Hud Cost Summary Sheet


Operating Fund Energy Incentives: Energy Performance Contracting Program, Rate Reduction Incentive


OMB: 2577-0305

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Tab 2 - PIC Data
Tab 4 - HUD Cost Summary
Tab 5 - Baseline AMP1
Tab 7 - Cash Flow
Tab 8 - Rate Escalation
Tab 9 - Utility Allowances

Sheet 1: Tab 2 - PIC Data

PIC Building Data
PHA Name: ABC Housing Authority EXAMPLE

Phase 1 Phase 2

Operating Fund Project No. Operating Fund
Project Name
Site Project No. Site Name Site Included In EPC Utility conservation measure Included in initial phase phase of EPC <y or n> Utility conservation measure Included in subsequent phase of EPC <y or n> Building Type Unit Type Number of Units Current Occupancy
<new project number & name>
<matches 52722 form>
< old project number & name> <y or n> Electric gas water other Electric gas water other
● Family
● Elderly

Percentage (%)

ABC003000030 Plavecko Houses ABC003000030 Plavecko East Houses y y n y n y n y n Highrise Family 411

Unit Count to match PIC data.

ABC003000040 Wing Towers ABC003000040 Wing East Towers y y y y y y y y y Highrise Elderly 299

ABC003000040 Wing Towers ABC003000062 Wing West Towers n n n n n n n n n Row-House Elderly 681

Unit Count to match PIC data.

ABC003000050 Otto Homes ABC003000050 Otto East Homes y y y y y y y y y Highrise Family 278

ABC003000050 Otto Homes ABC003000090 Otto West Homes y y n n y y n n y Walk-Up Elderly 256

Unit Count to match PIC data.

ABC003000060 Dave Court ABC003000061 Dave Court I y y y y y y y y y Walk-Up Elderly 186

ABC003000060 Dave Court ABC003000101 Dave Court II n n n n n n n n n Walk-UP Elderly 45

Unit Count to match PIC data.

ABC003000070 LaDuca Manor ABC003000022 Baynes Manor I y y y y y y y y y Row-House Family 80

ABC003000070 LaDuca Manor ABC003000070 Baynes Manor II n n n n n n n n n Highrise Elderly 139

ABC003000070 LaDuca Manor ABC003000102 Baynes Manor III y y y y y y y y y Highrise Elderly 55

Unit Count to match PIC data.

Grand Totals: 2,430
Unit Count to match PIC data.

Family 769

Elderly 1,661

Totals 2,430

Sheet 2: Tab 4 - HUD Cost Summary

Project Number (new AMP number) Project Number
Cost Summary Installation Cost (Audit) Electrical Natural Gas Water & Sewage Energy Audit Useful Life Funding Source M&V
Replacement Costs
Authority Paid

Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Total Energy Savings Guranteed Energy Savings Simple Payback
Who Pays The Utility Bills FEMP

Energy Savings
ABC Housing Authority Yearly Energy Savings Yearly Energy Savings Yearly Energy Savings
AF = Authority-Frozen Base

Description of ECM Life AA = Authority-Add-On Option A

Expectancy R = Resident Option B

C = COCC Option C

CF = Capital Fund Option D

($) (KWH) ($) (Therms) ($) (Gal) ($) ($) ($) (years) (years) Elec. Gas Water Elec. Gas Water

MI 78-1 MI 78-1 Scattered Sites Lighting - Resident Paid $6,533 36,523 $2,904
$0 $2,904 $2,904 2.2 15 R


0 $0
MI 78-1 MI 78-1 Scattered Sites Gas Fired Equipment Efficiency Improvements - Resident Pd $7,238

186 $1,788

$1,788 $1,609 4.5



0 $0
MI 78-1 MI 78-3B Scattered Sites Lighting - Authority Paid $3,300 18,797 $1,156

