, documentation supporting an exemption) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 572 365 208,780 10,439 960,388 CBP 0


§80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 1.50 0.00 0.00 138 10 1 10 15 1,380 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450, 80.1452(a) and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants and association with auditor 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 1 10 10 920 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(d) and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes) and association with auditor 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 57 1 57 43 3,933 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1451 Reporting: invalid RIN retirement reporting (as needed) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 150 1 150 150 13,800 w/in EMTS and/or update to RFS01XX or other affected forms 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 572 4 2,288 2,288 210,496 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: RFS Annual Compliance Report (1x/year) 6.00 0.00 0.00 552 572 1 572 3,432 315,744 RFS03XX: RFS ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORT/URF and, if using paper check to purchase RINs, the annual CELLULOSIC WAIVER CREDIT FORM 0
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 572 365 208,780 104,390 9,603,880 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 572 4 2,288 1,144 105,248 download and sign w/in EMTS 0
§80.1474 Reporting: Potentially Invalid RIN demonstrations and remedial actions (as needed) 0.00 0.00 2.00 460 57 1 57 114 26,220 CBP 26,220
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 22.00 5,060 572 1 572 12,584 2,894,320 ATT01XX 2,894,320
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: General PTD Requirements 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 572 365 208,780 10,439 960,388 CBP 0
§80.1454(b) Recordkeeping: Specific requirements for retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports) (daily) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 572 365 208,780 10,439 960,388 CBP 0


§80.1407; 80.1408, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retain records that demonstrate that certified NTDF will be used for non-transportation use (keep records; provide to EPA upon request); assumes 272 companies. Assumes records are stored/retained on a weekly basis during six month heating oil season (26 weeks - for 26 times/year). 0.10 0.00 0.00 9 272 26 7,072 707 65,062 CBP 0
§80.1407, 80.1408, 80.76, 80.1450  Registration: Adding obligated party role to existing registration by  272 companies who redesignate certified NTDF as MVNRLM - one time burden, one hour, spread out over three years. We expect most to add the new role in year one. 0.33 0.00 0.00 30 272 1 272 90 8,258 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1407. 801408, 80.76, 80.1450 Registration: New registration by 20 companies who redesignate certified NTDF as MVNRLM. We expect 20 new companies, total, most in year one, and have spread the two (2) hour registration burden among the three years of the ICR.   0.66 0.00 0.00 61 20 1 20 13 1,214 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE

§80.1407, 80.1408 Recordkeeping: Maintain a running balance of MVNRLM (in/out) - Assumes that this information is kept on a facility basis and that there are 613 potentially affected facilities. As this is a running balance, assumes that records are kept on all business days, excluding weekend and Federal holidays - i.e., 260 days per year. 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 613 260 159,380 7,969 733,148 CBP 0
§80.1407, 80.1408; 80.1451 Reporting: Report redesignation of NTDF as MVNRLM, including reporting of MVNRLM balance resulting in RVO, MVNRL received, delivered downstream, inventory change, and balance (annual reporting) 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 272 1 272 1,088 100,096 RFS0500 0
§80.1407, 80.1408; 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Keep records related to all transactions in which certified NTDF is designated as MVNRLM, to all transactions in which MVNRLM is redesignated to a non-transportation use, and records related to in/our certified NTDF and MVNRLM, respectively. Assumes records kept on a *facility basis* and are stored weekly during heating oil season (six months of the year). This is 26 weeks, or 26 times/year. 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 613 26 15,938 797 73,315 CBP 0
80.1450, 80.1452 Registration: Set up new account in CDX, EMTS for parties who redesignate certified NTDF as MVNRLM and who are not currently registered. For 20 new parties expected, a one-time, one -hour burden spread out across three years. Most parties are expected to do this in year one. 0.33 0.00 0.00 30 20 1 20 7 607 OTAQReg USER GUIDE 0
§80.1407, 80.1451 Reporting: Report production volume and report volume separately for all gasoline products, all MVNRLM diesel products, combined production volume of all gasoline products and MVNRL diesel fuel, distillate fuel that is not transportation fuel, distillate fuel that is certified NTDF (annual) - This estimate includes 723 existing Obligated Parties plus 20 additional, new registrants. 8.00 0.00 0.00 736 743 1 743 5,944 546,848 RFS03XX: RFS ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORT/URF; burden increased from 4 to 8 hours based upon industry consultation 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (for new registrants) - updated to reflect 20 new estimated refiners (obligated parties) reporting each year. 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 20 4 80 80 7,360 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transactions - updated to reflect 20 new estimated refiners reporting each year. We assume that RIN Transactions are recorded in real time, up to once per day, for all businesses days excluding weekends and Federal holidays. 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 20 260 5,200 2,600 239,200 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - submit within EMTS (Reporting method simplified since proposal; this report is now easily submitted within EMTS. Removal of steps.) 0.25 0.00 0.00 23 20 4 80 20 1,840 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1453  Recordkeeping: Programming of new PTD code or statement related to transfer of custody or ownership of certified NTDF (This estimate assumes 743 + 20 + 272; this is the number of currently existing Obligated Parties + 20 new registrants + 272.) 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 1,035 1 1,035 2,070 190,440 CBP 0
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: General PTD requirements, assuming that 50% of 1,035 actually use code per year. This is the actual use of the PTD, whereas line 20 is the retention of the PTD. Assumes PTD usage occurs on each business day - excluding weekends and Federal holidays. 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 518 260 134,680 6,734 619,528 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Additional/amended recordkeeping associated with PTDs and additional certified NTDF (assuming 50% of 1,035 actually have records per year) and that records are stored weekly. This is the actual retention of the PTD, whereas Line 20 is the use of the PTDs. 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 518 52 26,936 1,347 123,906 CBP 0
§80.1464; 80.1475 Reporting: Annual attest engagements for 20 new registrants. 0.00 0.00 22.00 5,060 20 1 20 440 101,200 ATT01XX 101,200
§80.1464; 80.1475 Reporting: Additional items for attest engagements for those already subject to attest engagements - this assumes 723 existing obligated parties plus 272 who are required to add refiner to their registration. These estimates are different from line 20, above, because these parties are assumed to already have attest engagement requirements applied to them and are adding services to that attest engagement to cover their refiner activity. 0.00 0.00 4.00 920 995 1 995 3,980 915,400 ATT01XX 915,400


