PAEMST State Coordinators Survey 2022

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST): State Coordinators Questionnaire

PAEMST State Coordinators Survey 2022

OMB: 3145-0241

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Attachment #1 – PAEMST State Coordinators Survey

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Applicant Recruitment

  1. What recruitment activities did you use this year? (Select all that apply)

    1. Word of mouth

    2. Personalized Email(s)

    3. Letter(s)/Mailing(s)

    4. Newspaper/News media

    5. Social Media

    6. List Serve(s)/eBlast(s)

    7. Phone Call(s)

    8. Website(s)

    9. Conference(s)

    10. Professional Organization(s)

    11. School visit(s)

    12. Other:

  1. Which recruiting activities that you used were the most successful? (Select no more than three)

    1. Word of mouth

    2. Personalized Email(s)

    3. Letter(s)/Mailing(s)

    4. Newspaper/News media

    5. Social Media

    6. List Serve(s)/eBlast(s)

    7. Phone Call(s)

    8. Website(s)

    9. Conference(s)

    10. Professional Organization(s)

    11. School visit(s)

    12. Other:

  1. Who did you target in your recruitment activities this year? (Select all that apply)

    1. Principal(s)

    2. Superintendent(s)

    3. State Educational Organization(s)

    4. Past PAEMST nominees(s)

    5. Past PAEMST applicant(s) (non-winners)

    6. PAEMST Awardee(s)

    7. School administrator(s)

    8. District administrator(s)

    9. Informal Educator(s)

    10. Teacher Educator(s)

    11. Education Researcher(s)

    12. STEM Researcher(s)

    13. Non-profit/Foundation Professional(s)

    14. Business/Industry Professional(s)

    15. Parent Teacher Association(s)

    16. State Science/Math Teaching Association Member(s)

    17. Other:

  1. What setbacks or challenges in regards to recruitment did you experience?

  1. Did you involve Presidential Awardees in your recruitment activities?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If yes to #5, in what ways did Presidential Awardees participate in your recruitment activities or strategies? (Select all that apply)

    1. Provided testimonial(s) and quote(s)

    2. Presented at local and state conferences

    3. Identified potential applicants

    4. Nominated teachers

    5. Identified other non-applicant contacts

    6. Promoted the program through their networks and social media platforms

    7. Assisted with outreach phone calls

    8. Assisted with sending electronic communications

    9. Distributed materials

    10. Shared a successful application

    11. Other:

  1. Who did you target in your outreach to increase the diversity of applicants? (Select all that apply)

    1. None

    2. Teachers from populations historically underrepresented in

STEM/underrepresented in PAEMST

    1. PAEMST alumni from populations historically underrepresented in STEM

in the recruitment process

    1. Schools in urban communities

    2. Schools in rural communities

    3. Title 1 schools

    4. Schools/districts with high percentages of students from populations

historically underrepresented in STEM

    1. School/districts with teachers from populations historically

underrepresented in STEM

    1. Community organizations who serve students from populations historically

underrepresented in STEM

    1. Community organizations who serve teachers from populations historically

underrepresented in STEM

    1. Professional organizations whose members are from populations

historically underrepresented in STEM

    1. Diversity officer or contact within my organization

    2. Other:

  1. What would you like to see happen for recruitment on a national scale?


  1. Do you have an established mentoring program?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If yes to #1, what methods are used for pairing mentors with mentees/applicants? (Select all that apply)

