44 CFR Part 352

44 CFR Part 352 (eCFR).pdf

Federal Assistance for Offsite Radiological Emergency Planning

44 CFR Part 352

OMB: 1660-0024

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e-CFR data is current as of February 18, 2021
Title 44 → Chapter I → Subchapter F → Part 352
Title 44: Emergency Management and Assistance
§352.1 Definitions.
§352.2 Scope, purpose and applicability.
Subpart A—Certifications and Determinations

Purpose and scope.
Licensee certification.
FEMA action on licensee certification.
FEMA determination on the commitment of Federal facilities and resources.
Review and evaluation.

Subpart B—Federal Participation
§352.20 Purpose and scope.
§352.21 Participating Federal agencies.
§352.22 Functions of the Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee
§352.23 Functions of a Regional Assistance Committee (RAC).
§352.24 Provision of technical assistance and Federal facilities and resources.
§352.25 Limitation on committing Federal facilities and resources for emergency
§352.26 Arrangements for Federal response in the licensee offsite emergency response
§352.27 Federal role in the emergency response.
§352.28 Reimbursement.
§352.29 Appeal process.
: Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. app. 2251 et seq.;) Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 9701; Executive
Order 12657; Executive Order 12148; Executive Order 12127 and Executive Order 12241.


: 54 FR 31925, Aug. 2, 1989, unless otherwise noted.

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§352.1 Definitions.
As used in this part, the following terms and concepts are defined:
(a) Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator, National Preparedness
Directorate, FEMA or designee.
(b) Administrator means the Administrator, FEMA or designee.
(c) EPZ means Emergency Planning Zone.
(d) FEMA means the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(e) NRC means the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
(f) Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator of FEMA or designee.
(g) Local government means boroughs, cities, counties, municipalities, parishes, towns,
townships or other local jurisdictions within the plume and ingestion exposure pathway EPZs
that have specific roles in emergency planning and preparedness.
(h) Decline or fail means a situation where State or local governments do not participate
in preparing offsite emergency plans or have significant planning or preparedness
inadequacies and have not demonstrated the commitment or capabilities to correct those
inadequacies in a timely manner so as to satisfy NRC licensing requirements.
(i) Governor means the Governor of a State or his/her designee.
(j) Certification means the written justification by a licensee of the need for Federal
compensatory assistance. This certification is required to activate the Federal assistance
under this part.
(k) Responsible local official means the highest elected official of an appropriate local
(l) Technical assistance means services provided by FEMA and other Federal agencies
to facilitate offsite radiological emergency planning and preparedness such as: Provision of
support for the preparation off site radiological emergency response plans and procedures;
FEMA coordination of services from other Federal agencies; provision and interpretation of
Federal guidance; provision of Federal and contract personnel to offer advice and
recommendations for specific aspects of preparedness such as alert and notification and
emergency public information.
(m) Federal facilities and resources means personnel, property (land, buildings, vehicles,
equipment), and operational capabilities controlled by the Federal government related to
establishing and maintaining radiological emergency response preparedness.
(n) Licensee means the utility which has applied for or has received a license from the
NRC to operate a commercial nuclear power plant.




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(o) Reimbursement means the payment to FEMA/Federal agencies, jointly or severally,
by a licensee and State and local governments for assistance and services provided in
processing certifications and implementing Federal compensatory assistance under this part
(p) Host FEMA Regional Office means the FEMA Regional Office that has primary
jurisdiction by virtue of the nuclear power plant being located within its geographic
(q) Command and control means making and issuing protective action decisions and
directing offsite emergency response resources, agencies, and activities.
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§352.2 Scope, purpose and applicability.
(a) This part applies whenever State or local governments, either individually or together,
decline or fail to prepare commercial nuclear power plant offsite radiological emergency
preparedness plans that are sufficient to satisfy NRC licensing requirements or to participate
adequately in the preparation, demonstration, testing, exercise, or use of such plans. In order
to request the assistance provided for in this part, an affected nuclear power plant applicant
or licensee shall certify in writing to FEMA that the above situation exists.
(b) The purposes of this part are as follows: (1) To establish policies and procedures for
the submission of a licensee certification for Federal assistance under Executive Order
12657; (2) set forth policies and procedures for FEMA's determination to accept, accept with
modification, or reject the licensee certification; (3) establish a framework for providing
Federal assistance to licensees; and (4) provide procedures for the review and evaluation of
the adequacy of offsite radiological emergency planning and preparedness. Findings and
determinations on offsite planning and preparedness made under this part are provided to
the NRC for its use in the licensing process.
(c) This part applies only in instances where Executive Order 12657 is used by a
licensee and its provisions do not affect the validity of the emergency preparedness
developed by the licensee independent of or prior to Executive Order 12657.
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Subpart A—Certifications and Determinations
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§352.3 Purpose and scope.
This subpart establishes policies and procedures for submission by a commercial
nuclear power plant licensee of a certification for Federal assistance under Executive Order
12657. It contains policies and procedures for FEMA's determinations, with respect to a
certification. It establishes a framework for providing Federal assistance to licensees. It also



