44 CFR Part 351

44 CFR Part 351 (eCFR).pdf

Federal Assistance for Offsite Radiological Emergency Planning

44 CFR Part 351

OMB: 1660-0024

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e-CFR data is current as of February 18, 2021
Title 44 → Chapter I → Subchapter F → Part 351
Title 44: Emergency Management and Assistance
Subpart A—General
§351.1 Purpose.
§351.2 Scope.
§351.3 Limitation of scope.
Subpart B—Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee and Regional
Assistance Committees
§351.10 Establishment of committees.
§351.11 Functions of committees.
Subpart C—Interagency Assignments

The Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The Environmental Protection Agency.
The Department of Health and Human Services.
The Department of Energy.
The Department of Transportation.
The United States Department of Agriculture.
The Department of Defense.
The Department of Commerce.

: 5 U.S.C. 552, Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, E.O. 12127, E.O. 12148, E.O. 12241;
Presidential Directive of Dec. 7, 1979.


: 47 FR 10759, Mar. 11, 1982, unless otherwise noted.

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Subpart A—General
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§351.1 Purpose.
This part sets out Federal agency roles and assigns tasks regarding Federal assistance
to State and local governments in their radiological emergency planning and preparedness
activities. Assignments in this part are applicable to radiological accidents at fixed nuclear
facilities and transportation accidents involving radioactive materials.
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§351.2 Scope.
The emergency planning and preparedness responsibilities covered by this part relate to
consequences and activities which extend beyond the boundaries of any fixed nuclear facility
with a potential for serious consequences and the area affected by a transportation accident
involving radioactive materials.
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§351.3 Limitation of scope.
(a) This part covers Federal agency assignments and responsibilities in connection with
State and local emergency plans and preparedness measures. It does not set forth criteria
used in the review and approval of these plans and does not include any of the requirements
associated with FEMA findings and determinations on the adequacy of State and local
government radiological emergency preparedness. FEMA has published a separate rule on
procedures and criteria for reviewing and approving these plans and preparedness
capabilities. Furthermore, this part does not set forth Federal agency responsibilities or
capabilities for responding to an accident at a fixed nuclear facility or a transportation
accident involving radioactive materials. These responsibilities are addressed in the “Federal
Radiological Emergency Response Plan” (50 FR 46542, November 8, 1985).
(b) Nothing in this part authorizes access to or disclosure of classified information
required to be protected in accordance with Federal law or regulation in the interest of
national security.
[47 FR 10759, Mar. 11, 1982, as amended at 51 FR 34606, Sept. 30, 1986]

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Subpart B—Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating
Committee and Regional Assistance Committees
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§351.10 Establishment of committees.
(a) The Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) consists
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which chairs the Committee, Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Environmental Protection Agency Department of Health and




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Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health and
Human Services, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, Department of
Defense, United States Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce and, where
appropriate and on an ad hoc basis, other Federal departments and agencies. In chairing the
committee, FEMA will be responsible for assuring that all agency assignments described in
this rule are coordinated through the Committee and carried out with or on behalf of State
and local governments.
(b) The Regional Assistance Committees (RACs), one in each of 10 standard Federal
regions,1 consist of a FEMA Regional Representative who chairs the Committee and
representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency,
Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Energy, Department of
Transportation, United States Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce and other
Federal departments and agencies such as the Department of Defense, as appropriate. The
FEMA Chairperson of the RACs will provide guidance and orientation to other agency
members to assist them in carrying out their functions.

I (Boston); II (New York); III (Philadelphia); IV (Atlanta); V (Chicago); VI (Dallas); VII (Kansas City); VIII
(Denver); IX (San Francisco) and X (Seattle).

