Operating Fund Energy Incentives: Energy Performance Contracting Program, Rate Reduction Incentive

Operating Fund Energy Incentives: Energy Performance Contracting Program, Rate Reduction Incentive

FINAL EPC Savings Calculator 2-22-23 protected PRA.xlsx

Operating Fund Energy Incentives: Energy Performance Contracting Program, Rate Reduction Incentive

OMB: 2577-0305

Document [xlsx]
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Tab 1 Savings Calculator
Tab 2 Actual Costs Input
Tab 3 75% and Cross Sub Calc
Tab 4 M&V Summary
Tab 5 Savings Comparison
Tab 6 RPU Workbook
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (2)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (3)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (4)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (5)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (6)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (7)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (8)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (9)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (10)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (11)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (12)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (13)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (14)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (15)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (16)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (17)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (18)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (19)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (20)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (21)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (22)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (23)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (24)
Tab 6 RPU Workbook (25)

Sheet 1: Tab 1 Savings Calculator

EPC Savings Calculator
Required Documents:
EPC Annual Reporting Review Checklist and Instructions

PHA Name: Acme Housing Authority
Fiscal Year: 2023

* Savings data is for same period as 52722 utility data for FRB and RPU, and most recent calendar year for AOS.

FRB/RPU Reporting Period:
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022

AOS Reporting Period:
January 1 - December 30, 2022

Savings Calculation from 52722
Frozen Rolling Base (FRB)
Section I.C.2 of EPC Annual Reporting Review Checklist

AMP # Utility Type
(Select From Dropdown)
Current Year Actual Consumption (July 1, 20XX to June 30, 20XX) Utility Unit of Consumption
(Select From Dropdown)
Rolling Base Consumption
(FRB Baseline)
Average Utility Rate Dollar Savings
Form HUD-52722 Section 2, Line 01 Form HUD-52722 Section 2, Line 01a Form HUD-52722 Section 3, Line 8 Form HUD-52722 Section 7, Line 17 (FRB Baseline - Current Consumption) x Average Utility Rate













































































Add-On Subsidy (AOS)
Section II.C of EPC Annual Reporting Review Checklist
AOS - Option C (Authority Paid)

AMP # Utility Type
(Select From Dropdown)
Current Year Actual Consumption Utility Unit of Consumption
(Select From Dropdown)
AOS Option C Baseline Average Utility Rate Dollar Savings
(Jan 1, 20XX - Dec 31, 20XX)1
Form HUD-52722 Section 2, Line 01a From Approval Letter Rate From UBL (Jan 1, 20XX - Dec 31, 20XX)2 (Baseline - Current Consumption) x Average Utility Rate














































































1 UBL - Utility Bill Ledger; if UBL not available, use Form HUD-52722 data

2 If UBL rate not available, use Form HUD-52722 rate (Section 7, Line 17)

AOS - Option A (Authority Paid)

AMP # Utility Type
(Select From Dropdown)
Stipulated Consumption Savings Utility Unit of Consumption
(Select From Dropdown)
Average Utility Rate Dollar Savings
From Original Approval Letter/HCS Section 2, Line 01a Rate From UBL (Jan 1, 20XX - Dec 31, 20XX)1 Stipulated Consumption Savings x Average Utility Rate














































































1 If UBL rate not available, use Form HUD-52722 rate (Section 7, Line 17)

Savings Summary as Validated by Field Office
FRB $-
AOS Option C $-
AOS Option A $-
Total RPU (Linked to each AMP's Tab 6 RPU Worksheet) $-
Total EPC Savings $-

Total FRB/RPU (for 75% Rule) $-
Total AOS $-

Sheet 2: Tab 2 Actual Costs Input

Annual EPC Costs
Fiscal Year1 Type Source
Debt Service M & V Replacement Costs Other Approved Costs2 Total
2023 Anticipated HUD EPC Approval Letter
$114,360 $13,791 $- $- $128,151

2023 Actual PHA Data
$114,360 $13,791 $- $- $128,151

1 Cost data is for same period as 52722 utility data for FRB and RPU, and most recent calendar year for AOS.

2 Costs must be approved in HUD approval letter and included on HUD cash flow.

EPC Incentives as a % of Project Costs

(From EPC Approval Letter)**

FRB incentive


RPU incentive


AOS incentive


Total 100.0%

**See guidance for alternative methods if not in EPC Approval Letter; installation cost is recommended in most cases. Guidance can be found in the Instructions for EPC Terminology with Explanations for Reviewing a PHA’s Annual Reporting Documentation.