    1. Coordinator recruits mentors and pair them with mentees

    2. Coordinator recruits mentors and mentors select mentees

    3. Coordinator recruits mentors and mentees select mentors

    4. Mentees select mentors and coordinator approves mentors

    5. Mentees select mentors and coordinator does not approve mentors

    6. Other:

  1. How often do mentor-mentee pairs meet on average during the application process?

    1. 1-3 times

    2. 4-6 times

    3. 7-10 times

    4. >10 times

    5. Other:

  1. On average, how long is each session?

    1. 1-30 minutes

    2. 31-60 minutes

    3. > 60 minutes

    4. Other:

  1. What kind of assistance does the mentor provide for the mentee? (Select all that apply)

    1. Guidance on application requirements and restrictions

    2. Determining applicant eligibility

    3. Instruction on Criteria for Five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching

    4. Giving tips on creating a compelling application(s)

    5. Reviewing and giving feedback on mentee’s application

    6. Writing or helping to secure letter(s) of recommendation

    7. Helping to assemble and/or upload the application

    8. Giving morale support/encouragement

    9. Other:

  1. Did you provide training and/or orientation for your mentors?

    1. Yes

    2. No – Mentor(s) is not new and received training in a previous cycle.

    3. No – Training not provided at all.

  1. If yes to #6, what mechanism(s) was used for mentor training and/or orientation? (Select all that apply)

    1. One-on-one training

    2. Webinar

    3. In-person workshop

    4. Packet or materials for mentor to review; no additional training

    5. Other:

  1. What content was included in the mentor training and/or orientation? (Select all that apply)

    1. Guidance on application requirements and restrictions

    2. Determining eligibility

    3. Instruction on Criteria for Five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching

    4. Giving tips on creating a compelling application(s)

    5. Reviewing and giving feedback on mentee’s application

    6. Writing or helping to secure letter(s) of recommendation

    7. Helping to assemble and/or upload the application

    8. Giving morale support/encouragement

    9. Other:

  1. What is the ratio of mentor to mentees?

    1. 1 mentor to 1 mentee

    2. 1 mentor to 2-3 mentees

    3. 1 mentor to 4-5 mentees

    4. 1 mentor to >5 mentees

    5. Other

  1. What selection criteria do you have for mentors to serve in this capacity? (Select all that apply)

    1. No selection criteria

    2. Must be a past awardee of PAEMST

    3. Must be past awardee for a state/national teacher recognition program

    4. Must be National Board Certified educator

    5. Must have prior experience mentoring PAEMST applicants

    6. Must have prior experience mentoring other state/national teacher recognition program applicants

    7. Must have prior experience mentoring other teachers

    8. Must be able to meet face to face with mentee(s)

    9. Able to meet virtually with mentee(s)

    10. Had to have similar content/expertise as mentee(s)

    11. Other:

  1. How many mentors did you have?

    1. 1 – 2 mentors

    2. 3 – 4 mentors

    3. 5 – 6 mentors

    4. > 7 mentors

    5. Other:

  1. How many of the mentors were Presidential Awardees?

    1. 1 – 2 mentors

    2. 3 – 4 mentors

    3. 5 – 6 mentors

    4. > 7 mentors

    5. Other:

  1. Did you work with the national alumni associations in your mentoring efforts?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If yes to #13, in what way(s) did the national alumni associations contribute? (Select all that apply)

    1. They provided the mentors

    2. They provided training webinars for mentors

    3. They provided webinars for applicants

    4. Other:

  1. Did you provide financial assistance to your mentors?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If yes to #15, how much?

    1. $1-$100 Flat Fee

    2. $101-$200 Flat Fee

    3. $201-$300 Flat Fee

    4. >$300 Flat Fee

    5. $1-$100 Fee Per Application

    6. $101-$200 Fee Per Application

    7. $201-$300 Fee Per Application

    8. >$300 Fee Per Application

    9. Other:

  1. How many applicants took advantage of an assigned mentor?

    1. 1 – 2 mentees

    2. 3 – 4 mentees

    3. 5 – 6 mentees

    4. > 7 mentees

    5. Other:

  1. How many of those with a mentor became State Finalists?

    1. 1 – 2 mentees

    2. 3 – 4 mentees

    3. 5 – 6 mentees

    4. > 7 mentees

    5. Other:

State Selection Committee

Please tell us about your committee:

  1. How many committee members served on your state selection committee?

    1. 1 – 2 members

    2. 3 – 4 members

    3. 5 – 6 members

    4. > 7 members

    5. Other:

  1. How many committee members were new to this process?

    1. 1 – 2 members

    2. 3 – 4 members

    3. 5 – 6 members

    4. > 7 members

    5. Other:

  1. If you allow returning members, what determines their eligibility to serve? (Select all that apply).

    1. No eligibility criteria

    2. Availability to participate

    3. Quality of past reviews

    4. Participation limited to a specific number of times

    5. Preference given to past PAEMST awardees

    6. N/A – we do not allow returning members

    7. Other:

  1. Committee Members Professional Expertise (Provide numbers):

    1. __ Math/ Science Specialist(s)

    2. __ Past Awardee(s)

    3. __ School administrator(s)

    4. __ Business/Industry Professional(s)

    5. __ District administrator(s)

    6. __ Informal Educator(s)

    7. __ Teacher Educator(s)

    8. __ Education Researcher(s)

    9. __ STEM Researcher(s)

    10. __ Non-profit/Foundation Professional(s)

    11. __ Past PAEMST awardee(s)

    12. __ Past PAEMST applicant(s) (non-winners)

    13. __ Parent Teacher Association(s)

    14. __ State Science/Math Teaching Association Member(s)

    15. __ Other:

  1. How many were:

    1. __ Male

    2. __ Female

  1. How many were:


  1. __Hispanic or Latino

  2. __Not Hispanic or Latino


  1. __American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. __Asian

  3. __Black or African American

  4. __Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  5. __White

  6. __Not Reported

  7. __More Than One Race Reported

  1. What activities did you use this year to recruit selection committee members? (Select all that apply)

    1. Word of mouth

    2. Personalized Email(s)

    3. Letter(s)/Mailing(s)

    4. Newspaper/News media

    5. Social Media

    6. List Serve(s)/eBlast(s)

    7. Phone Call(s)

    8. Website(s)

    9. Conference(s)

    10. Professional Organization(s)

    11. School visit(s)

    12. Other:

  1. Did your organization provide training for your committee members?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. If yes to #7, what content was included in the committee member training? (Select all that apply)