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provides procedures for review and evaluation of the adequacy of licensee offsite radiological
emergency planning and preparedness.
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§352.4 Licensee certification.
(a) A licensee which seeks Federal assistance under this part shall submit a certification
to the host FEMA Regional Administrator that a decline or fail situation exists. The
certification shall be in the form of a letter from the chief executive officer of the licensee. The
contents of this letter shall address the provisions set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
(b) The licensee certification shall delineate why such assistance is needed based on
the criteria of decline or fail for the relevant State or local governments.
(c) The licensee certification shall document requests to and responses from the
Governor(s) or responsible local official(s) with respect to the efforts taken by the licensee to
secure their participation, cooperation, commitment of resources or timely correction of
planning and preparedness failures.
[54 FR 31925, Aug. 2, 1989, as amended at 74 FR 15357, Apr. 3, 2008]

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§352.5 FEMA action on licensee certification.
(a) Upon receiving a licensee certification, the host Regional Administrator shall
immediately notify FEMA Headquarters of the licensee certification. Within 5 days the host
Regional Administrator shall notify the Governor of an affected State and the chief executive
officer of any local government that a certification has been received, and make a copy of the
certification available to such persons. Within 10 days, the host Regional Administrator shall
acknowledge in writing the receipt of the certification to the licensee.
(b) Within 15 days of receipt of the certification, the Regional Administrator shall publish
a notice in the F
that a certification from the licensee has been received,
and that copies are available at the Regional Office for review and copying in accordance
with 44 CFR 5.26.
(c) FEMA Headquarters shall notify the NRC of receipt of the certification and shall
request advice from the NRC on whether a decline or fail situation exists.
(d) State and local governments may submit written statements to the host Regional
Administrator outlining their position as to the facts stated in the letter of certification. Such
statements shall be submitted to FEMA within 10 days of the date of notification provided to
State and local government under §352.5(a). Any such statements shall be a part of the
record and will be considered in arriving at recommendations or determinations made under
the provisions of this part.



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(e) The host FEMA Regional Office shall provide, after consulting with State and
responsible local officials, a recommended determination on whether a decline or fail
situation exists to the FEMA Deputy Administrator for the National Preparedness Directorate
within 30 days of receipt of the licensee certification.
(f) The FEMA Deputy Administrator for the National Preparedness Directorate shall
make a determination on whether a decline or fail situation exists within 45 days of receipt of
the licensee certification and shall advise the licensee, NRC, and State and local officials.
(g) The times for actions set out above may be extended up to an aggregate of 30 days
by the host Regional Administrator or Deputy Administrator for the National Preparedness
Directorate, as appropriate.
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§352.6 FEMA determination on the commitment of Federal facilities and resources.
(a) A licensee request for Federal facilities and resources shall document the licensee's
maximum feasible use of its resources and its efforts to secure the use of State and local
government and volunteer resources.
(b) Upon a licensee request for Federal facilities and resources, FEMA headquarters
shall notify NRC and request advice from the NRC as to whether the licensee has made
maximum use of its resources and the extent to which the licensee has complied with 10
CFR 50.47(c)(1). The host FEMA Regional Administratorshall make a recommendation to the
FEMA Deputy Administrator for the National Preparedness Directorate on whether the
provision of these facilities and resources is warranted. The FEMA Deputy Administrator for
the National Preparedness Directorate shall make a final determination as to whether
Federal facilities and resources are needed.
(c) In making the determination under paragraph (b) of this section, FEMA:
(1) Shall work actively with the licensee, and before relying upon any Federal resources,
shall make maximum feasible use of the licensee's own resources, which may include
agreements with volunteer organizations and other government entities and agencies; and
(2) Shall assume that, in the event of an actual radiological emergency or disaster, State
and local authorities would contribute their full resources and exercise their authorities in
accordance with their duties to protect the public and would act generally in conformity with
the licensee's radiological emergency preparedness plan.
(d) The FEMA Deputy Administrator for the National Preparedness Directorate shall
make a determination on the need for and commitment of Federal facilities and resources.
The FEMA determination shall be made in consultation with affected Federal agencies and in
accordance with 44 CFR 352.21. FEMA shall inform the licensee, the States and affected
local governments in writing of the Federal support which will be provided. This information
shall identify Federal agencies that are to provide Federal support, the extent and purpose of
the support to be provided, the Federal facilities and resources to be committed and the