$1,156 $1,040 3.2 15 AF


0 $0
MI 78-1 MI 78-3B Scattered Sites Boiler Efficiency Improvements $3,564

59 $714

$714 $643 5.5


0 $0
MI 78-1 MI 78-3B Scattered Sites Water Conservation - Toilets $20,150

307,402 $2,560 $2,560 $2,304 8.7 20



0 $0
MI 78-1 MI 78-3B Scattered Sites Water Conservation - Aerators $8,150

99 $1,221 307,402 $2,560 $3,781 $3,403 2.4 10


c c

AMP Total $48,935 55,320 $4,060 245 $2,502 307,402 $2,560 $9,122 $8,500



2008 - HUD 52722 Rate


MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Water Conservation - Toilets $52,468

1,151,857 $10,098 $10,098 $9,391 5.6 20


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Water Conservation - Aerators $17,491

137 $1,639 1,151,856 $10,098 $11,737 $10,915 1.6 10


c c

MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Lighting $28,214 105,129 $6,908

$6,908 $6,217 4.5 15 AF


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Unit Controls $15,664 34,946 $2,149

$2,149 $1,934 8.1 20 AF


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Vending Machine Controls $821 2,034 $125

$125 $119 6.9 15 AF


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Building Exterior System $600,772 137,501 $8,415

$8,415 $7,826 76.8 30 AF


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-2 Century Terrace Gas Fired Equipment Efficiency Improvements $3,300

123 $1,527

$1,527 $1,298 2.5



0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-3A Harbor View Water Conservation $33,103

24 $297 3,896,529 $32,281 $32,578 $30,298 1.1 20


c c

0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-3A Harbor View Lighting- Resident Paid $4,950 32,812 $2,880

$2,880 $2,880 1.7 15 R


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-3A Harbor View Lighting - Authority Paid $4,568 21,228 $1,329

$1,329 $1,196 3.8 15 AF


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-3A Harbor View Unit Controls $10,364

134 $1,666

$1,666 $1,499 6.9 20


0 $0
MI 78-2 MI 78-3A Harbor View Gas Fired Equipment Efficiency Improvements - Authority Pd $3,300

249 $3,085

$3,085 $2,622 1.3



0 $0

AMP Total $775,015 333,650 $21,806 667 $8,214 6,200,242 $52,477 $82,497 $76,196



2008 - HUD 52722 Rate


Total $823,950 388,970 $25,866 912 $10,716 6,507,644 $55,037 $91,619 $84,696



Project Soft Costs % Total

m= 0.0%

Design A&E 4.00% $32,958

r= 100.0%

Construction Management 5.00% $41,197

Legal / Bond 0.50% $4,120

Audit Engineering 3.50% $28,838

Commissioning 1.25% $10,299

Cost of Risk 2.50% $20,599

Training 1.25% $10,299

Total Soft Costs

Project Totals % Total

Installation Cost

Project Soft Costs


Overhead at 15% 15.00% $145,839


Profit at 10% 10.00% $111,810

Project cost

Contingency (unused contingency returns to PHA) 5.00% $41,197

Project total cost

Technical Review Checklist

A spreadsheet is provided in the HUD format that lists each ECM measure by AMP / Group / project.

a.       Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) are listed by AMP.

b.      Separate lines are to be provided for different funding sources and different Measurement and Verification methods.

c.       Installation costs, soft costs and overhead and profit are to be listed separately.

d.      Current utility rates must be shown to support the energy savings.

Contract Amendments - If a contract is being amended, the revised HUD Cost Summary Sheet must show all ECMs and costs for the previously approved contract(s) and the proposed contract / amendment.