    1. Instruction on application requirements and restrictions

    2. Determining applicant eligibility

    3. Instruction on Criteria for Five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching

    4. Tips on establishing consensus

    5. Tips on identifying and handling Implicit Bias

    6. Tips on identifying and handling Conflicts of Interest

    7. Requirements for giving written reviews

    8. Other:

State Selection Process

  1. How many applications did each committee member review?

  1. 1 – 2 applications

  2. 3 – 4 applications

  3. 5 – 6 applications

  4. > 7 applications

  5. Other:

  1. Did committee members meet and discuss applications together?

    1. Yes

    2. No

3. How did they decide on your state’s State Finalists?

4. Were any applications disqualified?

    1. Yes

    2. No

5. If so, why where the applications disqualified? (Select all that apply)

  1. Incomplete application

  2. Did not meet application requirements

  3. Did not meet eligibility requirements

  4. Other:

6. Was there a triage process where not all applications were reviewed by the committee?

  1. Yes

  2. No

7. If yes to #6, what were the reasons for excluding the applications from the committee review? (Select all that apply)

  1. Incomplete application

  2. Did not meet application requirements

  3. Did not meet eligibility requirements

  4. Application was low quality

  5. Other:

8. Did your committee meet virtually or in-person?

  1. Virtually

  2. In-person

  3. Both

9. When the committee meets, what is your role as the state coordinator? (Select all that apply).

  1. I do not have a role when the committee meetings

  2. I coordinate meeting logistics only

  3. I enforce rules established by the PAEMST program

  4. I identify and mitigate implicit bias

  5. I identify and mitigate conflicts of interest

  6. I ask clarifying questions

  7. I help the committee reach consensus

  8. I serve at the scribe

  9. I read and provide feedback on their written reviews

  10. Other

10. Were committee members provided a stipend?

  1. Yes

  2. No

11. If so, how much?

    1. $1-$100 Flat Fee

    2. $101-$200 Flat Fee

    3. $201-$300 Flat Fee

    4. >$300 Flat Fee

    5. $1-$100 Fee Per Application

    6. $101-$200 Fee Per Application

    7. $201-$300 Fee Per Application

    8. >$300 Fee Per Application

    9. Other:

12. Did your organization also cover expenses?

  1. Yes

  2. No

13. If yes to #12, what expenses were covered? (Select all that apply)

  1. Lodging/accommodations

  2. Mileage

  3. Per diem

  4. Other:


  1. When did you notify this year’s State Finalists of their selection? (Select all that apply)

    1. June (after state finalists were certified)

    2. July

    3. August

    4. September

    5. October

    6. November

    7. December

    8. January

    9. Other:

  1. How did you notify state finalists? (Select all that apply)

    1. Phone call

    2. Email

    3. Mailed Letter

    4. Public Event

    5. Personal Visit

    6. Not notified

    7. Other:

  1. What feedback did you provide to state finalists? (Select all that apply)

    1. Cover letter of the process

    2. Cover letter of the process with general feedback

    3. Cover letter of the process with application-specific feedback

    4. Copy of the committee/summary review from the portal

    5. Copy of the individual reviews from the portal

    6. Responded to applicant inquires

    7. Provided feedback only if asked

    8. No feedback provided; only notification

    9. Other:

  1. When did you notify this year’s applicants who were not selected? (Select all that apply)

    1. June (after state finalists were certified)

    2. July

    3. August

    4. September

    5. October

    6. November

    7. December

    8. January

    9. Other:

  1. How did you notify applicants who were not selected? (Select all that apply)

    1. Phone call

    2. Email

    3. Mailed Letter

    4. Personal Visit

    5. Not notified

    6. Other:

  1. What feedback did you provide to applicants who were not selected? (Select all that apply)

    1. Cover letter of the process

    2. Cover letter of the process with general feedback

    3. Cover letter of the process with application-specific feedback

    4. Copy of the committee/summary review from the portal

    5. Copy of the individual reviews from the portal

    6. Encouragement to reapply

    7. Respond to specific inquires

    8. Provide feedback only if ask

    9. No feedback provided; only notification

    10. Other:

  1. How do you announce your state finalists to the press or the public? (Select all that apply)

    1. At a conference

    2. Press release issued from State Department of Education

    3. Social media

    4. Website

    5. Dependent on state communications department

    6. Other:

  1. How does your state recognize State Finalists? (Select all that apply)

    1. At a local conference or public event

    2. At a state conference

    3. With CSSS’s or ASSM’s State Finalist certificate

    4. At a school event

    5. At a school board event

    6. At a state-level private/closed event

    7. At a state-level public/open event

    8. Other:

Program Expenses and In-Kind Donations

  1. How many hours per week do you serve as a State Coordinator?

    1. < 1 hour

    2. 1 – 8 hours

    3. 9 – 20 hours

    4. 21 – 40 hours

    5. > 40 hours

  1. Describe the In-kind contributions you make as a State Coordinator.

  1. Describe the In-kind contributions from outside sources (include staffing and/or materials not covered by your State’s $4000 or $1200 allotment.)

    1. Sponsored a venue for a recognition event

    2. Provided meals for attendees at an event

    3. Provided trophies or other tangibles

    4. Hosted outreach event

    5. Covered costs for outreach materials

    6. Other:

  1. Approximate total value of In-kind contribution from outside sources. (in dollars)

Program Support

  1. In general, what were some of the successes/highlights of this year?

  2. In general, what were some of the most significant challenges?

  3. What tools and resources would be helpful to you in your role as a State Coordinator that currently aren’t available?

  1. How could training/webinars for State Coordinators be improved?

  2. What were some common questions you received from nominees and applicants that the National Office should know about?

  1. Based on your interactions and the questions you received from applicants, what webinar topics would be helpful for nominees/applicants?

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorPlimpton, Suzanne H.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-26

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