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limitations on their use. The provision of the identified Federal support shall be made under
the policies and procedures of subpart B of this part.
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§352.7 Review and evaluation.
FEMA shall conduct its activities and make findings under this part in a manner
consistent with 44 CFR part 350 to the extent that those procedures are appropriate and not
inconsistent with the intent and procedures required by E.O. 12657. This Order shall take
precedence, and any inconsistencies shall be resolved under the procedures in the
NRC/FEMA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on planning and preparedness. (50 FR
15485, April 18, 1985)
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Subpart B—Federal Participation
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§352.20 Purpose and scope.
This subpart establishes policy and procedures for providing support for offsite
radiological emergency planning and preparedness in a situation where Federal support
under Executive Order 12657 (E.O. 12657) has been requested. This subpart:
(a) Describes the process for providing Federal technical assistance to the licensee for
developing its offsite emergency response plan after an affirmative determination on the
licensee certification under subpart A (44 CFR 352.5(f));
(b) Describes the process for providing Federal facilities and resources to the licensee
after a determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(d)) that Federal resources are required;
(c) Describes the principal response functions which Federal agencies may be called
upon to provide;
(d) Describes the process for allocating responsibilities among Federal agencies for
planning site-specific emergency response functions; and
(e) Provides for the participation of Federal agencies, including the members of the
FRPCC and the RACs.
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§352.21 Participating Federal agencies.
(a) FEMA may call upon any Federal agency to participate in planning for the use of
Federal facilities and resources in the licensee offsite emergency response plan.



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(b) FEMA may call upon the following agencies, and others as needed, to provide
Federal technical assistance and Federal facilities and resources:
(1) Department of Commerce;
(2) Department of Defense;
(3) Department of Energy;
(4) Department of Health and Human Services;
(5) Department of Housing and Urban Development;
(6) Department of the Interior;
(7) Department of Transportation;
(8) Environmental Protection Agency;
(9) Federal Communications Commission;
(10) General Services Administration;
(11) National Communications System;
(12) Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
(13) United States Department of Agriculture; and
(14) Department of Veterans Affairs.
(c) FEMA is the Federal agency primarily responsible for coordinating Federal
assistance. FEMA may enter into Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) and other
instruments with Federal agencies to provide technical assistance and to arrange for the
commitment and utilization of Federal facilities and resources as necessary. FEMA also may
use a MOU to delegate to another Federal agency, with the consent of that agency, any of
the functions and duties assigned to FEMA. Following review and approval by OMB, FEMA
will publish such documents in the F
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§352.22 Functions of the Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee
Under 44 CFR part 351, the role of the FRPCC is to assist FEMA in providing policy
direction for the program of technical assistance to State and local governments in their
radiological emergency planning and preparedness activities. Under this subpart, the role of
the FRPCC is to provide advice to FEMA regarding Federal assistance and Federal facilities
and resources for implementing subparts A and B of this part. This assistance activity is



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extended to licensees. The FRPCC will assist FEMA in revising the Federal Radiological
Emergency Response Plan (FRERP).
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§352.23 Functions of a Regional Assistance Committee (RAC).
(a) Under 44 CFR part 351, the role of a RAC is to assist State and local government
officials to develop their radiological emergency plans, to review the plans, and to observe
exercises to evaluate the plans. Under subparts A and B of this part, these technical
assistance activities are extended to the licensee.
(b) Prior to a determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(d)) that Federal facilities and
resources are needed, the designated RAC for the specific site will assist the licensee, as
necessary, in evaluating the need for Federal facilities and resources, in addition to providing
technical assistance under §352.23(a).
(c) In accomplishing the foregoing, the RAC will use the standards and evaluation
criteria in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1 and Supp. 1.1 or approved alternative
approaches, and RAC members shall render such technical assistance as appropriate to
their agency mission and expertise.

Copy available from FEMA Distribution Center, P.O. Box 70274 Washington, DC 20024

(d) Following determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(d)) that Federal facilities and
resources are needed, the RAC will assist FEMA in identifying agencies and specifying the
Federal facilities and resources which the agencies are to provide.
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§352.24 Provision of technical assistance and Federal facilities and resources.
(a) Under a determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.5(f) and 352.4(e)) that a decline
or fail situation exists, FEMA and other Federal agencies will provide technical assistance to
the licensee. Such assistance may be provided during the pendency of an appeal under
(b) The applicable criteria for the use of Federal facilities and resources are set forth in
subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(c)(1)(2)). Upon a determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(d))
that Federal resources or facilities will be required, FEMA will consult with the FRPCC, the
RAC, the individual Federal agencies, and the licensee, to determine the extent of Federal
facilities and resources that the government could provide, and the most effective way to do
so. After such consultation, FEMA will specifically request Federal agencies to provide those
Federal facilities and resources. The Federal agencies, in turn, will respond to confirm the
availability of such facilities and resources and provide estimates of their costs.
(c) FEMA will inform the licensee in writing of the Federal support which will be provided.
This information will identify Federal agencies which are to be included in the plan, the extent