Sheet 3: Tab 5 - Baseline AMP1

ABC Housing Authority
AMP 1 - Baseline Review Summary
Sites: Units Electric Natural Gas Water Occupancy Comments
Scattered Sites MI 78-1

MI 78-3B

A = Authority Paid
R = Resident Paid

HUD Review Checklist - Baseline Comparison

July - June
Electric Natural Gas Water Comments
(kwh) (cf) (gal)

2008 Financial 52722 value
205,770 10,813 1,003,230
HDD Adjustment

Occupancy Adjustment

Unit Count Adjustment

Data Correction Adjustment

975,200 Corrected based upon 2006 billing data.
Other Adjustments

ESCo Corrected
205,770 10,813 1,978,430


2008 Financial 52722 value
169,782 8,782 842,580
HDD Adjsutement

Occupancy Adjustement

Unit Count Adjustment

Data Correction Adjustement

Corrected based upon 2006 billing data.
Other Adjustments

ESCo Corrected
169,782 8,782 1,817,780


2008 Financial 52722 value
199,758 10,043 945,021
HDD Adjustment

Occupancy Adjustment

Unit Count Adjustment

Data Correction Adjustment

Corrected based upon 2006 billing data.
Other Adjustments

ESCo Corrected
199,758 10,043 1,920,221

3 Year Average

2008 Financial 52722 value
191,770 9,879 930,277

ESCo Corrected
191,770 9,879 1,905,477

0 0 975,200

% Difference
0.0% 0.0% 104.8%

Cost of Baseline Adjustment for First Year

Term of Contract - Years

Cost of Baseline Adjustment for Contract Term

Instructions - Baseline Data Sheet

1 Complete one sheet for each AMP and list on a separate excel tab.

2 Rows 4,5,6 - Insert rows as needed to list all of the projects that compose the AMP.

3 Row 9,10 - Recored units of consumption. Units should be identical to utility units recorded on the 52722 for, line 1a.

4 Determine the rolling base years by:

a. Determine HUD approval date of ESA

b. Determine HUD funding year in which HUD approves the ESA.

The baseline for the utility finance project will use the three year rolling base in effect at the time of field office approval for the final energy plan or energy services agreement. If the final plan or energy services agreement is submitted to HUD earlier than four months prior to the end of the fiscal year but approval was delayed for reasons not the fault of the housing authority, the field office may at its discretion allow the housing authority to use the rolling base consumption for the budget year in effect at the time of submission.

c. The rolling base consumption level (RBCL) equals lines 02, 03 and 04 of the 52722 form submitted for that funding year.

Event Date Funding Year RBCL

(Jan - Dec)

HUD ESA Approval Jul-09 2009 Jul – Jun 2005, 2006, 2007

End Construction Dec-09

Start Loan Repayment 1st Qtr 2010

1st Year w/ Frozen Rolling Base

5 Record the 52722 consumption values for each of the RBCL years.

6 Record consumption adjustments for HDD, Occupancy Changes, Unit Changes, Building Changes or other changes for each RBCL year.

7 Provide comments as needed.

8 Compute three year averages.

9 Record utility rate for each for the current utility year, line 17 of the 52722 form.

10 Compute cost of adjustments.

11 Provide a report for all utility adjustments that total more than $3,000 per year.

Report should be clear, transparent and easy to understand.

Sheet 4: Tab 7 - Cash Flow

ABC Housing Authority
Cash Flow - 100%

HUD Annual

Annual Cumulative
Year Funding Energy Escrow Debt Annual Fees Replacement Total Cash-Flow Cash-Flow