75% Rule - EPC Incentives as a % of Project Costs

75% Rule Applies to FRB and RPU Incentive Combined

FRB/RPU incentive


AOS incentive


Total 100.0%

Actual Project Costs by Incentive

FRB/RPU incentive


AOS incentive


Sheet 3: Tab 3 75% and Cross Sub Calc

75% Calculation Table and Cross-Subsidy Table
Note: This Table Self-Populates and Self-Calculates from Savings and Cost Inputs
Cross-Subsidization of Incentives for EPCs with AOS and FRB and/Or RPU Incentives (D) Only Applies if Approved in EPC Approval Letter for post-2012 EPCs

Funding Year Total FO validated EPC incentive Savings Total validated Project Costs from PHA A: AOS Utility Savings B: AOS Project Costs C: AOS Excess Savings D:
AOS Savings Contribution to FRB/RPU Project Costs
E: Lookback, AOS Incentive PHA should have received under full cross sub F: FRB/RPU Utility Savings G: FRB/RPU Project Costs H: FRB/RPU Excess Savings I: FRB/RPU Savings Contribution to AOS Project Costs J: 75% Rule Test RPU Incentives Funds Retained by HUD K: AOS amount received last year from 52723 L: AOS current year adjustment to AOS -negative value = HUD recapture amount M: Cash Flow

100% 100% FO validated 0.90% C = A - B D = (G-F)≤C E = < A or (B + D) FO validated 99.1% H = F-G I = -C J = .75F-(G+I) 52723 L = E- K M = (E+F)-(B+G+J)
2023 $0 $128,151 $0 $1,153 ($1,153) $0 $0 $0 $126,998 ($126,998) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($128,151)

Sheet 4: Tab 4 M&V Summary

M&V Summary
Acme Housing Authority

Validated Savings Calculated by HUD
1 FRB $0
2 Total AOS (Option A + Option C, as applicable) $0
3 RPU $0
4 Total Savings $0

Validated Costs Reported by PHA, reviewed by HUD
5 Debt $114,360
6 Service Fee (M&V) $13,791
7 Replacement Costs $0
8 Other Approved EPC Costs $0
9 Total Costs $128,151

% of Costs by Incentive (From EPC Approval Letter) Approval Letter
10 FRB % of Costs 35.60%
11 AOS % of Costs 0.90%
12 RPU % of Costs 63.50%
13 FRB/RPU % of Costs 99.10%
14 AOS % of Costs 0.90%

Excess AOS savings Determined by HUD
15 AOS amount received last year from 52723 (Section 3, Line 08) $0
16 AOS Validated Savings $0
17 AOS Validated Costs $1,153
18 AOS lesser of project costs or savings $0
19 AOS excess savings ($1,153)
20 AOS overpayment to PHA last year (prior to cross sub) $0

75% Rule
Determined by HUD
21 FRB/RPU Savings $0
22 FRB/RPU Costs $126,998
23 Total FRB/RPU Excess Savings (positive is excess, negative is shortfall) ($126,998)
24 AOS overpayment to PHA prior year (prior to cross sub) $0
25 AOS current year proposed adjustment (positive=increase; negative=reduce AOS) $0
26 AOS excess Savings Contribute to FRB/RPU Project Costs (Cross-Subsidization of Incentives)
27 FRB/RPU Excess Savings, Contribute to AOS Costs $0
28 75% Rule Retained by HUD $0
28 Higher AOS cross sub to cover FRB/RPU shortfall approved? yes
30 Lookback, AOS Incentive PHA should have received under full cross sub $0