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§351.11 Functions of committees.
(a) The FRPCC shall assist FEMA in providing policy direction for the program of
Federal assistance to State and local governments in their radiological emergency planning
and preparedness activities. The FRPCC will establish subcommittees to aid in carrying out
its functions; e.g., research, training, emergency instrumentation, transportation, information,
education and Federal response. The FRPCC will assist FEMA in resolving issues relating to
granting of final FEMA approval of a State plan. The FRPCC will coordinate research and
study efforts of its member agencies related to State and local government radiological
emergency preparedness to assure minimum duplication and maximum benefits to State and
local governments. The FRPCC will also assure that the research efforts of its member
agencies are coordinated with the Interagency Radiation Research Committee.
(b) The RACs will assist State and local government officials in the development of their
radiological emergency plans and will review these plans and observe exercises to evaluate
adequacy of the plans. Each Federal agency member of the RACs will support the functions
of these committees by becoming knowledgeable of Federal planning and guidance related
to State and local radiological emergency plans, of their counterpart State organizations and
personnel, where their agency can assist in improving the preparedness and by participating
in RAC meetings.
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Subpart C—Interagency Assignments
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§351.20 The Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(a) Establish policy and provide leadership via the FRPCC in the coordination of all
Federal assistance and guidance to State and local governments for developing, reviewing,
assessing and testing the State and local radiological emergency plans.
(b) Issue guidance in cooperation with other Federal agencies concerning their
responsibilities for providing radiological emergency planning and preparedness assistance
to State and local governments.
(c) Foster cooperation of industry, technical societies, Federal agencies and other
constituencies in the radiological emergency planning and preparedness of State and local
(d) Develop and promulgate preparedness criteria and guidance to State and local
governments, in coordination with other Federal agencies, for the preparation, review and
testing of State and local radiological emergency plans.
(e) Provide assistance to State and local governments in the preparation, review and
testing of radiological emergency plans.
(f) Assess, with the assistance of other Federal agencies, the adequacy of State and
local government emergency plans and the capability of the State and local government
officials to implement them (e.g., adequacy and maintenance of equipment, procedures,
training, resources, staffing levels and qualifications) and report the findings and
determinations to NRC.
(g) Review and approve State radiological emergency plans and preparedness in
accordance with FEMA procedures in 44 CFR part 350.
(h) Develop, implement and maintain a program of public education and information to
support State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness.
(i) Develop and manage a radiological emergency response training program to meet
State and local needs, using technical expertise and resources of other involved agencies.
Develop and field test exercise materials and coordinate the Federal assistance required by
States and localities in conducting exercises, including guidance for Federal observers.
(j) Develop, with NRC and other Federal Agencies, representative scenarios from which
NRC licensed facility operators and State and local governments may select for use in testing
and exercising radiological emergency plans.
(k) Issue guidance for establishment of State and local emergency instrumentation
systems for radiation detection and measurement.
(l) Provide guidance and assistance, in coordination with NRC and HHS, to State and
local governments concerning the storage and distribution of radioprotective substances and



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prophylactic use of drugs (e.g., potassium iodide) to reduce the radiation dose to specific
organs as a result of radiological emergencies.
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§351.21 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
(a) Assess NRC nuclear facility (e.g., commercial power plants, fuel processing centers
and research reactors) licensee emergency plans for adequacy to protect the health and
safety of the public.
(b) Verify that nuclear facility licensee emergency plans can be adequately implemented
(e.g., adequacy and maintenance of equipment, procedures, training, resources, staffing
levels and qualifications).
(c) Review FEMA's findings and determinations of State and local radiological
emergency plans for areas surrounding NRC licensed nuclear facilities.
(d) Take into account the overall state of emergency preparedness in making decisions
to issue operating licenses or shut down licensed operating reactors, including the integration
of assessments of emergency preparedness onsite by the NRC and offsite by FEMA.
(e) Where not already established, determine, in cooperation with other Federal
agencies, the appropriate planning bases for NRC licensed nuclear facilities including
distances, times and radiological characteristics.
(f) Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to State and local
governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans.
(g) Participate with FEMA in assisting State and local governments in developing their
radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans and evaluating the plans
and preparedness.
(h) Assist FEMA and DOT in the preparation and promulgation of guidance to State and
local governments for their use in developing the transportation portions of radiological
emergency plans.
(i) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.
(j) Assist FEMA in the development, implementation and maintenance of public
information and education programs.
(k) Assist FEMA with other Federal agencies in the development of representative
scenarios from which nuclear facility operators and State and local governments may select
for use in testing and exercising radiological emergency plans.
(l) Assist FEMA in the development of guidance for State and local governments on
emergency instrumentation systems for radiation detection and measurement.