1,771,352 216,997 22,641,748

Notes to the Table:

*Assumes total universe of 572, including 453 refiners and 119 importers.

Total number registered as of October 2021.

Sheet 4: III-RIN Owners

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 3 - RIN Owners*
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (All Purchased Services)


§80.1451 Reporting: Submission of Quarterly RFS Activity Report (reporting of RIN holding threshold compliance, corporate and contractual affiliates) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 1,001 4 4,004 2,002 184,184 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1435 Reporting: Calculations related to quarterly RFS Activity Report 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 1,001 4 4,004 16,016 1,473,472 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Upfront requirement to read and understand revised quarterly RFS Activity Report 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 1,001 1 1,001 1,001 92,092 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF; w/in EMTS 0
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN trade price, transaction type 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 1,001 260 260,260 2,603 239,439 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (RIN holding threshold compliance) 0.00 0.00 4.00 920 1,001 1 1,001 4,004 920,920 ATT01XX 920,920
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates to accommodate RIN holdings data 40.00 0.00 0.00 3680 1,001 1 1,001 40,040 3,683,680 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of daily aggregated RIN holdings 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 1,001 260 260,260 13,013 1,197,196 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of compliance with primary RIN holdings threshold 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 1,001 260 260,260 2,603 239,439 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retention of records supporting reports (RIN holdings, trade price substantiation, type of transaction, contact information for unregistered affiliates, documentation supporting an exemption) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 1,001 260 260,260 13,013 1,197,196 CBP 0


§80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 50 1 50 25 2,300 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1467 Registration: Applications (new) for foreign RIN owners 8.00 0.00 0.00 736 1 1 1 8 736 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450, 80.1452(a) and 40 CFR part 1090 Subpart I Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants; and association with auditor 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 50 1 50 50 4,600 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(d) and 40 CFR part 1090 Subpart I Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes); and association with auditor 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 100 1 100 75 6,900 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 1,001 4 4,004 4,004 368,368 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 1,001 365 365,365 182,683 16,806,790 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1451 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 1,001 4 4,004 2,002 184,184 download and sign w/in EMTS 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 22.00 5060 1,001 1 1,001 22,022 5,065,060 ATT01XX 5,065,060
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: General PTD Requirements (daily) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 1,001 365 365,365 18,268 1,680,679 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports) (daily) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 1,001 365 365,365 18,268 1,680,679 CBP 0


2,157,356 341,699 35,027,914

Notes to the Table:

*Assumes 1,001 RIN Owners, the number registered as of October 2021.