HUD Recapture Summary Determined by HUD
31 AOS current year adjustment positive is HUD recapture amount; negative value is increase in AOS (Adjust Section 3, Line 08, HUD Modifications) $0
32 FRB/RPU Excess Savings Recaptured $0
33 FRB/RPU excess savings used to cover AOS savings shortfall $0

Sheet 5: Tab 5 Savings Comparison

Savings Information From 52723
AOS Requested by PHA (Prior Year's 52723)

AMP # Energy Loan Amoritization
(Requested By PHA)1
Validated AOS Savings by AMP Difference

Form HUD-52723
Section 3 Line 8
Input Values from Tab 1 If Positive, Recapture Amount


























Total: $- $- $-


1This is the amount of AOS requested by the FO; an error which results in an overpayment of AOS must be corrected by offsetting the following year’s AOS incentive on the Form HUD-52723. The difference is offset against the HUD approved AOS request on Line 08, Section 3, of the Form HUD-52723.

Resident Paid Utility Incentive (RPU, Current Year's 52723)
Section III.C.2 of EPC Annual Reporting Review Checklist

AMP # RPU Savings Per Unit Month1 Total Unit Months 52723 Calcuated Savings Validated RPU Savings by AMP Validated RPU Per Unit Month Adjustment by AMP Difference in Total Savings Difference in PUM Adjustment2

Negative number (Section 3, Part B, Line 2 of Form HUD-52723)
Section 2, Line 15, Column B of Form HUD-52723 (HUD Modified)
A x B:
RPU Savings x Total Unit Months
Input Values from Tab 6 RPU Worksheet for Each AMP Input Values from Tab 6 RPU Worksheet for Each AMP If Positive, Indicates PHA has Requested Excess Subsidy If Difference is not 0, HUD Must Review PHA's PUM Adjustment Request (Section 3, Part B, Line 2 of Form HUD-52723)


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-


$- $-

$- $-


1 PHA must submit Resident Paid Utility Incentive Workbook (Tab 6) for each AMP to support adjustment to PUM allowance.

2 If difference in PUM adjustment is a negative value, it indicates that the PHA has requested too high of an adjustment and HUD should adjust downward to match HUD validated value. If it is a postive number, PHA has requested less of an adjustment than what HUD has validated and HUD should change to match HUD's validated amount. If either situation occurs, FO should discuss with PHA difference in calculation to determine the reason for error.

75% Rule (Applicable to FRB and RPU Incentives)

Calculated 75% Rule Amount


Sheet 6: Tab 6 RPU Workbook

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 7: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (2)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 8: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (3)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 9: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (4)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 10: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (5)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 11: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (6)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 12: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (7)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 13: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (8)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 14: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (9)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 15: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (10)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 16: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (11)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 17: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (12)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 18: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (13)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 19: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (14)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 20: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (15)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 21: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (16)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 22: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (17)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 23: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (18)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 24: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (19)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 25: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (20)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 26: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (21)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 27: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (22)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 28: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (23)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



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$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 29: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (24)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

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$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

Sheet 30: Tab 6 RPU Workbook (25)

Capturing the Resident-Paid Utilites Incentive
Pre-EPC and Post-EPC Utility Allowances Remain Fixed for the Duration of the EPC for Purposes of Calculating EPC Savings

Reporting Period Ending
June 30, 2022

This spreadsheet provides an example of how to properly calculate the RPU incentive savings for an EPC and instruction on how to complete adjustments to Form HUD-52723 in conjunction with annual Operating Fund Grant submission. The spreadsheet may be modified appropriately for each PHA's use, but the submission should follow the methodology in this example.

Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
Select Utility Type
AMP Site Name Bedroom Approved EPC Units Receiving RPU Incentive (from EPC Approval Letter or ESA)
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings
Pre-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Post-EPC Retrofit Utility Allowance Per Unit Consumption Savings Per Unit Rate Dollar Savings Monthly Dollar Savings


Site Number Location Size Units
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit $ $ / PUM $
Select Unit of Consumption $ $ / PUM $
PHA 1-2 Site 1 2 BR 0
5.9 5.3 0.6 $7.5410 $4.34 $-
381 303 78 $0.1290 $10.12 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.0 6.2 0.8 $7.3620 $5.64 $-
486 406 80 $0.1250 $10.02 $-

$- $-

$- $-

4 BR 0
8.0 7.1 1.0 $7.2330 $6.93 $-
619 499 120 $0.1230 $14.77 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-3 Site 2 1 BR 0
4.9 4.7 0.2 $7.6950 $1.22 $-
300 229 71 $0.1340 $9.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

2 BR 0
6.8 6.4 0.5 $7.3360 $3.48 $-
373 293 80 $0.1290 $10.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
7.2 6.6 0.6 $7.3010 $4.62 $-
475 388 87 $0.1260 $10.96 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-4 Site 3



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-5 Site 4 2 BR 0
6.0 5.6 0.4 $7.4700 $2.74 $-
460 317 143 $0.1280 $18.28 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
8.9 8.4 0.5 $7.0840 $3.48 $-
577 415 162 $0.1250 $20.27 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-6 Site 5 2 BR 0
6.9 6.2 0.8 $7.3660 $5.52 $-
388 307 81 $0.1290 $10.42 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
9.4 8.4 1.0 $7.0850 $7.20 $-
491 410 81 $0.1250 $10.08 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-7 Site 6 1 BR 0
4.2 3.7 0.5 $8.0650 $3.70 $-
256 202 54 $0.1360 $7.31 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-8 Site 7 2 BR 0
6.2 5.7 0.5 $7.4490 $3.54 $-
358 308 50 $0.1290 $6.48 $-

$- $-

$- $-

3 BR 0
6.9 6.3 0.6 $7.3510 $4.66 $-
454 403 50 $0.1260 $6.35 $-

$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-9 Site 8 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-10 Site 9 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-11 Site 10 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-12 Site 11 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1280 $3.50 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-
24 19 4 $6.1630 $26.30 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-13 Site 12 3 BR 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-14 Site 13 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-15 Site 14 3 BR 0
8.7 7.5 1.2 $7.1820 $8.56 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-
PHA 1-16 Site 15 3 BR 0
8.0 7.5 0.5 $7.1820 $3.53 $-
620 440 180 $0.1250 $22.54 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-
21 18 3 $6.1350 $20.95 $-

4 BR 0
9.1 8.5 0.6 $7.0770 $4.36 $-
724 535 189 $0.1230 $23.26 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-
24 19 4 $6.1360 $26.19 $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



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$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-



$- $-

$- $-


Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Project Monthly Savings $0.00

Step 1
Calculate monthly EPC energy savings for each utility type.

The baseline or pre-retrofit utility allowance is the existing utility allowance reviewed and updated per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(i) to insure the residents are receiving the proper allowances before energy conservation measures (ECMs) are begun. The post-retrofit utility allowance is the updated utility allowance after the energy conservation measures have been installed per 24 CFR 990.185(a)(2)(iii).

Monthly EPC Savings by Utility are calculated as follows:

a.   Total pre-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, less

b.   Total post-retrofit utility allowance monthly consumption for all applicable units, multiplied by

c. Current residential utility rate, multiplied by

d. Number of occupied units

e. Calculation = [(a - b) x c x d ]

Monthly Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Annual Savings
Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

Select Utility Type $-
Select Utility Type $-

TOTAL = $-

Step 2
Calculate the PUM EPC energy savings

a.    Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units:

TOTAL = $-

b. Divide 3a by Total Unit Months: Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified):


c. Divide 3a Total Annual Utility Savings for all EPC Units by 3b Total Unit Months Form HUD-52723 Section 2, Line 15, Column B (HUD Modified)

negative # $-

d. Enter the value above as a negative number on Part B, Line 02 on Form HUD-52723 (PUM Change in Utility Allowances)

Step 3
Formula Income - Revised PUM Formula Income should automatically incorporate the above adjustment

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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