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(m) Assist FEMA with the development, implementation and presentation to the extent
that resources permit of training programs for Federal, State and local radiological
emergency preparedness personnel.
(n) Assist FEMA in providing guidance and assistance to State and local governments
concerning the storage and distribution of radioprotective substances and prophylactic use of
drugs (e.g., potassium iodide) to reduce the radiation dose to specific organs as a result of
radiological emergencies.
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§351.22 The Environmental Protection Agency.
(a) Establish Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for all aspects of radiological emergency
planning in coordination with appropriate Federal agencies.
(b) Prepare guidance for State and local governments on implementing PAGs, including
recommendations on protective actions which can be taken to mitigate the potential radiation
dose to the population. This guidance will be presented in the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) “Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear
Incidents.” (The preparation of PAGs related to human food and animal feed will be done in
coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)/Food and Drug
(c) Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to State and local
governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans.
(d) Assist FEMA with the development, implementation and presentation to the extent
that resources permit of technical training for State and local officials regarding PAGs and
protective actions, radiation dose assessment and decisionmaking.
(e) Participate with FEMA in assisting State and local governments in developing their
radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans and evaluating the plans
and preparedness.
(f) Assist FEMA in the development of guidance for State and local governments on
emergency instrumentation systems for radiation detection and measurement.
(g) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.
(h) Assist FEMA in developing representative scenarios from which nuclear facility
operators and State and local governments may select for use in testing and exercising
radiological emergency plans.
(i) Assist FEMA in the development, implementation and maintenance of public
information and education programs.
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§351.23 The Department of Health and Human Services.
(a) Develop and specify protective actions and associated guidance to State and local
governments for human food and animal feed (in cooperation with the Environmental
Protection Agency).
(b) Provide guidance and assistance to State and local governments in preparing
programs related to mental health, behavioral disturbances and epidemiology associated
with radiological emergencies.
(c) Assist FEMA in the development, implementation and maintenance of public
information and education programs to support State and local government radiological
emergency plans and preparedness.
(d) Assist FEMA with the development, implementation and presentation to the extent
that resources permit of a radiological emergency training program to support State and local
government personnel in accident assessment, protective actions and decisionmaking.
(e) Develop and assist in providing the requisite training programs for State and local
health, mental health and social service agencies.
(f) Provide guidance to State and local governments on the use of radio-protective
substances and prophylactic use of drugs (e.g., potassium iodide) to reduce the radiation
dose to specific organs including dosage and projected radiation exposures at which such
drugs should be used.
(g) Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to State and local
governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans.
(h) Participate with FEMA in assisting State and local governments in developing their
radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans and evaluating the plans
and preparedness.
(i) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.
(j) Assist FEMA in developing representative scenarios from which nuclear facility
operators and State and local governments may select for use in testing and exercising
radiological emergency plans.
(k) Assist FEMA in the development of guidance for State and local governments on
emergency instrumentation systems for radiation detection and measurement.
(l) Assist, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the
State and local governments in the planning for the safe production, during radiological
emergencies, of human food and animal feed in the emergency planning zones around fixed
nuclear facilities.