Year Savings Earnings Payment M&V Maintenance Costs Liabilities


3.0% 3.0%

$0 $0 0 0 0
$0 $0 $0
1 2011 $78,442 $18,634 $59,112 $6,762 $2,036 $8,160 $57,436 $21,006 $21,006
2 2012 $80,011 $3,034 $59,112 $6,965 $2,097 $8,160 $73,300 $6,711 $27,717
3 2013 $81,611
$59,112 $7,174 $2,160 $8,160 $76,606 $5,005 $32,722
4 2014 $83,243
$59,112 $7,389 $2,225 $8,160 $76,886 $6,357 $39,080
5 2015 $84,908
$59,112 $7,611 $2,292 $8,160 $77,174 $7,734 $46,814
6 2016 $86,606
$59,112 $7,839 $2,360 $8,160 $77,471 $9,135 $55,949
7 2017 $88,338
$59,112 $8,074 $2,431 $8,160 $77,777 $10,561 $66,510
8 2018 $90,105
$59,112 $8,316 $2,504 $8,160 $78,092 $12,013 $78,522
9 2019 $91,907
$59,112 $8,566 $2,579 $8,160 $78,417 $13,490 $92,013
10 2020 $93,745
$59,112 $8,823 $2,657 $8,160 $78,751 $14,994 $107,007
11 2021 $95,620
$59,112 $9,088 $2,736 $8,160 $79,096 $16,525 $123,531
12 2022 $97,533
$59,112 $9,360 $2,818 $8,160 $79,450 $18,082 $141,614
13 2023 $99,483
$59,112 $9,641 $2,903 $8,160 $79,816 $19,668 $161,281
14 2024 $101,473
$59,112 $9,930 $2,990 $8,160 $80,192 $21,281 $182,562
15 2025 $103,503
$59,112 $10,228 $3,080 $8,160 $80,580 $22,923 $205,485

$1,356,530 $21,668 $886,680 $125,766 $37,867 $122,400 $1,151,045 $205,485


1 84.9% of the projected cash flow is being used for payment of contract costs.

2 Any changes to this approved cash flow other than lower interest rates must be approved by HUD.

3 Annual cash flow for Add on subsidy Incentive must be positive for each year of the EPC.

Sheet 5: Tab 8 - Rate Escalation


Not Seasonally Adjusted

Area:         Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, MI

Item:         Gas (piped) and electricity

Base Period:  
1989 - 2009

Percentage of Change

Year Annual
Year Annual

1989 107

1990 104.6
1990 -2.2%


1991 106.7
1991 2.0%

1992 111.5
1992 4.5%

Go to:

1993 109.3
1993 -2.0%


1994 107.5
1994 -1.6%

2 Database & Tables

1995 104.8
1995 -2.5%

3 Inflation & Prices

1996 109
1996 4.0%

4 All Urban Consummers

1997 110.1
1997 1.0%

5 One Screen Data Search

1998 106.5
1998 -3.3%

6 Select Area

1999 109
1999 2.3%

7 Select Item

2000 108
2000 -0.9%

8 Fuels & Utilities

2001 111.7
2001 3.4%

2002 120.1
2002 7.5%

2003 129.8
2003 8.1%

2004 141.2
2004 8.8%

2005 163.1
2005 15.5%

2006 184
2006 12.8%

2007 178.879
2007 -2.8%

2008 193.593
2008 8.2%



Average Yearly Esculation

Sheet 6: Tab 9 - Utility Allowances

ABC Housing Authority - Utility Allowances - COSTS

Utility Meter

Who Pays The Utility Bills

Utility Allowances

Resident Paid


ABC ESCo ESCo Energy A = Authority
Operating Fund Project Site Name Bedroom
Building Existing PRE POST Savings R = Resident
Number Location Size Units Type (date)

Elec. Gas Water


B C D=(B-C)*A

ABC33-1 Plavecko Homes 1 BR 2 Row House $140 $167 $165 $4 R A - R 1 A

Plavecko Homes 2 BR 40
$187 $215 $210 $200 R A - R 1 A

Plavecko Homes 3 BR 39
$234 $260 $255 $195 R A - R 1 A

Plavecko Homes 4 BR 5
$287 $285 $280 $25 R A - R 1 A


ABC33-2 Wing Towers 1 BR 10 Row House $142 $145 $140 $50 R R A

Wing Towers 2 BR 30
$191 $182 $178 $120 R R A

Wing Towers 3 BR 16
$237 $211 $205 $96 R R A

Wing Towers 4 BR 4
$290 $244 $235 $36 R R A

$1,708 $1,709 $1,668 $726

$8,712 Yearly


#1 - Shows conversion from Authority paid to Resident paid.

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