Sheet 5: IV -Exporters

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 4 - Exporters*
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)

§80.1451 Reporting: Submission of Quarterly RFS Activity Report (reporting of RIN holding threshold compliance, corporate and contractual affiliates) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 174 4 696 348 32,016 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1435 Reporting: Calculations related to quarterly RFS Activity Report 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 174 4 696 2784 256,128 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Upfront requirement to read and understand revised quarterly RFS Activity Report 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 174 1 174 174 16,008 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF; w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RIN trade price, transaction type 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 174 260 45240 452 41,621 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (RIN holding threshold compliance) 0.00 0.00 4.00 920 174 1 174 696 160,080 ATT01XX 160,080
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates to accommodate RIN holdings data 40.00 0.00 0.00 3680 174 1 174 6960 640,320 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of daily aggregated RIN holdings 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 174 260 45240 2262 208,104 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Calculation of compliance with primary RIN holdings threshold 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 174 260 45240 452 41,621 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retention of records supporting reports (RIN holdings, trade price substantiation, type of transaction, contact information for unregistered affiliates, documentation supporting an exemption) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 174 260 45240 2262 208,104 CBP 0




§80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 8 1 8 6 552 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450, 80.1452(a) and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants; and association with auditor 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 8 1 8 8 736 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(d) and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes); and association with auditor 0.75 0.00 0.00 69 17 1 17 13 1,173 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 174 4 696 696 64,032 RFS01XX: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451 Reporting: RFS Annual Compliance Report (1x/year) 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 174 1 174 696 64,032 RFS03XX: RFS ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORT/URF 0
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 174 365 63510 31755 2,921,460 w/in EMTS 0
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 174 4 696 348 32,016 download and sign w/in EMTS 0
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements 0.00 0.00 22.00 5060 174 1 174 3828 880,440 ATT01XX 880,440
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: PTD Requirements 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 174 365 63510 3176 292,146 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: retention of exporter affidavit, separated out for QAP 0.10 0.00 0.00 9 174 12 2088 209 19,210 CBP 0
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 174 365 63510 3176 292,146 CBP 0


377,265 60,300 6,171,944

*Assumes 174 exporters, the number registered as of October 2021.

Sheet 6: V - QAP Providers

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 5 - QAP Providers*
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)

§80.1450(g) Registration: Overhead, basic information, association of accounts in OTAQREG - new registrants 20.00 0.00 0.00 1,840 1 1 1 20 1,840 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(g) Registration: association with RIN Generator 0.20 0.00 0.00 18 1 1 1 0 18 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(g) Registration: renewals for QAP auditors 13.00 0.00 0.00 1,196 3 1 3 39 3,588 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1450(g) Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes)/renewals 16.00 0.00 0.00 1,472 1 1 1 16 1,472 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
§80.1451 Reporting: Batch Verification (4x/year) 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 3 4 12 48 4,416 RFS2000: BATCH VERIFICATION/URF 0
§80.1451(g) Reporting: Agreggate RIN Verification (4x/year) 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 3 4 12 24 2,208 RFS2100: AGGREGATE RIN VERIFICATION/URF 0
§ 80.1451(g) Reporting: On-Site Audit Report (4x/year) 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 3 4 12 48 4,416 RFS2200: ON-SITE AUDIT REPORT/URF 0
§80.1451(g) Reporting: Mass Balance 6.00 0.00 24.00 6,072 3 4 12 360 72,864 RFS2400: MASS BALANCE/URF 0
§80.1454* Recordkeeping: Retain records underlying QAP 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 3 2,000 6,000 60 5,520 CBP 0
80.1464 Recordkeeping for audits: attest engagement records by QAP providers; attest engagement provisions applicable to QAP proviers 20.00 0.00 40.00 11,040 3 1 3 180 33,120 Refer to 80.1464 and the ATT01XX form. 0
§80.1469 [e], (g) Reporting: Initial QAP Submission 40.00 0.00 0.00 3,680 3 1 3 120 11,040 CBP 0
§80.1469(f) Reporting: QAP Updates (occasional) 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 3 4 12 24 2,208 CBP 0
80.1474 Reporting: Potentially Invalid RINs (4x/year) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 3 4 12 12 1,104 RFS2300: LIST OF POTENTIALL Y INVALID RINS 0
80.1474 Reporting: PIR NOTIFICATION & FOLLOW UP 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 3 4 12 12 1,104 CBP 0



6,096 963 144,918

Notes to the Table:

*Assumes one new QAP provider per year registers and a total universe of three QAP providers during the three year ICR period.