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(m) Assist FEMA, through the Interagency Radiation Research Committee, chaired by
the Department of Health and Human Services, in the coordination of Federal research
efforts, primarily in areas related to the bioeffects of radiation, applicable to State and local
plans and preparedness.
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§351.24 The Department of Energy.
(a) Determine the appropriate planning bases for the Department of Energy (DOE)
owned and contractor operated nuclear facilities (e.g., research and weapon production
facilities) including distances, time and radiological characteristics.
(b) Assess DOE nuclear facility emergency plans for adequacy in contributing to the
health and safety of the public.
(c) Verify that DOE nuclear facility emergency plans can be adequately implemented
(e.g., adequacy and maintenance of equipment, procedures, training, resources, staffing
levels and qualifications).
(d) Assist State and local governments, within the constraints of national security and in
coordination with FEMA, in the preparation of those portions of their radiological emergency
plans related to DOE owned and contractor operated nuclear facilities and radioactive
materials in transit.
(e) Review and assess FEMA's findings and determinations on the adequacy of and
capability to implement State and local radiological emergency plans for areas surrounding
DOE nuclear facilities. Make independent assessments of the overall State of plans and
(f) Serve as the lead agency for coordinating the development and issuance of
interagency instructions and guidance to implement the Federal Radiological Monitoring and
Assessment Plan (FRMAP), which will replace the Interagency Radiological Assistance Plan.
The FRMAP provides the framework through which participating Federal agencies will
coordinate their emergency radiological monitoring and assessment activities with those of
State and local governments.
(g) Develop, maintain and improve capability to detect and assess hazardous levels of
(h) Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to State and local
governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans.
(i) Assist FEMA with the development, implementation and presentation to the extent
that resources permit of training programs for Federal, State and local radiological
emergency response personnel.




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(j) Participate with FEMA in assisting State and local governments in developing their
radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans and evaluating the plans
and preparedness.
(k) Develop, with FEMA, representative scenarios from which DOE facility operators and
State and local governments may select for use in testing and exercising radiological
emergency plans.
(l) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.
(m) Assist FEMA in the development of guidance for State and local governments on
emergency instrumentation systems for radiation detection and measurement.
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§351.25 The Department of Transportation.
(a) Assist FEMA, along with NRC, in the preparation and promulgation of guidance to
State and local governments for their use in developing the transportation portions of
radiological emergency plans.
(b) Assist FEMA in its review and approval of State and local radiological emergency
plans and in the evaluation of exercises to test such plans.
(c) Provide guidance and materials for use in training emergency services and other
response personnel for transportation accidents involving radioactive materials and
participate in interagency planning for such training.
(d) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.
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§351.26 The United States Department of Agriculture.
(a) Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to State and local
governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans.
(b) Participate with FEMA in assisting State and local governments in developing their
radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans and reviewing and
evaluating the plans and preparedness.
(c) Assist State and local governments in preparing to implement protective actions in
food ingestion pathway emergency planning zones around fixed nuclear facilities.
(d) Develop, in coordination with FEMA, the HHS and other Federal agencies, guidance
for assisting State and local governments in the production, processing and distribution of
food resources under radiological emergency conditions.




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(e) Assist FEMA with the development, implementation and presentation to the extent
that resources permit of training programs of Federal, State and local radiological emergency
(f) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.
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§351.27 The Department of Defense.
(a) Determine appropriate planning bases for Department of Defense (DOD) nuclear
facilities and installations (e.g., missile bases, nuclear submarine facilities and weapon
storage sites) including distances, time and radiological characteristics.
(b) Develop, with FEMA, representative scenarios from which DOD nuclear facility
commanders and State and local governments may select for use in testing and exercising
radiological emergency plans.
(c) Assist State and local governments, within the constraints of national security and in
coordination with FEMA, in the development, review and assessment of those portions of
their radiological emergency plans related to DOD nuclear facilities and assist State officials
with planning for response to accidents involving DOD controlled radioactive materials in
(d) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs when
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§351.28 The Department of Commerce.
(a) Assist State and local governments in determining their requirements for
meteorological and hydrological services for radiological emergencies and assist State and
local governments in preparing to meet these requirements within the limits of available
(b) Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to State and local
governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans.
(c) Participate with FEMA in assisting State and local governments in developing their
radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans and evaluating the plans
and preparedness.
(d) Assist FEMA with the development, implementation and presentation to the extent
that resources permit of technical training for State and local officials in the use of
meterological information in responding to radiological emergencies.
(e) Provide representation to and support for the FRPCC and the RACs.



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(f) Assist FEMA in the development of guidance for State and local governments on the
exposure and location of emergency instrumentation systems for radiation detection and
(g) The Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research will,
consistent with the provisions of the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-62, serve
as the coordinating agent for any multiagency meteorological aspects of assisting State and
local governments in their radiological emergency planning and preparedness.
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