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and purpose of technical assistance to be provided and the Federal facilities and resources
to be committed, and the limitations of their use. The information will also describe the
requirements for reimbursement to the Federal Government for this support.
(d) FEMA will coordinate the Federal effort in implementing the determinations made
under subpart A (44 CFR 352.5(f) and 352.6(d)) so that each Federal agency maintains the
committed technical assistance, facilities, and resources after the licensee offsite emergency
response plan is completed. FEMA and other Federal agencies will participate in training,
exercises, and drills, in support of the licensee offsite emergency response plan.
(e) In carrying out paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, FEMA will keep affected
State and local governments informed of actions taken.
[54 FR 31925, Aug. 2, 1989, as amended at 74 FR 15357, Apr. 3, 2009]

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§352.25 Limitation on committing Federal facilities and resources for emergency
(a) The commitment of Federal facilities and resources will be made through the
authority of the affected Federal agencies.
(b) In implementing a determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(d)), that Federal
facilities and resources are necessary for emergency preparedness, FEMA shall take care
not to supplant State and local resources. Federal facilities and resources shall be
substituted for those of the State and local governments in the licensee offsite emergency
response plan only to the extent necessary to compensate for the nonparticipation or
inadequate participation of those governments, and only as a last resort after consultation
with the Governor(s) and responsible local officials in the affected area(s) regarding State
and local participation.
(c) All Federal planning activities described in this subpart will be conducted under the
assumption that, in the event of an actual radiological emergency or disaster, State and local
authorities would contribute their full resources and exercise their authorities in accordance
with their duties to protect the public from harm and would act, generally, in conformity with
the licensee's offsite emergency response plan.
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§352.26 Arrangements for Federal response in the licensee offsite emergency
response plan.
Federal agencies may be called upon to assist the licensee in developing a licensee
offsite emergency response plan in areas such as:
(a) Arrangements for use of Federal facilities and resources for response functions such



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(1) Prompt notification of the emergency to the public;
(2) Assisting in any necessary evacuation;
(3) Providing reception centers or shelters and related facilities and services for
(4) Providing emergency medical services at Federal hospitals; and
(5) Ensuring the creation and maintenance of channels of communication from
commercial nuclear power plant licensees to State and local governments and to surrounding
members of the public.
(b) Arrangements for transferring response functions to State and local governments
during the response in an actual emergency; and
(c) Arrangements which may be necessary for FEMA coordination of the response of
other Federal agencies.
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§352.27 Federal role in the emergency response.
In addition to the Federal component of the licensee offsite emergency response plan
described in subpart B (§352.26), and after complying with E.O. 12657, Section 2(b)(2),
which states that FEMA:
(2) Shall take care not to supplant State and local resources and that FEMA shall substitute its own
resources for those of State and local governments only to the extent necessary to compensate for the
nonparticipation or inadequate participation of those governments, and only as a last resort after appropriate
consultation with the Governors and responsible local officials in the affected area regarding State and local

FEMA shall provide for initial Federal response activities, including command and control of
the offsite response, as may be needed. Any Federal response role, undertaken pursuant to
this section, shall be transferred to State and local governments as soon as feasible after the
onset of an actual emergency.
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§352.28 Reimbursement.
In accordance with Executive Order 12657, Section 6(d), and to the extent permitted by
law, FEMA will coordinate full reimbursement, either jointly or severally, to the agencies
performing services or furnishing resources, from any affected licensee and from any
affected nonparticipating or inadequately participating State or local government.
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§352.29 Appeal process.



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(a) Any interested party may appeal a determination made by the Deputy Administrator
for the National Preparedness Directorate, under §§352.5 and 352.6 of this part, by
submitting to the Administrator, FEMA, a written notice of appeal, within 30 days after
issuance. The appeal is to be addressed to the Administrator, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472. The appeal letter shall
state the specific reasons for the appeal and include documentation to support appellant
arguments. The appeal is limited to matters of record under §§352.5 and 352.6.
(b) Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, the FEMA Administrator or designee will
review the record and make a final determination on the matter.
(c) Copies of this determination shall be furnished to the Appellant, the State(s), affected
local governments, and the NRC.
(d) For purposes of this section, the term interested party means only a licensee, a State
or a local government, as defined in §352.1(g).
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