Although there are approximately 17 parties who started a registration process for QAP, only three have been active since inception.

Sheet 7: VI -Petitions for Agg Complianc

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 6 - Petitions for Aggregated Compliance*
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)

§80.1457 Reporting: Petitions for Aggregate Compliance Approach for Foreign Countries 200.00 0.00 0.00 18400.00 1 1 1 200 18,400 CBP 0


1 200 18,400
Notes to the Table:

* We have generously assumed one respondent; it is more likely there will be none. These petitions are extremely rare.

Sheet 8: VII - Third Parties

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 7 - Third Party Auditors
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)
80.1450 & 1090 subpart I Registration by attest auditor for RFS program only 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 50 1 50 0 0 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
80.1450 & 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Association "handshake" within registration with client 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 50 1 50 0 0 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0

100 0 0
Notes to the Table:

The cost, hours, and submissions associated with third party registrants and attest engagements fully passed on to the parties in Tables I-VI as purchased services.

This table exists to get an accurate respondent count, because these auditors do register with EPA .


Form & Instruction Numbers:
·       RFS01XX: RFS Activity Report – versions RFS0104, RFS0105, and RFS 0106
·       RFS03XX: RFS Annual Compliance Report, versions RFS0303, RFS0304
·       RFS500: Redesignation of Non-Transportation Distillate Fuel (NTDF) as or to Motor Vehicle Non-Road Locomotive Marine (MVRNLM) Diesel Fuel
·       RFS0601: RFS Renewable Fuel Producer Supplemental Report
·       RFS0701: RFS Renewable Fuel Producer Co-Products Report
·       RFS0801: RFS Renewable Biomass Report
·       RFS0901: RFS Production Outlook Report
·       RFS1000: Report for RIN Generating Advanced Fuel Producers and Importers using Grain Sorghum as a Feedstock
·       RFS1200: Invasive Species Reporting
·       RFS1300: Producers of Renewable Fuel using Crop Residue as a Feedstock form
·       RFS1400: Reporting Fuels under 80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(T)
·       RFS1500: Reporting Fuels under 80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(T) — Finished Fuel Blending,
·       RFS1600: Reporting Fuels under 80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(T) — Blender Contact
·       RFS1700: Cellulosic Converted Fraction
·       RFS2000: Batch Verification
·       RFS2100: Aggregate RIN Verification.
·       RFS2200: On-Site Audit Report
·       RFS2300: List of Potentially Invalid RINs
·       RFS2400: Mass Balance
·       RFS2500: RFS Efficient Producer Data Report
·       RFS2700: RFS Cellulosic Biofuel Producer Questionnaire
·       ATT01XX: Attest Engagement Form and alternate fillable PDF version
·       Cellulosic Waiver Credit Form
·       URF (unified reporting format; the format used to fill out most RFS forms)
·       Pathways Screening Tool

Reporting using templates or that occurs within systems; with system user guides listed:
·       Engineering Review Template
·       Renewable Fuel Standard EMTS User Guide
·       OTAQ Reg (Registration System) User Guide
·       User Guide for DCFUEL in EPA’s Central Data Exchange
·       Quick Start Guide for Registration for DCFUEL in EPA’s Central Data Exchange
·       Quick Start Guide for Report Submission for DCFUEL in EPA’s Central Data Exchange
·       OTAQ QAP User Guide
·       Engineering Review Submission User Guide
·       EMTS Renewable Fuels Standard User’s Guide (includes EMTS RIN generation and RIN transactional reporting)

Sheet 10: Labor Costs

Labor Costs

Labor Type Labor Cost/hour Labor + Overhead/ houra Portion attributed/hour Employer Cost/hour

Managerial (CEO - 11-1011) 126.33 253.00 0.05 12.65

Professional/Technical (Refinery Operators - 51-8093) 41.32 83.00 0.7 58.10

Clerical (Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 43-6010) 26.88 54.00 0.2 10.80

Legal (Lawyer 23-1011) 98.36 197.00 0.05 9.85

Total Employer Cost/hour 92.00

Purchased Servicesb 230.00

a Overhead is calculated to be equal to the cost of labor; i.e. 2x labor cost, rounded up.

b The cost of purchased services (for example, cost of attest auditors) is calculated at 2.5 times the Total Employer Cost. Increased from 2 times (as a result of industry consultation/comment.

“May 2021 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates for NAICS 324000 - Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing”

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

See: (accessed May 2, 2022).

For each labor category, mean hourly wage was selected.

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